1 s2.0 S1474667017472466 Main
1 s2.0 S1474667017472466 Main
1 s2.0 S1474667017472466 Main
Abstract: The development of non-invasive sensors to indicate the presence and the degree
of fouling is described. This application relates primarily to fouling in the crude oil
refining industry although the approaches are generally applicable. Data driven models
derived using the standard linear least squares technique and artificial feed-forward neural
networks are used to predict the degree of fouling either directly or indirectly.
Items indicated Temp-l through to Temp-J are a heat transfer efficiency which proportioned the
temperatures which are recorded every thirty sensible energy used in raising steam to the total
seconds. as is the flowrate. HTX-I to HTX-3 energy entering the system. Unfortunately this
represent the heat exchanger units as shown in approach does not have a simple comparison in this
greater detail in figure 2. work due to the constant power input in the system
under consideration.
Inlet temperature ANNULAR GAP oullct tern)
Equation (I) introduces a fouling factor, Rr.
(faborek et al 1972) which is used in this study to
describe the amount of fouling.
2. 1 Process Operation
3. I Fouling Estimation 4.0 RESULTS
The estimation of the fouling in the system has been Due to the relatively narrow range of temperatures
undertaken by anal~'sis of the data collected during which were used, the non-linearities of the system
operation. From this data. a range of linear and non- were not as pronounced as they would be on the
linear techniques have been used to produce fouling industrial units. Consequently, the linear methods
estimators. resulted in similar performance as the non-linear
results. However, as the operating ranges increase.
The overall heat transfer coefficient U. and the the non-linear estimators outperform the linear
thermal conductivity, k. are dependent on time, estimators.
flowrate and temperature(s). Consequently, "f. the
thickness of fouling is also a similarly dependent A range of fouling estimates using ANNs are sho\\n
variable. Although the system has been described as below:
time varying. the use of time as an input has obvious
problems as it is not clear how time itself can be
scaled in such a way as to be easily generalised.
displayed in fig . 7 can also be used to train a
n um
g I I
a n
c g
r 0
The results shown in fig. 4-6 highlight the extent to ... BiBIl ... Mud
which the fouling of the system can be estimated. Figure 8. Estimator Trained using TeO I , Te02 ,
These results form the basis for further analysis Element Temperature and Oil Flowrate.
relating to the sensitivity of the operating condition
to produce fouling . For example, the oil flowrate was Eliminating the tlowrate allows a similar estimation
approximately constant for the above results with a to be produced but these estimates present a better
slight variation due to the inherent system noise. average trend than that shown in figure 8.
However, a second series of experiments were
carried out where the flowrate was varied
considerably. A representative result is shown in
figure 7.
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