Condonation or Rermission Art. 1270 1274
Condonation or Rermission Art. 1270 1274
Condonation or Rermission Art. 1270 1274
of Obligation
like a
Condonation Or
On it!
Let's get
Art. 1270-1274
What is Art. 1270?
artiles What is Art. 1274?
One and the other kind shall subject to the rules which govern
inofficious donations. Express condonation shall, furthermore, comply
with the forms of donation
contrary to moral
Implied A release from Given without
obligation, as the
forgiveness debt or claim consideration
disinheritance of a
child by his parents:
an inofficious will.
What is condonation?
Condonation or
remission is the A owes B 100,000 payable on May 1,
gratuitous abandonment 2023. Now here comes May 1, 2023 B
said to A that he do not need to pay
by the creditor of his
the 100,000 pesos.
right in favor of the
It must be Gratuitous
As to its Date of
As to Extent As to its Form Effectivity
As to extent
Complete Partial
When it covers the entire
obligation When it does not cover the entire
Express Impliedly
When it is made either When it can only inferred in
verbally or in written form conduct
One of the requisite of condonation or
remission in order to be valid as donation is, it
must not be inofficious because it is a contrary
against moral obligation. Therefore, the
donation is invalid because it will prejudice a
third person or the donation will be reduced by
the court as stated in article 1270.
Article 1271
The delivery of a private document evidencing a credit, made
voluntarily by the creditor to the debtor, implies the renunciation of
the action which the former had against the latter.
If the note was voluntarily delivered to A, The presumption
is that the debt has been paid.
If it is known that the debt is not yet paid and the note is
voluntary delivered by B, then the presumption is that the
obligation has been remitted by B, Unless B proves the
Contrary. (Art. 1271)
Article 1272