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Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity

People are free on how they should express themselves in their own way and but many have been
suffering because of the injustices and cruelty of the society. The reason being that, numerous cases
have been plucking up ever since this issue happened. Other people throw hate, abuse, harass or worst
even kill them.

Sex refers to a person's biological status and is typically assigned at birth, usually on the basis of external
anatomy and gender is often defined as a social construct of norms, behaviors and roles that varies
between societies and over time. The term sexuality is a word we use to talk about how we understand
our bodies and how we understand our relationships. Gender identity is one's own internal sense of self
and their gender, whether that is man, woman, neither or both.

Sexuality is dynamic and always changing. Some examples of sexual orientation are lesbian, gay,
heterosexual, straight, asexual, bisexual, queer, polysexual, and pansexual (also called multisexual and
omnisexual). A person's gender identity may be the same as or different from their birth-assigned sex. It
is their sense of being a woman, a man, both, neither, or anywhere along the gender spectrum.

Classification and Exemplification

This understanding includes all aspects of who we are – our values and beliefs, bodies, desires,
relationships, gender and our thoughts and feelings about all of these. Because our sexuality is made up
of so many different components, our understanding of our own sexuality is ever-changing and unique
to each person.

Comparison and Contrast

One's gender identity can be the same or different from their sex assigned at birth. Sexual orientation is
an inherent or immutable enduring emotional, romantic or sexual attraction to other people. On the
other hand, gender identity is how individuals perceive themselves and what they call themselves. To
cut it short, sexual orientation is about who you are attracted to, while gender identity is about which
sex you identify with. But unlike gender expression, gender identity is not outwardly visible to others.

Cause and Effect

This wave of gender war occurred in 19 th to early 20th century. The Feminist Movement and the Men’s
Rights Movement can be viewed as polarizing opposites but while this doesn’t necessary constitute a
‘Gender War’, it does cause misunderstanding and resentment in both parties. The more radicalized in
both movements seem to display a blatant bitterness towards the opposite gender. The reasons for that
may vary person to person and at different levels.

Often we may discover that different parts of our lives may interact with each other in confusing or
affirming ways. But in this instance, acceptance is the only thing we need to do.

We have no right to dictate another person’s sexual identity.We have no right to decide what a person
does with her or his or their own body. We do have a duty to respect and that is to preserve the
freedoms of others. This should apply everywhere. No matter what they say, no matter what they do,
acceptance with truth and justice is the only way to a better future.

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