Framing Grade 10 Students' Speaking Difficulties

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Volume: 9
Pages: 631-653
Document ID: 2023PEMJ777
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.8021988
Manuscript Accepted: 2023-8-6
Psych Educ, 2023, 9: 631-653, Document ID:2023 PEMJ777, doi:10.5281/zenodo.8021988, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

Framing Grade 10 Students’ Speaking Difficulties

Marizan T. Tapel*
For affiliations and correspondence, see the last page.
This study aimed to identify the speaking difficulties of the Grade 10 students in Pasay City National
High School and provide proper intervention. This study is a combination of descriptive-qualitative,
and quantitative research (mixed methods) with 10 regular purposedly pick Grade 10 respondents
with an age bracket of 15-18. In the first phase (quantitative) the researcher utilized survey
questionnaires for respondents’ demographic profile and the adapted and modified 15-item English
Speaking Attitude Questionnaire (ESAQ) was used to identify the respondents’ attitude toward
speaking English. Results revealed that respondents have a negative attitude toward speaking a
second language. Cronbach’s Alpha was used to test the reliability of ESAQ, with 0.86 good
reliability. In the second phase (qualitative), an online interview, FGD, and oral/speaking test were
administered. An adapted and modified speaking test patterned to TOEIC was used to identify the
respondents’ linguistic and non-linguistic speaking difficulties which have also undergone a validity
and reliability test. Kendall’s W was used to avoid bias and it garnered a rating of 0.89 which fell
under good reliability. This study revealed that respondents have linguistic and non-linguistic
problems. An intervention tool/program was created and suggested classroom activities and
recommendations were enumerated to address such difficulties.

Keywords: linguistic and non-linguistic problems, second language, speaking difficulties

Introduction grammatical structures and sufficient vocabulary.

Nevertheless, people cannot deny the dominant role
played by this skill; hence, they try to learn to speak
English is regarded as an international language that English since it is the universal language used as the
plays a vital role in our society. According to Lyons medium of instruction, in employment, and oral and
(2021), approximately 1.35 billion people worldwide written communication.
speak English. It is the language that most countries
use. Being an articulate speaker of this language However, some second language students or learners
means surviving one of the significant challenges in of English have difficulties using the said language in
one's life because it allows one to widen opportunities their daily conversations, thus the need to harness this
in the world. It should be learned and practiced in competence.
daily communication to make it functional.
The first and most crucial reason for the difficulty in
Speaking English refers to the skill of Filipinos as speaking English is its attitude. Since Filipinos are
second language users. It is one of the primary and second language learners, not all students have a
most fundamental skills that every student must learn positive attitude toward speaking it, especially since
since it is used in most subjects. they need to learn and consider the grammatical rules,
pronunciation, choice of words, and structure before
There are five macro-skills in English: listening, articulating it. The mere thinking of it eventually holds
reading, writing, speaking, and viewing. Speaking them back from speaking. The fear of being
plays a significant role among these equally important embarrassed in front of their classmates or friends if
skills since it serves as a bridge to people. Numerous they commit mistakes while speaking also makes them
jobs require good communication skills and of course, more hesitant and awkward to try speaking up.
speaking English is the main requirement. No wonder
people from non-English speaking countries flock to Aside from that, Senobio (2015) discussed that to
English classes to learn this language. cover up their insecurities for not speaking well in
English, they would resort to the Filipino mentality of
Speaking is the most challenging skill of all the five requesting the speaker or teacher translate into
basic and macro-skills in the English language since Filipino. Another reason for such hesitant behavior to
the learner or the speaker needs to verbalize his/her speak English is that they feel intimidated by those
thoughts. Rao (2019) stated that second language who speak it more fluently. (Separa et al., 2020).
learners would find it difficult to speak English
without enough background knowledge of the Speaking English in the country is concomitant with

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Psych Educ, 2023, 9: 631-653, Document ID:2023 PEMJ777, doi:10.5281/zenodo.8021988, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

social status, and students or learners who speak

English even during their daily conversations are Speaking difficulties among the students in Pasay City
regarded as those who belong to the higher social National High School have been a common and
class. They could be the ones who can afford to study rampant problem, especially during oral recitations or
in private or exclusive schools which usually use presentations in language subjects. Furthermore, as
English as a medium of conversation and instruction. Alonzo (2015) recommended, English must be used as
Moreover, learners who speak English are perceived as means of communication rather than a set of facts to
more intelligent and confident than those who cannot be learn ed. Thus, this study adop ted this
articulate English well, which leads to their inferiority recommendation and hoped to be a bridge or way to
complex. improve the students' speaking difficulties through
Communicative Language Teaching and collaborative
This trend is still present in Philippine education, and
classroom activities.
these manifestations are still evident in Filipino
students. The researcher believed that students have many ideas
in their minds, but they cannot express their thoughts.
According to Carpenter (2019), the 2000 Census of
This learning opportunity was significant since
Population and Housing conducted by the Philippine
brilliant ideas need to be shared. Unfortunately, it was
National Statistics Office recorded that 63.7% of
hindered by poor communication skills; and it means
Filipinos can speak English over 5. The prevalence of
missing a chance to be heard and understood.
speaking English in more developed regions of the
Nevertheless, with the commitment and dedication of
country, especially in the northern islands of Luzon,
the teacher and the willingness and determination of
was even higher, more than 70%.
the students to learn, the desired speaking
improvement would be achieved.
In Metro Manila, the capital of the Philippines, NSO
reported that at least 82% of its residents have English-
However, the above milieu was the norm and standard
speaking abilities.
during the pre-Covid 19 pandemic. These days, the
classroom setting has changed. The new educational
However, according to Cabigon (2015), the recent
landscape was introduced and practiced to prevent
round-table conference arranged by the British Council
infection with this deadly virus. The physical
and attended by the fundamental stakeholders from the
classroom setup has changed into a virtual classroom,
government, academe, and private and non-
where online learning is the only platform where
government sectors recognized that the Philippines
teachers can talk to the students. On the brighter side,
might be doing fine in terms of English competency.
Toquero (2020) cited that the global pandemic opened
However, they are concerned about how much
opportunities to upgrade its educational mode of
competitive advantage it still was for the Philippines
delivery and transfer its attention to emerging
and agreed that the country must improve its teaching
and learning of English, making it an essential skill of
human resources. Distance learning nowadays is the current trend in
education due to the pandemic. This pandemic is
Gaps and recommendations were raised, and one of
challenging for teachers, students, and schools.
those, as stated by Dr. Rosario Alonzo (2015), Dean of
the University of the Philippines College of Education, The researcher observed that the students were hesitant
"Future teachers should ensure that English is a means to participate and speak English during online classes.
of communication rather than a set of facts to be Most of them did not know how to express themselves
learned." In the same manner, the Department of in a second language or find the right words to express
Education focused on the needs of the learners and their ideas. Others were afraid that their classmates or
ensured that students learn the English language friends might laugh at them if they tried to speak
holistically, as specified under the K-12 primary English. In some cases, they recited with very minimal
education curriculum. words.
Students should learn the English language holistically Gauging the difficulties in speaking English in today's
as mandated by the curriculum - this fueled the context is challenging. This challenge has brought
researcher to conduct a study on how to improve the forth the idea of providing effective interventions in
students at Pasay City National High School's use of addressing the students' difficulties in speaking
the English language as a means and mode of English.
communication to help them develop holistically.

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Psych Educ, 2023, 9: 631-653, Document ID:2023 PEMJ777, doi:10.5281/zenodo.8021988, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

Research Questions English as a Second Language in the Philippine

This study aimed to identify the Grade 10 students' Education System
difficulties speaking English in Pasay City National
High School and provide proper intervention. The Philippines is one of the countries that has been
Specifically, it sought to answer the following using the English language for more than a century. As
questions: mentioned above, other countries' language was
influenced by the invasion of Great Britain; the
1. What is the student’s attitude toward speaking Philippines was also one of the countries that had the
English? same fate, but it was due to the invasion of the United
2. What are the difficulties in speaking English States of America.
encountered by the students?
3. Using the study results, what would be a possible The United States of America introduced English into
effective intervention to address the speaking the Philippines' formal education after colonizing the
difficulties of the Grade-10 students in speaking Philippines during the 1900s. No wonder the English
English? language was well-entrenched in the Philippine formal
school. It has always been one of the official languages
of the Philippines. It has been the language used in
Literature Review
commerce and laws and the medium of instruction in
most subjects.
English as a Global and Universal Language
In her article in the newspaper Sun Star Pampanga,
Most people in this world consider English to be a Regala (2017) stated that English was given much
global language. It is the language commonly used by importance in the Philippines not only because it is
most populations in different countries. Historically functional and practical, but also because it gave more
speaking, power and politics have made English opportunities for one's better chances in career
become a global language. Since the British Empire development for as long as he or she knew how to use
invaded almost a quarter of the world, it had made and apply it.
English an essential language in its numerous colonies,
making the English language prevalent across the There has been an argument that the English language
globe. is a better medium than would give Filipino people
access and knowledge in civilization and around the
Various people across the globe speak different world. This argument is still valid today as English is
languages, and there is a need for a common language the universal language, and most of the knowledge in
that should be used for better understanding; with this, various learning domains is documented in English.
the English language has become the global language
since it is the language spoken by people in different In Philippine schools nowadays, the English language
countries all over the world. (Rao, 2019, p. 67) is still used as a medium of instruction in most
subjects, except for the kinder to Grade 3 levels, which
Aside from being a global language, English is a the Philippine law mandates to use a Mother Tongue.
universal language too. However, what makes English From Grade 4 and beyond, English is used as a
such a universal language? Linguists and language medium of instruction in several subjects (except for
enthusiasts consider language an international or Filipino subjects). Regardless of the subject, every
universal language based on how widely this language teacher, if he uses English as a medium of instruction,
is used in different aspects of people's lives. This could be considered a language teacher. The learners
language is what they speak at home, at school, in the eventually learned English and used English during the
news, in different transactions, and from what they see class discussion, and although there were some
and hear in all other places, where this language pops instances of code-switching, learners' efforts of
up in their everyday experience and existence. interacting and practicing English were appreciated;
(Doochin, 2019) and much motivation was given for them to continue.

Undeniably, the influence of the English language is The Current State of English in the Philippines
entrenched in every country that uses this language. Its
function and contribution to the world are evident, Since the English language is well-entrenched in the
transcending over time. It is a widely used language Philippines' traditional schools, English has become
across the globe, and it serves as the bridge between one of the official languages of the Philippines. It is
two different cultures.

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Psych Educ, 2023, 9: 631-653, Document ID:2023 PEMJ777, doi:10.5281/zenodo.8021988, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

the language used in trade and commerce, law, science have significantly higher attitudes toward the English
and technology, engineering, law, scientific research, language than males. It can also be observed that
tourism, banking, and education. It is also used as a gender and personality matter when speaking English.
medium of instruction in Philippine schools. Globally More often than not, bubbly females are fonder of
speaking, the Philippines is recognized as one of the speaking English than reserved males.
major English-speaking countries. Fourteen million
Filipinos speak English. (Cabigon, 2015) Conversely, the study conducted by Inayah and
Lisdawati (2017) indicated that students' behavior
Ironically speaking, despite the country's exposure to toward speaking English led them to experience
the English language, the Philippines ranked last in the difficulties in speaking English for academic purposes.
global assessment of reading comprehension according It was found that low achievers spent less time and
to the Program for International Student Assessment paid little attention to speaking activities, which is why
(PISA) results from last 2019. It was a test conducted they performed poorly in the class; while high
on fifteen-year-old Filipino learners who placed 79th achievers spend more time and paid much time to
in reading. Because of this, Secretary Leonor M. speaking activities which is why they always learn
Briones of the Department of Education considered much more than low achievers.
English as the medium of instruction in schools. In the
Philippine education program, the law mandates Thus, students' attitude toward speaking English is
mother tongue to Filipino students from kindergarten indeed significant. They must realize first its
to Grade 3. Secretary Briones said that there had been importance so they will be motivated to practice more
an ongoing debate on whether to continue using the to use this language. Their speaking problems and
mother tongue in the first primary years of school or to difficulties must also be identified and appropriately
start using English as a medium of instruction since it addressed to gain more confidence when they know
is widely used worldwide. (Punzalan, 2019) that they are speaking English appropriately.

Meanwhile, according to the report released by the Meanwhile, Senobio (2015) discussed why the
Switzerland-based international education company students' negative attitude toward speaking English
Education First (EF), the Philippines dropped from the leads to poor oral speaking performance. There were
20th to the 27th spot in 2020's English Proficiency instances where the students refrained from speaking
Index (EPI). The said ranking was based on the EF English due to "patriotic" reasons, insisting on
Standard English Test (EF SET) administered in 2019 speaking Filipino since they are all Filipinos and
to 2.2 million individuals from 100 countries. should therefore use their local language for better
understanding. This excuse became their defense
Nevertheless, with 562 out of 700, the Philippines still mechanism or a way to cover up their insecurities and
received a "high proficiency" level in the English unwillingness to speak English.
language based on the scores gathered on the last
year's test. It only means that Filipinos can create It was one of the reasons why students' knowledge and
presentations at work, read newspapers and magazines, competence in English grossly deteriorated. Aside
and comprehend TV shows. (Baclig, 2020) from that, some students were also discouraged from
speaking the language for fear of being ostracized by
While there were some setbacks and challenges in their classmates, who were insecure about not being
achieving English proficiency, education continues; good at speaking English. Students got anxious when
and authorities still find ways to alleviate these they were conscious of how their friends or classmates
problems and turn each into an opportunity to improve may react to English. They felt embarrassed or
the quality of education of Filipino students. humiliated when they spoke English inappropriately.
Because of this, they become unwilling to do so.
Second Language Learners' Attitude on the
English Language Nature of Speaking

Despite the enormous influence of the English Speaking the English language has been a challenge
language on the Filipino people, some Filipino for every student, and everybody must be aware of its
students are still anxious about speaking English. nature to lower their anxieties in speaking.

In the study conducted by Sicam and Lucas (2016), in Speaking is the way to put sound to the language
general, students have highly positive attitudes toward through the mouth. While speaking, a speaker creates
learning English. They furthermore stated that females sounds using many body parts, such as the lungs, vocal

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Psych Educ, 2023, 9: 631-653, Document ID:2023 PEMJ777, doi:10.5281/zenodo.8021988, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

tract, vocal cords, tongue, teeth, and lips. naturally.

It is a collaborative procedure of creating meaning that Comprehension. Comprehension is the ability to

involves generating and collecting information. It is understand what is being heard or read. Good
innate and natural for all normal humans to understand comprehension is much needed to communicate
and speak, survive, and carry out every activity in their appropriately, with an assurance that the speaker
daily lives where interaction with other people matters knows what he is into and what he/she is going to say
a lot. or how he/she is going to react.

Speaking is one of the productive skills since a speaker Factors Affecting English Speaking Difficulties to
uses language to produce a message through speech. ESLs
The ability to speak is the most superior skill for
communication and interaction. In other words, The speaking components that every learner or speaker
language learning is not complete if one does not must consider contribute to the anxieties that hold
attain speaking competence. (Zyoud, 2016) them back from speaking the English language.

In short, speaking is essential for expressing one's Nevertheless, Shen and Chiu (2019) pointed out the
ideas, feelings, opinions, and views orally. It is one of three primary factors: linguistic, psychological, and
the most challenging macro-skills compared to learning environments.
listening, reading, and writing, yet the most crucial
skill in mastering the language. Linguistic factors such as lack of vocabulary, lack of
grammar knowledge, poor pronunciation, poor
Components of Speaking comprehension, confusion on how to use appropriate
words, and lack of oral practice contribute a lot to the
Speaking the English language poses a significant student’s difficulties in speaking English.
challenge to a student or speaker because he/she must
consider its components and structure whenever he/she On the other hand, psychological factors, or affective
speaks. factors such as fear of committing mistakes, peer
pressure, anxiety, shyness, nervousness, lack of
According to Rora (2015), speaking skill comprises at motivation, lack of confidence, stuttering, worries
least five components: pronunciation, grammar, about not being understood, and timidity are some of
vocabulary, fluency, and comprehension. the reasons why learners find it difficult to speak
Pronunciation. Pronunciation is how a word or a
language is spoken. It is the way students produce Lastly, environmental factors. A poor learning
clear words or utterances while speaking. Having good environment also results in difficulty in speaking
pronunciation and intonation, a student can English. Infrequent English conversation, less support
communicate articulately, although he or she may lack from the parents or family members, lack of practice,
vocabulary or grammar. lack of means and resources, and not motivating
teachers contribute a lot to the learners' difficulties
Grammar. Grammar is the study of words and rules speaking English.
on putting good words together and combining them
into larger units. Having good grammar, a student may To sum it up, these factors are the main reasons or
sound intelligent and efficiently communicate and hindrances in the students' motivation to speak the
interact with other people. language appropriately and adequately that lead to the
second language learners' speaking difficulties and
Vocabulary. Vocabulary is a word that a person is problems.
familiar with and knows how to use. Having a wide
range of vocabulary gives a speaker some confidence Previous Studies on Difficulties in Speaking English
and paves easier ways of expressing one's ideas,
though may it be in oral or written communication. The researcher reviewed some of the previous studies,
foreign and local, regarding the speaking difficulties
Flu en cy . Flu en cy is defined as sp eak in g experienced by the second learners; and they are as
communicatively, fluently, accurately, and freely follows:
without interruption. Being fluent in speaking English
means the speaker can speak spontaneously and Shen and Chiu (2019) revealed in their study EFL

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Psych Educ, 2023, 9: 631-653, Document ID:2023 PEMJ777, doi:10.5281/zenodo.8021988, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

Learners' English Speaking Difficulties and Strategy These kinds of teachers indirectly give the message
Use that most of the EFL learners deemed that they are the students' supporters and are there to
psychological factors like "nervousness" and "fear of help them and support them and their difficulties.
making mistakes" as the major impediment to (Reeve, 2016, p.130)
speaking English. Aside from these, the main problem
that caused their difficulty speaking English was On the other hand, according to Jang, Reeve, & Deci
"insufficient vocabulary." Furthermore, a learning (2010) and Reeve & Jang (2006), as pointed out by
environment with minimal English conversation Dinzer and Yesilyurt (2017), the high dictating
exacerbated their performance in speaking English. teachers who are teacher-centered and goal-oriented
disregard the inner motivational resources of the
Aprialita (2018) showed in her study entitled "English learners and instead, use external rewards, exigencies,
Speaking Difficulties Faced by Jordanian International and compelling languages. Indirectly, these teachers
Students at Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta" say that they should be obeyed, that the students will
that the "lack of interest in speaking English" of the be monitored, and that they are there, teachers, to
Jordanian international students at Universitas change the students for their betterment. (Reeve, 2016,
Muhammadiyah Surakarta caused their English- p.130)
speaking difficulty. The study further showed that
speaking English was difficult may, and it is in In teaching students to speak the English language,
pronunciation, grammar, vocabulary, and accent. For ultimately, the teachers aim at the following in ESL or
them, it was also hard to understand. EFL classes: make sure that students pronounce the
words correctly and make correct sentences, motivate
Nakhalah (2016) presented the results in his study them to introduce themselves and talk about their
"Problems and Difficulties of Speaking That family and the surrounding environment, encourage
Encounter English Language Students at Al Quds students to utilize structures in real-life situations,
Open University" that fear of mistakes, shyness, encourage them to speak in complete sentences or use
anxiety, and lack of confidence were the main reasons correct structures, not individual words, improve
why there were some difficulties in speaking English. students' communicative skills, help them express
themselves well and teach the social and cultural rules
Furthermore, Fitriani (2015) found out also in appropriate in each communicative situation.
their study entitled, "A Study on Students' English-
Speaking Problems in Speaking Performance" that the As Inayah and Lisdawati (2017) stated, the teacher
dominant problems encountered by the students of the should be creative in presenting the English language
English Education Study Program of FKIP to the students. They also must practice various
Tanjungpura University Pontianak were psychological teaching techniques, carefully select the materials, and
problems such as lack of confidence, and anxiety. It use engaging instructional media suitable for the
was followed by linguistic problems such as grammar, students to help them speak the language. In every
vocabulary, and pronunciation. classroom speaking activity, the teacher must allow
students to speak what is in their mind, just like what
It can be concluded from the previous studies that the is important and exciting for them to talk. It is better if
dominant or leading causes of second language the teacher allows students to express their
learners' difficulties in speaking English were understanding in English.
psychological problems followed by linguistic
problems. Teachers indeed play an integral part in developing the
students' learning and speaking abilities. Their
Teachers' Roles in Teaching Speaking dedication, commitment, attitude, behavior, skills, and
competence will make or break a learner. Thus,
Teachers play a significant role in teaching the educators are the key to the success or failure of the
learners. Their behaviors and attitude toward students said program.
can either promote or suppress students' motivation to
act or learn. Communicative Language Teaching

According to Black and Deci (2000) and Reeve Teachers' role in language teaching and learning is
(2009), as stated by Dinzer and Yesilyurt (2017), crucial; thus, an effective and appropriate strategy,
teachers who support student independence give method, technique, or approach must be employed to
options and opportunities to learners and make them ensure the program's success. Moreover, one of the
feel independent or more self-motivated to learn. approaches proven effective in language teaching is

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Psych Educ, 2023, 9: 631-653, Document ID:2023 PEMJ777, doi:10.5281/zenodo.8021988, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

the Communicative Approach or Communicative Communicative competence, according to Ramadan

Language Teaching. (2019), includes the use of language for a span of
various objectives and tasks; altering the use of
Communicative Language Teaching is the dominant language depending on the participants and setting;
technique in teaching any language, which can be creating and recognizing the different types of texts
traced back to Noam Chomsky's theories in the 1960s, such as narratives, reports, interviews, and dialogue;
which focuses on the competence and performance in manage communication notwithstanding the
language learning that gave rise to communicative limitations of one's knowledge; and lastly, achieve
language teaching. During the 1970s, the conceptual fluency and accuracy.
basis for CLT was laid by the linguists Michael
Halliday, who studied how language functions are Although this approach is not teacher-centered a
expressed through grammar, and Dell Hymes, who learner-centered still, teachers play a significant role in
introduced the idea of a more comprehensive making this approach effective in achieving
communicative competence instead of Chomsky's communicative competence. Zakime (2018)
narrower linguistic competence. (Wikipedia) enumerated some of the teachers' roles in the
Communicative Approach as follows: setting the
The British Council defines CLT or Communicative communicative context of the lesson; managing
Language Teaching as a communicative approach learners and creating opportunities for communication;
based on the idea that learning a language successfully establishing a welcoming and safe environment
comes through communicating real meaning. conducive for learning; giving instructions and setting
According to this, when learners are involved in activities and monitoring learning and providing
honest communication, their natural strategies for constructive feedback.
language acquisition will be used, which will allow
them to learn to use the language. Activities such as role-plays, information gaps, jigsaw,
open-ended discussions, and debates are classroom
An excellent example of this approach that involves performances that can be used in a Communicative
meaningful communication is through practicing Approach lesson. (Zakime, 2018).
question forms by asking the students to find out
personal information about their classmates. In the Krashen's Affective Filter
classroom, activities guided by the communicative
Learning and speaking the language proved to be not a
approach are characterized by producing meaningful
walk in the park. As mentioned above, some factors
and accurate communication at all levels. As a result,
prevent language learning.
there may be more emphasis on skills than systems,
lessons are more learner-centered, and authentic The leading second language learning expert and
materials may be used. (British Council) scholar, Stephen Krashen (1986), developed the theory
of the affective filter, which combines people's
Likewise, according to Zakime (2018), the
emotional and physical states that impede learning
Communicative Approach – or Communicative
Language Teaching (CLT) – is a teaching approach
that highlights the importance of authentic Schutz (2019) stated that Krashen claimed that one
communication for learning to take place. In this obstacle that manifests during language acquisition is
approach, honest communication and interaction are the affective filter, a 'screen' influenced by emotional
the objectives of learning and the means it takes place. or affective variables that can prevent learning, such as
Communicative competence or communication in the motivation, self-confidence, anxiety, and personality
target language is the primary goal of this approach, traits. He claims that learners with high motivation,
emphasizing real-life or authentic situations. self-confidence, a good self-image, a low level of
anxiety, and extroversion are better equipped for
Oliveira (2017) includes the abilities in communicative success in second language acquisition. Affective
competence such as linguistic competence (knowledge filters are rising with low motivation, low self-esteem,
of grammar and vocabulary); sociolinguistic anxiety, introversion, and inhibition. Eventually, it
competence (ability to say the appropriate thing in a forms a "mental block" which hinders logical inputs
social situation); discourse competence (ability to start, from being used for acquisition.
enter, contribute to, or end a conversation); and,
strategic competence (ability to communicate A conducive and welcoming environment in which a
effectively and repair problems in the communication) student can learn is imperative and essential in any

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Psych Educ, 2023, 9: 631-653, Document ID:2023 PEMJ777, doi:10.5281/zenodo.8021988, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

aspect of education. In language education, this is sentence starters, and vocabulary banks. These
essential since learners need to feel that they can make alterations deliver support structures that allow them to
mistakes and take risks to take in and produce better articulate their thoughts and opinions without
language. This relates directly to Krashen's hypothesis struggling with every single word nervously.
of the affective filter. Modifications can also help lessen the fear of
judgment because they have instruments to guide them
There is a need to create a supportive learning to the correct way to verbalize or write their responses.
environment that helps them feel as comfortable as Moreover, once they improve, those sentence starters
possible to reduce the affective filter in English and vocabulary words will become second nature and
learners. build on that support structure to push them further.

Lowering ESLs' Affective Filter Lastly, create partnerships. This is a fundamental way
to lessen students' affective filters through FGD or
Lowering the affective filter will be a great strategy focus group discussion wherein second language
that every teacher must use to ensure language students will be put in pairs or collaborative groups
learning. with experts, or first language speakers can help them
learn from their peers' different backgrounds. These
In connection to Krashen's affective filter discussed meaningful collaborations can lessen fears and feelings
above, Wyman (2020) states that students may feel of judgment and give English learners a sense of
nerve-wracking stress when they try to speak English; belonging over time.
and that stress is what the experts call an affective
filter — a psychological and emotional response that Teachers indeed play a vital role in students' language
can block the mental processes of learning a new learning and must never forget that lowering the
language. affective filter can determine how well — and how
fast or slow — an English language learner will
If there are some reasons why students' affective filter progress.
increases (due to anxiety, judgment, low self-
confidence, and adjusting to the unknown), there are Self-Determination Theory
many ways for a teacher to help students to lower their
affective filter and therefore alleviate their problems in Self Determination Theory was a theory of motivation
speaking English. developed by psychologists Edward Deci and Richard
Ryan in 1985, and according to them, understanding
Wyman (2020) enumerated the four ways to lower the learners' motivation is vital if we want to educate
second language learners' affective filter. The first is to children to become self-directed and lifelong learners.
tap into their prior knowledge. As a teacher, there is a
need to identify the students' backgrounds, strengths, According to SDT, as Haerens (2021) stated, learners
weaknesses, interests, likes, and dislikes. These help or students, have an inherent inclination to grow, learn
the teachers connect with the students and use this and develop, and discover things in their surroundings.
unique and prior knowledge to boost their self- Moreover, education's objective is to nurture learners'
confidence and encourage them to come out of their natural interests. However, realistically speaking,
comfort zone. many teachers struggle to invigorate or motivate
students who are passive, unruly, lack passion, and are
Another way is to try SDAIE strategies or specially unwilling to collaborate. Thus, teachers would not
designed academic instruction in English that offers a depict their students as proactive and capable learners,
wide range of strategies and methods for teaching any which was already proven. Students' intrinsic
subject to English learners. This strategy includes motivation and excitement to go to school noticeably
incorporating learning games, manipulatives, hands-on weakens during their increasing teenage years. In this
activities, and visual aids such as graphic organizers, circumstance, SDT provides a sensible academic
and consistent use of these strategies to create a structure that promotes a crucial viewpoint on some of
relaxed but structured approach that helps the learners the commonly used existing educational programs and
feel less anxious and more supported. methods hindering rather than nurturing intrinsic
The third way to lower the second language learners'
affective filter is for the teacher to modify his/her SDT or Self Determination Theory looks at innate and
methods, such as modifying assignments and affirmative human tendencies to go towards growth
assessments, including using sentence frames, and development, and it outlines the three core needs

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Psych Educ, 2023, 9: 631-653, Document ID:2023 PEMJ777, doi:10.5281/zenodo.8021988, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

that will accelerate that growth: autonomy, Theories of change can drive programs as well as
competence, and relatedness. people. A program seeking to effect change or reform
often implicitly reflects the theories of change of the
Garrido (2021) defined autonomy as one of the basic program's designers. Because reformers tend to jump
needs as "the ability to feel in control of one's behavior from detecting a problem to selecting ways of
and destiny and involves self-initiation and self- upgrading it, they often do not communicate the
regulation of one's behavior." It also involves making rationales why those approaches will achieve the
one's own decisions with feelings of independence. needed changes—that is, the program's theory of
change. (Connolly & Seymour, 2015)
The second basic need is competence, which Garrido
(2021) defined as the substantial abilities of someone Furthermore, Serrat (2017) described the theory of
to perform a given task or described as the state of ch an ge as a p u rp o se fu l m od el of how an
having sufficient knowledge, conviction, ability, and initiative—such as a policy, a strategy, a program, or a
prowess. He stressed that when a person feels project—contributes through a chain of early and
competent, he/she believes that he/she can interact intermediate outcomes to the intended result. Theories
successfully within his/her environment, and he/she of change help navigate the complexity of social
has the essential skills to guarantee that the goals will change.
be achieved with confidence. However, these feelings
of competence may decrease when a person receives Brown (2019) provided the steps to develop a theory
challenging tasks and negative feedback. On the other of change. It starts with identifying a long-term goal;
hand, feelings of competence are increased when the then, conducting a "backward mapping" to identify the
tasks demanded are ideally matched to one's skills and preconditions necessary to achieve the goal; next,
when positive feedback is obtained. identifying the interventions; then, developing
indicators for each outcome/precondition in the Theory
Lastly, the third basic need is relatedness, which of Change; and finally, writing the narrative.
Garrido (2021) defined as the capability of someone to
feel closeness and belongingness to a particular social In order to monitor if the TOC is on the right track,
group. Self-determination will be hard to achieve Brown added the criteria in evaluating the TOC, such
without connections; thus, interpersonal skills are as: first, it should be credible, where prior evidence
essential to gain help and support from other people. suggests that the activities, when implemented, will
Feelings of relatedness are heightened when lead to the expected result. Second, it should be agreed
individuals feel loved and appreciated by others as a upon, with a reasonable agreement among the
part of the group. On the other hand, feelings of participants as hypothesized in the theory of change.
relatedness are weakened when individuals receive Third, it should be embedded, where TOC should be
criticism and hurdle competition with others. entrenched in a broader social and economic situation,
and the risks that may influence the desired results are
Theory of Change recognized. Fourth, it should be testable or evaluable,
whereas TOC should be specific enough to measure its
Theory of Change was popularized by Weiss (1995) as assumption in realistic and practical ways. Fifth and
her way to describe the set of theories that explain the last, TOC should be feasible, where the set of
small steps that lead to the long-term goal and the interventions is achievable upon implementing the
relationships of the activities and outcomes that available resources.
happen every step of the way. This approach gives a
framework that urges the teachers, researchers, and Thus, using these steps as a guide will significantly
other stakeholders to create thorough and inclusive assist the researcher in achieving the research goals
narratives and illustrations on how and why a required directed by effective step-by-step processes.
transformation is expected to happen in a specific
situation. (Allen, 2016) Methodology
Connolly & Seymour (2015) defined a theory of
change as a predictive assumption about the This study used a mixed method of qualitative and
relationship between desired changes and the actions quantitative research methods because it will best
that may produce those changes. Putting it another serve to answer the research questions and the
way, "If I do x, then I expect y to occur, and for these purposes of the study. As Shorten and Smith (2017)
reasons." stated, a mixed method is an approach or method in

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Research Article

research whereby the researchers collect and analyze improve and develop their knowledge and self-
both quantitative and qualitative data within the same confidence in speaking the English language.
study and require a purposeful mixing of methods in
data collection and data analysis and interpretation of After identifying the number of participants in this
the evidence. study, the researcher gathered data on the
demographics of the respondents, such as age, gender,
Participants first language, and economic status, to better describe
the profile of the respondents; then determined the
Ten (10) Grade 10 students at Pasay City National respondents' attitude toward speaking English, and
High School with an age bracket of 15-18 were difficulties in speaking English using mixed methods
purposely selected from the classes that the researcher of qualitative and quantitative methods. Survey
is handling. questionnaires such as Demographic Questionnaires
and English-Speaking Attitude Questionnaires
These respondents were identified as those who are (quantitative method) were used in determining
struggling in speaking English. As bases on their respondents' demographics and attitudes toward
speaking performances, the researcher has gathered speaking English. These have undergone validity and
data on their oral reading and speaking performances reliability tests using Cronbach’s Alpha. On the other
from their previous school year and asked for more hand, oral/speaking tests, FGD, and interview
feedback from their English teachers on their questions (qualitative method) were used to identify
performances. They were assessed during their oral the respondents' difficulties in speaking English. Using
recitations during their online classes, and they had Kendall's W (Coefficient of Concordance), these have
undergone diagnostic speaking tests. Apart from that, also undergone validity and reliability tests.
their grades in English and anecdotal records were also
considered. Availability of the gadgets was also After the researcher diagnosed and assessed the results
considered in gathering the data, especially during the of the research tools through survey questionnaires,
oral/speaking test. Those who had available gadgets scales, oral/speaking tests, and interviews, the
were the ones who had undergone oral/speaking tests, researcher created interventions that addressed the
online interviews, and FGD. respondents' speaking difficulties.

Instruments of the Study The implementation of these intervention tools paves

the way for the new study where experimental
In the first phase (quantitative) the researcher utilized methods will be used to see if the intervention tools
survey questionnaires for respondents’ demographic created are practical or not.
profile and the adapted and modified 15-item English
Ethical Considerations
Speaking Attitude Questionnaire (ESAQ) was used to
identify the respondents’ attitude towards speaking
This study observed the considerations in
English. These questionnaires have undergone validity
accomplishing the proper procedure in an ethical and
and reliability tests. Cronbach’s Alpha was used to test
legal way. Below is the step-by-step process for
the reliability of ESAQ.
achieving the needed information from the
In the second phase (qualitative), an online interview, respondents:
FGD, and oral/speaking test were administered. An
Objectives of the study were stated before the
adapted and modified speaking test patterned to participants/respondents answer the online survey
TOEIC was used to identify the respondents’ linguistic questionnaire and before they participate in online
and non-linguistic speaking difficulties which has also speaking tests.
undergone a validity and reliability test. Kendall’s W Prior to the conduct of the study, permission was
(Coefficient of Concordance) was used to avoid bias. sought from the Schools Division of Pasay and from
the Office of the Principal of Pasay City National
Procedure High School
Data gathering and data collection was taken with
First, the researcher needed to identify the number of the utmost confidentiality in accordance with the
Data Privacy Act of 2012 (RA 10173).
respondents who will participate in this study. These
A letter of consent from the parents of the minor
respondents were purposely chosen as the struggling respondents/participants, as well as a waiver or letter
students in the Grade 10 level, and with this study, the of voluntary participation was sought.
researcher believed that this would be of great help to The participant could immediately inform the

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Psych Educ, 2023, 9: 631-653, Document ID:2023 PEMJ777, doi:10.5281/zenodo.8021988, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

Table 1. English Speaking Attitude Questionnaire

researcher if at any time before, during, or after the
experiment the participant experienced any physical
or emotional discomfort that was a result of his/her
participation so the researcher could modify or
lighten up the situation.
All records were kept confidential and were made
available only to the researcher, adviser, and
panelists. By any chance the results of this study will
be published, the data will be presented in group
form and individual children will not be identified.
This paper and the researcher adhered to the Data
Privacy Act of 2012 (RA 10173).
Restrictions and limitations were observed in
collecting, analyzing, and storing of data. Guided
by the ethical and legal scopes, these processes were
properly executed.
The researcher asked assistance from her colleagues
(G10 English teachers) in the said school to avoid
bias on the level of the teacher to frame or gauge the
weight of speaking difficulties of the respondents.
Apart from this, statistical tools such as Kendall’s W
or the Coefficient of Concordance were used to
assess if there was an agreement among the raters in
framing the respondents’ speaking difficulties.
The participants were chosen using Slovin’s
formula. Struggling students were chosen according The English-Speaking Attitude Questionnaire shows a
to their grades, class standing, and anecdotal
weighted mean average of 2.0, which shows that the
respondents have a negative attitude toward speaking
The interview and oral/speaking test were done
online; and it underwent prompt, recording and
English. This attitude, of course, significantly affects
transcript between the researcher and the their speaking performances since a study shows that
respondents to gather clear and reliable results. The students with negative attitudes toward speaking
respondents were oriented and notified about the English perform low in speaking the language
Data Privacy Act and assured of its confidentiality. (Senobio, 2015).
One of the risks that the researcher encountered
while gathering and collecting the data was the Given the results, the researcher showed the
availability of the respondents and the internet respondents the result for counterchecking, and
connectivity. But the researcher addressed these by although some of them disagree with the result, that
managing the time properly and getting an they have a negative attitude towards speaking
appointment earlier. The researcher also shouldered
English, most of them agreed with the results.
the expenses for internet connectivity/mobile data
used by the respondents to ensure that the data
Using thematic analysis in FGD, results showed that
gathering, and data collection were successful.
respondents were optimistic about learning the second
language and were willing to learn and improve their
Results speaking performances given their current speaking
status. This mindset can be anchored with Weiss'
Theory of Change and Deci and Ryan's Self-
What is the student’s attitude in speaking English?
Determination Theory, where respondents'
determination and willingness to improve their
To identify the respondents' attitudes toward speaking
performances can still be possible and achievable.
English of the ten respondents, the researcher used and
Despite the affective filters and difficulties that they
administered the adapted and modified survey
have encountered, they have this willingness to resolve
questionnaire called ESAQ (English Speaking Attitude
Questionnaire) of Canceran and Temporal (2020).
The majority of the respondents' negative attitude
toward speaking the English language can be

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Psych Educ, 2023, 9: 631-653, Document ID:2023 PEMJ777, doi:10.5281/zenodo.8021988, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

explained through Krashen's Affective Filter, where standard deviations; then, auxiliary verbs, which
the respondents' pressure and anxiety of using the ranked 3rd and with a mean of 3.00 and 0.67 standard
second language gave them a barrier in speaking the deviation. Respondents' mistakes in using appropriate
target language and, thus, a direct effect on their pronouns in their answers during the oral/speaking test
speaking skills which explains why their speaking ranked 4th, with a mean of 2.70 and 0. 82 standard
performances are low or poor or in developing stage. deviations while the correct usage of prepositions
ranked last, with 2.40 mean and 0.52 standard
What are the difficulties in speaking English deviations.
encountered by the students?
The same results have been found using the results
To precisely point out the respondents' speaking from FGD, which were analyzed thematically, and the
difficulties, the researcher conducted the speaking/oral statistical data gathered from oral/speaking tests. The
test using the adapted and modified TOEIC Speaking respondents' grammatical errors were evident during
Test (Tes t of E n g l i sh for I n t e r n a t i o n a l the interview, the same as during the FGD.
Communication), which includes 11 questions that Numerically speaking, the Subject-Verb Agreement
measure different aspects of speaking ability. was also the leading error committed by the
participants, followed by the other aspects mentioned
Using the adapted and modified TOEIC as the research above.
instrument in identifying the respondents' speaking
difficulties, the researcher was able to identify the Vocabulary. Vocabulary is a word that a person is
following linguistic difficulties such as: familiar with and knows how to use. However, it is
observed that respondents had an inadequate or
Grammar. This is one of the components that most minimal vocabulary word to express their ideas
respondents fall short of. Based on the oral/speaking adequately, which hindered them in responding.
test conducted, results show that respondents have During the speaking/oral test, most respondents had
poor grammar - where they are challenged to dead airs and dull moments while thinking of the
understand and have a hard time communicating their appropriate words to express their ideas. Moreover,
ideas and responses because of grammar mistakes. since they cannot think of the right words to use, they
Aside from the speaking test that shows their tend to code-switch or use their mother language to
inadequacy of good grammar, they also admitted that articulate their ideas.
grammar is one of their weaknesses during the
interview. Some of the aspects and components of vocabulary
that they missed are word form and meanings,
The typical grammar mistakes that the researcher concepts and referents, and associations.
found with the respondents during the oral/speaking
test are as follows: subject and verb agreement, tenses Table 3. Committed Errors in the Aspects of
of verbs, auxiliary verbs, pronouns, and prepositions. Vocabulary

Table 2. Committed Errors in the Aspects of Grammar

The table above shows the respondents' errors in the

The table above shows the respondents' committed aspect of vocabulary. The respondents frequently
errors or mistakes during the oral/speaking test committed mistakes in misusing the words with their
conducted by the researcher. It is evident that the form and meaning which ranked 1st, with a mean of
respondents' most committed error is SVA or subject- 2.20 and 0.79 standard deviations.
verb agreement since it ranked 1st with a mean of 4.80
Next is concepts and referents or items that a concept
and 0.79 standard deviations, followed by the use of
can refer to, which came 2nd and with a mean of 1.50
the correct tenses of verbs with 3.70 mean and 0.67

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Psych Educ, 2023, 9: 631-653, Document ID:2023 PEMJ777, doi:10.5281/zenodo.8021988, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

and 0.53 standard deviations; while the association of committed errors or mistakes in the different aspects of
the words or another word that can be used instead of fluency while taking the oral/speaking test.
the word used came 3rd and last as an aspect of
vocabulary with a 1.30 mean and 0.48 standard It is shown in the table that the respondents
deviations. mispronounced many words, which eventually ranked
1st among the most committed errors in the aspect of
During the oral/speaking test and the interview and fluency, with a mean of 9.00 and 0.82 standard
FGD, the researcher also observed the respondents' deviations. Most of the respondents are challenged to
lack of vocabulary and that they sometimes tend to understand, quiet in speaking, and unclear in
code-switch to their mother tongue if they cannot find pronouncing the words. Aside from this, the
the exact English word of their answer. This shows respondents could not read the words correctly, so they
that exposure to social media does not suffice their could not pronounce them appropriately.
vocabulary needs, especially during academic
activities. Exposure can help but not enough. It was then followed by the omission of words, with a
Therefore, formal learning of vocabulary should be mean of 4.90 and 0.99 standard deviations, while
done to enrich it. orally reading the text and while answering the
questions orally. Insertion of words, with a mean of
Furthermore, the same results have been found using 4.30 and standard deviation of 0.67, ranked 3rd in the
the results from FGD, which were analyzed most committed errors or mistakes in the given aspects
thematically, and the statistical data gathered from of fluency, followed by a repetition of words, with a
oral/speaking tests. Numerically speaking, word form mean of 4.20 and standard deviation of 0.63, which
and meaning were also the leading error committed by ranked fourth. Self-corrections with a mean of 4.10
the participants in vocabulary, followed by the other and standard deviation of 0.88 while orally reading the
aspects mentioned above. text ranked fifth, and lastly, hesitations, with a mean of
3.50 and a standard deviation of 0.5, ranked sixth.
Fluency . Flu en cy is d ef ined as speak ing
communicatively, fluently, accurately, and freely Based on the researcher's observation during the
without interruption. However, after conducting the oral/speaking test, and as the results of FGD using
speaking/oral tests on the respondents, the researcher thematic analysis on the raters' feedback, the
found out that most of the respondents' speeches were respondents mispronounced the words because some
very slow, stumbling, nervous, uncertain with the of them could not read the words correctly and they
response, and complex for a listener to understand. did not know how to pronounce the words correctly. It
Likewise, some respondents' speeches were slow and only shows that they lack exposure to these words or
often hesitant and irregular, and although sentences in reading. This current educational situation has made
may be left uncompleted, some of them were still able it more limited and difficult for them to be exposed to
to continue. Their low self-confidence in reading and actual and oral reading.
saying the words correctly hindered them from
Moreover, the same results have been found using the
results from FGD, which were analyzed thematically,
and the statistical data gathered from oral/speaking
Speaking fluency where the respondents committed
tests Quantitatively speaking, mispronunciation was
mistakes were mispronunciation, omissions, insertions,
also the leading error committed by the participants in
repetitions, self-corrections, and hesitations.
the aspect of fluency, followed by the other aspects
Table 4. Committed Errors in the Aspects of Fluency mentioned above.

Comprehension. Comprehension is the ability to

understand what is being heard or read. However, after
conducting the speaking/oral tests on the respondents,
the researcher found out that most respondents had
difficulty understanding the questions and topics being
discussed, while some of them fairly grasped some of
the questions and topics being discussed.
The table above shows the frequency of respondents'
Some of the aspects of comprehension present in the
oral/speaking test questions that the respondents failed
to deal with are locating information/references,
making inferences, and detailing information.

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Psych Educ, 2023, 9: 631-653, Document ID:2023 PEMJ777, doi:10.5281/zenodo.8021988, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

Table 6. Rank Summary of Respondents’ Speaking


Table 5. Committed Errors in the Aspects of


The table above shows the ranks of difficulties that the

respondents encountered during the oral/speaking
tests. They fall short the most in fluency as they
ranked 1st among all the difficulties, with a mean of
The table above presents the difficulties in 5.00 and a standard deviation of 0.75. It was then
comprehension that respondents have encountered followed by difficulties in grammar, with a mean of
while answering the oral/speaking test questions. The 3.32 and a standard deviation of 0.69 while speaking
questions asked the students to locate the information the English language. Difficulties in comprehension
or reference needed, make inferences, and detail ranked 3rd, with a mean of 2.17 and a standard
information that most respondents failed to deviation of 0.53, while difficulties in vocabulary
understand. ranked 4th, with a mean of 1.67 and a standard
deviation of 0.60.
It is clear from the table above that locating
information/reference as well as making inferences Zyoud (2016) stated that speaking is one of the
tied on the first spot, with a mean of 2.50 and a productive skills since a speaker uses language to
standard deviation of 0.53 both as the respondents' produce a message through speech. Furthermore,
least mastered task, while detailing the information through the message or its channel, the speakers were
needed, with a mean of 1.50 and 0.53 standard able to commit some errors first and foremost, with
deviation of 0.53, came 3rd and last. fluency since it is done orally, followed by the other
components such as grammar, comprehension, and
Some of the respondents' oral reading comprehension vocabulary.
during the oral/speaking test was poor, where the
respondents had difficulty locating the information or Aprialita (2018), in his study "English Speaking
reference, making inferences, and detailed Difficulties faced by Jordanian International Students
information. Furthermore, using the results from FGD at Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta," further
and based on the statistical data gathered from showed that speaking English was difficult may it be
oral/speaking tests, the same results have been found - in pronunciation (under fluency), grammar,
locating information/reference as well as making vocabulary, and accent.
inferences were the least mastered skills by the
participants in the aspect of comprehension, followed Fluency came first as the least mastered skill in the
by the detailing information as the last aspect speaking test conducted since it was the first aspect to
mentioned above. be observed since they are producing sounds. The
grammar then followed it because they would utter
Raters during FGD also observed this where that was words, and their grammatical structures would also be
one of their types of feedback, that the respondents observed next. Then, the comprehension, because
have a hard time answering the comprehension when they were asked, they would use their reasoning
questions which they conclude that perhaps the skills and use words that fit it, that was where
respondents cannot understand the questions asked. vocabulary comes in.

To summarize the findings of this study, the researcher To avoid bias in rating the respondents, the researcher
ranked the components of speaking according to asked her colleagues' expertise to rate the respondents'
respondents' speaking difficulties. speaking performances based on the adapted and
modified TOEIC speaking test using the rubric as a
tool in grading.

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Psych Educ, 2023, 9: 631-653, Document ID:2023 PEMJ777, doi:10.5281/zenodo.8021988, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

On the other hand, the respondents who belong to the

Through this test, the researcher identified the developing stage can read the words appropriately and
answer some of the questions but with some
linguistic difficulties encountered by the students in
grammatical errors and limited vocabulary. The raters
speaking English, such as grammar, pronunciation,
also observed that some of these students were
fluency, vocabulary, and comprehension.
performing well as trying their best to articulate and
Table 7. Test Statistics express their answers and ideas.

The above mentioned were the linguistic difficulties

encountered by the respondents while speaking
English. Moreover, non-linguistic difficulties or
psychological problems were encountered while
speaking English. Some of which was admitted by the
respondents were as follows: fear of making mistakes,
The table above shows the raters' ratings on the group anxiety, lack of self-confidence, low participation,
of respondents’ speaking performances which were shyness, inhibition/hesitation, mother tongue use, lack
diagnosed as struggling students or the students who of motivation, nervousness, and pressure, which were
were classified with a reading level of C2 (reads also evident during the oral/speaking tests and FGD.
without comprehension), C3 (paragraph readers), and
Fear of making mistakes. The researcher observed
C4 (sentence readers). These respondents belong to the
this non-linguistic difficulty among the respondents
remedial reading class, and most of the raters rated the
during the speaking/oral test. They have many
respondents as struggling and developing students.
reservations about themselves, thinking and fearing the
The researcher used Kendall's Was, a statistical tool in
mistakes they might commit and what could affect
computing the raters' rating for each respondent and
them, and the impression they might get from the
came up with a 0.75 or almost perfect agreement
teacher or people who could hear them speak.
among the raters.
Anxiety. This difficulty is evident among the
An emerging theme from the FGD with the raters
respondents during the speaking/oral test. Most of
included the need to improve the respondents'
them already informed the researcher of their
linguistic competence. These raters are all English
weaknesses in speaking English even before the
high school teachers who were the researcher's
speaking/oral test began. They give the researcher a
colleagues in the same school.
heads up and announce a disclaimer first about their
low performance in speaking, indicating not to expect
Using thematic analysis in analyzing the rater's
that much from them and that they were willing to
feedback on the students during FGD, the raters stated
that the respondents belong to the struggling (needs
improvement) stage, where some of the struggling
Lack of self-confidence. Most of the respondents lack
respondents cannot read the words correctly, lack
the self-confidence to speak English as their second
vocabulary, and cannot answer the comprehension
language. They cannot even utter the words correctly
questions appropriately. Furthermore, the students in
because they do not have enough courage since most
the developing stage can answer the questions and use
of them lack self-confidence.
the language with some grammatical errors and
fluency lapses. Mother Tongue use. Most of the respondents’
struggle is their mother tongue. During the interview,
One rater also stated that since most of the respondents they would immediately tell the researcher that they
were her students in remedial reading classes before, are not used to speaking English and struggle to speak
there was no surprise in their speaking performances. the language. They would ask permission if it was all
right to speak Tagalog instead. Moreover, while the
The respondents also specifically and explicitly stated
speaking test, they would tend to code-switch.
during FGD and interviews that they fell short
regarding fluency, grammar, pronunciation, Shyness. One of the significant factors that hinders the
comprehension, and vocabulary. student’s ability to perform better. They are too shy to
speak because they do not have enough knowledge and
skills in speaking the target language, aside from their

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Psych Educ, 2023, 9: 631-653, Document ID:2023 PEMJ777, doi:10.5281/zenodo.8021988, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

lack of self-confidence. They also fear that their of the pandemic, rather than focusing on studies. Thus,
classmates will laugh at them if they speak making learning a second language is not their
incorrectly. priority.

Low participation. Respondent’s lack of self- Aside from the lack of support that they receive, an
confidence, inadequacy of knowledge and skill, and environment not conducive for learning, of course,
shyness would lead them not to participate actively in also directly affects their academic and speaking
the class. Thus, their low participation in class would performance. When they are distracted by the different
make it challenging for the teacher to make the noises in their place, added with distractions because
respondents speak or participate in the class of household chores and other responsibilities, no one
discussions. can expect a good performance from them.

Inhibition/Hesitation. Most respondents are hesitant These linguistic and non-linguistic difficulties are the
to speak during the speaking test since they are not problems that need to be addressed to improve the
confident in speaking the language since they lack speaking performances of the students. The root causes
skills and knowledge about it. They have many of the problem must be identified first to give its
reservations that hold them back from speaking the proper solution.
Furthermore, the researcher realized that some of the
Nervousness. This psychological feeling also impedes respondents need to be remediated and enrolled in the
the respondents from speaking the language. This is remedial reading class because it is the primary root
one of the researcher's everyday observations among cause of why they were having a hard time speaking
the respondents – most of them were nervous about the language – they cannot read the words and
speaking. They are not used to speaking the language sentences, or paragraphs properly. That is the main
and become more conscious of it, which leads to their reason why they were struggling. Since most of them
nervousness. cannot articulate the words correctly, they cannot
comprehend what they are reading and saying.
Pressure. The respondents have many language
Most of the respondents' speaking difficulties were
struggles, so the pressure adds more. Moreover,
revealed during the FGD and interviews, whereas,
because of the pressure that they need to speak a
using thematic analysis in analyzing its results, it
language that they are not used to, they would be
revealed that most of the respondents' problems when
compelled to use their mother tongue to answer the
speaking the second language fell on non-linguistic
questions and express their answers.
Lack of Motivation. Somehow, it is also one of the
Although FGD and interviews revealed that other
most common struggles of the respondents. They lack
respondents had an optimistic attitude in speaking
the motivation to speak the language, added by the fact
English since some of them specifically and explicitly
that the current studying setup – online and modular
stated that they felt amazing, excited, confident, and
have kept them from the standard setup of the
felt like leveling themselves when speaking the second
classroom. It is more challenging to motivate students
language, most of the respondents reiterated that they
during online classes or the modular setup because of
felt shy, embarrassed and feared in committing
physical contact with the students. They are less
mistakes because of anxiety and pressure that their
motivated to speak the language since the new setup
peers might laugh at them since they knew that they
on modes of learning would give them more control
only have limited knowledge or skills in articulating
over whether they would participate or not. Thus, they
the second language.
are not so motivated to speak the language.
Furthermore, a lack of motivation would result in low Moreover, to address these difficulties based on the
performance in speaking. study results, the researcher came up with the possible
classroom strategies and interventions that would aid
Environmental Factors. Aside from the difficulties in improving the speaking performances of the
mentioned above, the researcher also found out that respondents. With the given interventions, both
the respondents' social status somehow impedes them linguistic and non-linguistic problems are hoped to be
from learning the language properly since most of addressed.
them belong to low-income families who prioritize
working to make a living, especially during this time Using the results of the survey questionnaires, the

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Research Article

researcher found out that the respondents' age, first communication, their natural strategies for language
language, economic status, and exposure can affect acquisition will be used, which will allow them to
their speaking performances. Aside from that, their learn to use the language.
negative attitude towards speaking the target language
has something to do with their poor speaking Richards (2006), as stated by Alfi (2015), claimed that
performance. in CLT, students have to cooperatively participate in
classroom activities rather than participating
Thus, it was shown during the respondents' individually and had to become comfortable doing the
oral/speaking test that some of them have poorly communicative tasks with their peers rather than
performed orally, where fluency was the least relying solely on their teacher as their model. In this
mastered skill among the components of speaking with approach, the teachers become facilitators whose
five as its general average according to the frequency primary responsibility is to motivate and make the
of errors committed by the respondents, followed by students speak error-free sentences.
grammar with 3.32 general average, then
comprehension with a general average of 2.17, and Thus, anchored in this theory, Harmer (2007), as stated
lastly, vocabulary with 1.67 general average. by Rahayu (2015), presented some speaking activities
that fall under communicative tasks that will further
The researcher conducted an online interview and improve students' speaking skills. More so, it will all
FGD among the respondents, and it was found the cater to stu d en ts' p ro b lem s in gram mar,
different factors or reasons (as discussed above) that
comprehension, vocabulary, fluency, pronunciation,
hinder them from performing or speaking the language
and non-linguistic difficulties. (Nakahlah, 2016)
The researcher developed a plan of intervention to
With the consistent results from the researchers' tools,
address the respondents' specific linguistic and non-
it was concluded that most of the respondents need
linguistic difficulties. These proposed interventions
improvement in speaking the English language. Thus,
were anchored to the findings and theoretical
such difficulties should be addressed using the
underpinnings of the study.
intervention created by the researcher, intended to
improve the respondents' speaking performances.
Table 8 Proposed Intervention Matrix
Using the results of the study, what would be a
possible effective intervention to address the
speaking difficulties of Grade 10 students in

Addressing the students' speaking difficulties for their

further improvement is the primary purpose of this
paper. Thus, after identifying the specific problems
they have encountered while speaking English and
conducting an interview and FGD with the colleagues,
the researcher came up with possible solutions or
activities that may aid their speaking difficulties.

Communicative Language Teaching (CTL) is one of

the approaches that can be traced from Noam
Chomsky's theories in the 1960s that were proven to
be effective in language teaching. It focuses on the
competence and performance in language learning that
gave communicative language teaching.

The British Council (n.d.) defined it as a

communicative approach based on the idea that
learning a language successfully comes through having
to communicate real meaning. Furthermore, according
to this, when learners are involved in honest

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Psych Educ, 2023, 9: 631-653, Document ID:2023 PEMJ777, doi:10.5281/zenodo.8021988, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

Proposed Linguistic and Non-Linguistic Furthermore, to specifically address the speaking

Interventions Matrix difficulties of the group of respondents who belonged
to the remedial reading class and were diagnosed as
The interventions mentioned earlier were explicitly those who are struggling students, the following
created by the researcher, meant to address the strategies can be implemented:
respondents' speaking difficulties with which the
researcher has itemized after the study's findings. It Imitative Speaking . In imitative speaking, the
was also reiterated in the proposed matrix in which students are expected just to repeat the words, phrases,
part of the lesson the interventions can be injected. or sentences that were said to them by the teacher,
Aside from that, students who were struggling much in regardless of whether they understand what they are
speaking and reading the English language can be saying. The only purpose in this level is to reproduce
recommended to attend the remedial reading class, what is being said. It is a typical example of a "repeat
which is currently one of the school programs that after me" activity or occurrence in the classroom. This
cater remediation on the students. kind of speaking activity enhances the students'
This proposed matrix was also based on the researcher
and raters' observation during the oral/speaking test These activities include directed response tasks,
and FGD, whereas the raters' comments, feedback and reading aloud, sentence and dialogue completion,
suggestions were considered. limited picture-cued tasks (TE 494 ESL Assessment
The interventions were also anchored on the
Intensive Speaking. Intensive speaking involves
theoretical underpinning, such as Weiss' Theory of
producing a limited amount of language in a highly-
Change, where the single program intervention hoped
controlled context. According to Brown (2001:273), as
to bring change among the respondents by bringing the
Rahayu (2015) stated, intensive speaking can be self-
pieces and steps necessary to bring about the long-term
initiated, or it can even form part of some pair work
activity, where learners are going over a particular
With the teacher's Communicative Language form of language.
Strategies employed in the interventions and efforts of
The activities under this speaking level could include
lowering down the anxiety in the class by taking into
read-aloud tasks with reading variations such as
account Krashen's Affective Filter as it leads to
reading a scripted dialogue with someone else, reading
increased self-confidence, motivation, and the desire to
sentences containing minimal pairs, and reading
explore, learn, and even take a few risks, the
information from a table chart. Another is the
respondents would be driven to perform better during
sentence/ dialogue completion task where a student
second language acquisition. Once the struggling
reads through the dialogue so he/she can think about
respondents understood and realized their weaknesses
proper lines to fill in, and the teacher produces one
and difficulties in speaking the second language, the
part orally, and the students respond. Lastly, a picture-
self-determination and willingness to overcome it
cued task requires a description from the test taker to
would be possible. This was in line with Deci and
produce short stretches of language. In this activity,
Ryan's Self Determination Theory where when the
pictures can be very simple or elaborate to tell a story
respondents were able to satisfy and fulfill their or event. Vidhiasi (2017)
autonomy or a personal affirmation of one's self-work;
competence, or the self-confidence in completing the The goal of this activity or task is to make the students
tasks given; and the relatedness or the affirmative produce the correct grammatical output.
interpersonal connections with other people in a social
context, the respondents will be more determined to Responsive Speaking. It is the interaction at a limited
act and manifest better optimistic results in an level of a concise conversation, standard greeting, and
educational setup. small talk, simple comment and request, and the like to
create interaction and assess or test the comprehension.
The respondents' willingness and determination to
learn and speak the language satisfied Ryan and Deci's The tasks under this speaking level could be
Self Determination Theory, where despite effective questioned and answered where students respond to
filters and difficulties that hindered them, there was a questions that the teacher asks; giving instructions and
willingness to resolve these challenges. directions where the test-taker is asked to give

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Psych Educ, 2023, 9: 631-653, Document ID:2023 PEMJ777, doi:10.5281/zenodo.8021988, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

directions or instructions; and paraphrasing where the pronouns), fluency (mispronunciation, omission,
test-taker is asked to paraphrase in two or three insertions, repetitions, self-corrections, and
sentences what he heard or read. (TE 494 ESL hesitations), comprehension (locating
Assessment Portfolio-Speaking) information/reference, making inference, and detailing
information) and vocabulary (form and meaning,
Interactive speaking. It is closely related to concepts and referents, and associations). On the other
responsive speaking; the difference is that there is a hand, the non-linguistic difficulties were fear of
complex interaction that sometimes includes multiple making mistakes, anxiety, lack of self-confidence,
exchanges and multiple participants. The unique mother tongue use, shyness, low participation,
characteristic of intensive speaking is usually more inhibition/hesitation, nervousness, pressure, and lack
interpersonal than transactional. In interpersonal, of motivation.
speaking maintains relationships; while in
transactional speaking, it is meant for sharing Aside from this, this study also revealed the negative
information and as is expected at the responsive level. attitude of most of the respondents towards speaking
English which led to their poor sp eak ing
Some of the most common interactive speaking tasks performances. Despite these poor results, the
under interactive speaking are interviews, role-play, respondents were willing and determined to learn and
games, discussions, and conversations. Speaking speak the language, which satisfied Ryan and Deci's
components such as grammar, pronunciation, Self-Determination Theory.
comprehension, fluency, and vocabulary are enhanced
in these activities. (Vidhiasi, 2017) These findings made the researcher realize how
important it is to address speaking difficulties, which
Extensive Speaking. Extensive speaking is one of the led the researcher to create intervention tools/programs
most challenging aspects of speaking. This involves a to address the respondents' specific speaking
great deal of preparation and is not typically difficulties and improve the respondents' speaking
improvisational communication. The speaking tasks skills. Such intervention tools were subject to
involved in this level include complex, relatively validation and approval before their implementation.
lengthy stretches of discourse, and one of the most
common examples of this is a monologue. Aside from
this, some of the most common extensive speaking Conclusion
tasks at this speaking level include oral presentations,
picture-cued storytelling, and re-telling a story or news Improving the speaking difficulties of the students is
event. (TE 494 ESL Assessment Portfolio-Speaking) the primary goal of this study; that is why intervention
t o o l s / p r o g r a m s a n c h o re d to Ch o m s k y 's
In this case, assessing the results of the study to
Communicative Language Teaching, Krashen's
specifically address the speaking difficulties that arose
Affective Filter, Weiss' Theory of Change, and Ryan
during the oral/speaking test, as well as during
and Deci's Self-Determination Theory were created to
interviews and FGD, the researcher created an action
address these speaking problems. Moreover, based on
plan and intervention tools that hope to address the
the findings clearly showed that speaking the second
speaking difficulties in each component. (Please refer
language for the respondents was a struggle as they
to the recommendations).
spoke during the oral/speaking test, online interviews,
and FGD. Additionally, students' attitudes towards
The proposed action plan and intervention tools are
speaking English matter significantly since it
subject to validation and approval before they can be
dramatically affects their speaking performances.
implemented to the students.
Lowering the students' anxiety, as with Krashen's
Discussion Affective Filter, would help create a conducive and
positive environment that motivates the respondents to
speak well. Furthermore, with the collaborative and
This study showed the speaking difficulties of the communicative activities employed using Chomsky's
selected G10-respondents of Pasay City National High Communicative Language Teaching and with Ryan
School, such as linguistic and non-linguistic and Deci's Self Determination Theory, where the
difficulties. Under linguistic difficulties, the speaking respondents were able to satisfy their psychological
difficulties were grammar (subject-verb agreement, needs such as autonomy, competence, and relatedness,
verb tenses, auxiliary verbs, prepositions, and they will be more motivated to perform well and

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Research Article

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