S.B.A. Compiled English A - Jordana Reneau 4IS Advance

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Candidate Name: Jordana Reneau

Candidate Number: ______________
Centre Number: 040027
Teacher’s Name: Ms. Dietrich Laing
Territory: Belize
Table of Content

Plan of Investigation…………………………………………. Page 1

Individual artifacts ……………………………………………. Page 2

Reflection 1…………………………………………………….. Page 6

Reflection 2………………………………………………….. Page 7

Reflection 3…………………………………………………… Page 8

Group artifacts…………………………………………………. Page 9

Written Report………………………………………………. Page 12

Plan of Oral Presentation……………………………………. Page 13

References……………………………………………………. Page 14
Plan of Investigation

The candidate chose the subtopic of ‘the effect of the economy on poverty’, from the main topic
of ‘poverty’ because it is a widespread issue in the both the Caribbean region, and globally. The
candidate believes it will serve as a form of self- awareness through factual research and
objective opinions. As an English student some skills that the candidate expects to be developed
is to learn the analysing of data, improving communication skills, and critical thinking skills. The
candidate concluded that the use of online articles, information from libraries, and oral
testimonies are what would be ideal for collecting information about this subtopic. Through the
completion of the SBA what is intended to obtain is an in- depth and unbiased understanding of
poverty, its effects, causes, and ways it can be helped.
Individual Artifacts

Artefact 1: Article titled ‘Economic context for poverty in Belize’

Belize is a small country on the Caribbean coast bordering Mexico and Guatemala. With a per
capita income of $ 4.906, the World Bank considers Belize an upper-middle income country.
Despite this status, however, poverty in Belize is high. Of the nearly 360,000 individuals in
Belize, 43 percent live below the national poverty line. Of this percentage, 16 percent face
extreme poverty.
The nation’s economy provides context for Belize’s poverty. However, it seems like Belize
should not face such high rates of poverty. For example, Belize is integrated with global
and trade. Since gaining its independence from the United Kingdom in 1981, Belize has
a member of organizations such as the United Nations, the Organization of American States,
Central American Integration System and the Caribbean Community.
Belize’s location and its membership in these organizations allow the country to serve as a
bridge between Central America and the Caribbean. Regarding the domestic economy, Belize
has a booming tourism industry, which employs 25 of working Belize citizens. Tourism has
picked up because Belize possesses the largest living coral reef in the world, and this attracts
many divers and marine enthusiasts. Furthermore, U.S. economic expansion has helped boost
tourism industry.
However, Belize still faces challenges to economic growth and stability. The country’s
is dependent on agriculture, manufacture and tourism. Belize produces citrus, sugar, bananas
fisheries and manufactures petroleum. Profit from petroleum can fluctuate depending on
commodity prices for oil. Both agriculture and tourism in Belize, which account for 13
and 25 percent of the GDP respectively, are influenced by weather conditions.
Belize must also confront its high debt repayments. In 2005, Belize’s debt to GDP ratio was
percent. By 2014, this percentage decreased to 78.6 percent. However, this ratio is still high
restricts the government’s budget for development programming.
The current economy is not conducive to reducing poverty in Belize. Belize must accelerate
national income growth and ameliorate the growing wealth disparity. The slow-growing
economy and high debts prohibit spending on social services and investment in human capital.
Furthermore, Belize’s resources and economic sectors alone will not resolve issues of poverty.
Poverty in Belize can only be reduced with help from international donors.
Fortunately, Belize has received aid from Official Development Assistance (ODA) and
Direct Investment (FDI). Belize also receives aid and assistance from a number of countries
organizations including Cuba, Venezuela, the United States, the Organization of American
and the Inter-American Institute for Cooperation on Agriculture.
Though reducing poverty in Belize may have a long way to go, Belize is on the right track
the foreign aid they receive and their membership in development organizations.

Written by: Christiana Lano

Link: https://borgenproject.org/poverty-in-belize-2/

Artefact 2: Video titled ‘Constraints to Economic Growth; 52% Poverty in Belize’

Dr. Osmond Martinez, C.E.O., Ministry of Economic Development
“From 1995 to 2002, there was an increase in poverty; 2002 to 2007 another increase; 2009 to
2018, another increase which puts us now, pre-COVID at fifty-two point three percent of
in Belize. Six out of ten children live below the poverty line. There is an objective as one that
was actually promised through the Briceño administration through PlanBelize and that is to
reduce poverty by fifty percent by the year 2030. Within the medium term development
that is being developed within the Ministry of Economic Development, the strategy number
is the reduction of poverty. So this is how serious the Briceño administration is in the
of poverty and the only way we will be able to do it is through economic activities. I believe
unanimously, everyone would agree that there needs to be an increase and reform in the
education system. It is also important for Belize to increase its human capita and the only way
we can do this is through education. And I will always believe in this saying that education
should not be part of sustainable development, education is sustainable development and the
secret to come out of poverty is sustainable development.”

Written by: Channel 7 Belize

Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q5gX-tzD_D4

Artefact 3- Poem titled ‘Government caused poverty’

Havoc being played upon an earth of people as they struggle
to live from day to day.
Making ends meet is no longer a tangible way of being.
Government has crept and cramped our lives with their inane
rules and greediness, tossing everyone onto waves of
homelessness and poverty, causing more violence, as people
try to adjust to an existence of mere simplicity.
CEO's, financiers, bankers, politicians and developers have
put us into a tailspin of economic recession and are now
expecting the American public to bail them out of their
extravagant ways of life - lives that they were/are living
at our expense.
Who’s going to help us as we live on edges of the little we
have left?
We don’t see anyone waiting in line to hand us money - not
even to exist on.
Written by: RoseAnn V. Shawiak
Link: https://www.poemhunter.com/poem/government-caused-poverty/
Reflection 1

Poverty refers to the lack of finance to afford various necessities such as food, clothing, and
shelter. Poverty caused by a weak economy is an issue that many countries face and there is no
difference for those living in Belize. The candidate’s artefacts for her topic brings out awareness
in the large percentage of Belizeans who struggle in poverty due to a weak economy and speaks
about ways international aid may stop it. The artefacts allowed for empathy towards those who
struggle with these problems, and to realize that many share the same situations. It also brought
an emotion of criticism towards the many governments that allow their people to stay in poverty
without trying to help them.
Reflection 2

Language is used effectively in the three artifacts; they each contained different methods of
language to portray the subtopic informatively. The candidate’s article “Economic Context for
Poverty in Belize” uses facts and statistics in lines 3-4 and states of the nearly 360,000
individuals in Belize, and 43 percent live below the national poverty line. The video that was
analysed titled “Constraints to Economic Growth; 52% Poverty in Belize”, is an informative
video and discusses that there is an objective promised by a governmental administration through
Plan Belize that is to reduce poverty by fifty percent by the year 2030. In the candidate’s poem
titled “Government Caused Poverty”, the author utilizes the use of hyperboles in the first verse
‘Havoc being played upon an earth of people as they struggle to live from day to day’, to
emphasize their points.
Reflection 3

The SBA conducted was on the subtopic ‘The Effect of the Economy on Poverty in Belize’, of
which was chosen from the main topic of poverty. The reason the subtopic was chosen was due
to the many issues caused by a weak economy, and how people are less informed about these
issues. The Plan of investigation, reflection 1 and 2, the oral presentation, and the written report
provided the necessary knowledge on the issues caused by a weak or lacking economy, such as
loss of jobs, low paying jobs, lack of education, and crime. The candidate’s subtopic displays
knowledge, opinions, and provides information about how a lacking economy that doesn’t utilize
its resources properly, impacts those living in poverty. It also speaks about the fact that
international aid may assist in alleviating the poverty present in the country of Belize.
Group Artifacts

Artifact # 1: News article: What is poverty?

Poverty refers to insufficient funds for basic needs like food, water, shelter, and toiletries,
particularly in developing countries like West and Sub-Saharan Africa, Latin America,
Caribbean, and Asia. The World Bank measures poverty based on extreme poverty,
where individuals have less than $1 a day to live on, and moderate poverty, where people
live on less than $2 a day. In 2001, 1.1 billion people were considered extremely poor,
while 2.7 billion were moderately poor. In developed countries, the working poor are
often unemployed and receive government money, often less than what they need for a
comfortable life.they are many ways to tell if a country is poor by itsGross Domestic
Product (GDP) and Human Development Index (HDI) are two measures to determine a
country's wealth or poverty. GDP measures trade within a country, while HDI measures
life expectancy and literacy rates.Poverty hinders a country's progress, and educating
poor people can help lower it. Education teaches them their rights and demonstrates their
potential for economic growth. The Vienna Declaration emphasizes the importance of
government support in helping poor people improve, as it hinders their progress.
Artifact # 2: Story: Poverty pushed me into the world of crime, but I turned my life

I got married to a wealthy man when I was young. He took me right after I finished high
school, and I had no qualms about it because I was in love.
With him, I dreamt of having a happy and fulfilling life, with many children who would
fill our days with joy. But this turned out to be an illusion. No sooner had I settled into
my new home than my husband began cheating on me and becoming abusive.
This totally broke my heart. I escaped with my children and returned to my parents’
home. But I was not welcome, and my father chased me away.
It is then that I decided to go to Salgaa in Nakuru County. I immediately got a job as a
waiter in one of the bars, which enabled me to get some income. But the opportunity was
One day, someone broke into the establishment and stole money. I was falsely accused of
committing the crime and jailed as a result.
Luckily, I ended up being released on bail. I was glad to be free! However, I was also
stressed, as I did not have a job.
The desperation to make ends meet drove me to start engaging in criminal activities like
siphoning fuel off trucks as well as commercial sex work.
As a result, I got into problems with the law many times until I decided to turn my life
around for the sake of my children.
I made a deliberate decision to move out of Salgaa town and went to the outskirts where
it is calm and peaceful.
Now, I have focused all my energy on farming. I have cultivated maize on my farm,
which gives me sufficient food for my family and also enables me to generate income.
Poverty and desperation pushed me into the world of illegal activities. And this is the
case, for many women engaging in commercial sex work and crime at Salgaa.
No one dreams of having such a destiny. When we are young, we all desire to make it in
life through morally acceptable economic activities. However, things happen in life that
distort our reality and make us fall.
Nevertheless, I have realised that God never forgets us. He will bring opportunities
through various people and continuously put you in situations that push you to change.
I was lucky to have access to financial resources and get help with my farm business,
which is helping me to expand my agricultural activities slowly by slowly.
Aside from the maize, I have also ventured into poultry farming which is doing well. I am
really proud of the person I have become.
With support and mentorship, I believe that it is possible to transform the lives of many
women in Salgaa and give them hope for a better tomorrow.

Artifact # 3: Poem: Methods to Alleviate Poverty

Eradication of poverty all over the world

A must and justice to the people
Poverty is not at all a curse or to blame
It is surely the system’s failure in sharing.

Poverty the most dreaded thing to experience

To a thinking mind to live without food
Or to the barest minimum of necessities
where it is denied is a cruel thing to experience

Blame the world of poverty and try for corrections

Share the resources to such an equality
At least for two square meals a day
And minimum necessities that humans want
Respect the human being and its dignity all over
Surely poverty is the most objectionable thing
The confidence of life losing in its bottom lines
The unhelpful society accuses the poverty as fate.

The world is so improved in living conditions

But the system in sharing is rotten and old
Change those inequalities in perfect peace
Allowing the human life more possibilities and change.

Life is short and human life is precious

Only the world order can save the humans
The world is fully capable to look after
If there is a perfect world with change of mind
Contentment, kindness, and humanity be preserved.
Written report
The SBA initiated with the selection of group members. The candidates chose the main
topic “Poverty”, from which subtopics were selected. These subtopics are, “What is
Poverty”, “How does Poverty Influence Crime, “Methods to Alleviate Poverty”, “The
Effects of poverty on education” and “The effects the economy has on poverty. From
there the candidates began the research by formulating the plan of investigation. Three
artifacts were then chosen for each subtopic from which reflections 1, 2, and an oral
presentation were done. Finally, the candidates created the written report and reflection 3.

The candidates collaborated and discussed the main topic, written report, and artefacts.
The candidates, through collaboration, decided on three artefacts of fifteen, to portray a
representation of their topic in a written report. Despite some challenges in
communication, the candidates achieved success in research and data editing skills.

The three artefacts chosen: Artefact 1- newspapers article discusses the main topic,
Artefact 2 -story the short story shows the effect of the main topic, Artefact 3-poem was
constructed to show the eradication of the main topic.

Poverty affects children limiting access to education, justice, security, health, and
exposes high levels of violence. Others shouldn’t be criticized for being in poverty
because it is out of their control. Poverty is mostly man-made, whereby only few has
heaps of resources, and those privileged aren’t keen on assisting those who are

The candidates found that ‘poverty’ has many effects on people, such as crime, the
economy, and education and how it impacts many people. This of which, is shown in
each of the artefacts about poverty. Even though there are ways to alleviate poverty it is
still an ongoing issue that is prominent in the world.
Plan of Oral Presentation

The candidate chose the genre of a newscast to present the subtopic as it facilitates for the
presentation of the ‘Effect of the economy on poverty in Belize’. The oral presentation consisted
of the discussion of the 3 artefacts. An article titled “Economic Context for Poverty in Belize”
was discussed stating that 46% of Belize’s population faces poverty, but with international aid
may be on its way to halt poverty. A video was discussed about the increase in poverty from
1995- 2018 and the programs the government has set in place in order to alleviate poverty.
Lastly, a poem titled “Government Caused Poverty” discussed how people fight to live every day
in poverty, while the government doesn’t attempt in helping them.

Artefact 1- an article titled ‘Economic context for poverty in Belize’

Artefact 2: Video titled ‘Constraints to Economic Growth; 52% Poverty in Belize’

Artefact 3: a poem titled ‘Government caused poverty


Group Artifacts
Artifact # 1: News article: What is poverty?
Poverty - Simple English Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia - Search (bing.com)
Artifact # 2: Story: Poverty pushed me into the world of crime, but I turned my life around.
'Poverty pushed me into the world of crime but I turned my life around' | Kenya | World Vision
International (wvi.org)

Artifact # 3: Poem: Methods to Alleviate Poverty

Poverty - Poverty Poem by Gangadharan nair Pulingat.. (poemhunter.com)

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