English 6 WLP May 22 26 2023

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WEEKLY LEARNING School San Antonio Village Elementary School Grade Level SIX


Teaching Dates and Time May 22-26, 2023 Quarter 4


MELCS Compose clear and coherent Compose clear and coherent Compose clear and coherent Compose clear and coherent
sentences using sentences using sentences using sentences using
appropriate grammatical appropriate grammatical appropriate grammatical appropriate grammatical Written test
structures (verb tenses, structures (verb tenses, structures (verb tenses, structures (verb tenses,
conjunctions and adverbs) conjunctions and adverbs) conjunctions and adverbs) conjunctions and adverbs)
INTRODUCTION Greetings Greetings Greetings Greetings Greetings
PREPARATORY Setting of Standards in Setting of Standards in Setting of Standards in Setting of Standards in Setting of Standards in
ACTIVITIES Classroom Classroom Classroom Classroom Classroom

A. RECALL Choose the correct correlative What are the different kind of Direction: Use the following
conjunctions inside the box to adverb words/phrases inside the box
compose clear to form a meaningful sentence.
and coherent sentences.

either…or neither… at 6 o’clock in the morning

nor not only…but under the chair
also tomorrow gently
both…and whether… inside the cabinet skillfully
before sunset brightly
joyfully at the mall
1. Ednalyn is ___________
kind __________ cheerful.
2. She is _________ generous 1. Mojica ___________ rubs
_________ jolly. the smooth hair of her pet dog
3. __________ she is with her named Molly.
friends ________ with her 2. Molly sleeps
classmates, she is always ____________________ at
happy. night.
4. ___________ her neighbors 3. It wakes
_________ her playmates _____________________ to
laugh at her jokes. watch Mojica walk to school.
5. ___________ her cousins 4. It _______________
__________ her sister will welcomes Mojica home in the
meet her at the mall. 5. Molly likes to go with Mojica
B. MOTIVATION Time to check the knowledge Complete the sentence by
you have as we start to embark supplying the correct adverb.
on our Choose your answer
journey to the World of inside the box. Write your
Directions: On your answer more always seldom
sheets, encircle the word that rarely not
tells about adverbs of
manner, time and place in answers on your answer sheet.
each sentence.
1. I went to my friend’s house
2. It was located at the corner 1. Hector would _____ go to
of the street. school late for fear of being
3. He invited me to join the scolded.
celebration of his 21st birthday 2. He is _________ interested
on July 20. in English than Math.
4. He also excitedly invited all 3. He is very shy. He
his classmates and friends to __________ recites in class.
come. 4. He _________ wears
5. His mother also invited branded shoes whenever there
some guests to perform on that is a school activity.
special day. 5. He _____ goes to school
DEVELOPMENT Directions: Can you identify In your previous lessons you First Written Examination
C. DISCUSSION OF each kind of adverb in Activity learned about adverbs of Do the following:
CONCEPTS 1? Write on your manner, time and 1. Preparing
(EXPLORE) answer sheet if the encircled place. Today we will learn Set the mood of the pupils.
adverb is an adverb of manner, about adverbs of frequency, Give the test to the pupils.
adverb degree, affirmation and Explain what the pupils have to
of time or adverb of place. negation. do.
1. A. Read the sentences below. Give the standards in testing.
_________________________ Identify the kind of adverb used 2. Test Proper
2. in the sentence. The pupils will answer the test.
_________________________ Choose the letter of the correct The teacher will supervise the
3. answer. Write your answer on test.
_________________________ your answer 3. Checking
4. sheet. 4. Recording
_________________________ 1. The family goes on a 5. Analyzing
5. _____________ vacation during summer.
(a. manner b. place c. time)
Learning about all kinds of 2. This year, they planned to
adverbs introduces how have it in Malumpati.
different adverbs describe a (a. manner b. place c. time)
verb, an adjective or another 3. The children packed their
adverb. However, before we things excitedly.
proceed to (a. manner b. place c. time)
our lesson about adverbs, let 4. Last week, news about
us first read the story below. Covid-19 exploded so their
Then answer the vacation was
comprehension questions in postponed.
the worksheet provided to (a. manner b. place c. time)
show your understanding of 5. The family patiently stayed
the story. at home the whole summer.
(a. manner b. place c. time)
WHY OR WHY NOT? Using your knowledge about
There was once a King who the adverbs of manner, time
ruled harshly over the land. and place, let us
One night expand your idea of the
after he was crowned as king, different kinds of adverb by
he thought of himself as the answering the next activity.
greatest king on Are you ready for our next
earth and in heaven. journey? Have fun answering
He often went hunting. One the activity!
early morning, while in the Look at the graphic organizer
deep woods, below. Complete the
he decided to cool himself in sentences about plants
the lake. He proudly swam by using the words around it
away from the shore. correctly. Write your answer on
Suddenly there came from the your answer sheet.
bottom of the lake someone
who had the same face and 1. Plants are ______ useful to
form as the king. This man
quickly put on the King’s
clothes and rode away with the
King’s horse. When the proud
King finished cooling himself,
he found his clothes and his
horse already gone. With some
woven reeds covering his
body, he walked to the castle.
He beat loudly at the gate, but
he was driven away. He went
to the Duke’s hall, but he was
put to prison. Working hard he
loosened the chains that bound people and the environment.
his feet and fled away. He went 2. They have to be watered
to his palace, but no one __________ in order to grow.
recognized him. Instead, he 3. Young plants should ______
was beaten up and was thrown be exposed to stray animals.
outside the palace. 4. Healthy plants will _______
The proud King fled away. He bring more produce.
wished he was dead. Reaching 5. Ornamental plants are
the lake where he had bathed, _________ popular these
he cried aloud. He asked for days.
You have already learned
Comprehension Questions: about adverbs that tell how,
1. How did the King rule his when and where
land? actions take place. As you may
2. When did he think of himself recall, they are called adverbs
as the greatest king? of manner, time
3. Where did he go one early and place. Aside from these,
morning? there are still other kinds of
4. What happened when he adverbs that you need
was swimming in the lake? to know.
5. What happened to him when Are you ready to discover what
he decided to go back to the they are? Please read on and
palace? find out.
6. What moral lesson did you You learned that adverbs are
get from the story? words that modify an adjective,
a verb or
another adverb. There are
What a Great Job! different kinds of adverb.
Stay humble anytime, These are adverbs of manner,
anywhere for God rewards time, place, frequency, degree
those who are humble in heart. or intensity, affirmation or
Did you enjoy reading the In this lesson, we are going to
story? If you were the king in focus on the following adverbs:
the story what Adverbs of Frequency – tell
kind of a ruler would you be? Is “how often” something takes
it good to be proud? place. Some
To understand more of our examples are usually, always,
story, let us check your rarely, never, regularly,
answers to our sometimes, seldom, often,
comprehension questions. etc.
1. The King ruled harshly over 1. We seldom go to church
the land. after the lockdown.
2. One night after he was 2. Mother sometimes attends
crowned as king, he thought of mass in the television.
himself as the 3. My family always prays the
greatest king. rosary before going to bed.
3. He went in the deep woods. Adverbs of Degree – tell “how
● In question number 1, How much” or “to what extent”.
did the king rule over the land? Some examples
Answer: harshly are very, completely, hardly,
● What does the underlined little, quite, almost, etc.
word harshly describe? 1. Grandmother can hardly see
Answer: It describes the verb without her eyeglasses.
ruled. 2. She almost bumped on a
● What question does the word tricycle when she went out on
harshly answer? the street one
Answer: It answers the day.
question how. 3. Erika feels a little worried
The word that answers the about grandmother.
question how is an adverb of Adverbs of Affirmation or
manner. Negation – tell if an action or
So what kind of adverb is characteristic is
harshly? true or false. Some examples
The word “harshly” in the first are really, sure, surely,
sentence is an adverb of undoubtedly, yes, certainly
manner because it for affirmation and nothing,
tells in what manner the action nowhere, never, no, not or
was done and it answers the words ending in n’t for
question how. negation.
● Which phrases in the second 1. Public officials should not
sentence tells when did the engage in illegal activities.
king think of 2. Their constituents will surely
himself as the greatest king? lose their trust if they do so.
Answer: one night after he was 3. They have to make sure that
crowned as king nothing could stain their
● What does the phrase tell us reputation.
about? Adverbs are positioned
Answer: It tells us about time. according to their type. Some
● What question does it adverbs may come
answer? before the word they modify;
Answer: It answers the sometimes, they are placed
question when. after the word they
The word or phrase that modify.
answers the question when is Now that you have learned
an adverb of time. about the different kinds of
● So what kind of adverb is the adverb, I hope you
phrase one night after he was are now ready to face some
crowned as more challenging activities that
king? lie ahead.
Answer: The phrase “one night
after he was crowned as king”
is an adverb of time because it
tells about the time
when the action happened.
● What phrase in the third
sentence answer the question
Answer: in the deep woods
● What does the phrase tell us
Answer: It tells us about the
place where the action
● What question does it
Answer: It answers the
question where.
The phrase “in the deep
woods” is an adverb of place
because it tells us where the
action happened.
What other adverbs can you
find in the selection?
What kind of adverbs are they?
An adverb is a word that
describes a verb, an adjective
or another
adverb. It describes how, when
and where an action
Adverb of manner describes
how or in what manner an
Adverb of time describes when
or what time the action
Adverb of place describes
where or in what place the
action happened.
ENGAGEMENT Directions: Read the paragraph This time, using the knowledge
D. DEVELOPING below. Write down the adverb on the different kinds of
MASTERY you find in each sentence then adverb, try the following
(EXPLAIN) identify whether the adverb is activities to find out how much
an adverb of time, place or you have learned in our lesson.
manner. Write your answers on ACTIVITY 1. Identify the kind
the answer sheet. of adverb underlined in each
Word Kind of sentence. Write
Adverb adverb of degree, adverb of
1. __________ frequency, adverb of
_____________ affirmation or
2. __________ negation on your answer
_____________ sheet.
3. __________ ________________ 1. It is
_____________ quite hot here in Hamtic during
4. __________ summer.
_____________ ________________ 2. My
5. __________ friends and I usually go to the
_____________ river for a swim to cool
________________ 3. We
always bring our pets with us
when we go for a swim.
________________ 4.
Summer in Hamtic is
undoubtedly the best.
________________ 5. There is
nothing I could ever ask for
when I’m in my hometown

Complete the sentences below

with the most appropriate
Choose your answer from the
box. Write your answer on the

1. definitely always
not more very

Covid-19 virus does _______

survive in high temperature.
2. We should __________
wash our hands and maintain
physical distancing.
3. By staying at home, we
____________ help stop the
spread of the virus.
4. We have to sanitize
________ often.
5. Everybody must be
____________ careful not to
get infected by the virus.

ASSIMILATION Directions: Fill in the blanks Here are some more activities
E. APPLICATION with appropriate adverbs to about adverbs. Have fun
AND form clear and coherent answering each of them.
sentences. Choose your Activity 1
GENERALIZATION answers inside the box below, Pick out the adverb used in
then, write each sentence. Write your
them on your answer sheet. answers on your answer
Politely loudly 1. I have not gone to Aningalan
inside the classroom on Strawberry Farm yet.
2. I packed my things very
Friday in the box early the next morning to go
angrily late 3. Our jeepney drove much
slowly through the trail.
happily to the library 4. Aningalan is surely the best
early place I have ever been.
5. I may seldom visit this place
but I will go back here again.

Remember that there are

different kinds of adverb. Some
of these adverbs
1. I go to school are adverbs of degree, adverbs
___________________. of frequency, and adverbs of
2. Susan came to class affirmation or
_____________ because she negation.
missed the bus. Adverbs of Degree make
3. Before our class started, we verbs, adjectives or other
greeted our teacher adverbs stronger or
__________________. weaker.
4. During recess time, Lucy Adverbs of Frequency express
went _______________ to the occurrence of an action.
read some books. Adverbs of Affirmation or
5. Mandy plays with his ball Negation show if a statement
____________________ with may be positive
some of our
6. They are shouting
_____________ as they pass
the ball from each other.
7. Our teacher enters the room
_______________ because
her pupils are noisy.
8. She got Mandy’s ball and
put it __________________.
9. Our teacher tells us to wear
PE uniform ______________
for our Physical
Education activities.
10. We ____________ agreed
because it will be an exciting
day for us.

What I Have Learned

What have you learned from
today’s lesson? Let us check if
you really
understood our lesson by
answering the following
questions in a complete
1. What is an adverb? What
does it describe?
2. What are the kinds of adverb
that we have learned?
3. What is an adverb of
manner? How did you know
that it is an adverb of
4. What is an adverb of time?
When did you know that it is an
adverb of time?
5. What is an adverb of place?
What does an adverb of place

F. EVALUATION Directions: Use the following Below are sentences with the
adverbs on the left to compose underlined adverbs. Identify
a sentence on the the kind of adverb.
space provided. Do your Choose the letter of your
activity on a separate answer from the box. Write
worksheet. A star will your answers on your answer
be given to each of a correct sheet.
sentence made.
1. politely a. Adverb of Frequency
________________________ b. Adverb of Degree
________________________ c. Adverb of Affirmation or
_ Negation
2. to church
________________________ 1. Rye and Ryan are certainly
_ going to be volleyball players.
3. on Saturday 2. They rarely have time for
________________________ other activities.
________________________ 3. Volleyball has undoubtedly
_ changed their old habit.
4. in the forest 4. They have become too
________________________ attached to her new hobby.
________________________ 5. They always give their best
_ in every game they play.
5. in the morning
________________________ ompose a sentence using the
________________________ following adverbs. Focus your
_ sentences on
honesty. Write your answers
on your answer sheet.
1. fully -
2. frequently -
3. indeed -
4. not -
5. never -

 Reflection I understand that …. I understand that …. I understand that …. I understand that ….

Prepared by:


Master Teacher I



School Principal II

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