IUMW PHD Brochure 2023 1

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Whether for professional or personal
development, completing a PhD can be
a hugely rewarding experience.
Contribute to new knowledge in your

Programmes field, while furthering your passion and

deepening your understanding in your

Overview area of studies. Through high-quality

research practice and prudent guidance,
PhD programmes at IUMW are designed
to provide a holistic platform for research
success. Students get access to online
resources, alongside valuable exposure
through conference participation and
research publication.

A collaboration between
the University of Wales and Universiti Malaya.

1893 1905
Formation of University of Wales (UW) Formation of Universiti Malaya (UM)

Formed by Royal Charter in 1893, the University of The oldest university in Malaysia, Universiti
Wales was regarded as one of the most important Malaya has its roots in Singapore with the
political and social developments in the establishment of King Edward VII College of
nineteenth century. Medicine on 28 September 1905.
IUMW at a
Owned by two prestigious
universities, the International
University of Malaya-Wales (IUMW)

was established based on a mutual
partnership between Universiti
Malaya (UM) & the University of
Wales (UW), UK in 2013. Since then,
the university has experienced
A University born from a rich tremendous growth, and remains
committed to delivering education
history, with an exciting future. based on employability to develop
students who are ready to contribute
towards the next industrial revolution.

2013 2015 2023

Formation of IUMW, First convocation of IUMW A community of almost 3000
joint-venture of UW and UM. graduates. students, staff and alumni
from across the globe.
Part-time available
Duration of Study

The Doctor of Business Administration (DBA) programme comprises modules that Malaysian Students International Students
emphasise the transformational needs of today’s corporate leaders. It provides the tools you 3 years (min) 3 years (min)
need for career advancement and global networking opportunities.

Your doctoral degree is a pathway to making a meaningful impact across industries and
communities using advanced skills and practices. At IUMW, our programme is designed to Intakes | January / September
be rigorous and holistic.

The combination of knowledge from both industry and academia delivered through an Programme Modules
applied approach will give you everything you need to excel in your chosen field.
Year 1
• Doctoral Research and Academic Writing
• Qualitative Research Design
• Quantitative Research Methods
• Visions for the Future – Contemporary
ENTRY REQUIREMENTS Perspectives on Management
• A Master’s degree (Level 7, MQF) in related fields; OR • Strategic Change and Organisational Dynamics
• A Master’s degree in non-related fields with relevant working experience can be • Managing in Dynamic Environments: Strategies,
accepted, subject to a rigorous internal assessment; OR Insights and Solutions
• A Master’s degree in non-related fields without relevant working experience, subject to
passing prerequisite course; OR Year 2
• Other equivalent qualifications recognised by the Government of Malaysia. • Entrepreneurial Perspectives
• Visions for the Future – Contemporary
Perspectives on Marketing
English language competency requirements for international students:
• Proof of English proficiency certification will be required e.g IELTS, MUET, TOEFL. • Visions for the Future – Contemporary
See the website for the minimum qualifying score Perspectives on Accounting and Finance
• English language requirements can be waived if the international student EITHER • Management Consultancy
comes from a country that uses English as the official language OR the entry
qualification uses English as the medium of instruction Year 3
• Dissertation
(PROFESSIONAL Full-time and
Part-time available
(R/321/8/0107)(12/25)(MQA/FA4244) Duration of Study
Full-time Part-time
This research programme is aimed towards future researchers who are eager to explore and
3 years (min) 3 years (min)
discover new concepts, explanations, and ideas in the communication field. This programme
caters to students who possess a strong theoretical background and wish to undertake
independent research with the guidance of one or more faculty members.
Intakes | January / September
The research curriculum of the PhD programme consists of an in-depth investigation into
specific issues related to professional communication, with the aim of adding to existing
knowledge, as well as contributing new and groundbreaking knowledge to the field. We
inspire students to exhibit an awareness of issues and developments in their chosen field,
Programme Modules
and increase students’ competence in providing novel solutions to issues encountered in Phase 1
career development and growth. Coursework
Three core courses
• Academic Writing
• Research Methodologies
RESEARCH PROPOSAL • Communication Theories
Applicants for the Doctor of Philosophy (Professional Communication) programme are
required to submit a comprehensive statement of the research which they propose to
carry out. The proposal should comprise the following elements. The Colloquium allows students to gain public
• Field of research speaking experience, learn about student research
• Topic of research proposal from fields within and outside their academic
• Background or a brief literature review on the research topic discipline, and experience judging methods used by
• Objective of study - Explain the objectives that influence the research professional panels for national and international
• The Methodology of study - Explain the methods used in the study such as library meetings.
research, lab work, field work, etc.
• Work schedule
Phase 2
• Equipment required (where applicable)
• Brief bibliography Proposal Defence
• The research proposal should contain between 1,500 - 2,000 words or about four (4) • Each student must submit the first three chapters
pages of his or her thesis for internal assessment. They
must then present and defend their PhD research
proposal. The student is only allowed to continue
with the research to Phase 3 on the passing of
the defence of their proposal.
• A Master’s degree (Level 7, MQF) in Communication or other related discipline
accepted by the Senate; OR Phase 3
• Other equivalent qualifications recognised by the Government of Malaysia; OR
Data Collection and Thesis Preparation
• Candidates without a related qualification in the field/s or working experience in the
relevant fields must undergo appropriate prerequisite course determined by HEP. • The student proceeds to his/her data collection,
• Candidates with excellent Bachelor’s degree (Level 6, MQF) based on the following data analysis and thesis writing
I. Obtained first-class Bachelor’s Degree or equivalent qualification; OR Work Completion Seminar
II. Obtained CGPA of at least 3.67 or equivalent; AND The Work Completion Seminar serves as a
III. Subject to rigorous internal assessment (includes submission of 3000-word moderation process to assess whether the work
research proposal). done by the candidate is sufficient for the PhD
English language competency requirements for international students:
degree. The candidate must pass this before their
• Proof of English proficiency certification will be required e.g IELTS, MUET, TOEFL. thesis is allowed to proceed to Viva Voce.
See the website for the minimum qualifying score
• English language requirements can be waived if the international student EITHER Phase 4
comes from a country that uses English as the official language OR the entry Viva Voce
qualification uses English as the medium of instruction • After submitting the thesis, the student is required
to attend a Viva Voce to defend his/her thesis
Full-time and
Part-time available

The PhD programme provides students with a globally versatile education consisting of
advanced knowledge and skills in project management, conducted through research.
Duration of Study
Full-time Part-time
The programme is designed with industrial orientation and will benefit those in a range of 3 years (min) 3 years (min)
sectors and industries. Students will demonstrate the body of knowledge in project
management across various functional areas such as construction, engineering, aerospace,
architecture, maintenance, facilities management, disaster management, biotechnology, oil
& gas, logistics, factory automation, information systems, information & communication Intakes | January / September
technology, digital technology, education, research & development, innovation, management
and operations.
Programme Modules
Students are taught advanced skills in research, and will develop project management
expertise and a scholarly level of awareness, enabling them to expertly demonstrate the key Phase 1
principles of project management. Coursework
Two core courses
• Research Process and Academic Writing
• Research Design and Methodology
Applicants for the Doctor of Philosophy (Project Management) programme are required
to submit a comprehensive statement of the research which they propose to carry out. The Colloquium allows students to gain public
The proposal should comprise the following elements: speaking experience, learn about student research
• Field of research from fields within and outside their academic
• Topic of research proposal discipline, and experience judging methods used by
• Background or a brief literature review on the research topic professional panels for national and international
• Objective of study - Explain the objectives that influence the research meetings.
• The Methodology of study - Explain the methods used in the study
• Work schedule
Phase 2
• References
• The research proposal should contain between 1,500 - 2,000 words or about four (4) Proposal Defence
pages • Each student must submit the first three chapters
of his or her thesis for internal assessment. They
must then present and defend their PhD research
proposal. The student is only allowed to continue
with the research to Phase 3 on the passing of
• A Master’s degree (Level 7, MQF) in Project Management or other related discipline the defence of their proposal.
accepted by the Senate; OR
• A Master’s degree in non-related fields with relevant working experience can be
Phase 3
accepted, subject to a rigorous internal assessment; OR
• A Master’s degree in non-related fields without relevant working experience, subject to Data Collection and Thesis Preparation
passing prerequisite course; OR • The student proceeds to his/her data collection,
• Other equivalent qualifications recognised by the Government of Malaysia. data analysis and thesis writing
• Candidates with excellent Bachelor’s degree (Level 6, MQF) based on the following
conditions: Work Completion Seminar
I. Obtained first-class Bachelor’s degree or equivalent qualification; OR The Work Completion Seminar serves as a
II. Obtained CGPA of at least 3.67 or equivalent; AND moderation process to assess whether the work
III. Subject to rigorous internal assessment (includes submission of 3000-word
research proposal).
done by the candidate is sufficient for the PhD
degree. The candidate must pass this before their
English language competency requirements for international students: thesis is allowed to proceed to Viva Voce.
• Proof of English proficiency certification will be required e.g IELTS, MUET, TOEFL.
See the website for the minimum qualifying score Phase 4
• English language requirements can be waived if the international student EITHER Viva Voce
comes from a country that uses English as the official language OR the entry • After submitting the thesis, the student is required
qualification uses English as the medium of instruction to attend a Viva Voce to defend his/her thesis
Part-time available
Duration of Study

At IUMW, our main business is to provide you with a high-quality, globally versatile education. Full-time Part-time
Our Doctor of Philosophy (Business) programme is designed to prepare our students for an 3 years (min) 3 years (min)
outstanding career as an academic or researcher, in the public or private sector of multiple

The research curriculum in our PhD programme consists of an in-depth investigation into Intakes | January / September
specific research issues related to a variety of sub-disciplines in the business world.
Emphasis is placed on enhancing current knowledge, while developing cutting-edge
innovations. Students are expected to have strong theoretical and research foundations to be Programme Modules
able to conduct rigorous, empirical inquiry.
Phase 1
• Research Methodology

RESEARCH PROPOSAL The Colloquium allows students to gain public
speaking experience, learn about student research
Applicants for the Doctor of Philosophy (Business) programme are required to submit a
comprehensive statement of the research which they propose to carry out. The proposal from fields within and outside their academic
should comprise the following elements: discipline, and experience judging methods used by
• Field of research professional panels for national and international
• Topic of research proposal meetings.
• Background or a brief literature review on the research topic
• Objective of study - Explain the objectives that influence the research Phase 2
• The Methodology of study - Explain the methods used in the study Proposal Defence
• Work schedule
• Each student must submit the first three chapters
• References
• The research proposal should contain between 1,500 - 2,000 words or about four (4) of his or her thesis for internal assessment. They
pages must then present and defend their PhD research
proposal. The student is only allowed to continue
with the research to Phase 3 on the passing of
the defence of their proposal.
• A Master’s degree (Level 7, MQF) in Business or other related discipline accepted by Phase 3
the Senate; OR Data Collection and Thesis Preparation
• A Master’s degree in non-related fields with relevant working experience can be
• The student proceeds to his/her data collection,
accepted, subject to a rigorous internal assessment; OR
• A Master’s degree in non-related fields without relevant working experience, subject to data analysis and thesis writing
passing prerequisite course; OR
• Other equivalent qualifications recognised by the Government of Malaysia. Work Completion Seminar
• Candidates with excellent Bachelor’s degree (Level 6, MQF) based on the following The Work Completion Seminar serves as a
conditions: moderation process to assess whether the work
I. Obtained first class Bachelor’s degree or equivalent qualification; OR done by the candidate is sufficient for the PhD
II. Obtained CGPA of at least 3.67 or equivalent; AND degree. The candidate must pass this before their
III. Subject to rigorous internal assessment (includes submission of 3000-word
research proposal).
thesis is allowed to proceed to Viva Voce.

English language competency requirements for international students: Phase 4

• Proof of English proficiency certification will be required e.g IELTS, MUET, TOEFL. Viva Voce
See the website for the minimum qualifying score • After submitting the thesis, the student is required
• English language requirements can be waived if the international student EITHER to attend a Viva Voce to defend his/her thesis
comes from a country that uses English as the official language OR the entry
qualification uses English as the medium of instruction
Part-time available
Duration of Study
(R/481/8/0595)(11/26)( MQA/FA5319)

Our Doctor of Philosophy (Computer Science) is a full research programme aimed to nurture Full-time Part-time
scholarly graduates who are ready to become critical analytic researchers, academicians, 3 years (min) 3 years (min)
consultants, specialists, entrepreneurs and top level managers equipped with
in-depth expertise and research skills.

Our PhD programme is designed to hone graduates who are innovative and impeccably Intakes | January / September
knowledgeable in the area of computer science particularly in artificial intelligence, machine
learning, evolutionary computation and Big Data science. In line with the principles of
entrepreneurship, innovation and sustainability, the programme is engineered to provide a Programme Modules
holistic platform for individual success and professional development through high-quality
research training and prudent guidance. Phase 1
Two core courses
• Research Process and Academic Writing
• Research Design and Methodology
Applicants for the Doctor of Philosophy (Computer Science) programme are required to Colloquium
submit a comprehensive statement of the research which they propose to carry out. The The Colloquium allows students to gain public
proposal should comprise the following elements: speaking experience, learn about student research
• Field of research from fields within and outside their academic
• Topic of research proposal discipline, and experience judging methods used by
• Background or a brief literature review on the research topic professional panels for national and international
• Objective of study - Explain the objectives that influence the research meetings.
• The Methodology of study - Explain the methods used in the study
• Work schedule
• References Phase 2
• The research proposal should contain between 1,500 - 2,000 words or about four (4) Proposal Defence
pages • Each student must submit the first three chapters
of his or her thesis for internal assessment. They
must then present and defend their PhD research
proposal. The student is only allowed to continue
with the research to Phase 3 on the passing of
• A Master’s degree (Level 7, MQF) in Computing or other related discipline accepted the defence of their proposal.
by the Senate; OR
• Other equivalent qualifications recognised by the Government of Malaysia; OR
Phase 3
• Candidates without a related qualification in the field/s or working experience in the
relevant fields must undergo appropriate prerequisite course determined by HEP. Data Collection and Thesis Preparation
• Candidates with excellent Bachelor’s degree (Level 6, MQF) based on the following • The student proceeds to his/her data collection,
conditions: data analysis and thesis writing
I. Obtained first-class Bachelor’s Degree or equivalent qualification; OR
II. Obtained CGPA of at least 3.67 or equivalent; AND Work Completion Seminar
III. Subject to rigorous internal assessment (includes submission of 3000-word The Work Completion Seminar serves as a
research proposal). moderation process to assess whether the work
done by the candidate is sufficient for the PhD
English language competency requirements for international students:
• Proof of English proficiency certification will be required e.g IELTS, MUET, TOEFL. degree. The candidate must pass this before their
See the website for the minimum qualifying score thesis is allowed to proceed to Viva Voce.
• English language requirements can be waived if the international student EITHER
comes from a country that uses English as the official language OR the entry Phase 4
qualification uses English as the medium of instruction Viva Voce
• After submitting the thesis, the student is required
to attend a Viva Voce to defend his/her thesis
International University of Malaya-Wales
DU039(W) 201101030828 (958963-T)

Administration Wing, 1st Floor, Block A, City Campus, Jalan Tun Ismail, 50480 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
+603 2617 3299 +6012 344 9661 enquiry@iumw.edu.my iumw.edu.my

Disclaimer IUMW has used reasonable endeavours to ensure that the information contained in this publication is correct at the time of printing but this information may be subject to corrections or changes without prior notice.
IUMW reserves the right to alter, change, or discontinue programmes and courses without prior notice. IUMW assumes no responsibility for the accuracy of information provided by third parties. The publication of programme
details in this document does not create an obligation on the part of IUMW to teach a programme in any given year, or teach it in the mode described in this publication. It is the responsibility of students to check and confirm
all general and programme specific information prior to application and enrolment. In particular, programme offerings, duration, mode, commencement, campus location, fees, and entry requirements need to be checked and
confirmed. The information in this brochure is correct at the time of printing (June 2023). Changes may be made without prior notice. Refer to IUMW’s official website for the latest updates.

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