Sadler Maths Methods Unit 1

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The book is a mathematics methods textbook that covers content for Unit 1 of the West Australian mathematics methods course.

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Mathematics Methods Unit 1 © 2016 A.J. Sadler

1st revised Edition
A.J. Sadler Copyright Notice
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National Library of Australia Cataloguing-in-Publication Data

Sadler, A.J., author.
Mathematics methods : unit 1 / A.J Sadler.

1st revised edition

9780170390330 (paperback)
Includes index.
For secondary school age.

Mathematics--Study and teaching (Secondary)--Australia.



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1 2 3 4 5 6 7 20 19 18 17 16
This text targets Unit One of the
West Australian course Mathematics
Methods, a course that is organised
into four units altogether, units one and
two for year eleven and units three
and four for year twelve.
The West Australian course,
Mathematics Methods, is based on
the Australian Curriculum Senior Secondary course
Students should also find that the content in some
Mathematical Methods. At the time of writing there is
chapters involves work encountered in previous years,
very little difference between the content of Unit One
thus allowing speedy progress through those sections.
of the two courses, so this text would also be suitable
for anyone following Unit One of the Australian Some chapters commence with a ‘Situation’ or
Curriculum course, Mathematical Methods. two for students to consider, either individually or
as a group. In this way students are encouraged to
The book contains text, examples and exercises
think and discuss a situation, which they are able
containing many carefully graded questions. A
to tackle using their existing knowledge, but which
student who studies the appropriate text and relevant
acts as a fore-runner and stimulus for the ideas that
examples should make good progress with the
follow. Students should be encouraged to discuss their
exercise that follows.
solutions and answers to these situations and perhaps
The book commences with a section entitled to present their method of solution to others. For this
Preliminary work to give the reader an early reason answers to these situations are generally not
reminder of some of the work from earlier years that it included in the book.
will be assumed readers are familiar with, or for which
At times in this series of books I have found it appropriate
the brief outline included in the section may be sufficient
to go a little outside the confines of the syllabus for the
to bring the understanding of the concept up to the
unit involved. In this regard readers will find in this text
necessary level.
that the Pythagorean theorem is assumed and used, the
As students progress through the book they will distance between two points with known coordinates is
encounter questions involving this preliminary work in covered and the trigonometric identity sin2 A + cos2 A = 1
the Miscellaneous Exercises that feature at the is included. When considering y = a sin x, y = sin bx
end of each chapter. These miscellaneous exercises and y = sin (x – c), I also consider the more general
also include questions involving work from preceding y = a sin [b(x – c)] + d.
chapters to encourage the continual revision needed
The sine and cosine rules are considered early in this
throughout the unit.
text so that students studying Mathematics Specialist
cover this work in good time for its use in that course.
Alan Sadler

ISBN 9780170390330 iii

2 5
Types of number��������������������������� vii
Direct proportion��������������������������viii
Inverse proportion�������������������������viii
Arcs, sectors and segments������������ 33 Quadratic functions���������������������� 86
Use of algebra������������������������������ ix
Radians������������������������������������� 38 Key features of the graph of
Pascal’s triangle����������������������������� x y = a(x – p)2 + q��������������������������88
Radians ↔ degrees��������������������� 39
Function notation��������������������������� xi Determining the rule from key
Arcs, sectors and segments revisited���43
Types of function��������������������������� xi features of the graph�������������������� 89
Miscellaneous exercise two����������� 50
Pythagoras and trigonometry����������xiii Determining the key features
Accuracy and trigonometry of the graph from the rule�������������� 91
questions�������������������������������������xv 3 Tables of values������������������������� 101
Sets�������������������������������������������xvi Completing the square��������������� 106
Probability���������������������������������� xvii FUNCTION52 Miscellaneous exercise five��������� 108
So exactly what do we mean
by ‘a function’?��������������������������� 53
1 6
Machine analogy������������������������ 55
Natural domain of a function��������� 55
Miscellaneous exercise three��������� 59
The sine of an angle bigger
What if the quadratic equation
than 90° – unit circle definition�������� 5
is not readily factorisable?118
The cosine of an angle bigger 4
Using the built-in facility of some
than 90° – unit circle definition�������� 7
calculators to solve equations������� 118
Area of a triangle given two sides LINEAR FUNCTIONS 62
Using a graphical approach�������� 118
and the angle between them����������� 9 Revision of straight line graphs������� 64
Completing the square��������������� 120
The sine rule������������������������������� 13 Lines parallel to the axes��������������� 66
Obtaining and using a formula���� 121
The cosine rule���������������������������� 16 Direct proportion and straight line
Miscellaneous exercise six���������� 125
Some vocabulary������������������������ 19 graphs�������������������������������������� 67
Exact values������������������������������� 26 Further considerations������������������� 70
The angle of inclination of a line���� 29 Determining the equation
Miscellaneous exercise one����������� 30 of a straight line�������������������������� 75
Calculator and internet routines������ 76
Parallel and perpendicular lines������ 80
Miscellaneous exercise four����������� 82

iv MATHEMATICS METHODS  Unit 1 ISBN 9780170390330

7 9 10


OTHER FUNCTIONS 128 Sets and probability – basic ideas���193 The multiplication principle���������� 236
Polynomial functions������������������� 129 Conditional probability��������������� 196 Factorials��������������������������������� 237
Cubic functions������������������������� 129 Notation���������������������������������� 198 Combinations��������������������������� 239
Cubics in factorised form������������ 131 Tree diagrams��������������������������� 203 n
Cr and Pascal’s triangle������������� 243
Sketching cubic functions������������ 132 Use of the words ‘not’, 'and' and More about Pascal’s triangle�������� 244
Transformations������������������������� 135 'or' in probability questions���������� 205 Miscellaneous exercise ten���������� 246
1 Tree diagram showing
What will the graphs of y =
x probabilities����������������������������� 208
ANSWERS������������������������������ 253
and y = x look like?���������������� 136 Imagining the tree diagram��������� 217
Vocabulary������������������������������� 138 INDEX������������������������������������� 271
Probability rules������������������������� 218
Transformations of the general
Independent events�������������������� 221
function y = f  (x)������������������������ 142
More about independent events��� 226
Two relationships that are not
Independence suggested������������ 227
functions���������������������������������� 148
More about mutually exclusive
Miscellaneous exercise seven...... 152
events������������������������������������� 227
Miscellaneous exercise nine�������� 231

The graph of y = sin x���������������� 157
The graph of y = cos x��������������� 159
The graph of y = tan x��������������� 160
More about y = tan x����������������� 161
Positive or negative?������������������ 169
Solving trigonometric equations���� 173
Using the solve facility on a
calculator��������������������������������� 174
The Pythagorean identity������������� 178
Angle sum and angle difference��� 181
Miscellaneous exercise eight������� 188

ISBN 9780170390330 Contents v

This series of texts has been written based on Acknowledgements
my interpretation of the appropriate Mathematics
As with all of my previous books I am again
Methods syllabus documents as they stand at the time
indebted to my wife, Rosemary, for her assistance,
of writing. It is likely that as time progresses some
encouragement and help at every stage.
points of interpretation will become clarified and
perhaps even some changes could be made to the To my three beautiful daughters, Rosalyn,
original syllabus. I urge teachers of the Mathematics Jennifer and Donelle, thank you for the continued
Methods course, and students following the course, understanding you show when I am “still doing sums”
to check with the appropriate curriculum authority and for the love and belief you show.
to make themselves aware of the latest version of the  Alan Sadler
syllabus current at the time they are studying the

vi MATHEMATICS METHODS  Unit 1 ISBN 9780170390330

This book assumes that you are already familiar with a number of mathematical ideas from your mathematical
studies in earlier years.
This section outlines the ideas which are of particular relevance to Unit One of the Mathematics Methods course
and for which some familiarity will be assumed, or for which the brief explanation given here may be sufficient
to bring your understanding of the concept up to the necessary level.
Read this ‘preliminary work’ section and if anything is not familiar to you, and you don’t understand the brief
explanation given here, you may need to do some further reading to bring your understanding of those concepts
up to an appropriate level for this unit. (If you do understand the work but feel somewhat ‘rusty’ with regards to
applying the ideas some of the chapters afford further opportunities for revision, as do some of the questions in
the miscellaneous exercises at the end of chapters.)
• Chapters in this book will continue some of the topics from this preliminary work by building on the
assumed familiarity with the work.
• The miscellaneous exercises that feature at the end of each chapter may include questions requiring an
understanding of the topics briefly explained here.

Types of number
It is assumed that you are already familiar with counting numbers, whole numbers, integers, factors, multiples,
prime numbers, composite numbers, square numbers, negative numbers, fractions, decimals, the rule of order,
percentages, rounding to particular numbers of decimal places, truncating, the square root and the cube root of
a number, powers of numbers (including zero and negative powers), and can use this familiarity appropriately.
An ability to simplify simple expressions involving square roots is also assumed.

3 3 2
e.g. 8 = 4 × 2 27 + 75 = 9 × 3 + 25 × 3 = ×
2 2 2
=2 2 =3 3+5 3
3 2
=8 3 =
An understanding of numbers expressed in standard form or scientific notation, e.g. writing 260 000 in the form
2.6 × 105 or writing 0.0015 in the form 1.5 × 10–3, is also assumed.
The set of numbers that you are currently familiar with is called the set of real numbers. We use the symbol  (or
R) for this set. Sets like the whole numbers, the integers, the primes, the square numbers etc. are each subsets of .

ISBN 9780170390330 Preliminary work vii

Direct proportion
If one copy of a particular book weighs 1.5 kg we would expect two copies
of this book to weigh 3 kg, three to weigh 4.5 kg, four to weigh 6 kg, five
to weigh 7.5 kg and so on. Every time we increase the number of books
by one the weight goes up by 1.5 kg. Hence the straight line nature of the
graph of this situation shown below.




1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Number of books

The number of books and the weight of the books are in direct proportion (also called direct variation):

For two quantities that are in direct proportion, as one quantity is multiplied by a certain number then the
other quantity is also multiplied by that number.
• Doubling one will cause the other to double.
• Halving one will cause the other to halve.
• Trebling one will cause the other to treble. Etc.

Inverse proportion
The graph below left shows the amount, q kg, of a particular commodity that could be purchased for $1000
when the commodity costs $c per kg.
The graph below right shows the time taken, t seconds, to travel a distance of 12 metres, by something travelling
at v metres/second.

q kg t secs
Time taken to travel 12 m

100 10
Quantity purchased

80 8
60 6
40 4
20 2
20 40 60 80 100 2 4 6 8 10 12 v m/s
Cost per kg Speed of travel

1000 12
Rule: q= t=
c v

viii MATHEMATICS METHODS  Unit 1 ISBN 9780170390330

Each of the two previous situations involve inverse proportion:
Double the cost of the commodity → Divide the quantity purchased by 2.
Treble the cost of the commodity → Divide the quantity purchased by 3. Etc.
Double the speed of travel → Divide the time taken by 2.
Treble the speed of travel → Divide the time taken by 3. Etc.
If two variables are inversely proportional to each other the graph of the relationship will be that of a
reciprocal function.
If x and y are inversely proportional the relationship will have an equation of the form y

y= .
The graph will have the characteristic shape of a reciprocal relationship, as shown x
on the right, though in many applications negative values for the variables may
not make sense and only that part of the typical shape for which both variables are
positive will apply, as in the two earlier examples.

Use of algebra WS

It is assumed that you are already familiar with manipulating algebraic expressions, in particular:
Expanding algebraic
• Expanding and simplifying:
For example 4(x + 3) – 3(x + 2) expands to 4x + 12 – 3x – 6 WS
which simplifies to x+6
x2 + 1x – 7x – 7
Factorising algebraic
(x – 7)(x + 1) expands to expressions

which simplifies to x2 – 6x – 7
• Factorising:
For example, 21x + 7 factorises to 7(3x + 1)
15apy + 12pyz – 6apq factorises to 3p(5ay + 4yz – 2aq)
x – 6x – 7 factorises to (x – 7)(x + 1)
x –9 factorises to (x – 3)(x + 3)
the last one being an example of the difference of two squares result:
x2 – y2 factorises to (x – y)(x + y).
You should also be familiar with the idea that solving an equation involves finding the value(s) the unknown can
take that make the equation true.
For example, x = 5.5 is the solution to the equation 15 – 2x = 4
because 15 – 2(5.5) = 4.

ISBN 9780170390330 Preliminary work ix

 5x − 2 y = 6
Similarly, given two equations in two unknowns, for example: 
 3x + 2 y = 26

‘solving’ means finding the pair of values that satisfy both equations, in this case the values are x = 4 and y = 7.
It is anticipated that you are familiar with solving various types of equation. For example:
Linear equations:
3x – 5 = 7 6x + 1 = 15 – x 3(2x – 1) – (5 – 2x) = –20
Solution: x=4 Solution: x=2 Solution: x = –1.5
3x − 5 21− x
Equations with fractions: =8 =2
2 2x + 3
Solution: x=7 Solution: x=3

 y = 2x − 1  2x + y = 9
Simultaneous equations: e.g.  e.g.  WS
y= x+2 2x − 3 y = 13
Solutions: x = 3, y = 5 x = 5, y = –1 Simultaneous

Quadratic equations (including ones that are readily factorised):

e.g. x2 = 25 Solutions: x = ±5
e.g. (2x – 3)(x + 1) = 0 Solutions: x = 1.5, x = –1
e.g. x2 – x – 20 = 0
i.e. (x – 5)(x + 4) = 0 Solutions: x = 5, x = –4
Factorised cubics:
e.g. x (x + 1)(x – 5) = 0 Solutions: x = 0, x = –1, x=5

Pascal’s triangle
With an understanding of powers and an ability to expand brackets and to collect like terms we can show that:
(x + y)0 = 1
(x + y)1 = x + y
(x + y)2 = (x + y)(x + y) = x2 + 2xy + y2
(x + y)3 = (x + y)(x + y)(x + y) = x3 + 3x2y + 3xy2 + y3
(x + y)4 = (x + y)(x + y)(x + y)(x + y) = x4 + 4x3y + 6x2y2 + 4xy3 + y4
(x + y)5 = (x + y)(x + y)(x + y)(x + y)(x + y) = x5 + 5x4y + 10x3y2 + 10x2y3 + 5xy4 + y5 1
1 1
Noticing how the first six lines of Pascal’s triangle,
1 2 1
shown on the right, feature in the above expansions 1 3 3 1
of (x + y)n for n = 0, 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5, allows us, by 1 4 6 41
using the appropriate lines of Pascal’s triangle, to 1 5 10 10 5 1
write down expansions of (x + y)n for higher values 1 6 15 20 15 6 1

of n directly. For example: 1 7 21 35 35 1 21 7

1 8 28 56 70 56 28 8 1
(x + y)6 = x6 + 6x5y + 15x4y2 + 20x3y3 + 15x2y4 + 6xy5 + y6 1 9 36 84 126 126 84 36 9 1

(x + y)8 = x8 + 8x7y + 28x6y2 + 56x5y3 + 70x4y4+ 56x3y5 + 28x2y6 + 8xy7 + y8

x MATHEMATICS METHODS  Unit 1 ISBN 9780170390330

Function notation
Given the rule y = 3x – 1 and a particular value of x, say 5, we can determine the corresponding value of y, in this
case 14.
The rule performs the function ‘treble it and take one’ on any given x value and outputs the corresponding y value.
It can be helpful to consider a function as a machine with a specific output for each given input:
1, 2, 3, 4, 5,
treble it and take 1 Output
function machine 2, 5, 8, 11, 14,

In mathematics any rule that takes any given input value and assigns to it a particular output value is called
a function.
We can write functions using the notation f  (x), pronounced ‘f of x’.
For the ‘treble it and take one’ function we write f  (x) = 3x – 1.
For this function: f  (1) = 3(1) – 1 = 2
f  (2) = 3(2) – 1
= 5 etc.
Alternatively we could use a second variable, say y, and express the rule as
y = 3x – 1.
The value of the variable y depends on the value chosen for x. We call y the dependent variable and x the
independent variable. The dependent variable is usually by itself on one side of the equation whilst the
independent variable is ‘wrapped up’ in an expression on the other side.

Types of function
From your mathematical studies of earlier years you should be familiar with:

I  Linear functions
These have:
• equations of the form y = mx + c.
For example: y = 3x – 1 for which m = 3 and c = –1.
• tables of values for which each unit increase in the x values sees a constant 7
increase of m in the corresponding y values 6
For example, for y = 3x – 1 5
x 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 3
y –1 2 5 8 11 14 17
3 3 3 3 3 3
(0, –1) 1 2 3 4 5 6 x
• graphs that are straight lines with gradient m and cutting the vertical axis –1
at the point with coordinates (0, c). –2

For example, for y = 3x – 1

ISBN 9780170390330 Preliminary work xi

II  Quadratic functions
These have
• equations of the form y = ax2 + bx + c, a ≠ 0.
For example, with a = 1, b = 0 and c = 0
we have y = x2 the most basic quadratic.
With a = 2, b = –6 and c = 1
we have y = 2x2 – 6x + 1.
The equations of quadratic functions are sometimes written in the
alternative forms y = a(x – p)2 + q
and y = a(x – d)(x – e).
• tables of values with a constant second difference pattern x 0 1 2 3 4 5 6
For example, for y = 2x2 – 6x + 1 y 1 –3 –3 1 9 21 37

1st diff –4 0 4 8 12 16

2nd diff 4 4 4 4 4

• graphs that are the same basic shape as that of y = x2 y

shown on the right, but that may be moved left, right, 8

up, down, flipped over, squeezed or stretched. 6 y = x2


–6 –4 –2 2 4 6 x


III  Reciprocal functions

• As mentioned a few pages earlier when we were considering inverse proportion, reciprocal functions have
equations of the form
y = . (Undefined for x = 0)
For example, with k = 12, y=
• tables of values for which the x and y paired values have a common product (equal to k) for example, for y = :
x –4 –3 –2 –1 0 1 2 3 4
y –3 –4 –6 –12 Undefined 12 6 4 3
–4 × –3 –3 × –4 –2 × –6 –1 × –12 1 × 12 2×6 3×4 4×3
= 12 = 12 = 12 = 12 = 12 = 12 = 12 = 12

xii MATHEMATICS METHODS  Unit 1 ISBN 9780170390330

• graphs with the characteristic shape shown on the right, reflected in the y-axis y

if the k in y = is negative.

Pythagoras and trigonometry

It is anticipated that you have already encountered the Pythagorean theorem C
and the trigonometrical ratios of sine, cosine and tangent. use
A very brief revision of the terminology and basic facts is included here. Hy

In a right triangle we call the side opposite the right angle the hypotenuse. A B
The Pythagortean theorem states that:
The square of the length of the hypotenuse of a right angled triangle is equal to the sum of the squares of the lengths of the
other two sides.
Thus, for the triangle shown, AC2 = AB2 + BC2.
We refer to the other two sides of a right triangle as being opposite or adjacent to (next to) particular angles of
the triangle.


use use
oten side opposite oten side adjacent
hyp hyp
angle A to angle C

side adjacent side opposite
to angle A        to angle C



We then define the sine, cosine and tangent ratios as follows:

Opposite CB Opposite AB
sin A =  = sin C =  =
Hypotenuse AC Hypotenuse AC
Adjacent AB Adjacent CB
cos A =  = cos C =  =
Hypotenuse AC Hypotenuse AC
Opposite CB Opposite AB
tan A =  = tan C =  =
Adjacent AB Adjacent CB

ISBN 9780170390330 Preliminary work xiii

The sine, cosine and tangent ratios can be remembered using the mnemonic SOHCAHTOA:
Opposite Adjacent Opposite
Sin = Cos = Tan =
Hypotenuse Hypotenuse Adjacent

sin x Opposite Adjacent

Notice that it then follows that   = ÷
cos x Hypotenuse Hypotenuse
= tan x

The trigonometrical ratios of sine, cosine and tangent and the theorem of Pythagoras allow us to determine the
lengths of sides and sizes of angles of right triangles, given sufficient information.
For example, given the diagram on the right, x and y can be D C
determined as shown below: 22°
x cm
x y cm
From nABD tan 36° = 36°
A 3.2 cm B
∴ x = 3.2 tan 36°
≈ 2.32
Correct to 1 decimal place, x = 2.3.
x 3.2 × tan36
From nBCD sin 22° = 2.32493609
y Ans ÷ sin22
Hence y sin 22° = x 6.206340546
and so y=
sin 22°
Being sure to use the accurate value of x, not the rounded value of 2.3, we obtain
y ≈ 6.21.
Correct to 1 decimal place, y = 6.2.
With the usual convention for labelling a triangle, i.e. the angles use the capital letter C
of the vertex and lower case letters are used for sides opposite each angle, you may also C
be familiar with the following rules for nABC: b a
ab sin C
Area of a triangle: A B
2 A B
a b c
The sine rule: = =
sin A sin B sin C
The cosine rule: a2 = b2 + c2 – 2bc cos A
These rules will be revised in this book in chapter 1, Trigonometry.

xiv MATHEMATICS METHODS  Unit 1 ISBN 9780170390330

An understanding of the use of bearings to indicate direction and of the concepts of an angle of elevation
(from the horizontal, up) and an angle of depression (from the horizontal, down) is also assumed.
Thus in the diagram below left the angle of depression of point C from the top of the tower is 35° and in the
diagram below right the angle of elevation of the top of the flagpole from point D is 15°.

55° 75°

C        D

In the diagram on the right, from point A, the bearings of points B, C, D and E are shown in the table.
Point Three-figure bearing Compass bearing E
B 035° N 35° E 40° 35°
C 120° S 60° E
D 250° S 70° W
70° 60°
E 320° N 40° W D C

Accuracy and trigonometry questions

Note that on the previous page the accurate value of x was used to determine y, not the rounded value, thus
avoiding errors caused by premature rounding.
Note also that the answers for x and y were given as rounded values. Sometimes a situation may stipulate the
degree to which answers must be rounded but if that is not the case you should round ‘appropriately’. Just what
is appropriate depends upon the accuracy of the data given and the situation. For example, in the calculation of
the previous page it would be inappropriate to claim our value for x as 2.324 936 09, the answer obtained from
a calculator, because it is far beyond the accuracy of the information used to obtain it, i.e. 3.2 cm and 36°.
In general our final answer should not be more accurate than the accuracy of the data we use to obtain it. The
question gave us a length in cm, to 1 decimal place, so we should not claim greater accuracy for lengths we
determine. Sometimes we may need to use our judgement of the likely accuracy of the given data. Given a length
of 5 cm we might assume this has been measured to the nearest mm and hence give answers similarly to the
nearest mm. (In theory a measurement of 5 cm measured to the nearest mm should be recorded as 5.0 cm but
this is often not done.)
If the nature of the situation is known we might be able to judge the appropriate level of rounding. For example
if asked to determine the dimensions of a metal plate that is to be made and then inserted into a patient, the level
of accuracy may need to be greater than if dimensions were needed for some other situations.
In situations where accuracy is crucial any given measurements could be given with ‘margins of error’ included,
for example 3.2 cm ± 0.05 cm, 36° ± 0.5°. More detailed error analysis could then be carried out and the margins
of error for the answer calculated. However this is beyond the scope of this text.

ISBN 9780170390330 Preliminary work xv

The Venn diagram on the right shows the universal set, U, which contains all of
the elements currently under consideration, and the sets A and B contained within it. A B
3 1
We use ‘curly brackets’ to list a set. Thus 2 5
U = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10}
A = {2, 3, 5, 7} and B = {1, 3, 5, 7, 9} 4 6 8 10

Set A has 4 members or elements.

We write n(A) = 4 or |A| = 4.
The number 9 is a member of B. We write 9 ∈ B.
The number 2 is not in set B. We write 2 ∉ B.
{2, 7} is a subset of A. We write {2, 7} ⊂ A.
The order that we list the elements of a set is unimportant. The set {a, b, f  } is the same set even if we list the
three letters in a different order.
If a set has no elements it is said to be empty. We use ∅ as the symbol for an empty set. For example, {multiples
of 4 that are odd numbers} = ∅.
If a set has an infinite number of members we say it is an infinite set. For example the positive integers form an
infinite set, {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, …}, as indicated by the ‘…’.
We use the symbol ‘∩’ for the overlap or intersection of two sets.
Thus A ∩ B = {3, 5, 7} 3 1
2 5
We use ‘∪’ for the union of two sets. 9
Thus A ∪ B = {1, 2, 3, 5, 7, 9}
4 6 8 10
We use A′ or A for the complement of A, i.e. everything in the universal set that is
not in A. Thus A′ = {1, 4, 6, 8, 9, 10}.
Venn diagrams can also provide a method for displaying information about the number of elements in various sets
and can help to solve problems involving information of this kind. For example, suppose that 36 office workers
were asked whether they had drunk tea or coffee during their morning breaks in the previous two weeks and
further suppose that:
7 said they had drunk both,
8 said they had drunk only tea
and 6 said they had drunk neither.
This information could be used to create the Venn diagram shown on the right.
Tea Coffee
Asked how many had drunk coffee we can see from the Venn diagram that 22
had drunk coffee. 8 7 15

xvi MATHEMATICS METHODS  Unit 1 ISBN 9780170390330

In some questions of this type the information is not supplied in a ‘nice’ order and we may need to read on
through the information before being able to accurately place a number in its space on the Venn diagram.
For example, in the previous tea/coffee situation suppose information had been presented as follows:
A survey involving 36 office workers asked whether they had drunk tea or coffee during their morning breaks in the
previous two weeks. The survey found that
15 had drunk tea,
22 had drunk coffee
and 6 said they had drunk neither.
As we read the information we can ‘note’ it on the diagram, as shown by the
bracketed numbers in the Venn diagram on the right. However we cannot (36) Tea Coffee
(15) (22)
accurately place numbers in the appropriate spaces until we reach the last
piece of information, i.e. 6 said they had drunk neither.

Only then can we complete the Venn diagram as shown.

Tea Coffee

8 7 15

The Venn diagram on the right shows three sets A, B and C and the universal set U.
A 3 12
In this case A = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8} 2
A ∩ B = {2, 4, 6, 8} 4 8 16
7 6 10
A ∪ C = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11} 5
11 9 13
A ∩ (B ∪ C) = {2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8}
C 15
A ∩ B ∩ C = {4, 6, 8}
A ∪ B ∪ C = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 14, 16}
Why is it that we can write A ∩ B ∩ C and not have to write this as A ∩ (B ∩ C) or perhaps (A ∩ B) ∩ C?
Why could we not do this with A ∩ (B ∪ C)?
Similarly why is it that we can write A ∪ B ∪ C and not have to consider A ∪ (B ∪ C) or (A ∪ B) ∪ C?

Note: The exercises in chapter 9, Sets and probability, contain questions that allow practice in some of the ideas
about probability briefly explained here.
The probability of something happening is a measure of the likelihood of it happening and this measure is given
as a number between zero (no chance of happening) to 1 (certain to happen).
In some cases we determine the probability of an event occurring by observing the outcome of a repeated
number of trials in which the event is a possibility. The long term relative frequency with which the event
occurs is then our best guess at the probability of the event occurring. Further trials may cause us to adjust this
suggested probability.

ISBN 9780170390330 Preliminary work xvii

For example if we flipped a biased coin five hundred times and found that it landed tail uppermost on 400 of
these occasions we would suggest that in any one flip:
400 4
The probability that the coin lands with the tail uppermost =  = .
500 5
This could also be expressed as a decimal, 0.8, or percentage, 80%.
Probability based on observed data like this is called empirical probability.
Activities such as rolling a die or flipping a coin are examples of random phenomenon. We are unable to
consistently predict the outcome of a particular die roll or coin flip but when these activities are repeated a large
number of times each has a predictable long run pattern.
The list of all possible outcomes that can occur when something is carried out is called the sample space. For
example, for one roll of a normal fair die the sample space is: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6.
The probability of an event occurring can be determined without the need for repeated experiment if we are
able to present the sample space as a list of equally likely outcomes. We can then find a theoretical probability
rather than an empirical probability.
Three common ways of presenting the equally likely outcomes are shown below.

List Table Tree diagram

Rolling a normal die once. Roll two normal dice and sum Flip a coin three times and
the numbers. note outcome.
6 equally likely outcomes. 36 equally likely outcomes. 8 equally likely outcomes.

1 2 3 4 5 6 H HHH
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 H
2 3 4 5 6 7 8 T
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6. T HTT
3 4 5 6 7 8 9
4 5 6 7 8 9 10 T THT
5 6 7 8 9 10 11 H TTH
6 7 8 9 10 11 12 T TTT

If we roll a normal die once the probability of getting a 3 is one-sixth. We write this as: P(3) = .
An event occurring and it not occurring are said to be complementary events. If the probability of an event
occurring is ‘a’ then the probability of it not occurring is 1 – a.
A Venn diagram may be used as a way of presenting the probability of events A
and/or B occurring, as shown on the right. A B

In this case: 0.2 0.3 0.4

P(A) = 0.2 + 0.3 P(B) = 0.3 + 0.4

= 0.5 = 0.7 0.1

P( A ) = 0.4 + 0.1 P(A ∪ B) = 0.2 + 0.3 + 0.4

= 0.5 = 0.9
P(A ∩ B) = 0.3 P(U) = 0.2 + 0.3 + 0.4 + 0.1
= 1, as we would expect.

xviii MATHEMATICS METHODS  Unit 1 ISBN 9780170390330

ISBN 9780170390330 Preliminary work xix
• The sine of an angle bigger than
90° – unit circle definition
• The cosine of an angle bigger than
90° – unit circle definition
• Area of a triangle given two sides and
the angle between them
• The sine rule
• The cosine rule
• Some vocabulary
• Exact values
• The angle of inclination of a line
• Miscellaneous exercise one
A person sitting on a boat • is situated 2 metres above sea level,
• has a device for measuring angles,
and • notes that a straight line from themselves to the top most point of
a nearby lighthouse makes an angle of 16° with the horizontal.
After travelling a further 50 metres directly away from the lighthouse this angle has decreased to 12°.
How high is the top most point of the lighthouse above sea level?

12° 16°

50 m

ISBN 9780170390330 1. Trigonometry 3 Nepsha
How did you get on with the situation on the previous page?
Perhaps you applied trigonometry to the
two right angled triangles and then solved
12° 16°
the two equations this approach gave you.
Perhaps you made a scale drawing and measured 12°
lengths from that.
Perhaps you have encountered the sine rule in
earlier mathematical studies and applied that.
The Preliminary work stated that an ability to apply the trigonometrical ratios of sine, cosine and
tangent to right angled triangles was assumed. In this chapter we will consider applying these ratios
to triangles that are not right angled.
We will develop three formulae that can be applied to any triangles, right angled or not.
We will consider: • a formula for the area of a triangle,
• the sine rule formula,
• the cosine rule formula.
However we do have a problem:

Some non-right angled triangles will involve obtuse angles but en
from our right triangle definition of the sine of an angle, i.e. H

sin x° = x°
the idea of the sine of an angle bigger than 90° is meaningless because, sin 95
in a right triangle, we cannot have angles bigger than 90°. 0.9961946981
sin 150
However, values for the sine and cosine of obtuse angles can be 0.5
obtained from a calculator, as shown on the right. cos 100
Thus before we can use trigonometric ratios in triangles that
cos 170
might involve obtuse angles we need to consider what we mean –0.984807753
by expressions like sin 95°, sin 150°, cos 100°, cos 170° etc.

4 MATHEMATICS METHODS  Unit 1 ISBN 9780170390330

The sine of an angle bigger than 90° – unit circle
The table below shows values for sin x°, as obtained from a calculator and rounded to two decimal
places, for x from 0 to 90 in steps of 10.

x 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90
sin x° (2 dp) 0 0.17 0.34 0.50 0.64 0.77 0.87 0.94 0.98 1.00

If we are to redefine the sine of an angle to accommodate angles outside of 0° to 90° it makes sense
to require that for angles between 0° and 90° any new definition gives the same values as our right
triangle definition gives. Also we need any new definition to be useful, otherwise it simply will not
‘stand the test of time’.
The definition of the sine and cosine of an angle that meets both of these requirements, i.e. it is consistent
with the right triangle definition and it proves to be useful in its own right, is the unit circle definition.
Thew diagram on the right shows a circle centre O and of unit radius y
(i.e. a unit circle). 1

Point A is initially at location (1, 0) and the line OA, fixed at O, is rotated 0.5
The sine of the angle that AO makes with the 0.5 1
positive x-axis is given by the y-coordinate of A.
Thus for angles of 25°, 130° and 160° consider OA rotating to the positions
shown in the diagrams below.
y y y
1 1 1
130° 160°
–1 O 1x –1 O 1x –1 O 1x

–1 –1 –1
In each case the sine of the angle that AO makes with the positive x-axis is given by the y-coordinate of
point A. Thus:
sin 25° ≈ 0.42 sin 130° ≈ 0.77 sin 160° ≈ 0.34.
Use the following diagrams to estimate values for sin 50°, sin 120° and sin 165° and then compare your
answers to the values your calculator gives.
y y y
1 A 1 1

120° A 165°
–1 O 1x –1 O 1x –1 O 1x

–1 –1 –1

ISBN 9780170390330 1. Trigonometry 5

The diagram on the right shows that for angles from 0° to 90° y
this unit circle definition for the sine of an angle gives exactly
the same value as the right angled triangle definition.
A (a, b)


b units
a units

Note:  q (‘theta’) is a Greek letter commonly used to represent angles.

By the unit circle definition By the right triangle definition
sin q = the y-coordinate of A opposite
sin q = 
=b hypotenuse
Note also that from this unit circle definition, the sine of an obtuse angle is the same as the sine of its
supplement. i.e. if A is an obtuse angle then

sin A = sin (180° – A)

For example
sin 155° = sin (180° − 155°) sin 130° = sin (180° − 130°)
= sin 25° = sin 50°
y y
1 1

x x
–1 O 1 –1 O 1

–1 –1

6 MATHEMATICS METHODS  Unit 1 ISBN 9780170390330

The cosine of an angle bigger y

than 90° – unit circle definition 1

The diagram on the right shows a circle centre O and of

unit radius.
Point A is initially at location (1, 0) and the line OA, fixed A
at O, is rotated anticlockwise. 0.5 1

The cosine of the angle AO makes with the

positive x-axis is given by the x-coordinate of A.

Once again, for angles of 0° to 90° this unit circle definition y

for the cosine of an angle gives exactly the same value as the
right angled triangle definition:
A (a, b)


b units
a units

By the unit circle definition By the right triangle definition

cos q = the x-coordinate of A adjacent
cos q =
=a hypotenuse
From this unit circle definition we can see from the diagrams below that:
cos 35° ≈ 0.82 cos 120° ≈ −0.5 cos 145° ≈ −0.82
y y y
1 1 1

120° 145°
x x x
–1 O 1 –1 O 1 –1 O 1

–1 –1 –1

ISBN 9780170390330 1. Trigonometry 7

Note also that from this unit circle definition, the cosine of an obtuse angle is the negative of the cosine
of its supplement. i.e. if A is an obtuse angle then

cos A = – cos (180° – A)

For example
cos 155° = −cos (180° − 155°) cos 130° = −cos (180° − 130°)
= −cos 25 = −cos 50°
y y
1 1

x x
–1 O 1 –1 O 1

–1 –1

Exercise 1A y

Use the unit circle diagram shown to determine each of the 1

18° 15°
following and, in each case, check the reasonableness of your
answer by comparing it with the value given by your calculator.
40° 25°
1 sin 0° 2 sin 32° 3 sin 57° 25° 32°
4 sin 75° 5 sin 90° 6 sin 108° –1 –0.5 O 0.5 1

7 sin 148° 8 sin 155° 9 sin 180°


Use the unit circle diagram shown to determine each of the y

following and, in each case, check the reasonableness of your 1
answer by comparing it with the value given by your calculator.
10 cos 0° 11 cos 20° 12 cos 50° 0.5
13 cos 70° 14 cos 90° 15 cos 160° 20°
–1 –0.5 O 0.5 1
16 cos 180° 17 cos 110° 18 cos 130°


8 MATHEMATICS METHODS  Unit 1 ISBN 9780170390330

Area of a triangle given two sides and the angle WS
between them Areas of triangles

Suppose we have a triangle ABC and we know the lengths of two sides and the size of the angle
between these sides, as shown below left for an acute angled triangle and below right for an obtuse
angled triangle.

Acute angled triangle Obtuse angled triangle


a a

b b

Draw the perpendicular from B Draw the perpendicular from B

to meet AC at D. to meet AC produced at D.

a a h
(180° – C)
b b

h h
In nBDC, sin C =  sin (180° − C ) = 
a a
Thus h = a sin C
i.e. sin C = 
1 a
\ Area nABC = base × height
2 Thus h = a sin C
= × b × a sin C 1
2 Hence: Area nABC = × b × a sin C
ab sin C
= ab sin C
2 =
Thus for both acute and obtuse angled triangles:

ab sin C
Area =

The area of a triangle is half the product of two sides multiplied by the sine of the angle
between them.

ISBN 9780170390330 1. Trigonometry 9


Find the area of the triangle shown.

12.4 × 8.5 × sin35° 12.4 cm
Area =
≈ 30.23 cm2
The area of the triangle is 30.2 cm2, correct to one decimal place.


Find the area of the triangle shown.


4.9 c
7.2 × 4.9 × sin105°
Area =
2 105°
≈ 17.04 cm2 7.2 cm

The area of the triangle is 17.0 cm2, correct to one decimal place.


If each of the triangles shown below have an area of 7 cm2 find x correct to one decimal place in
each case.
a b

4 cm 5 cm

70° x°
x cm 4 cm

1 1
a Area = (x) 4 sin 70° b Area = (4) (5) sin x°
2 2
1 1
\ 7= (x) 4 sin 70° \ 7= (4) (5) sin x°
2 2
i.e. 7 = 2 x sin 70° i.e. 7 = 10 sin x°
Solving this equation gives x = 3.7, correct Solving this equation gives x = 44.4 or 135.6,
to 1 decimal place. correct to 1 decimal place.

10 MATHEMATICS METHODS  Unit 1 ISBN 9780170390330

Note that for part b we had to give two answers because
solve(7 = 2xsin(70), x)
there are two possible values of x, in the range 0 to 180, for  {x = 3.724622204}
which sin x° = 0.7. For one of these values x° is an acute angle
(44.4°) and for the other x° is obtuse (180° − 44.4° = 135.6°). solve(7 = 10sin(x), x)0 ≤ x ≤ 180
 {x = 44.427004, x = 135.572996}
Alternatively we could use the solve facility of some
calculators to determine the answers to each part of the
previous example, as shown on the right.
Note especially how both answers have been obtained for part b by instructing the calculator to solve
for x in the interval 0 ≤ x ≤ 180.
The two solutions are shown below.

5 cm 5 cm h

44.4° 135.6°
4 cm 4 cm

1 1
Area = (4) (5) sin 44.4° Area = (4) (5) sin 135.6°
2 2
≈ 7 cm2 ≈ 7 cm2
(Note that each triangle has the same length base, 4 cm, and the same height, h, and so must have
identical areas, in this case 7 cm2.)
When dealing with right triangles we knew that when needing to solve an equation like sin x°= 0.7,
the only applicable solution was the one for x in the range 0 to 90.
With triangles that are not right angled we must be alert to the fact that an equation of the form
sin x = c can have one solution for x in the range 0 to 90 and another in the range 90 to 180.

Exercise 1B
1 Find x in each of the following given that it is an acute angle. (Give your answer correct to the
nearest degree.)
a sin x = 0.4 b sin x = 0.75 c sin x = 0.8

2 Find x in each of the following given that it is an obtuse angle. (Give your answer correct to the
nearest degree.)
a sin x = 0.2 b sin x = 0.3 c sin x = 0.55

3 Given that x is between 0° and 180° state the two possible values x can take. (Give your answer
correct to the nearest degree.)
a sin x = 0.5 b sin x = 0.15 c sin x = 0.72

ISBN 9780170390330 1. Trigonometry 11

Find the areas of each of the following triangles (not necessarily drawn to scale), giving your answers in
square centimetres and correct to one decimal place.

4 5

5.4 cm
7.3 cm

6.2 cm 68°
5.7 cm

6 7 8.8 cm
6.7 cm 30°
5.8 cm 40°

6.9 cm

8 9
5.2 cm
19.5 cm

39° 118°
6.8 cm 16.1 cm

Find the value of x, correct to one decimal place, in each of the following given that the area of each
triangle is as stated. (The diagrams are not necessarily drawn to scale.)

10 11

6.2 cm
x cm

x cm 110°
Area = 20.7 cm2 7.2 cm
Area = 20.0 cm2

12 13 x cm
7.5 cm 135°
14.9 cm
x cm
Area = 15.0 cm2

Area = 45.1 cm2

14  x°
6.4 cm
8.0 cm
9.8 cm

14.9 cm

Area = 25.5 cm2 Area = 72.7 cm2

12 MATHEMATICS METHODS  Unit 1 ISBN 9780170390330

The sine rule WS

Consider a triangle ABC as shown below left for an acute angled triangle and below right for an obtuse
The sine rule
angled triangle.

c a c a

b b

Drawing the perpendicular from B Draw the perpendicular from B

to meet AC at D. to meet AC produced at D.

c a c a h
(180° – C )
b b

h h
From nABD: sin A =  From nABD: sin A = 
c c
\ h = c sin A [1] \ h = c sin A [1]
h h
From nCBD: sin C =  From nCBD: sin (180° − C ) = 
a a
\ h = a sin C [2] \ h = a sin C [2]
Thus for both the acute triangle and the obtuse triangle:
From [1] and [2] c sin A = a sin C
c a
Thus  =  [3]
sin C sin A
If instead we draw the perpendicular from A to BC we obtain
b c
 =  [4]
sin B sin C

a b c
From [3] and [4] it follows that = =
sin A sin B sin C

This is the sine rule. Rather than learning this formula notice the pattern:

Any side on the sine of the opposite angle is equal to any other side on the sine of its opposite angle.

ISBN 9780170390330 1. Trigonometry 13


Find the value of x in the following.

a b 120° 7.1 cm
x cm x°
10.3 cm

8.2 cm

a By the sine rule b By the sine rule
x 8.2 10.3 7.1
 =   = 
sin70° sin 60° sin120° sin x °
Multiply by sin 70° to isolate x. Multiply by (sin x°) (sin 120°)
8.2sin70° 10.3 sin x° = 7.1 sin 120°
x = 
sin 60° \ x ≈ 36.7 (to 1 decimal place)
= 8.9 (to 1 decimal place) Or, using the ‘solve’ ability of some
Or, using the ‘solve’ ability of some calculators:
 10.3 7.1 
solve  = , x 0 ≤ x ≤ 180
 x 8.2   sin(120) sin(x) 
solve  = ,x
 sin(70) sin(60)  {x = 143.346877, x = 36.65312298}
{x= 8.897521316}

• In part b we say x = 36.7 despite there being another value of x between 0 and 180 for which
10.3 sin x° = 7.1 sin 120°, i.e. x = 180 − 36.7, as the calculator shows when asked for solutions
in the interval 0 ≤ x ≤ 180. However, in the given triangle, x cannot be 143.3 because the triangle
already has one obtuse angle and cannot have another. However we will not always be able to
dismiss this other value as part (a) of the next example shows.
• Some calculator programs and internet websites allow the user to
put in the known sides and angles of a triangle and, provided the A 120.0
information put in is sufficient, the program will determine the 4.7 7.1
remaining sides and angles.
36.7 23.3
Some calculators allow us to create a scale drawing of the triangle 10.3
and find lengths and angles that way. These programs can be useful
and are worth exploring but make sure that you understand the
underlying idea of the sine rule (and the cosine rule which we will see later in this chapter) and can
demonstrate the appropriate use of these rules when required to do so.

14 MATHEMATICS METHODS  Unit 1 ISBN 9780170390330


Find the value of x in the following.

a x° b
8.7 cm 9.5 cm
3.5 cm

60° 50° x°
4.0 cm

a By the sine rule b (Note that x°, being opposite a side of
length 8.7 cm, must be less than the 50°
4.0 3.5
 =  which is opposite a side of length 9.5 cm.)
sin x ° sin 60°
9.5 8.7
Multiply by (sin x°) (sin 60°)  = 
sin50° sin x °
4.0 sin 60° = 3.5 sin x°
Multiply by (sin 50°) (sin x°)
4.0sin 60°
\ sin x° = 9.5 sin x° = 8.7 sin 50°
x ≈ 81.8 or 98.2, \ sin x° =
both of which are possible for the given
Thus x ≈ 44.6
Or, using the ‘solve’ ability of some
Or, using the ‘solve’ ability of some

 4 3.5   9.5 8.7 

solve  = , x  0 ≤ x ≤ 180 solve  = , x 0 ≤ x ≤ 180
 sin(x) sin(60)   sin(50) sin(x) 
 {x = 81.7867893, x = 98.2132107} {x = 135.4496775, x = 44.55032253}

Note that Example 5 part a is similar to Example 3 part b in that there are two triangles that fit the
given information. We need to be alert to the possibility of this second solution when the sine rule
leads to an equation that is of the form sin x = c.
However note also that in part b we could dismiss the obtuse angled solution because x had to be
smaller than 50. (Or, had we not noticed this from the side lengths, we would reject the obtuse angle
as the angle sum of the triangle would exceed 180°.)
Example 5 a is an example of the “ambiguous case” that can arise when using C2
the sine rule. The two triangles that fit the given information are shown.
C1 3.5
In nABC1, angle A = 60°, AB = 4.0 cm and BC1 = 3.5 cm. cm
In nABC2, angle A = 60°, AB = 4.0 cm and BC2 = 3.5 cm.
In nABC1, angle AC1B ≈ 98.2°. 60°
4.0 cm
In nABC2, angle AC2B ≈ 81.8°.

ISBN 9780170390330 1. Trigonometry 15

The cosine rule
Again consider a triangle ABC as shown below left for an acute angled triangle and below right for an
The cosine rule
obtuse angled triangle.

c a c a

b b

Again we draw the perpendicular Again we draw the perpendicular

from B to meet AC at D. from B to meet AC produced at D.

c a c a h
(180° – C )
D x C D
b x

From nCBD: a = h2 + x2[1]

From nCBD: a2 = h2 + x2[1]
From nABD: c2 = h2 + (b − x)2 From nABD: c2 = h2 + (b + x)2
i.e. c2 = h2 + b2 + x2 − 2bx i.e. c2 = h2 + b2 + x2 + 2bx
Using [1]: c2 = a2 + b2 − 2bx[2] Using [1]: c2 = a2 + b2 + 2bx[4]
x x
From nCBD: cos C = From nCBD:  cos (180° − C ) =
a a
\ x = a cos C[3] \ x = −a cos C[5]
2 2 2
Using [2] and [3]: c = a + b − 2ab cos C Using [4] and [5]: c2 = a2 + b2 − 2ab cos C

Thus for both the acute triangle and the obtuse triangle c2 = a2 + b2 − 2ab cos C.

This is the cosine rule. c2 = a2 + b2 − 2ab cos C

Similarly a2 = b2 + c2 − 2bc cos A   and   b2 = a2 + c2 − 2ac cos B

As was said with the sine rule, rather than learning the rule as a formula instead notice the pattern of
what it is telling you:

The square of any side of a triangle is equal to the sum of the squares of the other two sides take
away twice the product of the other two sides multiplied by the cosine of the angle between them.

16 MATHEMATICS METHODS  Unit 1 ISBN 9780170390330


Find the value of x for the triangle shown sketched.

x mm
22 mm

39 mm
By the cosine rule:
222 + 392 - 2 × 22 × 39 × cos(100)
2 2 2
x = 22 + 39 − 2 (22) (39) cos 100° 2302.980273
≈ 2302.98 47.98937667
x = 48 to the nearest integer.


Find the value of x for the triangle shown sketched.
5.2 cm 6.9 cm

8.3 cm
By the cosine rule:
5.22 + 6.9 2 − 8.3 2
8.32 = 5.22 + 6.92 − 2 (5.2) (6.9) cos x°
2 × 5.2 × 6.9
5.22 + 6.92 − 8.32 0.08026755853
cos x° = 
2(5.2)(6.9) cos-1(ans)
≈ 0.080 27
x = 85 to the nearest integer.

• If you prefer to use the solve facility on your calculator make sure you can obtain the same answers
as those shown above.
• In Example 7 above there was no need to consider the possibility of a second solution arising, as
we had to do when using the sine rule, because if the angle had been obtuse we would have had a
negative value for its cosine. An equation of the form cos x = c does not have two solutions for x in
the range 0° to 180°.

ISBN 9780170390330 1. Trigonometry 17


The sketch on the right shows a system of three

triangles with lengths and angles as indicated. C

BAE is a straight line.

Find the length of CD. mm

mm D

Solution 33 mm

B 37 mm A 48 mm E
CD is one side of nACD. In this triangle we
know the lengths of AC and AD so if we know
the size of ∠CAD we could apply the cosine rule
to find the length of CD. We can find the size of
∠CAD if we first find the size of ∠CAB and the
size of ∠DAE.

For nABC, applying the cosine rule:

(412 + 372 – 682) ÷ (2 × 41 × 37)
2 2 2 –0.5187870798
68 = 41 + 37 − 2 × 41 × 37 cos ∠BAC
412 + 372 − 682 121.2509263
cos ∠BAC = 
2 × 41× 37 Ans → A
\ ∠BAC ≈ 121.3°

For nDAE, applying the cosine rule:

(332 + 482 – 212) ÷ (2 × 33 × 48)
2 2 2 0.9318181818
21 = 33 + 48 − 2 × 33 × 48 cos ∠DAE
332 + 482 − 212 21.27996647
cos ∠DAE =
2 × 33 × 48 Ans → B
\ ∠DAE ≈ 21.3°

For nCAD, applying the cosine rule:

332 + 412 – 2 × 33 × 41cos(180–A–B)
2 2 2 622.297976
CD = 33 + 41 − 2 × 33 × 41 cos ∠CAD
≈ 622.3 24.94590099
\ CD ≈ 24.9
CD is of length 25 mm, to the nearest millimetre.

Notice from the calculator displays that the more accurate values for ∠BAC and ∠DAE were stored
and later recalled for use, thus avoiding the risk of introducing unnecessary rounding errors.

18 MATHEMATICS METHODS  Unit 1 ISBN 9780170390330


Solve the triangle ABC given that AB is of length 6.2 cm, Note
AC is of length 7.1 cm and angle A = 35°.
‘Solve the triangle’ means to
Solution determine all unknown sides
and angles.
First make a sketch:  B
6.2 cm a

35° C
A 7.1 cm C

By the cosine rule a2 = 7.12 + 6.22 − 2 (7.1) (6.2) cos 35°

\ a ≈ 4.09 cm
a 6.2
By the sine rule  = 
sin35° sin C
\ C ≈ 60.4°  (Obtuse angle not applicable − see point below.)
Thus B = 180° − (35° + C)
≈ 84.6°
In nABC, ∠B = 85°, ∠C = 60° and a = 4.1 cm, all angles to the nearest degree and lengths correct
to one decimal place.

Important point
In the last example, having used the cosine rule to determine the length of BC we next used the sine rule to
find angle C rather than angle B. This was because C, being opposite a smaller side, could not be obtuse.
This allowed us to say with confidence that C ≈ 60.4° and we did not have to consider (180 − 60.4)°.

Some vocabulary WS

If a question refers to a line subtending an angle at a point this is the angle formed by joining each end
Finding an
of the line to the point. unknown side

Finding an
unknown angle

Line AB subtends ∠ACB at C. Chord DE subtends ∠DFE at the centre, F.

If a set of points is referred to as being collinear this means they lie in a straight line.
If all four vertices of a quadrilateral lie on the circumference of a circle the
quadrilateral is said to be a cyclic quadrilateral. One of the properties of cyclic
quadrilaterals is that their opposite angles add up to 180°.

ISBN 9780170390330 1. Trigonometry 19

Exercise 1C
The sine rule
Find the value(s) of x in each of the following. (Diagrams not necessarily drawn to scale.)

1 56 m 2
85° 12

74° xm 74° 34°

x cm

3 4 11.8
48° m


123° x°

56 mm

5 6

51 mm
38° m
16 xm
72 mm

10.4 cm

7 xm 8 x mm
64° 76°


26° 44

22° 42°

9 The diagram shows a pole AB with end A fixed B

on horizontal ground and the pole supported
by a wire attached to end B and to a point C
on the ground with AC = 420 centimetres.
The pole makes an angle of 50° with the
ground and the wire makes an angle of 30°
30° 50°
with the ground, as shown in the diagram.
The points A, B and C all lie in the same 420 cm
vertical plane.
Find the length of the pole giving your answer
to the nearest centimetre.

20 MATHEMATICS METHODS  Unit 1 ISBN 9780170390330

10 Rather than risking the direct shot
over a lake a golfer prefers to take two
shots to get to the green as shown in
the diagram on the right.How much
further is this two shot route than the 108°
direct route?

247 metres

The cosine rule

Find the value of x in each of the following. (Diagrams not necessarily drawn to scale.)
When x involves an angle give your answer to the nearest whole number.
When x involves a length give an accuracy consistent with the given lengths.

11 12



52° 9.8 cm
73 mm

13 14
7. 173
3 m


x° 124 m
6.8 cm

79 m
15 23 mm 16
31 m

xm x° m

51 m

17 x cm 18 x mm






85° 10



8.4 cm
128 mm 147 mm

ISBN 9780170390330 1. Trigonometry 21

19 A boat travels 6.3 km due North and then turns 17° towards the West and travels a further 7.2 km.
How far is it then from its initial position?

20 Jim and Toni leave the same point at the same time with Jim walking away Jim
at a speed of 1.4 m/s and Toni at a speed of 1.7 m/s, the two directions of
travel making an angle of 50° with each other. If they both continue on these
straight line paths how far are they apart after 8 seconds? Ton
Find the value of x in each of the following. (Diagrams not necessarily drawn to scale.)

21 22



12.3 cm

19.8 cm

13.8 cm

23 24
72° 7.6


112° 27°
x km

25 26 7.2
135 mm





x mm

27 72 mm 28
58° 25° 82
105° xm m

50° 74 m
x mm

22 MATHEMATICS METHODS  Unit 1 ISBN 9780170390330

29 The diagram on the right shows a mobile crane used to C
lift containers from ships and transfer them to waiting
container trucks. If AB is of length 300 centimetres find
the lengths of AC and BC.

30 A triangle has sides of length 12.7 cm, 11.9 cm and 17.8 cm. Find the size of the smallest angle of
the triangle, giving your answer to the nearest degree.

31 In nABC, ∠A = 72°, b = 7.3 cm and a = 9.1 cm. Find the length of AB.

32 Solve nABC given that ∠A = 43°, c = 12.4 cm and b = 14.3 cm.

33 From a lighthouse, ship A is 15.2 kilometres

away on a bearing 030° and ship B is
12.1 kilometres away on a bearing 100°.
How far is B from A? ANDRITOIU
34 From a lighthouse, ship P is 7.3 km away on a bearing 070°. A second ship Q is on a bearing 150°
from P and 130° from the lighthouse. How far is Q from the lighthouse?

35 A tower stands vertically at the base of a hill that inclines upwards at 30° to the horizontal. From
a point 25 metres from the base of the tower, and directly up the hill, the tower subtends an angle
of 52°. Find the height of the tower giving your answer correct to the nearest metre.

36 A parallelogram has sides of length 3.7 cm and 6.8 cm and the acute angle between the sides is 48°.
Find the lengths of the diagonals of the parallelogram.

37 The diagonals AC and BD, of parallelogram ABCD, intersect at E.

If ∠AED = 63° and the diagonals are of length 10.4 cm and 14.8 cm use the fact that the diagonals
of a parallelogram bisect each other to determine the lengths of the sides of the parallelogram.

38 The tray of the tip truck shown on the right is tipped by the
motor driving rod BC clockwise about B. As the tray tips
end C moves along the guide towards A. C
If AB = 2 metres and BC = 1 metre find the size of
∠CAB when AC is A

a 2.6 metres b 2.1 metres

ISBN 9780170390330 1. Trigonometry 23

39 The ‘W-type roof truss’ shown on the right is to be C
constructed with AE = 900 cm and AG = GF = FE.
∠DEF = 20°, ED = DC and the truss is symmetrical G F
with the vertical line through C as the line of symmetry.
Calculate the following lengths, correct to the nearest cm.
a CE b ED c DF d CF

40 Find, to the nearest millimetre, the distance between the tip of the
70 mm hour hand and the tip of the 90 mm minute hand of a clock at:

9 cm
a 5 o’clock
b 10 minutes past 5

41 A coastal observation position is known to be 2.50 km from a lighthouse. The coastguard in the
observation position is in radio and visual contact with a ship in distress at sea. If the coastguard
looks towards the lighthouse and then towards the ship these two directions make an angle of
40° with each other. If the captain on the ship looks towards the observation position and then
towards the lighthouse these two directions make an angle of 115° with each other. (The ship, the
lighthouse and the observation position may all be assumed to be on the same horizontal level.)
How far is the ship from:
a the lighthouse?
b the coastal observation position?

42 Do the following question twice, once using Pythagoras and the cosine rule and once using right
triangle trigonometry.
Find, to the nearest degree, the size of the largest of the three angles of nABC where A, B and C
have coordinates A(6, 2), B(2, 5), C(−6, −3).

43 A, B and C are three collinear points on level ground with B between A and C. The distance from
A to B is 40 m. A vertical tower, CD, has its base at C. From A and B the top of the tower, point D,
has angles of elevation of 20° and 35° respectively. Find the height of the tower.

44 Points A, B and C all lie on the same horizontal ground

with B due north of A and C on a bearing of 030° from A.
From the top of a vertical tower at A, 37 metres above
ground, point B has an angle of depression of 17° and
point C has an angle of depression of 12°.
How far is B from C?

24 MATHEMATICS METHODS  Unit 1 ISBN 9780170390330

45 Solve nGHI given that ∠G = 55°, i = 19.4 cm and g = 18.2 cm.

46 Points A, B and C lie on horizontal ground. From A the bearings of B and C are 330° and 018°
respectively. A vertical tower of height 40 m has its base at A. From B and C the angles of elevation
of the top of the tower are 20° and 12° respectively. How far is B from C, to the nearest metre?

47 ABCD is a cyclic quadrilateral with ∠DAB = 100°, AB = 7.2 cm, AD = 6.1 cm and BC = 8.2 cm.
a the size of ∠BCD,
b the size of ∠ADC,
c the perimeter of the quadrilateral,
d the area of the quadrilateral.

48 ABCD is a cyclic quadrilateral with AB = 10 cm, BC = 12 cm, CD = 9 cm, DA = 14 cm.

If ∠ABC = q, ∠ADC = f and AC is of length x cm, find:
a an expression for x2 in terms of cos q,
b an expression for x2 in terms of cos f,
c q in degrees correct to the nearest degree.

49 Make use of the cosine rule, and the rule for the area of a triangle given two sides and the included
angle, to determine the area of a triangular block of land with sides of length 63 m, 22 m and 55 m
and then check that your answer agrees with the following statement (known as Heron’s rule):
The area of a triangle with sides of length a, b and c is given by:
Area = s ( s − a )( s − b )( s − c ) where s = .

50 A triangular building block has sides of length 25 metres, 48 metres and 53 metres. A second
triangular block has sides of length 33 metres, 38 metres and 45 metres. Which block has the
greater area and by how much (to the nearest square metre)?

Regular polygons
Suppose that a regular n-sided polygon has all of its vertices touching the circumference of a circle
of radius 1 unit. For n = 5, 6, 7 and 8 this is shown below:

Find the area of each of the above polygons and investigate this situation for increasing integer
values of n.

ISBN 9780170390330 1. Trigonometry 25

Exact values
It can sometimes be the case that a mathematician is asked to solve an equation and, not knowing for
The exact ratios
what purpose the answer is required, is not sure to what degree of accuracy the answer should be given.
To avoid having to make this decision regarding accuracy the mathematician may choose to leave
the expression as an exact value. Others can then use this exact value to whatever degree of accuracy
they require.
For example, suppose we were asked to solve the equation: x2 − 1 = 5
Rather than deciding to give the answer to, say, 2 decimal places x = ± 2.45
we could instead give the answer in exact form: x = ± 6.
In trigonometry, commonly-used exact values are the trigonometrical ratios of 0°, 30°, 45°, 60° and 90°.
Indeed some calculators, when set to ‘exact mode’, will not give the
approximate decimal value for sin 60°, cos 45°, tan 30° etc., but will
instead give the exact values. 
cos(45) 2

tan(30) 2


Question: If it was not for this calculator display how would we know the exact value for sin 60°?
Answer: These exact values can be obtained by considering a number of specific triangles, as
shown below.
The exact values for 30° and 60° can be obtained by considering an A
equilateral triangle ABC of side 2 units, as shown on the right.
Note that the perpendicular from A to BC will bisect BC and, by 30°
Pythagoras, will be of length 3 units.



It then follows that:
1 3 1 B
60° 60°
sin 30° = cos 30° = tan 30° = 1 unit 1 unit
2 2 3
2 units
3 1 3
sin 60° = cos 60° = tan 60° =
2 2 1

Notice that whilst the above statement gives the exact value of tan 30° as the calculator shows this
same value as , adopting the conventional style of displaying such values with denominators free of
square roots (i.e. with a rational denominator).

26 MATHEMATICS METHODS  Unit 1 ISBN 9780170390330

The exact values for 45° can be obtained from the diagram on the right F
showing an isosceles, right triangle DEF.
Note that DE and EF are each of unit length and so, by Pythagoras,
1 unit
DF will be of length 2 units.
1 1 1 45°
Hence:   sin 45° =    cos 45° =    tan 45° = D E
2 2 1 1 unit

The exact values for 0° and 90° can be obtained by considering the I
triangle GHI on the right.
If point G is brought closer and closer to H, angle G will approach 90° and angle I
will approach 0°. If IH is of unit length then, as angle G approaches 90°, IG will
1 unit
approach unit length and GH will approach zero length.
0 1 0
  sin 0° =   cos 0° =   tan 0° =
1 1 1
1 0 1
sin 90° = cos 90° = tan 90° =
1 1 0
These exact values are summarised in the following table:

0° 30° 45° 60° 90°

1 1 3
Sine 0 1
2 2 2

3 1 1
Cosine 1 0
2 2 2

Tangent 0 1 3 undefined

The reader is encouraged to learn these exact values and should be able to write them down without
reference to the table.
The reader should also be able to determine exact values for the sine, cosine and tangent of a number
of obtuse angles by making use of the following facts:
sin θ = sin (180° − θ)   cos θ = − cos (180° − θ)   tan θ = − tan (180° − θ)
sin θ
(the last of these three statements following from the fact that tan θ = ).
cos θ

ISBN 9780170390330 1. Trigonometry 27

Exercise 1D
Without looking back at the table on the previous page, try to write down the exact values of the
following and then check each one using a calculator.

1 sin 0° 2 sin 30° 3 tan 45° 4 sin 60°

5 cos 60° 6 cos 0° 7 tan 90° 8 cos 45°

9 cos 30° 10 tan 60° 11 sin 90° 12 tan 0°

13 cos 60° 14 sin 45° 15 tan 30° 16 sin 120°

17 cos 135° 18 cos 150° 19 cos 120° 20 cos 180°

21 tan 135° 22 tan 120° 23 tan 150° 24 tan 180°

25 sin 180° 26 sin 150° 27 sin 135°

Find the exact value of x in each of the following.

28 29 30

10 cm
x cm 9 cm 7 cm x cm
x cm

3 cm

31 32
x cm
10 cm
4 cm
30° x cm
60° 45°
2√3 cm

33 For the diagram shown prove that

θ 60°
4 2 ( x )sin θ

45° y
34 For the diagram shown prove that
4 sin θ
sin φ

28 MATHEMATICS METHODS  Unit 1 ISBN 9780170390330

The angle of inclination of a line
The angle of inclination of a line is the angle from 0° to 180° that the line makes with the x-axis,
measured from the x-axis, anticlockwise.

y y
Angle of inclintion
Angle of inclintion of the line.
of the line.

x x

Exercise 1E
For each of the lines shown below
a write down the angle of inclination of the line
b determine the gradient of the line as an exact value. (Think about it.)

1 y 2 y

x x

3 y 4 y

x x

5 y 6 y

45° 30°
x x

7 What is the relationship between the angle of inclination of a line and the gradient of that line?

ISBN 9780170390330 1. Trigonometry 29

Miscellaneous exercise one
This miscellaneous exercise may include questions involving the work of this chapter and the
ideas mentioned in the Preliminary work section at the beginning of the book.

1 Expand and simplify:

a 2(3x + 4) + 5(x − 3) b 2(3x + 4) − 5(x − 3)
c 5 + 2(5x − 4) d 5 − 2(5x − 4)
e 2(3 − 4x) + 5(3x + 1) f 2(3 − 4x) − 5(3x + 1)
g (x + 3)(x + 5) h (x + 3)(x − 5)
i (2x + 5)(x + 3) j (2x − 5)(x − 3)
2 Factorise each of the following:
a 2x + 8 b 6y + 9
c 16ab + 12ac + 8a d a2 + a
e x2 + 7x − 8 f x2 − 9x + 8
g x2 + 5x − 14 h x2 − 8x + 12
i x2 − 16 j 2a2 − 18
3 Simplify each of the following.
a 20 b 45
c 200 d 3 5×2 5
e 15 × 3 f 6 3× 6

(3 )
g 3 5 ×7 2 h 2 +1

4 A ladder stands with its base on horizontal ground and its top against a vertical wall. When the
base of the ladder is a metres from the wall the ladder makes an angle of 80° with the ground.
When the base of the ladder is pulled a further 20 cm from the wall the angle made with the
ground becomes 75°. Find a (correct to 2 decimal places) and the length of the ladder (correct to
the nearest centimetre).

5 From a lighthouse, ship A is 6.2 kilometres away on a bearing 040° and ship B is 10.8 km away on
a bearing 100°. Find the distance and bearing of A from B.

6 When the radius, r, of a circle increases then both the circumference, C, of the circle and the
area, A, of the circle also increase. Does this mean that both C and r, and A and r, are in direct

7 Ignoring any wastage needed for cutting, joining etc.,

what total length of steel would be needed to make
twelve of the steel frameworks shown sketched on the
right, rounding your answer up to the next ten metres.
45° 72°
200 cm 600 cm

30 MATHEMATICS METHODS  Unit 1 ISBN 9780170390330

• Arcs, sectors and segments
• Radians
• Radians ↔ degrees
• Arcs, sectors and segments revisited
• Miscellaneous exercise two
A new machine is being designed and the design company is building a prototype. Part of the machine
involves a continuous belt passing over two wheels, as shown in the diagram below (not drawn to scale).

Large wheel, Small wheel,

radius 15 cm. radius 3 cm.

distance, 2 cm.

The belt is to be made from a ‘negligible stretch, high friction compound’ and is made circular and
then fitted exactly over the wheels. The belt is made by a computer controlled machine that only
requires the operator to input the length of the radius of the circle and a circular belt of that radius will
be produced.
Your task is to determine what the radius of the circular belt should be, giving your answer in
centimetres correct to two decimal places.

Arcs, sectors and segments

The situation above required you, amongst other things, to find the length of circular arcs. To determine
the arc length you needed to determine the angle the arc subtended at the centre of the circle. Arc
lengths, chord lengths, segment and sector areas can all be determined if we know the angle subtended
at the centre of the circle and the radius of the circle.
If you have forgotten what terms like arc, segment and sector mean then the following diagrams should
refresh your memory.
A Minor arc A A Chord AB


Major arc

Minor sector A A Minor A

AOB segment


Major segment
Major sector AOB

ISBN 9780170390330 2. Radian measure 33

Points A and B lie on the circumference of a circle centre O, 50
radius 50 mm and are such that ∠AOB = 40°. Find the length of: O 50 mm

a minor arc AB, b chord AB.

a Circumference of circle = 2 × π × 50 mm
= 100π mm ⋅ 100π
100 π
Length of minor arc AB = × 100π mm 9
360 100 π
≈ 34.9 mm
Minor arc AB is of length 35 mm (to nearest mm.)
100 π
Alternatively we could give the answer in exact form as mm.
b By the cosine rule AB2 = 502 + 502 – 2(50)(50) cos 40° m
∴ AB ≈ 34.2 cm 50
O 50 mm
The chord AB is of length 34 mm (to nearest mm.).


Find the area of the segment shown shaded in the diagram.

Solution 1c
Area of circle = π × 4.12 cm2 O 70°
70 cm
∴ Area of minor sector AOB = × π × 4.12 cm2 B
Shaded area = Area of sector AOB – Area of nAOB
70 1
= × π × 4.12 – × 4.1 × 4.1 sin 70°
360 2
≈ 2.37 cm2
The shaded segment has an area of 2.4 cm2 (correct to one decimal place).

34 MATHEMATICS METHODS  Unit 1 ISBN 9780170390330


Find the area of the segment shown shaded in the diagram,

4 cm
giving your answer in exact form.
Solution 4c
Area of circle = π × 42 B
= 16π cm2
∴ Area of minor sector AOB = × 16π cm2
360 120 1
⋅ 16 ⋅ π − ⋅ 4 ⋅ 4sin(120)
360 2
Shaded area = Area of sector AOB – Area of nAOB
16 ⋅ π
120 1  − 4⋅ 3
= × 16π – × 4 × 4 sin 120° 3
360 2

 16 π 
=  − 4 3  cm2
 3 

ISBN 9780170390330 2. Radian measure 35

Exercise 2A
For numbers 1, 2 and 3 calculate the length of the arc AB shown in heavy type, giving each answer in
centimetres and correct to one decimal place.

1 A 2 3

50° 235° 290° 6.7 cm

12.4 cm 14.7 cm


For numbers 4, 5 and 6 calculate the length of the arc AB shown in heavy type, giving each answer as
an exact value.
4 5 6
120° 150°
B B 280° B
8 cm 10 cm 6 cm

For numbers 7, 8 and 9 calculate the area of the shaded sector, giving each answer as an exact value.
7 8 9

B 6 cm B
∠AOB = 60° ∠AOB = 110°

radius = 8 cm

For numbers 10, 11 and 12 calculate the area of the shaded sector, giving each answer to the nearest
square centimetre.

10 11 12

12.3 cm 10 cm

radius = 15.4 cm 20 cm

36 MATHEMATICS METHODS  Unit 1 ISBN 9780170390330

For numbers 13, 14 and 15 calculate the area of the shaded segment, giving each answer to the nearest
square centimetre.

13 14 15

15 cm O
10 10
100° cm


16 cm Minor sector OAB

has area 90 cm2.

For numbers 16, 17 and 18 calculate the area of the shaded segment, giving each answer as an
exact value.

16 17 18

60° 135° 210°

10 cm
12 cm 6 cm

19 A and B are two points on the circumference of a circle centre O and radius 15.2 cm.
If ∠AOB = 112° find the length of
a the minor arc AB b the major arc AB.

20 A and B are two points on the circumference of a circle centre O. Angle AOB is of size 75° and the
minor arc AB is of length 24 cm. Calculate the radius of the circle in centimetres, correct to one
decimal place.

21 Points A and B lie on the circumference of a circle centre O, radius 15 cm. Find the area of the
minor sector AOB given that ∠AOB = 50°.

22 A and B are two points on the circumference of a circle centre O and radius 18 cm. Find the area
of the minor segment cut off by the chord AB given that ∠OAB = 20°.

23 Find the size of the acute angle AOB, correct to the nearest degree, given that A and B are two
points on the circumference of a circle centre O, radius 12 cm, and the major sector AOB has an
area of 378 cm2.

24 Find the area of the minor segment cut off by a chord of length 10 cm drawn in a circle of radius
12 cm, giving your answer in square centimetres correct to one decimal place.

25 A clock has an hour hand of length 8 cm and a minute hand of length 12 cm.
Calculate the distance travelled by the tip of each hand in half an hour.
(Give your answers in exact form.)

ISBN 9780170390330 2. Radian measure 37

26 One nautical mile is defined to be the distance on the surface of the Earth that subtends an angle
of one minute at the centre of the Earth (1 degree = 60 minutes). How many nautical miles are
travelled by a ship travelling due north and changing its latitude from 5° N to 8° N?
Assuming the Earth to be a sphere of radius 6 350 km express one nautical mile in kilometres,
correct to two decimal places.

27 A minor sector is removed from a circular piece of card (see Figure 1).

Figure 1 Figure 2

O 120°
10 h

By joining OA to OB the remaining major sector forms a conical hat (see Figure 2).
Find h and r, the height and base radius of the hat respectively.

Consider the concentric circles shown on the right.
Lines OA and OB are drawn from the common centre
O (see diagram). The minor arcs A1B1, A2B2, A3B3 and
A4B4 each subtend an angle q° at O and will be
of increasing length.
O θ°
A1B1 = × 2 π r1 B1
360 B2
θ radius r1
A2B2 = × 2 π r2 B3
360 radius r2 B4
A3B3 = × 2 π r3 B
360 radius r3
A4B4 = × 2 π r4
360 radius r4

Note that the ratio of arc length, AnBn, to radius, rn, is constant:
A1B1 A 2B2 A 3B3 A 4 B4 θ
= = = = ×2π
r1 r2 r3 r4 360
This ratio of arc length to radius can be used as a measure of angle and gives us an alternative unit for
measuring angles.
This unit is called a radian and proves to be a very useful measure of angle for advanced mathematics.
If the ratio of arc length to radius is equal to 1 the angle subtended at the centre is 1 radian.

38 MATHEMATICS METHODS  Unit 1 ISBN 9780170390330

Arc length
1 radian 1 cm Arc length Arc length
2 cm 3 cm
1 cm
1 radian
1 radian
2 cm
3 cm

2 radians
An arc of length 1 unit, in a circle of unit radius, subtends an angle of 1 radian at Arc length
2 cm
the centre of the circle.
An arc of length 2 units, in a circle of unit radius, subtends an angle of 2 radians 1 cm
at the centre of the circle, and so on.

Radians ↔ degrees
An arc of length 1 unit, in a circle of unit radius, subtends an angle of 1 radian at the centre of the
circle. Thus an arc of length 2π units, in a circle of unit radius, will subtend an angle of 2π radians at WS

the centre of the circle. However, if the radius is 1 unit an arc of 2π(1) is the full circumference of the Converting degrees
circle and will subtend an angle of 360° at the centre. and radians

Thus 2π radians = 360°

i.e. π radians = 180°

Thus, correct to one decimal place, 1 radian is equivalent to 57.3°.


Convert to radians, leaving your answers in terms of π.

a 60° b 90° c 125°
a 180° = π radians b 180° = π radians c 180° = π radians
π π π
\ 1° = radians \ 1° = radians \ 1° = radians
180 180 180
π π π
\ 60° = × 60 \ 90° = × 90 \ 125° = × 125
180 180 180
π π 25π
= radians = radians = radians
3 2 36

ISBN 9780170390330 2. Radian measure 39

• To convert degrees ↔ radians we use the exact result π radians = 180° rather than the
approximation 1 radian ≈ 57.3°.
• When an angle is given in radians the word radian is optional. The answer to Example 4a could be
π π
given as radians or simply as .
3 3
When an angle is given with no units stated then the angle should be assumed to be in radians.
π π 3
• Knowing conversions such as radians = 60°, it follows that sin = .
3 3 2


Express the following in degrees, correct to the nearest degree if rounding is necessary.
a radians b 2.3 radians

a π radians = 180° b π radians = 180°
π 180 180
\ radians = degrees \ 1 radian = degrees
8 8 π
= 22.5° 180
\ 2.3 radians = × 2.3
= 132° to nearest degree

• Explore the capability of your calculator to change between the various units for measuring angle.
The next example shows that the trigonometrical ratios can still be applied with angles given in radians.
We do not need to change the angles to degrees but instead set our calculator to read angles as radians.


Find the length of side AB as shown in the diagram on the right. C

Solution 5.2 cm 1.2 rad

Let AB be of length x cm.

tan 1.2 =
∴ x = 5.2 tan 1.2
≈ 13.38
The side AB is of length 13.4 cm, correct to one decimal place.

40 MATHEMATICS METHODS  Unit 1 ISBN 9780170390330

Exercise 2B
For numbers 1 to 6 state the size of angle θ in radians.

1 2
Arc length 3
Arc length
3 cm 3 cm
Arc length
5 cm
θ θ θ
1 cm 2 cm 1 cm

4 Arc length 5 6 Arc length

5 cm 8 cm
Arc length
4 cm

θ θ θ 2 cm
2 cm 1 cm

Express the following in radians as exact values in terms of π.

7 90° 8 30° 9 150° 10 135°

11 5° 12 18° 13 80° 14 130°

Express the following as degrees.

π π 2π
15 rads 16 rads 17 rads 18 π rads
4 3 3

π π 7π 7π
19 rads 20 rads 21 rads 22 rads
12 5 36 18

Express the following as radians, correct to two decimal places.

23 32° 24 63° 25 115° 26 170°

27 16° 28 84° 29 104° 30 26°

ISBN 9780170390330 2. Radian measure 41

Change the following to degrees giving answers correct to the nearest degree.

31 1.5 rads 32 2.3 rads 33 1.4 rads 34 0.6 rads

Without using a calculator state the exact values of the following.

π 5π 3π π
35 sin 36 sin 37 cos 38 sin 
4 6 4 2

2π 3π π 2π
39 sin 40 sin 41 cos 42 tan
3 4 4 3

π π 2π 5π
43 cos 44 tan 45 cos 46 tan
2 2 3 6

5π π
47 cos 48 tan π 49 cos 50 sin π
6 3

Use your calculator to determine the following correct to two decimal places.

51 sin 1 52 cos 2 53 tan 2.5 54 sin 3

55 cos 0.6 56 cos 0.15 57 tan 1.3 58 sin 2.3

Find the acute angle θ in each of the following giving your answers in radians correct to two
decimal places.

59 sin θ = 0.2 60 cos θ = 0.2 61 tan θ = 0.35 62 tan θ = 1.7

63 Convert the following angular speeds to radians/second.

a 3 revolutions/second b 15 revolutions/minute c 90 degrees/second

64 Convert the following angular speeds to revolutions/minute.

3π π
a 2π radians/minute b radians/second c radians/second.
4 3

Find the value of x in each of the following, giving your answers correct to one decimal place.

65 66

6 cm x cm 8 cm

1 rad 1.2 rad

x cm

67 68
1.8 rad x cm
x cm 20 cm

1.1 rad
0.6 rad 14 cm
6 cm

42 MATHEMATICS METHODS  Unit 1 ISBN 9780170390330

69 70

x cm
cm 5.0 cm 7.2 cm

0.64 rad
10 cm x rad
6.1 cm

71 Through what angle, in radians, does the minute hand of a clock rotate in
a 15 minutes? b 40 minutes? c 50 minutes? d 55 minutes?

72 A grad is another unit that can be used to measure angles. One right angle = 100 grads. Convert
the following to radians.
a 50 grads b 75 grads c 10 grads d 130 grads

73 A simple gauge is to be made for measuring

the diameter of pipes. The gauge will be in
the form of a rectangular piece of wood from A

which a V-shape has been cut. The V is then

placed on the pipe and the point of contact,

D, (see diagram) allows the diameter to be D E
Pipe of
read directly from the graduations on AB. 8 diameter

The V shape is cut such that ∠BAC = 1 radian 6 cm.


and AB = AC = 12 cm. B C

a Draw a line 12 cm long to represent BA. Calibrate it so that diameters from 1 cm to 12 cm

could be read directly from the point of contact.
b Would calibration have been simpler if ∠BAC = radians? Explain your answer.

Arcs, sectors and segments revisited

Let us now consider again arc lengths, sector areas and segment areas but
this time let the angle subtended at the centre of the circle be in radians. l

arc length θ rads

The central angle, in radians, is given by . r
Thus θ = with θ and r as defined in the diagram on the right.
Thus l = rθ.

Arc length = r q

ISBN 9780170390330 2. Radian measure 43

Remembering that 1 revolution is 2π radians it follows that, with θ A
as shown in the diagram on the right,
θ Area of sector AOB θ rads
 =  O B
2π πr 2 r

∴ Sector area = × πr 2

1 2
= r q

1 2
Thus Sector area = r q

From the diagram on the right we see that A

Shaded area = Area of sector AOB – Area of nAOB

1 2 1 θ rads
= r θ – r2 sin θ O r B
2 2
1 2
= r (θ – sin θ)

1 2
Thus Segment area = r (θ – sin θ)


Calculate the area of the shaded region in each of the following diagrams.

a 1.4 rads b

21 cm

16 cm

1 2 1 2
a Sector area = rθ b Area = r (θ – sin θ)
2 2
1 1
= × 162 × 1.4 = × 212 × (1.8 – sin 1.8)
2 2
= 179.2 cm2 ≈ 182.2 cm2
The shaded region has area 179 cm . The shaded region has area 182 cm2.
(To the nearest cm2.) (To the nearest cm2.)

44 MATHEMATICS METHODS  Unit 1 ISBN 9780170390330


Points A and B are points on the circumference of a circle, centre O and radius 4 cm. If the minor
arc AB is of length 10 cm find the area of the minor sector AOB.

First draw a diagram: l = 10 cm

Arc length, l = rθ A
Thus 10 = 4θ
and so θ = 2.5 θ rads B
O r = 4 cm
1 2
∴ Sector area = (4) (2.5)
= 20 cm2
The minor sector AOB has an area of 20 cm2.

Exercise 2C
Find the lengths of the arcs shown by heavy type in the following diagrams.

1 2 3

7.8 cm

cm θ

5 cm 10 cm 7.8 cm

θ = 0.8 radians θ = 2.5 radians θ = 4.5 radians

Find the areas of the sectors shown shaded in the following diagrams.

4 A 5 6


m θ
10 cm
4 cm O 6 cm

∠AOB = 1 radian ∠AOB = 2.5 radians θ = 4 radians karadayi

ISBN 9780170390330 2. Radian measure 45

Find the areas of the segments shown shaded in the following diagrams.

7 8 9

59 cm 5.1 cm 7.5 cm

θ = 1 radian θ = 3.5 radians θ = 2.2 radians

10 Find the length of the arc AB given that it subtends an angle of 1.2 radians at the centre of the
circle of which it forms a part and the radius of the circle is 15 cm.

11 Points A and B lie on the circumference of a circle, centre O, radius 15 cm. If the minor arc
AB subtends an angle of 0.8 radians at O find the area of
a the minor sector OAB,
b the major sector OAB (to the nearest square centimetre).

12 A and B are two points on a circle centre O and radius 8 cm. If arc AB subtends an angle of
1 radian at O find
a the length of the minor arc AB,
b the area of that part of the minor sector OAB not lying in triangle OAB. (Give your answer in
square centimetres correct to one decimal place.)

13 A and B lie on the circumference of a circle centre O and radius 5 cm. The minor sector OAB has
an area of 15 cm2.
a Calculate the length of the minor arc AB.
b Calculate the area of the minor segment cut off by the chord AB. (Give your answer in square
centimetres correct to two decimal places).

14 Points A and B lie on the circumference of a circle, centre at point O and with radius 8 cm. If the
minor arc AB is of length 20 cm find the area of the minor sector OAB.

15 Points A and B lie on the circumference of a circle, centre O and of radius 6 cm. If the minor
sector OAB has an area of 9 cm2 find the area of the minor segment cut off by the chord AB.
(Giving your answer in square centimetres correct to two decimal places.)

16 Find the area of the shaded region shown given that O is the B
centre of both circles, OD = DC = 6 cm and θ = 1.5 radians.

O D Sen

46 MATHEMATICS METHODS  Unit 1 ISBN 9780170390330

17 Find the area of the shaded region shown given that O is the centre
of both circles, OA = 5 cm, AB = 4 cm and θ = 3 radians.

θ O

18 The diagram shows two overlapping circles with the

region common to both circles shown shaded.

Find the area of this shaded region given that ∠O1AO2 m

and ∠O1BO2 are right angles. (Give your answer in square O1 O2
centimetres, and correct to one decimal place.) 8c



19 The diagram shows two circles with common centre O. C

The region shown shaded is bounded by the minor arc BC, D
the chord AD and the lines CD and BA. Calculate the
area of this region given that OA = 5 cm, AB = 3 cm and O
∠AOD = 0.8 radians. (Give your answer in square centimetres,
and correct to one decimal place.)

20 The diagram shows the two tangents drawn from the point C A
to a circle centre O and radius 6 cm, touching the circle at the m

points A and B.
O 6c C
Find the area of the region shown shaded. (The angle between

a tangent and the radius drawn at the point of contact is a right 8c


angle.) (Give your answer in square centimetres and correct to B

one decimal place.)

21 Calculate the area of the region shown shaded given that B C

∠AOB = 0.5 radians, ∠BOC = 1 radian, ∠COD = 0.5 radians
and the circle is of radius 5 cm. (Give your answer in square
centimetres and correct to two decimal places.) m m

ISBN 9780170390330 2. Radian measure 47

22 A pendulum AB has end A fixed and a weight attached at B. In one swing A
the weight travels from B to C and back again (see diagram).
The pendulum is of length 75 cm and ∠BAC = 0.8 radians.
a How far does the weight travel in one swing?
b By how much does the length of the arc BC exceed that of the chord
BC? (Answer to the nearest millimetre.)


23 Find, to the nearest 10 mm2, the area of the shaded region

shown given that O1O2 = 70 mm.



O1 O2




24 Two circles of radius 10 cm and 7 cm have their centres 15 cm apart.

Find the perimeter of the region common to both circles, giving your answer in centimetres and
correct to one decimal place.

25 What percentage of the circumference of a circular disc of

radius 10 cm can be illuminated from a point source of light
in the plane of the disc and 12 cm from it (see diagram)?
Give your answer to the nearest percent. 10 cm 12 cm

26 A goat is tethered to a post by a rope that is ten metres long. The goat is able to graze over
any area that the rope allows it to reach other than that excluded by a straight fence. The
perpendicular distance from the post to the fence is 6 m. Over what area can the goat graze
(to the nearest square metre)?

27 A goat is tethered to a post by a rope that is

twelve metres long. If the post is situated half way
between two parallel fences that are ten metres
apart, over what area can the goat graze (to the
nearest square metre)?

48 MATHEMATICS METHODS  Unit 1 ISBN 9780170390330

28 Find, to the nearest centimetre, the length of
the continuous belt passing around two wheels
as shown in the diagram on the right.

Wheel of
radius 16 cm. Wheel of
radius 6 cm.
4 cm

29 A door is to be made to the specifications shown in the diagram i.e. a circular D C

segment on top of a rectangle.
The top segment is part of a circle having its centre at the intersection of the
diagonals of the rectangle ABCD. If AB = 80 cm and AD = 200 cm find the area
of the door correct to the nearest ten square centimetres.


30 Find, to the nearest centimetre,

the length of the continuous belt
passing around the three wheels Wheel of
radius 20 cm.
as shown in the diagram (not
drawn to scale).

14 cm 8 cm

Wheel of Wheel of
radius 5 cm. radius 2 cm.

31 a A minor sector of a circle has perimeter 14 cm and area 10 cm2.

Find the radius of the circle.
b A major sector of a circle has perimeter 14 cm and area 10 cm2.
Find the radius of the circle.

32 Circles of radius 10 cm and 5 cm touch each other

tangentially and both touch the line AB (see diagram).
Find the area of the region shown shaded in the diagram.
(Answer to nearest 0.1 cm2.)


33 Triangle ABC has AB = 7 cm, AC = 6 cm and BC = 5 cm. Three circles are drawn, one with centre
A and radius 4 cm, one with centre B and radius 3 cm and one with centre C and radius 2 cm.
What percentage of the area of the triangle fails to lie in any of the circles? (Answer to nearest 0.1%.)

ISBN 9780170390330 2. Radian measure 49

Miscellaneous exercise two
This miscellaneous exercise may include questions involving the work of this chapter, the
work of any previous chapters, and the ideas mentioned in the Preliminary work section at
the beginning of the book.

1 Without the assistance of a calculator, expand each of the following.

a (x + 3) (2x – 1) b (x + 7) (3x – 4)
c (x + 5) (x – 1) (x + 3) d (2x + 1) (x – 3) (x – 2)

2 Simplify each of the following by expressing them as equivalent statements without any square
roots in the denominators (i.e. rationalise the denominators).
1 1 5 6
a b c d
2 3 2 3
a b− c
Hint for e to h: To simplify multiply by 1, written in the form .
b+ c b− c
1 1 2 3
e f g h
3+ 5 3− 2 1+ 5 5+ 2

3 From a point A, level with the base of the town hall, the angle of elevation of the topmost point of
the building is 35°. From point B, also at ground level but 30 metres closer to the hall, the same
point has an angle of elevation of 60°. Find how high the topmost point is above ground level.
(Give your answer correct to the nearest metre.)

35° 60°
A 30 m B

4 A playground roundabout of radius 1.8 m makes one revolution every five seconds. Find, to the
nearest centimetre, the distance travelled by a point on the roundabout in one second if the point is
a 1.8 m from the centre of rotation b 1 m from the centre of rotation.

5 From a lighthouse, ship A is 17.2 km away on a bearing S 60° E and ship B is 14.1 km away on a
bearing N 80° W. How far, and on what bearing, is B from A?
B 67.2 m A
6 The diagram on the right shows the sketch made by a surveyor 82°
after taking measurements for a block of land ABCD.

Find the area and the perimeter of the block.

87.8 m

50 MATHEMATICS METHODS  Unit 1 ISBN 9780170390330

• So exactly what do we mean by
‘a function’?
• Machine analogy
• Natural domain of a function
• Miscellaneous exercise three
So exactly what do we mean by ‘a function’? WS

Five soccer players took part in a penalty taking competition.

Functions and relations
Each player took eight penalties and the arrow diagram on the 0
right shows the number of goals each player scored from these Alex 1
eight penalties.
If we select a name from the first set, the arrow diagram indicates Bob
the number of goals that player scored.
Chris 4
As was mentioned in the Preliminary work section at the beginning
of this text, any relationship that assigns to each element of one set Dan
one and only one element from a second 6

set is called a function. Eric 7

We say that an element of the first set maps onto an element 8

of the second set. For example, Alex in the first set maps onto
5 in the second set. We write Alex 5.
The first set we call the domain, the second set we call the co-domain and those elements of the
co-domain that the elements of the first set map onto form the range.
Thus in the above function, the domain is {Alex, Bob, Chris, Dan, Eric},
the co-domain is {0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8}
and the range is {3, 5, 6, 7}.
Notice that in this function two elements of the domain, Alex and Chris, map onto the same element of
the range, 5. We call such functions, in which more than one element of the domain map onto the same
element of the range, many-to-one functions.
If each element of the domain is mapped onto a different element of the range then the function is said
to be one-to-one.
One-to-many relationships can occur but under our requirement that a function takes one element
from the domain and assigns to it one and only one element from the range, a one-to-many relationship
would not be called a function. (Thus the arrow diagram for a function cannot have any elements in the
first set from which more than one arrow leaves.) This terminology is further illustrated below:


A many-to-one function A one-to-one function A ‘one to many’ relationship

Domain {A, B, C} Domain {H, I, J} Therefore not a function.
Co-domain {D, E, F, G} Co-domain {K, L, M, N}
Range {D, F} Range {K, L, N}

ISBN 9780170390330 3. Function 53

Many mathematical functions can be formed using a calculator. The correct key strokes can perform
certain functions on a given number and give the appropriate output. For example:

√x x2 (x – 1)3

1 1 –3 1 0
4 2 0 2 1
25 5 3 3 8

These functions may be one-to-one, as in x and (x – 1)3 shown above, or they may be many-to-one, as in
x2 shown above, for which (–3)2 and (3)2 have the same output, 9.
The domain and range of most of the functions we will deal with will be sets of numbers.
For example:
The ‘× 2’ function The ‘× 2 and subtract 1’ function
with domain {1, 2, 3} with domain {1, 2, 3}
1 1 1 1
1 1 1 1
2 2 2 2
3 3 3 3
2 2 2 2
4 4 4 4
5 5 5 5
3 6 3 3 6 6 3 6

Range {2, 4, 6}. Range {1, 3, 5}.

We write: f  (1) = 2 We write: f  (1) = 1
f  (2) = 4 f  (2) = 3
f  (3) = 6 f  (3) = 5
Thus f  (x) = 2x Thus f  (x) = 2x – 1

When several functions are used in one question, g(x) and h(x) are commonly used to distinguish
between them.


If f  (x) = 5x + 1 and g (x) = x2 – 5 determine a f  (3) b g (–2)

c p given that f  (p) = g (p)
a f  (x) = 5x + 1 b g (x) = x2 – 5 c f  (p) = g (p)
∴ f  (3) = 5(3) + 1 ∴ g (–2) = (–2) – 5 ∴ 5p + 1 = p2 – 5
= 16 = –1 0 = p2 – 5p – 6
Thus f  (3) is 16. Thus g (–2) is –1. 0 = (p + 1)(p – 6)
p = –1 or 6

54 MATHEMATICS METHODS  Unit 1 ISBN 9780170390330

Machine analogy
As the Preliminary work reminded us it can be useful at times to consider a function as a machine.
A box of numbers (the domain) is fed into the machine, a certain rule is applied to each number, and
the resulting output forms a new box of numbers, the range.
In this way f  (x) = x2 + 3, with domain {1, 2, 3, 4, 5}, could be ‘pictured’ as follows:

1, 2, 3, 4, 5 The
Input square it and add
three Output
function machine 4, 7, 12, 19, 28

Natural domain of a function

If we are not given a specific domain we assume it to be all the numbers which the function ‘can cope
with’, i.e. all of the real numbers for which the function is defined. We call this the natural domain or
implied domain of the function.
For example f  (x) = 2x + 3 is defined for all real x.
Thus f  (x) = 2x + 3 has natural domain .
(As mentioned in the preliminary work section we use , or R, to represent the set of all real numbers.)
g  (x) = is not defined for x = 3.
x −3
Thus g (x) = has natural domain {x ∈ : x ≠ 3}.
Reading ‘∈’ as ‘is a member of’ and ‘:’ as ‘such that’, {x ∈ : x ≠ 3} can be read as x is a member of the set
of real numbers such that x is not equal to 3.
h(x) = x − 3 is only defined for x – 3 ≥ 0
Thus h(x) = x − 3 has natural domain {x ∈ : x ≥ 3}.


State the range of each of the following functions for the given domain.
a f  (x) = x + 1 {x ∈ : 2 ≤ x ≤ 5} b f  (x) = x for the natural domain of f  (x).

a Adding 1 to all the real numbers from 2 to 5 will give all the real numbers from 3 to 6.
Thus the range is {y ∈ : 3 ≤ y ≤ 6}.
Note that we could use any letter to define the range but in this book we will tend to use x as
the variable when defining a domain and y as the variable when defining a range.
b The natural domain of the function is {x ∈ : x ≥ 0}.
This function could then output any non negative real number.
Thus the range is {y ∈ : y ≥ 0}.

ISBN 9780170390330 3. Function 55

Alternatively Example 2 could be considered graphically. If we view the graph y = f  (x) then the
required range will be the y values corresponding to the x values in the domain.
3≤y≤6 4
3 y
2 3
Range y = √x
1 2
1 2 3 4 5 6 x
Domain x
Domain 5
–2 2≤x≤5 –1
Note that with our requirement that a function takes one element from the domain and assigns to it
one and only one element from the range, the graph of a function must be such that:

If a vertical line is moved from the left of the domain to the right it must never cut the graph in
more than one place.
This is called the vertical line test.

y y y y

x x x x

A function Not a function A function Not a function

Note: We could use a similar horizontal line test to determine whether a function is a one-to-one
function or not.

Exercise 3A
1 Which of the following arrow diagrams show functions?
a b c

d e f

56 MATHEMATICS METHODS  Unit 1 ISBN 9780170390330

2 Which of the following shows the graph of a function?
a b
y c
y y

x x x

d e
y f
y y

x x x

3 State the range of each of the following function machines for the domains shown.
The multiply by two
Input: and then add three Output:
1, 2, 3, 4 function machine ?

The add three and
Input: then multiply by two Output:
1, 2, 3, 4 function machine ?

The divide the
Input: number by itself Output:
1, 2, 3, 4 function machine ?

Input: The multiply the
All real number by itself Output:
numbers function machine ?

4 For f  (x) = 5x – 2 determine each of the following.

a f  (4) b f  (–1) c f  (3) d f  (1.2)
e f  (3) + f  (2) f f  (5) g f  (–5) h f  (a)
i f  (2a) j 2
f  (a ) k 3f  (2) l f  (a + b)
m The value of p for which f  (p) = 33.
n The value of q for which f  (q) = –12.

ISBN 9780170390330 3. Function 57

5 For f  (x) = 4x – 7, g (x) = x2 – 12 and h(x) = x2 – 3x + 3, determine each of the following.
a f  (4) b f  (0) c g(3) d g(–3)
e h(–5) f h(5) g h(–2) h 3f  (a)
i f  (3a) j 3g(a) k g(3a)
l The values of p for which g(p) = 24.
m The value of q for which g(q) = h(q).
n The values of r for which h(r) = f  (r) + 28.

6 Which numbers can each of the following functions not cope with? (i.e. which numbers must not
be included in the domain?)
1 1
a f  (x) = x − 1 b f  (x) = x2 + 1 c f  (x) = d f  (x) = 
x 1− x

7 Which numbers is it impossible for each of the following functions to output? (i.e. which numbers
will not be included in the range?)
1 1
a f  (x) = x − 1 b f  (x) = x2 + 1 c f  (x) = d f  (x) = 
x 1− x

For questions 8 to 22 state the range of each function for the given domain.

8 Function: f (x) = x + 5, Domain: {x ∈ : 0 ≤ x ≤ 3}

9 Function: f (x) = x – 3, Domain: {x ∈ : 0 ≤ x ≤ 3}

10 Function: f (x) = 3x, Domain: {x ∈ : –2 ≤ x ≤ 5}

11 Function: f (x) = 4x, Domain: {x ∈ : 5 ≤ x ≤ 10}

12 Function: f (x) = 2x – 1, Domain: {x ∈ : 0 ≤ x ≤ 5}

13 Function: f (x) = 1 – x, Domain: {x ∈ : 0 ≤ x ≤ 5}

14 Function: f (x) = x2, Domain: {x ∈ : –1 ≤ x ≤ 3}

15 Function: f (x) = (x + 1)2, Domain: {x ∈ : –2 ≤ x ≤ 3}

16 Function: f (x) = x2 + 1, Domain: {x ∈ : –1 ≤ x ≤ 3}

17 Function: f (x) = , Domain: {x ∈ : 1 ≤ x ≤ 4}
18 Function: f (x) = , Domain: {x ∈ : 0 < x ≤ 1}
19 Function: f (x) = x2 – 1 , Domain: 

20 Function: f (x) = x2 + 4, Domain: 

21 Function: f (x) = , Domain: {x ∈ : x ≠ 1}
x −1
x +1
22 Function: f (x) = , Domain: {x ∈ : x ≠ 1}
x −1

58 MATHEMATICS METHODS  Unit 1 ISBN 9780170390330

For questions 23 to 28 state whether the function is one-to-one or many-to-one for the stated domain.

23 f (x) = x, domain:  24 f (x) = x2, domain: {x ∈ : 0 ≤ x ≤ 3}

25 f (x) = x2, domain: {x ∈ : –3 ≤ x ≤ 3} 26 f (x) = x2, domain: 

27 f (x) = x , domain: {x ∈ : 1 ≤ x ≤ 4} 28 
f (x) = x , for the natural domain of the function

State the natural domain and corresponding range for each of the following.

29 f (x) = 2x + 3 30 f (x) = x2

31 f (x) = x 32 f (x) = x − 3

33 f (x) = x + 3 34 f (x) = 5 + x − 3
1 1
35 f (x) = 36 f (x) =
x−3 x−3

Miscellaneous exercise three

This miscellaneous exercise may include questions involving the work of this chapter, the
work of any previous chapters, and the ideas mentioned in the Preliminary work section at
the beginning of the book.

2x − 1 3x + 2 3x − 1 2x + 7
1 Solve a = b +7 =
3 5 2 3

2 Find the range of the function f  (x) = 3 – 2x for the domain {1, 2, 3, 4}.

3 Graph 1 below shows the graph of f  (x) = x + 1 for the domain –2 ≤ x ≤ 3.

Graph 2 shows the graph of f  (x) = x + 1 for the domain {–2, –1, 0, 1, 2, 3}.
State the range of the function for each domain.
y y
6 6
5 5
4 4
3 3
2 2
1 1

–3 –2 –1 1 2 3 4 5 x –3 –2 –1 1 2 3 4 5 x
–1 –1
Graph 1 Graph 2
–2 –2
–3 –3

ISBN 9780170390330 3. Function 59

4 Expand and then simplify each of the following:
a (a + b)2 b (a + b)3 c (a + 2b)3 d (a – 2b)3

5 For each of the following diagrams, state whether the relationship shown is a function or not and,
for those that are functions, state whether the function is one-to-one or many-to one.
a y b y c y

x x x

d y e y f y

x x x

6 The isosceles triangle ABC has AB = AC = 10 cm and BC = 12 cm. Three circles are drawn,
one with centre A, radius 4 cm, another with centre B, radius 6 cm, and a third with centre C,
radius 6 cm. Find the area of that part of triangle ABC not lying in any of the circles.

7 Three ships A, B and C are such that B is 4.8 km from A on a bearing 115° and C is 5.7 km from
A on a bearing 203°.
How far and on what bearing is B from C?

8 The diagram on the right shows the sketch made by a surveyor

after taking measurements for a block of land. Find the area of
the block. 63 m 81 m

100° 120°
72 m

9 A pig farmer makes a feeding trough for his pigs by cutting a m

cylindrical metal drum (see diagram). If the drum is of length 0c
120 cm and radius 30 cm and the cut is made 10 cm from the 10 cm
axis of the drum find the capacity of the trough correct to the 30 cm
nearest litre. (Ignore the thickness of the metal.) Fullerton

60 MATHEMATICS METHODS  Unit 1 ISBN 9780170390330

• Revision of straight line graphs
• Lines parallel to the axes
• Direct proportion and straight line graphs
• Further considerations
• Determining the equation
of a straight line
• Calculator and internet routines
• Parallel and perpendicular lines
• Miscellaneous exercise four
Three electricians, Sparky, Flash and Voltman, have different ways of calculating a customer’s bill.
• Sparky charges a standard rate per hour and has no other charges.
• Flash has a fixed, or ‘standing’ charge and then charges a certain amount per hour on top of that.
• Voltman has a higher standing charge than Flash but then charges less per hour.
These three methods are shown graphed below:



Cost in dollars




1 2 3 4 5
Time in hours

• Which line, I, II or III, corresponds to

a Sparky? b Flash? c Voltman?
• Ignoring the standing charges, who charges most per hour? What feature of the graph shows this?
• With the charge being $C and the time being t hours the equation of line I is:
C = 60t + 120.
Determine the equations of lines II and III.
• If you were considering using one of the three electricians for a job and wanted to keep the cost to a
minimum which of the three could you dismiss from your considerations?

ISBN 9780170390330 4. Linear functions 63

It is likely that you have already encountered straight line graphs in your mathematical studies of
earlier years. Indeed the Preliminary work at the beginning of this text included brief mention of
the equation
y = mx + c.
Reading through the next few pages, and then working through Exercise 4A which follows, should
revise these ideas and provide further practice.

Revision of straight line graphs
For each of the three electricians in the situation on the previous page, the amount they charged the
x- and y-intercepts
customer, $C, and the time of the job, t hours, were linearly related. I.e. graphing paired values of the
two variables t and C gave a straight line in each case.
Two important features of straight line graphs are:
• The steepness or gradient of the line.
In the situation on the previous page this feature indicated the hourly rate charged by
each electrician (neglecting the standing charge).
and • The point where the line cuts the vertical axis.
In the situation on the previous page this feature indicated the standing charge for
each electrician.
Consider these two features for the graph shown on the right: y
7 F
• Each time we move to the right 1 unit the line goes up 2 units. We say
that the line has a gradient, or slope, of 2 units. (If a straight line goes
5 E
down for each unit we move right we say it has a negative gradient.)
4 2
• The line cuts the vertical axis at the point with coordinates (0, 1). 3 D
Looking at points A, B, C, D, E and F, all lying on the line, the following 2
table can be created: 1 C

A B C D E F –2 1 2 3 x
x coordinate –2 –1 0 1 2 3 –2
y coordinate –3 –1 1 3 5 7 A –3

Notice that as the x values in the table increase by 1, the y values increase by 2, as we would expect for
a table of values for a line with a gradient of 2. If for each unit increase in x the y values did not increase
by a constant amount, the points would not lie in a straight line.
From the table we see that the rule or equation governing these pairs of numbers is
y = 2x + 1.

If a straight line cuts the y-axis at (0, c) and has a gradient of m then its equation is:
y = mx + c

64 MATHEMATICS METHODS  Unit 1 ISBN 9780170390330

For example:

y y y
5 5 5
4 4 4
3 3 3
2 2 2
1 1 1
E x x N x
–4 –3 –2 –1 1 2 3 4 –4 –3 –2 –1 1 2 3 4 –4 –3 –2 –1 1 2 3 4
–1 –1 –1
–2 –2 –2
–3 –3 –3
A –4 –4 –4
–5 –5 –5

Gradient of line = 1 Gradient of line = 2 Gradient of line = –0.5

Cuts y-axis at (0, –2) Cuts y-axis at (0, 3) Cuts y-axis at (0, 1)
Rule: y = 1x – 2 Rule: y = 2x + 3 Rule: y = –0.5x + 1
Which agrees with the Which agrees with the Which agrees with the
following table: following table: following table:

x –2 –1 0 1 2 x –3 –2 –1 0 1 x –4 –2 0 2 4
y –4 –3 –2 –1 0 y –3 –1 1 3 5 y 3 2 1 0 –1


State the equation of the straight line that cuts the y-axis at the point (0, 5) and has a gradient of 7.

A line with gradient m and cutting the y-axis at (0, c) has equation y = mx + c.
Thus the given line has equation y = 7x + 5.


A straight line has equation y = 3x – 5. Determine its gradient and the coordinates of the point
where it cuts the y-axis.

A line with equation y = mx + c has gradient m and cuts the y-axis at (0, c).
Thus the given line has gradient 3 and cuts the y-axis at the point (0, –5).

If the equation of a straight line is not presented in the form y = mx + c some initial rearrangement may
be made to present it in this form, as the next example shows.

ISBN 9780170390330 4. Linear functions 65


A straight line has equation 3x + 5y = 20. Determine its gradient and the coordinates of the point
where it cuts the y-axis.

Given: 3x + 5y = 20
Subtract 3x from each side to isolate 5y: 5y = –3x + 20
Divide each side by 5 to isolate y: y = –0.6x + 4
This is now of the form y = mx + c.
Thus the given line has gradient –0.6 and cuts the y-axis at the point (0, 4).

The equation of a line is like the ‘membership ticket’ for points lying on the line:

The coordinates of every point lying on a straight line will ‘fit’ the equation of the line and every
point not lying on the line will not fit the equation.


Determine whether or not the point (–2, –8) lies on the line y = –3x – 14.

If (–2, –8) lies on the given line then substituting the x-coordinate, –2, into the equation should
give the y-coordinate, –8.
If  x = –2  then y = –3(–2) – 14
= 6 – 14
Thus the point (–2, –8) does lie on the line y = –3x – 14.


Lines parallel to the axes 5
Lines parallel to the x-axis have zero gradient.
Equations of lines y=3
parallel to axes
They will have equations of the form y = 0x + c,
y = c.
Hence the graph on the right shows the lines x
y = 6,

y = –2

y = –2.

66 MATHEMATICS METHODS  Unit 1 ISBN 9780170390330

Lines parallel to the y-axis have an undefined gradient – we cannot find the vertical rise in the line for
each horizontal unit increased because the line rises vertically for zero increase horizontally! Hence
we should not expect the rules for vertical lines to be of the form y = mx + c because the gradient, m, is
undefined. Indeed straight lines parallel to the y-axis are the only straight lines having rules that are not
of the form y = mx + c.
Lines parallel to the y-axis have rules of the form x = c.
The graph on the right shows the vertical lines: x = –2,

x = –2


x = 5.
Even though these vertical lines have rules of a different
form, points lying on each line must still ‘obey’ the rule.
For example, for a point to lie on x = 3 the point must have 4
an x-coordinate equal to 3.

Direct proportion and straight line graphs

As we were reminded in the Preliminary work section at the beginning of this text, if x and y are directly
proportional (also called direct variation) then
• if x is doubled, y is doubled • if x is trebled, y is trebled, etc.
If x and y are directly proportional, and if when x = 1, y = k, the following table would result:

x 1 2 3 4 5 6
y k 2k 3k 4k 5k 6k
Difference k k k k k

As the x values increase by 1 the y values show a constant difference pattern of k.

Thus the rule will be of the form y = kx + c.
From the values in the table c = 0.
Hence, for direct proportion, the rule relating x and y is y = kx, i.e. a straight line of gradient k and
passing through the point (0, 0).
Gradient = 1
20 20 20
15 15 15
Gradient = 2 Gradient = 0.5
10 10 10
5 5 5

t t t
5 10 15 20       5 10 15 20       5 10 15 20

Direct proportion Direct proportion Not direct proportion

Rule: P = 2t Rule: P = 0.5t Rule: P = t + 4

ISBN 9780170390330 4. Linear functions 67

Exercise 4A
1 For each of the lines A to L shown below, write down
a the coordinates of the point where the line cuts the y-axis
b the gradient of the line
c the equation of the line
y y y
5 B 5 5 K
4 4 4 I

3 3 3
2 C 2 F 2
1 1 G 1
x x x
–4 –3 –2 –1 1 2 3 4 –4 –3 –2 –1 1 2 3 4 –4 –3 –2 –1 1 2 3 4
–1 –1 –1
–2 –2 –2
–3 –3 –3
–4 D –4 –4
–5 –5 –5

2 For each of the following tables determine whether the paired values (x, y) would, if graphed,
give points that lie in a straight line. For those that do determine the equation of the straight line.
(You should be able to do this question from the tables and should not need to plot the points.)

a x 1 2 3 4 5 6 b x 1 2 3 4 5 6
y 7 9 11 13 15 17 y –2 3 8 13 18 23

c x 1 2 3 4 5 6 d x 1 2 3 4 5 6
y 0 1 3 6 10 15 y –3 –2 –1 0 1 2

e x 0 1 2 3 4 5 f x 0 1 2 3 4 5
y 10 8 6 4 2 0 y 5 5 5 5 5 5

g x 3 4 1 6 2 5 h x 4 2 1 6 3 5
y 9 4 16 –9 13 –2 y 7 –3 –8 17 2 12

3 Copy and complete the following table.

Equation Gradient y-axis intercept

y = 2x + 3 ? (0, ?)
y = 3x + 4 ? (0, ?)
y = –2x – 7 ? (0, ?)
y = 6x + 3 ? (0, ?)

68 MATHEMATICS METHODS  Unit 1 ISBN 9780170390330

4 Write down the equation of the straight line with gradient 4 and cutting the y-axis at (0, 6).

5 Write down the equation of the straight line cutting the y-axis at (0, –5) and with gradient –1.

6 Suppose that a particular ‘family’ of straight lines are all those with a gradient of 2. Which of the
following straight lines are in this family?
Line A: Equation y = 3x + 2 Line B: Equation y = 2x – 3
Line C: Equation y = 2 Line D: Equation y = 2x
Line E: Equation y = 5 + 2x Line F: Equation 2y = 4x + 7
Line G: Equation y – 2x = 5 Line H: Equation 3y + 6x = 5

7 Suppose that a particular ‘family’ of straight lines are all those passing through the point (0, 6).
Which of the following straight lines are in this family?
Line A: Equation y = 5x + 6 Line B: Equation y = 6x + 5
Line C: Equation y = 6x Line D: Equation y = 6
Line E: Equation y = 6 + x Line F: Equation y + 6 = x
Line G: Equation 2y = –x + 12 Line H: Equation x + y = 6

8 Write down the equation of the straight line with gradient –4 and cutting the y-axis at (0, –3).
Does this line pass through the point (–1, 1)?

9 Write down the equation of the straight line cutting the y-axis at (0, –3) and with gradient 2.
Which of the following points lie on this line?
A(5, 7),   B(–3, –1),   C(–0.5, –4),   D(2.5, 2),   E(–2, –1).

10 Copy and complete the following table.

Equation Written as y = mx + c Gradient y-axis intercept

2y = 4x – 5 ? (0, ?)
4y = 3x + 7 ? (0, ?)
3y – 2x = 6 ? (0, ?)
4x + 3y – 6 = 0 ? (0, ?)
3x + 5y = 8 ? (0, ?)

11 Points A(3, a), B(5, b) and C(c, –9) all lie on the line y = 7x + 5. Find a, b and c.

12 The points D, E, F, G, H and I, whose coordinates are given below, all lie on the line y = dx – 5.
D(4, –3),   E(8, e),    F(–2, f ),    G(13, g),    H(h, –4.5),    I(i, –7.5).
Determine the values of d, e, f, g, h and i.

ISBN 9780170390330 4. Linear functions 69

13 For each of the following graphs, state whether P and t vary directly with each other (i.e. are
directly proportional to each other) or not and, for those cases when direct proportion is involved,
find the rule for the relationship.
a P b P
(20, 20) (20, 20)
20 20
15 15
10 10
(0, 10)
5 5

(0, 0) 5 10 15 20 t 5 10 15 20 t

c P d P
20 (5, 20) 20 (20, 20)
15 15
10 10
5 5
(10, 0)
(0, 0) 5 10 15 20 t 5 10 15 20 t

e P f P
20 20
(20, 15)
15 15
10 10
(20, 5)
5 5

(0, 0) 5 10 15 20 t (0, 0) 5 10 15 20 t

g P (40, 20)
h P
(20, 500)
20 500
10 400
(20, 10)
(10, 300)
20 30 40 t 0 10 20 t

Further considerations
Our understanding of coordinates, gradients and the Pythagorean theorem allows us to:
Finding the gradient,
distance and midpoint
• determine the coordinates of the mid-point of a line joining two points
• determine the gradient of a line joining two points
• determine the distance between two points.

70 MATHEMATICS METHODS  Unit 1 ISBN 9780170390330

Consider moving from the point A(–2, 3) to B(6, 9). This involves moving right 8 units and up 6 units,
as shown below left.
If, from point A, we only wanted to move half way towards point B, we would move just 4 units right
and 3 units up. This would take us to the point (2, 6), as shown below right.

y B (6, 9) y B (6, 9)

(2, 6)

6 units
5 5

3 units
8 units
A (–2, 3) A (–2, 3) 4 units

–5 5 x –5 5 x


Note that as you may have expected, the x-coordinate of the midpoint of the line joining points A and
B is the mean of the x-coordinates of the two points, and the y-coordinate of the mid-point is the mean
of the y-coordinates of the two points. Hence, if we want to avoid having to plot the points on a graph
the following result can be used directly:

The coordinates of the midpoint of the line joining point A to point B will be:
(the mean of the two x-coordinates, the mean of the two y-coordinates).
Thus if A has coordinates (x1, y1) and B has coordinates (x2, y2) then the coordinates of the
midpoint will be given by:
 x1 + x 2 y1 + y2 
 , 
2 2 

Now consider the points A(–6, 4) and B(4, –2) shown graphed below left. To move from A to B we
move right 10 units and down 6 units, as shown below right.

y y
5 5
A (–6, 4) A (–6, 4)
10 units
6 units

x x
–5 5 –5 5

B (4, –2)      B (4, –2)

Hence in moving right one unit we move down 0.6 units. Thus the gradient of the line through A and
B is –0.6.

ISBN 9780170390330 4. Linear functions 71

If we want to avoid having to plot the points on a graph the following result can be used directly:

If a line passes through two points, A and B, then the gradient of the line is:
the change in the y-coordinate in going from A to B
the change in the x -coordinate in going from A to B
Thus if A has coordinates (x1, y1) and B has coordinates (x2, y2) then:
y2 − y1
Gradient of the straight line through A(x1, y1) and B(x2, y2) =  .
x 2 − x1

y1 − y2 y −y y −y
• In the previous formula would also give the correct answer but 1 2 and 2 1 would not.
x1 − x 2 x 2 − x1 x1 − x 2

To find the length of the straight line joining A(–6, 4) to y

B(4, –2) we use the Pythagorean theorem: A (–6, 4)

AB2 = 102 + 62

= 100 + 36
= 136
–5 5
AB = 136
= 11.7 units (to 1 decimal place) B (4, –2)

The length of the line joining A(–6, 4) to B(4, –2) is 11.7 units, to one decimal place.
Again, if we want to apply a formula and not plot the points:

The length of the line joining point A, (x1, y1), to point B, (x2, y2), is:

( y2 − y1 )2 + ( x 2 − x1 )2 .
I.e. (change in the y-coordinate )2 + (change in the x -coordinate )2


Find the coordinates of the midpoint of AB given that point A has coordinates (–7, 19) and point B
has coordinates (5, –3).

 −7 + 5 19 + ( −3) 
Coordinates of midpoint =  ,  , i.e. (–1, 8).
 2 2
The midpoint of the line AB has coordinates (–1, 8).

72 MATHEMATICS METHODS  Unit 1 ISBN 9780170390330


Find the gradient of the straight line through C(3, –5) and D(6, 4).

Gradient = 
( 4 ) − ( −5)
(6 ) − (3)
The straight line through C and D has a gradient of 3.


Find the length of the straight line joining point E(1, –7) to point F(13, –2).

EF 2 = (–7 – –2)2 + (1 – 13)2
= (–5)2 + (–12)2
= 169
EF = 169
= 13 units
The length of the line joining E(1, –7) to F(13, –2) is 13 units.

Your calculator, and various internet sites, may have programmed Note
routines that allow
Such routines can be useful
• the coordinates of the midpoint of a line joining two points, but make sure that you
• the gradient of the straight line through two points, understand the underlying
and • the distance between two points, ideas as shown in the
previous examples and can
to be determined. apply them without the
assistance of calculator and
Exercise 4B internet programs if required.

1 Calculate the coordinates of the midpoint of the straight line joining each of the following pairs of points.
a (4, 6) and (10, 12) b (6, 7) and (4, 13) c (4, 5) and (2, 5)
d (–6, 7) and (2, –5) e (0, 5) and (–4, 2) f (5, 3) and (19, –1)
g (6, –2) and (10, –9) h (–5, 12) and (5, 3) i (–6, 8) and (8, –6)

2 Find the gradient of the straight line through each of the following pairs of points.
a (4, 6) and (2, 2) b (6, 7) and (7, 3) c (4, 5) and (2, 1)
d (6, 7) and (2, 5) e (5, 3) and (1, 4) f (3, 3) and (4, 2)
g (4, 3) and (2, 7) h (5, 2) and (3, –3) i (4, 2) and (–2, –1)

ISBN 9780170390330 4. Linear functions 73

3 Calculate the length of the straight line joining each of the following pairs of points.
a (4, 6) and (7, 10) b (6, 7) and (3, 11) c (4, 5) and (–8, 10)
d (6, 1) and (–1, 25) e (5, –3) and (–3, 12) f (–6, 8) and (0, 0)
g (4, 3) and (11, 4) h (5, 2) and (–2, 5) i (9, 9) and (3, 4)

4 Points C and D have coordinates (3, 6) and (4, 8) respectively. Find

a the gradient of the straight line joining C and D
b the length of the straight line joining C and D
c the coordinates of the midpoint of the line CD.

5 Points E and F have coordinates (–1, 1) and (4, 9) respectively. Find

a the gradient of the straight line joining E and F
b the length of the straight line joining E and F
c the coordinates of the midpoint of the line EF.

6 The length of the straight line joining point A(1, 4) to point B(7, c) is 10 units.
Find the two possible values of c.

7 The diagram on the right shows the y

location of point A on the mainland 6

and B and C on islands. Each unit

shown on the graph is 1 km. 4
Calculate the distance from (2, 3)
a A to B
b A to C
–8 –6 –4 –2 2 4 6 8
c B to C
(–5, –4) B
A (4, –3)


8 The diagram below shows a simplified model of the three stages of a proposed mountain climb.

Vertical distance (km)

(4.2, 2.4)


2 (3.8, 1.4)
1 ge

Stage 1 (2, 0.4)

1 2 3 4 5
Horizontal distance (km)

According to this linear model, what is the gradient of each stage?

74 MATHEMATICS METHODS  Unit 1 ISBN 9780170390330

Determining the equation of a straight line WS

As we have already seen, knowing the gradient of a straight line and the coordinates of the point where
Equations of lines
the line cuts the vertical axis we can determine the equation of the straight line. Similarly we have seen
that we can determine the equation of a straight line given the graph of the line or the table of values
for the line. Two other common situations that may occur and for which the given information allows
us to determine the equation of the line are as follows:
• Given the gradient of the line and the coordinates of any point on the line, not necessarily the
vertical intercept. (See Example 8.)
• Given the coordinates of any two points that lie on the line. (See Example 9.)

EXAMPLE 8 (Given the gradient and one other point on the line.)

Find the equation of the straight line through the point (4, –3) and with a gradient of –2.
A straight line of gradient m has an equation of the form y = mx + c.
Thus the given line will have an equation of the form y = –2x + c.
The line passes through the point (4, –3).
Thus the values x = 4 and y = –3 must ‘fit’ the equation, i.e. (–3) = –2(4) + c,
giving c = 5.
Thus the given line has equation y = –2x + 5.

EXAMPLE 9 (Given two points that lie on the line.)

Find the equation of the straight line through the points (–2, 8) and (4, –1).
First we determine the gradient of the line, either by reasoning:
Starting with the point with the lower x-coordinate, (–2, 8), and moving to the other point, (4, –1),
we travel across 6 units and down 9 units. Thus in moving across 1 unit we travel down units,
3 3
i.e. units. The gradient of the line is − .
2 2

Gradient = 8 − ( −1)
y2 − y1
Or by use of  :
x 2 − x1 −2 − 4
= –1.5.
Thus the given line will have an equation of the form y = –1.5x + c.
The line passes through the point (4, –1). Thus –1 = –1.5(4) + c,
giving c = 5.
Thus the given line has equation y = –1.5x + 5.
(The reader should confirm that using the point (–2, 8) and saying that the values x = –2 and y = 8
must ‘fit’ the equation also gives c = 5.)

ISBN 9780170390330 4. Linear functions 75

EXAMPLE 10 (Given information that allows us to determine two points that lie on
the line and then proceed as in the previous example.)
The line y = 2x – 6 cuts the x-axis at the point A.
The line y = 5 – 7x passes through the point B, coordinates (–1, k).
Find the equation of the straight line through points A and B.
Any point on the x-axis has a y-coordinate of zero. Thus at point A: 0 = 2x – 6,
∴ x = 3.
Point A has coordinates (3, 0).
Point B (–1, k) lies on the line y = 5 – 7x. Thus k = 5 – 7(–1),
∴ k = 12.
Point B has coordinates (–1, 12).
12 − 0
The line through points A(3, 0) and B(–1, 12) has gradient = –3.
−1− 3
Thus the required equation is of the form y = –3x + c.
But the point (3, 0) lies on this line, hence: 0 = –3(3) + c,
∴ c = 9.
The required equation is y = –3x + 9.

Calculator and internet routines

As with determining the coordinates of the midpoint of a line joining two points, the distance between
two points, and the gradient of the straight line through two points, your calculator and some internet
sites may also have programmed routines that allow the equation of a line to be determined simply
by inputting the coordinates of two points on the line, or inputting the gradient and the coordinates
of just one point on the line. Again such routines can be useful but make sure that you understand the
underlying ideas and can apply them without the assistance of such programs if required.

Exercise 4C
1 Write the equations of each of the lines A to J shown in the graphs below.
10 10
8 8
6 6

4 4

2 2
x x
–4 –2 2 4 6 8 10 –4 –2 2 4 6 8 10
–2 –2
–4 –4

76 MATHEMATICS METHODS  Unit 1 ISBN 9780170390330

2 What is the equation of the x-axis?

3 What is the equation of the y-axis?

4 Write down the equation of the straight line with gradient 3 and cutting the y-axis at (0, 4).
Does this line pass through the point (–1, 1)?

5 Write down the equation of the straight line cutting the y-axis at (0, 2) and with gradient 0.5.
Which of the following points lie on this line ?
A(2, 1),    B(2, 0),    C(4, 2),    D(–6, –1),    E(4, 4).

6 Find the equation of each of the following straight lines.

a Gradient 1, through (3, 5). b Gradient –1, through (6, –1).
c Gradient –2, through (3, 2). d Gradient 5, through (–2, –2).
e Gradient 0.5, through (8, 9). f Gradient –0.5, through (–3, 0).
g Gradient 1.5, through (9, 2). h Gradient − , through (7, –1).

7 Find the equation of each of the following straight lines.

a Through (2, 5) and (6, 9). b Through (0, –1) and (2, –9).
c Through (14, 1) and (16, –5). d Through (1, 1) and (2, 3).
e Through (1, 2) and (13, 6). f Through (3, –2) and (–1, 6).
g Through (3, 9) and (0, 4). h Through (0, 5) and (2, –5).

8 Find the equation of the straight line passing through (1, 1) and (4, 7).
Determine which of the points listed below lie on this line.
A(7, 15),    B(7, 13),    C(2, 2),    D(–1, 3),    E(6, 11).

9 Find the equation of the straight line with gradient 0.5 and passing through the point (3, 4).
Given that each of the points listed below lie on this line, determine the values of f, g, h, i and j.
F(9, f  ),    G(–9, g),    H(h, 9),    I(i, 1.5),    J(3.8, j).

10 Find the coordinates of the point where the line 2y = x – 4 cuts the x-axis.
Find the equation of the straight line through this point and (–1, 10).

11 Find the coordinates of the point where the line 2y = –x + 6 cuts the x-axis.
Find the equation of the straight line through this point and the point (8, 8).

12 If we plot degrees Celsius, (°C), on the x-axis and degrees Fahrenheit, (°F), on the y-axis, the graph
for converting from one scale to the other is a straight line. Given that 100°C is the same as 212°F
and 50°C is the same as 122°F find the equation of the line in the form F = mC + b, where m and b
are constants.
Convert the following to °F.
a 55°C b 125°C c –10°C
Convert the following to °C.
d 59°F e 86°F f –40°F

ISBN 9780170390330 4. Linear functions 77

13 If we plot the ‘Number of metered units’, N, on the x-axis and the ‘Amount to be paid’, $A, on the
y-axis then the graph for calculating a telephone bill is a straight line.
If the bill for 100 units is $64 and for 175 units is $82, determine the equation of this line in the
form A = mN + c, where m and c are constants.

14 The diagram on the right shows the

proposed layout of a small airfield.
The diagram shows the main runway, Warning lights
the approach lights, the warning at end of runway.
lights and the administration building. ain
The second diagram shows the Approach lights
proposal as a graph with lengths in at beginning
of runway.
metres and the admin building as
the origin. Building


Warning lights
placed along
these lines. ay
unw F
a in r Approach lights
placed along
40 these lines.

A x
–120 –80 –40 40 80 120 160
–40 Admin

a the coordinates of the points A, B, C, D, E and F (all divisible by 20)
b the length AB
c the equation of the straight line through A and B
d the equation of the straight line through C and D
e the equation of the straight line through E and F.

15 At 8 a.m. one morning an industrial fuel tank contains 4000 litres of fuel.
Fuel is being withdrawn from the tank at a constant rate of 0.25 litres per minute.
Writing A litres for the amount of fuel in the tank at time t hours past 8 a.m. find A when t = 2
and t when A = 3850.
Express the relationship between A and t in the form A = mt + c.

78 MATHEMATICS METHODS  Unit 1 ISBN 9780170390330

16 Susie Fuse, an electrician, charges her customers a standard call out fee plus a certain amount per
hour. For a job that takes her 3 hours she charges $445 and for a job that takes her 4.5 hours she
charges $625.
Write her method of charging in the form C = mT + c, where $C is the cost to the customer for a
job that takes T hours and m and c are constants.

17 A linear relationship exists between the profit, $P, that the organisers of a concert make, and N,
the number of tickets they sell. With P plotted on the vertical, y, axis and N on the horizontal,
x, axis the line of this relationship passes through the points (900, 400) and (1100, 1300). Find
the equation of this line in the form
P = mN + c,
where m and c are constants.
a What will be the profit when 1500 tickets are sold?
b If the concert hall has a maximum capacity of 2500 what profit will the organisers make if
they give away 150 complimentary tickets and sell all the rest?
c What is the least number of tickets the organisers could sell and still not make a loss?

18 The owner of a computer shop calculates that

his weekly profit from computer sales is linearly
related to the number of computers sold that week.
If he sells 10 computers in a week his total profit
is $560.
If he only sells 5 computers in the week he makes
a profit of $10.
The rule relating his total profit for the week, $P,
to the number of computers sold, x, is given by:
Total profit in dollars = mx – c,
$c being the fixed weekly cost of running the shop.
a Calculate m and c.
b What is his weekly profit from computer sales in a week that he sells 20 computers?

19 When a particular spring, of unstretched length L0 metres, has a mass of M kg suspended from
one end its new length, L metres, is given by:
L = kM + L0 where k is a constant.
A graph of M plotted on the horizontal axis and L on the vertical axis passes through the points
(2, 0.85) and (3, 1.05).
Calculate k and L0 and hence determine how much the spring is extended beyond its natural
length when a mass of 250 g is suspended from it.

ISBN 9780170390330 4. Linear functions 79

Parallel and perpendicular lines
Two lines that are parallel must have the same gradient but what is the relationship between the
Parallel and
perpendicular lines gradients of two perpendicular lines?
Each of the following diagrams show two perpendicular lines. Can you notice any pattern in the
gradients of two lines that are perpendicular?

y y y
10 10 10
8 8 8
y = 2x
6 6 y = –2x 6 y = 1x
4 4 4
2 2 2
x x x
–10 –8 –6 –4 –2
–2 2 4 6 8 10 –10 –8 –6 –4 –2
–2 2 4 6 8 10 –10 –8 –6 –4 –2
–2 2 4 6 8 10
–4 –4 –4
y = –x
–6 –6 2 –6
–8 y = –x –8 –8
–10 –10 –10
1 1
Gradients of 1 and –1. Gradients of 2 and − . Gradients of –2 and .
2 2

y y y
10 10 10
8 y = – 1x + 3 8 8 y = 5x – 5
3 3
6 6 y = –3x + 4 6
4 4 5 4
y = 2x + 3
5 2 2 2
x x x
–10 –8 –6 –4 –2
–2 2 4 6 8 10 –10 –8 –6 –4 –2
–2 2 4 6 8 10 –10 –8 –6 –4 –2
–2 2 4 6 8 10
–4 –4 –4
–6 –6 –6
–8 y = – 2 x + 12.5 –8 y = 3x – 9 –8
–10 –10 –10
2 5 1 3 5
Gradients of   and  − . Gradients of −  and 3. Gradients of −  and  .
5 2 3 5 3

y y = – 3x – 3 y y
10 2 10 10
8 8 8
y = 1x + 5 6 6
y = – 3x + 2
y =4x
4 3
4 4 y = 2x – 4 4 4
2 2 3 2
x x x
–10 –8 –6 –4 –2 2 4 6 8 10 –10 –8 –6 –4 –2 2 4 6 8 10 –10 –8 –6 –4 –2 2 4 6 8 10
–2 –2 –2
–4 –4 –4
–6 –6 –6
y = –4x + 24
–8 –8 –8
–10 –10 –10
1 3 2 3 4
Gradients of   and –4. Gradients of −  and  . Gradients of −  and  .
4 2 3 4 3

80 MATHEMATICS METHODS  Unit 1 ISBN 9780170390330

Did you notice that:
If the gradient of one line is m, a perpendicular line has gradient − ?
This can be summarised as follows:

The gradients of two perpendicular lines have a product of –1.

Note: The only situation involving perpendicular lines where this rule does not apply is that of
a horizontal line, e.g. y = 3 (zero gradient), and a vertical line, e.g. x = 4 (infinite gradient).
In such cases the product of the gradients does not equal –1 but the lines are perpendicular.

Exercise 4D
1 The eleven lines whose equations are given below contain five pairs of parallel lines and one that is
not parallel to any of the others.
List the five pairs. (i.e. A and E, ? and ?, … ).
A: y = 2x + 3 B: y = 3x + 4 C: y = 5x + 3 D: y = x + 3
E: y = 2x – 1 F: y = 5 – x G: y + 5x = 1 H: y – 5x = 4
I: y = 1 – 5x J: y = 3x – 2 K: 2y + x = 6

2 Find the equation of the straight line through the point (–1, –7) and parallel to the line y = 2x + 3.

3 The eleven lines whose equations are given below contain five pairs of perpendicular lines and one
that is not perpendicular to any of the others.
List the five pairs.
A: y = –2x + 3 B: y = 3x C:
y = x + 3 D: y = x + 1
E: y = –x + 1 F: y = 3 G: 3y + x = 3 H: 2y = 3x + 2

I: 2y + 3x = 8 J: 3y = 2x – 9 K: x = –2

4 Find the equation of the straight line that is perpendicular to y = 2x + 3 and passes through the
point (–4, 7).

5 Find the equation of the straight line that is perpendicular to 3y = 5 – x and passes through the
point (–1, 2).

6 a The lines y = x – 3 and y = 3x – 7 intersect at the point B.

Using your calculator, or otherwise, find the coordinates of point B.

b Find the equation of the line that is perpendicular to 2y + x = 8 and that passes through the
point B.

ISBN 9780170390330 4. Linear functions 81

Miscellaneous exercise four
This miscellaneous exercise may include questions involving the work of this chapter, the
work of any previous chapters, and the ideas mentioned in the Preliminary work section at the
beginning of the book.

1 Which of the following are equations of straight lines?

A: y = 2x + 3 B: y = x2 + 3 C: y = 3x – 1 D: y = 3 – x3
E: y = 4 – 3x F: 2y = 4x + 5 G: y = 2x + 3x2 H:
y = 4x
2 x +1
I: x = 4y J: 2y + 3x = 5 K: y = L: y=
x +1 2

2 State whether each of the points A to E lie on the line y = 3x – 5.

A(6, 12), B(5, 11), C(2, 1), D(–3, –13), E(–1, –8)

3 State whether each of the points F to J lie on the line y = –x + 6.

F(1, 5), G(0, 6), H(2, 8), I(–1, 4), J(6, 0)

4 For f  (x) = 2x + 3 and g(x) = 5x – 18 determine each of the following.

a f  (4) b f  (–2) c f  (10)
d g(2) e g(–2) f g(6.5)
g f  (1) + f  (2) h g(1) + g(2) i f  (m) + g(m)
j The value of m given that f  (m) = 15. k The value of p given that g(p) = 7.
l The value of q given that f  (q) = g(q). m The value of r given that f  (r) = r.
n The value of s given that g(s) = s.

5 Find where each of the following pairs of lines intersect

a y = 2x – 11 and y = –3x + 4 b 5x + 2y = 3 and 2x + 3y = 10

6 State the natural domain and the corresponding range for each of the following.
a f  (x) = x – 5 b f  (x) = x − 5 c f  (x) = (x – 5)2
1 1 1
d f  (x) = e f  (x) = f f  (x) =
x −5 ( x − 5) 2
x −5
7 Prove that points A(29, 16), B(25, 24), C(–2, 33), D(–10, 29), E(–15, –6), F(29, 2)
a all lie on the same circle centre O, coordinates (5, 9),
b are such that OA is perpendicular to OC,
c are such that BE is a diagonal of the circle.

8 Given the relationship between x and y is linear, determine the values of a, b, c, … g.

x 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 f g
y a b c 14 d 24 e 54 494

9 Each vertex of an equilateral triangle of side 10 cm is the centre of a circle of radius 5 cm.
Find the area of the central region bounded by the circles giving your answer as an exact value.

82 MATHEMATICS METHODS  Unit 1 ISBN 9780170390330

• Quadratic functions
• Key features of the graph of
y = a(x − p)2 + q
• Determining the rule from key features of
the graph
• Determining the key features of the graph
from the rule
• Tables of values
• Completing the square
• Miscellaneous exercise five
The Preliminary work reminded you of what the graph of y = x2 looks like but what of the graphs of
y = x2 + 3 or y = (x – 3)2 or y = (x – 3)2 + 4, etc. Are you familiar with the effects changing a, p and q have
on the graph of y = a(x – p)2 + q?
If you think you can remember something about these things then continue on to the ‘situation’ described
below. If you are not familiar with any of this work on the graphs of quadratic functions then read the
next page and work through Exercise 5A first and then come back to the situation described below.

An engineer needs to write instructions for a computer operated
cutting machine.
The machine cuts four ‘teeth’ along one of the long sides of

10 cm
a rectangular piece of metal, 16 cm × 10 cm.
The instructions need to give the height of the teeth and the
equations of the cuts required.
16 cm

The particular job shown requires the teeth to be cut as y

shown on the right. 4

The engineer starts writing the instructions as follows:

‘Height’ of teeth 4 cm. For 0 ≤ x < 2, cut y = x2. 0
4 8 12 16 x

For the next instruction, i.e. for 2 ≤ x < 6, the engineer is not sure which of the following equations to use:
y = x2 + 4, y = x2 – 4, y = (x – 4)2, y = (x + 4)2.
Decide which it should be and then write out the complete instructions for 0 ≤ x ≤ 16.

The machine is now required to cut teeth as shown on y

the right, in a sheet of metal that is 18 cm long. 4

The engineer began her instructions:

0 x
‘Height’ of teeth 4 cm. For 0 ≤ x < 2, cut y = x2. 4 8 12 16

Again the engineer is not sure which equation to use for the next instruction, i.e. for
2 ≤ x < 4.
She knows that it should be one of the following:
y = (x – 3)2 + 3, y = (x – 3)2 – 3, y = (x + 3)2 + 3, y = (x + 3)2 – 3.
Decide which it should be and then write out the complete instructions for 0 ≤ x ≤ 18.

ISBN 9780170390330 5. Quadratic functions 85

Quadratic functions
The points indicated in the table below would clearly not lie in a straight line because as the x value
increases by 1 the y value does not alter by a constant amount.

x –3 –2 –1 0 1 2 3
y 9 4 1 0 1 4 9

As you probably recognised, the table is for y = x2, the most basic quadratic function.
The graph of y = x2 is shown on the right and is said to be y
parabolic in shape. The curve is a known as a parabola. 9
Note that: 7
6 y = x2
• the graph is symmetrical with the y-axis as the line of symmetry. 5
• the graph is shaped like ‘a valley’ coming down to a ‘low point’
called the minimum point.
• for larger and larger positive x values, y takes even larger positive 1
values. We say that ‘as x approaches infinity then y approaches –5 – 4 –3 –2 –1 1 2 3 4 5 x
infinity’ (and indeed it does it faster than x does). This is
written: As x → ∞ then y → ∞.
• Similarly: As x → –∞ then y → ∞.
All functions that can be written in the form
y = ax2 + bx + c for a ≠ 0
will have graphs that are the same basic shape as that of y = x2 but may be moved left, right, up, down,
flipped over, squeezed or stretched.
Just as the equations of linear functions are not always presented in the form
y = mx + c
(for example 2y = 3x + 4, 3x + 4y = 7, 6x + y – 5 = 0), then so the equations of quadratic functions are
not always presented in the form
y = ax2 + bx + c.
Indeed for quadratic functions there are three ways in which the rule is frequently given:
y = ax2 + bx + c, for example y = 2x2 – 12x + 10,
y = a(x – b)(x – c), for example y = 2(x – 1)(x – 5),
and y = a(x – b) + c, for example y = 2(x – 3)2 – 8.
The reader should confirm that by expanding the brackets and collecting like terms the last two forms
can be written in the form y = ax2 + bx + c, and indeed are just alternative ways of writing the first
equation, y = 2x2 – 12x + 10.
Whilst the letters a, b and c are quite commonly used this does not have to be the case.
Exercise 5A which follows, considers quadratic functions with equations given in the form
y = a(x – p)2 + q
and investigates how changing the values of a, p and q alters the graph of the function.

86 MATHEMATICS METHODS  Unit 1 ISBN 9780170390330

Exercise 5A
This exercise should refresh your memory as to the effect altering the values a, p and q have on the
graph of y = a(x – p)2 + q.
Either work through the exercise as given below or, alternatively, use the ability of some calculators
or internet sites to automatically move through displays of y = ax2, y = x2 + q or y = (x – p)2 for changing
values of a, p and q to explore these aspects.

1 Changing the value of ‘a’ in y = ax2.

Display the graphs of the following functions altogether on the screen of a graphic calculator
using an x-axis from –4 to 4 and a y-axis from –10 to 10.
y = x2,    y = 2x2,    y = 4x2,   y = 0.5x2,   y = –2x2.
Write a few sentences explaining the effect changing the value of a has on the graph of y = ax2,
referencing your comments to how the graphs differ from that of y = x2.

2 Changing the value of ‘q’ in y = x2 + q.

Display the graphs of the following functions altogether on the screen of a graphic calculator
using an x-axis from –3 to 3 and a y-axis from –4 to 14.
y = x2,   y = x2 + 2,   y = x2 + 4,   y = x2 – 3.
Write a few sentences explaining the effect changing the value of q has on the graph of y = x2 + q.
Reference your comments to how the various graphs differ from that of y = x2.

3 Changing the value of ‘p’ in y = (x – p)2.

Display the graphs of the following functions altogether on the screen of a graphic calculator
using an x-axis from –6 to 8 and a y-axis from –10 to 10.
y = x2,   y = (x – 2)2,   y = (x – 5)2,   y = (x + 3)2.
Write a few sentences explaining the effect changing the value of p has on the graph of y = (x – p)2.
Reference your comments to how the various graphs differ from that of y = x2.

4 Display the graphs of the two functions below on the screen of a graphic calculator using an x-axis
from –6 to 6 and a y-axis from –8 to 16.
y = (x – 3)2 + 4,   y = 2(x + 1)2 – 4
Check that the location of the graphs on the calculator display agrees with your expectations as
a result of doing questions 1, 2 and 3.

ISBN 9780170390330 5. Quadratic functions 87

Key features of the graph of y = a(x – p) + q

You should have discovered that the graph of y = a(x – p)2 + q has the same shape as that of y = ax2 but
has moved p units to the right and q units up.
• whilst the graph of y = ax2 has the y-axis as its line of symmetry, the graph of y = a(x – p)2 + q has the
line x = p as its line of symmetry.

y y

y = a(x – p)2 + q

y = ax2
(a > 0) (a > 0)

x p x

• whilst the graph of y = ax2 has a turning point at (0, 0), the graph of y = a(x – p)2 + q has a turning
point at ( p, q).
For a > 0 this will be a minimum turning point:

y y

y = a(x – p)2 + q
y = ax2
(a > 0)
(a > 0)

p x
Minimum point x Minimum point
at (0, 0).      at ( p, q).

Note: This ‘valley shape’ is sometimes referred to as being concave up.

For a < 0 this will be a maximum turning point:

y Maximum point
at ( p, q).
Maximum point
at (0, 0). q

y = ax2 x p x
y = a(x – p)2 + q
(a < 0) (a < 0)

Note: This ‘hill shape’ is sometimes referred to as being concave down.

88 MATHEMATICS METHODS  Unit 1 ISBN 9780170390330

Determining the rule from key features of the graph


In the graph shown, the curves A, B and C are identical in shape to the y
curve shown in red, though B and C are ‘upside down’ versions. The red
curve has equation y = x2. Write down the equations of curves A, B and C.
Curve A is the red curve, y = x2, moved right 3 and up 1.
Curve A has equation y = (x – 3)2 + 1.
Curve B is the red curve, y = x2, reflected in the x axis. –5 5

Curve B has equation y = –x2.

Curve C is curve B, y = –x2, moved 2 units left and 6 units up.
Thus curve C has equation y = –1(x + 2)2 + 6.
I.e. y = –(x + 2)2 + 6. –10


Given that each of the following graphs show quadratic functions, determine the rule for each function.
a y b y
(–4, 15)
(0, 13)

(0, –1)
(3, –5)

a Given that the graph shows a quadratic function with a turning point at (3, –5) the equation
will be of the form y = a(x – 3)2 – 5.
(0, 13) must ‘fit’ the equation, hence 13 = a(0 – 3)2 – 5,
so 13 = 9a – 5.
Solving gives a = 2.
The given graph has equation y = 2(x – 3)2 – 5.
b Given that the graph shows a quadratic function with a turning point at (–4, 15) the equation
will be of the form y = a(x + 4)2 + 15.
(And because of the maximum turning point we expect a to be negative.)
(0, –1) must ‘fit’ the equation, hence –1 = a(0 + 4)2 + 15,
so –16 = 16a.
Hence a = –1.
The given graph has equation y = –(x + 4)2 + 15.

ISBN 9780170390330 5. Quadratic functions 89

Exercise 5B
1 In the graphs below, the curves A, B, C, D, E and F are identical in shape to the red curve shown,
which has equation y = x2. Write down the equations of curves A, B, C, D, E and F.
y y
4 4

3 3
2 2
1 1

–4 –3 –2 –1 1 2 3 4 x –5 –4 –3 –2 –1 1 2 3 4 5 x
–1 –1
–2 –2
–3 –3

–4 –4

2 The curves G, H, I and J are all identical in y

shape to the red curve shown (but are each 4
‘upside down’ versions). If the red curve has 3
equation y = x2, write down the equations of H
curves G, H, I and J.
J 1

–5 –4 –3 –2 –1 1 2 3 4 5 x
G –3


3 The curves K, L, M and N are all of the y

same shape as the red curve shown. If the 4
red curve has equation y = 2x2, write down M 3 L
the equations of curves K, L, M and N.

–5 –4 –3 –2 –1 1 2 3 4 5 x

–2 K N

90 MATHEMATICS METHODS  Unit 1 ISBN 9780170390330

4 Given that each of the following graphs show quadratic functions, determine the equation of each one.
a y b y
10 10
(3, 8)

x x
–5 5 –5 5

(–1, –4) (0, –1)

(0, –10)
–10 –10

c y d y
15 15

(–2, 10)

(0, 8)

(0, 5)

x x
–5 10 –10 5

(4, –3)

10 –10

Determining the key features of the graph from the rule

Each of the three ways the rules for quadratic functions are usually given, i.e.:
y = ax2 + bx + c,    y = a(x – b)(x – c),    y = a(x – b)2 + c
readily provide information about some of the key features of the graph of the function.
Note:  I n the expression ax2 + bx + c, a is said to be the coefficient of x2, and b is said to be the
coefficient of x.

Rule given in the form y = a(x – b)2 + c

• Line of symmetry
The graph of y = a(x – b)2 + c has the line x = b as its line of symmetry.
• Turning point
For a > 0, y = a(x – b)2 + c has a minimum turning point at (b, c).
For a < 0, y = a(x – b)2 + c has a maximum turning point at (b, c).
• y-axis intercept
All points on the y-axis have an x-coordinate of zero. Hence substituting x = 0 into y = a(x – b)2 + c
determines the y-axis intercept.

ISBN 9780170390330 5. Quadratic functions 91


For the graph of y = 2(x – 2)2 – 5, determine

a the equation of the line of symmetry
b the coordinates of the maximum/minimum turning point, stating which of these it is
c the coordinates of the point where it cuts the y-axis
d Show these features on a sketch of the graph of y = 2(x – 2)2 – 5.

a The quadratic function y = a(x – b)2 + c has line of symmetry x = b.
Hence y = 2(x – 2)2 – 5 has line of symmetry x = 2.
b For a > 0, y = a(x – b)2 + c has a minimum turning point at (b, c).
Hence y = 2(x – 2)2 – 5 has a minimum turning point at (2, –5).
c All points on the y-axis have an x-coordinate of zero.
Given y = 2(x – 2)2 – 5,
when x = 0, y = 2(0 – 2)2 – 5
= 3.
The graph of y = 2(x – 2)2 – 5 cuts the y-axis at (0, 3).
d Placing the information from the previous parts on a graph, below left, the sketch can be
completed, below right. (Note how the point symmetrical with (0, 3) has been included to
help with the sketch.)
y y
8 8 y = 2(x – 2)2 – 5

6 6
Line of symmetry, x = 2

4 4
Cuts y-axis (0, 3)
at (0, 3)
2 2

x x
–6 –4 –2 2 4 6 –6 –4 –2 2 4 6
–2 –2

–4 –4
Minimum (2, –5)
at (2, –5)
–6 –6

Note:  When a question requires a sketch of a graph to be made, it does not mean neatness and
reasonable accuracy can be ignored. We would not expect to be able to rely on great accuracy
of values read from a sketch graph but the sketch should be neat, reasonably accurate and with
the noteworthy features of the graph evident.

92 MATHEMATICS METHODS  Unit 1 ISBN 9780170390330

• The reader can confirm the correctness of the previous sketch
Y1 = 2(X-2)2–5
by viewing the graph of
y = 2(x – 2)2 – 5
on a graphic calculator.
• The calculator display shown also indicates that the graph cuts ROOT
the x-axis at (0.418 861 169 9, 0). Asked to determine the other X = 0.418861169 9 Y=0
x-axis intercept the calculator gives (3.581 138 83, 0).
These values can also be obtained algebraically as follows.
All points on the x-axis have a y-coordinate of zero. Thus for y = 2(x – 2)2 – 5,
when y = 0, 0 = 2(x – 2)2 – 5
Add 5 to each side: 5 = 2(x – 2)2
Divide each side by 2: 2.5 = (x – 2)2
Hence x – 2 = ± 2.5
x = 2 + 2.5 or 2 – 2.5
= 3.58 or 0.42 (2 decimal places).
Notice that whilst these x-axis intercepts were not immediately obvious from the equation, a
very acceptable sketch was possible without knowing them. Indeed approximate values for these
intercepts could have been obtained from the sketch on the previous page.


For the graph of y = –(x – 3)2 + 5 determine

a the equation of the line of symmetry
b the coordinates of the maximum/minimum turning point, stating which of these it is
c the coordinates of the point where y = –(x – 3)2 + 5 cuts the y-axis.
d Show these features on a sketch of the graph of y = –(x – 3)2 + 5.

a The quadratic function y = a(x – b)2 + c has line of symmetry x = b.
Hence y = –(x – 3)2 + 5 has line of symmetry x = 3.
b For a < 0, y = a(x – b)2 + c has a maximum turning point at (b, c).
y = –(x – 3)2 + 5 has a = –1 and so has a maximum turning point at (3, 5).
c All points on the y-axis have an x-coordinate of zero.
Given y = –(x – 3)2 + 5,
when x = 0, y = –(0 – 3)2 + 5
= –4.
The graph of y = –(x – 3)2 + 5 cuts the y-axis at (0, –4).

ISBN 9780170390330 5. Quadratic functions 93

d Placing the information from the previous parts on a graph, below left, the sketch can be
completed, below right. (Note the inclusion of the point symmetrical with (0, –4) to help
with the sketch.)
y y
8 8

6 6
Maximum (3, 5)

Line of symmetry, x = 3
4 at (3, 5) 4
y = –(x – 3)2 + 5
2 2

x x
–6 –4 –2 2 4 6 –6 –4 –2 2 4 6
–2 –2

Cuts y-axis –4 –4
at (0, –4) (0, –4)
–6 –6

Rule given in the form y = a (x – b)(x – c)

• y-axis intercept
All points on the y-axis have an x-coordinate of zero. Hence
substituting x = 0 into the equation y = a(x – b)(x – c) allows
the y-axis intercept to be determined.
• x-axis intercepts
If x = b, y = a(b – b)(b – c) If x = c, y = a(c – b)(c – c)
= a(0)(b – c) = a(c – b)(0)
= 0 =0
But if a point has a y-coordinate of zero it must lie on the Alani
Hence the graph of y = a(x – b)(x – c) cuts the x-axis at (b, 0)
and at (c, 0).
• Line of symmetry
With the curve cutting the x-axis at (b, 0) and (c, 0) the line of symmetry must cut the x-axis at
a point mid-way between these two points. This allows the equation of the line of symmetry to
be determined.
• Turning point
The turning point must lie on the line of symmetry and:
for a > 0, y = a(x – b)(x – c) will have a minimum turning point,
for a < 0, y = a(x – b)(x – c) will have a maximum turning point.

94 MATHEMATICS METHODS  Unit 1 ISBN 9780170390330


For the graph of y = (x + 1)(x – 5) determine

a the coordinates of the y-axis intercept b the coordinates of the x-axis intercepts
c the equation of the line of symmetry d the nature and location of the turning point.
e Sketch the curve y = (x + 1)(x – 5).

a For every point on the y-axis, x = 0.
If x = 0, y = (0 + 1)(0 – 5)
= (1)(–5)
= –5
The curve cuts the y-axis at the point (0, –5).
b For every point on the x-axis, y = 0.
This will occur when x+1=0 and when x – 5 = 0,
i.e. when x = –1 and when x = 5.
The curve cuts the x-axis at the points (–1, 0) and (5, 0).
c The line of symmetry will cut the x-axis at the point mid-way between (–1, 0) and (5, 0),
i.e. the point (2, 0).
The line of symmetry is the line x = 2.
d y = a(x – b)(x – c) has a minimum turning point when a > 0.
For y = (x + 1)(x – 5), a = 1 so we have a minimum turning point.
The turning point must lie on the line of symmetry.
Hence its x-coordinate must equal 2.
If x = 2, y = (2 + 1)(2 – 5)
= (3)(–3)
= –9.
The curve has a minimum turning point at (2, –9).
e Placing the information from the previous parts on a graph, below left, the sketch can be
completed, below right. (Note how the point symmetrical with (0, –5) has been included to
help with the sketch.)
y y y = (x + 1) (x – 5)
4 4
2 2
Line of symmetry, x = 2

(–1, 0) (5, 0) (–1, 0) (5, 0)

x x
–6 –4 –2 2 4 6 –6 –4 –2 2 4 6
–2 –2

–4 –4
Cuts y-axis (0, –5)
at (0, –5) –6 –6
–8 –8
Minimum (2, –9)
–10 at (2, –9) –10

ISBN 9780170390330 5. Quadratic functions 95

Rule given in the form y = ax2 + bx + c
• Line of symmetry
Features of a parabola
The graph of y = ax2 + bx + c has the line x = − as its line of symmetry.
This claim can be justified as follows:
WS The graph of y = ax2 + bx + c is that of y = ax2 + bx moved up c units.
Sketching quadratic
Now y = ax2 + bx cuts the x-axis when 0 = ax2 + bx,
i.e. 0 = x(ax + b).
Hence the x-axis intercepts will be x = 0  and  x = − .
The line of symmetry of y = ax2 + bx, and hence of y = ax2 + bx + c, will pass through the midpoint of
these x-axis intercepts, which is − .
• Turning point
The turning point must lie on the line of symmetry and:
for a > 0,  y = ax2 + bx + c  this will be a minimum turning point,
and for a < 0,  y = ax2 + bx + c  this will be a maximum turning point.
• y-axis intercept
All points on the y-axis have an x-coordinate of zero. Substituting x = 0 into the equation
y = ax2 + bx + c allows the y-axis intercept to be determined as (0, c).


For the graph of y = 2x2 – 6x + 1 determine

a the line of symmetry b the nature and location of the turning point
c the y-axis intercept coordinates. d Hence sketch the curve.

a The graph of y = ax2 + bx + c has the line x = − as its line of symmetry.
y = 2x2 – 6x + 1 has a = 2, b = –6 and c = 1.
The line of symmetry is x = 1.5.
b With the coefficient of x2 being positive, we have a minimum turning point.
The turning point must lie on the line of symmetry. Thus x = 1.5.
With x = 1.5, y = 2(1.5)2 – 6(1.5) + 1 y
= –3.5. 8

The turning point is a minimum and occurs at (1.5, –3.5). 6

c Every point on the y-axis has an x-coordinate of zero. 4 y = 2x2 – 6x + 1

x = 1.5

With x = 0, y = 2(0)2 – 6(0) + 1

=1 (0, 1)
The y-axis intercept has coordinates (0, 1). x
–4 –2 2 4 6
d The sketch can be completed, as shown on the right. –2
(Note how the point symmetrical with (0, 1) has been (1.5, –3.5)
included to help with the sketch.)

96 MATHEMATICS METHODS  Unit 1 ISBN 9780170390330

Exercise 5C

Rule given in the form y = a (x – p)2 + q

1 For the graph of y = (x + 1)2 – 4 determine
a the equation of the line of symmetry
b the coordinates of the maximum/minimum turning point, stating which of these it is
c the coordinates of the point where y = (x + 1)2 – 4 cuts the y-axis.
d Show these features on a sketch of y = (x + 1)2 – 4.

2 For the graph of y = (x – 3)2 + 5 determine

a the equation of the line of symmetry
b the coordinates of the maximum/minimum turning point, stating which of these it is
c the coordinates of the point where y = (x – 3)2 + 5 cuts the y-axis.
d Show these features on a sketch of y = (x – 3)2 + 5.

3 For the graph of y = –2(x – 1)2 + 3 determine

a the equation of the line of symmetry
b the coordinates of the maximum/minimum turning point, stating which of these it is
c the coordinates of the point where y = –2(x – 1)2 + 3 cuts the y-axis.
d Show these features on a sketch of y = –2(x – 1)2 + 3.

Rule given in the form y = a (x – b)(x – c)

4 For the graph of y = (x – 3)(x – 7) determine
a the coordinates of the point where the curve cuts the y-axis
b the coordinates of the points where the curve cuts the x-axis
c the equation of the line of symmetry
d the nature and location of the turning point.
e Show these features on a sketch of y = (x – 3)(x – 7).

5 For the graph of y = (x – 3)(x + 4) determine

a the coordinates of the point where the curve cuts the y-axis
b the coordinates of the points where the curve cuts the x-axis
c the equation of the line of symmetry
d the nature and location of the turning point.
e Show these features on a sketch of y = (x – 3)(x + 4).

6 For the graph of y = (x + 2)(x + 4) determine

a the coordinates of the point where the curve cuts the y-axis
b the coordinates of the points where the curve cuts the x-axis
c the equation of the line of symmetry
d the nature and location of the turning point.
e Show these features on a sketch of y = (x + 2)(x + 4).

ISBN 9780170390330 5. Quadratic functions 97

Rule given in the form y = ax 2 + bx + c
7 For the graph of y = x2 + 4x – 12 determine
a the equation of the line of symmetry
b the location and nature of the turning point
c the coordinates of the y-axis intercept.
d Hence sketch the curve.
8 For the graph of y = x2 – 6x + 1 determine
a the equation of the line of symmetry
b the location and nature of the turning point
c the coordinates of the y-axis intercept.
d Hence sketch the curve.

9 For the graph of y = –2x2 + 4x + 1 determine

a the equation of the line of symmetry
b the location and nature of the turning point
c the coordinates of the y-axis intercept.
d Hence sketch the curve.

10 For the graph of y = 8x – 2x2 – 3 determine

a the equation of the line of symmetry
b the location and nature of the turning point
c the coordinates of the y-axis intercept.
d Hence sketch the curve.

11 A dog owner wishes to enclose a rectangular area in his Existing Fence
backyard for the dog. The owner wishes to use existing

Existing Fence
fencing along two adjacent sides of the rectangle and has
14 metres of new fencing available for the other two sides. Area, A m2
Suppose that we let the dimensions of the rectangle be
x metres and y metres and the area be A m2 as shown.
a Explain why x + y = 14. y metres

b Explain why A = x(14 – x).

c With A on the vertical axis and x on the horizontal axis make a sketch of
A = x(14 – x).
d What is the greatest rectangular area the owner can enclose and what would be the
dimensions that give this greatest area?

98 MATHEMATICS METHODS  Unit 1 ISBN 9780170390330

12 A gardener has 20 metres of fencing and wishes to fence off a Existing Fence
rectangular area using the twenty metres of fencing on three
sides and an existing fence on the fourth. Suppose we define
the variables x, y and A as shown in the diagram. Area, A m2
a Explain why A = 20x – 2x .
b With A on the vertical axis and x on the horizontal axis y metres
make a sketch of
A = 20x – 2x2.
c What is the greatest rectangular area the gardener can enclose and what would be the
dimensions that give this greatest area?

For the following questions view the graph on your calculator if you wish.

13 The diagram below shows the motion of a particle fired with initial speed of 7 m/s at 45° to the
horizontal, from a position that is h metres above ground level.

h metres

The equation of the path of the particle is

y = –0.2(x – 2.5)2 + 11.25
with x and y axes as shown in the diagram, and 1 metre to 1 unit on each axis. Find
a the coordinates of A, the highest point on the path of the particle
b the value of h.
c State whether the graph shown is concave up or concave down.

14 A housing market analyst was trying to predict the best time to purchase a house during a slump
in sales and the consequent fall in prices. She felt that the decline in prices and the rise that was
expected to follow would be according to the rule:
Average house price (in $1000s) = 0.6t2 – 12t + 590
where t is the time in months.
If her quadratic model of the situation is correct
a what is the average house price when t = 0?
b what is the average house price when t = 15?
c when (i.e for what value of t) should she purchase a house and what should she expect the
average price to be then?

ISBN 9780170390330 5. Quadratic functions 99

15 The height above ground, h metres, of a stone projected vertically upwards, from ground level
with initial speed 49 m/s, is given by h = 49t – 4.9t2, where t is the time in seconds after projection.
Determine the maximum value of h and the value of t for which it occurs.



The diagram above shows a symmetrical suspension bridge over a river. The x-axis is the water
level, the y-axis is as indicated, 1 metre is 1 unit on each axis and the support wire from A to B has
the equation y = (x – 40)2 + 15.
a Is the curve from A to B concave up or concave down?
b How high is the bridge above the water level (i.e. how high is point C above the x-axis)?
c Find the equation of the line of symmetry of the quadratic curve ACB.
How far is it from
d D to C? e D to E? f D to A?

17 A road bridge is to be constructed over a tidal river. y Road Arch

The road arch is in the shape of a quadratic function,
as is the supporting arch (see diagram).
With x- and y- axes as shown the equations of each
arch are as follows.
x2 2x Supporting Arch
Road arch: y =  − +  + 40
2250 15 (1 metre to 1 unit on each axis.)
2x x
Supporting arch: y =  −
3 450
The x-axis is the mean water level with the high and low tide levels being four metres either side
of this mean.
a Are the road arch and supporting arch concave up or concave down?
b Calculate the value of x at the mid-point of the bridge.
c Calculate the length of the vertical strut between the support arch and the road arch at a
point one quarter of the way along the bridge.
d Calculate the maximum clearance between the water and the bridge at
i low tide ii high tide.

100 MATHEMATICS METHODS  Unit 1 ISBN 9780170390330

Tables of values
As the Preliminary section mentioned, quadratic functions have tables of values with a constant second
difference pattern.
For example, for y = 2x2 – 6x + 1:

x 0 1 2 3 4 5 6
y 1 –3 –3 1 9 21 37

1st difference –4 0 4 8 12 16

2nd difference 4 4 4 4 4

This constant second difference becomes clear when we consider a table of values for the general
quadratic y = ax2 + bx + c:

x 0 1 2 3 4
y = ax + bx + c c a+b+c 4a + 2b + c 9a + 3b + c 16a + 4b + c

1st difference a+b 3a + b 5a + b 7a + b

2nd difference 2a 2a 2a

Consider the following table of values with, 1st and 2nd difference patterns as shown:

x 0 1 2 3 4
y –4 1 10 23 40

1st difference 5 9 13 17

2nd difference 4 4 4

• The constant second difference pattern confirms that the relationship is quadratic.
• Comparing the constant second difference of 4 with 2a, the constant second difference pattern in
the table for the general quadratic, y = ax2 + bx + c, gives us that a = 2.
• From the table for the general quadratic we see that when x = 0, y = c. Thus c = –4.
• Comparing the y values for x = 1: a + b + c = 1
Thus, with a = 2 and c = –4, b = 3.
The table of values is for the quadratic y = 2x + 3x – 4.

ISBN 9780170390330 5. Quadratic functions 101

Consider the table and difference patterns shown below:

x –2 –1 0 1 2 3 4
y 34 19 10 7 10 19 34

1st difference – 15 –9 –3 3 9 15

2nd difference 6 6 6 6 6

The constant second difference pattern confirms that the table is for a quadratic function.
To determine the equation of the function we could compare the given table with that of the table for
y = ax2 + bx + c, as we did on the previous page, to determine that
2a = 6, c = 10, a + b + c = 7.
Hence a = 3, c = 10, b = –6.
The rule is y = 3x2 – 6x + 10.
Alternatively, from the symmetrical nature of the y values, the line of symmetry is x = 1 and the
minimum point has coordinates (1, 7). Thus the rule is of the form
y = a(x – 1)2 + 7.
The point (0, 10) must ‘fit’. Thus 10 = a(0 – 1)2 + 7,
giving a = 3.
The rule is y = 3(x – 1)2 + 7.
The reader should confirm that these answers, y = 3x2 – 6x + 10
and y = 3(x – 1)2 + 7, are indeed the same.

Exercise 5D
For each of the tables shown in questions 1 to 12, by considering difference patterns, determine
whether the relationship between x and y is linear, quadratic or neither of these. For those relationships
that are either linear or quadratic determine the rule.

1 x 0 1 2 3 4 5 2 x 0 1 2 3 4 5
y 5 12 21 32 45 60 y 0 1 8 27 64 125

3 x 0 1 2 3 4 5 4 x 0 1 2 3 4 5
y 3 5 9 15 23 33 y 1 6 11 16 21 26

5 x 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 x 0 1 2 3 4 5
y 2 3 6 11 18 27 y π 2π 3π 4π 5π 6π

102 MATHEMATICS METHODS  Unit 1 ISBN 9780170390330

7 x 0 1 2 3 4 5 8 x 4 3 0 5 1 2
y 3 6 12 24 48 96 y 40 28 4 54 10 18

9 x 1 4 2 0 5 3 10 x 1 3 2 5 4 0
y 11 35 19 3 43 27 y 5 21 11 53 35 3

11 x –1 0 1 2 3 4 5 12 x –2 0 2 4 6 8
y 28 13 4 1 4 13 28 y –20 –4 4 4 –4 –20


1 unit


a Copy and complete the table shown below for the pattern shown above.

Length of side of cube (L units) 1 2 3 4 5 6

Surface area of cube (n units ) 6 24

b Use difference patterns to determine whether the relationship between L and n is linear,
quadratic or neither of these.
c If linear or quadratic, determine the rule.



a Copy and complete the table shown below for the pattern shown above.

Number of rows of cans (r) 1 2 3 4 5 6

Number of cans (n) 1 3 6

b Use difference patterns to determine whether the relationship between r and n is linear,
quadratic or neither of these.
c If linear or quadratic, determine the rule.

ISBN 9780170390330 5. Quadratic functions 103

Social networks
Two computers in a network can involve 1 connection.

Three computers in a network can involve 3 connections.

Four computers in a network can involve 6 connections.

Five computers in a network can involve 10 connections.

How many connections can be involved in a six computer network?

How many connections can be involved in a seven computer network?

What has the path of a projectile got to do with parabolas and quadratic functions?

104 MATHEMATICS METHODS  Unit 1 ISBN 9780170390330

Transmitters and receiving dishes
Why is the parabolic shape of significance for car headlights, receiving dishes and transmitters?


Stopping distances
Suppose that a vehicle travelling at a particular speed requires y metres to come to rest once normal
braking is applied.
Under the same conditions, if the vehicle is travelling twice as fast as previously it will require not
2y but 4y metres to come to rest once normal braking is applied. I.e. the braking distance required
and the distance travelled are not linearly related – double the speed, quadruple the distance
When something occurs ahead of a moving vehicle, requiring the driver to apply the brakes and
come to a stop, the vehicle will initially travel on whilst the driver reacts to the situation, and then
the vehicle will travel further ‘under braking’, until it is brought to rest.
Suppose that for a particular vehicle and road conditions the reaction distance, braking distance
and total stopping distance at various speeds are as follows:

Speed (x km/h) 40 50 60 70 80  90 100 110

Reaction distance (R m) 12 15 18 21 24  27  30  33
Braking distance (B m) 16 25 36 49 64  81 100 121
Total stopping distance (T m) 28 40 54 70 88 108 130 154

What functions and rules are involved here?

ISBN 9780170390330 5. Quadratic functions 105

Completing the square
We saw earlier in this chapter that when a quadratic function is given in the form
y = a(x – p)2 + q,
it is an easy matter to determine the line of symmetry, x = p, and the coordinates of the turning point, (p, q).
For example the graph of the quadratic function
y = 2(x – 5)2 – 7
has x = 5 as its line of symmetry and has a turning point (a minimum) at (5, –7).
Given y = 2(x – 5)2 – 7
and expanding: y = 2(x – 5)(x – 5) – 7
= 2(x2 – 10x + 25) – 7
= 2x2 – 20x + 43
we obtain the rule in its y = ax2 + bx + c form.
y = 2x2 – 20x + 43
However, how would we go about changing a quadratic rule given in the form
y = ax2 + bx + c
to the form y = a(x – p)2 + q?
The answer is that we use the technique referred to as ‘completing the square’.
To use this method we need to be familiar with the expansion:
(x ± e)2 = x2 ± 2ex + e2.
Note especially that the number on the end, e2, is the square of half the coefficient of x.


Express y = x2 + 3x – 5 in the form y = a(x – p)2 + q.

Given y = x2 + 3x – 5,
First create a gap to allow ‘the square of half the coefficient of x’ to be inserted.
y = x2 + 3x –5
 3
Then add, and then subtract,   , which is the square of half the coefficient of x.
 2
2 2
 3  3
y = x2 + 3x +   – 5 –  
 2  2
 3 29
∴ y =  x +  – 
 2 4

106 MATHEMATICS METHODS  Unit 1 ISBN 9780170390330


a y = x2 + 6x – 3 b y = 2x2 – 4x + 1
in the form y = a(x – p)2 + q, and hence determine the nature and location of the turning point of
the graph of the function.

a y = x2 + 6x – 3 b y = 2x2 – 4x + 1
= x2 + 6x –3 = 2(x2 – 2x) +1
2 2
= x + 6x + 9 – 3 – 9 = 2(x – 2x + 1 – 1) + 1
∴ y = (x + 3)2 – 12 = 2(x2 – 2x + 1) – 2 + 1
Minimum turning point at (–3, –12). ∴ y = 2(x – 1)2 – 1
Minimum turning point at (1, –1).

Exercise 5E
Express each of the following in the form y = a(x – p)2 + q and hence determine the nature and location
of the turning point of the graph of each function.
1 y = x2 + 4x – 1 2 y = x2 – 6x + 2 3 y = x2 – 8x + 10
4 y = x2 + 6x + 3 5 y = x2 – 3x + 2 6 y = x2 – 5x + 3
7 y = –x2 + 10x – 1 8 y = 2x2 – 12x + 3 9 y = –2x2 + 8x + 4
10 y = 2x2 + 5x + 4

If we were to be repeatedly carrying out a procedure like completing the square we could carry out
the process on the general quadratic y = ax2 + bx + c in order to obtain a formula. Then, given a specific
quadratic, we simply substitute the appropriate values of a, b and c.
y = ax2 + bx + c
 b 
= a  x 2 + x    +c
 a 
 b b2 b2 
= a  x 2 + x + −    + c
 a 4 a2 4 a2 
 b b2  b2
= a  x 2 + x +  −   + c
 a 4 a2  4 a
 b b2
= ax +   + c –
 2a  4a
 b b2
Thus the expression y = ax2 + bx + c can be written as y = a  x +  + c –
 2a  4a

The reader should now repeat Example 8 above by substituting appropriate values for a, b and c into
the formula above and check that the answers obtained are the same as those given by the working at
the top of the page.

ISBN 9780170390330 5. Quadratic functions 107

Miscellaneous exercise five
This miscellaneous exercise may include questions involving the work of this chapter, the
work of any previous chapters, and the ideas mentioned in the Preliminary work section at
the beginning of the book.

1 If f  (x) = 5x + 1 and g(x) = x2 – 3 determine

a f  (6) b g(2) c f  (2) + g(6).

2 Classify each of the curves shown below as either ‘concave up’ or as ‘concave down’.
a b
y c
y y

x x x

3 Given that all of the points A to F given below lie on the line y = 2x – 5, determine the values of
a, b, c, d, e and f.
A(3, a),    B(2, b),    C(–4, c),    D(2.5, d),    E(e, 13),    F( f, –5).

4 a Find the gradient of a line that is perpendicular to a line that has a gradient of 2.
b Find the gradient of a line that is perpendicular to y = 3x – 4.
c Find the gradient of a line that is perpendicular to y = –0.2x + 1.
d Find the equation of a line that passes through the point (3, 13) and is perpendicular to
y = –0.5x + 1.

5 For the graph of y = (x – 1)(x – 3), determine

a the coordinates of the y-axis intercept
b the coordinates of the x-axis intercepts
c the equation of the line of symmetry
d the nature and location of the turning point.

6 Copy and complete the following table.

Line of Turning point

Equation Cuts y-axis
symmetry Coordinates Max or min?
y = x + 4x + 1 (?, ?) x=? (?, ?)
y = x – 2x – 1 (?, ?) x=? (?, ?)
y = 2x + 4x – 3 (?, ?) x=? (?, ?)
y = 2x + 6x – 1 (?, ?) x=? (?, ?)

108 MATHEMATICS METHODS  Unit 1 ISBN 9780170390330

7 For the graph of y = 2(x + 3)2 – 4 determine
a the equation of the line of symmetry
b the coordinates of the turning point.
The graph of y = 2(x + 3)2 – 4 is moved 2 units to the right and 3 units up.
c What will be the equation of the line of symmetry of the ‘new’ curve?
d What will be the coordinates of the turning point of the ‘new’ curve?

8 Determine the equation of each of the straight lines A to I shown below.

y E A D C
6 G
5 H

–8 –7 –6 –5 –4 –3 –2 –1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 x
–3 B
–8 F

9 The four curves I, II, III and IV shown on the right y

have their equations amongst the six listed below. 4
Select the appropriate equation for each of the curves. 3
y = (x – 2)(x + 2) 2
y = (x – 1)(x – 3) IV
y = (x + 1)(x + 3)
y = –(x + 1)(x + 3) –4 –3 –2 –1 1 2 3 4
y = (x + 2)(2 – x) III
y = (x – 1)(x + 3)


ISBN 9780170390330 5. Quadratic functions 109

10 Given that each of the following tables show linear relationships between x and y find the rule for
each table and complete each table.

a x 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
y 16 19

b x 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
y 13 15

c x 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
y 11 9

d x 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
y 9 19

e x 3 8 1 6 7 4 5 2
y 1 13

11 Find the equation of the quadratic function that has exactly the same shape as that of y = 3x2,
has the same line of symmetry as y = (x – 2)2 + 3 and that cuts the y-axis at the point (0, 15).

12 The diagram on the right shows a road y

under a bridge.
Bridge arch
With x- and y-axes as shown the
bridge arch (see diagram) has equation
y= (8 – x).
a the width of the road x

b the clearance at the centre of the bridge.

For a vehicle of width 2.3 metres determine the maximum height of the vehicle (in whole
centimetres) if it is to pass under the bridge and
c only use its own side of the road d use both carriageways.

13 A stained glass window is to be constructed to the dimensions C IV B

shown on the right. The arc BC is part of a circle which has
the midpoint of AD as its centre and ABCD is rectangular.
The window consists of four pieces of glass, I, II, III and IV
separated and surrounded by strips of lead (shown as the
40 cm

straight and curved lines in the diagram).

Find I II

a the area of each piece of glass to the nearest square

centimetre, (ignore the thickness of the lead strips),
b the total length of all the lead strips, to the nearest
15 cm 15 cm

110 MATHEMATICS METHODS  Unit 1 ISBN 9780170390330

• What if the quadratic equation is not
readily factorisable?
• Using the built-in facility of some
calculators to solve equations
• Using a graphical approach
• Completing the square
• Obtaining and using a formula
• Miscellaneous exercise six
Try to solve the following problems. You might try to set up an equation and then solve it. If you find
that approach difficult an alternative approach would be to try a value, test to see if it works and, if it
does not, adjust your values for a new trial, i.e. ‘trial and adjustment’.

Situation One
I think of a number, multiply it by itself, take away four times the number I first thought of and end up
with an answer of 21. What was the number I first thought of ?

Situation Two
I think of a number, multiply it by itself, take away ten times the number I first thought of, add 21 and
end up with zero. What was the number I first thought of ?

Situation Three
If an object is dropped, the distance, s metres, that it has fallen x seconds later is given by the rule:
49 2
s= x.
If an object is dropped from a bridge, how long does it take to reach the water, 65 metres below?
(Give your answer to the nearest tenth of a second.)

Situation Four
If an object is thrown vertically downwards with initial speed 5 m/s the distance, s metres, that it has
fallen x seconds later is given by the rule:
49 2
s = 5x + x.
If the object referred to in situation three were to be thrown vertically downwards with initial speed
5 m/s rather than dropped, how long does it take to reach the water now? (Again give your answer to
the nearest tenth of a second.) Hughes

ISBN 9780170390330 6. Quadratic equations 113

How did you get on with the situations on the previous page?
Perhaps for situation one you used trial and adjustment as shown below.
Try x = 1, (1)2 – 4(1) = –3, not 21. Thus x ≠ 1.
Try x = 4, (4) – 4(4) = 0, not 21. Thus x ≠ 4.
Try x = 6, (6)2 – 4(6) = 12, not 21. Thus x ≠ 6.
Try x = 7, (7) – 4(7) = 21, as required. Thus x = 7.
The number first thought of was 7.
However, did you also discover that the number first thought of could have been –3?:
If x = –3, (–3)2 – 4(–3) = 9 + 12
= 21, as required. Thus x = –3.
Alternatively, perhaps you set up an equation as shown below:
Let x be the number thought of: x
Multiply it by itself: x2
Take away 4 times the number first thought of: x2 – 4x
End up with 21: x2 – 4x = 21
The Preliminary work section at the beginning of this text mentioned that an ability to solve readily
factorisable quadratic equations is assumed so you may have solved this equation as shown below, and
arrived at the two possible solutions directly.
Given x2 – 4x = 21,
i.e. x2 – 4x – 21 = 0
Factorising (x – 7)(x + 3) = 0
Hence either x – 7 = 0 or x + 3 = 0,
giving solutions of x = 7, x = –3.
Similarly did you discover the two possible numbers for situation two? In that case the equation was
x2 – 10x + 21 = 0 and both 3 and 7 satisfy this equation.
49 2
Situation three involved solving the equation 65 = x,
i.e. 650 = 49x2,
x2 =
giving .
Once again there are two solutions to this equation. They are, correct to one decimal place, 3.6 and
–3.6. However, given the context of the question, x cannot be negative so there is only one realistic
solution. Thus the object would take 3.6 seconds to hit the water.
49 2
Situation four involved solving the equation 65 = 5x + x,
i.e. 0 = 4.9x2 + 5x – 65.
Once again there are two solutions to this equation, x = 3.2 and x = –4.2, correct to one decimal place,
but only the positive answer is realistic, given the context. Thus the object would take 3.2 seconds to hit
the water.

114 MATHEMATICS METHODS  Unit 1 ISBN 9780170390330

All four of the situations involved solving equations that could be written in the form: ax2 + bx + c = 0.
In situation one x2 – 4x – 21 = 0, i.e. a = 1, b = –4, c = –21.
In situation two x – 10x + 21 = 0, i.e. a = 1, b = –10, c = 21.
In situation three 49x – 650 = 0, i.e. a = 49, b = 0, c = –650.
In situation four 4.9x + 5x – 65 = 0, i.e. a = 4.9, b = 5, c = –65.
Equations that can be written in the form

ax2 + bx + c = 0, a ≠ 0

are called quadratic equations.

• In the previous chapter, we looked at the graphs of functions with a rule that could be written in the
form y = ax2 + bx + c, i.e. quadratic functions. For each value of x, the rule assigns one and only one
value for y. Hence, a function.
• In this chapter we will consider ways of solving equations of the form ax2 + bx + c = 0, i.e. quadratic
equations. Solving the equation means finding the value(s) of x for which the equality is true.
• Again, to repeat what was said in the Preliminary work section, it is anticipated that the reader is
already familiar with solving ‘readily factorisable quadratic equations’. In case this assumed ability
is a little ‘rusty’, Example 1 below, and the exercise that follows, provides practice.
• Solving a quadratic equation by factorising uses the fact that if two numbers have a product of
zero, then at least one of the numbers must be zero. Just pause a moment to check that you
understand and agree with this fact.
Thus if (x + 3)(x + 2) = 0, it follows that either (x + 3) = 0 or (x + 2) = 0.


Solve each of the following equations.

a x2 – 6x = 0 b x2 – 2x – 3 = 0 c x2 – 13x = 30
d x2 = 15x e (2x – 5)(x + 7) = 0 f x2 = 16
g 2x2 + 7x – 15 = 0

a Given: x2 – 6x = 0
Factorising: x(x – 6) = 0
Hence either x = 0 or x – 6 = 0,
so x = 0 or x = 6.
b Given: x – 2x – 3 = 0
(To factorise x – 2x – 3 we look for two numbers that add to give –2 and multiply to give –3.
The numbers are –3 and +1.)
Factorising: (x – 3)(x + 1) = 0
Hence either x – 3 = 0 or x + 1 = 0,
so x = 3 or x = –1.

ISBN 9780170390330 6. Quadratic equations 115

c Given: x2 – 13x = 30,
∴ x2 – 13x – 30 = 0
(To factorise x2 – 13x – 30 we look for two numbers that add to give –13 and multiply to give –30.
The numbers are –15 and +2.)
Factorising: (x – 15)(x + 2) = 0
Either x – 15 = 0 or x + 2 = 0,
so x = 15 or x = –2.

d Given x2 = 15x,
∴ x2 – 15x = 0
Factorising: x(x – 15) = 0
Either x = 0 or x – 15 = 0,
so x = 0 or x = 15.

e Given (2x – 5)(x + 7) = 0 (Note that this is already in factorised form.)

Either 2x – 5 = 0 or x+7=0
2x = 5 or x = –7
x = 2.5 or x = –7

f Given x2 = 16,
x = –4 or +4,
written x = ±4.
These answers could be obtained by factorising but it would be a longer process:
x2 = 16
x2 – 16 = 0
(x + 4)(x – 4) = 0
Either x + 4 = 0 or x – 4 = 0,
so x = –4 or x = 4.

g Given: 2x2 + 7x – 15 = 0
(To factorise ax + bx + c, when a ≠ 1, we look for two numbers that add to give b and multiply
to give ac. We then rewrite bx using these two numbers. Hence in this example we look for two
numbers that add to give 7 and multiply to give –30. The numbers are 10 and –3.)
2x2 + 7x – 15 = 0
2x2 + 10x – 3x – 15 = 0
2x(x + 5) – 3(x + 5) = 0
∴ (x + 5)(2x – 3) = 0
Hence either x + 5 = 0 or 2x – 3 = 0,
so x = –5 or x = 1.5

116 MATHEMATICS METHODS  Unit 1 ISBN 9780170390330


I think of a number, multiply it by itself, take away six times the number I first thought of and end
up with fifty five. What was the number I first thought of ?

Let the number first thought of be x.
The given information leads to the equation x2 – 6x = 55,
i.e. x2 – 6x – 55 = 0
(x – 11)(x + 5) = 0
Either x – 11 = 0 or x + 5 = 0,
so x = 11 or x = –5.
The number first thought of was either 11 or –5.

Exercise 6A
Solve each of the following equations. (Without the assistance of your calculator.)
1 (x + 5)(x – 3) = 0 2 (x + 8)(x + 9) = 0 3 (2x – 11)(x + 5) = 0
2 2
4 x = 25 5 x – 49 = 0 6 2x2 = 200
7 x2 + 9x + 20 = 0 8 x2 + x – 20 = 0 9 x2 – 9x + 20 = 0
10 x2 – x – 20 = 0 11 x2 + 2x – 35 = 0 12 x2 + 4x + 3 = 0
13 x2 + 7x + 6 = 0 14 x2 + 10x + 21 = 0 15 x2 + 8x + 15 = 0
16 x2 – 4x – 12 = 0 17 x2 – 4x – 5 = 0 18 x2 – 4x = 0
19 x2 + 5x – 14 = 0 20 x2 – 36 = 0 21 x2 + 6x + 9 = 0
22 x2 – 3x – 4 = 0 23 x2 – 8x + 16 = 0 24 x2 = 15 – 2x
25 x2 = 3x 26 x2 + 12 = 7x 27 x2 = 24 – 10x
28 4x2 – 9 = 0 29 25x2 – 1 = 0 30 x2 = 2x + 15
31 x2 + 9 = 6x 32 x2 = 5(2x – 5) 33 2x2 + 5x – 12 = 0
34 3x2 + 10x – 8 = 0 35 2x2 – 3x – 5 = 0 36 5x2 + 34x – 7 = 0
37 2x2 + x – 21 = 0 38 6x2 – 19x + 10 = 0 39 10x2 – 9x + 2 = 0
40 When seven times a number is added to the square of the number the answer is 30. What is the number?
41 When ten times a number is added to the square of the number and twenty five is added to the
total the final answer is zero. What is the number?
42 When an object is projected upwards from ground level, with initial speed 40 m/s, the height it is
above ground t seconds later is h metres where h is given by:
h ≈ 40t – 5t2.
State the value of h when the object hits the ground again and find the value of t then.
1 2
43 If s = ut + at find the value of t given that s = 10, u = 3, a = 2 and t ≥ 0.
44 If w = kp2 – 2cp find the value of p given that w = 33, k = 1 and c = 4.

ISBN 9780170390330 6. Quadratic equations 117

What if the quadratic equation is not readily
Given a quadratic equation ax2 + bx + c = 0, when ax2 + bx + c is not readily factorised, we could
• use the built-in facility of some calculators to solve equations.
• use our ability to sketch the graph of the function y = ax2 + bx + c and then, from the sketch,
estimate the values of x for which y = 0.
• use the technique of completing the square from the previous chapter.
• use the technique of completing the square from the previous chapter to develop a formula for
solving quadratic equations.
These approaches are discussed below.

Using the built-in facility of some calculators to

solve equations
Many calculators have built-in routines for solving quadratic equations.
In some we can type in the equation as it is, see below left, and in others we input the values of a, b and
c and the calculator provides the solutions, see below right.

solve(2x2 + 3x – 20 = 0,x) DEG HOME

{x = –4, x= 2.5} POLYROOT ([2,3 –20])


Using a graphical approach

The characteristic shape of quadratic functions encountered in the last chapter explains why an equation
of the form
ax2 + bx + c = 0
can have more than one solution (also called roots), as explained below.
• If the graph of y = ax2 + bx + c cuts the x-axis in two places then there must be two places on the
graph where y = 0, and hence two places where ax2 + bx + c = 0.
In such situations the quadratic equation ax2 + bx + c = 0 will have two solutions.
• If the graph of y = ax2 + bx + c just touches the x-axis in one place then there must be just one place
where ax2 + bx + c = 0.
In such situations the quadratic equation ax2 + bx + c = 0 will have one solution.
• If the graph of y = ax2 + bx + c neither cuts nor touches the x-axis then there are no places where
ax2 + bx + c = 0.
In such situations the quadratic equation ax2 + bx + c = 0 will have no solutions.

118 MATHEMATICS METHODS  Unit 1 ISBN 9780170390330

y y
y = ax2 + bx + c
cuts x-axis in two places.
x ax2 + bx + c = 0 x

has two solutions.

y y
y = ax + bx + c
touches x-axis in one place.
x x
ax2 + bx + c = 0
has one solution.

y y
y = ax2 + bx + c
neither cuts nor touches the x-axis.
ax2 + bx + c = 0 x

has no solutions.

Thus to solve the equation ax2 + bx + c = 0 we can sketch the graph of y = ax2 + bx + c and look at the
x-coordinates of any points where the graph cuts the x-axis. At all such points y will equal zero and
hence 0 = ax2 + bx + c.


Solve 2x2 – 4x – 3 = 0 8
y = 2x2 – 4x – 3

Consider the function y = 2x2 – 4x – 3

Line of symmetry is x=1 x
–6 –4 –2 2 4 6
Minimum point at (1, –5) –2
Cuts y-axis at (0, –3) –4
A sketch can then be made as shown on the right.
From this sketch: y = 0 when  x ≈ –0.6
Y1 = 2X2 – 4X – 3
and when x ≈ 2.6
Hence 2x2 – 4x – 3 = 0 has solutions of x ≈ –0.6
and x ≈ 2.6.
Alternatively we could simply use a graphic calculator to
display the graph of y = 2x2 – 4x – 3 and locate the x-axis ROOT
intercepts from the display. X = –0.5811388301 Y=0

This gives solutions of x = –0.58 and x = 2.58 (2 decimal places).

ISBN 9780170390330 6. Quadratic equations 119

Completing the square
Completing the square


Solve x2 – 4x – 1 = 0

Given x2 – 4x – 1 = 0
Create the gap: x2 – 4x =1
2 2
 −4   −4 
Insert the square of half the coefficient of x: x2 – 4x +   = 1 +  
 2  2

Thus x2 – 4x + 4 = 5
(x – 2)2 = 5
x–2=± 5
x = 2± 5
Giving solutions of 4.24 and –0.24 (2 decimal places).


Solve 2x2 + 14x – 5 = 0

Given 2x2 + 14x – 5 = 0
Create the gap (and divide by 2): x2 + 7x =
2 2
 7 5  7
Insert the square of half the coefficient of x: x2 + 7x +   =  +  
 2 2  2
 7
Thus  x +  = 14.75

x + 3.5 = ± 14.75

x = −3.5 ± 14.75
Giving solutions of 0.34 and –7.34 (2 decimal places).

120 MATHEMATICS METHODS  Unit 1 ISBN 9780170390330

Obtaining and using a formula WS
Given ax + bx + c = 0
Quadratic equations
b c
Subtract c from each side and then divide by a: x2 + x =−
a a
2 2 WS
b  b c  b
Insert the square of half the coefficient of x: x2 + x +  = − + 
a  2a  a  2a  Quadratic formula

 b c b2
Thus  x +  = − + 2
2a a 4a
b 2 − 4 ac
4 a2

b b 2 − 4 ac
∴ x +  =±
2a 4 a2

b b 2 − 4 ac
and so x= − ±
2a 2a

− b ± b 2 − 4 ac

− b ± b 2 − 4 ac
If ax2 + bx + c = 0, then x =


Solve 2x2 + 3x – 1 = 0

Comparing 2x2 + 3x – 1 = 0 with ax2 + bx + c = 0 gives a = 2, b = 3 and c = –1.

−3 ± 32 − 4 × 2 × ( −1)
Substituting these values into the formula gives x =
2× 2

−3 ± 17
x = 0.28 or x = –1.78 (2 decimal places).

ISBN 9780170390330 6. Quadratic equations 121


• In the real number system, we cannot find the square root of a negative number. Hence if we are
attempting to solve a quadratic ax2 + bx + c = 0 for which the quantity b2 – 4ac is negative it is clear
from the quadratic formula that we will have no real solutions.
For example consider the quadratic equation 2x2 + x + 2 = 0.
Comparing this equation with ax2 + bx + c = 0 gives a = 2, b = 1 and c = 2.
Thus b2 – 4ac = 12 – 4 × 2 × 2
= –15.
The quadratic equation 2x2 + x + 2 = 0 will have no real solutions. y
2 y = 2x2 + x + 2
This is also confirmed by the fact that the graph of y = 2x + x + 2, 30
shown on the right, does not cut the x-axis. I.e. there are no 20
points on the graph for which y = 0.
However, if asked to solve 2x2 + x + 2 = 0, a calculator with a
quadratic-solving program might not say ‘no solutions’ because –4 –3 –2 –1 1 2 3
some branches of mathematics use what are called complex
numbers, and the equation does have solutions in this system. 2x2 + x + 2 = 0
However, such work is beyond the requirement of this unit. x
We only need to know that a calculator response like that shown 1  –0.25 + 0.9682i 
on the right should be interpreted as no solutions, or to be more  
2  –0.25 – 0.9682i 

correct, no real solutions. On some calculators a response like
that shown can be avoided by setting the calculator to show real  –0.25 + 0.9682458366i
solutions only.
• The quantity b2 – 4ac is called the discriminant of the quadratic equation ax2 + bx + c = 0.
It allows us to discriminate between (i.e. recognise the distinction between) the three situations of
a quadratic having zero,
or two   real solutions.
If b2 – 4ac > 0, the quadratic equation ax2 + bx + c = 0
will have two real solutions.
If b2 – 4ac = 0, the quadratic equation ax2 + bx + c = 0
will have one real solution. (Sometimes referred to
as one repeated root.)
If b2 – 4ac < 0, the quadratic equation ax2 + bx + c = 0
will have no real solutions. Penner

122 MATHEMATICS METHODS  Unit 1 ISBN 9780170390330

Exercise 6B
Using the built-in facility of some calculators to solve equations
Solving algebraic

Use a calculator with a built-in routine for solving quadratic equations to solve questions 1 to 8, giving equations

your answers correct to 2 decimal places.

1 3x2 + x – 1 = 0 2 x2 + x – 3 = 0 3 3x2 + 3x + 1 = 0

4 2x2 + 6x + 1 = 0 5 5x2 + 7x – 3 = 0 6 5x2 + 6x = 2

7 s = ut + at2.
Find t given that s = 35, u = –25, a = 4 and t ≥ 0. (Give your answer correct to one decimal place.)

8 w = kp2 – 2cp.
Find p given that w = –3, k = 5, c = 7.5. (Give your answers correct to two decimal places.)

Using a graphical approach

Each of the following graphs are for equations of the form y = ax2 + bx + c.
In each case state the number of real solutions ax2 + bx + c = 0 appears to have.

9 y 10 y 11 y


12 y 13 y 14 y


Each of the curves below have equations of the form y = ax2 + bx + c.

In each case state the number of real solutions ax2 + bx + c = d appears to have.

15 y 16 y 17 y

y=d y=d

x x

ISBN 9780170390330 6. Quadratic equations 123

For each of the following, first sketch the graph of a suitable quadratic function and then use your
sketch to solve the equation.

18 x2 + 2x – 2 = 0 19 x2 + 4x – 7 = 0 20 2x2 – 8x + 3 = 0

21 x2 + 2x + 3 = 0 22 2x2 + 12x + 3 = 0 23 1 + 4x – x2 = 0

Completing the square

Solve each of the following quadratic equations using the technique of completing the square, giving your
answers correct to two decimal places if rounding is necessary.

24 x2 – 12x + 21 = 0 25 x2 – 6x + 10 = 0 26 x2 – 8x + 1 = 0

27 x2 + 7x – 5 = 0 28 x2 + 3x – 5 = 0 29 2x2 + x – 3 = 0

Solve each of the following quadratic equations using the technique of completing the square, leaving
your answers in the form  ? ± ?, simplified if possible.

30 x2 – 2x – 5 = 0 31 x2 – 6x + 1 = 0 32 x2 + 10x – 7 = 0

33 2x2 + 10x – 5 = 0 34 3x2 + 5x + 1 = 0 35 5x2 + x – 1 = 0

Using the formula

Solve each of the following quadratic equations using the quadratic formula:

− b ± b 2 − 4 ac
x =  ,
giving your answers correct to two decimal places.

36 x2 + x – 4 = 0 37 7x + 5 – 2x2 = 0 38 3x2 + 1 = 7x

39 6x = x2 + 7 40 x(x – 1) = 7 41 2x(3x + 1) = 5

Solve each of the following quadratic equations using the quadratic formula:

− b ± b 2 − 4 ac
x =  ,
leaving your answers in the form  ? ± ? , simplified if possible.

42 x2 + 3x + 1 = 0 43 x2 – 7x + 1 = 0 44 2x2 + x – 5 = 0

45 3x2 = 1 + 5x 46 5x2 – 5 + x = 0 47 2x(x + 2) = –1

By determining the discriminant of each of the following quadratic equations, determine the number
of real roots each equation has (and then check your answers using the equation-solving ability of some

48 x2 + 5x – 7 = 0 49 x2 + 5x + 7 = 0 50 x2 – 2x – 3 = 0

51 2x2 + 7x + 5 = 0 52 4x2 – 12x + 9 = 0 53 3x2 – x + 1 = 0

124 MATHEMATICS METHODS  Unit 1 ISBN 9780170390330

Miscellaneous exercise six
This miscellaneous exercise may include questions involving the work of this chapter, the
work of any previous chapters, and the ideas mentioned in the Preliminary work section at
the beginning of the book.

1 The product of 3 less than a number and 5 more than the number is zero.
What could the number be?

2 The display on the right shows the lines B

x = 60, y = 60,
y = 2x – 60, y = 0.5x + 30, F
y = –x + 60, y = –2x + 30
labelled A to F.
Allocate the correct rule to each line.

3 In the diagram on the right the points A, D and E form y

a horizontal line, as do points B and F. Similarly points E,
B (6, 11) F
C and F form a vertical line, as do points D and B.
C (14, 9)
With the coordinates of A, B and C as indicated in the
diagram determine:
a the length of AD, the length of DB and hence the A (0, 5) D E
gradient of the straight line through A and B.
b the length of DE, the length of EC and hence the
gradient of the straight line through D and C. x
c the gradient of the straight line through D and F.

4 The graph of the quadratic function y = 3(x – 1)2 + 2 has a line of symmetry with equation x = a,
has a minimum point at (b, c) and passes through the points (6, d), (–4, e) and (f, 14). Determine
a, b, c, d, e and the two possible values of f.

5 A rectangle is such that multiplying the width by five gives an answer that is three centimetres less
than the length of the rectangle. If the area of the rectangle is 36 cm2 find the dimensions of the

6 OAB is a right triangle with OA = 5 cm, AB = 10 cm and ∠OAB = 90°. A circle of radius 5 cm is
drawn, centre O. Find the area of that part of triangle OAB not lying in the circle, giving your
answer in square centimetres correct to one decimal place.

ISBN 9780170390330 6. Quadratic equations 125

7 Each of the curves A to H shown below are for functions of the form
y = a(x – p)2 + q
for integer a, p and q. Determine the equation of each curve.
C 5 A
–12–11–10–9 –8 –7 –6 –5 –4 –3 –2 –11 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
D 6

8 A solid cylinder is to be made having a length of 30 cm and 30 cm

a total surface area of 2000 cm2.
Determine the radius of such a cylinder, to the nearest
millimetre, clearly showing your use of the quadratic
formula in your working.

9 Determine the value of x in the right triangle shown

sketched on the right, giving your answer rounded to
two decimal places and clearly showing your use of the cm
1 2)
(x + 3) cm
technique of completing the square in your working. (x+

(x + 7) cm

10 Apply the technique of completing the square to the general quadratic equation
ax2 + bx + c = 0
to obtain the quadratic formula.

− b ± b 2 − 4 ac
x =  .

126 MATHEMATICS METHODS  Unit 1 ISBN 9780170390330

Polynomials and
other functions
• Polynomial functions
• Cubic functions
• Cubics in factorised form
• Sketching cubic functions
• Transformations
• What will the graphs of y =   and y =  x
look like? x

• Vocabulary
• Transformations of the general function y = f  (x)
• Two relationships that are not functions
• Miscellaneous exercise seven
Polynomial functions
In a linear function the highest power of x is 1: y = mx1 + c
In a quadratic function the highest power of x is 2: y = ax2 + bx + c
Continuing this pattern we have cubic functions: y = ax3 + bx2 + cx + d
quartic functions: y = ax4 + bx3 + cx2 + dx + e
These functions are all part of the larger family of polynomial functions.
Polynomial functions have rules of the form:
f  (x) = an x n + an – 1 x n – 1 + an – 2 x n – 2 + ….. + a2 x2 + a1 x + a0
where n is a non-negative integer and an, an – 1, an – 2, … are all numbers, called the coefficients of
xn, xn – 1, xn – 2 etc.
The highest power of x is the order of the polynomial.
Thus linear functions, y = mx + c, are polynomials of order 1,
quadratic functions, y = ax2 + bx + c, are polynomials of order 2.
We will now consider cubic functions, i.e. polynomials of order 3.

Cubic functions
With a = 1 and b = c = d = 0, the general formula for a cubic function
y = ax3 + bx2 + cx + d
reduces to y = 1x3 + 0x2 + 0x + 0,
i.e. the most basic cubic: y = x3.
A table of values and the graph of y = x3 are shown below:
x –4 –3 –2 –1 0 1 2 3 4 70
60 (4, 64)
y –64 –27 –8 –1 0 1 8 27 64 50 y = x3
30 (3, 27)
1st diff 37 19 7 1 1 7 19 37 20
10 (1, 1) (2, 8)
(–1, –1) x
2nd diff –18 –12 –6 0 6 12 18 –4 –3 –2 –1–10 1 2 3 4
(–2, –8)–20
(–3, –27) –30
3rd diff 6 6 6 6 6 6 –40
(–4, –64) –70
Note that the table of values
has a constant third difference
– a characteristic of the tables
of values for cubic functions.

ISBN 9780170390330 7. Polynomials and other functions 129

The graph of y = x3 has certain features that, with thought, we should have expected:
• The cube of any positive number is positive and the cube of a negative
number is negative. Thus we would only expect to find y = x3 in the
1st quadrant (see diagram), as that is where both the x and y coordinates 2nd 1st
Quadrant Quadrant
are positive, and in the 3rd quadrant, as that is where both x and
y coordinates are negative. 3rd 4th
Quadrant Quadrant
• We would expect the graph to pass through (0, 0).
• As x gets large positively, we would expect y to be even larger and positive.
• As x gets large negatively, we would expect y to be even larger and negative.
• For every point (x, y) on the graph there will also exist a point (–x, –y), e.g. (2, 8) and (–2, –8), (3, 27)
and (–3, –27). I.e. for f  (x) = x3, f  (–a) = –f  (a). This gives the graph its rotational symmetry.
These ‘expected features’ are indeed evident on the graph.
Cubic functions will not all give the same shape graph as that of f  (x) = x3 but they all
• have either two turning points or no turning points,
e g:
y y y

x x x

y = x – x y = x y = –x3 – x

• cut the y-axis once and cut (or touch) the x-axis in 1, 2 or 3 places:
y y y

x x


Determine the coordinates of the point where the graph of the cubic function
y = 2x3 + 3x2 + 2x + 14 cuts the y-axis.

All points on the y-axis have an x-coordinate of zero.
If x = 0, y = 2(0)3 + 3(0)2 + 2(0) + 14
= 14
The given cubic function cuts the y-axis at the point (0, 14).

130 MATHEMATICS METHODS  Unit 1 ISBN 9780170390330

Cubics in factorised form
Just as some quadratic functions, y = ax2 + bx + c,
may be expressed in the factorised form, y = a(x – p)(x – q),
similarly some cubic functions y = ax3 + bx2 + cx + d,
may be expressed in the factorised form y = a(x – p)(x – q)(x – r).


Determine the coordinates of the points where the graph of the cubic function
y = (x – 1)(2x – 3)(x + 2) cuts
a the x-axis, b the y-axis.

a All points on the x-axis have a y-coordinate of zero.
If y = 0, 0 = (x – 1)(2x – 3)(x + 2)
If three brackets have a product of zero,
one of the brackets must equal zero.
i.e. (x – 1) = 0 or (2x – 3) = 0 or (x + 2) = 0
giving x = 1 or 2x = 3 or x = –2
y1 = (x–1)·(2·x–3)·(x+2)
i.e.   x = 1.5 y2 :
y3 :
The graph cuts the x-axis at (1, 0), (1.5, 0) and (–2, 0). y4 :
y5 :
b All points on the y-axis have an x-coordinate of zero. y6 :
y7 :
Given y = (x – 1)(2x – 3)(x + 2) y8 :
If x = 0, y = (0 – 1)(2 × 0 – 3)(0 + 2) 12
= (–1)(–3)(2)
–4 4
The graph cuts the y-axis at (0, 6).
The graph of y = (x – 1)(2x – 3)(x + 2) is shown on the right.


Use your graphic calculator to view the graphs of cubic functions of the form
y = (x – b)(x – c)2
i.e. y = (x – b)(x – c)(x – c)
and of the form
y = (x – b)3
i.e. y = (x – b)(x – b)(x – b).
What effect does the presence of a ‘repeated bracket’ have on the graph of the function?

ISBN 9780170390330 7. Polynomials and other functions 131

Sketching cubic functions
Nowadays, with the ready access to graphic calculators, the easiest way to view the graph of a cubic
function is to display it on a calculator (as in Example 4 on the next page). However, if you are
required to make a sketch without using a graphic calculator, and provided the cubic is given in
factorised form, or in a form that can be readily factorised, for example y = x3 – 5x2 + 6x, we can
determine sufficient information about the cubic for a reasonable sketch to be made, as in Examples 3
and 5 that follow. (Or, if not, other points lying on the curve can be determined for other x values.)


For the cubic function y = –2(x + 3)(x – 2)(x – 5), find the coordinates of any points where the
graph of the function cuts
a the y-axis, b the x-axis.
Describe the behaviour of the y values as the x values become
c increasingly large positively, d increasingly large negatively.
e Hence sketch the function.

a All points on the y-axis have an x-coordinate of zero.
If x = 0, y = –2(0 + 3)(0 – 2)(0 – 5)
= –60
The graph cuts the y-axis at (0, –60).
b All points on the x-axis have a y-coordinate of zero.
If y = 0, 0 = –2(x + 3)(x – 2)(x – 5)
i.e. x + 3 = 0 or x – 2 = 0 or x – 5 = 0
The graph cuts the x-axis at (–3, 0), (2, 0) and (5, 0).
c As x becomes increasingly large positively (or negatively), its value will dominate each of the
three brackets. Thus:
For x large and positive y = –2(x + 3)(x – 2)(x – 5)
becomes y = –2 × (large +ve) × (large +ve) × (large +ve)
= a very large negative number.
As x becomes increasingly large positively, y becomes very large negatively.
I.e.: As x → ∞, y → –∞.
d For x large and negative y = –2(x + 3)(x – 2)(x – 5)
becomes y = –2 × (large –ve) × (large –ve) × (large –ve)
= a very large positive number.
As x becomes increasingly large negatively, y becomes very large positively.
i.e.: As x → –∞, y → ∞.
e Placing these facts on a graph, below left, allows a sketch to be made, below right.
y y

x (5, 0) x
(–3, 0) (2, 0) (5, 0) (–3, 0) (2, 0)
(0, –60) (0, –60)

132 MATHEMATICS METHODS  Unit 1 ISBN 9780170390330

y1 = (x–1)·(2·x–3)·(x+2)
Use a graphic calculator to view the graph of the cubic function
y2 = 2·x3–11·x2+17·x–13
y3 :
y = 2x3 – 11x2 + 17x – 13. y4 :
y5 :
Use your calculator to determine the coordinates of the point(s) y6 :
where the function cuts the x-axis, rounding any x-coordinates to y7 :
y8 :
two decimal places.
Solution –2 5
A typical calculator display is shown on the right and includes the
coordinates of the point where the graph cuts the x-axis.
xc = 3.6644849 yc = 0
Hence the coordinates are, to the required accuracy, (3.66, 0).


Without the assistance of a calculator produce a sketch of the graph of the cubic function with equation:
y = 2(x + 1)(x – 5)2.

If y = 0, 0 = 2(x + 1)(x – 5)2.
Hence the cubic function cuts the x-axis at the point (–1, 0) and touches the x-axis at the point (5, 0)
(the repeated bracket indicating the ‘touch’ of the x-axis as you may have discovered from the
investigation on page 131).
If x = 0, y = 2(0 + 1)(0 – 5)2
= 50.
Hence the cubic function cuts the y-axis at the point (0, 50).
As x gets large positively, y gets very large positively. (As x → ∞, y → ∞.)
As x gets large negatively, y gets very large negatively. (As x → –∞, y → –∞.)
Placing these facts on a graph allows a sketch to be made as shown below (or, if still in doubt, locate
another point, say when x = 1 to give the point (1, 64)).
y y
(0, 50) (0, 50)

(–1, 0) (5, 0) x (–1, 0) x

(5, 0)

ISBN 9780170390330 7. Polynomials and other functions 133

Exercise 7A
1 Determine the coordinates of the point where the graph of each of the following cubic functions
cuts the y-axis.
a y = x3 + x2 + x + 1 b y = 3x3 – 5x2 – 2x – 5 c y = x3 + 8
d y = 2x3 + 3x2 + 6 e y = 2 + 3x + 7x2 – x3 f y = 5x + 3 + 2x3

2 Determine the coordinates of the point(s) where the graph of each of the following cubic functions
cut, or perhaps just ‘touches’, the x-axis.
a y = (x – 2)(x – 3)(x – 4) b y = (x + 7)(x – 1)(x – 5) c y = (2x – 5)(x + 1)(5x – 3)
d y = (1 – x)(1 + x)(x – 7) e y = x(4x – 1)(2x – 7) f y = (x + 1)2(x – 5)
g y = x3 – 9x h y = x3 + 2x2 – 15x

3 Use a graphic calculator to view the graph of the cubic function y = 2x3 – 2x2 – 3x – 5.
Use your calculator to determine the coordinates of the point(s) where the function cuts the x-axis,
rounding any x-coordinate(s) to two decimal places.

4 a Given that x3 + 5x2 – 12x – 36 = (x + 2)(x – 3)(x – k), find k.

b Find the coordinates of any point(s) where y = x3 + 5x2 – 12x – 36 cuts the x-axis.

5 If f  (x) = x3 – 6x2 – x + 6 determine

a f  (–1) b f  (1) c f  (2) d f  (6).
3 2
Hence factorise x – 6x – x + 6.

6 If f  (x) = x3 – 10x2 + 31x – 30 determine

a f  (1) b f  (2) c f  (3).
3 2
Hence factorise x – 10x + 31x – 30.

7 Given that 3x3 – 14x2 – 7x + 10 = (3x – 2)(ax2 + bx + c):

a Determine the value of a and the value of c by inspection.
b With your answers from part a in place expand (3x – 2)(ax2 + bx + c) and hence determine b.
c Find the coordinates of any x-axis intercepts of the graph of y = 3x3 – 14x2 – 7x + 10.

8 By determining
• the coordinates of any points where the function cuts, or perhaps just touches the axes
• the behaviour of the function as x gets large positively and negatively,
produce sketches of each of the following cubic functions. Then check the reasonableness of each
sketch by viewing the graph of the function on a graphic calculator.
a y = (x + 2)(x – 2)(x – 5) b y = (x + 4)(x + 1)(x – 5) c y = 2(x + 4)(x + 1)(x – 5)
d y = x(3 – x)(x – 7) e y = (x – 1)(x – 3) f y = (x – 2)3

134 MATHEMATICS METHODS  Unit 1 ISBN 9780170390330

From Chapter 5, Quadratic functions, you should be familiar with the following ideas:
• Altering the ‘a’ in y = ax2 stretches, dilates, • The graphs of y = –x2, y = –2x2 etc. are simply
the graph vertically. (Points on the x-axis those of y = x2, y = 2x2 etc., reflected in the
are unmoved.) x-axis.
y y
y = 2x2
10 10

y = x2 y = x2
5 5
y = 1 x2
x x
–5 5 –5 5

–5 –5
y = –x2


• Altering the ‘c’ in y = x2 + c translates the • Altering the ‘b’ in y = (x – b)2 translates the
graph vertically. graph horizontally.
y y = x2 + 3 y
y = (x + 2)2 y = x2 y = (x – 3)2
10 10

y = x2
5 5

x x
–5 5 –5 5
y=x –6
–5 –5

Hence the graph of y = a(x – b)2 + c is that of y = x2 stretched vertically, scale factor a (and reflected in
the x-axis if a is negative), translated b units right and then c units up.

Do such ideas also apply to cubic functions?
Does altering the ‘a’ in y = ax3 stretch (dilate) the graph vertically?
Are the graphs of y = –x3, y = –2x3 etc. simply those of y = x3, y = 2x3 etc., reflected in the x -axis?
Does altering the ‘c’ in y = x3 + c translate the graph vertically?
Does altering the ‘b’ in y = (x – b )3 translate the graph horizontally?
So how does the graph of y = a(x – b )3 + c compare to the graph of y = x 3?

ISBN 9780170390330 7. Polynomials and other functions 135

What will the graphs of y = and y = x look like?
y = 
The Preliminary work section at the beginning of this book y

reminded us that functions of the form y =
• have graphs with the characteristic shape shown on the right
(reflected in the y-axis if k is negative). x

• describe situations in which the two variables are inversely

• have tables of values for which paired values have a common
product. y
1 4
Hence y = has this characteristic shape:
x 3
2 (1, 1)

–4 1 2 3 4 x
(–1, –1)


Again, with thought, this shape is exactly as we should have expected for y = because:
• When x is positive, y will be positive, and when x is negative, y will be negative.
✗ ✓
Thus the graph only exists where x and y are of the same sign.
• If x is large, y must be small, and if x is small, y must be large. ✓ ✗
• The function does not exist for x = 0 and there are no values of x for which
y equals 0. Thus the function does not cut either axis.

• The x-axis is said to be a horizontal asymptote to the curve and the y-axis is
a vertical asymptote. These are lines that the curve gets closer and closer to
without ever quite touching.
• For every point (x, y) on the graph there will also exist a point (–x, –y), for example
(1, 1) and (–1, –1), (2, 0.5) and (–2, –0.5). I.e. f (–a) = –f (a). This gives the graph
its rotational symmetry.
• The graph is said to be hyperbolic.

136 MATHEMATICS METHODS  Unit 1 ISBN 9780170390330

y =  x
Again let us think about some of the characteristics we would expect the graph of y = x to possess.

• In our system of real numbers we cannot determine the square root of a ✗

negative number. Hence the graph does not exist for negative values of x. x

• There are also no values of x for which x will be negative.

Hence the graph does not exist for negative values of y.
✗ ✗

Putting the two previous ideas together we have y = x only existing where ✗ ✓
x and y both take non negative values. x
✗ ✗

• We would expect the graph of y = x to include the point (0, 0) and as x ✗

gets large positively y would also get large positively but at a slower rate. x
✗ ✗

These ‘expected features’ are indeed evident on the graph of y = x .

a 1
How does the graph of y = + c compare to the graph of y = ?
x−b x
How does the graph of y = a x − b + c compare to the graph of y = x ?
Investigate and write a summary of your findings.

ISBN 9780170390330 7. Polynomials and other functions 137

Some vocabulary that we will commonly encounter when discussing the shape and notable features of
the graphs of functions is explained below. Some of these terms we are already familiar with from this
and previous chapters of this text.
For example, an earlier page considered a curve that got closer and closer to some lines without ever
quite touching the lines and referred to these lines as asymptotes.
In the diagram below the lines x = 3 and y = 2 are asymptotes to the curve.



The graph shown on the right does not appear to have any y
asymptotes but some other noteworthy features are shown. E
• The x-axis intercepts. Points A, B and C in the diagram. G
• The y-axis intercepts. Point D in the diagram. A B C
• Any turning points the graph has. Points E and F in the diagram.
E is a maximum turning point and F is a minimum turning point.
• If y = f  (x) is shaped ∩ (or part of ∩) we say that it is concave down.
The graph shown appears to be concave down to the left of point G.
• If y = f  (x) is shaped ∪ (or part of ∪) we say that it is concave up.
The graph shown appears to be concave up to the right of point G.
• The points on a curve where it changes from being concave down to concave up, or from concave
up to concave down, are called points of inflection. Point G in the above diagram is a point of
inflection. If, at a point of inflection, the graph is momentarily horizontal then the point is a point
of horizontal inflection.

Concave Concave
Concave Concave up up
up up

Concave Concave
down down
Concave Concave
Point of Point of down down
inflection inflection

138 MATHEMATICS METHODS  Unit 1 ISBN 9780170390330

Also remember:
• Some graphs possess symmetry.
Eg. y = x2 has line symmetry, y = x3 has rotational symmetry.
• Some functions have regions on the graph where the function is undefined. The natural domain
is then not the entire set of real numbers. For example y = x is undefined for x < 0. The natural
domain of y = x is {x ∈ : x ≥ 0}.
• Some functions do not output all of the real numbers. For example y = x2 + 1 will not output any
numbers less that 1. Hence for x ∈  the function y = x2 + 1 has a range of {y ∈ : y ≥ 1}.

Exercise 7B C

1 Graph A shown in red on the right has
equation y = x . A
Graphs B, C and D are all translations of
graph A.
Write down the equations of B, C and D. –3 5 10

(–3, –5)
2 Find the equation of each graph below, given each is of the form y = + c.

a y b y
5 5

(1, 3)
(1, 2)

x (–1, 1) x
–5 (–1, 0) 5 –5 5

–5 –5

c y
Alamy Stock Photo/Zoonar GmbH

(1, 0) x
–5 5

(–1, –2)


ISBN 9780170390330 7. Polynomials and other functions 139

3 Find the equation of each graph below, given each is of the form y = .
a b
y y c y
5 5 5

(4, 1)
(0, 1) (2, 1)

–5 5x 5x –5 5x
(–2, –1) (2, –1) (0, –1)

–5 –5 –5

4 Describe how the graph of y = x3 + 1 compares to that of y = x3.

1 1
5 Describe how the graph of y = compares to that of y = .
x −1 x

6 Describe how the graph of y = 2 x compares to that of y = x .

7 Describe how the graph of y = (x – 3)2 compares to that of y = (x + 4)2.

8 Describe how the graph of y = x − 2 + 1 compares to that of y = x .

3 1
9 Describe how the graph of y = compares to that of y = .
x −1 x

10 For the function graphed state which of F

the points A to I are: f(x) G
a the 2 maximum turning points. C
A E x
b the minimum turning point.
c the four points of inflection.
d the one point of horizontal inflection. I

Between which points is the function

e concave up? f concave down?

11 The graph sketched on the right is that of y

3 2 E
y = x – 9x + 15x + 10. A
By viewing the graph of the function on a graphic G
B x
calculator determine the coordinates of points A to G D
which are all the intercepts with the axes, the turning F
points and the point of inflection (which in this case is
halfway between the two turning points).

140 MATHEMATICS METHODS  Unit 1 ISBN 9780170390330

12 According to Boyle’s law, the pressure of a fixed mass of gas, kept at a constant temperature, is
inversely proportional to the volume of the gas. i.e. P = .
Let us suppose that for a particular, non zero, mass of a gas the pressure, P units of pressure, and
the volume, V cm3, are such that P = .
a Find V when P = 40.
b Find V when P = 20.
c What would be a suitable domain for V ?

13 The nine equations given below are for the nine graphs shown below. Determine the coordinates
of points A, B, C, … I and the values of a, b, c, … i.
y = x3 + 8 y = (x + 1)3 + 8 y = (x – d)2 + e
8 1
y = x + a y= – 2 y= +g
x x− f
y = x2 + 4 y = b(x – c)2
y = hx + i


B x D
(2, 3)
(–4, 0)



(0, 2) x F H
E x

y y

(0, 3)
(0, 8) I x
(6, 0)
(4, 0)

ISBN 9780170390330 7. Polynomials and other functions 141

Transformations of the general function y = f (x)
Graphing translations Given the graph of y = x2, or y = x3, or y = x or y = we have seen that ‘adding k to the right hand
of functions x
side’ of these equations moves the original graph up k units. This, and other transformations given
in terms of a more general function y = f  (x) are stated below. Note especially ‘replacing x by –x’ and
‘replacing x by ax’, because those transformations have not been encountered so far in this text.
To allow us to illustrate the various transformations let us suppose y
that some function y = f  (x) has the graph shown on the right. y = f(x)
(There is no significance in the shape chosen. It could be the
graph of any function.)

‘Adding k to the right hand side’ y = f(x) + k y

The graph of y = f  (x) + k will be that of y = f  (x) translated k units y = f(x) k

vertically upwards. Thus if k is negative the translation will be k
vertically downwards. x

‘Replacing x by (x – k)’ y
y = f(x)
The graph of y = f  (x – k) will be that of y = f  (x) translated k units to the k
y = f(x – k)
right. Thus if k is negative the translation will be to the left. k k

‘Multiplying the right hand side by –1’ y = f(x) y

The graph of y = –f  (x) will be that of y = f  (x) reflected in the x-axis.


y = –f(x)

‘Replacing x by –x’ y = f(x) y y = f(–x)

The graph of y = f  (–x) will be that of y = f  (x) reflected in the y-axis.


‘Multiplying the right hand side by a’

The graph of y = af  (x) will be that of y = f  (x) dilated parallel to the y-axis with scale factor a. A point
that is q units above the x-axis will be moved vertically to a point that is aq units above the x-axis.
Points on the x-axis will not move.
If a > 1 the effect will be to stretch y = f  (x) vertically and if 0 < a < 1 the effect will be to compress
y = f  (x) vertically.

142 MATHEMATICS METHODS  Unit 1 ISBN 9780170390330

Below left shows the situation for a = 2 and below right shows a = 0.5.

y = 2f(x) y y

(p, 2q)
y = f(x) y = f(x) (p, q)

y = 0.5f(x) (p, 0.5q)

(p, q)
x x


‘Replacing x by ax’
The graph of y = f  (ax) will be that of y = f  (x) dilated parallel to the x-axis with scale factor . A point
p a
that is p units from the y-axis will be moved horizontally to a point that is units from the y-axis.
Points on the y-axis will not move.
If a > 1 the effect will be to compress y = f  (x) horizontally and if 0 < a < 1 the effect will be to stretch
y = f  (x) horizontally.
Below left shows the situation for a = 2 and below right shows a = 0.5.
y y
y = f(x) y = f (2x) y = f (0.5x) y = f (x)
( p, q) ( p/ 2, q) ( p, q)
( p/0.5, q)
i.e. (2p, q)

For ‘half the x value’ f  (2x) will output We now need ‘twice the x value’ for f  (0.5x)
the same value as f  (x) would. to output the same value as f  (x) would.

Using a viewing window of –6 to 6 on the x-axis and –8 to 8 on the y-axis display the graph of
y = x3 + 2x2 – x + 3 on your graphic calculator.
For each of the equations I to VI given below:
• Predict what transformation of the graph of y = x3 + 2x2 – x + 3 will give the graph of the
given equation.
• Display the graph of the given equation on your graphic calculator, along with that of
y = x3 + 2x2 – x + 3, to test your prediction.
I: y = –(x3 + 2x2 – x + 3)
II: y = (x – 2)3 + 2(x – 2)2 – (x – 2) + 3
III: y = (–x)3 + 2(–x)2 – (–x) + 3
IV: y = 0.5(x3 + 2x2 – x + 3)
V: y = (0.5x)3 + 2(0.5x)2 – (0.5x) + 3
VI: y = x3 + 2x2 – x – 2

ISBN 9780170390330 7. Polynomials and other functions 143


The graph of y = f  (x) is shown. 4

3 y = f(x)
The ‘filled’ and ‘empty’ circles indicate where the 2
function is (filled circle) and is not (empty circle). 1
Thus f  (0) = 0, not –2.
–4 –3 –2 –1
–1 1 2 3 4
Draw the graph of each of the following.
a y = f  (x) + 1 b y = f  (x + 2) –3
c y = 2f  (x) d y = f  (0.5x) –4

e y = f  (2x) f y = –f  (x)
Solution 4 y = f(x) + 1
a To go from y = f  (x) 3
to y = f  (x) + 1 2
involves adding 1 to the right hand side. 1
Thus the graph of y = f  (x) + 1 –4 –3 –2 –1
–1 1 2 3 4
will be that of y = f  (x) –2
translated vertically upwards 1 unit. –3

b To go from y = f  (x) y
to y = f  (x + 2)
involves replacing x by x + 2.
3 y = f(x + 2)
Thus the graph of y = f  (x + 2) 2
will be that of y = f  (x) 1
translated 2 units to the left. –4 –3 –2 –1 1 2 3 4

c To go from y = f  (x) y
to y = 2f  (x) y = 2f(x)
involves multiplying the right hand side by 2. 3
Thus the graph of y = 2f  (x) 2
will be that of y = f  (x) 1
dilated parallel to the y-axis, scale factor 2. –4 –3 –2 –1 1 2 3 4

144 MATHEMATICS METHODS  Unit 1 ISBN 9780170390330

d To go from y = f  (x) y
to y = f  (0.5x)
involves replacing x by 0.5x.
3 y = f(0.5x)
Thus the graph of y = f  (0.5x) 2
will be that of y = f  (x) 1
dilated parallel to the x-axis, scale factor = 2. –4 –3 –2 –1
–1 1 2 3 4

e To go from y = f  (x) y
to y = f  (2x)
involves replacing x by 2x.
3 y = f(2x)
Thus the graph of y = f  (2x) 2
will be that of y = f  (x) 1
dilated parallel to the x-axis, scale factor = 0.5. –4 –3 –2 –1
–1 1 2 3 4

f To go from y = f  (x) y
to y = –f  (x)
involves multiplying the right hand side by –1. 3
Thus the graph of y = –f  (x) 2
y = –f(x)
will be that of y = f  (x) 1
reflected in the x-axis. –4 –3 –2 –1 1 2 3 4

Exercise 7C
1 Describe how the graphs of each of the following can be obtained by transforming the graph of
y = f  (x).
a y = –f  (x) b y = f  (4x) c y = 4f  (x)

2 Describe how the graphs of each of the following can be obtained by transforming the graph of
y = x2 + 3x.
x 2 3x
a y = –x2 – 3x b y = x2 + 3x – 5 c y= +
4 2

ISBN 9780170390330 7. Polynomials and other functions 145

3 Describe how the graphs of each of the following can be obtained by transforming the graph of y = x2.
a y = (x – 3)2 b y = 3x2 c y = (3x)2

4 The graph of y = f  (x) is shown on the right. y

Draw the graph of each of the following. 4

a y = f  (x – 2) 3
y = f(x)
b y = f  (x) + 2
c y = 2f  (x) x

d y = f  (2x) –4 –3 –2 –1
–1 1 2 3 4

e y = –f  (x) –2
f y = f  (–x) –4

5 The graph of y = f  (x) is shown on the right. y

Find 4
a f  (0), i.e. the value of y when x = 0. 3 y = f(x)
b f  (1), i.e. the value of y when x = 1.
c f  (2) d f  (–3) x

Draw the graph of each of the following. –4 –3 –2 –1

–1 1 2 3 4

e y = f  (x + 1) f y = f  (–x) –2
g y = f  (2x) h y = f  (0.5x) –4
i y = 0.5f  (x)
j Use your part b answer and your part e graph to confirm that f  (1) = f  (0 + 1).
k Use your part c answer and your part g graph to confirm that f  (2) = f  (2 × 1).

6 The graph of y = f  (x) is as shown on the right. y

Choose the function from the list below corresponding 4

to each of the graphs A to F shown on the next page. 3
I y = –f  (x) 2
y = f(x)
II y = f  (–x) x
III y = 0.5f  (x) –4 –3 –2 –1
–1 1 2 3 4

IV y = f  (0.5x) –2
V y = 2f  (x)
VI y = f  (2x)
VII y = f  (x) + 2
VIII y = f  (x + 2)
IX y = f  (x) – 2
X y = f  (x – 2)

146 MATHEMATICS METHODS  Unit 1 ISBN 9780170390330

A y B y

4 4
3 3
2 2
1 1
x x
–4 –3 –2 –1
–1 1 2 3 4 –4 –3 –2 –1
–1 1 2 3 4
–2 –2
–3 –3
–4 –4

C y D y

4 4
3 3
2 2
1 1
x x
–4 –3 –2 –1
–1 1 2 3 4 –4 –3 –2 –1
–1 1 2 3 4
–2 –2
–3 –3
–4 –4

E y F y

4 4
3 3
2 2
1 1
x x
–4 –3 –2 –1
–1 1 2 3 4 –4 –3 –2 –1
–1 1 2 3 4
–2 –2
–3 –3
–4 –4

7 The graph of y = f  (x) shown on the right, cuts y C (2, 5)

the x-axis at A(–2, 0), D(4, 0) and F(7, 0), cuts
B (0, 4)
the y-axis at B(0, 4), has a maximum turning
y = f (x)
point at C(2, 5) and a minimum turning point
at E(5, –1).
A (–2, 0) F (7, 0)
D (4, 0)
Find the coordinates of the points where
–5 8 x
a y = f  (x – 3) cuts the x-axis,
E (5, –1)
b y = f  (2x) cuts the x-axis, –3
c y = –f  (x) cuts the x-axis,
d y = f  (–x) cuts the x-axis,
e y = f  (x) + 3 has its maximum turning point,
f y = –f  (x) has its maximum turning point.

ISBN 9780170390330 7. Polynomials and other functions 147

Two relationships that are not functions
Consider the graph shown on the right. y

The graph certainly looks parabolic in shape but 4

is it a quadratic function?
Recalling from Chapter 3 the requirement that to
be the graph of a function the graph must pass the 5 10 15
vertical line test, the graph shown cannot be that of
a function. –4
However the graph is parabolic in nature and its
similarity with the graph of y = x2 is because if we y
switch the x and y in y = x2, to obtain x = y2 (or y2 = x), 4
we have the equation of the given graph. x = y2

y –4 –3 –2 –1 0 1 2 3 4
5 10 15 x
x 16 9 4 1 0 1 4 9 16

The graph of the relationship y2 = x is parabolic and –4

has the x-axis as its line of symmetry.
Now consider the graphs shown below.
(x, y)
Equations of circles

(x, y) r

Advanced graphs
r x p x

Circle centre (0, 0), radius r. Circle centre (p, q), radius r.
Again each is not a function because for some x values there exists more than one y value. I.e. each
relationship is ‘one-to-many’. Each fails the vertical line test and therefore neither relationship is
a function. However, as with y2 = x above, we can still determine a rule for each relationship.
Remember that the rule for a relationship is like the ‘membership ticket’ for the relationship – all
points (x, y) lying on the graph of the relationship will ‘fit’ the rule and all points not on the graph of
the relationship will not fit the rule. For the above two relationships we can use the fact that in each
case, all points lying on the circles must be a distance r from the centre of the circle (and any point that
is not a distance of r from the centre will not lie on the circle) to determine a rule for each relationship.
Thus, using the Pythagorean rule for right triangles, we have the rules:
x2 + y2 = r2 and (x – p)2 + (y – q)2 = r2
for a circle centre (0, 0) and radius r, for a circle centre (p, q) and radius r.

148 MATHEMATICS METHODS  Unit 1 ISBN 9780170390330

If we expand (x – p)2 + (y – q)2 = r2
we obtain x2 – 2px + p2 + y2 –2qy + q2 = r2
i.e. x2 + y2 – 2px –2qy = r2 – p2 – q2
i.e. x2 + y2 – 2px –2qy = (a constant)
Notice that in this expanded form the Cartesian equation of a circle is characterised by:
• the coefficient of x2 being the same as the coefficient of y2,
• the only terms are those of x2, y2, x, y and a constant (and of these any two of the last three could be zero).


a the equation of the circle centre (3, –1) and radius 4.
b the centre and radius of the circle with equation: x2 + y2 + 6y = 10x.

a The equation of a circle centre (p, q) and radius r is (x – p)2 + (y – q)2 = r2
∴ The equation of a circle centre (3, –1) and radius 4 is (x – 3)2 + (y + 1)2 = 16
b We need to rearrange the given equation to the form (x – p)2 + (y – q)2 = r2
x2 + y2 + 6y = 10x
x2 – 10x + …. + y2 + 6y + …. = 0 ← create gaps
2 2
x – 10x + 25 + y + 6y + 9 = 0 + 25 + 9 ← complete the squares
(x – 5)2 + (y + 3)2 = 34
Comparing with (x – p)2 + (y – q)2 = r2 we see that the given circle has its centre at (5, –3) and
a radius of 34 .

Exercise 7D
1 Which of the following equations represent circles?
A: x2 + y2 – 2x + 4y = 6 B: 2x2 + y2 – 3x + 8y + 10 = 0 C: x2 + y2 = 6
2 2 2 2
D: x + y + 8x = 10 E: x – y + 2x + 10y = 100 F: x2 + 6xy + y2 + 15y = 20

2 Find the equation of a circle centre (0, 0) and radius 10 units.

If each of the following points lie on this circle, determine a, b, c and d given that a and b are
positive and c and d are negative.
Point A(–6, a),    Point B(3, b),    Point C(0, c),    Point D(d, 5).

3 Find the equation of each of the following circles, giving your answers in the form
(x – p)2 + (y – q)2 = c.
a Centre (2, –3) and radius 5. b Centre (3, 2) and radius 7.
c Centre (–10, 2) and radius 3 5. d Centre (–1, –1) and radius 6.

ISBN 9780170390330 7. Polynomials and other functions 149

4 Find the equation of each of the following circles, giving your answers in the form
x2 + y2 + dx + ey = c.
a Centre (3, 5) and radius 5. b Centre (–2, 1) and radius 7.
c Centre (–3, –1) and radius 2. d Centre (3, 8) and radius 2 7.

5 Find the radius and the coordinates of the centre of each of the following circles.
a x2 + y2 = 25 b 25x2 + 25y2 = 9
c (x – 3)2 + (y + 4)2 = 25 d (x + 7)2 + (y – 1)2 = 100
e x2 + y2 – 6x + 4y + 4 = 0 f x2 + y2 + 2x – 6y = 15
g x2 + y2 + 2x = 14y + 50 h x2 + 10x + y2 = 151 + 14y
i x2 + y2 = 20x + 10y + 19 j 2x2 – 2x + 2y2 + 10y = –5
6 Find the distance between the centres of the two circles given below:
(x – 3)2 + (y – 7)2 = 36  and  (x – 2)2 + (y – 9)2 = 49.

7 The circle (x – 3)2 + (y + 4)2 = 25 has its centre at point A.

The circle (x – 2)2 + (y – 7)2 = 9 has its centre at point B.
Find the equation of the straight line through A and B.

Statements like ‘adding 4 to the right hand side of the equation will translate the graph up 4 units’ could be
made for functions with equations of the form y = f (x ). However Questions 8, 9 and 10 that follow do not
involve functions, and the equations are not in the form y = f (x ), so think carefully.

8 The circle (x + 1)2 + (y – 7)2 = 36 is moved right 4 units and down 3 units. What will be the
equation of the circle in its new location?

9 The circle x2 + y2 – 6x + 10y + 25 = 0 is moved left 7 units and up 2 units. What will be the
equation of the circle in its new location?

10 Each of the following graphs show y2 = x translated up, down, left or right.
Determine the equation of each relationship shown.
a y b y
5 5

x x
5 10 15 20 5 10 15 20

–5 –5

150 MATHEMATICS METHODS  Unit 1 ISBN 9780170390330

c y d y
5 5

x x
5 10 15 20 5 10 15 20

–5 –5

11 Point A is the centre of the circle (x – 3)2 + (y – 11)2 = 144.

Point B is the centre of the circle (x – 12)2 + (y + 1)2 = 9.
a Determine the length of AB.
b Determine whether the circles have two points in common, just one point in common or no
points in common, and justify your answer.

12 Point C is the centre of the circle (x – 2)2 + (y – 3)2 = 9.

Point D is the centre of the circle (x + 2)2 + (y – 5)2 = 1.
a Determine the length of CD.
b Determine whether the circles have two points in common, just one point in common or no
points in common, and justify your answer.

13 Find the coordinates of the points where the line y = x – 3 meets the circle
(x – 4)2 + (y – 2)2 = 25.

14 Find the coordinates of the points where the line 4y = x + 30 meets the circle
(x + 5)2 + (y – 2)2 = 34.

15 Prove that the straight line 3y = x + 25 is a tangent to the circle

(x – 7)2 + (y – 4)2 = 40,
and find the coordinates of the point of contact.

16 What restriction is there on the possible values of a if

x2 + 2x + y2 – 10y + a = 0
is the equation of a circle? Photo

ISBN 9780170390330 7. Polynomials and other functions 151

Miscellaneous exercise seven
This miscellaneous exercise may include questions involving the work of this chapter, the
work of any previous chapters, and the ideas mentioned in the Preliminary work section at
the beginning of the book.

1 Determine the equation of each of the following cubic functions.

a y b y

(0, 12)

(–2, 0)
(–3, 0) (2, 0) (4, 0) x (4, 0) x
(0, –32)

2 Without the assistance of a calculator, solve the following quadratic equation

x2 – 4x – 6 = 0
a using the quadratic formula
b by completing the square, and in each case give answers in exact form.

3 Use the technique of completing the square to determine the centre and radius of the circle
with equation x2 + 6x + y2 – 10y = 15.

4 If f  (x) = x, g(x) = x2 and h(x) = x3 determine

a f  (4) b g(4) c h(4)
d the values of p for which f  (p), g(p) and h(p) are all the same

5 State which of the following functions are linear and, for those that are, state the gradient.
f 1(x): y = x f 2(x): 2y = 5x + 4
f 3(x): y = (x + 1)(x + 3) f 4(x): 2x + y = 3

6 Find the equation of the straight line that passes through the point (15, –1) and that is
perpendicular to the line 5x + 2y = 9.

7 Use either the graphing facility or the equation solving facility of a calculator to solve each
of the following equations for x ∈ .
a 8x3 + 18x2 – 221x + 315 = 0
b 8x3 – 2x2 = 441 + 315x
c 2x3 – 11x2 + 19x = 12
d x4 – 3x3 + 12x2 – 21x + 35 = 0

152 MATHEMATICS METHODS  Unit 1 ISBN 9780170390330

8 For each of parts a to h below, state which of the following statements apply:
Statement A: y increases as x increases.
Statement B: y decreases as x increases.
Statement C: y is directly proportional to x.
Statement D: y is inversely proportional to x.
7 2 x
a y = 5x b y= c y= d y= e y = 2x + 1
x x 3
f y g y h y

x x x

9 Without the help of a calculator, solve each of the following equations for x ∈ .
a (2x – 7)(x + 9) = 0 b x2 – 8x + 12 = 0 c 5x2 + 2x – 3 = 0
d (x + 11)(5x – 4)(x – 7) = 0 e (x – 3)(x2 + 4x – 5) = 0 f (x + 5)(2x2 + x – 6) = 0

10 Classify each of the following as appearing to be the graph of a linear function, or a quadratic
function, or a cubic function, or a reciprocal function or none of the previous.

a y b y c y

x x

d y e y f y

x x

ISBN 9780170390330 7. Polynomials and other functions 153

11 Given that x3 – 8x2 + 19x – 12 = (x – 3)(x2 + bx + c):
a determine the value of c by inspection
b with your answer from part a in place of c, expand (x – 3)(x2 + bx + c) and hence determine b
c factorise x3 – 8x2 + 19x – 12

12 3 metres 3 metres
2 metres

5 kg m kg

x metres

To balance the system above the relationship between m and x must be:
m = .
a If x is doubled in value, what must happen to the value of m if the system is to remain
in balance?
b State whether the relationship between x and m is one of direct proportion, inverse
proportion or neither of these and explain what your answer means in terms of the way
m needs to vary as x is varied if the system is to remain in balance.
c If m = 20 what must be the value of x for the system to be in balance?
d With the x values as input, the m values as output and the system in balance, what is the
domain and range for this function?

13 An engineering component consists of a rectangular metal plate with a triangular piece removed,
as in the diagram below left. The removed piece is cut away by a computer controlled machine
that is programmed to cut a triangle with vertices at the distances and angles shown on the
diagram below right.
17° AB = 60 mm
AC = 83 mm
AD = 54 mm

Find the area and the perimeter of the triangular piece that is removed.

154 MATHEMATICS METHODS  Unit 1 ISBN 9780170390330

• The graph of y = sin x
• The graph of y = cos x
• The graph of y = tan x
• More about y = tan x
• Positive or negative?
• Solving trigonometric equations
• Using the solve facility on a calculator
• The Pythagorean identity
• Angle sum and angle difference
• Miscellaneous exercise eight
The graph of y = sin x WS

In the diagram below, a circle of unit radius has been divided into sectors each of central angle 15°.
Sine and cosine curves
The graph has been obtained by plotting on the y axis the height of point A above the centre of the
circle as A moves around the unit circle in an anticlockwise sense, against the angle moved through on
the x axis. The dots on the graph are plotted every 15°. From the unit circle definition of the sine of an WS

angle, encountered in Chapter 1, it follows that the graph produced in this way is that of y = sin x.
Sketching periodic
and period

Sketching periodic
functions-phase and
vertical shift

90 180 270 360


If, having completed one rotation of the circle, we were to continue moving point A around the circle
the graph would repeat itself, as shown below for three rotations.


y = sin x

90º 180º 270º 360º 450º 540º 630º 720º 810º 900º 990º 1080º

–1 Kozielczyk

ISBN 9780170390330 8. Trigonometric functions 157

Alternatively angles could be shown in radians and negative angles could also be included, as shown
below for –2π ≤ x ≤ 4π.


y = sin x

–2π – 3π –π –π π π 3π 2π 5π 3π 7π 4π
2 2 2 2 2 2


Whilst the graph shown above is for –2π ≤ x ≤ 4π, this restriction is made purely due to page width
limitations. The reader should consider the graph of y = sin x continuing indefinitely to the left and
the right.
Points to note:
• The graph of y = sin x repeats itself every 2π radians (or 360°).
We say that the sine function is periodic, with period 2π.
Thus sin (x ± 2π) = sin x.
• We also say that the graph performs one cycle each period.
Thus y = sin x performs one cycle in 2π radians (or 360°).
• Note that –1 ≤ sin x ≤ 1.
• If we consider the above graph to have a ‘mean’ y-coordinate of y = 0 then the graph has a maximum
value 1 above this mean value and a minimum value 1 below it. We say that y = sin x has an
amplitude of 1.
• The graph passes the ‘vertical line test’, i.e. for each x value there is one and only one y value.
Hence y = sin x is a function.
• Note that sin (–x) = –sin x. (Functions for which f  (–x) = –f  (x) are called odd functions and are
unchanged under a 180° rotation about the origin. As is the case for y = xn for odd values of n.)

Display the graph of y = sin x on your calculator and confirm that it is as shown above.

158 MATHEMATICS METHODS  Unit 1 ISBN 9780170390330

The graph of y = cos x
Similar considerations of the x-coordinate of point A as it moves around y
the unit circle gives the graph of 1

y = cos x, 0.5

shown below for –2π ≤ x ≤ 4π. A

O x
0.5 1

y = cos x

–π x
–2π – 3π –π π π 3π 2π 5π 3π 7π 4π
2 2 2 2 2 2


Points to note:
• The cosine function is periodic, with period 2π. Thus cos (x ± 2π) = cos x.
• y = cos x performs one cycle in 2π radians (or 360°).
• Note that –1 ≤ cos x ≤ 1.
• The graph of y = cos x has an amplitude of 1.
• Note that cos (–x) = cos x. (Functions for which f  (–x) = f  (x) are called even functions and are
unchanged under a reflection in the y-axis. As is the case for y = xn for even values of n.)
• If the above graph of y = cos x is moved   units right, parallel to the x-axis, it would then be the
same as the graph of y = sin x. We say that sin x and cos x are   out of phase with each other.
 π  π
It follows that cos x = sin  x +   and sin x = cos  x −  .
 2  2

Whether an integer is even or odd is called the parity of the integer. Thus two odd numbers have the same
parity. Similarly, whether a function is even, i.e. f  (–x) = f  (x), or odd, i.e. f  (–x) = –f  (x), is referred to as the
parity of the function.
A function does not have to be even or odd. Many functions are neither even nor odd, (and indeed the
function f  (x) = 0 can be regarded as being both even and odd).

ISBN 9780170390330 8. Trigonometric functions 159

The graph of y = tan x
sin x
The fact that tan x = was justified for right triangles in the Preliminary work.
cos x
If we assume this relationship to be true for all angles then it follows that y = tan x will
• equal zero for any value of x for which sin x = 0, i.e. x = 0°, ±180°, ±360°, …
• be undefined for any value of x for which cos x = 0, i.e. x = ±90°, ±270°, …
• equal 1 for any value of x for which sin x = cos x, eg. x = 45°, 225°, 405°, …
• equal –1 for any value of x for which sin x = –cos x, eg. x = 135°, 315°, … .

–360º –270º –180º –90º 90º 180º 270º 360º 450º 540º 630º 720º x


The completed graph of y = tan x, for –2π ≤ x ≤ 4π, is shown below.


–π x
–2π – 3π – π π π 3π 2π 5π 3π 7π 4π
2 2 2 2 2 2


• Though the graph above is for –2π ≤ x ≤ 4π the reader should consider the graph of y = tan x
continuing indefinitely to the left and right.
• The graph repeats itself every π radians (or 180°).
The period of the graph is π radians (or 180°). Thus tan (x ± π) = tan x.
The graph performs one cycle in π radians (or 180°).
• The term ‘amplitude’ is meaningless when applied to y = tan x.
• The graph is such that tan (–x) = –tan x. (The tangent function is an odd function.)

160 MATHEMATICS METHODS  Unit 1 ISBN 9780170390330

More about y = tan x
The previous page developed the graph of y = tan x from the rule y
sin x 1
tan x = .
cos x A
Alternatively we can use the unit circle to define the tangent of an
angle directly. Consider some point A on the unit circle, centre at O
point O(0, 0). Point B is the point (1, 0). We will define the tangent of 0.5 1 x
the angle AOB (shown as a 50° angle in the diagram) as the y-coordinate
of the point where OA, continued as necessary, meets the vertical line
through B. (This is point C in the diagram on the right and gives tan
∠AOB as just less than 1.2, i.e. tan 50° ≈ 1.2.)
• The vertical through B is the tangent to the circle at point B so this definition of the trigonometric
term tangent does involve a tangent to the unit circle.
• Applying the right triangle definition of tangent to triangle OBC, we also obtain tan ∠AOB = BC,
so the two approaches are consistent.
The diagram below shows this definition used to produce the graph of y = tan x for x from 0° to 180°.
The reader should confirm that this graph:
a is consistent with the graph produced previously using the unit circle definitions of sin x and cos x
sin x
and the relationship tan x =
cos x
b would repeat every 180° thereafter.

30° 60° 90° 120° 150° 180°





ISBN 9780170390330 8. Trigonometric functions 161


State the amplitude and period of the function shown y

graphed on the right. 3
Solution x
–1 5 10 15 20 25 30
The graph appears to have a maximum value of 3, –2
a minimum value of –1. These values are respectively
2 units above and 2 units below the ‘mean’ value of 1.
The amplitude is 2.
The graph appears to repeat itself every 10 units.
The period is 10.

Exercise 8A
State the period of each of the periodic functions shown graphed below.

1 2
y 3
y y
4 4 4
2 2 2

2 4 6 8 10 12 x 2 4 6 8 10 12 x 2 4 6 8 10 12 x
–2 –2 –2
–4 –4 –4

4 5
y y 6 y
4 4 4
2 2 2

2 4 6 8 10 12 x 2 4 6 8 10 12 x 2 4 6 8 10 12 x
–2 –2 –2
–4 –4 –4

Alamy Stock Photo/Kenna Love

162 MATHEMATICS METHODS  Unit 1 ISBN 9780170390330

State the amplitude and period of each of the functions shown below.

7 y 8 y
4 4
2 2

2 4 6 8 10 12 x 2 4 6 8 10 12 x
–2 –2
–4 –4

9 y 10 y
4 4
2 2

2 4 6 8 10 12 x 2 4 6 8 10 12 x
–2 –2
–4 –4

11 y 12 y
4 4
2 2

2 4 6 8 10 12 x 2 4 6 8 10 12 x
–2 –2
–4 –4


• What effect does changing the value of a in y = a sin x have on the graph of the function?
I.e. draw and compare y = sin x, y = 2 sin x, y = 3 sin x, y = –2 sin x etc. and try to write a general
statement regarding the effect altering a has on the graph of y = a sin x.
• Similarly investigate changing the value of b in y = a sin (bx), for b > 0.
I.e. for some fixed value of a, say 1, compare graphs of y = 1 sin x, y = 1 sin 2x, y = 1 sin 3x,
y = 1 sin 4x etc. and try to write a general statement regarding the effect altering b has on
the graph of y = a sin bx.
• Similarly investigate changing the value of c in y = a sin [b(x – c)]
and d in y = a sin [b(x – c)] + d.
• Similarly investigate the cosine and tangent functions.

ISBN 9780170390330 8. Trigonometric functions 163

y = a cos x
y = cos x
With x in degrees the graph on the right shows 1
y = cos x
and y = a cos x. –360 –270 –180 –90
90 180 270 360


The second graph, below right, shows y y = a cos (x – b)

y = a cos (x – b)
for b in degrees and
0 ≤ b ≤ 360. x
–360 –270 –180 –90 90 180 270 360
Determine a and b.
In the first diagram, the graph of y = a cos x is that of y = cos x stretched  parallel to the y-axis
until its amplitude is 2, and then reflected in the x-axis. This effect will be achieved if a = – 2.
The second diagram shows the graph of y = –2 cos x moved 30° right. This is achieved if b = 30.
Hence a = – 2 and b = 30.


With x in radians, the graph below left shows y = sin bx and y = a sin bx.
The graph below right shows y = a sin [b(x – c)], 0 ≤ c ≤ π. Find a, b and c.

y y
y = a sin[b(x – c)]
3 3
2 2
1 1

–1 π 2π 3π 4π x –1 π 2π 3π 4π x
–2 –2
–3 –3
The ‘smaller’ line in the first graph, with an amplitude of 1, must be y = sin bx.
The line performs 2 cycles in the interval that y = sin x would perform 1. Hence b = 2.

(Alternatively we could say: y = sin bx has a period of   . The given graph has a period of π.

Thus   = π, which again gives b = 2.)
The other line in the first graph, is y = sin 2x stretched  parallel to the y-axis until its amplitude is 3.
Hence a = 3.
π π
The second graph shows y = 3 sin 2x moved   units right. Hence a = 3, b = 2 and c =  .
8 8

164 MATHEMATICS METHODS  Unit 1 ISBN 9780170390330


Sketch the graph of y = 2 tan for 0 ≤ x ≤ 4π and then check the reasonableness of your sketch by
viewing the graph of the function on your calculator.

The graph of y = tan will perform half of a cycle in the interval that y = tan x would perform
1 cycle, i.e. π radians. Thus tan has a period of 2π radians.
π π 10
Also (remembering that tan   = 1) when x =  , y = 1.
4 2 9
x 7
The graph of y = tan is as shown by the red broken 6
2 5
lines in the diagram on the right. 4
x 2
Stretching y = tan parallel to the y-axis (), until 1
distances from the y-axis are doubled, will give the x
–1 π 2π 3π 4π
x –2
graph of y = 2 tan , as shown by the blue solid –3
2 –4
lines in the graph. (The reader should check –5
the reasonableness of the sketch by comparing –6
it to that from a calculator display.) –8

Exercise 8B
Attempt the following without the assistance of a graphic calculator, then use your calculator to check
your answers if you wish.

1 State the amplitude of each of the following.

a y = sin x b y = 2 cos x c y = 4 cos x
 π
d y = –3 sin 2x e y = 2 cos  x +  f y = –3 sin (x – π)
 2
g y = 5 cos (x – 2) h y = –3 cos (2x + π)

2 State the period of each of the following for x in degrees.

a y = sin x b y = tan x c y = 2 sin x
d y = sin 2x e y = cos f y = cos 3x
 x − 60° 
g y = 3 tan 2x h y = 3 sin  i y = 5 sin [2(x – 30°)]
 3 

ISBN 9780170390330 8. Trigonometric functions 165

3 State the period of each of the following for x in radians.
a y = cos x b y = tan x c y = 3 cos x
d y = 2 cos 4x e y = 2 tan 3x f y= sin 3x
 x
g y = 3 sin   h y = 2 cos (2x – π) i y = 2 sin (4πx)
 2

4 Determine the coordinates of any maximum and minimum points on each of the following
functions for 0 ≤ x ≤ 2π.
a y = sin x b y = 2 + sin x c y = –sin x
 π
d y = sin (2x) + 3 e y = sin  x −   + 3
 4

5 State the greatest value each of the following can take and the smallest positive value of x
(in degrees) that gives this maximum value.
a 3 sin x b 2 sin (x – 30°) c 2 sin (x + 30°) d –3 sin x

6 State the greatest value each of the following can take and the smallest positive value of x
(in radians) that gives this maximum value.
 π  π
a 3 sin 2x b –5 sin x c 2 cos  x +  d 3 cos  x − 
 6  6

7 Each of the following graphs has an equation of the form y = a sin x. State the value of a in
each case.
a y b y
3 3
2 2
1 1

π 3π 4π x 180° 360° 540° 720° x

–1 2π –1
–2 –2
–3 –3

c d
y y
3 3
2 2
1 1

–1 180° 360° 540° 720° x –1 π 2π 3π 4π x

–2 –2
–3 –3

166 MATHEMATICS METHODS  Unit 1 ISBN 9780170390330

8 Each of the following graphs has an equation of the form y = a cos x.
State the value of a in each case.
a y b y
3 3
2 2
1 1

x x
π 2π 3π 4π 180° 360° 540° 720°
–1 –1
–2 –2
–3 –3

9 Each of the following graphs has an equation of the form y = a tan x.

State the value of a in each case.
y y
a b
5 5
4 4
3 3
2 2
1 1
π π 3π 2π x x
–1 2 –1 90° 180° 270° 360°
–2 –2
–3 –3
–4 –4
–5 –5

10 Each of the following graphs has an equation of the form y = a sin bx.
State the values of a and b in each case.
a b
y y
3 3
2 2
1 1

π π 3π 2π x π π 3π 2π x
–1 2 2 –1 2 2
–2 –2
–3 –3

c y d y
3 3
2 2
1 1

x 12 x
–1 90° 180° 270° 360° –1 3 6 9
–2 –2
–3 –3

ISBN 9780170390330 8. Trigonometric functions 167

11 Each of the following graphs has an equation of the form y = a cos bx.
State the value of a and b in each case.
a b
y y
3 3
2 2
1 1

π π 3π 2π x π π 3π 2π x
–1 2 2 –1 2 2
–2 –2
–3 –3

c d
y y
3 3
2 2
1 1

–1 180° 360° 540° 720° –1 2 4 6 8

–2 –2
–3 –3

12 The graph on the right shows y = a sin x° and y

y = a sin (x – b)°, with a the same integer in both 2
equations, b a multiple of ten and one of the lines
shown as a red line. 1

a Find the value of a and the two smallest possible

positive values of b. 90 180 270 360

b Give an equation for the blue line in the form –1

y = c sin (x – d)° with c a negative integer,

d a multiple of ten and 0 ≤ d ≤ 360.

13 a State the period and amplitude of y = 3 cos (πx).

b Sketch the graph of y = 3 cos (πx) for 0 ≤ x ≤ 6.

 πx 
14 a State the period and amplitude of y = –5 sin   .
 2
 πx 
b Sketch the graph of y = –5 sin    for 0 ≤ x ≤ 8.
 2

15 Sketch both of the following on a single pair of axes, with 0 ≤ x ≤ 360°.

a y = 2 tan x b y = 2 tan (x + 45°)

16 Sketch both of the following on a single pair of axes, with 0 ≤ x ≤ 2π.

 π   π 
a y = 3 sin 2x b y = 3 sin   2x −  , i.e. y = 3 sin   2  x −  
 3    6

168 MATHEMATICS METHODS  Unit 1 ISBN 9780170390330

Positive or negative?
As we saw in Chapter 7, the x- and y-axes divide the coordinate plane y
into four regions called quadrants. These four quadrants are numbered 2nd 1st
as shown on the right. Quadrant Quadrant

• Any points lying in the 1st or 4th quadrants will have a positive x
3rd 4th
x-coordinate. Quadrant Quadrant

• Any points lying in the 2nd or 3rd quadrants will have a negative
With our unit circle definition for the cosine of an angle involving the x-coordinate of a point moving
around the circle, it follows that angles with their initial ray along the positive x-axis, and their terminal
ray lying in either the 1st or 4th quadrants, will have positive cosines and any with their terminal ray
lying in the 2nd or 3rd quadrants will have cosines that are negative.

y y y y

θ θ
θ θ
x x x x

cos θ is positive cos θ is negative cos θ is negative cos θ is positive

This positive or negative nature of the cosine function can be summarised as Cosine Cosine
shown in the diagram on the right. negative positive

Cosine Cosine
negative positive

Similarly, remembering that the unit circle definition of the sine of an angle involves the y-coordinate
of a point moving around the circle, the situation for sine is as follows:

y y y y

θ θ
θ θ
x x x x

sin θ is positive sin θ is positive sin θ is negative sin θ is negative

This positive or negative nature of the sine function can be summarised in the Sine Sine
diagram on the right. positive positive

Sine Sine
negative negative

ISBN 9780170390330 8. Trigonometric functions 169

sin θ Tangent Tangent
From tan θ = it follows from these facts about sine and cosine that
cos θ negative positive
the positive and negative nature of tan θ will be as shown in the diagram
Tangent Tangent
on the right. positive negative

These facts regarding the positive and negative nature of sine, cosine and tangent are summarised below.

Only Sin positive All positive


Only Tan positive Only Cos positive


Without the assistance of a calculator state whether each of the following are positive or negative.
 π
a sin 240° b cos 170° c tan (1.2π) d sin 
 − 
a Sin All b Sin All c Sin All d Sin All
+ve +ve +ve +ve +ve +ve +ve +ve

Tan Cos Tan Cos Tan Cos Tan Cos

+ve +ve +ve +ve +ve +ve +ve +ve

 π
sin 240° is negative cos 170° is negative tan (1.2π) is positive sin  −   is negative
 3

Consider angles α, β and θ as shown below.

y y y

(cos α, sin α)
α β θ
x x x

C (cos θ, sin θ)
B (cos β, sin β)

In each case, the right-angled triangle made with the x-axis could be re-drawn in the first quadrant as
shown on the next page.

170 MATHEMATICS METHODS  Unit 1 ISBN 9780170390330

y y y

x x x


The x- and y-coordinates of P, Q and R may differ from those of A, B and C only in sign.
e.g. x-coordinate of P = –x-coordinate of A,
y-coordinate of P = y-coordinate of A.
Thus the sine (or cosine or tangent) of any angle will equal the sine (or cosine or tangent) of the acute
angle made with the x-axis together with the appropriate sign.


Express sin 200° in terms of the sine of an acute angle.

Solution 200°

An angle of 200° makes 20° with the x-axis and lies in the 3rd quadrant,
where the sine function is negative.
Thus sin 200° = –sin 20°.


Express tan (–155°) in terms of the tangent of an acute angle.

An angle of –155° makes 25° with the x-axis and lies in the 3rd quadrant,
where the tangent function is positive. 155°

Thus tan (–155°) = tan 25°.


Find the exact value of cos 300°.

An angle of 300° makes 60° with the x-axis and lies in the 4th quadrant,
where the cosine function is positive. Thus cos 300° = cos 60°
= .

ISBN 9780170390330 8. Trigonometric functions 171


Find the exact value of sin 270°.

An angle of 270° makes 90° with the x-axis and lies on the boundary
between the 3rd and 4th quadrant. In both of these quadrants the sine
function is negative.
Thus sin 270° =
 –sin 90°
= –1.


Give the exact value of tan  .
11π π
An angle of  makes   with the x-axis and lies in the 4th quadrant,
6 6
where the tangent function is negative.
11π π π
30° = 6
tan   = –tan  11π
6 6 = 330°
1 3 6
= −     (Or, expressed with a rational denominator, − .)
3 3

Exercise 8C
(Without the assistance of a calculator.)
For each of the following state whether positive or negative.
1 tan 190° 2 cos 310° 3 tan (–190°) 4 sin (–170°)
π 4π
5 sin 555° 6 cos 190° 7 tan  8 sin 
10 5
π  π 9π 13π
9 cos  10 sin  −  11 cos  12 tan 
10  5 10 5

Express each of the following in terms of the sine of an acute angle.

13 sin 140° 14 sin 250° 15 sin 340° 16 sin 460°
5π 7π 11π  π
17 sin  18 sin  19 sin  20 sin −
 
6 6 5 5

Express each of the following in terms of the cosine of an acute angle.

21 cos 100° 22 cos 200° 23 cos 300° 24 cos (–300°)
4π 9π 11π 21π
25 cos  26 cos  27 cos  28 cos 
5 10 10 10

172 MATHEMATICS METHODS  Unit 1 ISBN 9780170390330

Express each of the following in terms of the tangent of an acute angle.

29 tan 100° 30 tan 200° 31 tan (–60°) 32 tan (–160°)

6π  6π  11π  21π 
33 tan  34 tan  −  35 tan  36 tan −
 
5  5 5 5 

Give the exact value of each of the following.

37 sin 300° 38 tan 210° 39 cos 240° 40 cos 270°

41 sin 180° 42 cos 390° 43 sin (–135°) 44 cos (–135°)

7π 7π 7π 7π
45 sin  46 cos  47 tan  48 sin 
6 6 6 4

 7π  5π  7π 
49 cos  −  50 tan (6π) 51 sin  52 cos −
 
 4 2 3

Solving trigonometric equations WS

Suppose we are asked to find an angle, x, such that sin x = 0.5. With sin x being positive we know that
Trigonometric equations
any solutions must lie in the 1st and 2nd quadrants. The acute angle made with the x-axis must be 30°
because, from our exact values, we know that sin 30° = 0.5.
Thus, diagrammatically, the two possibilities for x are as shown on the right.
However, if there is no restriction on x, there are an infinite number of values
of x that we can obtain from this diagram, and for all of these sin x = 0.5. Twelve 30° 30°
such values of x, six positive and six negative, are shown below. The reader should
use a calculator to confirm that each of these values satisfy the requirement that
sin x = 0.5.

x = 30°   x = 150°   x = 390°   x = 510°   x = 750°   x = 870°

x = –210°   x = –330°   x = –570°   x = –690°   x = –930°   x = –1050°

Thus when asked to solve trigonometrical equations we will usually be given certain restrictions on the
range of values the solutions can take.

ISBN 9780170390330 8. Trigonometric functions 173

Without the assistance of a calculator, solve sin x = − for 0 ≤ x ≤ 360°.
With the sine being negative, solutions must lie in the 3rd and 4th quadrants.
From our exact values we know that sin 60° = .
Thus the solutions make 60° with the x-axis as shown diagrammatically on the right.
Using this diagram to obtain solutions in the required interval we have 60° 60°
x = 240°, 300°.

Without the assistance of a calculator solve tan x = − for 0 ≤ x ≤ 2π.
With the tangent being negative, solutions must lie in the 2nd and 4th quadrants.
π 1
From our exact values we know that tan  = .
6 3
π π
Thus the solutions make   radians with the x-axis as shown diagrammatically 6
6 π
on the right. 6
5π 11π
Using this diagram to obtain solutions in the required interval gives: x =  , .
6 6

Notice that in the previous example the solutions were given in radians because we were told in the
question that 0 ≤ x ≤ 2π rather than 0 ≤ x ≤ 360°.

Using the solve facility on a calculator

The equations of the above examples can be solved using the
solve facility available on some calculators (with the calculator  − 3 
solve  sin(x) = ,x  | 0 ≤ x ≤ 360
set to degrees or radians as appropriate for each question).  2 
Note that in the display on the right, the required interval  x = 240 or x = 300
in which we require solutions, is given.  −1 
solve  tan(x) = ,x  | 0 ≤ x ≤ 2 ⋅ π
If no interval is stated the calculator will give a general solution  3 
involving some constant which, when suitable integer values 5⋅π 11⋅ π
 x= or x =
are substituted for the constant, solutions can be obtained for 6 6
any required interval. Questions requiring general solutions
are not included in this text and we will only encounter
equations for which a required interval is stated.

174 MATHEMATICS METHODS  Unit 1 ISBN 9780170390330

The following examples are solved without using the solve facility. Make sure that you can demonstrate
your ability to solve trigonometric equations both with and without a calculator if required to do so.


Given that one solution to the equation cos x = 0.2 is, correct to one decimal place, x = 78.5°,
determine any other solutions the equation has for –180° ≤ x ≤ 180°, giving answers correct to
one decimal place.
With the cosine of x being positive we know that solutions must lie in the
1st and 4th quadrants.
Hence for –180° ≤ x ≤ 180° the other solution to the equation is x = – 78·5°
(correct to one decimal place).


Use the information that sin 36.9° = 0.6 to determine all solutions to 5 sin x = 3
in the interval 0 ≤ x ≤ 720°.
5 sin x = 3,
\ sin x =
= 0.6
Thus the solutions must lie in the 1st and 2nd quadrants and make 36.9° 36.9 36.9
with the x-axis as shown diagrammatically on the right.
Using this diagram to obtain solutions in the required interval gives: x = 36.9°, 143.1°, 396.9°, 503.1°


Given that if x = 1.11 radians then tan x = 2, solve the equation sin x = –2 cos x for –π ≤ x ≤ π,
giving answers in terms of π if necessary.
sin x = –2 cos x
sin x cos x
Dividing both sides by cos x gives  = −2 ,
cos x cos x
i.e. tan x = –2
Thus the solutions must lie in the 2nd and 4th quadrants and make
1.11 rad
1.11 radians with the x-axis as shown diagrammatically on the right.
1.11 rad
Using this diagram to obtain solutions in the required interval gives:
x = –1.11 radians, (π – 1.11) radians.

ISBN 9780170390330 8. Trigonometric functions 175


Solve cos 2x = 0.5 for 0 ≤ x ≤ 2π.

If cos 2x = 0.5 then values of 2x must lie in the 1st and 4th quadrants and
π π
make   radians with the x-axis. 3
π 5π 7π 11π π 5π 7π 11π
Thus 2x =  , , , ,   giving  x =  , , , . 3
3 3 3 3 6 6 6 6

Notice that in the previous example, to obtain all the solutions for x in the interval 0 to 2π we had to
list values for 2x in the interval 0 to 4π. These values for 2x, when divided by 2, gave values for x in the
required interval.

If we multiply sin x by itself we could write this as (sin x)(sin x) or (sin x)2. However, to avoid having to write
the brackets each time, we write this as sin2 x. This notation is evident in Example 17.


Solve the equation 2 sin2 x – 3 sin x – 2 = 0 for 0 ≤ x ≤ 4π.

The equation is a quadratic in sin x.
To solve the quadratic equation 2y2 – 3y – 2 = 0
we look for two numbers which add to give –3 and multiply to give –4. I.e. +1 and –4.
We then rewrite the equation as 2y2 + 1y – 4y – 2 = 0
Hence y(2y + 1) – 2(2y + 1) = 0
and so (2y + 1)(y – 2) = 0
Thus, given the equation 2 sin x – 3 sin x – 2 = 0
factorising gives (2 sin x + 1)(sin x – 2) = 0
Either 2 sin x + 1 = 0 or sin x – 2 = 0,
i.e. sin x = –0.5 or sin x = 2.

Solutions to sin x = –0.5 must lie in the From our unit circle definition it
π follows that –1 ≤ sin x ≤ 1.
3rd and 4th quadrants and make   with
6 Thus sin x = 2 has no solution.
the x-axis:  π π
6 6

7π 11π 19 π 23π
Thus x =  , , , .
6 6 6 6
7π 11π 19 π 23π
Thus for 0 ≤ x ≤ 4π the solutions are x =  , , , .
6 6 6 6

176 MATHEMATICS METHODS  Unit 1 ISBN 9780170390330

Exercise 8D
(Do this exercise without using the solve facility of a calculator.)

Solve the following for 0 ≤ x ≤ 360°.

1 1 1
1 cos x = 2 sin x = − 3 tan x = 1 4 sin x =  −
2 2 2

Solve the following for 0 ≤ x ≤ 2π.

1 1
5 sin x = 6 cos x = − 7 tan x = –1 8 tan x = 3
2 2

Solve the following for –180° ≤ x ≤ 180°.

3 1
9 cos x = 10 sin x = –1 11 tan x = − 12 sin x = 0
2 3

Solve the following for –π ≤ x ≤ π.

3 1 1
13 sin x = 14 cos x = − 15 sin x = 16 cos x = 0
2 2 2

17 For x in radians, one solution of the equation tan x = 1.5 is x = 0.98, correct to two decimal places.
Hence determine, in terms of π, any other values of x in the interval 0 ≤ x ≤ 2π for which tan x = 1.5.

18 Use the information that cos 63.9° = 0.44 to determine solutions to

11 + 25 cos x = 0
in the interval –180° ≤ x ≤ 180°.

Solve the following for x in the given interval.

1 3
19 tan 2x = for 0 ≤ x ≤ 180° 20 cos 4x = for 0 ≤ x ≤ π
3 2

21 sin 3x = for –90° ≤ x ≤ 90° 22 2 3 sin 2x = 3 for 0 ≤ x ≤ 2π

23 2 cos 3x + 3 = 0 for 0 ≤ x ≤ 2π 24 (sin x + 1)(2 sin x – 1) = 0 for 0 ≤ x ≤ 2π

25 sin2 x = for 0 ≤ x ≤ 360° 26 4 cos2 x – 3 = 0 for –π ≤ x ≤ π

27 (sin x)(2 cos x – 1) = 0 for –180° ≤ x ≤ 180° 28 Solve 2 cos2 x + cos x – 1 = 0 for –π ≤ x ≤ π

 π 1
29 Solve sin  x +  =  for 0 ≤ x ≤ 2π.
 3 2

ISBN 9780170390330 8. Trigonometric functions 177

The Pythagorean identity
Consider some general point P lying on the unit circle and with y
coordinates (a, b), as shown in the diagram.
Applying the theorem of Pythagoras to the triangle shown we obtain 1
P (a, b)
the result: θ
a x
b2 + a2 = 1   [1]
From our unit circle definition of sine and cosine it follows that
a = cos θ and b = sin θ.
Substituting these facts into [1] we obtain the Pythagorean identity:

sin2 θ + cos2 θ = 1

We call this an identity because the left hand side, sin2 θ + cos2 θ, equals the right hand side, 1, for all
values of θ.
For example if θ = 10°, sin2 10° + cos2 10° = 1 (by calculator),
2 2
2 2  1  3 
if θ = 30°, sin 30° + cos 30° =   +  
 2  2 

1 3
=  +
4 4
= 1,
2 2
 1   1 
if θ = 45°, sin2 45° + cos2 45° =  +
 2   2 
1 1
=  +
2 2
= 1,
2 2
if θ = 125°, sin 125° + cos 125° = 1 (by calculator), etc.
This should be compared with an equation which is true only for certain values of θ. For example, the
equation 2 sin θ = 1 is true for certain values of θ, e.g. 30°, 150°, 390° etc., but is not true for all values
of θ, e.g. 2 sin 10° ≠ 1.
In some texts the symbol ≡ is used for an identity.
For example sin2 θ + cos2 θ ≡ 1, an identity,
but 2 sin θ = 1, an equation.
The Pythagorean identity can be used to help us solve some trigonometric equations, as the next
example demonstrates.

178 MATHEMATICS METHODS  Unit 1 ISBN 9780170390330


Solve 2 cos2 θ + sin θ = 2 for 0 ≤ θ ≤ 360°.

2 cos2 θ + sin θ = 2
From sin2 θ + cos2 θ = 1 it follows that cos2 θ = 1 – sin2 θ.
Substituting this expression for cos2 θ into the equation we obtain a quadratic in sin θ:
2 (1 – sin2 θ) + sin θ = 2,
i.e. 2 – 2 sin2 θ + sin θ = 2
sin θ – 2 sin2 θ = 0
sin θ (1 – 2 sin θ) = 0
\either sin θ = 0 or 1 – 2 sin θ = 0,
sin θ = 0.5

30° 30°

θ = 0°, 180°, 360°. θ = 30°, 150°.

Thus for 0 ≤ θ ≤ 360° the solutions are 0°, 30°, 150°, 180° and 360°.

As with the solving of trigonometric equations

solve(2·(cos(x))2 + sin(x) = 2, x)0 ≤ x ≤ 360
earlier in this chapter, the answers to the previous
example can be obtained using the ability of some  x = 0 or x = 30 or x = 150 or x = 180 or x = 360
calculators to solve equations.
Again this facility is very useful but also make
sure you can demonstrate your ability to solve
‘trig equations’ without a calculator when
required to do so.

ISBN 9780170390330 8. Trigonometric functions 179

Exercise 8E
Solve the following equations for the given interval but first note the following:
• Whilst you should solve each equation without the assistance of a calculator you may find the
information in the display below of use for some of them.
• Give exact answers where possible but when rounding is needed give answers correct to one
decimal place.
• Not all of the equations require the Pythagorean identity to be used. You must decide whether
its use is appropriate.

1 sin x = for –180° ≤ x ≤ 180°

2 sin2 x = for –π ≤ x ≤ π

3 sin x = sin2 x + cos2 x for 0 ≤ x ≤ 2π

4 (2 sin x – 1) cos x = 0 for 0 ≤ x ≤ 2π

5 sin x + 2 sin2 x = 0 for 0 ≤ x ≤ 360°

6 (2 cos x + 1)(5 sin x – 1) = 0 for 0 ≤ x ≤ 360°

7 8 sin2 x + 4 cos2 x = 7 for 0 ≤ x ≤ 2π

8 tan2 x + tan x = 2 for –180° ≤ x ≤ 180°

9 5 – 4 cos x = 4 sin2 x for –90° ≤ x ≤ 90°

10 3 = 2 cos2 x + 3 sin x for 0 ≤ x ≤ 4π.

solve(sin(x) = 0.25, x)0 ≤ x ≤ 90°

 {x = 14.47751219}
solve(sin(x) = 0.2, x)0 ≤ x ≤ 90°
 {x = 11.53695903}
solve(tan(x) = 2, x)0 ≤ x ≤ 90°
 {x = 63.43494882}
factor(2·y2–3·y + 1)
 (y – 1)·(2·y – 1)
factor(4·y2–4·y + 1)
 (2·y – 1)2

180 MATHEMATICS METHODS  Unit 1 ISBN 9780170390330

Angle sum and angle difference
Is the statement cos (A – B) = cos A – cos B true for all values of A and B? I.e. is the statement an
identity? We can demonstrate that it is not an identity by considering some values for A and B.
For example:  If A = 90° and B = 30° t hen cos (A – B) = cos (90° – 30°)
= cos 60°
= 0.5.
But cos A – cos B = cos 90° – cos 30°
≠ 0.5.
Thus cos (A – B) ≠ cos A – cos B for these values of A and B.
Having established that cos (A – B) is not the same as cos A – cos B can we find an expression that
cos (A – B) is the same as?
Consider the points P and Q lying on the unit circle as shown in the (0, 1)
P (cos A, sin A)
diagram on the right. From our unit circle definition of sine and
cosine the coordinates of P and Q will be as shown. Q (cos B, sin B)
In an earlier chapter we saw that the length of the line joining two B
O (1, 0) x
points could be found by determining

(change in the x -coordinates)2 + (change in the y-coordinates)2

Thus PQ = (cos A − cos B )2 + (sin A − sin B )2
= cos2 A − 2cos A cos B + cos2 B + sin 2 A − 2sin A sin B + sin 2 B

= cos2 A + sin 2 A + cos2 B + sin 2 B − 2cos A cos B − 2sin A sin B

= 1 + 1 − 2(cos A cos B + sin A sin B )

= 2 − 2(cos A cos B + sin A sin B ) [ I ]

However, if instead we apply the cosine rule to triangle OPQ:

PQ = 12 + 12 − 2(1)(1)cos( A − B )

= 2 − 2cos( A − B ) [ II ]

Comparing [ I ] and [ II ] we see that cos (A – B) = cos A cos B + sin A sin B.

ISBN 9780170390330 8. Trigonometric functions 181

cos (A – B) = cos A cos B + sin A sin B [1]

Replacing B by (–B), and remembering that cos (–B) = cos B and sin (–B) = –sin B, it follows that
cos (A – (–B)) = cos A cos (–B) + sin A sin (–B)
= cos A cos B – sin A sin B

i.e. cos (A + B) = cos A cos B – sin A sin B [2]

π  π π
From [1], cos  − θ  = cos   cos θ + sin   sin θ
2  2 2
= (0) cos θ + (1) sin θ
= sin θ
π π π 
Replacing   – θ by φ (and hence θ by   – φ) it follows that cos φ = sin  − φ
2 2 2 

Thus π 
cos  − A  = sin A
2 

and π 
sin  − A  = cos A
2 

(These identities are sometimes referred to as the trigonometric properties of complementarity.)

Note • These facts regarding A and (90° – A) come as no surprise if we
remember that this trigonometry for angles of any size must not
90° – A
contradict our initial ideas regarding the trigonometry of right
• We can now use these facts to determine expansions
for sin (A + B) and for sin (A – B).
sin (A – B) = cos [90° – (A – B)]
= cos [90° – A + B]
= cos (90° – A) cos B – sin (90° – A) sin B
= sin A cos B – cos A sin B

i.e. sin (A – B) = sin A cos B – cos A sin B [3]

Replacing B by (–B) in [3] gives:

sin (A – (–B)) = sin A cos (–B) – cos A sin (–B)
= sin A cos B + cos A sin B

i.e. sin (A + B) = sin A cos B + cos A sin B [4]

182 MATHEMATICS METHODS  Unit 1 ISBN 9780170390330

The identities [1], [2], [3] and [4] can be summarised as follows.

sin (A ± B) = sin A cos B ± cos A sin B

cos (A ± B) = cos A cos B  sin A sin B

From the previous results it follows that:

sin ( A ± B )
tan ( A ± B ) =
cos ( A ± B )
sin A cos B ± cos A sin B
cos A cos B  sin A sin B
sin A cos B cos A sin B
cos A cos B cos A cos B
cos A cos B sin A sin B

cos A cos B cos A cos B
tan A ± tan B
1  tan A tan B

tan A ± tan B
tan ( A ± B ) =
1  tan A tan B


Determine an exact value for sin 15°.

sin 15° = sin (45° – 30°)
= sin 45° cos 30° – cos 45° sin 30°

1 3 1 1
=  −
2 2 22

 or, with a rational denominator, 
2 3−1
( )
2 2 4

ISBN 9780170390330 8. Trigonometric functions 183


5 24
A and B are acute angles with cos A = and sin B = .
13 25
Find the exact value of sin (A + B).

5 12
If cos A = then sin A = (see diagram).
13 13 13 12
24 7
If sin B = then cos B = (see diagram). A
25 25 5

Thus sin (A + B) = sin A cos B + cos A sin B

12 7 5 24 25
=  + 24
13 25 13 25
=  7


 π
Solve cos  x +  = 2  cos x, for –2π ≤ x ≤ 2π.
 4

 π
cos  x +   =  2 cos x
 4
π π
\ cos x cos   – sin x sin   = 2 cos x
4 4
1 1
cos x – sin x = 2 cos x
2 2
(× by 2) cos x – sin x = 2 cos x
–sin x = cos x π
(÷ by –cos x) tan x = –1 π
5π π 3π 7π
Thus for –2π ≤ x ≤ 2π the solutions are − ,− , , .
4 4 4 4

184 MATHEMATICS METHODS  Unit 1 ISBN 9780170390330

Exercise 8F
Simplify each of the following.

1 sin 2x cos x + cos 2x sin x 2 cos 3x cos x + sin 3x sin x

3 sin 5x cos x – cos 5x sin x 4 cos 7x cos x – sin 7x sin x

Use the formulae for sin (A ± B), cos (A ± B) and tan (A ± B) to determine exact values for each of the

5 cos 15° 6 tan 15° 7 sin 75°

8 cos 75° 9 tan 75°

10 If 2 sin (θ + 45°) = a sin θ + b cos θ, find a and b.

 π
11 If 8 cos  θ −   = c sin θ + d cos θ, find c and d.
 3

12 If 4 cos (θ + 30°) = e cos θ + f sin θ, find e and f.

13 If tan A = 5 3 and tan B = − , find (without a calculator) the value of tan (A + B).
If π ≤ (A + B) ≤ 2π determine (A + B).

4 5
14 A and B are acute angles with sin A = and cos B = . Find the following as exact values.
5 13
a sin (A + B) b cos (A – B)

7 3
15 D and E are acute angles with sin D = and sin E = . Find the following as exact values.
25 5
a sin (D – E) b cos (D + E)

 π
16 Use the expansion of sin (A + B) to prove that sin  x +   = cos x.
 2

17 Use the expansion of sin (A ± B) to prove

a sin (x + 2π) = sin x b sin (x – 2π) = sin x

18 Use the expansion of cos (A + B) to prove that cos (x + 2π) = cos x.

19 Use the expansion of tan (A + B) to prove that tan (x + π) = tan x.

20 By writing tan (–x) as tan (0 – x), use the tan (A – B) expansion to prove that tan (–x) = – tan x.

5 3
21 A and B are both obtuse angles such that sin A = and tan B = − . Find exact values for
13 4
a sin (A + B) b cos (A – B) c tan (A + B)

ISBN 9780170390330 8. Trigonometric functions 185

Solve the following equations for the given interval.

π π 1
22 sin x cos + cos x sin   = for 0 ≤ x ≤ 2π.
6 6 2

23 cos x cos 20° + sin x sin 20° = for 0 ≤ x ≤ 360°.

24 sin x cos 70° + cos x sin 70° = 0.5 for –180° ≤ x ≤ 180°.

25 sin (x + 30°) = cos x for 0 ≤ x ≤ 360°.

Alternating currents
An electrical current is a flow of electrical charge. In wires this electrical charge is carried by
electrons. Batteries produce a steady, one directional, flow of electrons called a direct current (DC).
If instead the electrons repeatedly move one way and then the other their alternating flow will still
result in a flow of electrical charge, and hence a current. This is called an alternating current or
AC. Many household electrical devices simply require an electrical current, they do not require the
flow of electrons to always be in a certain direction. Hence for such devices an alternating current
is suitable.
An alternating current is produced by an alternating voltage, which is the form of voltage that the
electrical supply companies supply to most homes and businesses.
These alternating voltages are sinusoidal in nature.
Let us suppose that the voltage, V Volts, at time t seconds is as shown below:

V volts


t seconds




0.2 seconds

What is the amplitude and period of this graph?

Write the equation of the graph in the form V = a sin bt, with b in terms of π.

(Hint: Remember that y = a sin bx has a period of .)

186 MATHEMATICS METHODS  Unit 1 ISBN 9780170390330

Average weekly temperatures
Records taken of the average weekly
temperatures in a particular location 30

gave rise to the following graph:


T (°C)

10 20 30 40 50
x (week number)

For how many of the weeks did the average weekly temperature exceed 25°C?

Suggest a suitable equation for this data. (Remember, y = a sin bx has a period of .)

Tidal motion
The tide height was measured at a high tide and each hour thereafter for 25 hours. The data
collected gave rise to the following table:

Hours from hightide (t) 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Height (h metres) 12.60 12.03 10.38 8.17 5.91 4.12 3.25 3.54 4.92

Hours from hightide (t) 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17

Height (h metres) 7.02 9.36 11.31 12.46 12.46 11.31 9.38 7.01 4.92

Hours from hightide (t) 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25

Height (h metres) 3.51 3.24 4.08 5.90 8.21 10.42 12.03 12.60

Plot a graph of these figures and draw a smooth

curve that seems to best fit the facts.
Suggest a rule for your ‘best fit’ line.
Use your rule to determine the values of t, for
0 ≤ t ≤ 25, between which the tide height is at
least 5 metres.

Investigate whether or not your calculator can

determine a line of best fit for the given data
(look for a regression facility). If you are able to
obtain this line of best fit from your calculator
compare it to the rule you determined.

ISBN 9780170390330 8. Trigonometric functions 187

Miscellaneous exercise eight
This miscellaneous exercise may include questions involving the work of this chapter, the
work of any previous chapters, and the ideas mentioned in the Preliminary work section at
the beginning of the book.

State the amplitude and period of each of the following sinusoidal functions.
(Assume radian measure used.)

1 y = 5 sin x 2 y = 7 sin x 3 y = –3 sin x

4 y = sin 2x 5 y = sin 3x 6 y = sin 0.5x

7 y = –3 sin 4x 8 y = 4 sin 5x 9 y = 2 sin πx

10 Copy and complete the following table (without the assistance of a calculator), placing appropriate
exact values in each empty cell and all denominators rational.

3π 2π π π 4π 7π 9π
θ −

3 6 4 3 3 4

Sin θ
Cos θ
Tan θ

11 For each of the following pairs of lines determine whether they are parallel, perpendicular or
neither of these.
 y = 3x − a  y = 0.5x + c  2 y = x + e
a  b  c 
 y = x − b  2 y = x + d  y = −2x + f

12 For the triangle shown on the right find x, using x cm

a the cosine rule and the solve facility of your calculator 50° 10.2 cm
b the sine rule twice
6.9 cm
giving your answer correct to one decimal place each time.

13 A triangle has sides of length 27 cm, 33 cm and 55 cm. Find the size of the smallest angle of the
triangle, giving your answer to the nearest degree.

14 For each of the following, without using a calculator, write the coordinates of the points where
the graph cuts or touches the x-axis. (Then check your answers with your calculator if you wish.)
a y = (x – 2)(x – 3)(x + 2)(x + 7) b y = x(x – 2)(x + 3)(x – 4)
c y = (x – 2)(x – 3)(x + 3) d y = (x – 2)4
e y = (x – 7)(2x2 – 3x + 2) f y = (x2 – x – 30)(4x2 – 8x – 21)

188 MATHEMATICS METHODS  Unit 1 ISBN 9780170390330

15 All of the functions f1 to f12 have their graphs shown below. Find the values of k1 to k26 given that
they are all non-zero constants between –50 and 50.
f1 : y = k1x f2 : x + y + k2 = 0 f3 : y = k3x2
f4 : y = (k4x)2 f5 : y = k5x2 + k6x + k7 f6 : xy = k8
3 2
f7 : y = k9(x + k10) + k11 f8 : y = k12(x + k13) + k14 f9 : y = k15x3 + k16x2 + k17x + k18
f10 : y = k19 sin k20x f11 : y = k21 cos k22(x – k23) f12 : y = k24 + k25 sin k26x

y y
10 (8, 4)

(3, 1) x

(2, 0) 5 x
(–8, –4)


(2, 16)

(–5, –2)

(1, 4)

(0, 13) y
10 (0, 10)

–1 1 2 3 4 5 6 x
(10, 0)
–5 x

3 90° 180° 270° 360° x

π 2π x –5

ISBN 9780170390330 8. Trigonometric functions 189

16 Given that 2x3 + x2 – 22x + 24 = (x – 2)(ax2 + bx + c):
a determine the value of a and the value of c by inspection.
b with your answers from part a in place, expand (x – 2)(ax2 + bx + c) and hence determine b.
c find the coordinates of the point(s) where the graph of y = 2x3 + x2 – 22x + 24 cuts the x-axis.

17 The function y = f  (x), shown graphed on the right, has a maximum y

turning point at (–1, 21) and a minimum turning point at (3, –11). (–1, 21)

State the coordinates of the maximum and minimum turning points

of each of the following functions.
a y = f  (x) + 5 b y = f  (x) – 5
c y = f  (–x) d y = –f  (x)
e y = 3f  (x) f y = f  (2x)
(3, –11)

18 Work through this question without the assistance of a graphic calculator.

For the graph of       y = (x + 1)(x – 2)(x – 5)
a find the coordinates of any point(s) where the curve cuts the x-axis.
b find the coordinates of any point(s) where the curve cuts the y-axis.
c if the point A(1, a) lies on the curve determine the value of a.
d if the point B(3, b) lies on the curve determine the value of b.
e if the point C(4, c) lies on the curve determine the value of c.
For the graph of       y = (x – 3)2 – 4
f find the coordinates of the turning point and state whether it is a maximum point or
a minimum point.
g find the coordinates of any point(s) where the curve cuts the y-axis.
h if the point D(5, d) lies on the curve determine the value of d.
i use the information from parts a to h above to produce a single sketch showing the two
functions and hence estimate solutions to the equation:
(x + 1)(x – 2)(x – 5) = (x – 3)2 – 4.

19 Determine the area of the shaded region shown on the right given that the
circle has a radius of 10 cm and AB is of length 16 cm. Give your answer
correct to the nearest 0.1 cm2.

190 MATHEMATICS METHODS  Unit 1 ISBN 9780170390330

Sets and probability
• Sets and probability – • Imagining the tree diagram
basic ideas • Probability rules
• Conditional probability • Independent events
• Notation • More about independent
• Tree diagrams events
• Use of the words ‘not’, • Independence suggested
‘and’ and ‘or’ in • More about mutually
probability questions exclusive events
• Tree diagram showing • Miscellaneous exercise nine
Before commencing this chapter the reader is advised to spend a few minutes re-reading the
brief sections on sets and probability in the Preliminary work at the beginning of this book.

Sets and probability – basic ideas

The next exercise provides you with some practice in the sets and probability ideas referred to in the
Preliminary work. WS

Set operations

Exercise 9A
Probability WS

Dartboard probabilities

1 A normal fair six sided die is rolled once. With P(X) meaning the probability of event X occurring,
a P(an even number)
b P(an odd number) Venn diagrams

c P(a prime number)   Remember: A prime has exactly 2 factors

d P(a number greater than four)
e P(a number not less than three) Venn diagrams

2 Two fair dice are rolled once and the numbers on the 1 2 3 4 5 6
uppermost faces are added together. The table on the
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
right shows the 36 equally likely outcomes.
2 3 4 5 6 7 8
With P(X) meaning the probability of event X occurring,
determine 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
a P(an even total) 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
b P(an odd total) 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
c P(a prime total) 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
d P(a total of 11)
e P(a total that is greater than 8)
f P(a total that is not greater than 8)

3 A particular event has just three possible outcomes A, B and C. Only one of these outcomes can
occur each time the event happens and P(A) = 0.5 and P(B) = 0.2. If the event occurs once determine
a P(C) b P(not C) c P(not A) d P(not B)

ISBN 9780170390330 9. Sets and probability 193

4 If a coin is flipped three times there are eight equally likely outcomes:



For such an event determine:

a P(HHH) b P(Two heads and a tail in that order)
c P(Two heads and a tail in any order) d P(The third flip produces a head)
e P(The third flip produces the only head) f P(The third flip produces the second head)

5 A fair die is rolled onto a flat wooden table and when the
die has come to rest the five numbers that can be seen are
added together.
For one such roll determine:
a P(The total obtained is less than 15)
b P(The total obtained is more than 15)
c P(The total obtained is divisible by 3)
d P(The total obtained is divisible by 5)
e P(The total obtained is divisible by both 3 and 5)

6 A child makes a spinner which, on 100 spins produces the results:

Result of spin 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Frequency 12 10 8 22 20 15 13

Based on these figures what is the probability that on one spin of the spinner the result will be
a 2 b 6 c even
d > 4 e ≥ 4 f < 3.

7 The causes of death given for the sixty seven thousand two hundred and forty one Australian males
who died in one particular year were as follows:

Cardiovascular disease Cancers Traffic accidents All others

21 957 22 039 1224 22 021

[Source of data: National Heart Foundation of Australia and The Australian Bureau of Statistics.]

An insurance company uses these figures to determine the probable causes of death amongst
Australian males for the following year. What do these figures suggest for the probability of the
death of an Australian male being due to
a cardiovascular disease (correct to 3 decimal places)
b a cause other than cancer (correct to 3 decimal places).

194 MATHEMATICS METHODS  Unit 1 ISBN 9780170390330

8 From the Venn diagram on the right we see that
A 1 B
A = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7}. 3 2 8
a State n(A). 5 4
6 10
b State n(A ∪ B).
c State n(U).
d State n(A ∩ B).
e List the elements of A′.
f List the elements of B.
g List the elements of A ∪ B .
h List the elements of A ∩ B.

9 The universal set, U, and the two sets A and B contained within it are such that
n(A ∩ B) = 6, n(A) = 27, n(B) = 46 and n(U) = 70.
Determine a n(A ∪ B) b n(A ∪ B )

10 Eighty students commenced a particular university course. Of these, 42 had studied Physics in
their last year at school and 46 had studied Chemistry in their last year at school. If 25 had studied
both of these subjects in their last year at school how many had studied neither?

11 The Venn diagram on the right shows the number of elements in each of
sets A and B and in the Universal set, U, in which A and B are contained. A B

If n(U) = 72 find the value of x. x+7 5 2x

12 Of the 137 year eleven students in a school the number who had represented the school at
volleyball but not athletics was 7 more than the number who had represented the school at
both volleyball and athletics.
The number who had represented the school at volleyball but not athletics was twice the number
who had represented the school at athletics but not volleyball.
The number who had represented the school at neither volleyball nor athletics was nine times the
number who had represented the school at both volleyball and athletics.
How many of the year eleven students had represented the school at both volleyball and athletics?

13 The Venn diagram on the right shows the number of elements in each
of sets A, B and C and in the Universal set, U, in which A, B and C are A B
contained. x 3x
If n(B ∪ C ) = 11 find a n(U), 5 3
b n(A ∩ B), 2x – 1

c  n(A ∩ B ∩ C). C

ISBN 9780170390330 9. Sets and probability 195

Probability and sets
In questions 14 to 16, the notation P(X) is used to mean the probability that an element randomly
selected from the universal set U is in set X.

14 The Venn diagram shows the probabilities of the events A and B occurring. U
0.5 0.1 0.1
a P(A) b P(B) c P(A ∩ B)
d P(A ∪ B) e P(A ∩ B ) f P(A ∪ B ) 0.3

15 The Venn diagram on the right shows how the 19 elements in the
universal set U are placed with regards to sets C and D. C D

Determine: 1 9 3

a P(C) b P(D) c P(C ∩ D)

d P(C ∩ D) e P(C ∩ D) f P(C ∩ D)
g P(C ∪ D) h P(C ∪ D) i P(C ∪ D)

16 The Venn diagram on the right shows how the 40 elements in the
universal set U are placed with regards to sets X and Y. X Y
Determine: 17 13

a P(X) b P(Y) c P(X ∩ Y)

d P(X ∪ Y) e P(X ∪ Y ) f P(X ∩ Y )

17 Two events A and B are such that P(A) = 0.3, P(B) = 0.5 and P(A ∪ B) = 0.6, where the notation
P(A) means the probability of event A occurring. Determine P(A ∩ B).

18 If a student is randomly selected from the year 12 students in a particular school the probability
of that student being male is 0.52, the probability that they study chemistry is 0.44 and the
probability of them being female and not doing chemistry is 0.18.
Determine the probability that the selected student is
a a female studying chemistry b a male not studying chemistry

19 Twenty dancers from a particular dance school attend the national dance championships. All of the
twenty are entered in either solo events or team events or both solo and team. Five of the twenty
are not entered in solo events and two are not entered in team events.
a If one of the twenty dancers is randomly selected to represent the school in the opening
ceremony what is the probability that this dancer is one who is entered in both solo and
team events?
b One of the dancers is injured when competing in the solo event. What is the probability that
this dancer is one who is entered in team events?

Conditional probability
In some situations we may be given some extra piece of information, or some additional condition, which
allows us to reduce the number of possibilities that we need to consider in the sample space. Indeed the
last question in the previous exercise is like this.

196 MATHEMATICS METHODS  Unit 1 ISBN 9780170390330

The information given in part b informs us that the dancer we are considering is one who competes in
a solo event, and so allows us to consider only the solo dancers.
The following examples and the questions of Exercise 9B give further examples of this idea of
conditional probability.


Arika rolls a fair die once and May, who cannot see the result, tries to guess the outcome.
a What is the probability that the result is a 5?
Before May states her guess, Arika announces ‘It’s an odd number’.
b Now what is the probability that the result is a 5?

a There are six equally likely outcomes: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6.
A result of a 5 is one of these 6. Thus P(5) = .
b Given the information It’s an odd number there are now just three equally likely outcomes: 1, 3, 5.
A result of a 5 is one of these 3. Thus P(5) = .

The Venn diagram indicates the number of people in each of the sets A and B.
7 3 11
Determine the probability that a person chosen at random from the
universal set, U, is
a in set B b outside of set B
c in set A given they are in set B, d in set A given they are in A ∪ B.

14 11
a P(person is in set B) = b P(outside of set B) =
25 25
c Given that the person is in set B we need only consider the
14 people in B (see diagram). A B

3 of these 14 are in set A. 3 11

Thus  P(person is in set A given they are in set B) = .
d Given that the person is in A ∪ B we need only consider the
21 people in A ∪ B (see diagram). A B
10 of these 21 are in set A. 7 3 11
Thus  P(person is in set A given they are in A ∪ B) = .

ISBN 9780170390330 9. Sets and probability 197

In part c of the previous example we were asked for the probability of a person being in set A given they
are in set B. We write the probability of some event X occurring given some other condition Y as
and we refer to this as the probability of X given Y.
Thus in part c of the last example:
P(person is in set Athey are in set B) = .
Check that you agree with the following statements.
P(5odd number) = ,
For a single roll of a fair die: 1 2 3 4 5 6
P(5greater than 4) = , 1 2 3 4 5 6
P(5less than 4) = 0. 1 2 3 4 5 6


A fair octahedral die is rolled once. Determine

a P(7) b P(7odd number) c P(3prime number)
d P(not a 2a number < 4) e P(odd number7)

a On an octahedral die there are eight equally likely outcomes: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8.
A result of a 7 is one of these 8 equally likely outcomes.    Thus P(7) = .
b Given that the result is an odd number there are now just four equally likely outcomes: 1, 3, 5, 7.
A result of a 7 is one of these 4 equally likely outcomes.
Thus: P(7odd number) = .
c Given that the result is a prime number there are just four equally likely outcomes: 2, 3, 5, 7.
A result of a 3 is one of these 4 equally likely outcomes.
Thus: P(3prime number) = .
d Given that the result is a number less than 4 there are just three equally likely outcomes: 1, 2, 3.
Two of these three equally likely outcomes are ‘not a 2’.
Thus: P(not a 2a number < 4) = .
e Given that the result is a 7 there is just one outcome, a 7, and this is an odd number.
Thus: P(odd number7) = = 1.

198 MATHEMATICS METHODS  Unit 1 ISBN 9780170390330


The Venn diagram on the right shows the probabilities of events

A and B occurring. Determine A B

a P(A ∩ B) b P(AB) c P(BA ) 0.4 0.2 0.3

Solution 0.1

a P(A ∩ B) = 0.2
b Given that event B occurs we need only consider that part of the
Venn diagram (see unshaded parts on right). A B

The total under consideration is now 0.5. 0.2 0.3

0.2 lies in circle A.

Thus P(AB) =
= 0.4
c Given that A occurs we need only consider that part of the
Venn diagram (see unshaded parts on right). A B

The total under consideration is now 0.4. 0.3

0.3 lies in circle B.

Thus P(BA ) =
= 0.75

Exercise 9B
1 Jack rolls a normal fair die once and Holly, who cannot see the result, tries to guess the outcome.
a What is the probability that the result is a 4?
Before Holly states her guess Jack announces ‘It’s not a six’.
b Now what is the probability that the result is a 4?

2 Leroy tosses two fair coins and Boon attempts to guess the result. H H
a What is the probability that the result is two heads?
Before Boon announces his guess Leroy states ‘It’s not two tails’.
b Now what is the probability that the result is two heads? T H


ISBN 9780170390330 9. Sets and probability 199

3 Leslie tosses two fair normal six sided dice, one red RED DIE
and one blue, and Ranji attempts to guess the total
1 2 3 4 5 6
obtained when the number of dots on each
uppermost face are added. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

a What is the probability that the total is eleven? 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

In fact, Ranji manages to see that the red die lands 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
with a six uppermost. 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
b Now what is the probability that the total 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
is eleven? 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

4 Mansur randomly selects a card from a normal well shuffled pack of 52 playing cards and Marlena
attempts to guess what card has been selected.
Hearts A♥, 2♥, 3♥, 4♥, 5♥, 6♥, 7♥, 8♥, 9♥, 10♥, J♥, Q♥, K♥
Diamonds A♦, 2♦, 3♦, 4♦, 5♦, 6♦, 7♦, 8♦, 9♦, 10♦, J♦, Q♦, K♦
Spades A♠, 2♠, 3♠, 4♠, 5♠, 6♠, 7♠, 8♠, 9♠, 10♠, J♠, Q♠, K♠
Clubs A♣, 2♣, 3♣, 4♣, 5♣, 6♣, 7♣, 8♣, 9♣, 10♣, J♣, Q♣, K♣
a What is the probability that the card is the two of hearts?
b If in fact Marlena manages to see that the card is red and is not a Jack, King or Queen what is
the probability now that it is the two of hearts?

5 The Venn diagram on the right displays the results of a survey of

100 university students regarding whether they own a car and if Owns with
a car parents
they are living with their parents.
a What is the probability that a student chosen at random 28 20 30
from this group does own a car but does not live with
their parents? 22
b Given that a student chosen from this group does not own
a car what is the probability that they live with their parents?

6 The numbers in the various sections of the Venn diagram on the right
indicate the number of people in each of the sets A and B. A B

If one person is chosen at random from the universal set, U, determine 23 37 10

the probability they are in
a set A b set B c A ∪ B 30

d A ∩ B e A f B
g set A given they are in set B h set A given they are not in set B

7 A fair die is rolled once. Event A is that of the result of the roll being a 6.
Event B is that of the result of the roll being bigger than 4.
Event C is that of the result of the roll being an even number.
a P(AB) b P(AC) c P(BC)
d P(BA) e P(CA) f P(CB)

200 MATHEMATICS METHODS  Unit 1 ISBN 9780170390330

8 The Venn diagram on the right shows the probabilities of the events
A and B occurring. Find A B

a P(A) b P(B) c P(A ∪ B) 0.6 0.1 0.2

d P(A ) e P(B) f P(AB)

g P(BA) h P(AA ∪ B) i P(BA ∩ B)

9 The Venn diagram on the right shows the probabilities of the events
A and B occurring. Find A B

a P(A) b P(B) c P(B ∪ A) 2 1 4

9 9 9
d P(A ∩ B) e P(A ) f P(B) 2
g P(AB) h P(BA) i P(BA ∪ B)

10 A team of two people is to be randomly selected from the following five people:
Alex, Basil, Chris, Deny, Ernie.
There are ten different teams of two that can be made:

Alex Alex Alex Alex Basil Basil Basil Chris Chris Deny
Basil Chris Deny Ernie Chris Deny Ernie Deny Ernie Ernie

a Find the probability that Alex is selected.

b Find the probability that the team of two consists of Deny and Alex.
c Given that Deny is selected, what is the probability that Alex is also selected?
d What is the probability that just one of Deny and Alex is selected?
e Given that just one of Deny and Alex is selected, what is the probability that Ernie fills the
other space on the team?

11 A fair normal six sided die is rolled once. Determine

a P(3) b P(3odd number)
c P(3even number) d P(even number3)
e P(2a number < 4) f P(not a 2a number < 4)
g P(a number < 2a number < 4) h P(a number ≤ 2a number < 4)

12 A fair ten sided die, with faces marked 1 to 10, is rolled once. Determine
a P(8) b P(8even number)
c P(8prime number) d P(7prime number)
e P(8a number > 4) f P(not an 8a number > 4)
g P(a number > 8a number ≥ 6)

13 From a set of cards numbered 1 to 20 one card is selected at random. What is the probability that
the card is
a a seven given that it is less than ten? b a seven given that it is more than ten?
c a six given that it is a multiple of three? d a six given that it is a factor of twelve?
e an even number given that it is neither four nor ten?

ISBN 9780170390330 9. Sets and probability 201

14 A normal six sided die is rolled twice and the scores obtained are added together.
Event A is that of the first roll giving a 5.
Event B is that of the total being 10.
a P(BA) b P(AB)
1 2 3 4 5 6
Event C is that of the first roll giving a 2. 2 3 4 5 6 7
Event D is that of the total being 6.
2 3 4 5 6 7 8

3 4 5 6 7 8 9
c P(DC) d P(CD)
4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Event E is that of the first roll giving an odd number.
5 6 7 8 9 10 11
Event F is that of the total being 5.
6 7 8 9 10 11 12
e P(FE) f P(EF)

15 A fair icosahedral die (20 faces numbered 1 to 20) is rolled once.

a P(3) b P(even) c P(prime)
d P(multiple of 3) e P(factor of 12) f P(5an odd number)
g P(3< 6) h P(15> 9) i P(9a multiple of 3)
j P(a multiple of 3a factor of 12) k P(multiple of 3> 15) l P(multiple of 3≥ 15)

16 The twenty four 3-digit numbers that can be formed using the digits 1, 2, 3, and 5, with each digit
being used only once in each number are as follows:

123 132 213 231 312 321

235 253 325 352 523 532

135 153 315 351 513 531

125 152 215 251 512 521
One of these twenty four numbers is to be selected at random.
Event A is that of the selected number being bigger than 300.
Event B is that of the selected number being bigger than 400.
a P(A) b P(B) c P(AB)
d P(BA) e P(AB ) f P(A B)

17 (Hint: A little thought could save you time with this question.)
A fair coin is tossed four times. What is the probability that the result of the next throw, i.e. the
fifth throw, will be a head given that
a the fourth throw resulted in a head?
b the third and the fourth throws resulted in heads?

Research and write a brief report on The gambler’s fallacy.

202 MATHEMATICS METHODS  Unit 1 ISBN 9780170390330

Tree diagrams WS

As included in the brief mention of probability in the Preliminary work at the start of this book,
Tree diagrams
another useful form of presentation when finding probabilities is a tree diagram. The next example
demonstrates the use of this method of displaying the equally likely outcomes of an event. The last
two parts of the example also involve conditional probability.


Envelope I contains the three letters: A, B and C.

Envelope II contains the three letters: B, C and D. ACB B C
A two letter ‘word’ is formed, the first letter being randomly I II
chosen from envelope I and the second letter randomly
chosen from envelope II.
The tree diagram on the right shows the 9 equally
likely outcomes. Envelope Envelope Outcome
Determine the probability that B AB
a exactly one letter B is chosen A C AC
b the letters chosen are the same B BB
c the first letter chosen is an A given that the two letters B C BC
are not the same
d the second letter chosen is a B given the two letters C C CC
are the same. D CD

a Four of the nine equally likely outcomes contain exactly one B.
P(Exactly one B) =
b In two of the nine equally likely outcomes the letters A C AC
are the same. D AD
2 B BB
P(Same letters) = B C BC
9 D BD
c Given that the two letters are not the same we need only B CB
consider those outcomes shown arrowed in the tree C C CC
diagram on the right.
Three of these seven outcomes start with A.
3 A C AC
P(Start with Anot same letters) = D AD
d Given that the two letters are the same we only consider B C BC
those outcomes shown arrowed in the tree diagram on D BD
the right. B CB
1 C C CC
P(Second letter Bsame letters) = D CD

ISBN 9780170390330 9. Sets and probability 203

Exercise 9C
1 Two marbles are drawn at random from a bag containing four marbles – 2 red, 1 blue and
1 green. After the first marble is drawn and its colour noted, it is returned to the bag before
the second marble is drawn. Construct a suitable tree diagram and hence determine the
following probabilities:
a P(two redsfirst one red) b P(two redsboth same colour)
c P(two different2nd one green) d P(no reds2nd one green)

2 Two marbles are drawn at random from a bag containing four marbles – 2 red, 1 blue and 1 green.
After the first marble is drawn and its colour noted, it is not returned to the bag. Construct a
suitable tree diagram and hence determine the following probabilities:
a P(two redsfirst red) b P(one greenfirst not blue)
c P(first bluesecond red) d P(second redfirst blue)

3 Laurie, Rob and Steven play two rounds of a game of cards. The game has no draws, ties or
stalemates so each round is won by one of the three people and you may assume that each
player has the same chance of winning each round. Construct a suitable tree diagram and hence
determine the probability of each of the following:
a Laurie wins both rounds
b Rob wins at least one of the rounds
c Laurie wins neither given that Steven wins the second round
d Steven wins the second round given that Laurie wins neither

4 Envelope I contains 4 letters: 1 A, 1 B, 1 C and 1 D.


Envelope II contains 4 letters: 1 C, 2 Ds and an E.
A two letter ‘word’ is formed, the first letter being randomly I II
chosen from envelope I and the second letter randomly chosen
from envelope II. Construct a suitable tree diagram and hence
determine the probability that:
a one of the two letters is an A
b the letters chosen are the same
c the first letter chosen is a D given that the two letters are the same
d the second letter chosen is a D given the two letters are not the same

5 The five letters of the word EXACT are written on five cards, with one letter on each card.
The five cards are then shuffled and two of the cards are dealt face up in a line to form a ‘word’.
Construct a suitable tree diagram and hence determine the probability that the ‘word’ so formed
a is the word AT b starts with an E
c ends with a T d starts with an E and ends with a T
e starts with an E given that it ends with a T f starts with a T given that it ends with an E
g contains an X given that it contains an A

204 MATHEMATICS METHODS  Unit 1 ISBN 9780170390330

Use of the words ‘not’, ‘and’ and ‘or’ in
probability questions
Use of the word ‘not’
As was mentioned in the Preliminary work, prior to chapter one: Shading shows Aʹ.

If the probability of an event occurring is a then the probability of it not A B

occurring is 1 – a.
Thus the phrase ‘not A’ in probability is similar to A′, the complement of A,
in sets.

Use of the word ‘and’ Shading shows A ∩ B.

If we require the probability that events A and B occur we must look at those A B
situations in which both A and B occur.
Thus the phrase ‘A and B’ in probability is similar to A ∩ B, in sets.

Use of the word ‘or’

Consider the following situations:
• Young Jim notices two bars of chocolate on the kitchen work surface.
Jim: ‘Mum, can I have a bar of chocolate?’
Mum: ‘Yes dear, you can have the Mars Bar or the Kit Kat.’
Do you think Jim’s mum means him to have both bars?
• Ms Swift, a deputy principal in XYZ high school, makes the following announcement over the
school public address to all year 11 classes:
Ms Swift I would like any students doing year 11 Physics or year 11 Art to attend an important meeting
in room 3 at the beginning of lunchtime.’
Toni Collinge is a student at XYZ and does both year 11 Physics and year 11 Art. Do you think
Ms Swift expects Toni to attend?
In the first situation Jim’s mum would probably not be at all pleased if Jim had both bars. Her use of
the word ‘or’ probably meant ‘one or the other but not both’.
In the second situation Ms Swift needed to meet with any student doing Physics or Art. Her use of the
word ‘or’ probably meant ‘one or the other or both’.
In these two situations it is only our commonsense understanding of the context and the likely
intention behind the use of the word ‘or’ that allows us to interpret ‘or’ to mean ‘one or the other
but not both’ in one situation and ‘one or the other or both’ in the other.
To avoid this possible confusion, when the word ‘or’ is used in mathematics Shading shows A ∪ B.
we interpret ‘A or B’ to mean ‘one or the other or both’. Hence in probability
questions the word ‘or’ should be taken as including the possibility of both
i.e. it can be interpreted as meaning ‘at least one of’.
Thus the phrase ‘A or B’ in probability is similar to A ∪ B in sets.
(Note how the use of ∪ and ∩ in sets avoids the problem.)

ISBN 9780170390330 9. Sets and probability 205


Two-way tables
The table on the right shows the 36 BLUE DIE
equally likely number pair outcomes
1 2 3 4 5 6
for rolling one red die and one blue die.
1 (1, 1) (1, 2) (1, 3) (1, 4) (1, 5) (1, 6)
Determine the probability that one roll
of the two dice will result in: 2 (2, 1) (2, 2) (2, 3) (2, 4) (2, 5) (2, 6)

a a 3 on the blue and a 5 on the red 3 (3, 1) (3, 2) (3, 3) (3, 4) (3, 5) (3, 6)
b a 3 on the blue or a 5 on the red 4 (4, 1) (4, 2) (4, 3) (4, 4) (4, 5) (4, 6)
c neither die showing a 5 5 (5, 1) (5, 2) (5, 3) (5, 4) (5, 5) (5, 6)

Solution 6 (6, 1) (6, 2) (6, 3) (6, 4) (6, 5) (6, 6)

a One of the 36 number pairs, (5, 3), is a 3 on the blue and a 5 on the red.
P(a 3 on the blue and a 5 on the red) = .
b 11 of the 36 number pairs involve a 3 on the blue or a 5 on the red.
P(a 3 on the blue or a 5 on the red) = .
c In 25 of the 36 number pairs neither die shows a 5.
P (neither die showing a 5) = .

Exercise 9D
1 Use the table from Example 6 to determine the probability that one roll of the two dice will result in:
a not getting a 3 on the blue die
b a 5 on the red and a 1 on the blue
c a 1 on the red or a 5 on the blue
d a 4 on the red and a number bigger than 4 on the blue
e a 4 on the red or a number bigger than 4 on the blue

2 The table on the right shows the 12 DIE

equally likely outcomes for rolling a
1 2 3 4 5 6
fair die and tossing a fair coin.
Determine the probability that when Head H, 1 H, 2 H, 3 H, 4 H, 5 H, 6

the die is rolled and the coin is tossed

the  result will be Tail T, 1 T, 2 T, 3 T, 4 T, 5 T, 6
a a head on the coin
b a two on the die
c a tail on the coin and a 6 on the die
d a tail on the coin or a 6 on the die
e a head on the coin and an odd number on the die
f either a 6 on the die or a head on the coin but not both of these things

206 MATHEMATICS METHODS  Unit 1 ISBN 9780170390330

3 A normal pack of 52 cards is shuffled and a card is selected at random.
The 52 equally likely outcomes are shown below:
Hearts A♥, 2♥, 3♥, 4♥, 5♥, 6♥, 7♥, 8♥, 9♥, 10♥, J♥, Q♥, K♥
Diamonds A♦, 2♦, 3♦, 4♦, 5♦, 6♦, 7♦, 8♦, 9♦, 10♦, J♦, Q♦, K♦
Spades A♠, 2♠, 3♠, 4♠, 5♠, 6♠, 7♠, 8♠, 9♠, 10♠, J♠, Q♠, K♠
Clubs A♣, 2♣, 3♣, 4♣, 5♣, 6♣, 7♣, 8♣, 9♣, 10♣, J♣, Q♣, K♣
If one card is selected at random from the shuffled pack, determine the probability that the card is
a the queen of diamonds b a queen c a red card
d a three e a heart f a jack
g not a jack h a jack, queen or king i a red nine
j a red or a nine k the queen of hearts l a queen or a heart

4 The tree diagram on the right shows the eight First Second Third Outcome
equally likely outcomes that could result when toss toss toss
a fair coin is tossed three times.
Determine the probability that when a coin is
tossed three times the outcome is: H HHH
a a tail last T HHT
b a head first and a tail last H HTH
c a head first or a tail last T HTT

d the same result on the third toss as was H THH

obtained on the second toss T THT

ISBN 9780170390330 9. Sets and probability 207

Tree diagram showing probabilities
Consider the following question:
A bag contains six marbles: 3 red, 2 blue and 1 green. Two marbles are randomly selected from the
bag, one after the other, the first marble not being replaced before the second is selected. Determine
the following probabilities
a P(red and blue in that order)
b P(two marbles of the same colour)
c P(blue firstblue second)
The tree diagram, though rather large, can be constructed and the Red
required probabilities determined: Red Blue
a There are thirty equally likely outcomes. Green
Six of these thirty are ‘red then blue’. Red
Red Blue
6 Blue
P(red and blue in that order) = Green
30 Red
1 Red
= Red Blue
5 Blue
b There are thirty equally likely outcomes. Red
Two marbles of the same colour occur on eight of these. Blue Red
8 Green
P(two of the same colour) = Red
30 Red
Blue Red
4 Blue
= Green
c Given the second marble was blue we only need to consider the Red
Green Red
ten outcomes for which that is the case. Blue
The first marble being blue occurs on two of these ten.
P(blue firstblue second) =
Our tree diagram shows six initial branches, because there are six equally likely outcomes for the first
marble out of the bag. A smaller, more manageable tree diagram can be produced by having just three
branches to start with, one for each outcome, red, blue, green. We then show the probability of each
outcome on the relevant branch of the diagram. A diagram of this form, for the above situation, is
shown on the next page.

208 MATHEMATICS METHODS  Unit 1 ISBN 9780170390330

Check carefully that you agree with the probability that is on each branch of the following diagram.
Remember the bag initially contains 6 marbles in all, 3 red, 2 blue and 1 green, and the first marble
drawn is not being replaced before the second is drawn.
Note the following points:
• In a tree diagram it is important that as we move right, 2 Red
the branches leaving each junction are mutually
exclusive (if one occurs the others cannot) and cover 2
Red Blue
all eventualities that can happen from that point (are
exhaustive). Thus the probabilities on the branches 3 5
going right from a single point will sum to 1. 6
3 Red
For example, in the tree diagram shown, 5

3 2 1 2 2 1 3 1 1 3 2 2
+ + = 1,  + + = 1,  + + = 1,  + = 1. 6 5
6 6 6 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5
• The probabilities on each branch are assigned with due 5
regard to what has happened up to that point. 1 3
6 Red
For example, if a red is drawn first the probability of the
2 Green
second marble being red is , but if the first is blue then
3 2
the probability of the second being red is . 5
The probability of each final outcome is obtained by following the branches to that outcome,
and multiplying probabilities along that route:

2 3 2 6
Red P(RR) = × =
5 6 5 30
2 3 2 6
Red Blue P(RB) = × =
5 6 5 30
1 3 1 3
3 Green P(RG) = × =
5 6 5 30
3 2 3 6
Red P(BR) = × =
5 6 5 30

2 1 2 1 2
Blue Blue P(BB) = × =
6 5 6 5 30
1 2 1 2
Green P(BG) = × =
5 6 5 30
1 1 3 3
3 Red P(GR) = × =
6 6 5 30


2 1 2 2
Blue P(GB) = × =
5 6 5 30

ISBN 9780170390330 9. Sets and probability 209

This multiplication of probabilities should seem a reasonable thing to do because each new branch
involves a fraction of the probability that applied up to that point. It can be further justified using sets,
as shown below.
Consider the Venn diagram on the right.
To determine P(BA) we first consider P(A), because we know event
A occurs, and then see how much of P(A) involves B occurring.
P(A ∩ B)
i.e. P(BA) = 

Rearranging: P(A ∩ B) = P(A) × P(BA)

This last statement is the multiplication rule for probabilities. It tells us that to determine P(both A and B
occurring) we multiply the probability of A by the probability of B given A. This is exactly what we do
when we multiply probabilities as we pass along the branches of a tree diagram towards a final outcome.
In the tree diagram we can combine final outcomes by adding probabilities.

6 2 4
For example: P(both marbles the same colour) = P(RR) + P(BB) = + =
30 30 15
Whilst this addition of probabilities should also seem a reasonable thing to do, it can be justified using sets:
Now n(A ∪ B) = n(A) + n(B) – n(A ∩ B)
n ( A ∪ B) n ( A ) n ( B) n ( A ∩ B)
∴ = + −
n (U) n (U) n (U) n (U)

i.e. P(A ∪ B) = P(A) + P(B) – P(A ∩ B)

This last statement is the addition rule for probabilities. If A and B are mutually exclusive events (cannot
occur together) it follows that P(A ∩ B) = 0 and the rule reduces to:
P(A ∪ B) = P(A) + P(B)
This tells us that to determine P(A or B will occur), where A and B are mutually exclusive events, we
add the separate probabilities. In a tree diagram the final outcomes are mutually exclusive so we can
combine them in this way.
• We will see the multiplication rule and the addition rule again later in this chapter. For the moment
our tree diagram approach is allowing us to apply the rules intuitively.
• As we would expect, the final probabilities in the tree diagram sum to 1:
6 6 3 6 2 2 3 2 30
+ + + + + + + = =1
30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30
• The probabilities in the tree diagram are sometimes initially best left ‘uncancelled’ to make
combining them easier.

210 MATHEMATICS METHODS  Unit 1 ISBN 9780170390330

• If all we are concerned with in the marbles in the bag 2 3 2 6
5 R P(RR) = × =
situation is the probability of getting (or not getting) 6 5 30
3 R
reds, the tree diagram could be further simplified as 6 3 3 3 9
R′ P(RR′ ) = × =
shown on the right. 5 6 5 30
3 3 3 9
In this diagram R′ is used to represent the event of the 3 5 R P(R′R) = ×
6 5
selected marble not being red. 6 R′
2 3 2 6
R′ P(R′R′ ) = × =
5 6 5 30

The following examples show the use of this idea of a tree diagram with probabilities shown on the
branches and the intuitive use of the rules for the multiplication and addition of probabilities.


A bag contains ten marbles: 5 red, 3 blue and 2 green. Two marbles are randomly selected from the
bag, one after the other, the first marble being replaced before the second is selected. Determine
the following probabilities
a P(red and blue in that order)
b P(red and blue in any order)
c P(two marbles of the same colour)
d P(two redsboth same colour)

First draw a tree diagram: 0.5 R P(RR) = 0.25
R 0.3 B P(RB) = 0.15
a P(R then B) = 0.15 0.2 G P(RG) = 0.1

b P(R and B in any order) = P(RB) + P(BR) R P(BR) = 0.15

0.3 B 0.3 B P(BB) = 0.09
= 0.15 + 0.15
0.2 G P(BG) = 0.06
= 0.3 P(GR) =

R 0.1
c P(same colour) = P(RR) + P(BB) + P(GG) G 0.3 B P(GB) = 0.06
0.2 G P(GG) = 0.04
= 0.25 + 0.09 + 0.04
= 0.38
d Given that both marbles are the same colour we only consider those events. They have
probability 0.38 and amongst this 0.38, 0.25 is when two reds occur.
\ P(RRsame colour) =
≈ 0.66

ISBN 9780170390330 9. Sets and probability 211


The probability event A occurs is 0.5. If event A occurs, the probability of 0.8 B
event B occurring is 0.8. If event A does not occur then the probability of A
event B occurring is 0.3. 0. B′

These probabilities are shown in the tree diagram on the right with A′ and
0.3 B
B′ representing the non occurrence of event A and the non occurrence of
event B respectively.
a P(A′)
b P(A and B occurring)
c P(B)
d P(B′A)
e P(AB)

First complete the tree diagram: 0.8 B P(AB) = 0.4
a P(A′) = 0.5 0.5 0.2 B′ P(AB′ ) = 0.1
b P(A and B) = 0.4
0. B P(A′B) = 0.15
5 0.3
c P(B) = 0.4 + 0.15 A′
= 0.55 0.7 B′ P(A′B′ ) = 0.35

d P(B′A) is the 0.2 in the tree diagram.

\ P(B′A) = 0.2.
Alternatively, had we not realised this, the same answer can be obtained from the final column
of our tree diagram. Given that A occurs we only consider those events in the final column
in which A occurs. These have probability of 0.5 (= 0.4 + 0.1) and amongst this 0.5, 0.1 is for
when B′ occurs.
\ P(B′A) = = 0.2 as before.
e Given that B occurs we only consider those events in the final column in which B occurs.
These have probability of 0.55 (= 0.4 + 0.15) and amongst this 0.55, 0.4 is for when A occurs
0.4 8
\ P(AB) = = .
0.55 11

212 MATHEMATICS METHODS  Unit 1 ISBN 9780170390330


Let us suppose that in a certain breed of chicken, 5% of the chickens are carriers of a particular
disease. A test that can accurately detect whether or not a chicken is a carrier of the disease is
available but it is expensive to administer.
A cheaper test is developed and trials indicate that this returns a positive result in 90% of the chickens
who are carriers of the disease, but unfortunately returns a negative result in the other 10%. When
the test is administered to chickens known not to be carriers the success rate is 95%. i.e. In 95% of
the non carriers a negative result is returned but for the other 5% a positive result is returned.
a A chicken from this breed is selected at random and given this cheaper test. What is the
probability the test will return a correct result?
b A chicken from this breed of chickens is selected at random, given this cheaper test, and
returns a positive result. What is the probability the chicken is not a carrier of the disease,
despite this positive result?

The tree diagram is as shown. Probability

0.9 +ve result 0.045

a P(correct result) = 0.045 + 0.902 5
= 0.947 5 5
0.0 0.1 −ve result 0.005
b We require: P(not a carrier+ve result)
0. +ve result 0.0475
Those outcomes that involve a positive result have 95 0.05
Not a
probability of 0.092 5 (= 0.045 + 0·047 5) and these carrier 0.95
−ve result 0.9025
outcomes contain one with probability 0.047 5 that
involves non-carriers.
\ P(not a carrier+ve result) =
≈ 0.514

You may find this last result interesting. It shows that for the
given test, any chicken returning a positive test is still more
likely not to be a carrier of the disease than to be a carrier.

ISBN 9780170390330 9. Sets and probability 213

Exercise 9E
1 The probability event A occurs is 0.4. 0.3 B
If event A occurs, the probability of event B occurring is 0.3. A
0. B′
If event A does not occur then the probability of event B occurring is 0.8.
These probabilities are shown in the tree diagram on the right with A′ and B
B′ representing the non occurrence of event A and the non occurrence of A′
event B respectively. B′
a P(A′) b P(A and B occurring)
c P(B) d P(BA)
e P(AB) f P(AB′)

2 The probability event A occurs is 0.6. 0.1 B

If event A occurs, the probability of event B occurring is 0.1. A
0. B′
If event A does not occur then the probability of event B occurring is 0.5.
These probabilities are shown in the tree diagram with A′ and B′ B
representing the non occurrence of event A and the non occurrence of A′
event B respectively. B′
a P(A′) b P(neither A nor B occurring)
c P(B) d P(at least one of A or B occurring)
e P(BA) f P(AB)

3 A bag contains ten marbles: 7 blue and 3 green. Two marbles are randomly selected from the bag,
one after the other, the first marble not being replaced before the second is selected.
Determine the probability that the two marbles are
a blue and green in that order,
b blue and green in any order,
c of the same colour,
d two blues given they are of the same colour.

4 Bag A contains five marbles: two red and three blue.

Bag B contains five marbles: one red and four blue.
Two coins are tossed. If both coins show heads, a marble is randomly selected from those in bag A,
otherwise a marble is randomly selected from bag B. Determine the probability that
a the selected marble comes from bag B,
b a blue marble is selected, given the marble selected comes from bag B,
c the marble selected comes from bag A, given that it was a blue marble.

214 MATHEMATICS METHODS  Unit 1 ISBN 9780170390330

5 Forty per cent of the students at a particular college are male. Eighty per cent of the males and
40% of the females are studying course A. If one student is randomly selected from the students
at this college determine the probability that the student is
a female,
b studying course A,
c male given they are studying course A,
d female given they are not studying course A.

6 Bag A contains 3 marbles: one red and two blue.

Bag B contains 4 marbles: one red and three blue.
Bag C contains 5 marbles: one red and four blue.
A normal fair die is rolled and if the uppermost face shows 1, 2 or 3 a marble is randomly chosen
from bag A, if the die shows 4 or 5 on its uppermost face a marble is randomly chosen from
bag B and a 6 on the uppermost face of the die sees a marble randomly drawn from bag C.
Determine the probability that the selected marble is
a from bag A,
b from bag C,
c red,
d blue,
e red and from bag A,
f blue or from bag B,
g from bag A given that the marble was red,
h from bag B given that the marble was blue.

7 On a particular course, all students who satisfactorily complete all coursework, assignments and
tests then sit exam I.
• Those with a mark ≥ 60% in exam I go on to take exam IIA.
• Those with a mark < 60% in exam I then take exam IIB.
• Two thirds of those taking exam I achieve a mark ≥ 60%.
• In exam IIA, one third of those taking it achieve a mark ≥ 70%.
• In exam IIB, one quarter of those taking it achieved a mark < 45%.
Grades are awarded as follows:
• Achieve a mark ≥ 70% in exam IIA: Grade A.
• Achieve a mark < 70% in exam IIA: Grade B+.
• Achieve a mark ≥ 45% in exam IIB: Grade B–.
• Achieve a mark < 45% in exam IIB: Grade C.
One student is selected at random from all of the students completing this course, to represent the
students at a function.
a What is the probability that the student selected got a B grade?
b Given that the student selected got a B what is the probability that this was in fact a B+?

ISBN 9780170390330 9. Sets and probability 215

8 A college runs diploma courses each lasting 2 years. The students on these courses are classified
either as first year students or as second year students (but not both). The ratio of first year students
to second year students is 5 : 4. Fifty five percent of the first year students, and thirty five percent
of the second year students, live at home with their parents. If a student is chosen at random from
those at this college on these diploma courses, determine the probability that the student is
a a second year student,
b a second year student or a student living at home with their parents,
c a first year student, given they are living at home with their parents.

9 Five per cent of the people in a particular high risk category are thought to have a particular
disease. In an attempt to detect the disease in its early stages a test is developed to identify those
who have it.
For those people in the high risk category who do have the disease, the test shows a 98% success
rate, i.e. for those who do have the disease the test returns a positive result 98% of the time, and
in just 2% the test wrongly returns a negative result (wrongly suggesting that these 2% do not
have the disease when in fact they have it).
For those people in the high risk category who do not have the disease the test shows a 96%
success rate, i.e. for those who do not have the disease the test returns a negative result 96%
of the time, and in just 4% the test wrongly returns a positive result (wrongly suggesting that
these 4% do have the disease when in fact they do not have it).
Determine the probability that a person selected at random from those in the high risk category
who have the test:
a does not have the disease and returns a negative result in the test.
b does not have the disease but returns a positive result in the test.
c returns an incorrect result in the test.
A person in this high risk category has the test and receives the news that the test gave a
positive result.
d Determine the probability that this person really does have the disease.
(Give your answer correct to three decimal places.)

10 A bag contains ten discs, indistinguishable except for their colour. Four of the discs are white
and the rest are red. A disc is randomly selected from the bag. If it is white the process stops.
If the disc is not white it is not returned to the bag and a second disc is randomly selected from
the nine still in the bag. If this second disc is white the process stops. If this second disc is not
white it is not returned to the bag and a third disc is randomly selected from the eight still in
the bag. The process stops whatever colour this third disc is. Determine the probability that
in this process
a the 1st disc is not white,
b 3 red discs are selected,
c exactly 2 discs are selected,
d 2 red and 1 white disc are selected,
e 2 red and 1 white disc are selected, given more than one disc resulted.

216 MATHEMATICS METHODS  Unit 1 ISBN 9780170390330

Imagining the tree diagram Red
Large tree diagrams can take time to construct so at Red
times we may instead simply imagine following the Red
various branches to an outcome, without actually Blue
drawing the tree diagram. Red
Red Red
Blue Red


A bag contains 10 marbles, 6 red and 4 blue. Four marbles are selected at random, one after the
other, with each one selected not being returned to the bag before the next is selected.
Find the probability that this will produce
a 4 red marbles, b 3 reds then a blue, c 3 reds and 1 blue in any order.

‘Thinking our way along the appropriate branches’:
6 5 4 3
a P(R R R R) =
× × × b P(3 red then blue) = P(R R R B)
10 9 8 7
6 5 4 4
1 = × × ×
=   (≈ 0.071 4) 10 9 8 7
=   (≈ 0.095 2)
P(3 red and 1 blue) = P(R R R B) + P(R R B R) + P(R B R R) + P(B R R R)
2 6 5 4 4 6 4 5 4 4 6 5 4
= + × × × + × × × + × × ×
21 10 9 8 7 10 9 8 7 10 9 8 7
=   (≈ 0.381 0)


Bag A contains 2 red discs and 3 blue discs.   Bag B contains 1 red disc and 4 blue discs.
A normal die is rolled once. If the outcome is a six a disc is selected from bag A, otherwise a disc is
selected from bag B. Find the probability that the selected disc is red.

‘Thinking our way along the appropriate branches’:
P(red disc) = P(6 on the die then a red disc) + P(not 6 then red disc)
1 2 5 1
= × + ×
6 5 6 5

ISBN 9780170390330 9. Sets and probability 217

Probability rules
Whilst drawing tree diagrams, Venn diagrams, making lists or constructing tables can help our
understanding of probability questions and allow us to apply various probability rules intuitively
we can apply such rules without the assistance of diagrams and lists if we wish to.
The probability rules are stated below.

Rule for P(A′)

The Preliminary work section reminded us of the rule:
P(an event not occurring) = 1 – P(the event occurring)
Using A′ or A to represent event A not occurring we can write this as

P(A′) = 1 – P(A) or P(A ) = 1 – P(A)

Rule for P(BA)

As we saw earlier in this chapter, consideration of the Venn diagram on the
right leads to the statement: A B

P(A ∩ B)
P(BA) = 

Rule for P(A and B)

Rearranging the above rule leads to the multiplication rule:

P(A ∩ B) = P(A) × P(BA)

• Remember that P(A ∩ B) means the probability of A and B occurring.

• If the probability of B occurring is unaffected by whether or not A has occurred we say that events
A and B are independent. In such cases P(BA) = P(B) and the multiplication rule becomes:
P(A ∩ B) = P(A) × P(B)

Rule for P(A or B)

As we saw earlier in this chapter, consideration of the Venn diagram on the
right leads to the addition rule: A B

P(A ∪ B) = P(A) + P(B) – P(A ∩ B)

• Remember that P(A ∪ B) means the probability of A or B occurring with

the ‘or’ meaning at least one of.
• If A and B are mutually exclusive, they cannot occur simultaneously. In such cases we have
P(A ∩ B) = 0 and the addition rule becomes:
P(A ∪ B) = P(A) + P(B)

218 MATHEMATICS METHODS  Unit 1 ISBN 9780170390330

Complementary events. (A and A′):
P(A′) = 1 – P(A)
Conditional probability. (BA):
P(A ∩ B)
P(BA) =
A and B (A ∩ B):
To determine the probability of A and B occurring we multiply the probabilities together, paying
due regard to whether the occurrence of one of the events affects the likelihood of the other
P(A ∩ B) = P(A) × P(BA)
If A and B are independent events, P(BA) = P(B) and so
P(A ∩ B) = P(A) × P(B)
A or B (A ∪ B):
To determine the probability of A or B occurring we add the probabilities together and then make
the necessary subtraction to compensate for the ‘double counting of the overlap’:
P(A ∪ B) = P(A) + P(B) – P(A ∩ B)
If A and B are mutually exclusive events, P(A ∩ B) = 0 and so
P(A ∪ B) = P(A) + P(B)

These rules can be used to determine probabilities without first drawing tree diagrams, Venn diagrams
etc., as the examples which follow will demonstrate. However, a note of caution is appropriate first:

Use the next few pages to gain familiarity with the probability rules but do not be too quick
to forsake the various diagrammatic approaches in favour of a purely rules approach. Listing
sample spaces, drawing tree diagrams and compiling Venn diagrams may take longer to do but
such approaches can greatly clarify a problem, reduce errors and allow you to use the probability
rules more intuitively, rather than ‘blindly’ following a formula.
Alamy Stock Photo/a-plus image bank Photo UK


ISBN 9780170390330 9. Sets and probability 219


The probability of a person having a particular disease is 0.001. If they have the disease the probability
they will die from it is 0.7. What is the probability the person has the disease and will die from it?
Suppose event A is ‘has the disease’ and event B is ‘will die from the disease’.
We are given that P(A) = 0.001 and P(BA) = 0.7 and we require P(A ∩ B).
Using P(A ∩ B) = P(A) × P(BA) = 0.001 × 0.7 = 0.000 7
The probability the person has the disease and will die from it is 0.000 7.
Check that constructing a tree diagram also gives this answer.


A box contains 50 items, five of which are defective. Two items are randomly chosen from the
box, one after the other, the first not being replaced before the second is selected. What is the
probability that the two selected will both be defective?
Applying the rule P(A ∩ B) = P(A) × P(BA):
P(1st defective and 2nd defective) = P(1st defective) × P(2nd defective1st defective)
5 4
= ×
50 49
=   (≈ 0.008 2)
Check that you can also obtain this answer using a tree diagram.


The probability that in a particular piece of machinery component A will fail is 0.05. Provided
A does not fail the probability that component B will fail is 0.01. However if A does fail then the
probability of B failing rises to 0.1. What is the probability that
a A fails and B does not fail? b A does not fail and B does not fail?
Given: P(A fails) = 0.05, P(B failsA not fail) = 0.01, P(B failsA fails) = 0.1.
a P(A fails and B not fail) b P(A not fail and B not fail)
= P(A fails ∩ B not fail) = P(A not fail ∩ B not fail)
= P(A fails) × P(B not failA fails) = P(A not fail) × P(B not failA not fail)
= 0.05 × 0.9 = 0.95 × 0.99
= 0.045 = 0.9405
Check that constructing a tree diagram also gives these answers.

220 MATHEMATICS METHODS  Unit 1 ISBN 9780170390330


Events A and B are such that P(A) = 0.65, P(B) = 0.6 and P(A ∩ B) = 0.4. Determine
a P(A ∪ B) b P(A ∪ B ) c P(AB).

a P(A ∪ B) = P(A) + P(B) – P(A ∩ B) b P(A ∪ B ) = 1 – P(A ∪ B)
= 0.65 + 0.6 – 0.4 = 1 – 0.85
= 0.85 = 0.15
P(A ∩ B)
c P(AB) = 
Check that using a Venn diagram also gives these answers.


A card is randomly drawn from a normal pack.

What is the probability that the card is
a a red or a two? b a two or a jack?

a P(a red or a two) b P(a two or a Jack)
= P(red ∪ two) = P(two ∪ jack)
= P(red) + P(two) – P(red ∩ two) = P(two) + P(jack) – P(two ∩ jack)
26 4 2 4 4 0
=  + − =  + −
52 52 52 52 52 52
7 2
=  = 
13 13

Notice that in the last example P(two ∩ jack) = 0 because the card we are
selecting cannot be both a two and a jack. The events ‘card is a two’ and A B
‘card is a jack’ are mutually exclusive.

Independent events
We know that for independent events we obtain the probability of A and B occurring by multiplying
the separate probabilities together but how do we know if two events are independent?
In some situations we will intuitively know the events involved are independent. For example, if
we roll a normal die and toss a coin, the outcome of the coin tossing is independent of the roll of
the die. The probability of getting a head on the coin is 0.5 whatever the result of rolling the die.

ISBN 9780170390330 9. Sets and probability 221

Similarly we would expect the result of tossing a coin to be independent of the result of any previous
toss. On the other hand, if we were selecting two marbles from a bag containing red and blue marbles,
without replacing the first before the second is drawn, we know that probabilities associated with the
colour of the second marble depend on the colour of the first marble.


If a coin is flipped four times what is the probability of getting four heads?
The result of each flip of the coin is independent of previous flips.
1 1 1 1 1
Thus P(H H H H) = P(H) × P(H) × P(H) × P(H) = × × × =
2 2 2 2 16

If the dependence or independence of two events is not obvious it may be stated in the question, as in
the next example.


Three students, Alex, Bill and Con, each take their driving test. Their instructor estimates the
probability of each of them passing is as follows:
P(Alex passes) = 0.9, P(Bill passes) = 0.8, P(Con passes) = 0.6.
If these events are independent of each other determine the probability that
a Alex and Bill will pass but Con will not
b all three people will pass

a P(Alex and Bill pass and Con fails) = P(Alex pass) × P(Bill pass) × P(Con fail)
= 0.9 × 0.8 × 0.4
= 0.288
b P(All three people pass) = P(Alex pass) × P(Bill pass) × P(Con pass)
= 0.9 × 0.8 × 0.6
= 0.432


A manufactured item consists of five parts, A, B, C, D and E. The probability of these parts being
defective is 0.01, 0.2, 0.1, 0.02 and 0.01 respectively. The parts are manufactured by different
companies so assume the occurrence of defective items are independent of each other. If we
randomly select one of each item find the probability that all five are not defective.
P(all okay) = P(A okay) × P(B okay) × P(C okay) × P(D okay) × P(E okay)
= 0.99 × 0.8 × 0.9 × 0.98 × 0.99
≈ 0.7

222 MATHEMATICS METHODS  Unit 1 ISBN 9780170390330


A die is rolled and a coin is tossed. Find the probability of obtaining a six on the die or a head on
the coin.
P(6 or H) = P(6 ∪ H)
= P(6) + P(H) – P(6 ∩ H)
= P(6) + P(H) – P(6) × P(H) because P(6) and P(H) are independent
1 1 1 1
= + – ×
6 2 6 2

The reader should confirm that the same answer can be obtained by creating a table of equally
likely outcomes.

Exercise 9F
Initially attempt the following questions without drawing diagrams.
Instead practise ‘imagining the tree diagram’ and also ‘a rules approach’.
Hint: Remember that if you know P(A) then P(A′) = 1 – P(A).
Use of this rule can sometimes save a lot of time.

1 A bag contains 10 marbles: 6 red and 4 blue. Two marbles are randomly selected from the bag,
the first not being replaced before the second is drawn. Determine the probability of getting
a two reds, b two of the same colour,
c no blues, d at least one blue.

2 A box contains 100 carburettors, four of which are faulty. A quality control person takes a
carburettor from the box, tests it and then puts it to one side. This is repeated until four of the
carburettors have been tested.
Correct to four decimal places, what is the probability that
a none of the four tested are faulty? b at least one of the four is faulty?

3 A box contains 200 carburettors, three of which are faulty. A quality control person takes a
carburettor from the box, tests it and then puts it to one side. This is repeated until five of the
carburettors have been tested.
Correct to four decimal places, what is the probability that
a none of the five tested are faulty? b at least one of the five is faulty?

4 A bag contains 10 marbles: 4 red, 3 blue and 3 green. A marble is randomly selected and not
replaced, a second is randomly selected and not replaced, and then a third is randomly selected.
Determine the probability of getting
a three reds, b three of the same colour,
c no reds, d at least one red.

ISBN 9780170390330 9. Sets and probability 223

5 A bag contains 10 marbles: 4 red, 3 blue and 3 green. Three marbles are randomly selected from
the bag, one after the other, with each marble selected being put back into the bag before the next
is selected. Determine the probability of getting
a three reds, b three of the same colour,
c no reds, d at least one red.

6 In a particular school the probability of a randomly selected student being in year 8 is 0.24.
If a year 8 student is chosen at random the probability they are male is 0.52.
What is the probability that a randomly selected student from this school is
a a year 8 male? b a year 8 female?

7 Bag A contains 1 red disc and 3 blue discs. Bag B contains 2 red discs and 2 blue discs.
A normal die is rolled once. If the outcome is a five or a six a disc is selected from bag A, otherwise
a disc is selected from bag B. Find the probability that the selected disc is red.

8 The probability of a randomly selected person having disease X is 0.001.

A test is developed to detect whether or not a person has disease X. For people with the disease
the test returns a positive result 98% of the time and wrongly returns a negative result for the
other 2%. For people who do not have the disease the test returns a negative result 99% of the
time and wrongly returns a positive result for the other 1%.
If a person is chosen at random and given this test what is the probability they will return a
positive result?

9 A fair coin is tossed and a normal die is rolled.

Event A is that of the coin landing head uppermost.
Event B is that of the uppermost face of the die showing a number less than 5.
a P(A) b P(B) c P(A ∩ B) d P(A ∪ B).

10 Two normal dice, one red and the other blue, are rolled.
Event A is that of the uppermost face of the red die showing a number less than 3.
Event B is that of the uppermost face of the blue die showing an even number.
a P(A) b P(B) c P(A ∩ B) d P(A ∪ B).

11 Events A and B are such that P(A) = 0.4, P(B) = 0.5 and P(A ∩ B) = 0.1.
a P(A ∪ B) b P(A ∪ B ) c P(AB) d P(BA).

12 Events A and B are such that P(A) = 0.5, P(B) = 0.8 and P(A ∪ B) = 0.9.
a P(A ∩ B) b P(AB) c P(BA).

224 MATHEMATICS METHODS  Unit 1 ISBN 9780170390330

13 The fuel tank of a particular rocket has five seals, A, B, C, D
and E that prevent leaks from the fuel tank. The likelihood of
any one of these seals failing is independent of the behaviour
of the other seals. During a launch these seals are under most
strain and the engineers estimate that the probability of each
seal failing is:
P(A) = 0.02, P(B) = 0.2, P(C) = 0.15, P(D) = 0.01, P(E) = 0.005.
Determine the probability that during a launch
a all of the seals will fail,
b none of the seals will fail (answer rounded to two
decimal places),
c at least one will fail (answer rounded to two decimal places).

Alamy Stock Photos/Stocktrek Images, Inc.

14 One child rolls a normal fair die and two other children,
independently of each other, write down which number from
1 to 6 they think the die will show on its uppermost face.
What is the probability that
a both of these children guess correctly?
b neither guess correctly?
c at least one of them guess correctly?

15 Two components, X and Y, are manufactured independently of each other. For each type the
probability of a randomly chosen component being defective is:
P(X defective) = 0.005, P(Y defective) = 0.01.
Determine the probability that for a randomly selected X and a randomly selected Y
a both components are defective,
b neither of the components are defective,
c at least one of the components is defective.

16 Three components, X, Y and Z, are manufactured independently of each other. For each type the
probability of a randomly chosen component being defective is:
P(X defective) = 0.005, P(Y defective) = 0.01, P(Z defective) = 0.002.
Determine the probability that if we randomly select one of each of these three components
a all three components are defective,
b none are defective (round to 3 decimal places),
c at least one is defective (round to 3 decimal places).

17 Bags A and B each contain five coloured discs. Bag A contains 3 green and 2 yellow. Bag B contains
1 green and 4 yellow.
A normal die is rolled once and, if the result is even, one disc is randomly selected from bag A.
If the result is odd one disc is randomly selected from bag B.
Determine the probability of this process producing:
a a disc from bag B, b a yellow disc from bag B,
c a yellow disc, d a yellow disc or a disc from bag B.

ISBN 9780170390330 9. Sets and probability 225

18 Bags A and B each contain five coloured discs. Bag A contains 3 green and 2 yellow. Bag B contains
1 green and 4 yellow.
A normal die is rolled once and, if the result is greater than 4, one disc is randomly selected from
bag A. If the result is not greater than 4 one disc is randomly selected from bag B.
Determine the probability of this process producing:
a a yellow disc from bag B, b a yellow disc or a disc from bag B.

19 Events A and B are such that P(A′) = 0.35, P(B) = 0.34 and P(A ∪ B) = 0.86.
Determine P(A ∩ B) and P(BA).

20 Events A and B are such that P(BA) = 0.20, P(AB) = 0.25, and P(A ∩ B) = 0.10.
Determine P(A ∪ B).
1 2 3
21 Events A and B are such that P(BA) = , P(AB) = and P(A ∩ B) = .
4 5 22
Determine P(A ∪ B).

More about independent events

As mentioned earlier, for independent events A and B,
P(BA) = P(B)
and the rule P(A ∩ B) = P(A) × P(BA)
reduces to: P(A ∩ B) = P(A) × P(B).
It follows that if B is independent of A, then A is independent of B.
i.e. if P(BA) = P(B) then P(AB) = P(A),     as proved below:
If P(BA) = P(B) then P(A ∩ B) = P(A) × P(B).
P(A ∩ B)
But P(AB) =
P(A) × P(B)
and so P(AB) =
= P(A)    as required.

If A and B are independent events then

• P(BA) = P(B)
• P(AB) = P(A)
• P(A ∩ B) = P(A) × P(B)

We can use these ideas as a test for independence:

If we can show that P(BA) = P(B)

or that P(AB) = P(A)
or that P(A ∩ B) = P(A) × P(B)
then A and B are independent events.

226 MATHEMATICS METHODS  Unit 1 ISBN 9780170390330


Event A is that of rolling a die and getting an even number.

Event B is that of rolling a die and getting a number less than 5.
Prove that A and B are independent events.
3 2
P(A) = P(even number) = = 0.5    P(AB) = P(even numbera number < 5) = = 0.5
6 4
Thus P(A) = P(AB) and hence A and B are independent.

The reader should confirm that for these events it is also the case that
P(B) = P(BA) and P(A ∩ B) = P(A) × P(B).

Independence suggested
If, with collected data, we were to find that P(A) ≈ P(AB) this could
suggest that events A and B are independent. Left
handed Female
For example, suppose that a survey of one thousand nine hundred 82 80 916
and seventy three individuals investigated, amongst other things, left
handedness and gender, and gave rise to the Venn diagram shown 895
on the right.
82 + 80
Based on these figures P(Left handed) =
= 0.082
80 82
P(Left handedFemale) = P(Left handedMale) =
80 + 916 82 + 895
= 0.080 = 0.084
The closeness of these figures to each other indicates that whether a person is left handed could
well be independent of gender. Approximately 8% of the entire group was left handed and this same
percentage was seen within the males and the females.

More about mutually exclusive events

We have already seen that if events A and B cannot both occur we say they are mutually exclusive.
i.e. the occurrence of one of the events excludes the occurrence of the other.
Thus, for mutually exclusive events: P(A ∩ B) = 0, and the rule P(A ∪ B) = P(A) + P(B) – P(A ∩ B)
reduces to:
P(A ∪ B) = P(A) + P(B).
We can use this as a test for mutual exclusivity:

If we can show that P(A ∩ B) = 0

or that P(A ∪ B) = P(A) + P(B)
then A and B are mutually exclusive events.

ISBN 9780170390330 9. Sets and probability 227


If events A and B are such that P(A) = 0.4 and P(B) = P(A ∪ B ) = 0.3, prove that A and B are
mutually exclusive.
If P(A ∪ B ) = 0.3 then P(A ∪ B) = 0.7.
But P(A) + P(B) = 0.7.
Thus P(A ∪ B) = P(A) + P(B) and hence A and B are mutually exclusive.
Alternatively the given probabilities can be used to complete a Venn diagram and it can be
determined that P(A ∩ B) = 0.

Exercise 9G
Each of the Venn diagrams below show the probabilities of events A and B occurring. In each case
classify events A and B as either independent or dependent.

1 2

0.3 0.25 0.25 0.1 0.3 0.45

0.2 0.15

3 4

0.15 0.1 0.3 0.1 0.1 0.1

0.45 0.7

The numbers in the various sections of the following Venn diagrams indicate the probability of the
event represented by that section occurring. In each case classify events A and B as either mutually
exclusive or not mutually exclusive.

5 6

0.3 0.25 0.3 0.5

0.45 0.2

7 8

0.25 0.55 0.1 0.15 0.45

0.1 0.3

228 MATHEMATICS METHODS  Unit 1 ISBN 9780170390330

9 The following pairs of events refer to one roll of a normal die. Which pairs of events are
mutually exclusive?
a obtaining a 3 and obtaining a 4,
b obtaining an even number and obtaining a number less than 5,
c obtaining a prime number and obtaining an even number,
d obtaining a number less than 3 and obtaining a number greater than 5,
e obtaining a number less than 3 and obtaining a number less than 5.

10 A bag contains a number of marbles, some red and the rest blue.
Two marbles are randomly selected from the bag, one after the other.
• Event A is that of the first marble being red.
• Event B is that of the second marble being red.
State whether events A and B are dependent or independent if
a the first marble is replaced before the second is selected,
b the first marble is not replaced before the second is selected.

11 Earlier in this chapter the comment was made that for some situations we intuitively know that
two events are independent, for example if we roll a normal die and toss a coin, we know that
the outcome of the coin toss is independent of the roll of the die. However, even though
the independence is intuitive, use the table of twelve equally likely outcomes shown below
to confirm that P(T) = P(T6), P(6) = P(6T), P(T ∩ 6) = P(T) × P(6)

1 2 3 4 5 6

Head H, 1 H, 2 H, 3 H, 4 H, 5 H, 6

Tail T, 1 T, 2 T, 3 T, 4 T, 5 T, 6

12 Events A and B are independent events with P(A) = 0.2 and P(B) = 0.25. Determine
a P(AB) b P(BA) c P(A ∩ B) d P(A ∪ B )

13 Events A and B are mutually exclusive events with P(A) = 0.2, P(B) = 0.3. Determine
a P(A ∩ B) b P(BA) c P(AB) d P(A ∪ B)

14 Events A and B are such that P(A) = 0.25, P(B) = 0.5 and P(A ∪ B ) = 0.25.
Prove that A and B are mutually exclusive.

15 Events A and B are independent events with P(A) = 0.5 and P(B) = 0.6. Determine
a P(A ∩ B) b P(A ∪ B) c P(BA) d P(AB)

16 Independent events A and B are such that P(A ∪ B) = 0.85 and P(A) = 0.25. Find P(B).

17 Independent events A and B are such that P(A ∪ B) = 0.4 and P(A) = 0.25. Find P(B).

ISBN 9780170390330 9. Sets and probability 229

18 If P(A) = 0.2 and P(B) = 0.4 find P(A ∪ B ) in each of the following cases:
a A and B are mutually exclusive events, b A and B are independent events.

19 If P(A) = 0.2 and P(B) = 0.5 find P(A ∪ B ) in each of the following cases:
a A and B are mutually exclusive events, b A and B are independent events.

20 Let us suppose that for a particular activity the number of equally likely A A’
outcomes featuring or not featuring events A and B are as in the table on
the right. B x 5

Find x if B’ 6 2
a A and B are mutually exclusive, b A and B are independent.

21 An analysis of the 1448 students at a college produced the

figures shown in the Venn diagram on the right with regards Engineering Male
to the numbers of males and females who were, or were not,
taking one of the Engineering courses offered by the college 100 407 503
(i.e. were or were not classified as an Engineering student).
For a randomly chosen student from this college determine
a P(the student is an Engineering student), 438

b P(the student is an Engineering studentthe student is

c P(the student is an Engineering studentthe student is female).
Comment on your results.

22 Final year students at a particular college can either follow the Normal course in their chosen
subject or, if their grades in the previous years have been high enough, they can follow the
Honours course in that subject. The table below shows the distribution of male and female final
year students across these two levels.

Normal course Honours course Totals

Female 2814 1540 4354
Male 1916 982 2898
Totals 4730 2522 7252

For a randomly chosen final year student from this college determine
a P(the student is on the honours course),
b P(the student is on the honours coursethe student is male),
c P(the student is on the honours coursethe student is female).
Comment on your results.

23 The probabilities of events X and Y occurring are as in the

Venn diagram: a + b + c + d = 1. X Y

Use a, b, c and d to prove that if P(X) = P(XY) then it follows a b c

that P(Y) = P(YX) and P(X ∩ Y) = P(X) P(Y).

230 MATHEMATICS METHODS  Unit 1 ISBN 9780170390330

Miscellaneous exercise nine
This miscellaneous exercise may include questions involving the work of this chapter, the
work of any previous chapters, and the ideas mentioned in the Preliminary work section at
the beginning of the book.

1 Events A and B are such that P(A) = 0.7, P(B) = 0.6 and P(A ∪ B) = 0.8. Determine

a P(A ∩ B) b P(A ∩ B ) c P(AB) d P(A B) e P(AB)

2 Events A and B are such that P(A) = 0.45, P(B) = 0.2 and P(A ∪ B) = 0.56.
Prove that A and B are independent events.

3 Solve the quadratic equation 2x2 – x – 36 = 0 three times: once using the method of completing
the square, once using the quadratic formula, and once using factorisation.

4 A child has four lollies in a bag. Two of the lollies are red, one is green and one is yellow.
The child eats the lollies one by one, each time selecting the next one to eat randomly. Determine
the probability that the third lolly the child eats is red in each of the following situations.
a The first one the child eats is green and the second one is yellow.
b The first one the child eats is red.
c Nothing is known about the order the lollies are eaten.

5 State the period and amplitude of each of the following.

a y b y
4 4
3 3
2 2
1 1
90° 180° 270° 360° x x
–1 –1 90° 180° 270° 360° 450°
–2 –2
–3 –3

6 The smallest positive value of x for which sin x° = 0.53 is x = 32, to the nearest integer.
Without the assistance of your calculator find to the nearest integer all values of x in the
interval –360 ≤ x ≤ 360 for which sin x° = –0.53.

7 Point B(5, –2) is the midpoint of the line joining point A(3, –5) to point C.
Find the coordinates of point C.

8 A company employs 93 people of whom 38 are male. Twenty two of the employees walk to
work and 15 of these 22 are female. If one of the 93 employees is chosen at random determine
the probability that they are
a female,
b a male who walks to work,
c male given they walk to work,
d someone who walks to work given they are male.

ISBN 9780170390330 9. Sets and probability 231

9 The diagram on the right shows a sketch of
y = (x + 2)2(x – 7).
a Without using a calculator, find the coordinates of x
point B, the y-axis intercept,
b Without using a calculator, find the coordinates of C
points A and D, the x-axis intercepts.
c The minimum turning point, C, has coordinates
(a, b) where a and b are both integers. Use a graphic
calculator to determine a and b.
d Determine the range of values of p for which the equation (x + 2)2(x – 7) = p has three distinct
10 If we assume that when θ =   radians then sin θ = 0.24, determine solutions to the equation
(6 + 25 sin θ)(1 – 2 cos θ) = 0 for 0 ≤ θ ≤ 2π.

11 Solve this question three times: once using a tree diagram approach, once using a Venn diagram
approach, once using a rules approach.
In a class of thirty students the teacher is surprised to find that two of the sixteen boys and five
of the girls are left handed. (None of the thirty students are ambidextrous.) If one of these thirty
students is chosen at random, determine the probability that the chosen student is
a a left-handed boy,
b a right-handed girl,
c left handed given that the chosen student is a girl,
d a girl given that the chosen student is left handed.

12 The first stage of a two part random process involves B P(A ∩ B) = 0.12
the occurrence, or non occurrence of outcome A. For A
each of these eventualities the second stage then involves 0. B
the occurrence, or non occurrence of outcome B. The
probabilities associated with some of these events are B P(A ∩ B) = 0.08
shown in the tree diagram on the right. A
a P(A ∩ B )
b P(B)
c P(A ∪ B)
d P(BA)
e P(AB)
Are events A and B independent? ( Justify your answer.)

232 MATHEMATICS METHODS  Unit 1 ISBN 9780170390330

• The multiplication principle
• Factorials
• Combinations
• Cr and Pascal’s triangle
• More about Pascal’s triangle
• Miscellaneous exercise ten
Note: Students who are also studying Mathematics Specialist will already be familiar with some of the
concepts covered in this chapter.

A teacher sets her class the challenge of coming up with as many words as they can using some or all
of the letters in the word CONSIDER.

Each word has to

• be a proper word that can be found in a dictionary, and
• be of at least 4 letters, and
• have no repeat letters (as the letters in the word CONSIDER each appear only once).
Thus words like NONE (2Ns), DRESS (2 Ss) and DECIDER (2 Ds and 2Es) are not allowed.






One of the students in the class thought that he would first make a list of all the ‘words’ of four or
more letters from the letters in the word CONSIDER, including those that might not be found in a
dictionary. Then, using the spell checker on a computer to determine if such a word was a ‘real’ word,
he would cross out any ‘illegal’ words from the list to end up with his final list.



Try to work out (or at least make some estimate of) how many ‘words’ would be on the student’s list for
the spell checker to check.

Hint: Whilst one-, two- and three-letter words are not allowed you might like to consider these
situations first in an attempt to establish patterns and techniques that could then be extended
to words with four or more letters.

ISBN 9780170390330 10. Counting 235

How did you get on with the situation on the previous page? With so many possible ‘words’ on the
student’s list it would take a long time if we attempted to count how many there were by first listing
them all. Instead we need other ways of determining how many possibilities there are without having
to list them all first.
Contrast this to some of the questions in the previous T P E STPE
chapter where we did indeed list all of the equally likely T P SETP
outcomes in order to determine probabilities. T E SPTE
Had the situation of the previous page simply involved all E P TSEP
possible four-letter words made from a four-letter word,
say STEP, we could well have listed all ‘words’, perhaps in T E S
the form of a tree diagram, as shown on the right. S E TPSE
However, with CONSIDER, an eight-letter word, and T P ESTP
with four-, five-, six-, seven- and eight-letter words S P ETSP
allowed, determining how many ‘words’ there are by P ETPS
listing would take a long time. P T S EPTS
To avoid having to do this we develop techniques for S E T PSET
counting the number of possible arrangements there S E PTSE
are of the letters without having to list them all. S T PEST
Hence the title of this chapter, Counting. E T S PETS

Note in the above tree diagram we have 4 choices of first letter: S, T, E, P.

Having chosen the first letter we then have 3 choices of second letter.
With the first and second chosen we then have 2 choices of third letter.
With first, second and third chosen we have 1 choice for the final letter.
Total number of choices = 4 × 3 × 2 × 1
= 24.
We have obtained the number of possible arrangements using multiplicative reasoning.
This reasoning is formalised in the multiplication principle.

The multiplication principle
Ordered and
unordered selections If there are a ways an activity can be performed, and for each of these there are b ways that a second
activity can be performed after the first, and for each of these there are c ways that a third activity
can be performed after the second, and so on, then there are a × b × c × … ways of performing the
successive activities.

By appropriately choosing the successive operations we can use this rule to determine the total number
of seven-letter ‘words’ that can be formed using all of the letters of, for example, the word NUMBERS:
The first letter can be chosen in 7 ways, the second can then
No. of ways for each letter
be chosen in 6 ways, the third in 5 ways etc.
7 6 5 4 3 2 1
Total number of words = 7 × 6 × 5 × 4 × 3 × 2 × 1
= 5040.

236 MATHEMATICS METHODS  Unit 1 ISBN 9780170390330

Factorials WS

Use of the multiplication principle frequently involves us in evaluating expressions like:

Factorial notation

6 × 5 × 4 × 3 × 2 × 1 etc.
We write n!, pronounced ‘n factorial’, to represent
n × (n – 1) × (n – 2) × … × 3 × 2 × 1 where n is a positive integer.
For example 3!
3! = 3 × 2 × 1 6
5! = 5 × 4 × 3 × 2 × 1 10!
= 120 3628800
10! = 10 × 9 × 8 × 7 × 6 × 5 × 4 × 3 × 2 × 1
= 3 628 800


a 6! b 5! ÷ 3! c 100! ÷ 98!

a 6! = 6 × 5 × 4 × 3 × 2 × 1
= 720

5 × 4 × 3!
b 5! ÷ 3! =
= 20

100 × 99 × 98!
c 100! ÷ 98! =
= 100 × 99
= 9 900

ISBN 9780170390330 10. Counting 237

Now suppose we have 5 objects, all different, that we will call a, b, c, d and e.
We are going to put three of these objects in a row, for example, c e a.
How many different arrangements are there of three objects when the three can be chosen from
5 different objects?
Again we could list the possible arrangements:

abc abd abe acd ace ade bcd bce bde cde
acb adb aeb adc aec aed bdc bec bed ced
bac bad bae cad cae dae cbd cbe dbe dce
bca bda bea cda cea dea cdb ceb deb dec
cab dab eab dac eac ead dbc ebc ebd ecd
cba dba eba dca eca eda dcb ecb edb edc

to arrive at an answer of 60 but again use of the multiplication principle makes the counting process
much easier:
Number of arrangements = 5 × 4 × 3 No. of ways for each letter
= 60
1st 2nd 3rd
In this case the number of arrangements is not 5! but instead . 5 4 3

Whilst the number of arrangements of n different objects is n!,

WS the number of arrangements of r objects chosen from n different objects is
( n − r )!

For example, the number of arrangements of two different letters that can be made when the two
letters can themselves be chosen from the five letters a, b, c, d, e is
5! 5!
(5 − 2)! 3!
= 20

as we would expect from the multiplication principle.

Note: An arrangement is sometimes referred to as a permutation.

Exercise 10A

1 8! 2 4! × 2! 3 10! ÷ 9!
90! 8!
4 10! ÷ 8! 5 6
89! 6!
7 3! + 2! 8 9 5! – 4!

238 MATHEMATICS METHODS  Unit 1 ISBN 9780170390330

Express each of the following both numerically and using factorial notation.
10 The number of five letter arrangements there are of the letters of the word MATHS.
11 The number of two different letter arrangements there are when the two letters can themselves be
chosen from the letters of the word MATHS.
12 The number of three different letter arrangements there are when the three letters can themselves
be chosen from the letters of the word MATHS.
13 The number of two letter codes there are if the two letters are to be chosen from the 26 letters of
the alphabet and the code must involve two different letters.
14 The number of four letter codes there are if the four letters are to be chosen from the 26 letters of
the alphabet and the code must involve four different letters.
15 The number of permutations there are of the eight letters of the word FORECAST (each letter
used once in each permutation).
16 How many permutations there are, each involving three different digits, if the three digits can
themselves be chosen from the set {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9}.

Combinations WS

Suppose we are given a box of chocolates. We

Ordered and
would expect the box to contain a selection unordered selections

of chocolates. The way the chocolates were

arranged or ordered in the box probably WS

would not concern us too much. If we were to

arrange the chocolates differently in the box, calculations
or perhaps even empty all of the chocolates
into a bag, we would still have the same
selection of chocolates.
The arrangement may have changed but the
selection is still the same.

A combination is a selection — the order does not matter.

A permutation is an arrangement — the order does matter.

Thus, whilst there are 60 possible arrangements, or permutations, of three letters taken from the set
{a, b, c, d, e}:

abc abd abe acd ace ade bcd bce bde cde
acb adb aeb adc aec aed bdc bec bed ced
bac bad bae cad cae dae cbd cbe dbe dce
bca bda bea cda cea dea cdb ceb deb dec
cab dab eab dac eac ead dbc ebc ebd ecd
cba dba eba dca eca eda dcb ecb edb edc
there are just 10 selections, or combinations, of three different letters taken from the set {a, b, c, d, e}:
abc abd abe acd ace ade bcd bce bde cde

ISBN 9780170390330 10. Counting 239

Notice that to determine the number of combinations of three different letters taken from the set
{a, b, c, d, e} we had to divide the number of arrangements by 3!, the number of ways of arranging each
set of three letters.
Similarly, to determine the number of combinations of r different objects taken from n different objects
we divide the number of arrangements by r!
But the number of arrangements of r different objects taken from n different objects is
( n − r )!
Thus the number of combinations of r different objects taken from a set containing n different objects
will be
( n − r )! r !
We use the notation nC r for the number of combinations of r different objects taken from a set
containing n different objects.

There are nC r combinations of r objects chosen from n different objects where

n n!
Cr = .
( n − r )! r !

Thus the number of combinations of three objects chosen from five different objects will be
5 5!
C3 =
(5 − 3) ! 3!
5× 4
= 10
which agrees with our listing on the previous page of the number of combinations of three letters taken
from the set {a, b, c, d, e}.
Many calculators can, given the values of n and r, determine nC r .
Get to know how to use your calculator in this regard and use it to confirm the previous answer,
C3 = 10, and that 8C3 = 56, 10C 4 = 210, 40C7 = 18 643 560.

8C3 nCr(8,3)
56 56

240 MATHEMATICS METHODS  Unit 1 ISBN 9780170390330


How many combinations are there of 2 objects chosen from five different objects?

Number of combinations = 5C 2
5! 10
(5 − 2)! 2!

3! 2!

= 10

If we label the five objects as A, B, C, D and E, the ten combinations are:

 n  7
Note: • nC r is also written   . For example   = 7C 2.
 
r  2
• C r can be thought of as ‘from n choose r’.


A bowl of fruit contains one of each of eight different types of fruit. Parri wants to choose
three items of fruit from the bowl to take to school. How many different combinations of
three items are possible?

From  8
Choose 3
 8 nCr(8,3)
Number of combinations =  
 3 56

(8 − 3) ! 3!
5! 3!

= 56

ISBN 9780170390330 10. Counting 241


From a committee of 20 people a subgroup of 4 is to be formed. How many different subgroups

are possible?

From   20
Choose 4
Number of combinations = C4
20! 4845
( 20 − 4 ) ! 4 !
16! 4 !
= 4845

Exercise 10B
1 How many combinations of four shirts to take on
a holiday can be made from the 11 shirts available?

2 Members of a wine club are invited to select twelve Lipko
different bottles of wine from a list of 18 wines.
How many different selections are possible?

3 A newspaper editor has 10 pictures available to

accompany an article about fishing. He wishes
to choose six. How many different selections
are possible?

4 How many selections of 3 chocolates can be made from 15 different chocolates?

5 From a committee of 12 people a subgroup of 5 is to be formed to represent the committee at a

particular function. How many different such subgroups are possible?

6 For many games of cards a player is dealt a ‘hand’ of cards from a pack of 52 different cards. The
order in which the cards are received is irrelevant, the ‘hand’ consisting of the cards received, not
the order in which they are received. How many different hands of seven cards are there?

7 A lottery competition involves selecting 6 numbers from 42. The method of selection makes repeat
numbers impossible and the order of selection is irrelevant. How many different selections are possible?

8 Donelle makes a list of 15 people she would like to invite to her party but she is told that she must
choose 10. How many different groups of 10 are possible?
Having chosen the ten, and sent out the invitations, two of the chosen say they are unable to
attend due to other commitments. She is allowed to choose two replacements from those in the 15
that she initially had to leave off the list.
How many different replacement pairs are there?

242 MATHEMATICS METHODS  Unit 1 ISBN 9780170390330

Cr and Pascal’s triangle
Suppose we were asked to expand (a + b)5, that is, to expand: (a + b)(a + b)(a + b)(a + b)(a + b).
We could work through the expansion ‘bracket by bracket’ or we could determine the coefficients
of the various terms and hence complete the expansion using Pascal’s triangle, as mentioned in the
Preliminary work.
However, even without following either of these approaches, we know that the expansion will be of
the form:
k0 a5 + k1 a4b + k2 a3b2 + k3 a2b3 + k4 ab4 + k5 b5.
The first term involves a5 and is obtained by not choosing b from any of the brackets and instead
multiplying together the ‘a’s from each bracket. This will occur once in the expansion and so k0 = 1.
The second term involves a4b. Such terms will be obtained when we multiply the a from 4 of
the 5 brackets and the b from the other.
We must choose one of the five brackets to supply the b. This can be done in 5C1 ways. Thus k1 = 5C1.
The third term involves a3b2. Such terms will be obtained when we multiply the a from 3 of the 5
brackets and the b from the other 2.
We must choose two of the five brackets to supply b. This can be done in 5C 2 ways. Thus k2 = 5C 2.
Continuing this process leads to:

(a + b)5 = a5 + 5C1 a4b + 5C 2 a3b2 + 5C3 a2b3 + 5C 4 ab4 + 5C5 b5

= a5 + 5a4b + 10a3b2 + 10a2b3 + 5ab4 + b5
Extending this idea to the general case, (a + b)n, gives the binomial expansion:

(a + b)n = an + nC1 an – 1 b1 + nC 2 an – 2 b2 + nC3 an – 3 b3 + … + nC n a0 bn

This method does not contradict the Pascal’s triangle approach because the numbers in Pascal’s triangle
could similarly be expressed in nC r form as follows:

1C 1C
0 1
2C 2C 2C
0 1 2
3C 3C 3C 3C
0 1 2 3
4C 4C 4C 4C 4C
0 1 2 3 4
5C 5C 5C 5C 5C 5C
0 1 2 3 4 5

Exercise 10C

1 (a + b)8 2 (a + b)10 3 (x – y)8

4 (x + 2y)6 5 ( p – 2q)6 6 (3x – 2y)5

ISBN 9780170390330 10. Counting 243

More about Pascal’s triangle
Polygonal numbers
Placing dots into patterns that form triangles of increasing side length, as shown below, give us the
sequence of triangular numbers, 1, 3, 6, 10, 15, …

1 3 6 10 15

1 1
Notice that this sequence of triangular numbers also features in
1 2 1
one of the diagonals of Pascal’s triangle, as shown on the right.
1 3 3 1
1 4 6 4 1
1 5 10 10 5 1
1 6 15 20 15 6 1
Now consider the sequence of square numbers:

1 4 9 16 25

Can you see how the same diagonal of Pascal’s triangle, by adding pairs of numbers, can give this
sequence of square numbers?
Now consider the pentagonal numbers:

1 5 12 22 35

This time use the same diagonal of Pascal’s triangle but now double the first number of the pair
before adding it to the other.
The sequence of hexagonal numbers, not illustrated here, have the sequence
1, 6, 15, 28, 45, 66, …
Can you generate this sequence from that same diagonal?

244 MATHEMATICS METHODS  Unit 1 ISBN 9780170390330

Row totals
If we define the second number in each row of Pascal’s triangle as the row number then the row
numbers would be as shown below left.
Row no.

  0 1 = ??
  1 1 + 1 = ??
  2 1 + 2 + 1 = ??
  3 1 + 3 + 3 + 1 = ??
  4 1 + 4 + 6 + 4 + 1 = ??
  5  1 + 5 + 10 + 10 + 5 + 1 = ??
What will be the sum of the numbers in the tenth row?
What will be the sum of the numbers in the twentieth row?

Another number sequence

Suppose we first align Pascal’s triangle somewhat differently:
1 1
1 2 1
1 3 3 1
1 4 6 4 1
1 5 10 10 5 1
1 6 15 20 15 6 1
1 7 21 35 35 21 7 1
1 8 28 56 70 56 28 8 1

And then we ‘step’ the rows across, as shown below.

1 1
1 2 1
1 3 3 1
1 4 6 4 1
1 5 10 10 5 1
1 6 15 20 15 6 1
1 7 21 35 35 21 7 1
1 8 … …
1 …

Now find the total for each completed column.

Recognise the sequence?

ISBN 9780170390330 10. Counting 245

Miscellaneous exercise ten
This miscellaneous exercise may include questions involving the work of this chapter, the
work of any previous chapters, and the ideas mentioned in the Preliminary work section at the
beginning of the book.

1 Solve each of the following equations.

5x −3
a 3x – 2 = 3 – 5x b 3(2x + 1) = –5 + 4x c =4
x −1
2x − 1
d = 3 e (x – 3)(x + 2) = 0 f (x – 1)(x + 5) = 0
2− x
g (2x – 1)(x + 7) = 0 h (x + 3)(4x – 1)(5x – 9) = 0 i x2 – 6x – 27 = 0
j 2x2 – 3x – 14 = 0 k x3 – 5x2 – 6x = 0 l 10x2 – 7x – 12 = 0

2 Determine the rule for each of the straight lines A to H shown in the graph below.

(0, 20) D

(0, 16) (4, 16)

(–8, 16) (–6, 16) (8, 16)

(4, 4)

(–6, 0) (5, 0)

(0, –5)


3 An event has only three possible outcomes, A, B and C, and these outcomes are mutually exclusive.
If P(A) = 2p, P(B) = 3p and P(C) = 5p determine p.

4 The product of three less than twice a number and seven more than double the number is zero.
What could the number be?

246 MATHEMATICS METHODS  Unit 1 ISBN 9780170390330

5 From Lookout No.1 a fire is spotted on a
bearing 050°. From Lookout No.2 the fire is
seen on a bearing 020°. Lookout No.2 is 10 km
from Lookout No.1 on a bearing 120°.  Assuming

Getty Images/Spaces Images

that the fire and the two lookouts are all on the
same horizontal level find how far the fire is
from each lookout.

6 For a particular experiment three possible outcomes, A, B and C are considered, at least one of
these having to be the result. Outcomes A and B can occur together but C is mutually exclusive
1 1 1
with A and with B. If P(A) = , P(B) = and P(A ∩ B) = , determine P(C).
2 2 6
7 Find the equation of the straight line
a with a gradient of 3 and cutting the y-axis at (0, 7)
b with a gradient of 3 and passing through the point (–1, 8)
c passing through (1, 5) and (3, 1)
d passing through (4, 8) and parallel to y + 2x = 7
e passing through (4, 8) and perpendicular to y + 2x = 7

8 Solve the quadratic equation 2x2 + 1 = 4x using

a completing the square b the quadratic formula
expressing your answers in exact form in each case.

9 Point M(5, 7) is the midpoint of the straight line AB. If point A has coordinates (12, 2) find the
equation of the straight line that is perpendicular to 2x + 3y = 5 and passes through point B.

10 Two events X and Y are such that:

( )
P(X) = 0.6,  P(Y) = 0.4,  P X ∪ Y = 0.15,
where P(X) is the probability of event X occurring.
a P(X ∩ Y) b P(Y ) c P(XY )

11 Two normal fair dice are rolled, one red and the other blue, and the
two numbers obtained are added together.
• Event A is that of obtaining an even number with the blue die.
• Event B is that of obtaining an even total.

• Event C is that of the total obtained being 12.

For each possible pair of events determine whether the events are
independent or not.

12 Repeat the previous question with events A and B as before but now with
event C being that of the total obtained being 7.

ISBN 9780170390330 10. Counting 247

3 1
13 If P(A) = and P(B) = , find P(A ∪ B ) in each of the following cases:
5 3
a A and B are mutually exclusive events
b A and B are independent events.

14 Events A and B are such that P(A) = 0·6, P(BA) = 0.2 and P(A ∪ B ) = 0·32.
Prove that A and B are independent events.

15 A person is randomly selected from the entire adult population of Australia.

Event A is that of the randomly selected person being male.
Event B is that of the randomly selected person being a professional rugby player.
Determine, with explanation, whether A and B are independent events.

16 a Solve the equation 2p2 – p – 1 = 0.

b Solve the equation 2 cos2 x – cos x – 1 = 0 for –π ≤ x ≤ π.

17 If f (x) = 2x + 10 and g (x) = x2 – 3x – 4 determine

a f (3) b f (–2) c g (0) d g (3)
e g (–3) f f (2) + g (2) g f (x) + g (x) h f (2x) + g (2x)
i the values of p for which g (p) = 0 j the values of q for which f (q) = g (q)

18 Given that all of the equations in the ‘equations box’ are shown graphed below (as unbroken lines)
determine the values of a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, j, k, m, n, p, q and r (i, l and o not used intentionally) of
which all but two have integer values.

Equations box
y = ax + b y = cx + 10 y = (x – d)3
y = (x – e)2 + f y = (x – 1)(x – g) y=

y y
(0, m)
(0, j)
(0, 5)

(3, 0) x (–3, 2)
(10, 0) x (k, 0)
(–1, n) y

y + 2x + r = 0
x (2, 0) x

(1, –3)
(0, p) (q, 0) x

248 MATHEMATICS METHODS  Unit 1 ISBN 9780170390330

19 The graph below shows y = cos ax and y = cos [a(x + b)] for 0 ≤ x ≤ 2π, and with a having the same
integer value throughout and b being the smallest possible positive value.

π π 3π x

–1 2 2


Find a and b.

20 A wheel of radius 60 cm is rotated until a point on the rim that was initially at the lowest point is
80 cm higher than its initial position. Find
a the angle in radians through which the wheel is rotated (correct to 2 decimal places)
b the length of the circular path travelled by the point (to the nearest cm).

1+ sin y
21 If sin (x – y) = cos x prove that tan x = .
cos y

22 The display on the right shows the graph of y

2x + 12
y= .
x−3 y=b
Without using a graphic calculator, C x
determine the value of a, the value of b D

and the coordinates of points C and D.

23 Express the equation of the function

shown graphed below in the form y = a sin bx + c.

5 10


ISBN 9780170390330 10. Counting 249

24 Find y, shown in the diagram below, as an exact value.
2 3

y cm
5 3 cm

25 Solve sin 2x cos x + cos 2x sin x = 0.5 for 0 ≤ x ≤ π.

26 Expand and simplify (x – 2y)6 + y2(2x – y)4.

27 (Challenge)
The diagram shows how the vertical motion of a piston can be used to produce rotational motion.
As the piston travels from the low position to the high position and back again the wheel will
rotate. If the minor arc PQ is equal in length to r, the radius of the wheel, express x as a percentage
of h correct to the nearest percent.

High position


Low position

O Wheel
(radius r)

250 MATHEMATICS METHODS  Unit 1 ISBN 9780170390330

Note: 30 The smallest angle of the triangle is of size 42°, to the
• For questions that do not stipulate a specific level of nearest degree.
rounding the answers given here have been rounded 31 AB is of length 8.1 cm, correct to one decimal place.
to a level considered appropriate for the question. 32 a ≈ 9.9 cm, ∠B ≈ 79°, ∠C ≈ 58°.
• If a question asks for an answer to be given ‘to the nearest 33 Ship B is approximately 15.9 km from ship A.
centimetre’ it does not necessarily have to be given ‘in
34 Ship Q is approximately 21.0 km from the lighthouse.
centimetres’ (unless that too is requested). In such a
situation an answer of 234.822 centimetres could be 35 To the nearest metre the height of the tower is 21 metres.
written as 235 cm or as 2.35 m, both answers being to 36 The parallelogram has diagonals of length 5.1 cm and
the nearest centimetre. 9.7 cm, correct to one decimal place.
37 The parallelogram has sides of length 6.8 cm and
Exercise 1B  PAGE 11 10.8 cm, correct to one decimal place.
1 a 24° b 49° c 53° 38 a When AC is 2.6 metres ∠CAB = 20°, to the
nearest degree.
2 a 168° b 163° c 147°
b When AC is 2.1 metres ∠CAB = 28°, to the
3 a 30°, 150° b 9°, 171° c 46°, 134°
nearest degree.
4 11.2 cm2 5 19.3 cm2 6 18.1 cm2
2 2
39 a 479 cm b 239 cm c 111 cm d 222 cm
7 27.7 cm 8 17.4 cm 9 138.6 cm2
40 a At 5 o’clock the distance between the tip of the
10 8.7 11 5.9 12 8.0 hour hand and the tip of the minute hand is
13 8.6 14 84.9 or 95.1 15 84.7 or 95.3 155 mm, to the nearest mm.
b At 10 minutes past 5 the distance between the tip
Exercise 1C  PAGE 20 of the hour hand and the tip of the minute hand is
119 mm, to the nearest mm.
1 58 2 12.3 3 54 or 126
41 a The ship is 1.77 km from the lighthouse, correct
4 14 5 75 or 105 6 126
to 2 decimal places.
7 6.7 8 75
b The ship is 1.17 km from the coastal observation
9 The pole is of length 614 cm, to the nearest position, correct to 2 decimal places.
42 The largest of the three angles is 98°, to the nearest
10 The two shot journey is 38 metres further than the degree.
direct route, to the nearest metre.
43 The height of the tower is 30 metres, to the nearest
11 59 12 14.4 13 43 14 111 metre.
15 44 16 62 17 11.9 18 146 44 Point B is 92 metres from point C (nearest metre).
19 The boat is then 13.4 km from its initial position, 45 h ≈ 20.0 cm, ∠H ≈ 64°, ∠I ≈ 61° or h ≈ 2.3 cm,
correct to one decimal place. ∠H ≈ 6°, ∠I ≈ 119°
20 After eight seconds Jim and Toni are 10.7 metres 46 To the nearest metre B is 141 metres from C.
apart, correct to one decimal place.
47 a 80° b 96° (nearest degree)
21 75 or 105 22 99 23 617
c 29.2 cm (1 dp) d 52.6 cm2 (1 dp)
24 5.39 25 135 26 80 2
48 a x = 244 – 240 cos θ b x2 = 277 – 252 cos φ
27 160 28 54
c 94°
29 The lengths of AC and BC are 672 cm and 824 cm
50 The second block has the greater area, by 15 m2
respectively, each answer given to the nearest cm.
(nearest square metre).

ISBN 9780170390330 Answers 253

Exercise 1D  PAGE 28 Exercise 2A  PAGE 36

Answers to numbers 1 to 27 not given here. (You should 1 10.8 cm 2 60.3 cm 3 8.2 cm
have checked each one on a calculator.) 32π 25π 28π
5 6 4  cm 5  cm 6  cm
28 6 3 29 2 10 30 3 3 3
2 128π
31 2 13 32 5 2 7 24π cm2 8 11π cm2 9  cm2
Exercise 1E  PAGE 29 10 321 cm2 11 108 cm2 12 214 cm2
2 2
13 86 cm 14 30 cm 15 41 cm2
1 a 30° b 9
3 16 12(2π – 3 3) cm2 17 (3π − 2 2)  cm2
2 a 45° b 1
3 a 60° b 3 18 (5π – 3) cm2
4 a 120° b − 3 19 a 29.7 cm (1 dp) b 65.8 cm (1 dp)
5 a 135° b –1 20 18.3 cm
3 21 98 cm2 to nearest cm2 22 292 cm2 to nearest cm2
6 a 150° b −
23 59° 24 7.3 cm2
7 Gradient of line = tan θ, where θ is the angle or 25 Tip of minute hand travels 12π cm, tip of hour hand
inclination of the line. 2π
travels  cm.
Miscellaneous exercise one  PAGE 30
10 5 2
26 180, 1.85 km 27  cm, 6  cm
1 a 11x – 7 b x + 23 c 10x – 3 3 3
d 13 – 10x e 7x + 11 f 1 – 23x
2 2
g x + 8x + 15 h x – 2x – 15 i 2x2 + 11x + 15 Exercise 2B  PAGE 41
j 2x – 11x + 15
1 3 rads 2 1.5 rads 3 5 rads
2 a 2(x + 4) b 3(2y + 3) 4 2.5 rads 5 4 rads 6 4 rads
c 4a(4b + 3c + 2a) π π 5π
7  rads 8  rads 9  rads
d a(a + 1) e (x + 8)(x – 1) f (x – 8)(x – 1) 2 6 6
g (x + 7)(x – 2) h (x – 2)(x – 6) i (x + 4)(x – 4) 3π π π
10  rads 11  rads 12  rads
j 2(a + 3)(a – 3) 4 36 10
3 a 2 5 b 3 5 c 10 2 d 30 4π 13π
13  rads 14  rads 15 45°
9 18
e 3 5 f 18 2 g 21 10 h 19 + 6 2
16 60° 17 120° 18 180°
4 0.41, 2.35 m
19 15° 20 36° 21 35°
5 From ship B, ship A is 9.4 km away on a bearing of 315°.
22 70° 23 0.56 rads 24 1.10 rads
6 No it does not mean that both C and r and A and r are
in direct proportion. C and r are in direct proportion 25 2.01 rads 26 2.97 rads 27 0.28 rads
because a relationship of the form C = kr for constant 28 1.47 rads 29 1.82 rads 30 0.45 rads
k does exist (in this case k = 2π). 31 86° 32 132° 33 80°
A and r are not in direct proportion because the rule
1 1
linking them is not of the form A = kr. 34 34° 35 36
(In this case A = πr2 and so A and r2 are in direct 2 2
proportion.) 1 3
37 − 38 1 39
7 Twelve of the steel frameworks would require a total 2 2
of 260 metres of steel (to the next 10 metres). 1 1
40 41 42 − 3
2 2
43 0 44 Undefined 45 −

254 MATHEMATICS METHODS  Unit 1 ISBN 9780170390330

1 3 Miscellaneous exercise two  PAGE 50
46 − 47 − 48 0
3 2 2
1 a 2x + 5x – 3 b 3x2 + 17x – 28
1 3 2
c x + 7x + 7x – 15 d 2x3 – 9x2 + 7x + 6
49 50 0 51 0.84
2 3 5 2
52 –0.42 53 –0.75 54 0.14 2 a b c d 2 3
2 3 2
55 0.83 56 0.99 57 3.60
3− 5 3+ 2 5 −1
58 0.75 59 0.20 rads 60 1.37 rads e f g h 5− 2
4 7 2
61 0.34 rads 62 1.04 rads
3 The topmost point is 35 metres above ground (to the
π π nearest metre).
63 a 6π rad/sec b  rad/sec c  rad/sec
2 2 4 a 2.26 m b 1.26 m
64 a 1 rev/min b 22.5 rev/min c 10 rev/min 5 Ship B is approximately 30.8 km from ship A, on a
65 7.1 66 3.1 67 12.8 bearing N 69° W.
68 12.8 69 16.2 70 1.4 6 The block has an area of 5270 m2 and a perimeter of
π 4π 5π 11π 298 metres, both answers given to the nearest integer.
71 a  rad b  rad c  rad d  rad
2 3 3 6
π 3π π 13π
Exercise 3A  PAGE 56
72 a  rad b  rad c  rad d  rad
4 8 20 20 1 a, c, e 2 a, b, e
73 a (Line shown here not to full size.) 3 a {5, 7, 9, 11} b {8, 10, 12, 14}
c {1} d {y ∈: y ≥ 0}
B 12 10 8 6 4 2 A
4 a 18 b –7 c 13
(The units on the line AB occur every 0.915 cm, d 4 e 21 f 23
starting with zero at A.) g –27 h 5a – 2 i 10a – 2
b Yes. Each 1 cm on AB would represent 2 cm j 5a – 2 2
k 24 l 5(a + b) – 2
diameter, making calibration easier.
m 7 n –2
Exercise 2C  PAGE 45 5 a 9 b –7 c –3
d –3 e 43 f 13
1 4 cm 2 25 cm
g 13 h 3(4a – 7) i 12a – 7
3 13.9 cm (1 dp) 4 8 cm2
j 3(a2 – 12) k 9a2 – 12 l ±6
5 45 cm2 6 114 cm2
m 5 n –2 or 9
7 276 cm2 (nearest cm2) 8 31.6 cm2 (1 dp)
6 a Function cannot cope with x < 1.
9 39.1 cm2 (1 dp) 10 18 cm
b There are no numbers the function cannot cope
11 a 90 cm2 b 617 cm2
12 a 8 cm b 5.1 cm2
c Function cannot cope with x = 0.
13 a 6 cm b 3.35 cm2
d Function cannot cope with x = 1.
14 80 cm2 15 0.37 cm2 16 81 cm2
7 a Function cannot output numbers less than zero.

17 84 cm2 18 26.6 cm2 19 16.6 cm2
b Function cannot output numbers less than one.

20 14.6 cm2 21 11.65 cm2
c Function cannot output zero.
22 a 120 cm b 16 mm
d Function cannot output zero.
23 770 mm2 24 16.4 cm 25 35%
8 {y ∈: 5 ≤ y ≤ 8} 9 {y ∈: –3 ≤ y ≤ 0}
26 269 m2 27 233 m2 28 125 cm
10 {y ∈: –6 ≤ y ≤ 15} 11 {y ∈: 20 ≤ y ≤ 40}
29 16 410 cm2 30 177 cm
12 {y ∈: –1 ≤ y ≤ 9} 13 {y ∈: –4 ≤ y ≤ 1}
31 a 5 cm b 2 cm
14 {y ∈: 0 ≤ y ≤ 9} 15 {y ∈: 0 ≤ y ≤ 16}
32 20.6 cm2 33 8.6 %
16 {y ∈: 1 ≤ y ≤ 10} 17 {y ∈: 0.25 ≤ y ≤ 1}
18 {y ∈: y ≥ 1} 19 {y ∈: y ≥ –1}

ISBN 9780170390330 Answers 255

20 {y ∈: y ≥ 4} 21 {y ∈: y ≠ 0} H: a (0, –3) b –2 c y = –2x – 3
22 {y ∈: y ≠ 1} 23 one-to-one  I: a (0, 4) b 0 c y = 4
24 one-to-one 25 many-to-one J: a (0, –3) b –0.5 c y = –0.5x – 3
26 many-to-one 27 one-to-one K: a (0, –0.5) b 1.5 c y = 1.5x – 0.5
28 one-to-one 29 Domain: , Range:  4 1 1 4
L: a (0,  ) b c y =  x +
30 Domain: , Range: {y ∈: y ≥ 0} 3 3 3 3
31 Domain:{x ∈: x ≥ 0}, Range:{y ∈: y ≥ 0} 2 a Points lie in a straight line.
Equation of line is y = 2x + 5.
32 Domain:{x ∈: x ≥ 3}, Range:{y ∈: y ≥ 0}
b Points lie in a straight line.
33 Domain:{x ∈: x ≥ –3}, Range:{y ∈: y ≥ 0}
Equation of line is y = 5x – 7.
34 Domain:{x ∈: x ≥ 3}, Range:{y ∈: y ≥ 5}
c Points do not lie in a straight line.
35 Domain:{x ∈: x ≠ 3}, Range:{y ∈: y ≠ 0}
d Points lie in a straight line.
36 Domain:{x ∈: x > 3}, Range:{y ∈: y > 0} Equation of line is y = x – 4.
e Points lie in a straight line.
Miscellaneous exercise three  PAGE 59
Equation of line is y = –2x + 10.
1 a x = 11 b x = – 5 f Points lie in a straight line.
2 {1, –1, –3, –5} Equation of line is y = 5.
3 For the domain –2 ≤ x ≤ 3 the range is –1 ≤ y ≤ 4. g Points do not lie in a straight line.
For the domain {–2, –1, 0, 1, 2, 3} the range is h Points lie in a straight line.
{–1, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4}. Equation of line is y = 5x – 13.
4 a a2 + 2ab + b2 b a3 + 3a2b + 3ab2 + b3 3 Equation Gradient y -axis intercept
c a3 + 6a2b + 12ab2 + 8b3 d a3 – 6a2b + 12ab2 – 8b3
y = 2x + 3 2 (0, 3)
5 a A function. One-to-one.
y = 3x + 4 3 (0, 4)
b A function. Many-to-one.
y = –2x – 7 –2 (0, –7)
c Not a function.
d A function. Many-to-one. y = 6x + 3 6 (0, 3)

e A function. One-to-one. 4 y = 4x + 6 5 y = –x – 5
f Not a function. 6 Lines B, D, E, F and G are in the family, the others
6 That part of triangle ABC not lying in any of the are not.
circles has an area of 4.3 cm2 (correct to the nearest 7 Lines A, D, E, G and H are in the family, the others
0.1 cm2). are not.
7 Ship B is approximately 7.3 km from C on a bearing 8 y = –4x – 3. Yes 9 y = 2x – 3. A, C, D
of 064°.
10 Written as y -axis
8 The block has an area of 6399 m2, to the nearest
Equation y = mx + c Gradient intercept
square metre.
2y = 4x – 5 y = 2x – 2.5 2 (0, –2.5)
9 240 litres
4y = 3x + 7 y = 0.75x + 0.75 (0, 1.75)
Exercise 4A  PAGE 68 1.75

1 A: a (0, 1) b 1 c y = x + 1 2 2
3y – 2x = 6 y =  x + 2 (0, 2)
B: a (0, –1) b 2 c y = 2x – 1 3 3
C: a (0, 0) b 0.5 c y = 0.5x 4 4
4x + 3y – 6 = 0 y = − x+2 − (0, 2)
D: a (0, 0) b –1 c y = –x 3 3

E: a (0, 6) b 3 c y = 3x + 6 3x + 5y = 8 y = –0.6x + 1.6 –0.6 (0, 1.6)

F: a (0, 2) b 0 c y = 2 11 a = 26, b = 40, c = –2
G: a (0, –3) b 1 c y = x – 3 12 d = 0.5, e = –1, f = –6, g = 1.5, h = 1, i = –5

256 MATHEMATICS METHODS  Unit 1 ISBN 9780170390330

13 a P and t are directly proportional. The rule is P = t. 7 a y = x + 3 b y = –4x – 1
b P and t are not directly proportional. c y = –3x + 43 d y = 2x – 1
c P and t are directly proportional. The rule is P = 4t. 1 5
e y =  x + f y = –2x + 4
d P and t are not directly proportional. 3 3
e P and t are directly proportional. 5
g y =  x + 4 h y = –5x + 5
The rule is P = 0.25t. 3
f P and t are directly proportional. 8 y = 2x – 1, B and E
The rule is P = 0.75t. 9 y = 0.5x + 2.5, f = 7, g = –2, h = 13, i = –2, j = 4.4.
g P and t are directly proportional. The rule is P = 0.5t. 10 (4, 0), y = –2x + 8
h P and t are not directly proportional. 11 (6, 0), y = 4x – 24
12 F = 1.8C + 32
Exercise 4B  PAGE 73
a 131°F b 257°F c 14°F
1 a (7, 9) b (5, 10) c (3, 5) d 15°C e 30°C f –40°C
d (–2, 1) e (–2, 3.5) f (12, 1) 13 A = 0.24N + 40
g (8, –5.5) h (0, 7.5) i (1, 1) 14 a A(–80, 20), B(120, 120), C(–100, 60), D(–60, –20),
2 a 2 b –4 c 2 E(100, 160), F(140, 80)
d 0.5 e –0.25 f –1 b ~224 m c y = 0.5x + 60
g –2 h 2.5 i 0.5 d y = –2x – 140 e y = –2x + 360
3 a 5 units b 5 units c 13 units 15 When t = 2, A = 3970. When A = 3850, t = 10.
d 25 units e 17 units f 10 units A = –15t + 4000
g 5 2  units (≈ 7.07 units) 16 C = 120T + 85
17 P = 4.5N – 3650
h 58  units (≈ 7.62 units)
a $3100 b $6925 c 812
i 61  units (≈ 7.81 units)
18 a 110, 540 b $1660
4 a 2 b 5  units (≈ 2.24 units) c (3.5, 7) 19 k = 0.2, L0 = 0.45, 5 cm.
5 a 1.6 b 89  units (≈ 9.43 units) c (1.5, 5)
6 –4 or 12 Exercise 4D  PAGE 81

7 a 82  km (≈ 9.06 km) 1 A and E, B and J, C and H, F and K, G and I.

b 7 2  km (≈ 9.90 km) 2 y = 2x – 5

c 2 10  km (≈ 6.32 km) 3 A and D, B and G, C and E, F and K, I and J.

5 1
8 Stage 1 gradient is 0.2, stage 2 gradient is  , stage 3 4 y = − x + 5
gradient is 2.5. 9 2
5 y = 3x + 5
Exercise 4C  PAGE 76 6 a Point B has coordinates (2, –1).
1 A: y = –3, B: y = 1, C: y = –0.5x + 5, D: x = 5, E: y = x + 3, b The required equation is y = 2x – 5.
F: y = 9, G: x = –3, H: y = 3x + 2, I: x = 7, J: y = x
2 y = 0 3 x = 0 Miscellaneous exercise four  PAGE 82

4 y = 3x + 4, Yes 5 y = 0.5x + 2, D and E 1 A, C, E, F, H, I, J, L

6 a y = x + 2 b y = –x + 5 2 A does not, B does not, C does, D does not, E does.
c y = –2x + 8 d y = 5x + 8 3 F does, G does, H does not, I does not, J does.
e y = 0.5x + 5 f y = –0.5x – 1.5 4 a 11 b –1 c 23 d –8
1 4 e –28 f 14.5 g 12 h –21
g y = 1.5x – 11.5 h y = − x +
3 3 i 7m – 15 j m = 6 k p = 5 l q=7
m r = –3 n s = 4.5

ISBN 9780170390330 Answers 257

5 a (3, –5) b (–1, 4) 12 a,b Check your answers with those of others in
6 a Domain: , Range:  your class and with your teacher.
b Domain: {x ∈: x ≥ 5}, Range: {y ∈: y ≥ 0} c Check your sketch with a graphic calculator
display of the function.
c Domain: , Range: {y ∈: y ≥ 0}
d The greatest rectangular area is 50 m2, dimensions
d Domain: {x ∈: x ≠ 5}, Range: {y ∈: y ≠ 0}
are 5 m by 10 m (x = 5, y = 10).
e Domain: {x ∈: x ≠ 5}, Range: {y ∈: y > 0}
13 a (2.5, 11.25) b 10
f Domain: {x ∈: x > 5}, Range: {y ∈: y > 0}
c Concave down
8 a = –1, b = 4, c = 9, d = 19, e = 29, f = 11, g = 99.
14 a $590 000 b $545 000
9 (2 3 − π)  cm2 c t = 10, $530 000
15 The maximum value of h is 122.5 and it occurs when
t = 5.
Exercise 5B  PAGE 90
16 a Concave up
1 A: y = x2 + 1, B: y = x2 – 2, C: y = x2 – 4, b The bridge is 15 m above water level.
D: y = (x – 3)2 + 1, E: y = (x + 3)2 – 4, F: y = (x – 2)2 – 3 c x = 40
2 G: y = –x2, H: y = –x2 + 3, I: y = –(x – 3)2, d From D to C is 40 metres.
J: y = –(x + 3)2 + 1
e From D to E is 80 metres.
3 K: y = 2x2 – 2, L: y = 2(x – 3)2, M: y = 2(x + 2)2,
N: y = 2(x – 3)2 – 2 f From D to A is 30 metres.
4 a y = 3(x + 1)2 – 4 b y = –2(x – 3)2 + 8 17 a Concave down
1 1 b At the midpoint of the bridge x = 150
c y = (x – 4)2 – 3 d y = − (x + 2)2 + 10 c The vertical strut one quarter of the way along the
2 2
bridge is 10 m long.
Exercise 5C  PAGE 97 d Maximum clearance is
i 54 m at low tide ii 46m at high tide
For questions 1 to 10 the sketches, not shown here, should
be consistent with the information obtained in earlier parts
of the question. Exercise 5D  PAGE 102

1 a x = –1 b min at (–1, –4) c (0, –3) 1 Quadratic. y = x2 + 6x + 5

2 a x = 3 b min at (3, 5) c (0, 14) 2 Neither.
3 a x = 1 b max at (1, 3) c (0, 1) 3 Quadratic. y = x2 + x + 3
4 a (0, 21) b (3, 0) and (7, 0) 4 Linear. y = 5x + 1
c x = 5 d min at (5, –4) 5 Quadratic. y = x2 + 2
5 a (0, –12) b (–4, 0) and (3, 0) 6 Linear. y = πx + π
c x = –0.5 d min at (–0.5, –12.25) 7 Neither.
6 a (0, 8) b (–2, 0) and (–4, 0) 8 Quadratic. y = x2 + 5x + 4
c x = –3 d min at (–3, –1) 9 Linear. y = 8x + 3
7 a x = –2 b min at (–2, –16) c (0, –12) 10 Quadratic. y = 2x2 + 3
8 a x = 3 b min at (3, –8) c (0, 1) 11 Quadratic. y = 3(x – 2)2 + 1
9 a x = 1 b max at (1, 3) c (0, 1) 12 Quadratic. y = –(x – 3)2 + 5
10 a x = 2 b max at (2, 5) c (0, –3) 13 a Length of
11 a,b Check your answers with those of others in side of cube 1 2 3 4 5 6
your class and with your teacher. (L units)
c Check your sketch with a graphic calculator Surface area
display of the function. of cube 6 24 54 96 150 216
d The greatest rectangular area is 49 m2, dimensions (n units2)
7 m by 7m (i.e. a square).
b Quadratic c n = 6L2

258 MATHEMATICS METHODS  Unit 1 ISBN 9780170390330

14 a Number of
rows of cans 1 2 3 4 5 6
Number of
1 3 6 10 15 21
cans (n)

b Quadratic c n = 0.5r2 + 0.5r

Exercise 5E  PAGE 107

1 y = (x + 2) – 5, min (–2, –5)
2 y = (x – 3)2 – 7, min (3, –7)
3 y = (x – 4)2 – 6, min (4, –6)
4 y = (x + 3)2 – 6, min (–3, –6)
5 y = (x – 1.5)2 – 0.25, min (1.5, –0.25)
6 y = (x – 2.5)2 – 3.25, min (2.5, –3.25)
7 y = –(x – 5)2 + 24, max (5, 24)
8 y = 2(x – 3)2 – 15, min (3, –15)
9 y = –2(x – 2)2 + 12, max (2, 12)
10 y = 2(x + 1.25)2 + 0.875, min (–1.25, 0.875)

Miscellaneous exercise five  PAGE 108

1 a 31 b 1 c 44
2 a Concave down
b Concave up
c Concave down
3 a = 1, b = –1, c = –13, d = 0, e = 9, f = 0.
1 1
4 a − b −
2 3
c 5 d y = 2x + 7
5 a (0, 3) b (1, 0), (3, 0)
c x = 2 d min at (2, –1)

6 Turning point
Equation Cuts y-axis Line of symmetry Coordinates Max or min?
y = x2 + 4x + 1 (0, 1) x = –2 (–2, –3) min
y = x – 2x – 1 (0, –1) x=1 (1, –2) min
y = 2x + 4x – 3 (0, –3) x = –1 (–1, –5) min
y = 2x + 6x – 1 (0, –1) x = –1.5 (–1.5, –5.5) min

7 a x = – 3 b (–3, –4)
c x = –1 d (–1, –1)
8 A: x = 4, B: y = –3, C: y = x, D: y = x + 2, E: y = 2x + 4,
F: y = –x, G: y = 0.25x + 4, H: y = 0.5x + 1, I: y = –0.5x – 1
9 I: y = (x – 1)(x – 3), II: y = (x + 2)(2 – x),
III: y = – (x + 1)(x + 3), IV: y = (x + 1)(x + 3)

ISBN 9780170390330 Answers 259

10 a Rule: y = 3x + 4 35 x = –1, x = 2.5 36 x = –7, x = 0.2
x 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 2
37 x = –3.5, x = 3 38 x = , x = 2.5
y 7 10 13 16 19 22 25 28

39 x = 0.4, x = 0.5
b Rule: y = 2x – 1
40 The number is either –10 or 3.
x 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 41 The number is –5.
y 1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 42 When the object hits the ground again h = 0 and t = 8.

c Rule: y = –2x + 17 43 t = 2 44 p = –3 or p = 11

x 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Exercise 6B  PAGE 123
y 15 13 11 9 7 5 3 1
1 x = –0.77, x = 0.43 2 x = –2.30, x = 1.30
d Rule: y = 5x – 1 3 No real solutions 4 x = –2.82, x = –0.18
x 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 5 x = –1.74, x = 0.34 6 x = –1.47, x = 0.27
y 4 9 14 19 24 29 34 39 7 t = 13.8 8 p = 0.22 or 2.78

9 No real solutions 10 Two real solutions
e Rule: y = 3x – 2
11 No real solutions 12 One real solution
x 3 8 1 6 7 4 5 2
13 One real solution 14 Two real solutions
y 7 22 1 16 19 10 13 4 15 Two real solutions 16 No real solutions

11 y = 3(x – 2) + 3 17 One real solution 18 x ≈ –2.7, x ≈ 0.7
12 a 8 m b 5 m c 3.34 m d 4.58 m 19 x ≈ –5.3, x ≈ 1.3 20 x ≈ 0.4, x ≈ 3.6
13 a I 300 cm 2
II 300 cm 2 21 No real solutions 22 x ≈ –5.7, x ≈ –0.3
III 600 cm 2
IV 55 cm 2 23 x ≈ –0.2, x ≈ 4.2 24 x = 2.13, x = 9.87
b 256 cm 25 No real solutions 26 x = 7.87, x = 0.13
27 x = –7.65, x = 0.65 28 x = –4.19, x = 1.19
Exercise 6A  PAGE 117 29 x = 1, x = –1.5 30 x = 1 ±  6
1 x = –5, x = 3 2 x = –8, x = –9 31 x = 3 ± 2 2 32 x = –5 ± 4 2
3 x = 5.5, x = –5 4 x = ±5 5 35 5 13
5 x = ±7 6 x = ±10 33 x = − ± 34 x = − ±
2 2 6 6
7 x = –5, x = –4 8 x = –5, x = 4
1 21
9 x = 4, x = 5 10 x = –4, x = 5 35 x = − ± 36 x = 1.56, x = –2.56
10 10
11 x = –7, x = 5 12 x = –3, x = –1 37 x = 4.11, x = –0.61 38 x = 2.18, x = 0.15
13 x = –6, x = –1 14 x = –7, x = –3 39 x = 4.41, x = 1.59 40 x = 3.19, x = –2.19
15 x = –5, x = –3 16 x = –2, x = 6
3 5
17 x = –1, x = 5 18 x = 0, x = 4 41 x = 0.76, x = –1.09 42 x = − ±
2 2
19 x = –7, x = 2 20 x = ±6
7 3 5 1 41
21 x = –3 22 x = –1, x = 4 43 x =  ± 44 x = − ±
2 2 4 4
23 x = 4 24 x = –5, x = 3
5 37 1 101
25 x = 0, x = 3 26 x = 3, x = 4 45 x =  ± 46 x = − ±
6 6 10 10
27 x = –12, x = 2 28 x = ±1.5
29 x = ±0.2 30 x = –3, x = 5 47 x = –1 ±  48 2 real roots
31 x = 3 32 x = 5
49 no real roots 50 2 real roots
33 x = 1.5, x = –4 34 x = –4, x =  51 2 real roots 52 1 real root
53 no real roots

260 MATHEMATICS METHODS  Unit 1 ISBN 9780170390330

Miscellaneous exercise six  PAGE 125 4 The graph of y = x3 + 1 is that of y = x3 translated up
1 unit.
1 The number could be –5 or it could be 3.
1 1
2 A: y = –x + 60, B: y = 60, C: y = 2x – 60, D: x = 60, 5 The graph of y =   is that of y =   translated
x −1 x
E: y = –2x + 30, F: y = 0.5x + 30
1 unit to the right.
3 a AD is of length 6 units. DB is of length 6 units.
6 The graph of y =  2 x  is that of y =  x  dilated parallel
The straight line through A and B has a gradient
to the y-axis, scale factor 2.
of 1.
7 The graph of y = (x – 3)2 is that of y = (x + 4)2
b DE is of length 8 units. EC is of length 4 units.
translated 7 units right.
The straight line through D and C has a gradient
8 The graph of y =  x − 2  + 1 is that of y =  x
of 0.5.
translated 2 units right and 1 unit up.
c The straight line through D and F has a gradient
3 1
of 0.75. 9 The graph of y =   is that of y =   translated
x −1 x
4 a = 1, b = 1, c = 2, d = 77, e = 77, f = –1 or 3
1 unit to the right and dilated parallel to the y-axis,
5 15 cm by 2.4 cm. scale factor 3.
6 11.2 cm2 10 a B and F b D
7 A: y = x2 – 1, B: y = (x – 7)2, C: y = (x + 9)2 + 2, c C, E, G and H d H
D: y = (x + 5)2 – 8, E: y = –(x – 4)2 + 1,
e C → E, G → H f A → C, E → G, H → I
F: y = 2(x – 10)2, G: y = 4(x + 5)2 – 3, H: y = –2(x + 10)2
11 A(0, 10), B(–0.51, 0), C(3.08, 0), D(6.42, 0), E(1, 17),
8 8.3 cm
F(5, –15), G(3, 1)
9 11.49
12 a When P = 40, V = 10.
b When P = 20, V = 20.
Exercise 7A  PAGE 134
c Volume cannot be negative. With a non zero mass
1 a (0, 1) b (0, –5) c (0, 8) there must be some volume.
d (0, 6) e (0, 2) f (0, 3) Thus V > 0 would be a suitable domain for V.
2 a (2, 0), (3, 0), (4, 0) b (–7, 0), (1, 0), (5, 0) 13 a = 4, b = 0.5, c = 4, d = 2, e = 3, f = 1, g = 3, h = –0.5, i = 3
c (2.5, 0), (–1, 0), (0.6, 0) d (1, 0), (–1, 0), (7, 0) 2
A(0, 8), B(–2, 0), C(0, 7), D(0, 2), E( , 0), F(–3, 0),
e (0, 0), (0.25, 0), (3.5, 0) f (–1, 0), (5, 0) 3
G(0, 9), H(0, 4), I(4, 0)
g (–3, 0), (0, 0), (3, 0) h (–5, 0), (0, 0), (3, 0)
3 (2.20, 0) Exercise 7C  PAGE 145
4 a k = –6 b (–6, 0), (–2, 0), (3, 0)
1 a Reflect in the x-axis.
5 a 0 b 0
b Dilate parallel to the x-axis, scale factor 0.25.
c –12 d 0, (x – 6)(x + 1)(x – 1)
c Dilate parallel to the y-axis, scale factor 4.
6 a –8 b 0
2 a Reflect in the x-axis.
c 0, (x – 2)(x – 3)(x – 5)
b Translate 5 units down.
7 a a = 1, c = –5 b b = –4
c Dilate parallel to the x-axis, scale factor 2.
c (–1, 0), ( , 0), (5, 0) 3 a Translate 3 units right.
b Dilate parallel to y-axis scale factor 3.
Exercise 7B  PAGE 139
(Or: Dilate parallel to x-axis scale factor  )
1 B: y =  x − 3 , C: y =  x  + 4, D: y =  x + 3  – 5 1
c Dilate parallel to x-axis scale factor .
1 1 1 3
2 a y =   + 1 b y =   + 2 c y =   – 1
x x x (Or: Dilate parallel to y-axis scale factor 9.)
1 1 1
3 a y =  b y =  c y = 
x +1 x −3 x −1

ISBN 9780170390330 Answers 261

4 a y e y
1 2
–2 –1 1 2 3 4 5 6 x
–2 –4 –3 –2 –1 1 2 3 4x
–3 –1
–4 –2
b y –4
3 f y
2 4
1 3
–4 –3 –2 –1 1 2 3 4x
–1 1
–4 –3 –2 –1 1 2 3 4x
–3 –1
–4 –2
c y –4
3 5 a 1 b 1.5 c 2 d 3
2 e y
1 4
–4 –3 –2 –1 1 2 3 4x 2
–2 1
–5 –4 –3 –2 –1 1 2 3 4x
–4 –1

d y –3
4 –4
f y
1 4
–4 –3 –2 –1 1 2 3 4x
–1 2
–2 1
–4 –5 –4 –3 –2 –1 1 2 3 4x

262 MATHEMATICS METHODS  Unit 1 ISBN 9780170390330

g y 4 a x2 + y2 – 6x – 10y = –9
4 b x2 + y2 + 4x – 2y = 2
3 c x2 + y2 + 6x + 2y = –6
2 d x2 + y2 – 6x – 16y = –45
1 5 a 5, (0, 0) b 0.6, (0, 0) c 5, (3, –4)
d 10, (–7, 1) e 3, (3, –2) f 5, (–1, 3)
–5 –4 –3 –2 –1 1 2 3 4x
–1 g 10, (–1, 7) h 15, (–5, 7) i 12, (10, 5)
–2 j 2, (0.5, –2.5)
6 5 7 y = –11x + 29
8 (x – 3)2 + (y – 4)2 = 36 9 (x + 4)2 + (y + 3)2 = 9
10 a (y – 2)2 = x b y2 = x + 4
h y c (y – 1)2 = x – 2 d (y + 2)2 = x – 3
3 11 a 15
2 b The circles have just one point in common
1 because the distance between the centres equals
the sum of the radii.
–8 –7 –6 –5 –4 –3 –2 –1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8x
–2 12 a 2 5
–3 b The circles have no points in common because the
–4 distance between the centres exceeds the sum of
the radii.
i y 13 (1, –2) and (8, 5) 14 (–2, 7) and (–10, 5)
15 (5, 10) 16 a < 26
2 Miscellaneous exercise seven  PAGE 152
1 1 a y = 0.5(x + 3)(x – 2)(x – 4)

–4 –3 –2 –1 1 2 3 4x
b y = 2(x + 2)2(x – 4)
2 a x = 2 ± 10 b x = 2 ± 10
3 Centre at (–3, 5), radius 7
4 a 4 b 16 c 64 d 0 and 1
5 f2 gradient 2.5,  f4 gradient –2
6 y = 0.4x – 7
6 A: III, B: X, C: IX, D: VI, E: I, F: II 7 a x = –7, x = 2.25, x = 2.5
7 a (1, 0), (7, 0), (10, 0) b (–1, 0), (2, 0), (3.5, 0) b x = –5.25, x = –1.5, x = 7
c (–2, 0), (4, 0), (7, 0) d (–7, 0), (–4, 0), (2, 0) c x = 3
e (2, 8) f (5, 1) d No real solutions.
8 a Statements A and C b Statements B and D
Exercise 7D  PAGE 149
c Statements B and D d Statements A and C
1 A, C, D e Statement A f Statements A and C
2 x2 + y2 = 100, a = 8, b =  91, c = –10, d = −5 3 g Statements B and D h Statement B
3 a (x – 2)2 + (y + 3)2 = 25 9 a x = –9, x = 3.5 b x = 2, x = 6
b (x – 3)2 + (y – 2)2 = 49 c x = –1, x = 0.6 d x = –11, x = 0.8, x = 7
c (x + 10)2 + (y – 2)2 = 45 e x = –5, x = 1, x = 3 f x = –5, x = –2, x = 1.5
d (x + 1)2 + (y + 1)2 = 36

ISBN 9780170390330 Answers 263

10 a Cubic b Quadratic In the graph of y = a sin [b(x – c)] changing the value of c
c None of the listed types d Cubic translates the graph horizontally.
e Reciprocal f Linear In the graph of y = a sin [b(x – c)] + d changing the value
of d translates the graph vertically.
11 a c = 4 b b = –5 c (x – 3)(x – 1)(x – 4)
Discuss your findings for the cosine and tangent function
12 a If x is doubled in value m must be halved in value
with others in your class.
if the system is to remain in balance.
b The relationship between x and m is one of Exercise 8B  PAGE 165
inverse proportion.
If x is multiplied by some factor k then m needs 1 a 1 b 2 c 4 d 3
1 e 2 f 3 g 5 h 3
to be multiplied by .
k 2 a 360° b 180° c 360° d 180°
c If m = 20 then x must be 0.5 for the system to e 720° f 120° g 90° h 1080°
balance. i 180°
d For the system to balance x cannot take negative π
values, it cannot be zero and, from the length of 3 a 2π b π c 2π d
the beam, x cannot exceed 3. Hence the domain
consists of all real numbers greater than 0 and less π 2π
e f g 4π h π
than or equal to 3, i.e. {x ∈: 0 < x ≤ 3}. 3 3
For this domain the rule will output m values such
i 0.5
that m ≥  . Hence the range consists of all real π 3π
3 4 a Max at ( , 1). Min at ( , –1).
10 2 2
numbers greater than or equal to  ,
3 π 3π
10 b Max at ( , 3). Min at ( , 1).
i.e. {m ∈: m ≥  }. 2 2
13 The triangular piece that has been removed has an 3π π
c Max at ( , 1). Min at ( , –1).
area of 752 mm2 and a perimeter of 128 mm, both 2 2
answers given to the nearest whole number. π 5π
d Max at ( , 4) and at ( , 4).
4 4
Exercise 8A  PAGE 162
3π 7π
Min at ( , 2) and at ( , 2).
1 4 2 3 3 6 4 5 4 4
5 4 6 4 7 3, 6 8 3, 2 3π 7π
e Max at ( , 4). Min at ( , 2).
9 4, 5 10 2, 3 11 3, 2.5 12 1, 4 4 4
5 a 3, 90° b 2, 120° c 2, 60° d 3, 270°
Investigation  PAGE 163 π 3π 11π π
6 a 3,  b 5,  c 2,  d 3, 
In the graph of y = a sin x the amplitude is a, or to be more 4 2 6 6
correct |a|. 7 a 2 b 3
Changing the value of a changes the amplitude. The graph c –3 d Approx. –1.3
is stretched (or compressed) vertically. (If a changes sign 8 a 3 b –2
the graph reflects in the x-axis.)
9 a 2 b –1
The graph of y = a sin bx performs b cycles in the interval
that y = sin x would perform 1 cycle. 2π
10 a 2, 3 b –3, 2 c 2, 6 d 3, 
2π 360
The period of the graph is  , if radians are used, or  π
b b 11 a 1, 2 b –3, 3 c –3, 2 d 2, 
for degrees. 2
Changing the value of b changes the period. The graph is 12 a a = 2, b = 30, 390 b y = – 2 sin (x – 210)°
stretched or compressed horizontally. 13 a Period 2, Amplitude 3.

264 MATHEMATICS METHODS  Unit 1 ISBN 9780170390330

b y π π
19 sin  20 –sin  21 –cos 80°
3 5 5
2 22 –cos 20° 23 cos 60° 24 cos 60°
1 π π π
25 –cos 26 –cos 27 –cos
x 5 10 10
1 2 3 4 5 6
–1 π
–2 28 cos 29 –tan 80° 30 tan 20°
31 –tan 60° 32 tan 20° 33 tan
14 a Period 4, Amplitude 5. 5
b y π π π
34 –tan 35 tan 36 –tan
6 5 5 5
4 3 1 1
37 − 38 39 −
2 2 3 2
x 3
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 40 0 41 0 42
1 1 1
–6 43 − 44 − 45 −
2 2 2
15 y = 2 tan x 3 1 1
y = 2 tan (x + 45°) 46 − 47 48 −
y 2 3 2
4 1
3 49 50 0 51 1
2 2
1 1
x 2
–1 90° 180° 270° 360°
Exercise 8D  PAGE 177

1 60°, 300° 2 210°, 330° 3 45°, 225°

16 y = 3 sin 2x
π 3π 3π 5π
y = 3 sin [2(x – π )] 4 225°, 315° 5 , 6 ,
y 6 4 4 4 4
3 3π 7π π 4π
7 , 8 , 9 ± 30°
2 4 4 3 3
1 10 –90° 11 –30°, 150° 12 0°, ± 180°
π 2π 2π π 5π
π π 3π
x 13 , 14 ± 15 ,
2π 3 3 3 6 6
–1 2 2
–2 π
16 ± 17 π + 0.98 18 ± 116.1°
π 11π 13π 23π
19 15°, 105° 20 , , ,
Exercise 8C  PAGE 172 24 24 24 24
1 Positive 2 Positive 3 Negative π π 7π 4π
21 –70°, 10°, 50° 22 , , ,
6 3 6 3
4 Negative 5 Negative 6 Negative
5π 7π 17π 19π 29π 31π
7 Positive 8 Positive 9 Positive 23 , , , , ,
18 18 18 18 18 18
10 Negative 11 Negative 12 Negative
π 5π 3π
13 sin 40° 14 –sin 70° 15 –sin 20° 24 , , 25 45°, 135°, 225°, 315°
6 6 2
π π
16 sin 80° 17 sin  18 –sin  π 5π
6 6 26 ± , ± 27 0°, ±60°, ±180°
6 6

ISBN 9780170390330 Answers 265

π 5π 23π Tidal motion  PAGE 187
28 ± , ± π 29 ,
3 12 12 Compare your answers to those of others in your class.

Exercise 8E  PAGE 180 Miscellaneous exercise eight  PAGE 188

5π π 1 Amplitude 5, Period 2π.
1 14.5°, 165.5° 2 ± , ±
6 6
2 Amplitude 7, Period 2π.
π π π 5π 3π
3 4 , , , 3 Amplitude 3, Period 2π.
2 6 2 6 2

5 0°, 180°, 210°, 330°, 360° 4 Amplitude 1, Period  , i.e. π.
6 11.5°, 120°, 168.5°, 240°

π 2π 4π 5π 5 Amplitude 1, Period  .
7 , , , 3
3 3 3 3

8 –135°, –63.4°, 45°, 116.6° 6 Amplitude 1, Period  , i.e. 4π.
9 ±60° 2π π
π π 5π 13π 5π 17π 7 Amplitude 3, Period  , i.e.  .
10 , , , , , 4 2
6 2 6 6 2 6 2π
8 Amplitude 4, Period  .
Exercise 8F  PAGE 185

9 Amplitude 2, Period  . i.e. 2.
1 sin 3x 2 cos 2x 3 sin 4x π
2( 3 + 1) 10 3π 2π π π 4π 7π 9 π
4 cos 8x 5 6 2 – 3
4 θ − − 11π
4 3 6 4 3 3 4
2( 3 + 1) 2( 3 − 1)
7 8 9 2 + 3 2 3 1 2 3 3 2
4 4 sin θ − − − 0
2 2 2 2 2 2 2
10 a =  2 , b =  2 11 c = 4 3 , d = 4
2 1 3 2 1 1 2
4π cos θ − − − –1
12 e = 2 3 , f = –2 13 3, 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
56 63 3
14 a b tan θ 1 3 1 3 3 1 0
65 65 3
44 3
15 a − b 11 a Neither b Parallel c Perpendicular
125 5
12 a 13.2 b 13.2
56 63 56
21 a − b c − 13 The smallest angle of the triangle is 21°, to the
65 65 33
nearest degree.
π 7π
22 , 23 80°, 320° 14 a (2, 0), (3, 0), (–2, 0), (–7, 0)
12 12
b (0, 0), (2, 0), (–3, 0), (4, 0)
24 –40°, 80° 25 30°, 210°
c (2, 0), (3, 0), (–3, 0)
d (2, 0)
Alternating currents  PAGE 186
e (7, 0)
Amplitude ≈ 340 volts. Period 0.02 seconds. V = 340 sin 100πt
f (–5, 0), (–1.5, 0), (3.5, 0), (6, 0)

Average weekly temperatures  PAGE 187

15 k1 = 0.5, k2 = –10, k3 = 4, k4 = 2, k5 = 2, k6 = –12, k7 = 13,
k8 = 10, k9 = 1, k10 = –3, k11 = 1, k12 = 2, k13 = –3,
π k14 = –5, k15 = 1, k16 = –9, k17 = 27, k18 = –26, k19 = 5,
T = 18 – 12 sin  x
26 k20 = 2, k21 = 5, k22 = 2, k23 = 45, k24 = 5, k25 = –4, k26 = 3
Average weekly temperature exceeded 25°C on 15 of 16 a a = 2, c = –12 b b = 5
the weeks. c (–4, 0), (1.5, 0), (2, 0)

266 MATHEMATICS METHODS  Unit 1 ISBN 9780170390330

17 a Maximum turning point at (–1, 26). Minimum 9 a 67 b 3
turning point at (3, –6). 10 17 11 17 12 11
b Maximum turning point at (–1, 16). Minimum 13 a 65 b 12 c 8
turning point at (3, –16).
14 a 0.6 b 0.2 c 0.1 d 0.7
c Maximum turning point at (1, 21). Minimum
e 0.9 f 0.3
turning point at (–3, –11).
10 12 9 10
d Maximum turning point at (3, 11). Minimum 15 a b c d
turning point at (–1, –21). 19 19 19 19
e Maximum turning point at (–1, 63). Minimum 1 3 13 16
e f g h
turning point at (3, –33). 19 19 19 19
f Maximum turning point at (–0.5, 21). Minimum 18
turning point at (1.5, –11). 19
18 a (–1, 0), (2, 0), (5, 0) b (0, 10) 17 13 3
16 a b c 0 d
c a = 8 d b = –8 40 40 4
e c = –10 f (3, –4). Minimum 1
e f 1
g (0, 5) h d = 0 4
i Use a graphic calculator to check your sketch. 17 0.2
x ≈ –0.4, x ≈ 2.4, x = 5 18 a 0.3 b 0.38
19 269.4 cm 13 13
19 a b
20 15
Exercise 9A  PAGE 193

1 1 1
Exercise 9B  PAGE 199
1 a b c
2 2 2 1 1
1 a b
1 2 6 5
d e
3 3 1 1
2 a b
1 1 5 4 3
2 a b c
2 2 12 1 1
3 a b
1 5 13 18 6
d e f
18 18 18 1 1
4 a b
3 a 0.3 b 0.7 c 0.5 d 0.8 52 20
1 1 3 1 7 15
4 a b c d 5 a b
8 8 8 2 25 26
1 1 3 47 7 37
e f 6 a b c d
8 4 5 100 10 100
5 1 2 53 37 23
5 a 0 b c e f g h
6 3 5 100 47 53
1 1 1 1 1
d e 7 a b c d 1
3 6 2 3 3
1 3 47 12 1
6 a b c d e 1 f
10 20 100 25 2
7 11 8 a 0.7 b 0.3 c 0.9 d 0.3
e f
10 50
1 1 7
7 a 0.327 b 0.672 e 0.7 f g h
3 7 9
8 a 7 b 9 c 10 d 3
i 1
e {8, 9, 10} f {1, 3, 5, 7, 9}
1 5 7 1
g {9} h {1, 3, 5, 7, 8, 9, 10} 9 a b c d
3 9 9 9

ISBN 9780170390330 Answers 267

2 4 1 1 1 3 2 6
e f g h 4 a b c d
3 9 5 3 4 16 3 13
5 1 1 1 1
i 5 a b c d
7 20 5 5 20
2 1 1 3 1 1 1
10 a b c d e f g
5 10 4 5 4 4 4
3 Exercise 9D  PAGE 206
1 1 5 1 11 1
11 a b c 0 d 0 1 a b c d
6 3 6 36 36 18
1 2 1 2 4
e f g h e
3 3 3 3 9
1 1 1 1 1 1 7
12 a b c 0 d 2 a b c d
10 5 4 2 6 12 12
1 5 2 1 1
e f g e f
6 6 5 4 2
1 1 1 1 1 1 1
13 a b 0 c d 3 a b c d
9 6 6 52 13 2 13
4 1 1 12 3
e e f g h
9 4 13 13 13
1 1 1 1 1 7 1 4
14 a b c d i j k l
6 3 6 5 26 13 52 13
1 1 1 1 3 1
e f 4 a b c d
9 2 2 4 4 2
1 1 2 3
15 a b c d
20 2 5 10 Exercise 9E  PAGE 214
3 1 1 1 1 a 0.6 b 0.12 c 0.6 d 0.3
e f g h
10 10 5 11 e 0.2 f 0.7
1 1 1 1 2 a 0.4 b 0.2 c 0.26 d 0.8
i j k l
6 2 5 3 3
e 0.1 f
1 1 1 13
16 a b c 1 d
2 4 2 7 7 8 7
3 a b c d
1 30 15 15 8
e f 0
3 3 4 1
4 a b c
1 1 4 5 5
17 a b
2 2 4 9
5 a 0.6 b 0.56 c d
7 11
Exercise 9C  PAGE 204 1 1 17 43
(Tree diagrams not shown here.) 6 a b c d
2 6 60 60
1 2 3 1 1 4 10 15
1 a b c d e f g h
2 3 4 2 6 5 17 43
1 5 1 2 25 16
2 a b c d 7 a b
3 9 3 3 36 25
1 5 2 1 4 3 55
3 a b c d 8 a b c
9 9 3 2 9 4 83

268 MATHEMATICS METHODS  Unit 1 ISBN 9780170390330

9 a 0.912 b 0.038 c 0.039 d 0.563 13 a 0 b 0 c 0 d 0.5
3 1 4 1 15 a 0.3 b 0.8 c 0.6 d 0.5
10 a b c d
5 6 15 6 16 0.8
5 17 0.2
18 18 a 0.4 b 0.48
19 a 0.3 b 0.4
Exercise 9F  PAGE 223
20 a 0 b 15
1 7 1 2 21 a 0.35 (2 dp) b 0.45 (2 dp) c 0.19 (2 dp)
1 a b c d
3 15 3 3 The disparity between the three probabilities
2 a 0.847 2 b 0.152 8 suggests that being an Engineering student is
not independent of gender. Whilst 35% of all
3 a 0.926 5 b 0.073 5
students at the college are Engineering students,
1 1 1 5 for males at the college this rises to 45% whilst
4 a b c d
30 20 6 6 for females it is just 19%.
5 a 0.064 b 0.118 c 0.216 d 0.784 22 a 0.35 (2 dp) b 0.34 (2 dp) c 0.35 (2 dp)
6 a 0.124 8 b 0.115 2 The fact that the three probabilities are almost
5 identical suggests that whether the student is
7 on the honours course is independent of gender.
The proportion of students on the honours
8 0.010 97 course is almost exactly the same whether we
1 2 1 5 are considering all the students, just the males
9 a b c d or just the females.
2 3 3 6
1 1 1 2
10 a b c d Miscellaneous exercise nine  PAGE 231
3 2 6 3
11 a 0.8 b 0.2 c 0.2 d 0.25 5 1
1 a 0.5 b 0.5 c d
12 a 0.4 b 0.5 c 0.8 6 6
13 a 0.000 000 03 b 0.66 c 0.34 e 0.5
1 25 11 3 x = –4, x = 4.5
14 a b c
36 36 36 1 1
4 a 1 b c
15 a 0.000 05 b 0.985 05 c 0.014 95 3 2
16 a 0.000 000 1 b 0.983 c 0.017 5 a Period 180°, amplitude 4 units.
1 2 3 7 b Period 120°, amplitude 3 units.
17 a b c d
2 5 5 10 6 x = –148, x = –32, x = 212, x = 328.
8 4 7 C has coordinates (7, 1)
18 a b
15 5 55 7 7 7
8 a b c d
19 a 0.13 b 0.2 93 93 22 38
3 9 a (0, –28) b A(–2, 0), D(7, 0)
20 0.8 21
c a = 4, b = –108 d –108 < p < 0
Exercise 9G  PAGE 228 π 14π 5π 25π
10 , , ,
1 Dependent 2 Independent 3 13 3 13
3 Independent 4 Dependent 1 3 5 5
11 a b c d
5 Mutually exclusive 6 Mutually exclusive 15 10 14 7
7 Not mutually exclusive 8 Not mutually exclusive 12 a 0.32 b 0.2 c 0.68 d 0.2
9 a and d e 0.6
10 a Independent b Dependent f Yes. Justification: P(B|A) = 0.2 = P(B)
[or P(A|B) = 0.6 = P(A)]
12 a 0.2 b 0.25 c 0.05 d 0.6
[or P(A ∩ B) = 0.12 = P(A) P(B)]

ISBN 9780170390330 Answers 269

Exercise 10A  PAGE 238 4 The number could be –3.5 or it could be 1.5.

1 40 320 2 48 3 10 4 90 5 The fire is approximately 19.7 km from lookout No.1

and 18.8 km from lookout No.2.
5 90 6 56 7 8 8 970 200
9 96 10 120, 5! 6
5! 5! 5!
11 20,   i.e.  12 60,  7 a y = 3x + 7 b y = 3x + 11 c y = –2x + 7
5 − 2! 3! 2!
d y = –2x + 16 e y = 0.5x + 6
26! 26!
13 650,  14 358 800,  2
24! 22! 8 x = 1 ± 
15 40 320, 8! 16 504,  9 y = 1.5x + 15
10 a 0.15 b 0.6 c 0.75
Exercise 10B  PAGE 242 11 A and B are independent, A and C are not, B and C
are not.
1 330 2 18 564
12 A and B are independent, A and C are independent,
3 210 4 455 B and C are not.
5 792 6 133 784 560 1 4
7 5 245 786 8 3003, 10 13 a b
15 15
15 Discuss your answer and reasoning with those of
Exercise 10C  PAGE 243 others in your class.
1 a8 + 8a7b + 28a6b2 + 56a5b3 + 70a4b4 + 56a3b5 + 28a2b6 2π
+ 8ab7 + b8 16 a p = –0.5, p = 1 b x = 0, x = ±
2 a10+ 10a9b + 45a8b2 + 120a7b3 + 210a6b4 + 252a5b5 17 a 16 b 6 c –4
+ 210a4b6 + 120a3b7 + 45a2b8 + 10ab9 + b10
d –4 e 14 f 8
3 x8 – 8x7y + 28x6y2 – 56x5y3 + 70x4y4 – 56x3y5 + 28x2y6 2 2
g x – x + 6 h 4x – 2x + 6 i –1 or 4
– 8xy7 + y8
6 5 4 2 3 3 2 4 5 6 j –2 or 7
4 x + 12x y + 60x y + 160x y + 240x y + 192xy + 64y
18 a = –0.5, b = 5, c = 0.5, d = 2, e = –3, f = 2, g = 3, h = –3,
5 p6 – 12p5q + 60p4q2 – 160p3q3 + 240p2q4 – 192pq5 + 64q6
j = 3, k = 1, m = 11, n = 3, p = –8, q = –20, r = –10.
6 243x5 – 810x4y + 1080x3y2 – 720x2y3 + 240xy4 – 32y5
19 a = 2, b =
Miscellaneous exercise ten  PAGE 246
20 a 1.91 rads b 115 cm
1 a x = 0.625 b x = –4
22 a = 3, b = 2, C(–6, 0), D(0, –4)
c x = –1 d x = 1.4
e x = 3, x = –2 f x = 1, x = –5 23 y = 6 sin   + 2
g x = 0.5, x = –7 h x = –3, x = 0.25, x = 1.8
24 162 − 30 2
i x = 9, x = –3 j x = –2, x = 3.5
π 5π 13π 17π
k x = –1, x = 0, x = 6 l x = –0.8, x = 1.5 25 x =  , , , .
18 18 18 18
2 A: x = –6, B: y = 16, C: y = 4x, D: y = 2x, E: y = x,
26 x6 – 12x5y + 76x4y2 – 192x3y3 + 264x2y4 – 200xy5 + 65y6
F: y = x – 5, G: y = –2x, H: y = –4x + 20
27 17%
3 0.1

270 MATHEMATICS METHODS  Unit 1 ISBN 9780170390330

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