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We dedicate this work to all

the good policemen who

unconditionally protect their
homeland and society with
the sole purpose of making
people feel safe.


Police Ethics consists of the self-regulation of the behavior of policemen and women to
exercise their public function within strict compliance with the law within the
framework of respect for Human Rights, the dignity of people and public liberties, in
terms of efficiency, integrity, transparency and orientation towards the common good.

Ethics is the philosophical discipline whose purpose is the study of human morality,
from the point of view of its justification. I exchange value judgments when they apply
to the distinction of good and evil. It deals with the principles or guidelines of human
conduct, which is governed by a set of values Importance

Ethics plays an important role in the fulfillment of the police function, since the police
are the first link in the justice system; holds by delegation of the holders, the police
power, with the capacity to protect and therefore to place limits on the rights and
freedoms of people, in the cases determined by law.

Law 1267, indicates in its preliminary title the aspects that a police officer must
strengthen to provide a correct service to the population and that they feel satisfied with
your work as a good national police officer of Peru.


Ethics comes from the Greek "Ethos" which means "character", understanding as a way
of being personality that is acquired by force of acts, customs, habits and virtue. Ethics
is a discipline of philosophy that studies human behavior and its relationship with the
notions of good and evil, moral precepts, duty, happiness and common welfare, defines
the laws or standards to which the activity must conform. Or human behavior to make it
truly human.

Ethics and human being are two terms that are conjugated with each other, constituting
the first in the fundamental tool to achieve that we act as reflective, critical and rational
beings, calculators of our actions and their consequences in the various areas of life.

Ethics is the science that studies the goodness or badness of human acts. Therefore we
can determine that its material object of study is human acts and its formal object is the
goodness or badness of said acts.

With this definition we have that Ethics has two aspects, one of a scientific nature and
the other of a rational nature.

The scientific character that it gives based on the fact that ethics is a science, since it
uses the scientific method, which is in charge of corroborating by all possible means the
adequacy of the model with reality. Let's remember that the initial model proposed by
science is a hypothesis and that thanks to the scientific method, the hypothesis can be
verified and at that moment it is already a well-founded model. What you do is present a
valuable behavior paradigm that the man must perform.

The rational character comes from the use of reason. Ethics is not an experimental
science, but a rational one, since it bases its ethical models through reason. This reason
provides us with causes, reasons, and the reason for goodness in a behavior carried out.

With all this it can be said that Ethics is concerned with providing the reasons why
certain behaviors are good and therefore worthy of being carried out, as well as arguing
against bad behaviors such as homicide, drug addiction, deceit, theft , etc.

LAW 1267

Law 1267 of the extension of Law 166 of the political constitution of Peru; There, he
explains in more detail everything a police officer should do and should not do, as well
as the symbols that identify a police officer, among many other things.

On this occasion, we will see from article "IV" to article "VIII" of the preliminary title
of this Law.

 Article IV.- Exercise of the Police Function

The police professional receives a comprehensive academic training, allowing their

professional performance, cultural, social and economic development, with an emphasis
on discipline, merit, unrestricted respect for fundamental rights, ethics, leadership and
public service.

 Article V.- Public Force

It is the attribution of the State, exercised by the National Police of Peru that authorizes
the use of force in a legitimate manner in the fulfillment of its purpose, for the
preservation of internal order and to guarantee the functioning of the powers of the State
within the constitutional order.

 Article VI. - Support to the National Police of Peru

The authorities, public and private entities, as well as natural and legal persons are
obliged to provide support to the National Police of Peru, when circumstances so
require, in the performance of their duties.

 Article VII. - Institutional Principles

For the exercise of its functions and powers, the Peruvian National Police is guided by
the following principles:

1) Primacy of the human person and their fundamental rights: The defense and
protection of the human person, respect for their dignity and guarantees for the full
exercise of their fundamental rights.

2) Unity of the police function: The police function is provided through the National
Police of Peru, as a unitary and cohesive public force;

3) Unity of Command: The National Police of Peru has a Single Command;

4) Universal access to services: Citizens have the right to free, immediate, timely and
efficient access to the police service.

5) Orientation to the Citizen: The National Police of Peru guides its management based
on citizen needs, seeking to add public value through the rational use of the resources it
has and with an adequate quality standard.

6) Transparency and accountability: The National Police of Peru is transparent in its

actions and promotes the accountability of its management to the citizenry;
7) Legality: The police function is provided within the framework of the Political
Constitution of Peru and other regulations on the matter;
8) Efficiency and effectiveness: All police action seeks to be efficient, effective, and is
oriented towards a permanent optimization of the quality of the police service;
9) The articulation of interventions in the national territory: The National Police of Peru
plans and executes its operational and administrative actions in a coordinated manner
and aligned with national and sectorial policies and the interests of the State, Regional
and Local Governments.

 Article VIII.- Institutional Values
The values that govern the personnel of the National Police of Peru are:
1) Honor: It is the value that ensures your prestige and reputation; it is cultivated
through full compliance with the police function, civic duties and respect for others and
for oneself;
2) Honesty: Act in all acts of public and private life with transparency and truth;
3) Justice: Act with equity and impartiality, based on non-discrimination and the
protection of the dignity of people, seeking the common good and the general interest;
4) Integrity: The police service demands ethical, proven and correct action;
5) Courtesy: Respectful, kind, opportune, deferential conduct and predisposed to the
service of the citizen;
6) Discipline: Consciously and voluntarily comply with the orders issued in accordance
with the law, as well as institutional regulations;
7) Patriotism: Predisposition to personal sacrifice for the Homeland;
8) Institutional belonging: Identification with a human group united by institutional ties
and fellowship, based on values.
9) Vocation: Permanently possess the aptitude and willingness to carry out the police
function for the benefit of the community, denoting the ability to establish harmonious
human relationships and emotional maturity.
10) Service: Serve the police institution, whose doctrine, organization and practice are
typical of the National Police of Peru, designed to protect and guarantee the free
exercise of the rights and freedoms of people, prevent and control all kinds of crimes
and misdemeanors, as well as to maintain internal peace, tranquility, internal order,
public order and citizen security.


Police ethics works a lot in these police units because they are in contact with the
population and this is where you should further strengthen your values, police ethics sets
the ethical guidelines for labor development, through the application of universal habits
and values that each human being possesses; all this within a professional environment..
The ethical issues here are corruption and abuse of authority.

Recent events once again denote a
very serious situation of the
practice of corruption at the highest
levels of the officialdom of the
National Police and the Ministry of
the Interior. We are referring to the
well-known events related to the
irregular and corrupt provision of
security services by the National Police. These events allow us to understand a little
more how routine or habitual it is to find, for example, various Traffic Police officers
who are bought into their public function with the purpose of not fulfilling their
functions of imposing tickets for traffic violations or enforcing them or also find non-
commissioned officers or officers of the same Police who are bought in their functions
of preparing police reports related to preliminary investigations, among many other
cases. Here the institutional values that are in article VIII of Law 1267 are affected.

Abuse of authority is the act of taking
advantage of and misusing the power
provided by holding a position or
function in front of a third party. This fact
alludes to and turns out to be unfair, due
to an excessive use of inherent powers
that are held, thanks to a superior
position, against an individual who is in a
situation of subordination.
In the Peruvian environment, this act is a social problem that converges with other
crimes committed by public officials against society. Mostly, it is committed by those
officials in charge of national security and who have the power of the public force
provided by the State for the exercise of their position. As is the case of the members of
the National Police of Peru who go too far in terms of the violence they exert on
individuals, by detaining them without a warrant, or under flagrante delicto.
In addition, citizens observe how in the Peruvian political environment these crimes
have been committed by public officials, by carrying out or ordering an arbitrary act
indirectly, through other people, to achieve the satisfaction of their personal interests, in
accordance with the reports and journalistic investigation carried out by the country's
prosecutor's office.


 Ethics in accordance with the research proposed that bases its study of the
human being as a moral, rational subject, composed of a body and a soul, is a
wide amalgamation of characteristics that make up the human being and these, in
turn, are broken down into different concepts. to carry out the study in question.

 Professional ethics implies always doing the right thing, what is consistent with
our moral, ethical and religious values. Do your best not to fall into traps that
may affect your honor, honor and good reputation.

 Police ethics allows us to develop important values for our personal growth such
as: discretion, responsibility, punctuality and honesty.


Law 1267 helps us understand what a police officer must do while on duty, the
police officer must take into account all the points found in this Law to prevent
him from committing a crime and being separated from the institution.

The best way to develop a great work ethic is to be consistent in the way you
think, say, and act. Coherence is a value that allows us to think in a certain way,
speak according to those thoughts, and act following the words and ideas

Take responsibility for your actions and your results, and avoid making excuses
when things don't go as planned. Admit your mistakes and use them as learning
experiences so you don't fall for the same thing again. Likewise, expect your
employees to meet the same expectations, and support those who accept
responsibility rather than blame others.









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