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UTS - Compilation of Final Term Activities - Clemente

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First Year College – BSBA-MM 1-3D

Name : Clemente, Laurence Borres

Insert picture Grade & Section : BSBA-MM 1-3D
here! Teacher : Prof. Zaila Decin
Date : December to February
Activity Title : Compilation of Final Term Activities.

Activity 1: My Stressors and How I Cope with Them


Being stressed as a student is already normal to me because I

have been studying since I was five years old, and I am already
Academics used to it. To cope with it, I study with my friends because I enjoy
their company. Being with people I enjoy with makes me enjoy
what I do.

Sometimes, I get stressed whenever I think about what I will do in

My Future the future after I graduate. I cope with it by not thinking about it
too much and focusing more on the present.

I am both a student, a son, a sibling, and a student leader, which

My Multiple causes me role conflict. I have a lot of responsibilities that give
Responsibilities me stress, but I cope with it by using my time-management skills.

As I said, I am a student leader. I am a Junior Council Officer in

the PUP CBA Student Council, so I have responsibilities inside
our university aside from academics. I cope with it by enjoying
what I do, which is serving my fellow students, my school,
society, and the environment.

I am a member of the LGBT community, so there are some

Society people who discriminate against me and make fun of me. I just try
to ignore them and be with people who accept who I am in order
to cope with it.
Activity 2: Physical Self

1. Give at least 1 person in your life whom you consider beautiful and explain what

makes them beautiful.

My sister is one of the most beautiful people in my life. She is not only

physically beautiful, but she also has a strong sense of love and kindness, which is

what makes her so beautiful. She never fails to listen to my problems, and she

always makes sure that I am not alone in my adversities in life. Her care and

concern for those around her is simply amazing, and her ability to be a source of

comfort to our family in need is simply admirable. She also has a strong positive

energy around her that makes people want to be with her all the time. I believe that

her inner beauty is what makes her truly beautiful, and she will always be an

inspiration to me.

2. I am Beautiful or Handsome because...

I am handsome because I have a strong sense of self-worth, which helps me

feel good about myself and the way I look. I believe that loving yourself can make

you attractive to those around you and believing in yourself makes them also believe

in you. Therefore, I am not afraid to be myself in any situation, no matter what. In

addition, I am handsome because I have an inner strength, a positive attitude, and a

kind heart that I use to make a difference in my life.

Activity 3: Sexual Self

Understanding our bodies and feelings (True or False)

True 1. Many males ejaculate too fast for the female to have orgasm.

True 2. The penis cannot produce urine and sperms at the same time.

False 3. If a man takes his penis out of the woman before ejaculating, she will not get

pregnant or contract HIV.

True 4. Men and women can have orgasm without sexual intercourse.

True 5. The brain is the biggest sex organ.

Activity 4: Material Self

Debit Card Challenge

A very wealthy person gave you a debit card and told you to use it as much as you want
to make yourself happy. What are you going to do with it? Make a list of what you want
to have. Write as many as you want.

If I were given a chance to have that much money, I would take the opportunity to
buy all the things my family and I want and need, which are the following:
✓ House ✓ Travel budget ✓ School supplies
✓ Lot ✓ Expensive foods ✓ Motorcycle
✓ Car ✓ Television ✓ Spa treatment
✓ Computer ✓ Skincare products ✓ Kitchen utensils
✓ Cellphone ✓ Acne treatment ✓ Medical
✓ Tablet ✓ Clothes consultation
✓ Plane tickets ✓ Furniture

Analysis: Answer the following questions:

1. How do you feel as you do the Debit Card Challenge?
While I am listing everything I want to buy, I feel a twinge of sadness and
envy because I realize that my family can only dream of these things for now
because we cannot afford them, unlike other families. However, that feeling did
not stop me from continuing to dream and moving forward. In fact, I feel more
motivated to work and study harder in order to achieve my goals and finally do all
the things I want.

2. Which among the items in your list you like the most? Why?
Among the items on my list, a house is what I desire the most. I want to
own a house for myself and my family. With that, I can help my family financially
since they would no longer have to pay for the rent, and we would no longer have
to move to different houses from time to time.

3. If ever you were given that chance in real life to have one among the list, which would
you choose? Why?
I would still choose to have the house if I were given a chance to buy it in
real life. As I previously stated, my family desperately needs our own home so
that we do not have to pay rent and can use the rent money for other purposes.
4. Does your choice different from what you answer in question number 2? Why or why
No, my previous choices remained the same. Maybe because building our
own house is my number one goal in life. I said to myself that if I graduated and
found a job, my first priority would be to provide my family with a house so they
would not have to worry about it, which would greatly help my parents financially
and allow them to focus more on providing themselves with other things they
want and need.

5. On your list, put a mark on the left side of each item with the following categories:

B - if the item is related with your body

C - if the item is related with clothes
F - if the item is related or intended to your family
H - if the item is related with home

✓ F - House ✓ F - Travel budget ✓ F - School supplies

✓ F - Lot ✓ F - Expensive foods ✓ F - Motorcycle
✓ F - Car ✓ H - Television ✓ F - Spa treatment
✓ H - Computer ✓ B - Skincare products ✓ H - Kitchen utensils
✓ F - Cellphone ✓ B - Acne treatment ✓ B - Medical
✓ F - Tablet ✓ C - Clothes consultation
✓ F - Plane tickets ✓ H - Furniture

6. Assessment/ Reflection: Which among the categories you have the most in your list?
What do you think these things tell you about yourself?

Among the categories, my list consists of mostly items intended for my

family. In fact, 11 out of 19 of all the items on my list are family-related, such as a
house, lot, car, computer, plane tickets, a travel budget, expensive foods, and
others. In conclusion, the items on the list just tell that I am a family-oriented
person, which is true. I want to put my family's needs before mine because I want
to show my gratitude by returning the favor of raising me to become who I am
today and who I will become in the future.
Activity 5: Global Self

The Philippine Junior Marketing Association is searching for a group of students

from the Polytechnic University of the Philippines to compete in the national business
competition for the best marketing plan. This competition has a grand prize of one
hundred thousand pesos and is being held to find the best marketing plan. The
Polytechnic University of the Philippines is the host for this event this time around.
Some of the students, including Jeralyn Bello, Laurence Clemente, Sofia Angeline
Ruidera, Michaella San Pedro, and Steven Sunga, thought that this was an interesting
competition as they would be earning money to support their needs, and as a result,
they decided to take part in the competition as a team with the possibility of winning the
top prize, which is P100,000. Now that they have declared victory in the competition, the
dilemma that arises is how they would allocate the first prize of one hundred thousand
pesos among themselves.

The leader of the group came to the conclusion that the award should be
distributed among the members of the group in a manner that is proportional to the
value of the contributions and efforts made by each member in the process of creating
the marketing plan. Jeralyn Bello, Laurence Clemente, Sofia Angeline Ruidera, and
Steven Sunga should each receive 20.5% of the one hundred thousand pesos
(P20,500) because they were the ones who finished the marketing plan in the
appropriate manner, spent money traveling to one location to collaborate, bought food,
and needed the money for personal reasons. Michaella San Pedro should receive 18%
of the reward (P82,000) because she contributed to the project and needs money for
personal reasons, despite the fact that she is geographically located far away.

At the end of the day, the only thing that matters is the way we look at life, the
way we value each other, and whether we make the world a better place to live. The 2%
difference from Michaella San Pedro is one of the best decisions they’ve made as a
group, as they should increase this percent as they spend much more money from
travelling to one place to collaborate, but knowing that Michaella San Pedro also needs
this money, they decided to lower the percent difference from 2% so she could spend
the money for her personal purposes. The collaboration, experience, and learning that
we gained from this competition provided us with unending life knowledge that we will
apply to our future selves and served as a reminder that regardless of what happens,
we should always be cognizant of the circumstances of other people.
Activity 6: Spiritual Self

Do you Have Your Umbrella?

Many people arrived at the church to pray for the needed rain. The pastor greeted most
of them as they filed in. As he walked to the front of the church to officially begin the
meeting, he noticed most people were chatting across the aisles and socializing with
friends. When he reached the front, his thoughts were on quieting the attendees and
starting the meeting. His eyes scanned the crowd as he asked for quiet. He noticed an
eleven-year-old girl sitting quietly in the front row. Her face was beaming with
excitement. Next to her, open and ready for use, was a very colorful and extremely
large umbrella, much bigger than her in fact. The little girl's beauty and innocence made
the pastor smile as he realized how much faith she possessed. No one else in the
congregation had brought an umbrella. All came to pray for rain. But the little girl had
come expecting God.

Journal Writing:

1. What are your learnings and realization from the discussion?

I learned from the short story to have faith in God. Wishing or praying for
something from Him is free, and you can pray with Him as much as you want and
regardless of time. The only thing you can do to return the favor is to believe.
You have to really believe and have a strong faith in Him. Just like the little girl in
the story, she put her faith in God and believed that the rain they were praying for
was going to come. I believe that with strong belief in God and strong action, all
our prayers will be answered.

2. What is the lesson of the story "Do you have your Umbrella?" and how are you going
to apply it in your daily life?

The most important lesson I learned from the short story is that strong
action is sometimes not enough for people to get what they wish in life. We
actually need to combine those actions with a strong belief in God in order for
Him to guide us through the process of achieving our goals and dreams in life.
We can apply it in real-life situations where we cannot do anything. For instance,
a person can put his faith in God if he has cancer and cannot do anything to cure
it. Since we cannot control everything, one thing we can do is believe and wait for
His plan for us.

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