CV - Peck - April 2023
CV - Peck - April 2023
CV - Peck - April 2023
Steven L. Peck
Associate Professor
Department of Biology
4102 LSB
Brigham Young University
Provo, UT 84602-5255, USA
Office: 801-422-4145
Professional Experience
2018 - Current Part-time Research Fellow at the Maxwell Institute of Religious Scholarship
2006 - Current Associate Professor; Department of Biology, Brigham Young University, Provo, UT.
2008 One year sabbatical leave with United Nations International Atomic Energy Agency
(UN-IAEA) in Vienna, Austria working on computer simulation models of tsetse fly ecology and
population genetics.
2000-2006: Assistant Professor; Department of Biology, Brigham Young University, Provo, UT.
1997-1999: Research Scientist; United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) / Agriculture
Research Service (ARS); Pacific Basin Agricultural Research Center, Hilo, Hawaii.
1993-1997: Research Faculty; Department of Plant Pathology, North Carolina State University, Insect
Indicator Lead for the Agroecosystem Resource Group of the Environmental Monitoring and Assessment
Program (EMAP), Raleigh North Carolina.
1990-1993: Statistician; Faculty, North Carolina State University, Department of Statistics
Agroecosystem Resource Group of the Environmental Monitoring and Assessment Program (EMAP).
1988-1990, (1995-1997: consulting): Statistician; Duke University Medical Center,
Department of Cardiology, Biostatistics Unit
Areas of Interest
Acoustic Ecology, Philosophy of Biology; Agent Based Models; Simulation Modeling; Religion and
Science; Complexity Theory; Ecology; Emergence; Environmental spirituality and poetry; Environmental
Bioethics; Insect Movement; Process Philosophy; The Evolution of Novelty; Creative Writing.
Peer Reviewed Code
Peck, S. L. 2020. Evolution of Ecological Communities: Testing Constraint Closure (version 1.0.0).
CoMSES Open ABM. Source code repository and peer review of agent-based model code.
Peck, S. L. (In preparation). Are ecological niches real, just a good idea, or a case theoretical indigestion?
The case of audioecology. Target: Philosophy & Biology.
Peck, S. L. 2022. The Sword of Laban, Deleuze, and Climate Change: Slouching Toward Apocalypse in
The Book of Mormon Parts I & II, Based on presentation at the 2020 Association for the Study of the
Book of Mormon Conference 2020). Ships of Hagoth (online LDS literary magazine) August 2022:
Peck, S. L. 2022. Resonances of Latter-day Saint theology of a material, embodied deity with
evolutionary conceptions of agency and matter. Journal for the Study of Religion 35, 1,
ISSN 2413-3027; DOI:
Peck, S. L. (In Press) Our Eternal Round With the God Who Dances. In A Thoughtful Faith. Phillip
Barlow (ed). Maxwell Institute Press. Provo, UT.
Peck, S. L. (In press: June 2022) Why the Latter-day Saint community should trust science (in the same
way scientists do). BYU Studies (Special issue on Evolution)
Peck, S.L. (2021) Each atom an agent? in Open Topics in LDS Thought, Eliason, E.. and Givens, T. (eds.)
BYU Studies Quarterly 60 (3): 139-146,
Peck. S. L. and A. Heiss (2021) Can constraint closure provide a generalized understanding of community
dynamics in ecosystems? (Editor’s Choice) Oikos 131(9):1425–1439
Peck, S. 2019. Trajectories in the Evolution of Mormon Studies on Faith and Science. Mormon Studies
Review, 6, 67-90. Retrieved from
Peck, S. L. 2019. The Rumors of Bergson’s Demise May Have Been Exaggerated: Autonomous Agents
and Emergence in Evolution. Foundations of Science 24: 541.
Lindsay, John, Adhieu Arok, Seth M. Bybee, Walter Cho, April Maskiewicz Cordero, Daniel G.
Ferguson, Leontine L. Galante, Richard Gill, Mark Mann, Steven L. Peck, Cassidy L. Shively, Michael R.
Stark, Joshua A. Stowers, Michael Tenneson, Ethan R. Tolman, Thomas Wayment, and Jamie L. Jensen.
2019. "Using a Reconciliation Module Leads to Large Gains in Evolution Acceptance." CBE—Life
Sciences Education 18 (4):ar58. doi: 10.1187/cbe.19-04-0080.
Peck, S. L. and J. Leishman. 2019. DeCreation: Art, Poetry, Science. Whitefish Review. 12(2) p. 39-45.
Bradshaw, W.S., Phillips, A.J., Bybee, S.M., Gill, R.A., Peck, S.L. and Jensen, J.L., 2018. A longitudinal
study of attitudes toward evolution among undergraduates who are members of the Church of Jesus Christ
of Latter-day Saints. PloS one, 13(11), p.e0205798. Bradshaw, W.S., Phillips, A.J., Bybee, S.M., Gill,
R.A., Peck, S.L. and Jensen, J.L., 2018. A longitudinal study of attitudes toward evolution among
undergraduates who are members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. PloS one, 13(11),
Peck, S. L. 2017. Science the Key to Theology. BCC Press, Salt Lake City, UT.
Abbott MN, Peck S.L. 2016. Emerging ethical issues related to the use of brain-computer interfaces for
patients with total locked-in syndrome. Neuroethics 8. doi:10.1007/s12152-016-9296-1
Schuster, Haley and Steven L. Peck. 2016. Mars ain’t the kind of place to raise your kid: Ethical
implications of pregnancy on missions to colonize other planets. Life Sciences, Society and Policy. 12:10.
DOI: 10.1186/s40504-016-0043-5
Cottrell, S. J. L. Jenson, and S. L. Peck. 2014. Resuscitation and resurrection: The ethics of cloning
cheetahs, mammoths, and Neanderthals. Life Sciences, Society and Policy 10:3 doi:10.1186/2195-7819-
Ahmadou H. Dicko, Renaud Lancelot, Momar Talla Seck, Laure Guerrini, Baba Sall, Mbargou Low,
Marc J.B. Vreysen, Thierry Lefrançois, Fonta Williams, Steven L. Peck, and Jérémy Bouyer. 2014. Using
species distribution models to optimize vector control: the tsetse eradication campaign in Senegal.
Proceedings of the National Academy of Science. 11 (28) : 10149-10154
Peck, S. L. 2014. Perspectives on why digital ecologies matter: Combining population genetics and
ecologically informed agent-based models with GIS for managing dipteran livestock pests. Acta Tropica.
138S (2014) S22–S25
Vargas, R.I., J.D. Stark, J. Banks, L. Leblanc, N. Manoukis, S. L. Peck. 2013. Spatial dynamics of two
oriental fruit fly (Diptera: Tephritidae) parasitoids, Fopius arisanus (Sonan) and diachasmimorpha
longicaudata (Ashmead) (Hymenoptera: Braconidae), in a guava orchard in Hawaii. Economic
Entomology 42(5) 888-901.
Peck, S. L. 2013. Life as emergent agential systems: Tendencies without teleology in an open universe.
Zygon: Journal of Religion and Science 48 (4): 984-1000.
Peck, S. L. 2012c. Agent-based models as fictive instantiations of ecological processes." Philosophy &
Theory in Biology. Vol. 4.e303 (2012): 12.
Froerer KM, Peck SL, McQuate GT. 2011. Evaluation of readmission ink as a marker for dispersal
studies with the oriental fruit fly, Bactrocera dorsalis. Journal of Insect Science 11:125, available online:
K.M. Froerer, S.L. Peck, G.T. McQuate, R.I. Vargas, E.B. Jang, and D.O. McInnis. 2010. Long distance
movement of Bactrocera dorsalis (Diptera: Tephritidae) in Puna, Hawaii: How far can they go? American
Entomologist 56(2): 88-94.
Rasmussen, J., M. Belk, and S. L. Peck. 2009. Endangered species augmentation: a case study of
alternative rearing methods. Animal Conservation 8:225–232
Bell A.V., R. B. Rader, S. L. Peck, and A. Sih. 2009. The positive effects of negative interactions: Can
avoidance of competitors or predators increase resource sampling by prey? Theoretical Population
Biology. 76:52-58.
Caprio, M. A., N. Storer, M. S. Sisterson, S. L. Peck and A. de H. N. Maia. 2008. Assessing the risk of
the evolution of resistance to pesticides using spatially complex simulation models. In Whalon, Sanchez,
and Hollingworth, Global Pesticide Resistance in Arthropods, CABI Publishing, Cambridge, MA.
Belk, M.C., Benson, L.J., Rasmussen, J., and Peck, S.L. 2008. Hatchery-induced morphological variation
in an endangered fish: a challenge for hatchery-based recovery efforts. Can. J. Fish. Aquat. Sci. 65.3 (2):
McQuate, G. T., A. H. Bokonon-Ganta, and S. L. Peck. 2007. Background population biology and
prospects for suppression of the solanaceous fruit fly, Bactrocera latifrons (Diptera: Tephritidae).
Proceedings of the Hawaiian Entomological Society. 39:1-5.
Peck, S. L., G. T. McQuate, R. I. Vargas, D. C. Seager, H. C. Revis, E. B. Jang, D. O. McInnis. 2005. The
movement of sterile male Bactrocera cucurbitae (Diptera: Tephritidae) in a Hawaiian agroecosystem.
Journal of Economic Entomology. 98(5): 1539-1550.
Mc Quate G. T., S. L. Peck, P. G. Barr, and C. D. Sylva. 2005. Comparative evaluation of Spinosad and
Phloxine B as toxicant in protein baits for suppression of three fruit fly (Diptera: Tephritidae) species.
Journal of Economic Entomology 98 (4): 1170-1178.
Peck, S. L. 2004. Simulation as experiment: a philosophical reassessment for biological modeling. Trends
in Ecology and Evolution 19 (10): 530534
Peck, S. L. and G. T. McQuate. 2004. Ecological Aspects of Bactrocera latifrons (Diptera: Tephritidae)
on Maui, Hawaii: movement and host preference. Environmental Entomology 33(6): 17221731.
(many authors), Peck, S. L. 2004. Minutes FIFRA Scientific Advisory Panel Meeting: A Set of Scientific
Issues Being Considered by the Environmental Protection Agency Regarding: Product Characterization,
Human Health Risk, Ecological Risk, And Insect Resistance Management For Bacillus Thuringiensis (Bt)
Cotton Products June 810, 2004, Arlington, Virginia. U.S. EPA SAP Report No. 2004.
Storer N.P., S. L. Peck, F. Gould, J. W. Van Duyn and G. G. Kennedy. 2003. Spatial processes in the
evolution of resistance in Helicoverpa zea (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) to Bt transgenic corn and cotton in a
mixed agroecosystem: a biology-rich stochastic simulation model. Economic Entomology 96(1): 156-172.
Storer N.P., S. L. Peck, F. Gould, J. W. Van Duyn and G. G. Kennedy. 2003 Sensitivity analysis of a
spatially-explicit stochastic simulation model of the evolution of resistance in Helicoverpa zea
(Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) to Bt transgenic corn and cotton. Economic Entomology. 96(1): 173-187.
Peck, S.L. 2003. Randomness, contingency, and faith: Is there a science of subjectivity? Zygon: Journal
of Religion and Science. 38(1):5-24. (Also included in the Critical Concepts in Religious Studies Volume:
Religion and Science Edited by Sara Fletcher Harding, Nancy Morvillo)
Peck, S. L. 2001. Antimicrobial and Insecticide Resistance Modeling: Is it time to start talking? Trends in
Microbiology. 9(6):286-292.
Vargas, R.I., S.L. Peck, G.T. McQuate, C. G. Jackson, J.D. Stark and J.D. Armstrong. 2001. Potential for
areawide integrated management of Mediterranean fruit fly with a braconid parasitoid and a novel bait
spray. Journal of Economic Entomology 94 (4): 817825.
McQuate, G. T. and S. L. Peck. 2001. Suppression of Mediterranean fruit fly populations over
mountainous areas through aerial phloxine B-Protein Bait Sprays: regional Medfly program in
Guatemala. In KengHong Tan (ed.) AreaWide Control of Fruit Flies and Other Insect Pests. Penerbit
Universiti Sains Malaysia. Penang, Malaysia.
McQuate, G. T and S. L. Peck. 2001. Enhancement of attraction of male Bactrocera latifrons to alpha-
Ionol (Diptera: Tephritidae) by addition of a synergist, cade oil. Journal of Economic Entomology
Peck, S. L. 2001. Ecological Modeling: A guide for the nonmodeler. Conservation Biology in Practice
2(3) : 3639.
Peck, S. L. 2000 A tutorial for understanding ecological modeling papers for the nonmodeler. American
Entomologist 46(1):40-49.
Peck, S. L. and G. T. McQuate. 2000. Field Tests of malathion replacements spinosad and photoactive
dyes for suppression of wild Mediterranean fruit fly (Ceratitis capitata) populations. Journal of Economic
Entomology 93(2): 280-289.
Peck, S. L., S. Ellner, and F. Gould. 2000. Varying Migration and Deme Size, and the Feasibility of the
Shifting Balance. Evolution 54 (1):324-327.
AlcantaraLicudine, J.P.; N. L. Bui, Q. X. Li, G. T. McQuate, S. L. Peck. 2000. Method for determination
of xanthene dyes in guava fruits and its application in a field dissipation study. Journal of AOAC
(Association of Official Analytical Chemists) International. 83(3): 563568.
Hess, G. R., C. L. Campbell, D. A. Fiscus, A. S. Hellkamp, B. F. McQuaid, M. J. Munster, S. L. Peck,
and S. R. Shafer. 2000. A conceptual model and indicators for assessing the ecological condition of
agricultural lands. Journal of Environmental Quality 29:728-737.
Peck, S. L., F. Gould, and S. Ellner. 1999. The spread of resistance in spatially extended systems of
transgenic cotton: Implications for the management of Heliothis virescens (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae).
Economic Entomology 92:1-16.
Peck, S. L., S. Ellner, and F. Gould. 1998. A spatially explicit, stochastic model demonstrates the
feasibility of Wright’s shifting balance theory. Evolution 52:1834-1839.
Peck, S. L., C. L. Campbell, and B. McQuaid. 1998. Using ant species (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) as a
biological indicator of agroecosystem condition. Environmental Entomology 27(5): 1102-1110.
McQuate, G. T., R. T. Cunningham, S. L Peck, and P. H. Moore. 1999. Suppressing oriental fruit fly
populations with phloxine B-protein bait spays. Pesticide Science 55 (5): 574-576.
Anderson, N. D., H. S. Stubbs, S. L. Peck, and J. W. Slusher. 1999. Ants: Using Biological Indicators to
Investigate Environmental Conditions (Monitoring the Environment Series). Carolina Biological Supply
Company, Burlington, NC.
Christenson, R., M., S. Duh, K. Newby, E. Ohman, R. Califf, Granger, S. L. Peck, K. Pieper, P.
Armstorng, H. Katus, and E. Topel for the GUSTO-IIa Investigators. 1998. Cardiac troponin T and
cardiac troponin I: relative value in short-term risk stratification of patients with acute coronary
syndromes. Clinical Chemistry 44(3):494-501.
Peck, S. L. and S. Ellner. 1997. The effect of economic thresholds and life history parameters on the
evolution of pesticide resistance in a regional setting. American Naturalist, 149:44-65.
Peck, S. L. 1997. Spatial Aspects of the Evolution of Pesticide Resistance: Models and Recommendations.
A dissertation submitted to the Graduate Faculty of North Carolina State University in partial fulfillment
of the requirements for the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy: Departments of Biomathematics and
Entomology. North Carolina State University. Raleigh, NC.
R. Christenson, Vollmer, R. Califf. S. L. Peck, M. O. Hanesian, Duh, E. Topel, K. Newby, and M. Ohman
for the TAMI-7 Study Group. 1997. Assessment of coronary reperfusion after thrombolysis with a model
combining myoglobin, creatine kinase-MB, and clinical variables. Circulation 96:1776-1782.
Neher, D. A., S. L. Peck, J. O. Rawlings and C. L. Campbell. 1995. Measures of nematode community
structure for an agroecosystem monitoring program and sources of variability among and within
agricultural fields. Plant and Soil. 107:167181.
Hawks, S. R., S. L. Peck and Lynn Smith. 1993. Impact to first aid education: occurrence of emergency
helping among college students. Journal of Health Education. 24(6):379.
Hawks, S. R. and S. L. Peck. 1992. Non-traditional teaching methods for emergency care education:
student perceptions. Journal of Health Education. 23(1):39-44.
Hawks, S. R., S. L. Peck, and K. Vail-Smith. 1992. An educational test of health behavior models in
relation to emergency helping. Health Psychology. 11(6):396-402.
Hellkamp, A. S., S.R. Shafer, C. L. Campbell, J.M. Bay, D.A. Fiscus, G.R. Hess, B.F. Mcquaid, M. J.
Munster, G.L. Olson, S.L. Peck, K.N. Easterling, K. Sidik, and M.B. Tooley. 1998. Assessment of the
condition of agricultural lands in five Mid-Atlantic states. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment.
Sevilla, D.C., N.B. Wagner, R. Pegnes, S.L. Peck, E.M. Mikat, R.E. Ideker, G. Hutchings, K.A. Reimer,
D. B. Hackel, and R. H. Selvester. 1992. Correlation of the complete version of the Selvester QRS
scoring system with quantitative anatomic findings for multiple left ventricular myocardial infarcts.
American Journal of Cardiology 69(5):465-469.
Harrell, F. E., S. E. Marcus, P. M. Layde, S.K. Broste, E.F. Cook, D. P. Wagner, L.H. Muhlbaier, and
S.L. Peck. 1990. Statistical methods in SUPPORT. Journal of Clinical Epidemiology 43 Supplement:
Hawks, S. R., S. L. Peck, B. Hafen & K. Karren. 1990. Rating stress in EMS: A Responder Survey.
Journal of Emergency Medical Services. 15 (9):55-57.
Creative Writing
Sound Coming Undone (poetry), with artist Jackie Leishman. Penumbra. 2022 32:62
Heike’s Void: A novel. 2022. BCC Press. Whitney Award Nomination, Nominated for Association of
Mormon Letters best novel award.
Decreation: Climate Change, Art, Science and Poetry. With artist Jackie Leishman Whtiefish Review.
2020. 12(2): 39-45.
Angles of Pleasant Grove, Desolating Sickness: Stories of Pandemic (in response to Covid19) displayed
in Harold B. Library August 2020-August 2021.
The Sacrifice (short story) Dialogue, Fall 2019 p. 117-160
(different poems than from Decreation from above) Decreation w/ Los Angeles Artist Jackie Leisham,
(poetry collection) Cold Mountain Review: Fall/Winter 2019 Special Issue on Margins
The Tragedy of King Leere, Goatherd of the La Sals, 2019, (novel) BCC Press. Semi-finalist for the Big
Moose Prize for new novel by Black Lawrence Press. Starred-Review at Publishers Weekly. Montaigne
Metal Finalist. Short listed for the Eric Hoffer Award for Independent and Academic Presses. Category
finalist in Eric Hoffer Awards.
Does the Plowman Heed the Mole's Cry? (Short Story), Last Shot Fired: Midnight Writers' Anthology
A Strike to the Heart of the Cannon Lord (Short Story), All Made of Hinges (A Mormon Steampunk
Anthology Book 1), 2018
Eden's Cur (poem), Newmyths 43 (June 15, 2018) Also in Passages: Best of NewMyths Anthology,
Volume I, 2018
Additions to St. Hildegard's 'Physica' (Poetry) Prairie Schooner. Summer June 1, 2017.
Gilda Trillim: Shepherdess of Rats (Novel), Roundfire Press. London and USA. 29 Sept. 2017. (Novel
Award winner Association of Mormon Letters (AML) 2017)
Bishop Johansson Rescues a Lost Soul (Short Story), Dialogue Fall 2016, AML Short Story award
finalist 2017.
An Incomplete Slaughter (Short Story) The Colored Lens, Summer 2016. (Finalist for Best Short Story
2016 by the Association of Mormon Letters).
Harbingers (Short Story), Dark Lane Anthology III, (eds.) K.J. Bishop, Louis Rakovich. Dark Lane
Books, London. 2016.
Wandering Realities (Short Story Collection) Zarehemla Books, July 2015 (AML Short Story Collection
Finalist 2015)
Down Courthouse Wash (Short Story) Perihelion Science Fiction Magazine, January 2015
Tales from Pleasant Grove (Short Story) Every Day Fiction, May 2015
Plague Ship (Short Story: 2013). Published in anthology Space Eldritch II: The Haunted Stars.
A Strange Report From the Archives. (Short Story, 2013) Irreantum (2nd Place contest winner)
How the Mother of Vampiro Rojo de Santanás Died at the Hand of the Ethicless Thing (Short Story,
2013) Silverthought Press Online
The Silence of the River (Short Story, 2013) Quantum Realities Vol. 2, Issue 2 (Quantum Realities: A
Journal of Speculative Fiction)
What the Ant Knows & Walks the Ape Warder (Poetry: 2012) Silver Blade.
Should I tell her? (Short Story: 2012) Daily Science Fiction.
The Scholar of Moab (Novel: 2011) Torrey House Press. Finalist for the Hoffer Montaigne Medal &
AML Best Novel of 2011.
Let the Mountains Tremble for Adoniha has Fallen (Science Fiction Novella: 2011) Monsters and
Mormons: Anthology. Peculiar Press.
Four Poems. In Fire in the Pasture: Mormon Poetry in the 21st Century. (Poetry: 2011). Peculiar Press.
The five known sutras of Mechanical Man (Science Fiction/Poetry: 2010) Tales of the Talisman 6:4
(Nominated for the Rhysling Award)
The Flaw in the Lord Harrington Scenario (Short Story: 2001). HMS Beagle (online science journal by
Creative Writing Awards (fiction and non-fiction)
Starred-Review at Publishers Weekly. Montaigne Metal Finalist. Short listed for the Eric Hoffer Award
for Independent and Academic Presses. Category finalist in Eric Hoffer Awards. Tragedy of King Leere,
Goatherd of the La Sals.
2017 semi-finalist Big Moose Prize for unpublished literary novel, Black Lawrence Press Tragedy of
King Leere, Goatherd of the La Sals.
2017 Novel Award Association of Mormon Letters (AML) for Gilda Trillim Shepherdess of Rats.
2016 Nominated for AML Best Short Story for Incomplete Slaughter.
2015 Nominated for AML best short story collection Wandering Realities.
2014 Association of Mormon Letters Best Short Story for Two-dog Dose, Dialogue
2012 Best Novel published in 2011, Association of Mormon Letters, Finalist for the Hoffer
Montaigne Medal, for The Scholar of Moab, Torrey House Press.
2011 Nominated for the Science Fiction Poetry Association’s Rhysling Award for “The five known
sutras of Mechanical Man.”
2010 Honorable mention in the 2010 Brookie and D.K. Brown Fiction Contest for The Problem
2010 Warp and Weave Science Fiction Short story 1st place for Stratton Yellows.
Peck, S. L. What Intelligent Life in the Universe Will Look Like (Should We Find It); Analog: Science
Fiction and Fact, March 2015
Peck, S. L. My view: Who will do the science if Western land grab is successful? Deseret News, March
17, 2013
Mike Caprio, John Glaser, Rick Hellmich, David Onstad, and Steven L. Peck. 2010 Framework for
Evaluation of IRM Models: Report to EPA. Submitted Reference number pending.
Peck, S. L. 2010. Crawling out of the primordial soup: a step toward the emergence of an LDS theology
compatible with organic evolution. Dialogue 43:1-36
Peck S. L. My Madness. Dialogue. 2008. 41:57-70.
Peck, S. L. Science Suffers when getting a grant becomes the goal. (Commentary: 2008). Chronicle of
Higher Education. Oct. 10th, 2008.
Peck, S. L. America adds a shameful chapter to the history of torture. (op ed: 2008) Salt Lake Tribune
Op-Ed, 03/07/2008.
Peck, S. L. Intelligent Design fails as a pretense to science that tries to set religion and evolution at odds.
(op ed: 2008) Salt Lake Tribune Op-Ed, 05/09/2008.
Peck, S. L. 2006. An ecologist's view of LDS culture and the current environmental crisis. In, Handley,
G., T. Ball, and S. L. Peck eds. Sacred Stewardship: LDS Perspectives on the Environment. Religious
Studies Center Publication. Provo, UT.
Handley, G., T. Ball, and S. L. Peck. 2006. Sacred Stewardship: LDS Perspectives on the Environment.
Religious Studies Center Publication. Provo, UT.
Peck, S. L. 2005. The current philosophy of consciousness landscape: where does LDS thought fit?
Dialogue. 38: 36-64.
Peck, S. L. 1995. Water, Mud and Insects. The Friend (Children's magazine). May 1995.
Peck, S. L., J. O. Rawlings and A. L. Finkner. 1992. A comparison of sampling design options for
EMAP-Agroecosystems Group. American Statistical Association 1991 Proceedings of the Section on
Survey Research Methods. pp. 191-195.
Manuscripts in Preparation
Anthony, Christopher & Steven L. Peck. How transparent should physicians be about their own attitudes
about non-medical perspectives. Mentored ethics research paper.
Peck, Steven L. & Jérémy Bouyer. Ethical issues in the control and suppression of tsetse fly populations:
values and qualitative costs of environmental concerns. International Bioethics. Estimated submission:
April 2018
Peck, Steven L. & Jérémy Bouyer. Metapopulation dynamics of tsetse flies in the Neyes region of
Senegal: Effect of movement on tsetse eradication using SIT. Target journal Science. Est. Feb 2018
Book Reviews
Peck, S. L. 2008. Review. Stauffer, Howard B. 2008. Contemporary Bayesian and frequentist statistical
research methods for natural resource scientists. Wiley and Sons, Hoboken, New Jersey. xv + 400 p.
$100.00, ISBN: 978-0-470-16504-1. Ecology. 89:3258-3259.
Peck, S. L. 1999. Review of Gurney, W. S. C., and R. M. Nesbet. 1998. Ecological dynamics. Oxford
University Press, NY. Reviewed in Ecology 80:728-729.
Peck, S. L. 1999. Review of Turchin, P. 1998. Quantitative analysis of movement: measuring and
modeling population redistribution in animals and plants. Sinauer Associates, Sunderland, Massachusetts.
Reviewed in Ecology 80:1451-1452.
Peck, S. L. 2021. Healing the Artist. Art and Belief Symposium. Center for Latter-day Saint Art.
Peck, S. L. and Givens, T. Nature of LDS Notions of Hell. Faith matters podcast.
Peck, S. L. Tragedy of King Leere in a Post-apocalyptic West. Writing Westward. Redd Center,
Peck, S. L. 2020. “The Sword of Laban, Deleuze, and Climate Change: Slouching Toward Apocalypse in
the Book of Mormon.” Book of Mormon Association Conference. Zoom this year.
Peck, S. L. Agency Conference, Neal A. Maxwell Institute for Religious Studies. “Bodily Life: The
Biology of Agency” April 2019.
Peck, S. L. English Reading Series. Selections from Gilda Trillim. Oct. 5 2018
Abbott MN, Peck SL. Emerging Ethical Issues Related to the Use of Brain-Computer Interfaces for
Patients with Total Locked-In Syndrome. DMU Research Symposium. Des Moines, IA. 2016 .
Peck SL. Complex Experiments: Using Agent-based Models To Provide Causal Insight Into Ecological
Community Structure. The Twenty-Fifth Biennial Meeting of the Philosophy of Science Association.
Atlanta, Georgia. 2016 .
Invited Talk: Peck SL. Evolving Faith. Summerhays Lecture. Provo, UT. 2016.
Peck, S. L.and Jérémy Bouyer. Using agent-based models to explore the effect of ecological complexity
on tsetse suppression programs. Conference on Mathematical Models in Ecology and Evolution. Collège
de France, Paris, July 8-10, 2015
Schuster, Haley. Ethical Implications of Pregnancy on Mars Mission. The 18th Annual Mars Society,
Washington, DC, August 14-16, 2015
Invited Talk: Peck, S. L. Using agent-based models to explore the effect of ecological complexity on
tsetse suppression programs. Pacific Branch of the Entomological Society of America, Tucson, AZ. April
7-9, 2014.
Invited Talk: Peck, S. L. Evolution and Ecology in Science Fiction and Fantasy. Life, the Universe, &
Everything Symposium: 30th Annual Meeting 14-16 February 2012. Provo, UT
Invited Talk: Peck, S. L. American Perspectives on Environmental Ethics. Advanced Ethics King's
School, Worcester, April, 2013.
Invited Talk: Peck, S. L. The effect of ecological complexity on tsetse suppression programs. Applying
GIS and Population Genetics for Managing Livestock Insect Pest. London, UK 15-19 April 2013
Invited Talk: Peck, S. L. Conjuring the natural world out of digital fictions: the role of narrative in
complex ecological computer simulation. Humanities Center Winter Symposium, sponsored by the
Humanities Center and Office of Digital Humanities. March 2013 Provo, UT
Invited Talk: Peck, S. L. Evolution in Science Fiction and Fantasy. What is the Life, the Universe, &
Everything Symposium: 30th Annual Meeting 14-16 February 2012.
Invited talk: Peck, S. L. Use of the metapopulation theory and individual-based models to improve pest
control. Quels outils pour un changement d'échelle dans la gestion des insectes d’intérêt économique?
(New tools for a change of scale in pest management). CIRAD, October, 2011, Montpellier, France.
Conference Keynote Address
Plutynski, A., Peck, S. L. and F. Adler. 2011 Microbial Evolution and Public Health: A Multilevel
Perspective. The International Society for History, Philosophy, and Social Studies of Biology Annual
Meeting. July, 2011, Salt Lake City, UT.
Peck, S. L. 2011. Mormonism's Current Experience with Creationism: Responses and challenges. The
International Society for History, Philosophy, and Social Studies of Biology Annual Meeting. July, 2011,
Salt Lake City, UT.
Peck, S. L. 2011. Life as Emergent Agential Systems: Tendencies Without Teleology. What is Life:
Theology, Science & Philosophy. June, 2011. Krakow, Poland.
Peck, S. L. 2011. 'After the manner of their language:' The epistemological implications of complexity
theory on the hermeneutics of prophetic discourse. The Society for Mormon Philosophy and Theology.
April, 2011. Provo, UT
Peck, S. L. 2011. Evolution and Ecology in Science Fiction. Life, the Universe and Everything: The
Marion H. "Doc" Smith Symposium on Science Fiction and Fantasy. February, 2011. Provo, UT
Peck, S. L. 2010. ‘New Wine in Old Bottles? Novel Philosophical Problems in Representing Ecological
Systems with Agent-Based Models. MODELS AND SIMULATIONS 4. The Institute for the History and
Philosophy of Science and Technology at the University of Toronto, May 7-9.
Peck, S. L. 2010. "The Implications of Evolution and Consciousness for Key LDS Doctrines. 2010
Society for Mormon Philosophy and Theology Annual Meeting: The Measure of Their Creation—
Theological Anthropology. Utah Valley University. 25-27 March.
Invited talk: Peck, S. L. 2010. Metapopuations theory in tsetse control. Applying GIS and Population
Genetics for Managing Livestock Insect Pests" from 22-26 Feb 2010, in Bali, Indonesia.
Invited talk: Peck, S. L. 2009. Networks of habitat patches in tsetse fly control: implications of
metapopulation structure on assessing local extinction probability. Annual Meeting of the Entomological
Society of America. Indianapolis, Dec. 15, 2009
Invited talk: Peck, S. L. 2009. Conjuring Ecologies: Hermeneutics, Representation, Construction and
Modeling. Department of Integrated Studies, Utah Valley University, July.
Invited talk: Peck, S. L. 2009. The Ethics of Tsetse Fly Eradication, Philosophy Department Ethics
Class. University of Utah, Salt Lake City Utah.
Invited talk: Peck, S. L., J. Odenbaugh. Ecological boundaries: Whose? 2008 Edges & Boundaries of
Biological Objects Workshop: Ecosystems. Department of Philosophy, University of Utah, Salt Lake
Invited talk: Peck, S. L. 2007. The hermeneutics of ecological simulation. UFZ Centre for
Environmental Research AND Max-Planck-Gesellschaf zur Förderung der Wissenschaften. Leipzig,
Germany. Feb. 2007.
Charles A. G., S L. Peck, D. Onstad. 2006. Simulation in Bt. Entomological Society of America Annual
Meeting. Indianapolis, Indiana 12 Dec. 2006.
Invited talk: Peck, S. L. 2005. The management of insect resistance to transgenic crops in small hectare
metapopulations. Fifth Asia-Pacific Congress of Entomology. Jeju Korea. October.
Peck, S. L., A. Bell and R. Vargas. 2005. Wide area control of Bactrocera cucurbitae: A mathematical
model of wide area suppression. Hawaiian Entomological Society, 2005 Pacific Entomology
Conference. April. 2005.
Peck, S. L. 2004. An ecologist's view of LDS culture and the current environmental crisis. Symposium:
Our Stewardship: Perspectives on Nature. Brigham Young University, February 27-28.
Invited talk: Peck, S. L. 2004. Development and management of insect resistance against transgenic
plants. Korea Conference on Innovative Science and Technology-2004-GM Crops and Foods: Potential
Safety and Environmental Impact. November 9-12, 2004. Korean Federation of Science and Technology
Societies (KOFST). Gyeongju, Korea.
Invited talk: Peck, S. L. Grant T. McQuate, Roger Vargas, Don McInnis, Eric Jang, Hannah Revis. 2004.
Confronting models with data. Annual Fruit Fly Areawide Pest Management Progress Review and
Conference. April 26-28, Honolulu, Hawaii.
Invited Talk: Peck, S. L. 2004. Modeling Resistance issues in model comparison. Resistance Management
Modeling Workshop. Held May 11-12, 2004 in Cincinnati, Ohio.
Bell, A. R. (undergraduate student) and S. L. Peck. 2004. Colony behavior in Tetramorium caespitum.
Entomology Society of America Annual Meeting, November 14-17, Salt Lake City, Utah.
Bell, Adrian V., S. L. Peck, and Roger I. Vargas. 2004. Delay equation modeling of fruit fly area-wide
control. Entomology Society Meetings, Entomology Society of America Annual Meeting, November 14-
17, Salt Lake City, Utah.
Peck, S. L., Craig Seager, Grant T. McQuate, Roger Vargas, Don McInnis, Eric Jang. 2003. Movement of
Melon Fly Bactrocera cucurbitae. Pacific Entomology Conference, Hawaiian Entomological Society, Feb.
Invited Talk: Peck S.L. 2002. The role of modeling in managing antibiotic resistant organisms. Forum on
Infectious Diseases: Resistance. Feb. 6-7. National Academy of Sciences:
Peck. S. L. 2001 Invited symposium panel discussant. Studies in antibiotic resistance and insecticide
resistance: commonalties, differences, and new directions. North Central Weed Science Society.
December 13, in Milwaukee, WI.
Invited Talk: Peck, S. L. 2000. A computer simulation model of the movement and population dynamics of
the Malaysian fruit fly (Bactrocera latifrons): Implications for management. Exotic Fruit Fly Research
Symposium. September 10-12, Riverside California.
Peck, S. L. and G. T. McQuate. 2000. The invasion of the solanaceous fruit fly on the island of Maui: An
example of an invasion cascade. Ecology Society of America 85th Annual Meeting, August 6-10
Snowbird, Utah.
Peck, S. L. and G. T. McQuate. 1999. The comparison of three pesticides used to control Mediterranean
fruit fly infestations. Pacific Entomology Conference. Honolulu, HI. February 22-23, 1999.
Peck, S. L. and G. T. McQuate. 1999. Control of Mediterranean fruit flies using bait sprays of spinosad
and phloxine B: Possible malathion alternatives for fruit fly control programs. Poster abstract, p. 55 in
Proceedings of the 3rd Meeting of the Working Group on Fruit Flies of the Western Hemisphere, 4 9
July, 1999, Guatemala City, Guatemala.
Peck, S. L. 1998. A spatially explicit stochastic model demonstrates the feasibility of Wright’s shifting
balance theory. Pacific Branch Meeting of the Entomological Society of America. June 22-24, 1998.
Peck, S. L. 1998. Theoretical population biology, evolutionary ecology, chaos and other ignored
considerations in fruit fly action programs. Poster at The Fifth International Symposium on Fruit flies of
Economic Importance. Penang, Malaysia, June 1-5, 1998.
Peck, S. L., G. T. McQuate, R. T. Cunningham and N. J. Liquido. 1998. Field tests of the effectiveness of
xanthene dye bait sprays in the control of two species of tephritid fruit flies. Poster at The Fifth
International Symposium on Fruit flies of Economic Importance. Penang, Malaysia, June 1-5, 1998.
McQuate, G. T. and S. L. Peck. 1998. Suppression of Mediterranean fruit fly populations over
mountainous areas through aerial phloxine B-protein bait sprays: Regional Medfly program in
Guatemala (MOSCAMED-Guatemala, USDA-APHIS-PPQ, USDA ARS. Poster at The Fifth
International Symposium on Fruit flies of Economic Importance. Penang, Malaysia, June 1-5, 1998.
McQuate, G. T. and S. L. Peck. 1998. Mortality of Mediterranean fruit flies following feeding on phloxine
B - Protein baits, with and without uranine, and subsequent exposure to a range of different light
intensities. Poster at The Fifth International Symposium on Fruit flies of Economic Importance. Penang,
Malaysia, June 1-5, 1998.
Peck, S. L. 1996. The spread of resistance in spatially extended systems of transgenic crops. Entomology
Society of America Meetings. Louisville, KY, Dec 8-12 1996.
Peck, S. L. 1995. Using ants as an indicator of agroecosystem condition. Presented at the EMAP Science
Symposium. research Triangle Park, NC, 79 March 1995.
Peck, S. L. 1994. Spatial aspects of the population biology of insecticide resistant alleles in large
inhomogeneous regions: a 2D cellular automata model. Presented at the Entomological Society of
America Annual Meeting, Knoxville, TN, Aug 7-11, 1994.
Neher, D. A. and S. L Peck. 1994. Measures of nematode community structure for a national monitoring
program and sources of variability among and within agricultural fields. Poster. Symposium on
Biodiversity View points and Current Research. University of North Carolina, chapel Hill, 29 January
Peck, S. L. 1994. The use of insects in ecological monitoring. Symposium on the results of recent
Research in Ecological Monitoring and Assessment. Research Triangle Park, NC, April 1214 1994.
Neher, D. A., J. O. Rawlings and S. L. Peck. 1993. Measures of nematode community structure for a
national monitoring program and sources of variability among and within agricultural fields. Poster.
Conference of the Soil Ecology Society. Lansing, Michigan, 36 May 1993.
Peck, S. L. 1993. Using insects as indicators of the environmental health of agroecosystems on a regional
and national level. Poster presented at the Ecological Society of America, Madison, Wisconsin. 31 Jul- 4
Aug, 1993.
Bailey, B., S. Ellner, A. R. Gallant, D. Nychka and S. L. Peck. 1993. Local Lyapunov exponents:
predictability depends on where you are. Presented by B. Bailey at the Joint Statistical Meetings of the
American Statistical Association, San Francisco California, August 8-12, 1993.
Peck, S. L. 1993. The use of insects for monitoring the condition of the nation's agroecosystem in EMAP.
Presented at the Entomological Society of America Annual Meeting, Indianapolis Indiana, Dec 12-16,
Peck, S. L., J. O. Rawlings and A. L. Finkner. 1991. Sampling design issues in ecological monitoring for
EMAP-Agroecosystems. Presented at the Annual Meeting of the Ecological Society of America, San
Antonio Texas Aug. 4-8, 1991.
Peck, S. L., J. O. Rawlings and A. L. Finkner. 1991. Sampling design options for EMAP-Agroecosystems.
Presented at the American Statistical Association meetings. Atlanta, 1822 August 1991.
Consulting/ Panels
1998 Advise Department of Agriculture Thailand on ecofriendly pesticides in fruit fly control.
2008-Current Applying GIS and Population Genetics for Managing Livestock Insect Pests working
2008 Advise on Ethiopia Tsetse Control efforts in Lake Abaya Control Program
2009 Advise Tsetse control efforts by CIRAD (French Government Research Organization) in Senegal.
2010 Advise Tsetse control efforts by CIRAD (French Government Research Organization) in Senegal.
2012 Advise Tsetse control efforts by CIRAD (French Government Research Organization) in Senegal.
2013 Advise Tsetse control efforts by CIRAD (French Government Research Organization) in Senegal
Professional Affiliations
Teaching Assignments
Semester/year course
Course / Teacher (max)
N.C. State
Ecology 517
Population Ecology (Env 216) Graduate Course
undergraduate teaching
graduate teaching
Research Support
2016: College teaching grant: Targeted Modules on Writing Well for Bioethics (Bio 370) $6000
2016: NSF: Ecological Modeling and Theory Development in Tsetse Fly: Pre-Proposal: Declined to
2015: NSF: Biological community function and invasion in a changing world /w Sam St. Clair, Brock
McMillan, Zachary Aanderud, & Rick Gill. Pre-Proposal: Invited; Full Grant: Declined
2015: Sant Fund for Student Nature Education. Ants in the Great Basin. $10,000.
2014: NSF: Biological community function and invasion in a changing world /w Sam St. Clair, Brock
McMillan, Zachary Aanderud, & Rick Gill. Pre-Proposal: Invited; Full Grant: Declined
2014: NSF: Model-based Suppression of Tsetse Fly Metapopulations in West Africa, w/ Jeremy Bouyer
(CRAID: France) Pre-Proposal: Declined
2014: Meg: Modeling the spatial population ecology of the trypanosome vector, Glossina palpalis
gambiensis, in Niayes region of Senegal using agent-based models. Declined.
2014: Sant: Using Ants as a Bioindicator of Ecological Changes Due to Climate Change in Utah’s
Laccoliths. Pending.
2014: Kennedy Center Study Abroad: World Parks in a Changing World. With Brigham Daniels, BYU
Law School. Pending.
2013. NSF: Model-based Suppression of Tsetse Fly Metapopulations in West Africa. PI: Steven L. Peck;
Co-PI: Jeremy Bouyer (CIRAD: Dakar, Senegal). Status: Denied.
2013 NSF: Developing a community-level framework for understanding desert ecosystem responses to
climate variability and disturbance. PI: Sam St. Clair; Co-PIs: Brock McMillain, Zachary Aanderud,
Steven L. Peck, Richard Gill. Status: Denied.
2012. Redd Center. Annaley Neagle Redd Assistantship. Cattle Ranching in the La Sal Mountains of
Southeastern Utah $8000.
2012. Denied. National Science Foundation. Spatial population ecology of trypanosome vector Glossina
Palpalis gambiensis in Niayes region of Senegal. With French organization CIRAD & University Gaston
Berger of Saint-louis, Senegal. $1,248,747, (Rated ‘Very Good’ by five reviewers, Poor by one).
2009. Denied. National Science Foundation. Modeling the effect of habitat fragmentation on the
population ecology of tsetse and trypaonosomiasis control in Africa. $1,400,000. Denied.
2006 USDA- Pacific Basin Agricultural Research Center. $20,000. Bacterial movement studies in Puna,
2005-2009. USDA- Pacific Basin Agricultural Research Center-supplement. $20,00. Understanding the
movement of Bactrocera dorsalis from mark-release-recapture studies and theoretical modeling studies:
Enhancing wide-area control interventions.
August 2002-2003. June Sucker Recovery Program, M. C. Belk and S. Peck. Development of a life-stage
model for June sucker.
January, 2002, Kennedy Center. $2,500. Travel to attend conference in South Africa.
May 1, 2001. $12,765 Sant Endowment. Ant biodiversity and spatial distribution in the Great Basin:
toward developing ants as an indicator of habitat change.
PI: Steven L. Peck.
August 3, 2001. $4727. Religious Studies Center. Natural Stewardship: Why we should care for the earth.
LDS perspectives on the Environment.
August 31, 2001. $1500 Kennedy Center. Working in Tam Dao National Park, Vietnam.
May 6, 2000. $6000. Awarded through Academic Vice Presidents Office for Undergraduate Research.
Title: Developing a laboratory strain of ants.
Academic Awards
2023 Eliza R. Snow Grant, Eliza R. Snow Grant, "bringing LDS perspectives to the academic
disciplines, or in expressing LDS perspectives in creative work."
1999 Certificate of Merit USDA, Agriculture Research Service. $2000. For successful management
and execution of the malathion-suredye-spinosad comparison tests assigned by ARS National Program
1998 Lucus Research Award. Department of Biomathematics. $200.00.
(Awarded to the best Dissertation or Thesis from the Biomathematics Department in 1997)
2014-Present Search Committee Chair
2012-Present Awards Committee
2012: Professional Development Committee Interim Chair
2007-2012: Biology Department Professional Development Committee
2010-2011 Arthropod Hire Search Committee
2000-2008 Faculty Advisor for the Student Environmental Science Journal: Borrowed Earth
Acta Tropica, Agriculture and Human Values, Biology & Philosophy, Conservation Society, Ecological
Applications, Ecological Theory, Ecology, Environmental Entomology, Evolution, Journal of Economic
Entomology, Medical Principles and Practice, Philosophy of Science, PLoS One, Oikos, Royal Society B,
Science, Transactions of the Society for Modeling and Simulation International.