The Fool

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Name Race Look

Choose one or write your own: Choose one for each:

Gervais, Legume, Phaidin, Flynn, Angelo, Felix, Romeo, Vague Eyes, Laughing Eyes, Confused Eyes
Eldon, Jeong, Emerson, Ricky, Eric, Brian, Chapman, Pretty Face, Goofy Face, Smiling Face
Gil, Jones, Cleese, Spike, Peter, Vicas, Simon, Jack, Fancy Clothes, Raggedy Clothes, Impractical Clothes

Assign these scores to your stats: 16 (+2), 15 (+1), 13 (+1), 12 (+0), 9 (+0), 8 (-1)
Strength Dexterity Constitution Intelligence Wisdom Charisma

Weak -1 Shaky -1 Sick -1 Stunned -1 Confused -1 Scarred -1


Damage Armor HP
current Your Max HP is
max 6+Constitution

Drive Starting Moves

What drives you to continually tempt fate? Choose 1: You start with these moves:
☐Amends Fool’s Fortune
make amends to someone for a terrible mistake you made in your When you gain Calamity, fill on an empty box on one of the below options. (If all boxes are
past that hurt a lot of people. already full, you lose the Calamity) When an option has all the boxes filled, you may empty
☐Ambition all of the boxes for that option to use it once.
Act unwisely to acquire wealth, or power.
☐Choose 1 less or 1 more from the list of choices on any Fool move.
Prove to someone that you have some redeeming quality. ☐ ☐ Give +1 to someone else’s roll.
☐ ☐ ☐ Shift the result of any roll, yours or an ally’s, from a 6- to a 7-9, or a 7-9 to a 10+.

Foible Out of your Depth

When you attempt a task beyond your capabilities, roll+Cha. *On a 10+, it kinda works!
Nothing ever works how you intend, choose the source of your choose 2, *On a 7-9, it seems ok... choose 1:
• You gain 1 Calamity.
☐Cursed • No-one will know it was you.
Someone cursed you out of revenge. You may always use your leaving • You didn’t cause permanent damage.
and taking your bad luck with you as leverage for Parlay. • Someone else is initially implicated.

☐Thoughtless Get Lost

You never really think your actions through and just react with the When you try to find your way through somewhere that isn’t an obvious, direct route,
first idea that comes to your head. Problem is, it’s usually the worst roll+Int. *On a 10+, you got there! choose 2. *On a 7-9, this looks like the place, choose 1:
idea. When you act without thinking, you gain 1 extra Calamity
regardless of what happens. • You gain 1 Calamity.
• It didn’t take too long.
☐Ineptitude • You’re not getting pursued.
You’re a consummate bungler and a buffoon. You may act • You accidentally found an interesting secret!
intelligently or with good intentions, but your execution is always
terrible. Whenever a plan or idea you come up with fails, you Gullible
gain 1 extra Calamity. When you believe someone you should question, roll+Wis. *On a 10+, choose 2. *On a 7-9,
choose 1:
Bonds • You gain 1 Calamity.
Fill in the name of one of your companions in at least one: • They assume you are more competent or important than you are.
• You gain access to somewhere or something you shouldn’t.
This is not my first adventure with _______________. • You don’t lose something important.

__________ thinks I’m useless. I’ll prove them wrong!

__________ Doesn’t understand the depth of my genius.

I hope __________ doesn’t find out what i did.

__________ likes having me around. I Wonder what “Scapegoat”

❦The Fool

. XP
Joseph Le May (Order #11045385)
Gear Max Load Load Death Move
Your load is 6+Str. You start with a homemade Staff (close, The Calamity Punchline
reach, 1 weight) and a Personal Feast. (Ration, 1 use, 1 weight) Your dumb luck has finally run out, or your rotten luck has finally caught
Choose 3: up with you. Either way, everything's come crashing down around you
☐☐ Magical white rose. and everyone else will have to live with the consequences.
☐☐ Bag of trinkets. (5 uses, 1 weight, mark 1 use when you need a specific unusual item.)
☐☐ Strange puzzle. toy (unknown use, 1 weight) When you die, consider what the most calamitous, outrageous, and
☐☐ Juggling clubs. (Near, close, 2 weight, 3 ammo) disastrous results could be for the current situation that doesn't
☐☐ Deck of Tarot cards. (1 weight) immediately and directly end in your companions' deaths, and describe
☐☐ 23 Coin. how it came to pass from your hilarious demise. Now laugh helplessly as
your surviving companions struggle to deal with the mess.

Advanced Moves
When you gain a level from 2-5, choose from these moves: When you gain a level from 6-10, choose from these moves or the level 2-5
☐Don’t Touch That
When you try to operate a device or machine of magical or mundane nature,
roll+Int. *On a 10+,it was pretty good! Choose 2. *On a 7-9, it wasn’t too
disastrous, choose 2: ☐Unconventional Wisdom
Requires: Uncommon Sense
• You gain 1 Calamity. When you give your special kind of advice, you gain 1 extra hold, even on a
• You didn’t break it or something else. miss. In addition, add this option to the list for Uncommon Sense:
• You didn’t put a friend in danger.
• It did what it is supposed to do. • You gain something useful.
When your antics make someone laugh, gain 1 Calamity.
☐...Into the Fire
☐Uncommon Sense Replaces: Out of the Frying Pan...
When you give seemingly nonsensical or inappropriate opinions or advice, Whenever you roll a miss, you gain 2 Calamity.
roll+Wis. *On a 10+, hold 2. On a *7-9, hold 1. When your uncommon sense can
be interpreted to apply to a situation, you may spend hold, 1 for 1, on the following:

• You gain 1 calamity. ☐Miss Fortune

• An ally takes +1 to the situation your uncommon wisdom applies to. Requires: Miss Information
• Someone of your choice is baffled, hesitates or laughs. Add this option to Fool’s Fortune:
☐Foolproof ☐ ☐ ☐ Your bad luck is contagious! Nominate a person or creature. You and
When you devise or contribute to a plan, roll+Int. *On a 10+, you stay on task your allies take +1 ongoing against them until they dispel the bad luck.
and think it through, choose 2. *On a 7-9, well, it seems to be going ok, choose
1. *On a miss, you prove no plan survives contact with you.
• You gain 1 Calamity. Requires: Lucky Break
• You don’t let news of the plan slip to someone you shouldn’t.
• You don’t get distracted or preoccupied at a crucial moment. Add this option to Fool’s Fortune:
• A fatal flaw in the plan doesn’t get exposed. ☐ ☐ ☐ Add an extra D8 damage to another player’s attack.
☐Pity the Fool
When your actions cause you embarrassment or shame, roll+Cha. *On a 10+
someone takes pity on you and helps you somehow without asking for anything. ☐Joker Wild
*On a 7-9 you may use their pity as leverage for Parlay. Replaces: Wildcard, Witches!
When you reveal an act of sabotage you unwisely committed earlier, you may
☐Out of the Frying Pan... reassign up to 5 calamity from one option in Fool’s Fortune to any other option.
Whenever you roll a miss, you gain 1 Calamity.
☐Lucky Break
Add this option to Fool’s Fortune: ☐Guileless
☐ ☐ Add an extra D6 damage to another player’s attack. Choose 1 extra option when you roll Gullible, even on a miss.
☐Miss Information
Add this option to Fool’s Fortune:
☐ Ask one question from Discern Realities, The GM will tell you one truth and ☐Short Cut
one lie. Choose 1 extra option when you roll Get Lost, even on a miss.
☐Murphy’s Law
When your careless or ill conceived actions escalate into greater mishap,
roll+Cha. On a 10+, hold 2. On a 7-9, hold 1. Spend hold, 1 for 1, on the following: ☐What could go wrong?
Requires: Foolproof
• Something explodes or is smashed. Choose 1 extra option when you roll Foolproof, even on a miss.
• You discover an alternate route.
• Someone is distracted by a conspicuous noise.
☐The Fool’s Journey
On any Perilous Journey you join, You will always encounter a strange, new
person or creature who will offer you an interesting challenge with an unusual
☐Wildcard, Witches!
When you reveal an act of sabotage you unwisely committed earlier, you may
reassign up to 3 calamity from one option in Fool’s Fortune to any other option.

Joseph Le May (Order #11045385)

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