Land of Eem Fillable Loyal Chum Reference

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Loyal Chum

Improving -2 to -1 -1 to 0 +0 to +1 +1 to +2 +2 to +3

Skills 1 XP 2 XP 4 XP 8 XP 12 XP LV 
Stat +5 Courage +1 Attack -1 Defense +1 Quest Pt +1 Dread XP
Boosts ☐ 20 XP ☐ 25 XP ☐ 25 XP ☐ 20 XP ☐ 20 XP

perks abilities PCs can use both of their current Level’s Abilities, but keep only one when advancing to the next Level.


LV 1 LV 5 (16XP)  Cattypillar: Grants +1 Treasure Hunt-
Choose someone in the party (PC ☐ Old Chums. Charm Check: Once every ses- GAIN ANOTHER IDEAL AND FLAW ing and is adept at spying, sneaking, and
or NPC) to be a Best Chum and sion, invent an old friend the Loyal Chum has ☐ Unsung Hero. Each session, for one encoun- squeezing through small cracks.
select one special Best Chum Perk run into who can help or give advice. ter, all allies’ Check results of 5 instead count LV 8 (35XP)

usable once every session. ☐ Lend a Hand. Once every session, if an ally fails as 6.
☐ Home and Hearth. Charm Check: Once every
a Check, the Loyal Chum can make the Check ☐ Pep Talk. Inspire Check: Twice every session, session, make a camp warm and cozy. On a
Best Chum:
instead, replacing the ally’s result. Additionally, on a 6+, choose one of the following: 6–8, choose 1 option below. On a 9–11, choose
gain Advantage when catching someone’s fall,  Grant an ally a free Quest Point for imme- two. On a 12+, get all three. In addition,
☐ Lighten the Mood: Say some-
pulling them from danger, or similar. diate use. the Loyal Chum gains access to a home in a
thing funny or kind to heal the
 Grant an ally Advantage before a Check. chosen settlement where a friendly NPC lives
Best Chum for 1d12. LV 2 (4XP)
 Heal an ally for 1d6. (perhaps a family member or significant other).
☐ Take the Hit: Suffer Dread ☐ Eye for Clues. Search Check: Once every
session, create a found clue to help solve a LV 6 (20XP)  When the party eats and rests here, recov-
meant for the Best Chum.
problem or discover something. Instant Action ☐ Mobile Forge. The Loyal Chum has a rooter- er 2d6 Courage (or 2d10 if the Loyal Chum
☐ Share the Load: Suffer the uses the Cooking Perk).
☐ Folklore. Lore Check: Once every session, make snoop that pulls a mobile forge. The root-
consequences of the Best  The location is hidden from Wandering
up an old superstition or legend about a crea- ersnoop has 10 Inventory Slots exclusively
Chum’s failed Check. Intruders and unfriendly NPCs.
ture, critter, custom or concept. Instant Action for Materials. The forge can be used while
adventuring, but the Loyal Chum can’t move  Tinker Checks gain Advantage here.
and travel while crafting. ☐ To Arms! Once every Combat, all allies inflict
☐ Cooking: When the Loyal ☐ Well-Rounded. Choose another Class’s +1d6 Dread for 2 rounds.
☐ Pick Up The Slack. Once every session, when
Chum cooks a meal, all eaters Level 3 Class Ability.
multiple allies must make the same Skill Check, LV 9 (45XP)
heal 1d10 instead of 1d6 after a ☐ Improvise. Tinker Check: Once every session, instead make a single Skill Check for everyone. ☐ Friendship Bracelets. All other PCs are consid-
night of rest. quickly craft, engineer or repair something,
LV 7 (25XP) ered the Loyal Chum’s Best Chums. Choose another
☐ Building: Reroll a Check when making use of whatever resources are at hand.
☐ Pick On Someone Your Own Size. Once every Best Chum Perk. When building on a Relationship
Crafting something (except for At least one item must be sacrificed to make
Combat, taunt an Adversary to attack the with a PC or allied NPC, PCs gain 2 XP instead of 1.
Alchemy and Cooking). it work, and the crafted item only lasts for the
remainder of the encounter. Loyal Chum instead of any allies for 2 rounds ☐ According to Plan. Tinker Check: Once every
☐ Alchemy: Everything the Loyal
(and gain -2 Defense for the duration). session, flashback to a past action the Loyal
Chum crafts with Alchemy has LV 4 (12XP)
☐ Loyal Pet. Choose a pet: Chum recently performed “offscreen” to help
its Usage Die increased a step. ☐ Jack of All Trades. Twice every session, name
 Doggart: Rideable by Small PCs and has 5 their current situation.
a specific activity or Proficiency. For the
Inventory Slots. Can fetch and swim. Wil- LV 10 (60XP)
remainder of the session gain Advantage when
derness Check: Once every Combat, the ☐ Heroic Surge. Each session, automatically suc-
performing a relevant Check.
doggart can disarm a Goon or Bruiser. ceed on any Check.
☐ Local History. Realms Check: Once every  Owligator: Can take to the skies, and
Play a Loyal Chum if you session, make up a rumor about the recent ☐ Muster Courage. Each session, heal all allies
answers yes or no questions. Once every
want to be the party’s “glue,” history or events of a place within the current for 3d6 Courage.
Combat, the owligator may attack a target,
boosting allies and always Hex Cluster. Instant Action inflicting 1d10 Dread; the Loyal Chum can
useful in a pinch. LV10: Spend 40 XP to gain an additional Ability from
also attack that round.
a previous Level. This can be done multiple times.

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