Advance Payment Guarantee Urdg758

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Guarantee No.:



Expiry Date:

Guarantee Amount:

Underlying relationship: [Contract/Purchase Order/etc.] No.       dated      , for the supply of
[description of goods/services] (the “Contract”)

We have been informed that the Applicant has entered into the Contract with you, the Beneficiary.

Furthermore, we understand that, according to the conditions of the Contract, one or more
advance payments are to be made against an advance payment guarantee.

As guarantor we, Nordea [specify branch], hereby irrevocably undertake to pay you any amount up
to the Guarantee Amount, upon presentation of your complying demand, specifying the amount of
the demand, and including your statement stating in what respect the Applicant is in breach of its
obligation(s) under the Contract.

The amount payable under this guarantee shall not, however, exceed the aggregate amount of the
above-mentioned advance payment(s) received at the Applicant’s account number [account no in
IBAN format] maintained with [Nordea, BIC code]. Each such received advance payment shall, in
order to be taken into consideration, identify:
i) this guarantee; or
ii) the above-mentioned Contract; or
iii) the related invoice(s), in which case a copy of such invoice(s) shall be presented
together with your demand.

Place for Presentation: [Bank name and address]

This guarantee shall expire upon the earlier of:

a) the mere return to us of the original guarantee document; or
b) the Expiry Date
(the “Expiry”).

Any demand under this guarantee must be received by us at the Place for Presentation indicated
above on or before the Expiry as a manually signed paper document.

All documents must be presented in the English language.

For the purpose of identification, any demand for payment under this guarantee has to be
supported by a statement of your bank – via authenticated SWIFT (MT7XX) to NDEAXXXX, or by
a letter – confirming that the signature(s) on the demand is/are legally binding on you.

This guarantee is subject to the Uniform Rules for Demand Guarantees (URDG), 2010 revision,
ICC Publication No. 758.

[Place and date]

Nordea [specify branch]
General information

Nordea disclaims liability for any delay, non-return of documents, non-payment or other action or
inaction due to sanctions imposed by the United Nations, the European Union, the United States,
or the United Kingdom

This attachment is for information purposes only and not part of the terms and conditions of the

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