Wythall Radio Club 2014-11
Wythall Radio Club 2014-11
Wythall Radio Club 2014-11
The stack now includes, from the top: And we suspect there may be a few beers
downed in celebration once that is done
56 element 23cms Tonna Yagi
Well done Chairman Mike and all the
19 element 432MHz LFA-LN Yagi, with
helpers. This has been a mammoth pro-
directive gain of 18.3dBi on a 4.56m ject.
13 element 144MHz LFA Yagi , with di-
rective gain of 16.1dBi on a 8m boom
6/6 (12) element 50/70MHz Yagi with
directive gain of approx 11dBi on a 5.4m
Multiband HF Yagi - XR5-T - 9 element
20 thru 10 m Force12 Yagi on a 3.5m
boom, all on a new 20ft stub pole.
Training News
The advanced course is now half way would be on Monday 2nd March. If you although we will be providing these at
through with the exam planned for Mon- think you would be interested in this Wythall if required. If you are interested in
day 8th December. We have ten people course then please register your interest the online Foundation course again regis-
sitting the exam; the class of 9 plus with Chris G0EYO on ter your interest with Chris G0EYO on
Terry 2E0XTV. For that reason we will g0eyo@blueyonder.co.uk. g0eyo@blueyonder.co.uk
be using the Britannia Room that eve-
Simultaneously, for those locally or even We now have a check list for exam invigi-
ning, which will give us plenty of room further afield and who cannot make to a lators and exam secretaries to make sure
for candidates to spread themselves out. classroom course and are looking for we are administering exams correctly.
home study, we will be running an on- The RSGB are also going to run a new
The club will be holding a Foundation line Foundation course via Edmodo Train the Trainers session in Tamworth
Course in the club-room on Monday commencing around same time. Obvi- on Sat 31st January and at least a couple
evenings from 8pm onwards commenc- ously, those participating in the on-line of us are planning to go. If you are inter-
ing on 26th January for 6 weeks with the Foundation course will have to find a ested contact Chris G0EYO.
practical assessments being carried out club local to them who can provide prac-
on Saturday 14th February. The exam tical assessment and exam facilities, Chris G0EYO
The next issue of the Wythall Radio Club Newsletter will be published at the beginning of Jan 2015
Editor: Chris Pettitt G0EYO, 23 Dark Lane, Hollywood, Birmingham, B47 5BS. Phone: 07710 412 819, E-mail: g0eyo@blueyonder.co.uk