BTechAssignment - BTech - Even (2022batch) - Sem - June - 2023KJM

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Faculty of Mathematical and Physical Sciences

Ramaiah University of Applied Sciences

Department Physics Programme B. Tech.
Semester/Batch 2nd / 2022
Engineering Physics and
Course Code PYB102A Course Title
Dr. Premakumar H. B., Dr. Vikas M Shelar, Dr. Shivanand M., Dr. Mallikarjunaiah K.
Course Leader(s)
J., Dr. Darshan G. P., and Dr. Raju Kumar Biswas
Reg. No.: Section: Name of Student:

First Second
Sections Marking Scheme Examiner Examiner
Marks Marks
Special properties of laser in comparison with
A1.1 ordinary light 3

Construction and working principle of laser

A1.2 3


Explanation for exclusive usage of laser in LIGO

A1.3 to detect gravitational wave 4

Part-A Max Marks 10

Expression for volume in terms of lattice
B1.1 1
B1.2 Calculation of “a ” and atomic radius 3
B1.3 Calculation of unit cell volume 1
Part-B1 Max Marks 5
B2.1 Calculate the uncertainty in the excited state 2
Part B

B2.2 Calculate the equilibrium population 2

Part-B2 Max Marks 4
B3.1 Calculation of number of reflections per meter 2.5
B3.2 Calculation of intermodal dispersion time per km 2.5
Calculation of intermodal dispersion time for a
B3.3 1
given length
Part-B3 Max Marks 6
Total Assignment Marks 25

Course Marks Tabulation
Component-1 (B)
First Examiner Remarks Moderator Remarks




Marks (Max 25)

Signature of First Examiner Signature of Moderator

Please note:
1. Documental evidence for all the components/parts of the assessment such as the reports,
photographs, laboratory exam / tool tests are required to be attached to the assignment report
in a proper order.
2. The First Examiner is required to mark the comments in RED ink and the Second Examiner’s
comments should be in GREEN ink.
3. The marks for all the questions of the assignment have to be written only in the Component –
CET B: Assignment table.
4. If the variation between the marks awarded by the first examiner and the second examiner lies
within +/- 3 marks, then the marks allotted by the first examiner is considered to be final. If the
variation is more than +/- 3 marks then both the examiners should resolve the issue in
consultation with the chairman BoE.

Term - 2
Instructions to students:
1. The assignment consists of 4 questions: Part A – 1 Question, Part B- 3 Questions.
2. Maximum marks is 25.
3. The assignment has to be neatly word processed (part A) as per the prescribed format.
4. The maximum number of pages should be restricted to 10.
5. Restrict your report for Part-A to 4 pages only.
6. Restrict your report for Part-B to a maximum of 6 pages.
7. The printed assignment must be submitted to the course leader.
8. Submission Date: 16/07/2023
9. Submission after the due date is not permitted.
10. IMPORTANT: It is essential that all the sources used in preparation of the assignment must be suitably
referenced in the text.
11. Marks will be awarded only to the sections and subsections clearly indicated as per the problem

The word ‘laser’ is an acronym derived from ‘light amplification by the stimulated emission of
radiation’. If the light concerned is in the microwave region then the alternative acronym ‘maser’ is
often used. Although the first such device to be constructed was the ammonia maser in 1954 it is the
lasers made subsequently which operate in the infrared, visible or ultraviolet regions of the spectrum
which have made a greater impact.

Part A 10 Marks
Write an essay on the topic “Lasers and their applications”. The essay should include

1. Special properties possessed by laser in comparison with ordinary light source.

2. The usage of laser in laser printers: explain construction and working principle of laser printer.
3. The usage of laser in detecting gravitational waves (LIGO: Laser Interferometer Gravitational-
wave Observatory)

Part B 15 Marks
Note: Assign the following values to N and Y in solving the following numerical problems.
𝑵 = Last 2 digits of your registered no.
𝑌 = 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 for sections A, B, C, D, and E, respectively.

B1. 5 Marks
Magnesium (molar atomic mass= 24.3 g mol ) is a shiny gray metal having a low melting point and
high chemical reactivity. It follows hexagonal close packing (hcp) crystal structure with c/a =1.624 and
density of 1.74 g cm3. Calculate the atomic radius and unit cell volume of Magnesium.

B2. 4 Marks
A molecule makes a transition from excited state having a lifetime of 5 ms to the ground state.
Calculate the uncertainty in the excited state. If there are [2,500+N] molecules in the ground state and
the transition involves an energy change of 3  10-21 J molecule-1, calculate the equilibrium population
of the excited energy level (at 300 K).

B3. 6 Marks
A step index optical fiber has a core diameter of 20 μm and a refractive index of 1.50 with fractional
index change of 0.033. Calculate the number of reflections per meter a guided ray, travelling at the
steepest angle with respect to fibre axis, can make. Further determine the intermodal dispersion time
per kilometer for this fiber and total dispersion time for a fibre of length [25+ (Y  1)] km.

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