The Dawn of Stelar Star

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The book begins with a historical review of four major theories for the origin of the Solar System in

particular, or of planets in general, which highlight the major problems that need to be solved by any
plausible theory. In many theories, including that which form the major theme of this book, the
formation of planets and stars is intimately linked, so four chapters are devoted to the processes that
can be described as the birth, life and death of stars.

Recent observations that have revealed the existence of planets around many Sun-like stars are
described in detail, followed by a clear exposition of the Capture Theory for the origin of planets.
Many aspects of this theory are illustrated with sophisticated computer modelling that convincingly
demonstrates the plausibility of the theory. The Capture Theory is in complete accord with all
observations, including the estimate it gives for the proportion of Sun-like stars with planets. It is the
only theory that sits comfortably with all present observational and theoretical constraints.

The general theory of planet formation does not explain the detailed structure of the Solar System.
An early postulated collision of two major planets is shown to explain many disparate features of the
Solar System — the nature of the terrestrial planets, surface features of the Moon and its
relationship with Earth, asteroids, comets and dwarf planets, the relationship between Neptune,
Triton and Pluto and the characteristics of meteorites, including the isotopic anomalies found in
them. The postulate of a planetary collision is given support by a 2009 NASA observation of the
residue of such an event around a distant young star.

The formation of stars and the formation of planets are intricately connected in monistic theories. The
theory that I shall describe later, which forms the main topic of this book, is essentially a dualistic theory
but one that is still dependent on the processes of star formation. However, before I give an account of
how stars form, I shall first describe some of the properties of stars and how they are determined.
Looking up at the night sky, we see points of light that are individual stars and using telescopes, many
more can be seen than with the naked eye. If we examine individual stars with optical instruments we
find that the vast majority are indeed point light sources of no discernable size. Yet, for all that, by the
use of optical instruments and a knowledge of physics, we can learn a great deal about these stars —
their distances, their temperatures, how luminous they are, their masses, their radii and how fast they
spin on their axes. How we achieve this miracle from just the evidence provided by points of light, I shall
now explain. 1.1. Locations of Stars In considering where stars are located, I shall limit myself to a very
tiny part of the contents of the Universe, the Milky Way galaxy of which the Solar System is a member. It
may seem a little strange to use the adjective ‘tiny’ in relation to the collection of about 1011 stars that
constitutes the Milky Way, but so it is, for there are of the order of 1011 galaxies in the Universe,
according to the latest estimates. The 1 ON THE ORIGIN OF PLANETS - By Means of Natural Simple
Processes © Imperial College Press physics/p732.html 2 On the Origin
of Planets other restriction I shall observe is mainly to concentrate on stars that, like the Sun, are
generating energy by nuclear reactions that convert hydrogen to helium in their interiors. Stars in this
state are said to be on the main sequence. The Sun has been a main-sequence star for about 5 billion
years and will remain so for another 5 billion. The stars in our galaxy are in a variety of environments.
First, there are stars like the Sun that move through the galaxy in splendid isolation without any stellar
companions. By contrast, many stars occur in large associations, stellar clusters, of which there are two
main types. The first is the galactic or open cluster that usually consists of between 100 and 1,000 stars
(Fig. 1.1) and is between 6 and 60 light years (ly)1 across. The alternative names describe the structure
of such clusters and where they are situated. They are ‘open’ in the sense that the stars are sufficiently
separated for them to be seen individually and they are ‘galactic’ in the sense that they only occur in the
galactic plane (Appendix G). The second type, the globular cluster, is much larger, containing as many as
several tens of thousands to a million stars (Fig. 1.2) and with diameters of 60 to 200 ly. The name
‘globular’ describes the shape of these clusters. Thenumber density of stars is so high in the central core
of the cluster that individual stars cannot be easily resolved there, but stars in the outer regions can be
seen individually. Globular clusters occur in all parts of the galaxy — the galactic plane, the nucleus and
the halo (Appendix G). Both within and outside clusters, many stars exist in pairs, known as binary
systems, in which the two stars orbit around their centre of mass (Appendix H). For a small proportion of
binary systems, the stars are sufficiently far apart for them to be seen individually; these are visual
binaries. Greatly outnumbering visual binary systems are spectroscopic binaries in which the stars are so
close together that they cannot be individually resolved, even with the most powerful telescopes. The
fact that they consist of a pair of stars is determined by looking at the light that comes from them. As
the two stars move around their orbits, the variation in their velocities relative to the Earth can be
detected by Doppler shifts (Appendix I) in the wavelengths of spectral lines (Fig. 1.3) in the light emitted.
There are about as many binary systems in the galaxy as there are individual stars, meaning that a
minority of stars are isolated stars like the Sun. There are also some rare multiple-star close systems
containing more than two, but very few, stars. 1.2. Stellar Material The Sun is a typical main-sequence
star, although its mass is somewhat above the average for such stars. The light emitted from the Sun
comes from a very thin layer, called the photosphere, which defines its visible surface. Light that comes
from material below the photosphere is absorbed by material above it before it can escape and so does
not add to the emitted light. The material above the photosphere is so diffuse that, although it is at a
very high temperature, it emits very little light. However, the material above the photosphere does have
an important effect on the emitted light; it contains different kinds of atoms in different states of
ionization2 and these absorb some of the light coming from the photosphere. The absorbed light is at
many well-defined wavelengths, characteristic of particular atoms and their states of ionization, and
produces in the solar spectrum a set of dark lines, known as Fraunhofer lines (Fig. 1.3). These absorption
lines also occur in the spectra of the light from distant stars, and from the presence and strength of
these lines it is possible to determine which elements are present in the star and to what extent. The
stars in the two types of cluster are distinguished by their chemical compositions. The vast majority of
material in the Universe is either hydrogen or helium that together account for 98% of the total by mass.
These are the elements, together with tiny amounts of lithium and beryllium, two other light elements,
which were produced in the Big Bang, the cataclysmic event that is thought to have produced time,
space and all matter.3 The extent to which a star 2Ionized atoms are those that have lost one or more of
their electrons. 3A description of the Big Bang can be found in the author’s book, Material, Matter and
Particles: A Brief History, 2009 (London: Imperial College Press). ON THE ORIGIN OF PLANETS - By Means
of Natural Simple Processes © Imperial College Press
physics/p732.html Observations of Stars 5 contains heavier elements — those from carbon with atomic
number six and heavier — is described as the metallicity of its material, although most of the heavier
elements are not actually metals. Stars in open clusters, similar in type to the Sun, have high metallicity
with typically 1–2% of their mass in the form of heavier elements. These open-cluster stars, and field
stars of similar composition, are called Population I stars. Stars in globular clusters have much lower
metallicities with typically 0.01% by mass of heavier elements. Such stars are called Population II stars. It
is theorized that there may be Population III stars consisting of pure Big Bang material with no heavier
element content whatsoever, but such stars have never been observed. 1.3. Determining the Distances
of Stars Starting with finding the distances of some nearer stars by a technique similar to that used in
military rangefinders, astronomers have found ways of finding the distances of stars out to the limit at
which individual stars can be seen. I shall now describe two techniques that enable us to determine the
distances of stars within our galaxy — my self-imposed limited region of interest. 1.3.1. The distances of
nearby stars The principle of measuring the distance of nearer stars is easily demonstrated. If you
observe a vertical finger held at arm’s length, first with one eye and then with the other, it will be seen
to move relative to distant objects. In the same way, if a nearby star is observed at times six months
apart, during which period the Earth has moved from one point of its orbit to the diametrically opposite
point, then it will appear to have moved relative to those stars very much further away. This situation is
illustrated in Fig. 1.4. The best arrangement for making the observations is when the line joining the
viewing positions is perpendicular to the direction of the star. The figure is completely out of scale and
the angle α is very1.2. Stellar Material The Sun is a typical main-sequence star, although its mass is
somewhat above the average for such stars. The light emitted from the Sun comes from a very thin
layer, called the photosphere, which defines its visible surface. Light that comes from material below the
photosphere is absorbed by material above it before it can escape and so does not add to the emitted
light. The material above the photosphere is so diffuse that, although it is at a very high temperature, it
emits very little light. However, the material above the photosphere does have an important effect on
the emitted light; it contains different kinds of atoms in different states of ionization2 and these absorb
some of the light coming from the photosphere. The absorbed light is at many well-defined
wavelengths, characteristic of particular atoms and their states of ionization, and produces in the solar
spectrum a set of dark lines, known as Fraunhofer lines (Fig. 1.3). These absorption lines also occur in
the spectra of the light from distant stars, and from the presence and strength of these lines it is
possible to determine which elements are present in the star and to what extent. The stars in the two
types of cluster are distinguished by their chemical compositions. The vast majority of material in the
Universe is either hydrogen or helium that together account for 98% of the total by mass. These are the
elements, together with tiny amounts of lithium and beryllium, two other light elements, which were
produced in the Big Bang, the cataclysmic event that is thought to have produced time, space and all
matter.3 The extent to which a star 2Ionized atoms are those that have lost one or more of their
electrons. 3A description of the Big Bang can be found in the author’s book, Material, Matter and
Particles: A Brief History, 2009 (London: Imperial College Press). ON THE ORIGIN OF PLANETS - By Means
of Natural Simple Processes © Imperial College Press
physics/p732.html Observations of Stars 5 contains heavier elements — those from carbon with atomic
number six and heavier — is described as the metallicity of its material, although most of the heavier
elements are not actually metals. Stars in open clusters, similar in type to the Sun, have high metallicity
with typically 1–2% of their mass in the form of heavier elements. These open-cluster stars, and field
stars of similar composition, are called Population I stars. Stars in globular clusters have much lower
metallicities with typically 0.01% by mass of heavier elements. Such stars are called Population II stars. It
is theorized that there may be Population III stars consisting of pure Big Bang material with no heavier
element content whatsoever, but such stars have never been observed. 1.3. Determining the Distances
of Stars Starting with finding the distances of some nearer stars by a technique similar to that used in
military rangefinders, astronomers have found ways of finding the distances of stars out to the limit at
which individual stars can be seen. I shall now describe two techniques that enable us to determine the
distances of stars within our galaxy — my self-imposed limited region of interest. 1.3.1. The distances of
nearby stars The principle of measuring the distance of nearer stars is easily demonstrated. If you
observe a vertical finger held at arm’s length, first with one eye and then with the other, it will be seen
to move relative to distant objects. In the same way, if a nearby star is observed at times six months
apart, during which period the Earth has moved from one point of its orbit to the diametrically opposite
point, then it will appear to have moved relative to those stars very much further away. This situation is
illustrated in Fig. 1.4. The best arrangement for making the observations is when the line joining the
viewing positions is perpendicular to the direction of the star. The figure is completely out of scale and
the angle α is very

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