Duan 2014
Duan 2014
Duan 2014
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Original Article
For the engineering design of large horizontal vessels with uneven multiple saddles, no clear specifications are given in
design codes, especially with uneven settlements. In this paper, an analytical method based on three-moment theorem
with settlements is introduced to evaluate the shear forces and bending moments at some critical cross-sections of a
large horizontal pressure vessel supported on 10 saddles with uneven settlements. Zick’s stress analysis method for
a horizontal vessel supported on two saddles is extended to the multiple saddle arrangements. It is found that as a result
of varied cross-section and uneven saddle supports, the shear forces and bending moments are different at different
saddle sections. Finite element calculations are also performed to prove the analytical solutions. Results show that for
the vessel without settlements, the bending moments and reactions obtained by the three-moment equation method are
slightly larger than those obtained by finite element method. Non-uniform deformation of the vessel at different saddles
may be contributed to the differences of the two results. For the vessel with settlements, the bending moments and
reactions at some saddles obtained by the three-moment equation method are quite larger than those obtained by finite
element method. But if the actual axis settlement of the vessel is applied to the three-moment equation method, the two
results are close to each other. Experiments are also carried out to verify the reliability of the proposed method.
Multiple saddle, settlement, three-moment theorem, Zick’s method, horizontal vessel
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saddles and thus is the basis of the saddle design It is supposed that all saddles are at the same level
guidelines given in pressure vessel design handbooks; without any settlements. Generally, a multi-support
see, for example, Megyesy.2 Tooth and coworkers6–8 statically indeterminate beam can be simplified as a
and Sang et al.9 also studied the saddle design, and statically determinate beam with simple supports at
their contributions have been incorporated in the two ends. Those intermediate supports are redundant
British Standard PD 5500.10 A large horizontal pres- constrains, and the number of them is equal to the
sure vessel supported on multiple saddles can be number of redundant constrains, which is called the
regarded as a statically indeterminate beam. Bending degree of redundancy.11
moments and reactions of each saddle can be calcu- According to Figure 3 and mechanics of materials,
lated using the three-moment theorem, and the stress the total angle of rotation in the left side is equal
of cylinder near and between saddles and the stress at to the 1 in the right side at the saddle n, i.e.,
saddles can be evaluated by Zick’s method. ’nL ¼ ’nR. The equations are
Solution to the problem of the simple beam over Mn1 ln1 þ 2Mn ðln1 þ ln Þ þ Mnþ1 ln
multiple saddles 6!n1 xn1 !n yn
¼ ð4Þ
ln1 ln
Three-moment equation. A multi-support statically
indeterminate beam is shown in Figure 3, and the The values to be solved in equation (4) are three
saddles were marked with 1, 2,. . . from left to right. moments, so it is called the three-moment equation.
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Duan and Hu 3
Therefore, a set of equations can be listed for all of The three-moment equations in the case of saddle
the intermediate saddles 2–m1 uneven settlements will be obtained by revising three-
moment equation without settlements in this paper.
wl31 wl32 >
A design example is given by using the three-
M1 l1 þ 2M2 ðl1 þ l2 Þ þ M3 l2 ¼ >
> moment equations, and the results will be compared
4 4 >
...... = with the finite element analysis (FEA) results.
ð6Þ Suppose the saddles have uneven settlements as
Mm2 lm2 þ 2Mm1 ðlm2 þ lm1 Þ þ Mm lm1 >
> shown in Figure 4. Let n1 and n denote the right
wl3m2 wl3m1 >
¼ ; angles of inclination to the horizontal of the straight
4 4
lines connecting the points of supports in the nth and
where (n þ 1)th spans. Assume that the angle is positive
when the right support is lower to the left support.
2 1
M1 ¼ Mm ¼M00 bwl0 wl20 ð7Þ According to equations (1) and (2) the ’n between the
3 2 tangent at n and the horizontal line will be, for the
The total number of equations is m2 and M2, span n
M3,. . ., Mm1 could be solved.
Mn1 ln1 Mn ln1 1 xn1
According to the general formula of reactions at ’nL ¼ þ þ !n1 n1
the saddles of a continuous beam, F1, F2,. . ., Fm can 6EIn1 3EIn1 EIn1 ln1
be obtained. With the loads on the beam given, the ð8Þ
shear force and bending moment equations of each Mn ln Mnþ1 ln 1 yn
’nR ¼ ! n n ð9Þ
cylindrical part can be listed, and thus the shear and 3EIn 6EIn EIn ln
bending moment diagrams can be drawn.
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Duan and Hu 5
Figure 6. Load distribution of the large horizontal vessel supported on multiple saddles.
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each saddle and the settlements could be different for In the same manner, the third and fifth saddle’s
different saddles. As an example in this study, suppose three-moment equations also need to be revised
only one saddle settles while the rest have no according to equation (10)
Because the seventh saddle is fixed and the diam- l2 l2 l3 l3
M2 þ 2M3 þ þ M4
eters and loads of the cylindrical parts 1–7 are larger, I2 I2 I3 I3
only the first seven saddles’ bending moments and ð15Þ
6!2 x2 6!3 y3
reactions are calculated when their settlements occur. ¼ 6E
l 2 I2 l 3 I3 l3
Assuming that the fourth saddle’s settlement is
and the saddles around it have no settlements, its
l4 l4 l5 l5
three-moment equation needs to be revised according M4 þ 2M5 þ þ M6
I4 I4 I5 I5
to the three-moment equation with settlements in ð16Þ
6!4 x4 6!5 y5
equation (10) as follows ¼ 6E
l 4 I4 l 5 I5 l4
l3 l3 l4 l4
M3 þ 2M4 þ þ M5 Solve the revised three-moment equations to
I3 I3 I4 I4
ð14Þ obtain the values of M2–M9, and then obtain the reac-
6!3 x3 6!4 y4 tions at each saddle F1–F10. Thus, the variation curves
¼ þ 6E þ
l3 I3 l4 I4 l4 l3 of bending moment and reaction at each saddle can be
plotted when one of 1–7 saddles settles. In order to
express clearly, still take the fourth saddle’s settlement
as an example. Because the fourth saddle’s settlement
has nearly no impact on saddles 8–10, only the first
seven saddles’ variation curves of bending moments
and reactions are plotted, as shown in Figure 7, where
Table 3. Longitudinal bending moment and reaction in ‘‘No settlement’’ curve indicates the solution of the
horizontal vessel at each support. three-moment equation without settlements. The fig-
Bending Value/ Value/ ures only show the data at each saddle and each data
moment 109 N mm Reaction 106 N point is connected with straight lines to show the rela-
tive value of each saddle’s load. The explanation of
M1 18.78 F1 10.42 Figure 7 will be given in FEA with settlements section.
M2 6.28 F2 5.35
M3 4.61 F3 6.38
M4 4.98 F4 6.64 Finite element analysis (FEA)
M5 5.17 F5 6.77
FEA without settlements
M6 4.06 F6 5.99
M7 8.29 F7 8.39 To verify the feasibility and accuracy of the above
M8 4.32 F8 5.54 analytical method, FEA of the vessel was performed
M9 3.61 F9 3.71 by ANSYS 14.0. Shell and link element were used to
M10 5.89 F10 5.27
create the model. According to the symmetry, half
model was set to evaluate the reactions and bending
(a) (b)
Figure 7. Variation curves of (a) bending moments and (b) reactions at saddle of 1–7 saddles when the fourth saddle settles with
by three-moment equation with settlement method.
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Duan and Hu 7
(a) (b)
Figure 8. Figures of (a) bending moment and (b) reaction distribution at saddles.
FEA: finite element analysis.
moments. The loads were applied by surface element, saddle (suppose the fourth one) settles. Figure 7 com-
the seventh saddle was fixed and the others can move pares the results at saddles 1–7 with and without
axially. The reaction and bending moment at each settlements. Clearly, with settlement, additional bend-
saddle are extracted. The two results are compared ing moments and reactions are induced especially at
as shown in Figure 8. the saddle having the settlement.
It is seen from Figure 8 that the bending moments When settlements occur, in order to verify the
and reactions obtained by three-moment equation feasibility and accuracy of the method of three-
method and FEA vary in the same tendency. The moment equation with settlements in calculating
values in the first and seventh cylindrical part are moment and reaction, extract all saddles’ moments
greater than other cylindrical parts and the maximum and reactions when one of 1–7 saddles settles in
ones are in the first part. The similar results show that FEA results and plot their variation curves, corres-
applying the three-moment equation method to calcu- ponding to the settlement calculation in Analytical
late the bending moments and reactions is reliable. solutions with settlements section. Because the
It is also found that the results obtained by the fourth saddle’s settlement has nearly no impact on
three-moment equation method are slightly larger saddles 8–10, only the first seven saddles’ variation
than the finite element method (FEM) results. For curves of bending moments and reactions are
example, the reaction obtained with the analytical plotted, as shown in Figure 9, where ‘‘No settle-
method at the first saddle is 1.13 times of the FEA ment’’ curve indicates the solution of the FEA with-
and the bending moment is 1.13 times. For the sev- out settlement. The figures only show the data at
enth saddle, the reaction obtained with the analytical each saddle and each data point is connected with
method is 1.21 times of FEA and the bending straight lines to show the relative value of each sad-
moments is 1.19 times. So if the FEM results are con- dle’s load.
sidered to be closer to real situation, the method by Figure 10 compares the results of three-moment
applying three-moment equation is more conservative equation with FEA results when the fourth saddle
in engineering applications. settles with ; it is seen for some saddles both
The difference between the results of two methods bending moments and reactions obtained by two
may be explained by the vessel’s deformation or settle- methods are quite different. What is the reason? It
ment. For the FEA without settlements, the bottom may be explained as follows. For three-moment
of vessel or all the saddles are at a same level, but the equation method, the deformation of the vessel is
vessel axis is not so because of the vessel deformation not considered and the settlement of the vessel is
under uneven loads, or in other words, the vessel is the axis settlement of the vessel. But for FEA, how-
actually settled and the saddles will have a settlement ever, the deformation of the vessel occurs, and thus
0 which will yield additional reactions or bending the axis settlement vessel (denoted by 0 ) is not the
moments. These settlements cannot be considered in same as the saddle settlement. In other words, the
the three-moment equation method. actual axis settlement is changed if the vessel
deformation is considered as illustrated in
Figure 11. To quantitatively prove this argument,
FEA with settlements the settlements 0 of vessel axis are extracted
Like the analytical solutions, by applying FEA, both from FEA results as listed in Table 4. Then the
bending moments and reactions can be obtained if a settlement 0 at the fourth saddle is applied to
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(a) (b)
Figure 9. Figures of (a) bending moments and (b) reactions at saddles 1–7 when the fourth saddle settles with by FEA method.
(a) (b)
Figure 10. Comparison of (a) bending moments and (b) reactions at saddles 1–7 obtained from the two methods when the fourth
saddle settles with .
FEA: finite element analysis.
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Duan and Hu 9
(a) (b)
Figure 12. Figures of (a) bending moments and (b) reactions at saddles 1–7 when the fourth saddle settles with 0 by three-moment
equation method.
FEA: finite element analysis.
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