Voices Intermediate Plus Workbook Key

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Answer key

UNIT 1 Learning to learn: listening

Reading Students’ own answers

1 1 doesn’t want 2 takes 3 throw everything away Vocabulary

2 1c 2d 3f 4j 5g 1 1b 2g 3a 4f 5d 6c 7h 8i 9e
3 1 worn out 2 one arm missing 3 slightly ripped, 2 1 pay attention 2 stay focused 3 get a degree
bands no one remembers 4 too old 5 From when 4 memorize a lot of facts 5 revise hard for exams
I was a baby until I left home, the bear slept next to 6 evening classes 7 graduate from high school
me in my bed every night 6 The broken doll was a 8 education system
tenth birthday gift from my favourite aunt.
7 The t-shirts are souvenirs from my teenage years – Pronunciation
an important part of my identity Saying groups of consonants
4 4 1 1 Next year I’m going to do independent study.
5 Students’ own answers 2 I like my maths class because it’s my favourite
Grammar 3 You have to know names and places to succeed in
Auxiliary verbs in questions and short answers history.
4 It isn’t always easy to stay focused in a traditional
1 1 Do you remember my friend Jackie?
2 Isn’t Wayan’s brother living in Indonesia?
5 I don’t think I study enough!
3 Haven’t you made some new friends at work?
4 Didn’t Wang grow up in China? 2 Students’ own answers
5 Are your oldest friends still living in your home town?
Learning to learn: pronunciation
6 Have you met Sylvie’s friend from Krakow?
Students’ own answers
2 a6 b5 c1 d3 e4 f2
3 1b 2a 3c 4c 5a 6b 7b Focus on
4 1 have 2 haven’t 3 aren’t 4 don’t 5 do Short questions
6 Did 7 was 8 were 9 did 1 1 Where 2 Who 3 What 4 Who 5 How long
5 a2 b4 c6 d 10 e8 f5 g1 h3 i7 j9 6 What
6 1 Do 2 Yes 3 isn’t 4 No 5 has 6 Neither 7 is 2 1 with 2 for 3 in 4 for 5 by 6 to
8 do
Pronunciation 1 1 I realy really admire Araceli Segarra for her
Stressing auxiliaries determination. 2 She has shown me that its it’s
possible to reach difficult goals if you work hard
1 1 Haven’t you? 2 wasn’t it? It was! 3 I did see her.
and push yourself. 3 She started climbing as a
2 Students’ own answers teenager. 4 She has climbed many of the worlds
Listening world’s most challenging mountains and been part of
more than thirty expeditions. 5 She have has also
1 1a 2b 3d 4c
helped to make movies, mostly about climbing.
2 1F 2T 3F 4F 5T 6F 7F 8T 6 In addition, she writes books, appears on television
3 Students’ own answers shows and gives talks about climbing. 7 Because of
her, I’m interested for in a lot of different things.
8 Araceli inspires me and everyone in the climbing
community to work hard.
2 1c 2f 3a 4b 5g 6e 7d

Answer key
3 Model answer 2 1 What were they doing when he called?
 licia Sanchez has made a real difference to our local
A 2 Had you heard of the company before they
running community. She’s the reason why I and a contacted you?
lot of my friends started running. She’s always there 3 Were they expecting the package when it arrived?
when the running club meets and she encourages all 4 Where were you working when you met Dimitri?
of us to train and improve. She works with runners 5 Hadn’t you used the credit card for online
in local schools and gives teenagers and adults a shopping?
community to belong to. I admire her for her ability 6 Did they ask whether it had been stolen?
to bring people together in this way. 7 Was she using her laptop when she was hacked?
8 Why hadn’t you locked the door before you left?
Alicia grew up in this area, which means she knows a
lot of people. She’s known for her friendliness, great 3 1 heard 2 was working 3 had finished
sense of humour and hard work, which means that 4 was looking 5 didn’t have 6 said
it’s easy for her to get local businesses to sponsor our 7 lost 8 had saved 9 learned
events. It also means that local people are interested Learning to learn: grammar
in what we’re doing, even if they aren’t runners
themselves. The passion that many people feel for 1 1 find found found
running comes from Alicia’s coaching. 2 run ran run
3 shut shut shut
Alicia has taught a lot of us to push ourselves and
grow even when training seems difficult. She’s 2 1 verbs with identical past simple and past participle
also shown how people from a lot of different 2 verbs with identical present and past participle
backgrounds can come together and enjoy doing 3 verbs where the present, past simple and part
something together. If I could help and inspire people participle are the same
as much as Alicia has, I’d be really happy. Thank you, Pronunciation
Alicia, for everything you do!
Pronouncing -ed words
Learning to learn: your journal 1 Students’ own answers
Students’ own answers 2 /-nd/: happened, learned /-vd/: proved, saved
/-kt/: hacked, looked /-tʃt/: watched, switched
UNIT 2 3 Students’ own answers
Reading Listening
1 2a 5b 3c 1 1b 2a 3c 4a 5c
2 An agreement: 1, 2, 3, 5 A disagreement: 4, 6, 7, 8 2 1 of them 2 of them 3 meet him 4 and he
3 Students’ own answers 5 without a doubt 6 told him 7 asked him
4 1T 2 NG 3 F 4 F 5 NG 6T 7T 8F 9 NG 8 left him

5 Most likely answers: formal, informative, professional, 3 Students’ own answers

serious Vocabulary
6 Students’ own answers 1 1 robbing 2 caught 3 innocent 4 breaking
Grammar 5 victim 6 fine 7 guilty 8 broken 9 bank
robber 10 sentenced 11 giving him a warning
Past tenses
2 1 innocent 2 warning 3 rob 4 victim 5 robber
1 1 happened 2 noticed 3 hadn’t written 4 looked 6 break into 7 guilty 8 be sentenced to 9 fine
5 appeared 6 was using 7 did you do 8 reported 10 break 11 get caught
9 happened 10 was looking 11 changed

Pronunciation Martina knew she had to work quickly. She had to
get a message to her partners in the basement and
Saying long and short ‘o’
let them know that Hans was listening to them and
1 /ɔː/ = 1, 4, 6, 7 /ɒ/ = 2, 3, 5, 8 trying to figure out what they were doing. She had to
2 Students’ own answers try to get Hans away from door.

Focus on Learning to learn: using your English

be/get used to + something / doing something Students’ own answers
1 1 getting used to 2 used to 3 used to
4 getting used to 5 used to 6 used to 1&2 REVIEW 1
2 1 ‘s used to working 2 ‘re getting used to living Vocabulary
3 ’re used to hearing 4 used to be 5 ’m not used
to talking 6 ‘s still getting used to wearing 1 1 evening classes 2 education system 3 memorize
7 used to read 4 good grades 5 exams 6 graduate 7 degree
8 attention 9 focused
Writing 2 1 a bank 2 houses 3 caught 4 the rules 5 fine
1 1c 2e 3a 4f 5b 6d 6 a crime
2 1 secretly 2 excitedly 3 politely 4 bravely Grammar
5 nervously
1 1 Do 2 is/isn’t 3 did 4 Does 5 was 6 haven’t
3 1b 2c 3a 7 have
4 Model answer (continuation of ‘The missing key’) 2 1 was relaxing 2 rang 3 was 4 said
That’s when Hans heard it. From behind the door, 5 had bought 6 had used 7 made 8 hadn’t paid
inside the basement of the old theatre, the sound 9 asked 10 realized 11 knew 12 hung up
of metal hitting stone. Someone was digging in 13 hadn’t been 14 have given
there. He briefly considered banging on the door
and demanding that they open it, but he decided he Reading
should be careful. He didn’t know who was in there, 1 2
how they got in or what they were doing. He needed 2 1b 2d 3c 4a 5c
answers – fast.
He stepped quietly away from the door, grabbed his Listening
phone and called Martina. ‘Martina’ he said softly. ‘I 1 1b 2c 3a 4b
need your help. I need to get into the basement but
not through the door. Is there another way in?’ Pronunciation
‘What’s this about?’ Martina asked. 1 Students’ own answers

‘Someone’s in the basement digging, I don’t know 2 long /ɔː/ = for, uniforms, thought short /ɒ/ = long,
who. The door’s locked. There’s something going on. forgot
Something’s not right.’
‘Well, …’ Martina said nervously, ‘I’ll come and have UNIT 3
a look.’
Why did Martina sound so nervous, Hans
1 1 That they were dead 2 1965 3 warm(er) and
wondered as he waited for her to arrive. Did she
rich(er) 4 44 5 $40m 6 2011
know something about what was going on in the
basement? 2 1 b, c 2c 3 b, d 4c 5a
3 1 digital streaming 2 vinyl 3 digital streaming
4 digital streaming 5 Students’ own answers

Answer key
Learning to learn: reading 3 1 Basically 2 like 3 I mean 4 Actually 5 sort of
1 1 It shows worldwide vinyl sales between 1997 and 4 Students’ own answers
2013. 2 The units are millions of dollars. 3 From
2000 to 2006, there’s a decline in the sale of vinyl
Focus on
records. Then from 2006 to 2013, there’s an increase. Talking about data: Prepositions
2 Model answer 1 1 in 2 to 3 by 4 to 5 of 6 in
This chart shows CD sales from 1985 to 2017. The 2 1 of 2 by 3 to 4 in
units are millions of dollars. From 1985 to 1999, there’s
an increase in sales. From 1999 to 2000, sales remain
steady. Then from 2000 to 2017 there’s a fall in sales. Pronouncing long vowels
1 1 hard 2 seat 3 bed 4 foot 5 walk
2 Students’ own answers
Talking about predictions
1 1a 2c 3b 4b 5a 6c Writing
2 1 probably work very hard. 2 do jobs that people 1 & 2 Students’ own answers
do now. 3 control the speed of cars. 4 more 3 Model answer
electricity will be needed. 5 a better solution has
I would like to work as a graphic designer for an
been invented. 6 will have built a train that goes
online magazine.
1,000 kilometres per hour.
3 1 ’s 2 has ended 3 get 4 won’t leave / isn’t going One of my main strengths is creativity. I’m quite
to leave 5 ’re probably going to find / will probably lucky that I attended a school that had a great arts
find 6 will feel department and I’m very good at drawing. When I
was at school, I always created posters for societies
4 1 as soon as 2 unless 3 By the time
and events, and I always received compliments on the
4 once 5 When 6 after
colours and layouts I used.
5 Students’ own answers
One thing I need to work on is my computer skills. I
Pronunciation need to gain more skills, such as learning to create
Saying contracted forms of will and going to digital illustrations and understanding how digital
publishing works. To achieve this, I’m going to enrol
1 1 I won’t 2 He’s gonna 3 They’ll
in a graphic design course at university.
4 We’re gonna 5 You’ll
The first step I will take is to research the best university
2 1 I will not 2 He’s going to 3 They will
courses in my country. I will then try and connect
4 We’re going to 5 You will
with young graphic designers and online magazine
Vocabulary publishers in order to gain some inside knowledge of
what it is actually like to work in their field.
1 1d 2a 3i 4c 5h 6g 7b 8e 9f
2 1b 2d 3a 4e 5c 6h 7f 8i 9g Learning to learn: your journal
Students’ own answers
Learning to learn: vocabulary
Students’ own answers
1 2
1 Students’ own answers
2 1 Computers 2 fine 3 meaning 4 Context
2 Paragraph 1 b Paragraph 5 c Paragraph 6 a
5 attitude 6 check and correct 7 safe
3 1a 2b 3c

4 1 connects 2 places 3 environment 4 touches Listening
5 identity 6 connections 7 power 8 world
1 1 means you 2 Do you 3 put your 4 Did you
5 1 from the day we are born to the day we die 5 makes you 6 said you
2 the DNA of who we are 3 a storyteller, opening a
2 1T 2F 3F 4T 5F
window into our pasts 4 an ambassador of foreign
lands, bridging the gap between two countries 3 1b 2c 3a 4c 5b

Grammar Pronunciation
Modifying comparative and superlative adjectives Saying /k/, /p/ and /t/ in stressed syllables

1 1b 2f 3a 4d 5c 6e 7g 1 1 because 2 correctly 3 people 4 parents

5 table 6 important
2 Around here, chicken eggs are a lot more common
than duck eggs for breakfast. 2 Pho is one of 2 1, 4, 5
Vietnam’s most famous foods. 3 As the weather Writing
gets colder, ice cream becomes less and less
1 1 exceeded 2 spacious 3 well worth it
popular. 4 He isn’t working as much, so he’s
4 an attentive experience 5 a delicious
cooking at home more regularly now. 5 At home,
we have rice much more often than pasta. 6 I think 2 1b 2a 3d 4c 5f 6e
she likes her coffee a bit sweeter than I do. 7 This is 3 Model answer
by far the best lunch I’ve had in a long time.
Almost perfect
3 1 is less spicy than 2 a bit 3 much 4 by far The Red Bicycle, the town centre’s newest restaurant,
5 much offers a wide variety of choices at very reasonable prices.
4 1 by far the sweetest 2 a lot more common The range of vegetarian options was extensive and the
3 more and more 4 as spicy as 5 more slowly ones we tried were delicious. We had veggie burgers,
curly potato fries with Spanish mayonnaise, green
salad with nuts and an amazing apple pie for dessert.
Changing your pronunciation Everything was perfectly prepared.
1 1 lot more 2 most popular 3 fruit tastes The staff are friendly and know the menu well. They
4 bit more 5 most famous 6 best salmon were able to answer all of our questions and also
2 Students’ own answers handled some of our special requests with no confusion.
The only part of the meal that didn’t live up to our
Learning to learn: communication expectations was the slow service.
Students’ own answers The restaurant is in an old house which makes a
beautiful setting for a meal. There’s comfortable space
Vocabulary between the tables so the atmosphere is relaxed but not
1 1a 2b 3b 4b 5a too quiet. There are high ceilings and plenty of windows
2 1 typical 2 a sign of good manners so the space is light and airy.
3 show them some respect 4 impolite 5 guest There’s only one thing I would change. The restaurant is
popular, so they should put on extra waiters during busy
Focus on times. The staff they have are friendly and good at their
Negative prefixes for adjectives job, but there isn’t enough of them to provide the best
1 1 dishonest 2 impolite 3 insensitive possible customer experience.
4 unhappy 5 irregular Even with the slow service I mentioned, I highly
2 1 impatient 2 disorganized 3 informal recommend The Red Bicycle. It’s become more
4 disrespectful 5 illogical 6 imperfect 7 inflexible and more popular, so be sure to phone ahead for

Answer key
Learning to learn: good learning habits 2 1b 2a 3d 4e 5f 6c
Students’ own answers 3 1 should’ve 2 wouldn’t 3 could’ve 4 would’ve
5 shouldn’t 6 could’ve
3&4 REVIEW 2 4 1 wouldn’t have 2 could have 3 would have
4 should have 5 shouldn’t have 6 couldn’t have
1 1b 2c 3a 4e 5d Learning to learn: grammar
2 1 data 2 a sharp growth 3 a steady drop Students’ own answers
4 rise gradually 5 remains unchanged
6 estimate 7 set to 8 it’s likely
Pronouncing have in past modal verbs
Grammar 1 1 ’ve 2 have 3 have 4 ’ve 5 ’ve 6 have
1 1 may 2 are 3 ’ll 4 may have 5 they’re 2 Students’ own answers
2 1 and more 2 less 3 best 4 least 5 not as
Reading 1 1 b, c 2 a, d 3 b, e
1 1 insects 2 chufa nuts 3 algae 2 1 director 2 protagonist 3 realistic
2 1b 2c 3a 4 tournament 5 dangerous 6 trapped 7 26
8 wild animals
3 1c 2a 3b
1 1F 2F 3T 4T
2 1 socially acceptable 2 situation 3 Spanish Learning to learn: listening
4 made a mistake 5 say it 6 a bit annoyed 1 Possible answers: Avalon, Ready Player One, Jumanji,
7 inappropriate film, English, main character, fights criminals, years
2 main character – protagonist; criminals – bad guys; fight
– battle; years – listen for a number, in this case 26
1 1 cat 2 wall 3 talked 4 fill 5 bed
2 Students’ own answers
1 1 talented 2 participated 3 professional
4 Competing 5 great skills 6 determined
UNIT 5 7 opponent 8 perform poorly 9 at all costs
Reading 2 1 win at all costs 2 beat her opponent
1 1T 2 NG 3 F 4F 5T 6 NG 3 requires great skills 4 competing against
2 1 We were voted Best Escape Experience by City 5 are talented 6 became a professional
Magazine’s readers and have a five-star rating on 7 are determined 8 performed poorly
CustomerTrust. 2 The examples are the four games 9 participated in a tournament
and the information about level and age that is given Pronunciation
for each. 3 Improved communication. Stronger
relationships. Better memory. Saying ‘o’ in stressed syllables

3 1c 2a 3e 4b 5d 1 1 enormous 2 director 3 moment 4 common

5 boring 6 nobody
4 & 5 Students’ own answers
ordinary /ɔː/: enormous, boring
Grammar alone /əʊ/: moment, nobody
Could have, should have and would have actor /ə/: director, common
1 a3 b1 c5 d4 e2 f6 2 Students’ own answers

Focus on All in all, it seems clear that while online gaming may
bring some benefits, there are also potential serious
Talking about past ability: could, was able to or managed
problems. To limit the possible damage caused by
gaming, teenagers’ gaming time should be limited to
1 1 a, c 2 a, c 3 b, c 4 b, c 5 a, c one hour per day.
2 1 could 2 was able to 3 managed to
4 wasn’t able to 5 didn’t manage to 6 couldn’t
Learning to learn: your journal
Students’ own answers
1 1 While 2 Even though 3 Although UNIT 6
4 However 5 In contrast 6 Nevertheless
2 1 Even though gaming may improve visual processes
and make eyes more sensitive to different colours, 1 Students’ own answers
it may (also) cause eyes to feel tired and lead to 2 Students’ own answers
3 1c 2a 3f 4b 5e 6d
2 Although it's true that online gaming can help
improve memory and problem-solving abilities, it 4 Article 1: Some of life's greatest discoveries are made
(also) may reduce ability to concentrate. when we aren't looking for them.
3 Playing online games reduces anxiety and Article 2: Some stories don't tell us all the details -
depression in some gamers. Nevertheless, in other they leave us guessing.
gamers it increases anxiety and depression. Article 3: And pride is something money can't buy.
3 1c 2a 3b 1 Story 2: some stories don't tell us all the details
2 Some of life’s greatest discoveries are made when
4 Model answer
we aren’t looking for them. 3 Probably the first, but
While no doubt online gaming is a popular way to it’s a matter of opinion.
relax and play, it can cause some serious problems. It’s
5 Students’ own answers
argued here that teenagers shouldn’t be allowed to
play online games for more than an hour a day. Learning to learn: reading
First, even though gaming may improve visual Students’ own answers
processes and make eyes more sensitive to different
colours, staring at a screen may cause eyes to feel Grammar
tired and lead to headaches. When this happens, a Reporting what people say
player obviously has played for too long. Therefore, it 1 1 thought he remembered 2 had found
makes sense to limit gaming time. 3 would ask 4 had been 5 had happened the
In addition, although it’s true that online gaming can day before 6 was going to investigate the story the
help improve memory and problem-solving abilities, it next/following day
may also reduce the ability to concentrate. For young 2 1 I’d 2 couldn’t 3 hadn’t known
people especially, being able to pay close attention 4 she’d/she had 5 that 6 had started
at school is an important part of education. Limiting 7 day 8 had 9 could 10 ’d/would
game-playing time will limit this damage. 11 following 12 would
Finally, some might claim that playing games may
3 1 Shenaz Treasury said that everything in her life
reduce anxiety and depression in some gamers.
happened by coincidence. 2 Kami Garcia said that
Nevertheless, in other gamers, gaming increases
nothing in her life was a coincidence. 3 Osamu
anxiety and depression. Whichever is true, if screen
Tezuka said that coincidence didn’t happen a third
time is limited, then potential problems of anxiety
time. 4 Helmut Jahn said that when he thought of
and depression will be limited.
some of his earlier work, it really seemed a fortunate

Answer key
coincidence that he had succeeded. 5 Adnan Sami Writing
said that he had always believed that there was no
1 1 However 2 as 3 In addition 4 As a result
such thing as coincidence.
5 due to 6 Although 7 because 8 Therefore
Learning to learn: grammar 9 However 10 Moreover
Students’ own answers 2 1c 2a 3e 4b 5d
3 1b 2a 3a 4b 5b
4 & 5 Model answer
Saying auxiliary verbs at the end of sentences
Dear Sir or Madam
1 1 What was Yusuf’s question?
I am writing to complain about a t-shirt I received
He asked me where my helmet was. from your shop.
2 Has Tom had the safety training on that machine? Although I ordered a large yellow t-shirt, the one you
Yes, he has. sent is small and, furthermore, blue. It also arrived
3 What were you talking to Ian about? five days later than what was promised on your
website, so I was really disappointed when it turned
I was telling him what my injuries were. up and I saw that it wasn’t what I had ordered. The
2 Students’ own answers service from your shop has been really unsatisfactory.
As a result, I would like you to arrange for the return
of this t-shirt and for a new t-shirt to be sent. I hope
1 1 ripped 2 seriously injured 3 a bit burnt that you will take steps to prevent such situations
4 did get a few bruises 5 spilled 6 a few scratches from occurring in the future.
7 ruined 8 was in pretty bad shape 9 smashed
I am looking forward to hearing from you.
10 tripped 11 clumsy
Yours faithfully
2 1 trips 2 spills 3 ruins 4 smashes 5 clumsy
6 bruises 7 burnt 8 rip 9 seriously injured Caroline Smith
10 scratches 11 pretty bad shape Learning to learn: making self-study enjoyable
Pronunciation Students’ own answers
Saying /ʃ/
/ʃ/, /dʒ/ and /tʃ/
1 1 wash 2 jump 3 watch 4 watch 5 wash
5&6 REVIEW 3
6 jump Vocabulary
2 Students’ own answers 1 1 competing 2 required great skills 3 participated
in the tournament 4 beat their opponents
Listening 5 talented 6 performed poorly 7 determined
1 a2 b3 c6 d1 e5 f4 g7 8 win at all costs
2 1 pretty tired 2 wedding arrangements 2 1 injured 2 scratches 3 ripped 4 tripped
3 old friends 4 the hotel 5 the flowers 5 spilled 6 burnt 7 ruined 8 clumsy 9 smashed
6 slowly and carefully 7 another/a car 8 the cake
9 Alex and Charlie 10 had a serious accident
1 1 could 2 would 3 could 4 managed to
3 2, 3, 5
5 should
Focus on 2 1 he'd/he had spilled 2 she thought 3 was hers
Discussing present habits 4 asked 5 had borrowed 6 she’d/she had written
7 was right 8 he’d/he would give
1 1b 2f 3a 4d 5c 6e
2 1– 2 tends 3 will 4 – 5 will 6 – 7 tends

Reading 3 2 got it painted 3 getting the engine repaired
4 having seats with new covers put in
1 1c 2a 3e 4b 5d
5 get new wheels put on 6 needs installing
2 1F 2F 3T 4T 5T
Stressing the object with have/get something done
1 injuries, back problems, hurts, treatment, permanent
problems 1 1 I had my watch repaired.
2 They got their garden tidied up.
2 1 thumbs 2 video games 3 keyboard 4 mouse
3 She has her house cleaned every Monday.
5 eyes 6 sore 7 gamer’s 8 two days
4 You’ll get your furniture replaced.
9 half an hour 10 exercises
5 My brother didn’t have his eyes checked.
Pronunciation 6 We get our shirts ironed.

1 1 should have 2 could’ve 3 would’ve 4 should've 2 Students’ own answers

5 could have 6 would have
2 1c 2a 3b
1 a4 b3 c2 d1
2 1 d, f 2 a, e 3 c, h 4 b, g
3 1 about 2 less 3 approximately 4 more than
Reading 5 more 6 around
1 1 b, c 2 a The ceiling is made mostly of glass and the
inside of the mall, between the shops, is an open space Learning to learn: listening
four storeys high. b It was about 15 square metres Students’ own answers
inside and a couple of metres wide at the front.
c You’ll see it in the fruit, vegetables, clothes, art, Vocabulary
plants, toys d the impossibility of trying things on, 1 1d 2a 3c 4e 5b 6g 7f
which means they may not fit and have to be returned. 2 1 a bargain 2 a complete rip-off 3 bargain
Also, I have to wait a few days for things to arrive. with 4 get a good deal on 5 get a discount
2 b 6 be charged 7 good value for money
3 1 Speculation - may in fact be one of the world’s 8 special offer 9 sale 10 cost a fortune
oldest malls 2 Fact 3 Fact 4 Speculation - There 11 well worth
may have been a smaller store somewhere else in Pronunciation
the world 5 Speculation – it probably has a greater
choice of things to buy than you'll see anywhere Saying longer vowels before voiced consonants
6 Fact 7 Speculation – it’s likely that I could visit 1 1 ride 2 rip 3 kits 4 bag 5 ice
thousands of different online shops 8 Fact 2 Students’ own answers
4 1 Mikhail 2 Soo-bong 3 Giovanna 4 Omar
Focus on
5 Students’ own answers
cost, price, worth
Grammar 1 1c 2a 3e 4b 5f 6d
have/get something done 2 1 cost 2 price 3 worth 4 price 5 worth 6 cost
1 1 spilled, cleaning 2 got, needed 3 cutting, had
4 stolen, fixing 5 had, by Writing
2 1 got, damaged 2 had, painted 3 needs, installing 1 1B 2A 3C
4 got, broken 5 needs repairing 6 having, 2 I want to trade my desktop computer for a laptop.
delivered 2 I’m looking for a leather jacket that’s in good

Answer key
condition. 3 Do you have any unwanted house 2 Students’ own answers
plants? 4 We need your old glass bottles for an art
project. 5 I want to find a drumming teacher. Vocabulary
3 Students’ own answers 1 1b 2c 3a 4b

4 Model answer 2 1 employment agency 2 unemployed

3 job opportunities 4 job satisfaction
Bike trade? Want to trade my town bike for mountain
5 transferable skills 6 work long hours
bike in good condition. My town bike three years old,
7 competitive 8 9 to 5 9 stand out
no problems. Happy to come to you to talk about fair
10 permanent contract
trade. Would consider paying a little extra for top-
quality mountain bike. Pronunciation
Learning to learn: your journal Saying /r/ at the end of syllables
Students’ own answers 1 1 Is she an actor or an artist?
2 He isn’t a barber, he’s a builder.
3 She’s been a sailor for her entire career.
UNIT 8 4 I’m a reporter, but I’d like to retire.
Reading 5 His father is a firefighter.
1 1b 2c 3a Learning to learn: pronunciation
2 1– 2≠ 3↓ 4 > 5 expl. 6 b/c 1 1 There’s a bill on the table.
3 1 an advice column 2 subjective 3 personal 2 The nurse gave me a pill.
opinion 4 aren’t 5 specific to the letter-writer 3 They had one boat.
4 Every vote is important.
4 2, 5
5 This isn’t light.
5 Students’ own answers 6 Which one is right?
7 The whale is beautiful.
8 Here’s a picture of the veil.
Noun phrases
2, 3 & 4 Students’ own answers
1 1 about 2 in 3 for 4 between 5 with
2 1c 2a 3f 4b 5e 6d Listening
3 1 opportunity to travel 2 chance to learn 1 Conversation 1: 1, 3, 4 Conversation 2: 2, 3, 5
3 something to do 4 someone to work 2 1P 2S 3S 4P
5 freedom to choose 3 b
4 1 who/that 2 for 3 with 4 in 5 that/which
6 to Focus on
5 1 We want to hire someone who we can trust. Compound words
2 Remember the time when you got three job offers 1 1 coach 2 assistant 3 manager 4 teacher
in one week? 3 Can’t delete 4 Can’t delete 5 driver 6 engineer
5 Is there a quieter place where we can talk? 2 1 shop assistant 2 mechanical engineer
3 football coach 4 ambulance driver
Learning to learn: grammar
5 science teacher 6 office manager
Students’ own answers
1 1c 2a 3g 4b 5d 6h 7f 8e 9j 10 i
Saying /ɜː/ and /ɑː/
2 1 making sure 2 gardening 3 timing 4 working
1 1 fast 2 purse 3 far 4 hard 5 firm 5 running

3 a1 b4 c2 d3 e5 UNIT 9
4 Students’ own answers (See page 73, Exercise 2 for
model answer)
1 1B 2A 3– 4– 5C
Learning to learn: setting up a language- 2 1B 2A 3C
learning routine
3 1 A, B, C 2 A, B 3 A, B, C 4A 5 A, B 6B
Students’ own answers
7C 8C
4 b
7&8 REVIEW 4
5 1a 2b 3c 4c 5a 6b 7a 8c
Vocabulary 6 Students’ own answers
1 1c 2a 3e 4b 5d
2 1 employment agency 2 9 to 5 3 flexible
4 job opportunities 5 stand out 6 unemployed Pronouns
1 1 mine 2 hers 3 yours 4 his 5 theirs 6 ours
2 2 We, them 3 She, him 4 He, her 5 you, them
1 1 got 2 needs 3 get 4 worth 5 cost 6 done
7 price 3 1 themselves 2 yourself 3 himself 4 herself
5 itself 6 ourselves 7 myself 8 yourselves
2 1 She’s an office assistant in a bank.
4 1b 2f 3a 4d 5c 6e
2 They want a mechanical engineer to design
engines. 5 1 Everything 2 nowhere 3 one 4 Nobody
3 We need a swimming coach who speaks German. 5 anywhere 6 Somebody 7 everyone 8 nothing
4 It’s a career for hard-working people. 9 everywhere 10 ones 11 something
12 anything
5 They need someone to help them.
6 This is the room where you’ll work. Pronunciation
Reading Stressing pronouns
1 1c 2a 3e 4d 1 1 We visited the old town.
2 She taught us about it.
2 1 designing and making things 2 also do
3 They built it themselves.
childcare 3 get a better job 4 how to bargain
4 Everyone worked together.
with shopkeepers 5 following successful personal
5 It’s his.
shoppers on social media
6 He took one.
Listening 7 It was the red one.
8 I want to know more about them.
1 1c 2b 3a
2 Students’ own answers
2 1 three 2 about 20 3 more than a dozen
4 approximately €500 5 nearly €1,000 Listening
6 around €2,000
1 a2 b4 c1 d3 e5 f–
Pronunciation 2 1 different 2 tallest 3 technology 4 radio
1 1 side 2 phases 3 rip 4 block 5 silent 6 horses
2 1 first, fast 2 pass, purse 3 heard, hard
4 firm, farm

Answer key
Vocabulary One of her major achievements was to keep her true
identity hidden while being such a talented soldier.
1 1b 2e 3a 4d 5c 6g 7f
She devoted twelve years to her life to the army.
2 1 rise 2 historic site 3 ruins 4 date from
As a woman living and working in a man’s world, she
5 settle 6 inhabitants 7 civilization 8 ruled by
was ahead of her time.
9 period 10 rural
Readers often wonder whether Hua Mulan was a real
Learning to learn: vocabulary person in Chinese history. Research suggests this is
Students’ own answers unlikely. We do not have existing evidence to prove
Hua Mulan is a historical figure who lived during a
Pronunciation particular time.
Saying /ɜː/ with and without ‘r’
Learning to learn: your journal
1 1, 4, 5
Students’ own answers
Focus on
The passive voice with by UNIT 10
1 2 Dubai was founded in 1833 by Maktoum bin Reading
Butti. 4 In 1157, the city of Lübeck was destroyed 1 1 The number of eyes the creature has 2 Because
by fire. 5 The world’s oldest photograph was taken its eyes are on the side of its head 3 So it can see
by Joseph Nicéphore Niépce in France. 6 New York above and below water at the same time 4 The fly
City was originally called New Amsterdam by early
2 1F 2 NG 3 NG 4F 5T 6F 7 NG
Dutch inhabitants.
3 1 48 km 2 3 km 3 0.5mm 42 58 63
2 1 The island of Rapa Nui was first discovered about
1,500 years ago. 2 It was first ruled by a king 4 1 The owl, its eyes face forwards 2 The horse
named Hoto-Matua. 3 In 1722, the island was given 3 It can easily spot attackers
the name Paaseiland. 4 Easter Island is the name
Learning to learn: reading
used by English speakers. 5 Huge stone statues
were made by the island’s original inhabitants. Students’ own answers

Writing Grammar
1 1c 2f 3a 4g 5b 6e 7d Quantifiers

2 1b 2a 3c 1 1 some 2 some 3 any 4 some 5 any 6 any

3 Model answer 2 1 no 2 many 3 none 4 All 5 most

Hua Mulan – a story of bravery 3 1c 2a 3d 4e 5b

The story of Hua Mulan comes from an ancient 4 1 neither, both 2 Both 3 either, Neither 4 both
Chinese poem. It’s a short poem thought to have 5 either
originated as a folk tale in the fourth or fifth century 5 1c 2b 3c 4a 5b 6a
because of references to the period.
Hua Mulan is said to have lived about 1,600 years
ago in China. She is best known for disguising herself Understanding vowels across accents
as a man in order to join the army. 1 1 either 2 advertisement 3 something 4 mobile
In battle, she made great contributions to the fighting 5 envelope
and helped her side to victory. Thanks to her talents 2 Students’ own answers
as a fighter, she was able to survive and win the
respect of the men around her. Vocabulary
1 1b 2e 3a 4d 5c

2 1 telling a white lie 2 make up excuses drinks and games. Want to come along and practise
3 dishonest 4 spread lies 5 cheat at your English? Let me know!
6 suspicious 7 honest 8 hide our emotions 5 Model replies
9 pretend 10 blame it on
It was nice to receive your kind invitation for the
Listening party. I’m free that evening and look forward to
catching up with my classmates.
1 1 kitchen 2 washing up 3 breaks 4 tell the truth
Thanks for the invitation. Sorry, but I’ve got
2 Students’ own answers
something else on that night. Maybe next time!
3 1 coffee mug 2 the wind 3 the truth
4 already bought 5 isn’t mad Learning to learn: reflecting on where you’ve
been and where you’re going
Learning to learn: listening
Students’ own answers
1 1b 2c 3a
2 1 Mei 2 David 3 David 9&10 REVIEW 5
Focus on Vocabulary
Verbs of the senses: looks, sounds, smells, feels, seems 1 1 fall 2 ruins 3 dates from 4 inhabitants
1 1 looked 2 seemed 3 sounded 4 felt 5 smelled 5 period 6 ruled by 7 settled 8 civilization
9 historic site
2 1 look 2 smell 3 sound 4 feel 5 seem
2 1b 2f 3a 4g 5d 6e 7c
Changing meaning by stressing different words Grammar
1 1 designed by Antoni Gaudí 2 hired by Eusebi Güell
1 1 It looks safe 2 This feels like silk
3 it 4 himself 5 built 6 1914 7 it was
3 It sounds like fun 4 The coffee smells fresh
8 everyone
5 They seem happy
2 1 all, look good 2 everyone, seem honest
2 1a 2b 3a 4a 5b
3 Any, sound too good to be true
Writing 4 Some, smell nice 5 Both, feel real
1 1 Hey 2 Let me know! 3 Dear 4 We’re pleased Reading
to invite you 5 Please reply to confirm whether or
1 1 in 2 and 3 such 4 him 5 Some 6 himself
not you can come.
7 the 8 either 9 has 10 into
2 1 a, d 2 b, c
2 1 escaping and illusions 2 ice 3 a government
3 1 wait 2 offer 3 day 4 work 5 invitation building 4 there’s no evidence 5 works of
4 Model invitations fiction 6 his greatest illusion
Dear colleagues Listening
I’m pleased to invite you to an English class party 1 1a 2b 3c
starting at 8:00 p.m. on 12 November in Classroom
3. We’ll be offering food and drinks, games and a 2 1c 2a 3d 4b
chance to practise English in an informal setting. Pronunciation
Please reply to confirm whether or not you can come.
I hope you can make it! 1 1 It looked like a gift but it wasn’t. 2 It sounded like
a good idea and it worked well. 3 Everyone seemed
Hey, class. There’s a party at 8:00 p.m. on 12 tired from the long walk. 4 They felt safe but they
November in Classroom 3. We’ll have some food, weren’t.


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