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Keywords: Ethnopharmacological relevance: The genus Vanda (Family: Orchidaceae) comprises about 73 species mainly
Vanda distributed in Southeast Asia. Plants belonging to this genus are being used in the traditional medicine systems in
Orchidaceae Asian countries specially in India, Nepal, China and Bangladesh.
Traditional uses Aim of the review: The aim of this work was to review the scientific work about medicinal orchids of the genus
Bioactive constituents
Vanda regarding their traditional uses, reported bioactive components, and pharmacological activities.
Materials and methods: The information related to traditional uses, pharmacological activities, and bioactive
compounds was systematically collected from the scientific literature databases including SciFinder, Scopus,
PubMed and Google Scholar, published books and conference proceedings.
Results: The literature survey revealed diverse traditional uses of different species of Vanda, mainly against
indigestion, wounds, hepatitis, dyspepsia, bronchitis, piles, rheumatism, and bone fracture. However, only few
of them are investigated scientifically for their chemical constituents and pharmacological activities. Bioactive
compounds including eucomic acid derivatives, phenanthrene derivatives and other phenolic compounds are
reported from Vanda species. Different extracts were so far evaluated for number of pharmacological activities
including neuroprotective, anti-aging, antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, membrane stabilizing,
wound healing and hepato-protective activities.
Conclusion: Vanda spp. are of much significance as ornamental flowers, but also used widely in traditional
medicines and have potential for their diverse pharmacological activities. However, many members of the genus
Vanda need further detailed studies regarding chemical constituents and mechanism-based pharmacological
activities. Similarly, further studies should also focus on the conservation, cultivation and sustainable utilization
of these species.
1. Introduction Vanda, among which 62 are accepted names and the remaining 122 are
synonyms. The name Vanda is derived from Sanskrit language (Garay,
Orchidaceae is one of the largest families of flowering plants con- 1974) and representatives of this genus are used in the treatment of
sisting of over 30,000 species grouped in more than 880 genera (Cakova rheumatic pain, ear infection and nervous system disorders, as men-
et al., 2015). Orchids are famous for their beautiful flowers with pretty tioned in ‘Sushrutasamhita’, one of the ancient Sanskrit literature
colors and shapes, and thus they have a large ornamental worth in sources, under the name of “Rasna” in Ayurvedic formulations
various regions of the world (Hamisy, 2008). The genus Vanda consists (Hossain, 2011; Khasim and Rao, 1999). Vanda species are being used
of about 73 species, mainly distributed in Southeast Asia (Gardiner in the folk medicine in various part of the Asia, mainly in India, Nepal,
et al., 2013). The Plant List (, retrieved on China and Bangladesh (Kumar and Kumar, 2005; Dash et al., 2008;
March 30, 2018) currently list a total of 184 plant names in genus Hossain, 2009). However, due to extensive use of Vanda species for
Coresponding author at: School of Pharmacy, Kumamoto University, 5-1Oe-honmachi, Chuo-ku, Kumamoto 862-0973, Japan.
E-mail address: (H.P. Devkota).
Received 27 April 2018; Received in revised form 5 September 2018; Accepted 25 September 2018
Available online 27 September 2018
0378-8741/ © 2018 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
H. Khan et al. Journal of Ethnopharmacology 229 (2019) 46–53
various applications, the natural plant populations are being de- reported to increase cytochrome c oxidase activity or expression in
creasing, and some of them are now categorized as threatened species. human immortalized keratinocyte cell line (HaCaT) suggesting their
As such, five species are placed under IUCN Red List including Vanda potential as potent ingredients for development of anti-aging formula-
hindsii (least concern), Vanda javierae (endangered), Vanda scanders tions. Cakova et al. (2015) also reported the purification of vanda-
(endangered), Vanda spathulata (vulnerable) and Vanda tessellata (least terosides I and II from the aerial parts of Vanda teres by stepwise gra-
concern) (IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. Version 2018-1, http:// dient centrifugal partition chromatography. Another class of compounds reported from plants belonging to
Although being widely used in traditional medicines, only very few genus Vanda are phenanthrene derivatives (Fig. 3). Phenanthropyran
species of genus Vanda are investigated for their bioactive components derivatives such as, tessallatin from the whole plant of Vanda tessellata
and mechanism-based pharmacological activities. For the precise use of (Anuradha and Rao, 1998a), parviflorin from Vanda parviflora
these medicinal orchids in traditional medicines and for development of (Anuradha and Rao, 1998b), flavidin and imbricatin from stems of
evidence-based medicines, it is crucial to critically analyze these species Vanda coerulea (Simmler et al., 2010) were extracted and identified.
regarding current knowledge on ethnopharmacology, chemical con- Similarly, a phenanthropyrone derivative, oxo-tessallatin was extracted
stituents and biological activities. It is also important to determine the from the whole plants of Vanda tessellata (Anuradha et al., 2008). Ad-
gaps between the traditional knowledge and evidence-based research. ditionally, two phenanthrene derivatives, coelonin and methox-
To the best of our knowledge, there is so far no similar review published ycoelonin were reported from the stems of Vanda coerulea (Simmler
on the discussed above aspects of genus Vanda. Thus, the main objec- et al., 2010).
tive of this review manuscript is to systematically analyze the use of A bibenzyl derivative, gigantol was isolated from the stems of Vanda
Vanda species in different traditional medicine systems and evaluate the coerulea (Simmler et al., 2010). Tatsuzawa et al. (2004) and Junka
available scientific information on chemical constituents and pharma- et al., (2011, 2012) have reported various anthocyanins from the
cological activities, aiming to outline existing research gaps and further flowers of different Vanda hybrids. Other compounds reported from
research directions. Vanda species includes, phenolic derivatives such as tetracosylferulate,
parishin, 4-(β-d-glucopyranosyloxy) benzyl alcohol, 2,5-dimethoxy-6,8-
2. Traditional uses dihydroxy isoflavone, gallic acid (Fig. 4) and other steroid and terpe-
noids derivatives.
Many species of the genus Vanda are being used extensively in
traditional/folk medicine system of India, Nepal, China, and other
Asian countries. Vanda tessellata (Fig. 1), the most widely used medic- 4. Pharmacological activities
inal orchid of the genus, has a number of medicinal uses described in
Yunani medicines and Indian traditional medicine, including Ayurveda, Few Vanda species are studied for their pharmacological activities
in which it is known as “Rasna” (Ghani, 1998; Kirtikar and Basu, 1981; using in vitro and in vivo models (Table 3, Fig. 5). Some of these studies
Chopra and Chopra, 1969). Table 1 includes the detailed uses of dif- are discussed in detail in following sections:
ferent vanda species in the diverse traditional and folk medicines. Si-
milarly to Vanda tessellata, Vanda coerulea (Fig. 1) and Vanda testacea 4.1. Wound-healing activity
are also used as herbal drugs in the treatment of inflammation, cancer,
nervous disorders and rheumatism (Hossain, 2011). The aqueous extract of Vanda roxburghii was evaluated for wound-
healing activity in rats. Topical administration of the extract at a dose of
3. Bioactive compounds 150 mg/kg/day showed potent activity, which was due to either in-
crease in collagen deposition or improved alignment and maturation
Most common compounds found in Orchidaceae are hydroxyl- (Nayak et al., 2005).
benzyl derivatives (Zeng et al., 2006), fluorenones and stilbenoids
(Yang et al., 2006) and flavones C-glycosides (Williams, 1979). Vanda
species are reported to contain eucomic acid and its derivatives, phe- 4.2. Hepatoprotective activity
nanthrene derivatives, anthocyanins and other phenolic compounds
along with few steroid derivatives as shown in Table 2. Anwar et al. (2013) reported that the petroleum ether extract of
Simmler et al. (2011) reported eucomic acid and its derivatives leaves of Vanda tessellata showed dose-dependent hepato-protective
(vandaterosides I, II and III) (Fig. 2) from the stems of Vanda teres. activity as determined by serum markers viz. cholesterol, triglycerides,
Among these compounds, eucomic acid and vandateroside II were and alanine amino transferase in rats.
(a) Vanda tessellata (b) Flowers of Vanda tessellata (c) Flowers of Vanda coerulea
Fig. 1. Photographs of Vanda tessellata and Vanda coerulea [Photo credits: a, b: Kuber Jung Malla, used with permission; c: Hari Prasad Devkota].
H. Khan et al.
Table 1
Traditional uses of plants belonging to genus Vanda.
Vanda species Plant part used Ethnopharmacological uses Country References
Vanda coerulea Griff. ex Lindl. Used against glaucoma and cataract. India Kumar (2002)
Leaves Leaf juice is used in loose motion and indigestion. India Panda and Mandal (2013)
Flowers Decoction of fresh flowers is taken as appetizer and tonic. India Deb et al. (2009)
Vanda cristata Wall. ex Lindl Whole plant The paste prepared from whole plant is applied in cuts and wounds. Nepal Manandhar (2002)
Roots The paste prepared from roots is applied to boils and also used to treat dislocated bones. Nepal Manandhar (2002)
Leaves Leaves are used as expectorant and antibacterial. India Singh and Dey (2005); Reddy et al. (2005)
Leaves Leaf juice is used in dry cough, bronchitis, tonsillitis and general weakness. India Panda and Mandal (2013)
Vanda parviflora Lindl. Leaves and roots Used to treat nervous system disorders, rheumatism, and as antiviral and anticancer agent. India Rao (1998); Singh and Dey (2005)
Vanda spathulata (L.) Spreng Flowers The powdered flowers are given for the treatment of asthma and maniac troubles. India Kirtikar and Basu (1981);Caius (1986); Savithramma
et al. (2007)
Vanda teres (Roxb.) Lindl. Whole plant The paste of plant is applied to treat dislocated bones. Nepal Manandhar (2002)
Vanda tessellata (Roxb.) Hook. ex G.Don – Anti-inflammatory activity. India Kumar and Kumar (2005)
(Syn. Vanda roxburghii R.Br.) Roots Decoction prepared by roots is being used to treat sexually transmitted diseases (STD), rheumatism India Dash et al. (2008)
and nervous disorders
Rhizome Rhizome paste is used in bone fracture. India Dwivedi et al. (2008)
Leaves Leaf juice is used for treating earache. India Dwivedi et al. (2008)
Roots and leaves Used to cure hepatitis, dyspepsia, bronchitis, piles, rheumatism and diseases of nervous system. Bangladesh Hossain (2009)
Also used for secondary syphilis, scorpion sting boils and fever.
Leaves, roots and Used against fever, dyspepsia, bronchitis, inflammation, earache, piles and to heal factures. India Kirtikar and Basu (1981); Khasim and Rao (1999);
whole plant Hossain (2009); Singh and Duggal (2009)
Leaves Leaves are used to treat rheumatism and for lowering down fever. Nepal Baral and Kurmi (2006)
Leaves The leaf paste when rubbed on joints along with Pongomia pinnata, helps in rheumatoid arthritis India Yoganarasimhan and Jadhav (1996); Panda et al. (2015)
Aerial part Vanda tessellate paste is used against skin infection and for wound healing, while the extract is India Yoganarasimhan, Jadhav (1996); Panda et al. (2015)
being used for dysentery and cold treatment.
Leaves Leaves are used to treat bronchitis. Nepal Vaidya et al. (2000)
Leaves Leaf juice is used for treating earache. India Dwivedi et al. (2008)
Roots Roots are used for the treatment of rheumatism. China Shengji and Zhiwei (2018)
Root and leaves Paste of roots and leaves is applied on sprains, rheumatism. Paste is also used as antidote for spider India Deb et al. (2009)
and snake bites. Roots paste is used for antibacterial purposes. Leaf paste is used externally for
reducing fever. Root decoction is used in treatment of cholera. Ash from the plant mixed with
mustard oil is used in treatment of bone fractures.
Vanda testacea (Lindl.) Rchb. f. Leaves Leaf extract is used to treat earache and also for antiviral activity. Nepal Baral and Kurmi (2006)
Leaves Leaf extract is used as ear drops, and to treat cuts and wounds. Nepal Shrestha (2000); Vaidya et al. (2000)
Leaves Leaf powder along with Rhaphidophora glauca rhizome paste is being used against bone fracture, India Dash et al. (2008)
and the decoction prepared by the root part of Vanda testacea and Curculigo orchioides is applied to
fight against asthma.
Leaves and flowers Powder from dried leaves and flowers is used in treatment of rheumatism. India Deb et al. (2009)
Journal of Ethnopharmacology 229 (2019) 46–53
H. Khan et al. Journal of Ethnopharmacology 229 (2019) 46–53
Table 2
Chemical class and bioactive compounds detected and isolated from Vanda species.
Chemical class Compounds Plant source References
Eucomic acid and its derivatives Eucomic acid Vanda teres Simmler et al. (2011)
Vandateroside I Vanda teres Simmler et al. (2011); Cakova et al. (2015)
Vandateroside II Vanda teres Simmler et al. (2011); Cakova et al. (2015)
Vandateroside III Vanda teres Simmler et al. (2011)
Phenanthrene derivatives Tessalatin Vanda tessellata Anuradha and Rao (1998a)
Oxo-tessallatin Vanda tessellata Anuradha et al. (2008)
Parviflorin Vanda parviflora Anuradha and Rao (1998b)
Flavidin Vanda coerulea Simmler et al. (2010)
Imbricatin Vanda coerulea Simmler et al. (2010)
Coelonin Vanda coerulea Simmler et al. (2010)
Methoxycoelonin Vanda coerulea Simmler et al. (2010)
Bibenzyl deriative Gigantol Vanda coerulea, Vanda roxhburghii Simmler et al. (2010); Uddin et al. (2015a,
Phenolic compounds Tetracosylferulate Vanda roxburghii Chawla et al. (1992)
Parishin Vanda parishii Dahmén and Leander (1976)
4-(β-D-Glucopyranosyloxy) benzyl alcohol Vanda parishii Dahmén and Leander (1976)
2,5-Dimethoxy−6,8-dihydroxy isoflavone Vanda tessellata Prakash and Bais (2016)
Gallic acid Vanda tessellata Prakash and Bais (2016)
Anthocyanins Delphinidin and cyanidin derivatives Vanda hybrid (Vanda teres x Vanda Junka et al., (2011, 2012); Tatsuzawa et al.
hookeriana) (2004)
Alkaloids Laburnine acetate Vanda hindsii Brandange and Granelli (1973) (227)
Steroids and triterpenoids β-Sitosterol-D-glucoside Vanda roxburghii Chawla et al. (1992)
β-Sitosterol Vanda roxburghii Mohammed Usman et al. (2012)
γ-Sitotsrol Vanda roxburghii Das et al. (1967)
Stigmasterol Vanda roxburghii Basu et al. (1971)
Other compounds Heptacosane, Octacosanol, Simmler et al. (2011)
2.7.7-Trimethyl bicycle [2–2–1] heptanes Vanda tessellata Subramoniam et al. (2013)
H. Khan et al. Journal of Ethnopharmacology 229 (2019) 46–53
extracts, the chloroform extract showed inhibitory activity against oxidase, in this way activating cellular respiratory function, and as a
tested pathogenic bacteria (Bacillus subtilis, Escherichia coli, Klebsiella result reducing the signs of epidermal aging. Bonté et al. (2011) ex-
pneumonia, Staphylococcus aureus, and Vibrio cholerae) and fungal spe- amined the ethanolic extracts of Vanda coerulea for effects associated
cies (Aspergillus, Rhizopus spp. and Penicillium spp.) followed by hexane with the visible cutaneous ageing. The authors identified various active
extract. In another study, Gupta (2016) reported that 3-ethoxy- constituents such as imbricatin, methoxycoelonin and gigantol and
10,17dimethyltetradecahydro-1H-cyclopenta[a] phenanthren-17(2H)- evaluated their activity. Study indicated that the ethanolic extract
one, a new compound isolated from Vanda tessellata, showed anti- containing these three stilbenoids significantly decreased the number of
bacterial activity against B. subtilis, E. coli and Proteus mirabilis. S phase cells and led to reduction in cyclin E and cyclin-dependent
kinase 2. Cauchard et al. (2010) investigated plant extracts of Vanda
4.5. Anticonvulsant activity coerulea for antiaging effects in cosmetics. Their results proved that the
extracts of this plant could be used as active constituent in cosmetics to
Pathan and Ambavade (2014) reported the potent anticonvulsant diminish the ageing signs of the skin. In this context, Vanda coerulea has
activity of ethanolic extract of roots of Vanda roxburghii against picro- been proved as a potential agent to preserve the skin and tissue firm-
toxin, pentylenetetrazole and maximal electroshock-induced convul- ness, and to counteract skin pigmentation disorders.
4.9. Antidepressant activity
4.6. Anti-cholinesterase activity
Dasari et al. (2013) examined the methanolic extract of the flowers
Rahman et al. (2015a) reported the anti-acetylcholinesterase and of Vanda spathulata for antidepressant activity in mice using the forced
anti-butyrylcholinesterase activities of the chloroform extract of Vanda swim test and the tail suspension test, and the results were significant in
roxburghii. Similarly, extracts of the flowers of Vanda spathulata were both models. The study further indicated that the antidepressant ac-
found to be containing potent nootropic agents and their effects on tivity of methanolic extracts might be due to the inhibition of mono-
cholinergic system of mice brains was studied (Dasari et al., 2013). amine oxidase (MAO-A and MAO-B) in mice brain.
Petroleum ether extract of leaves of Vanda tessellata showed potent Uddin et al. (2015a) reported that the extracts of the aerial parts of
1,1-diphenyl-2-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH) and nitric oxide (NO) radicals Vanda roxburghii showed significant antinociceptive activity.
scavenging activities (Vijaykumar, 2013). In another study, Thaakur Sailakshmi et al. (2015) investigated the antiulcer activity of petroleum
and Pokkula (2013) evaluated the hydro-alcoholic extracts of leaves of ether extracts of leaves of Vanda tessellata in Wistar rats induced by
Vanda testacea for ameliorative effects in axotomy-induced peripheral aspirin and reported that the rats pretreated with petroleum ether ex-
neuropathy in rats. The study revealed that the ameliorative effects in tracts exhibited considerable protection against gastric ulcer as com-
albino rats may be due to enhanced antioxidant activity, reduced cal- pared to untreated group without any detectable toxicity. Alcoholic
cium level and inhibition of PGE2. extracts of flowers of Vanda tessellata showed aphrodisiac activity in
male mice by stimulating their sexual behavior (Kumar et al., 2000).
4.8. Anti-aging activity
5. Conclusions and future remarks
Andre et al. (2011) investigated extracts of Vanda coerulea for the
skin hydrating properties in cosmetics composition. The extracts were The present paper reports traditional uses, bioactive chemicals and
used as an excipient in cosmetics to maintain and restore the hydration evidence-based pharmacological activities of orchids belonging to the
of skin. The extracts of Vanda coerulea showed skin hydrating property genus Vanda. Extensive literature survey revealed that most of the
mainly by increasing the expression of aquaporin 3 and lympho-epi- species are used ethnopharmacologicaly in different Asian countries
thelial Kazal type-related inhibitor (LEKTI) protein, thus limiting in- including India, Nepal, China, etc. However, only very few species were
tercellular water evaporation along with enhancement of transport of studied for their bioactive chemicals that could mediate respective
water in the epidermis. Similarly, Simmler et al. (2011) isolated and biological activities. Regarding evidence-based pharmacological activ-
investigated three new derivatives of glucopyranosylox- ities, most of the performed studies were limited to the in-vitro
ybenzyleucomate i.e. vandateroside I-III along with eucomic acid from screening of biological activities and very few animal model-based
Vanda teres stem for their anti-aging effects in immortalized keratino- studies without detailed explorations on the molecular mechanisms of
cyte cell line of human origin (HaCaT). The results indicated that eu- action. Moreover, few studies were perfomed for the bioassay-guided
comic acid and vandateroside II increased the activity of cytochrome c isolation of active compounds.
H. Khan et al.
Table 3
Reported biological activities of plant extracts and compounds from Vanda spp.
Plant species Plant part Activity studies In- vivo or Tested extracts/Active metabolites Mechanism References
analyzed in-vitro
Vanda coerulea Stem Anti-inflammatory activity on HaCaT In-vitro Dichloromethane extract, imbricatin, Decreased PGE−2 production by inhibiting COX−2 Simmler et al. (2010)
irradiated keratinocytes methoxycoelonin and gigantol
Whole plant Skin hydrating effects In-vitro Plant extracts Stimulation of the expression of aquaporin 3 (AQP 3) Andre et al. (2011)
and lympho-epithelial Kazal type-related inhibitor
(LEKTI) protein
Stem Anti-aging In-vitro Ethanolic extract, imbricatin, methoxycoelonin and Decrease in cyclin E and cyclin dependent kinase 2 Bonté et al. (2011)
Whole plant Anti-aging In-vitro Plant extract Preservation of firmness of skin and tissues Cauchard et al. (2010)
Vanda spathulata Flowers Antidepressant activity In-vivo Methanolic extract MAO-A and MAO-B inhibition Dasari et al. (2013)a
Leaves Antioxidant activity In-vitro Methanolic extract Free radical scavenging activity Dasari et al. (2013)b
Vanda teres Stem Cellular anti-aging properties In-vitro Eucomic acid and vandateroside II Increase of cytochrome c oxidase Simmler et al. (2011)
Vanda tessellate (Vanda Roots, flowers or Aphrodisiac activity In-vivo Ethanol extract Not studied Kumar et al. (2000)
roxburghii) leaves
Leaves HRBC membrane stabilizing In-vitro Petroleum ether extract Not studied Sirisha et al. (2013)
Leaves Hepatoprotective activity In-vivo Petroleum ether extract Protection against CCl4 induced liver injury Anwar et al. (2013)
Leaves Antioxidant activity In-vitro Petroleum ether extract Not studied Vijaykumar (2013)
Leaves Antinociceptive activity In-vivo Aqueous and methanol extract Not studied Chowdhury et al. (2014)
Stem Antimicrobial activity In-vitro Ethyl acetate extract Not studied Gupta and Katewa (2014)
Whole plant Antimicrobial activity In-vitro Chloroform and hexane extract Not studied Bhattacharjee et al. (2015)
Leaves Antiulcer activity In-vivo Petroleum ether extract Not studied Sailakshmi et al. (2015)
Roots Anti-inflammatory activity In-vivo Petroleum ether, chloroform and methanol extracts Not studied Chawla et al. (1992)
Leaves Wound-healing activity In-vivo Water extract Not studied Nayak et al. (2005)
Roots Anticonvulsant activity In-vivo Ethanolic extract Not studied Pathan and Ambavade
Aerial roots Antinociceptive properties and In-vivo Methanol extract and its petroleum ether, Not studied Uddin, Afrin et al. (2015a,
analgesic activity chloroform, ethyl acetate extract and residual 2015b)
aqueous fractions
Roots Cholinesterase inhibitory activity In-vitro Chloroform extract and gigantol Prevents acetylcholine breakdown by inhibiting Uddin and Rahman et al.
AChE and BChE (2015a, 2015b)
Vanda testacea Leaves Ameliorative effects in neuropathic In-vivo Hydro-alcoholic extract Antioxidant activity and decrease of Ca++ level and Thaakur and Pokkula
pain PGE2 inhibition (2013)
Journal of Ethnopharmacology 229 (2019) 46–53
H. Khan et al. Journal of Ethnopharmacology 229 (2019) 46–53
Fig. 5. An overview of molecular mechanism involved in various pharmacological activities of genus Vanda.
Fig. 6. The ethnopharmacological and pharmacological research on genus Vanda, gaps and future recommendations.
Future studies related to ethnopharmacological research should in determining the cause of lowering the natural populations and
focus on exploring the traditional uses of other Vanda species among educating local people about their conservation and sustainable utili-
different ethnic groups and geographical locations (Fig. 6). These stu- zation. Also, further research needs to be conducted on developing mass
dies should also compile the information about their formulation and propagation and cultivation techniques, for sustainable commercial
mode of administration in traditional medicines, which we found uses.
lacking in most of the reviewed literature. On the other hand, scientific
studies should focus on bioassay-guided drug discovery based on the
existing traditional knowledge. Mechanism-based in vitro and in vivo
studies should be performed to understand the underlying mechanisms
This work was supported in part by Program for Leading Graduate
linked to ethnopharmacological uses. As few of the Vanda spp. are listed
Schools, Health life science: Interdisciplinary and Glocal Oriented
under IUCN Red List as endangered species, efforts should also be made
(HIGO) Program, MEXT, Japan to H.P. Devkota.
H. Khan et al. Journal of Ethnopharmacology 229 (2019) 46–53
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