Types of Accidents

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Name: William Calero

Date: 22/07/2022


Rear-End Collisions

Rear-end collisions often result from drivers

failing to pay attention to the road or
following too closely. When a motorist
doesn’t maintain enough space from the
vehicle in front in traffic, then the rear driver
may lack the time and space to brake and
avoid a collision if traffic ahead stops
suddenly. Drowsy driving, impaired driving,
and driving while distracted are all common
contributors to rear-end collisions.

While the rear driver often causes the crash by driving too close to the forward vehicle,
they’re not always at fault. The forward driver might be at fault if he or she stopped
suddenly in an active traffic lane or reversed without reason.

Injuries in rear-end collisions run the gamut from minor to severe. Even at low speeds,
rear-end accident victims can develop severe injuries such as broken bones, neck
injuries, and damage to the spinal cord.

Distracted Driving | Cellphone Use

The number of accidents caused by people

talking on the phone while driving is growing
all over the world. The attention demanded by
telephone communication distracts the driver
and the tension that the content of the call can
cause disturbs their driving task, with the
consequent production of delays or errors in
actions. And this is not solved with a "hands-
free" phone. The point is to have a "free mind"
from any other concern that is not driving.
Therefore, the traffic law prohibits its use while driving.
Motorcycle Accidents

Due to fact that motorcycles are smaller in size than a

motor vehicle, they are far less likely to be seen on
the road. The result of this unfortunately is that many
motorcyclists are involved in accidents that typically
are not their fault. Most motorists are looking for
other vehicles on the road and can block a
motorcyclist from their view even if they are right in
front of them, due to the fact that they simply are not
looking for them. One of the most common types of
motorcycle accidents is referred to as “the left hook”.
The left hook is when a car turning left through an intersection turns in front of an
oncoming motorcycle.

Accident due to falling asleep at the wheel

It is considered that three out of 10 accidents are

caused by people who fall asleep at the wheel,
especially during the holidays, and according to
the Sleep Clinic, 28% of the population sleeps six
hours in average.

According to these specialists, people have

between seven and eight hours a day, because if
you rest less and combine it with intoxicating
drinks, road accidents increase.

Another detail mentioned by the experts at the Sleep Clinic is that although the
authorities are already doing something about alcohol consumption and driving, they
have not studied the rest of these drivers in depth.

Other relevant figures exposed by the Mexican Society of Sleep, is that 30% of the
population has sleep problems, and this affects personal and professional life, since
without adequate rest the functions of the organism are altered. For example, the brain
recovers with sleep and having a bad rest can cause problems in the neuronal system
and life expectancy is reduced.

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