Voices Workbook Audioscripts Pre-Intermediate

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1.1 2.2
P = Presenter, M = Manuel, V = Viktor, L = Lin, Hi, welcome to today’s lecture about animal memory.
E = Erica There are lots of myths, things that people wrongly
P: Hello! It’s me! Ally! And today our phone-in is on believe to be true, about animals and their brains. One
what makes you feel good. For me, dancing to my common belief is that animals are not very intelligent.
favourite song makes me feel brilliant! What about When, in fact, chimpanzees, dolphins, elephants and
you!? We have Manuel on the phone. Manuel, what many other animals are very clever.
makes you feel good? One very common myth is that goldfish have three-
M: Well, I always feel good when I look good. Right second memories. This is simply not true. Scientists
now, I’m shopping for new clothes for a party. I don’t studied goldfish and found that, in fact, they can
really like shopping, but I want to find the perfect remember things for five months, for example, where
shirt today! This party is in a nice restaurant, so the and when to find food.
right shirt is important! I like spending an hour or so It’s the same story with other animals. Elephants, they
getting ready before I go out. I never go to a party say, never forget. Perhaps ‘never’ is the wrong word –
without shaving or doing my hair. they do forget some things, but in general elephants
P: I’m the same! And I’m sure you look brilliant, have excellent memories. A good example of this is the
Manuel. Now, over to Viktor. What makes you feel story of two elephants at an animal rescue centre. When
good, Viktor? they first saw each other at the centre, they got very
V: Exercise! I always feel absolutely amazing after a excited. They touched each other with their long trunks
really good basketball game. I need to do it more. and seemed very happy to see each other. The workers
Sometimes, I don’t have time though. Life can be so at the centre thought they knew each other. One of the
busy! workers did some research and found that, 23 years
P: Oh yes! I love basketball! Let’s see, does Lin, on line before, the elephants lived together in another place!
2, feel good after exercise too? So they remembered each other for over twenty years!
L: Hmmm. Not really. I don’t like sport very much. I’m Amazing! Other research found that elephants also
happiest when I’m with my friends. I’m always in a remember how to find food and water. Elephants live
good mood when I’m with them. Especially my best in herds, or big groups. Herds that have older elephants
friend, Daniella! She is so funny. She makes me laugh can find food and water easily. Why? Because the older
a lot. elephants remember where to find food and water. But
P: Great! Friends and family are so important. Let’s take elephants are not the only animals who can remember
another call before the news. And we have Erica on after many years. Dolphins can remember the whistles of
the line. Erica, what makes you feel great!? other dolphins for twenty years.
E: I am usually very happy when I’m making things.
Of course, not all animals have memories like dolphins
I love drawing and painting because it relaxes me.
and elephants. One study at the University of Stockholm,
Though sometimes it can be stressful because the
Sweden, found the average animal memory to be 27
drawing doesn’t look like I want it to. That doesn’t
seconds. This study looked at 25 different animals from
make me feel good!
dolphins to bees. It found that dogs only remember
P: I can understand that.
things or people that help them survive, so people that
feed them and look after them really. They forget other
information after two minutes. The same study found
that chimpanzees forgot some important information
after twenty seconds. They also learned that rats actually
remembered things for longer than chimpanzees. So,
you see, every animal’s memory is really quite different.

1&2 REVIEW 1 People can guess these. Try to use a mix of letters and
numbers, use different passwords for different websites
R1.1 and change your passwords often.
1 It’s also important to be careful when you’re sharing
: W
A  hat do you think of this suit? posts online. Most social media sites can be private or
B: Hmmm … I’m not sure. It looks professional, but public. Public means everyone can see your posts, but
I don’t think blue looks very good on you. Try the private means only your friends can see them. To be
black one? safe on social media sites, it’s a good idea to keep your
2 profiles private and be careful with the information you
A: We need someone who is always on time. share.
B: How about Carla? She arrives at five to nine every
It’s also important to be careful about other people
day and she usually finishes all her reports early.
online. Especially, don’t give your passwords or personal
information to anyone you meet online. The friendly
A: Hi Kristina! I’m Maria. Nice to meet you! David has
person you met in that social media group? They have
told me so much about you! So you like shopping
such a lovely smile in their profile photo! But perhaps
too? Let’s go together some time!
they’re really trying to get into your bank account!
A: That looks really difficult. Do you think you can do it?
B: Of course! It’s no problem at all. I write reports like UNIT 3
this all the time.
E = Eloise, S = Sophie, W = Waiter
I’m not really a fan of comedy films. I prefer watching
Conversation 1
programmes about history and important events.
S: I’m hungry, Eloise. Shall we go in here for some food?
6 It looks interesting.
A: Marta makes all her own clothes. E: Hmmm. I’m not sure, Sophie. I ate there last week
B: Really? She’s so clever. and I didn’t like it. It’s really noisy. My hearing isn’t
7 great and it was difficult to hear what my friend was
A: Oh hi! I’m sorry I’m so late. I missed the bus and saying. Can we try somewhere else?
another one didn’t come for an hour! S: OK. There’s a wonderful little restaurant on the
B: It’s fine. Don’t worry about it. I don’t mind. corner. It’s usually pretty quiet.
R1.2 E: Does it have a vegetarian menu?
Staying safe online is really important these days. Some S: Yes, it does. It does really delicious soup too.
recent research found that, on average, people spend Conversation 2
two hours and fifteen minutes on social media a day! E: Oh, this is much better. Nice and quiet.
That’s a lot of time online. S: It’s cute, isn’t it? I love the pictures.
E: Yes! They’re cool. ... Do you know what you want,
So think about everyday life. How do you stay safe? You
Sophie? I can’t see anything vegetarian on the menu.
probably lock your windows and doors when you go
I think it’s chips and salad for me!
out and you keep your keys safe. Maybe you don’t talk
S: There’s a whole vegetarian menu at the bottom of
to strangers and you certainly don’t tell them important
the page! Look!
personal information, like your bank account details.
E: Oh yeah! I didn’t see that! Thanks! What are you
Now, think about when you are online. How can you stay
safe? Well, strong passwords are important. If people
S: I’m thinking about the spicy chicken sandwich. It
know your password from one social media site, they
sounds different.
might try to use it to log in to different sites. You don’t
E: Yes, that does sound interesting. I’m thinking about
want this to happen. So what makes a good password?
the soup.
Firstly, don’t use personal information or easy passwords,
like your name your date of birth, or ‘password123’.

Conversation 3 messages to remind me to drink water. I didn’t want
W: What can I get for you? to, but I’m glad I did. Now I drink about, like, eight to
S: I’d like the spicy chicken sandwich, please. ten glasses a day. I won’t use the app for the rest of
E: And I’d like the spicy pumpkin soup, please. my life, but it’s good for now.
W: I’m afraid there’s no pumpkin soup today. We can’t 5 Well, I have to be organized for work. I have lots of
find them anywhere! We have tomato and basil soup different things to do at the same time. Sometimes,
though. It’s delicious. it’s difficult to remember to do everything on time.
E: Is it vegetarian? I downloaded this app to help me. It’s really great
W: Yes. All our soups are vegan, actually. because you can make, er, lists of things you need to
E: Oh, excellent. Can I have that then, please? do. And I, er, I like that I can move things to the bin
Conversation 4 when I finish them – or change the dates on things
W: So I have tomato and basil soup. easily.
E: Yes, that’s for me.
W: And the spicy chicken sandwich? 3&4 REVIEW 2
S: Yes, that’s for me.
W: Can I get you anything else? R2.1
E: No, that’s perfect, thanks ... Oh! This soup is Ikigai is from Japan. It means ‘reason for being’. Iki means
delicious, but it’s cold. ‘life’ and gai means ‘value or purpose’. So … it’s … uh …
S: And the chicken in this sandwich isn’t spicy. finding purpose in life! It’s why you get up in the morning!
E: Let’s get the waiter. We have to send them back. Though ikigai is a Japanese idea, it’s now popular around
the world. In Japan, ikigai is simply a way to live your life,
UNIT 4 but other places think of it as a Venn diagram, a picture
with four circles – one circle for each of the four parts.
These four parts are: things you love, things you are good
1 The step counting app on my phone really helped me at, things the world needs and … er … things you can
to get more active. My challenge is to walk 15,000 do for money. So, each of the four parts of ikigai work
steps every day. You know, that takes me about an together. Your ikigai or purpose is something that fits
hour and a half of walking, but sometimes I do 5,000 into each part. Each part helps the others. For example,
just cleaning the house! When I sit for more than, um, caring for your family is something you love, that you’re
an hour, it tells me to get up and move! It’s great. good at and that your family needs in their world. Your
2 Well, my bank has this great app. Every time I buy job is something that you do for money and that you’re
something it saves ten per cent of the total price. For good at. It’s probably something the world needs too, and
example, yesterday I bought a coffee for £2.50 and the hopefully, it’s something you love.
app saved 25p. I saved, like, £50 last month this way
There are lots of books about ikigai, but my favourite is
and now I can buy new shoes! It also sends a message
the one by Ken Mogi. He, er, wrote about the importance
to my phone every time I, um, buy something, so I
of knowing yourself and making goals your own. I mean
always know how much money I have.
… goals are personal and don’t belong to anybody else!
3 I downloaded this great app last week. It helps me stay
Just you! So, when you set goals, think about how you
positive. Every day it sends me a photo of something
can connect them to each of the four circles of ikigai.
to make me smile and a few words, um, today it was
a photo of a beautiful beach with white sand and blue
skies! The words on the photo said, um, … ‘Make UNIT 5
every day a blue sky day.’ It was raining, so it was nice
to see something like that, you know? I think I’ll use it
1 If the bus doesn’t come, we walk home.
for a long time.
2 They’ll reply if you email them.
4 Er, I was really bad for not drinking water. I always
3 If it’s warm, we swim in the sea.
forgot! Some days I only drank about three glasses!
4 I’ll relax if you put the fire on.
My friend told me to download this app that sends

5.2 UNIT 6
H = Host, L = Laura
H: Welcome, listeners! It’s good to have you back.
Today’s podcast is about home hosting. This is when N = Nushi, FR = Francesca, F = Fen
people rent a room in their home, or their whole Message 1
house or flat, to another person for a short time. N: Hi Fen! We’ve completed the first kilometre! Only
It’s great for guests because it’s usually cheaper than 41 to go! We’re feeling great and everyone is having
a hotel and they can cook their own food and wash a good time. People are singing and dancing! I’ve
their clothes. If they want to learn the local language or trained so hard for this long walk and now it’s
about the area, they can rent a room and get to know happening. I’ve never walked this far before, so I
the owner. hope I finish! My legs can really ache, but I have
my medicine if I get too sore. I’m with my friend,
It’s great for hosts too. The hosts make some extra
Francesca. Say hello, Francesca!
cash and perhaps meet interesting people from all
FR: Hello Fen! We made it! And we’ve got your lovely
over the world. But what happens if the guests don’t
chocolate cake for later! Thanks!
take care of your place? Today I have Laura, who was
Message 2
renting her flat until some guests had a big party.
N: Hi again! You asked us for updates along the way, so
Laura, what happened?
we’ll send them every few miles. We’ve made it to
L: Well, I rented my flat to tourists at weekends. I stayed
kilometre fifteen! Fifteen down, 27 to go. So far, I feel
with my sister while the guests were using the flat. It
good. I’m sure that will change soon though! There
was the easiest way to pay my bills! And I met some
was a band at the tenth kilometre. They were playing
cool people and practised my English too. Usually
your favourite song! I’m sorry you have to work today.
when I came home, it was cleaner than when I left,
Hopefully you can do it next year.
but the last time I rented it, I came home to a terrible
Message 3
mess. There were filthy plates and cups everywhere.
N: Us again! We’ve met some very fun people, but my
My favourite table lamp was broken, there was food
feet are beginning to hurt. You said new boots were
all over the sofa and the bathroom was disgusting.
a bad idea. I think you were right! We’ve passed the
My neighbours weren’t happy about the noise either.
halfway point though! 21 kilometres to go!
H: That’s terrible! So you stopped renting it?
Message 4
L: Yes! And actually, I was bored of staying away from
N: We’ve stopped for a quick rest. I think I’ve got a
home every weekend. Plus, I had a new job with
blister on my foot! It’s a little sore, so I’m putting on
better pay. If I need the money, I’ll maybe rent it
some cream and a plaster. I’m starting to feel a little
again, but I don’t think I really want to. And lots
tired! We’ve stopped to eat your cake and drink some
of people in my area rent their homes now, so it’s
coffee. It’s delicious! Thank you! We’ve done 36
more competitive, and local people are complaining
kilometres! Only six more! Nearly there!
that it’s harder for them to find somewhere to live.
Message 5
If someone rents their house to tourists for the
N: Kilometre 39! Three K to go! I am so tired and achy.
weekend, they get €200 to €300 every weekend, but
My legs hurt. My feet hurt. My shoulders hurt! I’m
if they rent it to a local for a month, they only get
hungry. We’ve eaten all our snacks!
about €400 to €500. So if you’re a home owner, it’s
Message 6
brilliant to rent to tourists, but it’s not really fair for
F: I’ve just finished work and listened to all your
the local people.
messages! Well done! You can do this! You’ve walked
H: Yes, that’s a problem. And I think it’s happening in a
39 kilometres! Wow! Keep going! Nearly there! Call
lot of places.
me when you finish!
Message 7
N: We can see the finish line! I’m so happy! Thanks for
your message. It really helped.

Message 8 UNIT 7
N: We’ve just finished! Everything hurts, but I don’t
care! We did it! We walked 42 kilometres. We 7.2

walked a marathon! It took us nine and a half hours, 1 I love inspirational quotes. Who doesn’t? I follow a
but we did it! This is the furthest I’ve ever walked! lot of social media pages and websites with them so
I think we’ve made £500 for the local school! Oh! I can read them every day. They make me feel good.
Gotta go! I’ll call you later. Last year, I was having a difficult time and they really
helped me to be positive about life. My favourite
one is ‘Never give up! You are stronger than you
5&6 REVIEW 3 think you are!’ I have that on my bedroom wall so I
R3.1 can read it and remind myself. It really helps! I also
M = Manuela, J = Jorge like sending quotes to my friends to make them feel
M: Hey Jorge! Lovely to see you! better. I think they like that!
J: Lovely to see you too, Manuela! It’s so good to be 2 Eugh! Inspirational quotes! My brother really loves
here. them, but I think they’re silly. ‘This quote will make
M: How was your journey? Let me take your bags. you happy!’? Um, spend less time on your phone!
J: Thank you! I’m so tired. The journey was awful! Then you’ll be happy! They are everywhere these
M: Oh no! What happened? days too. And they’re often not even correct. You’ll
J: Well, I set off at 4 a.m. because I had to check in at 6, see a photo of a famous person, with a quote beside
so I had to wake up at 3 a.m. I was so worried about it – and no one ever checks that the famous person
sleeping in that I hardly slept at all. actually said it! I’ve checked a few recently and
M: Oh yeah? I do that too when I have an early plane to they’re just not true. I’d prefer my friends to share
catch. their own ideas. Some people send me inspirational
J: Right? And then I can never sleep on the plane! quotes because they think it will make me feel good
Anyway, when I got to the airport, there was an or give me ideas. It won’t! That’s not who I am at all!
enormous queue to check in. 3 I have a book of inspirational quotes by successful
M: Oh no! people. It’s quite interesting to read them for ideas
J: I know! So I was late going through security because of how to live and how to succeed. There’s a great
of that and I thought the plane might take off one by Farrah Gray, a rich business owner. It says
without me. I managed to get to the gate just in something like ‘Build your own dream, or someone
time, but I ran all the way to the gate! I felt like I was else will pay you to build theirs’. I’m trying to start
in a film or something! I don’t think I’ve ever run so my own business at the moment and I keep thinking
fast in my life! about that quote. In general, inspirational quotes are
M: Ha! Well done! But that doesn’t sound fun. about being positive in life and that’s a good thing,
J: It wasn’t, but that wasn’t the worst part of the right? So, yeah, I like them.
journey. The plane was one of those tiny little planes
that move around a lot in the wind. And it was windy
1 I didn’t use to care about trees.
up there! It was just awful. I hate flying. But, hey, I’m
2 I used to use a plastic toothbrush.
here now! Do you feel like getting a coffee?
3 I used to buy new clothes every month.
M: Good idea. Shall we find somewhere outside? It’s
4 I didn’t use to walk everywhere.
quite warm today.
J: Sure. How about that little coffee shop round the
corner from your house? They had good cakes last
time we went.
M: OK. That’s easy. Let’s do that.

8.2 R4.1
M = Ms Saleh, A = Agata 1 Hello! ... Oh, hi! Yes. I printed that letter this
M: Hi Agata, please come in. Take a seat. How are you? morning. It’s on your desk. Do you need anything else
A: I’m good, thanks. before your meeting at three?
M: Great. Now today we’re going to chat about your 2 Oh wow! Look at that tree! Isn’t that amazing? I have
career options. Have you thought about what you never seen one that colour before … I’ll take a photo
want to do after college? and a little piece to do some tests.
A: I think I’d like to be a TV journalist. My course has 3 So, what are we doing today? I think you look good
taught me a lot about TV. I really enjoy the classes with long hair …, but do you want to try a different
where we make short films and when I get to present colour? Maybe blonde?
information in front of the camera. 4 And in today’s music news, there’s a big concert at
M: Yes. You’re very good at that. You’re confident and the park. Lots of famous bands and singers will be
that’s important. Now, you know TV journalism is there. Let’s go to Ben, who can tell us more …
very competitive, don’t you? Lots of people on the 5 Every child is important. If you vote for me, I will give
Communication and Media course want to be TV every child in the country an excellent education and
journalists. free school meals. Their future is our future.
A: I do, yes. But I’ll work hard. And, actually, I’ve started 6 Look ahead. The traffic lights are turning red so you
making short videos of local news and putting them need to slow down and get ready to stop. That’s
on my social media pages. They’re popular. My last right. Well done.
one got 1,000 views! 7 Hello. Yes. I have just finished looking at your
M: Oh, well done. That’s a good idea. If you want to finances. You made a lot of money this year! It all
work in TV, people need to know who you are! Keep looks very good ... Exactly. So, do you want to come
sharing your skills! OK, so, there are a few options in tomorrow to talk more about it?
for your next career steps, but we can discuss those 8 My name is Dr Medina. I work at the local university.
in a minute. First, I think we need to look at getting I’ve written a lot of reports on how people use social
you some work experience. Now, let me just check media and read a lot on the subject.
the computer for opportunities. Hmm, now, let’s see
… oh … ooh! That’s interesting. There’s a job at the
Conversation 1
local TV station. It’s volunteering, so you wouldn’t get
A: So, this meeting is to talk about how we can make
paid, but it’s just one morning a week and it’s a great
way to meet people. this office better for the environment.
B: Well, I’ve noticed that the office lights for the whole
A: That sounds good. Meeting people is one of the best
ways to get a job in TV, I think. What do I need to do? building are usually on, often in empty rooms! And
M: Um, let’s see, it says you need good admin and sometimes computers are left on overnight.
communication skills, which you have. You are A: Why don’t we print posters to remind people to turn
organized too. The duties, er, things you’d be doing off lights and computers?
include … research, writing simple stories to inform B: We did that last year and people still forgot. I’ve seen
the presenters, some admin – maybe phone calls and special lights that turn off when there’s no one in
emails or organizing transport. No presenting, but the room … they ... eh … turn off when no one is
that could come with time, when they see you are moving. Can we get those?
good. People who start as volunteers often get jobs A: Good idea. I’ll ask our admin team to find out more
with the company. about them.
A: That sounds like the perfect way to try working in TV.
How do I apply?
M: Great. I’ll email you a link to the application.

Conversation 2 I guess that’s true. We spend a lot of time finding ways
A: So, why do you want this job? to be happy. Mika, can you tell us more about why you
B: Well, I have worked as an accountant for ten years called in?
now. I learned a lot in my last job as a financial manager M: Yes. Sure. Thanks for having me on the show. What I
for education companies, such as this school. I know really want to say is, it’s OK to be unhappy sometimes.
various different ways to save this company money and These days, everyone wants to be happy and there’s this
can advise on how to reduce its tax bills. I’m confident idea that you’d be happier if you did more exercise …
with computer accounting systems, such as the one ate more healthy food … saw your friends more … and,
you mentioned in your job advert. Also, I’m friendly and yes, that can help you feel better in general, but really,
work well as part of a team, so I think I will be a good it’s not always possible to be positive.
match for this company. P: This is true. You can’t be happy 100% of the time. It’s
Conversation 3 so easy to give advice, like ‘Oh, don’t worry, it’s not that
A: Look! There’s an advert here for video games designers! bad’ or ‘Worse things can happen.’ But if someone is
I’d love to do that! feeling sad, that’s not what they want to hear at all.
B: I knew someone who wanted to do that when I was at M: Exactly. If something bad happens to you, you feel sad.
university. It’s really competitive. I think they work in a That’s OK. That’s normal. It’s OK to feel that way. But if
bank now. someone told you to feel positive about it, that probably
A: It’s still a cool job though. What’s your dream job? wouldn’t help.
B: Hmm. Not sure. I’d like to have my own business. P: Yes. You can’t just try to smile and forget about it.
A: That sounds like really hard work. Lots of business M: Right, but I think that when you feel unhappy, it can
owners work very long days. help to talk about it. Don’t just tell everyone you are OK.
B: True! OK, then, maybe I’d want to be a musician. It P: Yes. I think that’s important. Talking about our feelings
looks like a fun job. can help us to learn from them. I think feeling sad can
Conversation 4 actually be good for you sometimes. It can make you
A: Do you want a knife and fork? really think about your life.
B: No, thanks. I’ve brought my own. M: Yes. If we weren’t sad sometimes, we wouldn’t make
A: You’ve brought your own knife and fork?! Why? changes in our lives. And we can’t be happy all the
B: I’m just trying to use less plastic. time. Feeling unhappy is a normal part of life. It won’t
A: But it all gets recycled … last forever.
B: Actually, not everything that we put in the recycling bin P: So, what should you do if someone is sad?
actually gets recycled. Some just gets burned or put in a M: I think the most important thing to do is just tell them
big hole in the ground somewhere. you care. Call them to check they are OK and just listen
A: Really? I didn’t know that. to them. You don’t need to give them advice, but just
having someone to talk to, or to have a cry with can
1 I used to be a volunteer instructor. P: That’s very good advice. Of course, if you feel sad all
2 I didn’t use to drive a fast car. the time, then that’s more serious and you may need
3 Did they use to live in Hawaii? professional help, but for everyday problems, I think a
4 We used to go to the park after school. good chat is often the solution.
M: Exactly.
UNIT 9 P: Well, thank you, Mika, for coming on. Now our next
caller …
P = Presenter, M = Mika 9.3
P: Earlier in the show we talked a lot about happiness and 1 I’m sorry. I can’t help you today.
things people can do to be happy. And now we have 2 I don’t have time.
Mika on the phone. He phoned in because he feels that 3 I won’t be able to do it on Sunday.
there aren’t enough conversations about unhappiness. 4 Shona can be there at 5 p.m.
5 They’ll arrive soon.

UNIT 10 3 This is an announcement for the 5 p.m. hip-hop
dance class in the second floor main dance hall. Your
10.2 room has changed because there is a show tonight.
1 So you’re looking for online entertainment? Look no Please go to the dance studio on the third floor. I
further! Try one of our online quizzes. They are fast, repeat, the 5 p.m. hip-hop dance class is now in the
funny and friendly, last an amazing two hours, and dance studio on the third floor.
cost just $5 or $10. You can join any of our quizzes 4 We hope you enjoyed the concert. Please use the
online. Just check out our calendar and sign up. Or, if exits closest to you and follow the directions of our
you have a big group, a work party, a birthday, you can staff. Remember to take all your personal items with
book us to make a personal quiz just for you. This is you. You can buy T-shirts, bags and other souvenirs
possibly the best online quiz around – with even better on the ground floor. Have a nice night.
prizes! Check out our website to find out more.
2 If you’ve always thought you’d be a great police
officer, then join us for our online mystery game. For
those of you who don’t know, these are online games 11.1
that get you working with your friends by phone, text 1 I told her to try it!
and video call to solve crimes. It’s lots of fun to find 2 She told me she was driving.
the criminals by solving puzzles! All while you are safe 3 He told them to do it.
at home! You can be in the same room or completely 4 They told him to come at 7 p.m.
different countries! Games last 60 to 90 minutes
and cost £11. Great fun, and it helps to make these
podcasts. Check my website to find out more. T = Theo, W = Wendy
3 Let us help you make restaurant quality food in your T: Um, Wendy, uh, could you help me with something?
own home. Our top chefs are here to help you every It’s a little embarrassing …
step of the way. We’ll post all the ingredients to you W: Sure Theo. What can I do?
so you don’t even need to go to the shops. We’ll show T: I know I should really be able to do this myself, but I
you how to make delicious food and we’ll give you just can’t.
cooking advice. There are lots of popular recipes to W: Yeah?
choose from – real Italian pizza, Chinese dumplings, T: There’s a spider on my chair … and I’m, um, scared of
Mexican tortillas or a spicy Indian curry. All our classes spiders. It’s only little and I know I should just move it,
are two hours and cost £40 per person. Find more but I can’t.
information and book online now! W: No problem. I can put it out of the window for you.
T: Thank you! … Thanks! You made that look so easy!
W: I’m not scared of spiders. But everyone is scared of
9&10 REVIEW 5 something, like I’m scared of heights! My brother’s
R5.1 flat is on the fifteenth floor and I can’t even look out
1 Today, we have two for one drinks and snacks for all of his windows!
our members. Just show your membership card when T: Really?
you pay. Our members benefit from visiting the cinema W: Well, I can, but I hate it! He says I need to practise
as many times as they want, first viewings of new and that if I look out of his windows more, I’ll be less
films, and 10% off all our food and drinks. For more scared.
information, check out our website. T: I’ve heard that practising helps too. But I just can’t
2 The show will start in five minutes. Please take your touch a spider! My heart goes so fast! And I get really
seats. We kindly ask you to turn off your phones. hot and need to sit down. It’s not a nice feeling at
There will be a short break at 8:45 p.m. You can buy all. I have to walk away and take deep breaths. If I’m
drinks and snacks in our café. Please respect others alone at home, I have to phone someone to move the
and watch the show in silence. We want everyone to spider!
enjoy it!

: What is it that makes you so scared of them?
W websites to check – lots of trees and plants look
T: I don’t know! … Maybe because they’re just so fast! I very similar. Or even better, ask someone if you
mean, fears are weird, my sister and my dad are both can, but apps are a fantastic place to start. I’ve
scared of birds! learned so much this way. My favourite app records
W: Birds? birds singing then tells you what the bird is! I was
T: Yeah. My dad thinks my sister learned to be scared amazed when I downloaded it! And now, let’s get
of birds because she saw him being scared when she started.
was a child. But then again, I’m not scared of them
so maybe that’s not true … 11&12 REVIEW 6
W: Actually, I think my mum is scared of heights too.
She’s definitely scared of flying. She didn’t use to fly R6.1
anywhere on holiday, but then, a few years ago, she Y = Yang, B = Bret, S = Sara
decided to read lots of books about flying and even Y: Hello Bret.
had a flying lesson. Now she flies, though she still B: Hi, Yang! How are you?
doesn’t like it. Y: Good, thanks. You?
T: Yeah. A friend of mine was afraid of snakes. She did B: Great, thanks. Listen. What are you doing now?
this course where she went to the zoo and held lots Sara has made the most delicious vegetable soup.
of them. I think she quite likes them now. I don’t And she’s made enough to feed about one hundred
think I’d be able to do that though. I feel anxious just people!
thinking about it! S: I made lots … far too much.
W: Well, you could try it? Y: Sorry, what did she say? I couldn’t hear her.
B: Oh! She just said she’s made far too much food! Do
you want to come over and have some?
Y: I’d love to, but I’m writing an essay for uni. I won’t
12.2 finish until bedtime. Can I come round tomorrow
S = Speaker, Audience member 1 = A1, night? Are you busy?
Audience member 2 = A2 B: Er, what day is tomorrow? It’s Friday, right? We’re
S: Thanks for coming. Today I’m going to be talking to going out tomorrow night. We’ve been invited to a
you about my favourite technology for enjoying the garden party with some people from Sara’s college.
great outdoors. Like you, I live in the middle of a big What about Saturday?
city, so it’s not always easy to visit the countryside, Y: Oh, I’m playing rugby and it’s a really long drive. I
but, you know, there are still a lot of animals and won’t get back until late. Sunday?
plants to enjoy right here. For example, our parks, B: We can’t meet on Sunday either! We’re going to a
gardens, balconies and even our windows can be wedding. We’ll be there all day!
great places to see and enjoy plants and animals. Y: Ha! Everyone’s so busy these days. It’s such a
Oh, I see someone at the back has a question. I can challenge just trying to find time in our diaries.
take that now, before I get started. B: I know. Well, we’d still love to see you. What about
A1: Hi, yes, I would like to ask how you know the next week? Are you free then?
names of all the plants and trees. Y: Er, let me check … I could do Monday, Tuesday or
S: Sorry. I couldn’t hear you, could you say that again Wednesday evening, sometime after seven o’clock.
please? B: Wednesday is good.
A2: Ah, yes, he said he wanted to know how you know Y: Great, let’s meet on Wednesday. I’ll message you
the names of all the plants and trees. during the day to confirm what time I’m coming.
A: Ah-ha! You can use technology to help you learn B: Excellent! See you then.
about it – there are lots of apps that let you take
a photo of a tree, flower, animal or plant, then tell
1 I told him that I was tired.
you what it is! Brilliant, huh? I mean, it’s always best
2 He told them to wait outside.
to take a few photos and look at a few different
3 We told her we would be late.


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