The Fool
The Fool
The Fool
Assign these scores to your stats: 16 (+2), 15 (+1), 13 (+1), 12 (+0), 9 (+0), 8 (-1)
Strength Dexterity Constitution Intelligence Wisdom Charisma
❦The Fool
. XP
Joseph Le May (Order #11045385)
Gear Max Load Load Death Move
Your load is 6+Str. You start with a homemade Staff (close, The Calamity Punchline
reach, 1 weight) and a Personal Feast. (Ration, 1 use, 1 weight) Your dumb luck has finally run out, or your rotten luck has finally caught
Choose 3: up with you. Either way, everything's come crashing down around you
☐☐ Magical white rose. and everyone else will have to live with the consequences.
☐☐ Bag of trinkets. (5 uses, 1 weight, mark 1 use when you need a specific unusual item.)
☐☐ Strange puzzle. toy (unknown use, 1 weight) When you die, consider what the most calamitous, outrageous, and
☐☐ Juggling clubs. (Near, close, 2 weight, 3 ammo) disastrous results could be for the current situation that doesn't
☐☐ Deck of Tarot cards. (1 weight) immediately and directly end in your companions' deaths, and describe
☐☐ 23 Coin. how it came to pass from your hilarious demise. Now laugh helplessly as
your surviving companions struggle to deal with the mess.
Advanced Moves
When you gain a level from 2-5, choose from these moves: When you gain a level from 6-10, choose from these moves or the level 2-5
☐Don’t Touch That
When you try to operate a device or machine of magical or mundane nature,
roll+Int. *On a 10+,it was pretty good! Choose 2. *On a 7-9, it wasn’t too
disastrous, choose 2: ☐Unconventional Wisdom
Requires: Uncommon Sense
• You gain 1 Calamity. When you give your special kind of advice, you gain 1 extra hold, even on a
• You didn’t break it or something else. miss. In addition, add this option to the list for Uncommon Sense:
• You didn’t put a friend in danger.
• It did what it is supposed to do. • You gain something useful.
When your antics make someone laugh, gain 1 Calamity.
☐...Into the Fire
☐Uncommon Sense Replaces: Out of the Frying Pan...
When you give seemingly nonsensical or inappropriate opinions or advice, Whenever you roll a miss, you gain 2 Calamity.
roll+Wis. *On a 10+, hold 2. On a *7-9, hold 1. When your uncommon sense can
be interpreted to apply to a situation, you may spend hold, 1 for 1, on the following: