Quiz 2
Quiz 2
Quiz 2
Name: __________________________________________________________________
Date: _______________ Grade: ______________ Section: ___________________
(Use this for your answer sheet)
Topic: Competencies in Entrepreneurship and Job opportunities for
Entrepreneurship as a career
Assessment 2.2
DIRECTIONS: As would-be Entrepreneur, you are tasked to write down at least 3 potential career
opportunities that you can engage in your locality which attract you most. Indicate what competencies you
need to enhance in order to become successful in these opportunities. Write your answer in the space
provided. Briefly explain the potential career opportunities you have chosen.
Criteria Excellent Good Needs No Judgement
improvement Possible
Relevance Excellent idea is Almost states the Few cited Shows no answer
presented with idea but not the answers are for all of the
consistency to the exact thought given in all questions
topic being asked questions
Completeness States clearly and Almost states the Few ideas are Shows no answer
concisely the idea idea but not the presented but for all of the
presented exact thought not the exact questions
Prepared by:
CRITERIA 20 points 15 points 2 points
Completenes Shows Shows 1 Shows no
s answers for answer for answer for
all the all of the all of the
questions questions questions
Originality Shows Shows solicit Shows no
original expressions expressions
expressions of answers of answers
of answers
Prepared by:
CRITERIA 20 points 15 points 2 points
Completenes Shows Shows 1 Shows no
s answers for answer for answer for
all the all of the all of the
questions questions questions
Creativity Shows Shows solicit Shows no
original expressions expressions
expressions of answers of answers
of answers
Prepared by: