Equator Principles III

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JUNE 2013

A financial industry benchmark for determining, assessing

and managing environmental and social risk in projects

PREAMBLE ................................................................................................................................... 2

SCOPE.......................................................................................................................................... 3

APPROACH .................................................................................................................................. 4

STATEMENT OF PRINCIPLES .......................................................................................................... 5

Principle 1: Review and Categorisation .............................................................................................. 5

Principle 2: Environmental and Social Assessment ............................................................................ 5

Principle 3: Applicable Environmental and Social Standards.............................................................. 6

Principle 4: Environmental and Social Management System and Equator Principles Action Plan..... 7

Principle 5: Stakeholder Engagement ................................................................................................. 7

Principle 6: Grievance Mechanism...................................................................................................... 8

Principle 7: Independent Review ........................................................................................................ 8

Principle 8: Covenants ........................................................................................................................ 9

Principle 9: Independent Monitoring and Reporting........................................................................ 10

Principle 10: Reporting and Transparency ........................................................................................ 10

DISCLAIMER ............................................................................................................................... 11

ANNEXES: IMPLEMENTATION REQUIREMENTS ........................................................................... 12

Note: The implementation requirements detailed in these annexes are an integral part of
the Equator Principles and are mandatory requirements for Equator Principles Financial

Annex A - Climate Change: Alternatives Analysis, Quantification and Reporting of Greenhouse

Gas Emissions .................................................................................................................................... 12

Annex B - Minimum Reporting Requirements .................................................................................. 13

EXHIBITS: SUPPORTING INFORMATION ...................................................................................... 15

Exhibit I: Glossary of Terms............................................................................................................... 15

Exhibit II: Illustrative List of Potential Environmental and Social Issues to be Addressed in the
Environmental and Social Assessment Documentation ................................................................... 20

Exhibit III: IFC Performance Standards on Environmental and Social Sustainability and the World
Bank Group Environmental, Health and Safety Guidelines .............................................................. 21

1 June 2013


Large infrastructure and industrial Projects can have adverse impacts on people and on the
environment. As financiers and advisors, we work in partnership with our clients to identify, assess
and manage environmental and social risks and impacts in a structured way, on an ongoing basis.
Such collaboration promotes sustainable environmental and social performance and can lead to
improved financial, environmental and social outcomes.

We, the Equator Principles Financial Institutions (EPFIs), have adopted the Equator Principles in
order to ensure that the Projects we finance and advise on are developed in a manner that is socially
responsible and reflects sound environmental management practices. We recognise the importance
of climate change, biodiversity, and human rights, and believe negative impacts on project-affected
ecosystems, communities, and the climate should be avoided where possible. If these impacts are
unavoidable they should be minimised, mitigated, and/or offset.

We believe that adoption of and adherence to the Equator Principles offers significant benefits to us,
our clients, and local stakeholders through our clients’ engagement with locally Affected
Communities. We therefore recognise that our role as financiers affords us opportunities to promote
responsible environmental stewardship and socially responsible development, including fulfilling our
responsibility to respect human rights by undertaking due diligence 1 in accordance with the Equator

The Equator Principles are intended to serve as a common baseline and framework. We commit to
implementing the Equator Principles in our internal environmental and social policies, procedures
and standards for financing Projects. We will not provide Project Finance or Project-Related
Corporate Loans to Projects where the client will not, or is unable to, comply with the Equator
Principles. As Bridge Loans and Project Finance Advisory Services are provided earlier in the Project
timeline, we request the client explicitly communicates their intention to comply with the Equator

EPFIs review the Equator Principles from time-to-time based on implementation experience, and in
order to reflect ongoing learning and emerging good practice.

As referenced in the “Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights: Implementing the United Nations ‘Protect,
Respect and Remedy’ Framework”.

2 June 2013


The Equator Principles apply globally and to all industry sectors.

The Equator Principles apply to the four financial products described below when supporting a new

1. Project Finance Advisory Services where total Project capital costs are US$10 million or more.

2. Project Finance with total Project capital costs of US$10 million or more.

3. Project-Related Corporate Loans 2 (including Export Finance in the form of Buyer Credit) where
all four of the following criteria are met:

i. The majority of the loan is related to a single Project over which the client has Effective
Operational Control (either direct or indirect).

ii. The total aggregate loan amount is at least US$100 million.

iii. The EPFI’s individual commitment (before syndication or sell down) is at least US$50

iv. The loan tenor is at least two years.

4. Bridge Loans with a tenor of less than two years that are intended to be refinanced by Project
Finance or a Project-Related Corporate Loan that is anticipated to meet the relevant criteria
described above.

While the Equator Principles are not intended to be applied retroactively, the EPFI will apply them to
the expansion or upgrade of an existing Project where changes in scale or scope may create
significant environmental and social risks and impacts, or significantly change the nature or degree
of an existing impact.

Project-Related Corporate Loans exclude Export Finance in the form of Supplier Credit (as the client has no Effective
Operational Control). Furthermore, Project-Related Corporate Loans exclude other financial instruments that do not
finance an underlying Project, such as Asset Finance, acquisition finance, hedging, leasing, letters of credit, general
corporate purposes loans, and general working capital expenditures loans used to maintain a company’s operations.

3 June 2013


Project Finance and Project-Related Corporate Loans

The EPFI will only provide Project Finance and Project-Related Corporate Loans to Projects that meet
the requirements of Principles 1-10.

Project Finance Advisory Services and Bridge Loans

Where the EPFI is providing Project Finance Advisory Services or a Bridge Loan, the EPFI will make
the client aware of the content, application and benefits of applying the Equator Principles to the
anticipated Project. The EPFI will request that the client communicates to the EPFI its intention to
adhere to the requirements of the Equator Principles when subsequently seeking long term
financing. The EPFI will guide and support the client through the steps leading to the application of
the Equator Principles.

For Bridge Loans categorised A or B (as defined in Principle 1) the following requirements, where
relevant, apply. Where the Project is in the feasibility phase and no impacts are expected during the
tenor of the loan, the EPFI will confirm that the client will undertake an Environmental and Social
Assessment (Assessment) process. Where Environmental and Social Assessment Documentation
(Assessment Documentation) has been prepared and Project development is expected to begin
during the tenor of the loan, the EPFI will, where appropriate, work with the client to identify an
Independent Environmental and Social Consultant and develop a scope of work to commence an
Independent Review (as defined in Principle 7).

Information Sharing

Recognising business confidentiality and applicable laws and regulations, Mandated EPFIs will share,
when appropriate, relevant environmental and social information with other Mandated Financial
Institutions, strictly for the purpose of achieving consistent application of the Equator Principles.
Such information sharing shall not relate to any competitively sensitive information. Any decision as
to whether, and on what terms, to provide financial services (as defined in the Scope) will be for
each EPFI to make separately and in accordance with its risk management policies. Timing
constraints may lead EPFIs considering a transaction to seek authorisation from their clients to start
such information sharing before all other financial institutions are formally mandated. EPFIs expect
clients to provide such authorisation.

4 June 2013


Principle 1: Review and Categorisation

When a Project is proposed for financing, the EPFI will, as part of its internal environmental and
social review and due diligence, categorise it based on the magnitude of its potential environmental
and social risks and impacts. Such screening is based on the environmental and social categorisation
process of the International Finance Corporation (IFC).

Using categorisation, the EPFI’s environmental and social due diligence is commensurate with the
nature, scale and stage of the Project, and with the level of environmental and social risks and

The categories are:

Category A – Projects with potential significant adverse environmental and social risks and/or
impacts that are diverse, irreversible or unprecedented;

Category B – Projects with potential limited adverse environmental and social risks and/or impacts
that are few in number, generally site-specific, largely reversible and readily addressed through
mitigation measures; and

Category C – Projects with minimal or no adverse environmental and social risks and/or impacts.

Principle 2: Environmental and Social Assessment

For all Category A and Category B Projects, the EPFI will require the client to conduct an Assessment
process to address, to the EPFI’s satisfaction, the relevant environmental and social risks and
impacts of the proposed Project (which may include the illustrative list of issues found in Exhibit II).
The Assessment Documentation should propose measures to minimise, mitigate, and offset adverse
impacts in a manner relevant and appropriate to the nature and scale of the proposed Project.

The Assessment Documentation will be an adequate, accurate and objective evaluation and
presentation of the environmental and social risks and impacts, whether prepared by the client,
consultants or external experts. For Category A, and as appropriate, Category B Projects, the
Assessment Documentation includes an Environmental and Social Impact Assessment (ESIA). One or
more specialised studies may also need to be undertaken. Furthermore, in limited high risk
circumstances, it may be appropriate for the client to complement its Assessment Documentation
with specific human rights due diligence. For other Projects, a limited or focused environmental or

5 June 2013

social assessment (e.g. audit), or straight-forward application of environmental siting, pollution

standards, design criteria, or construction standards may be carried out.

For all Projects, in all locations, when combined Scope 1 and Scope 2 Emissions are expected to be
more than 100,000 tonnes of CO 2 equivalent annually, an alternatives analysis will be conducted to
evaluate less Greenhouse Gas (GHG) intensive alternatives. Refer to Annex A for alternatives analysis

Principle 3: Applicable Environmental and Social Standards

The Assessment process should, in the first instance, address compliance with relevant host country
laws, regulations and permits that pertain to environmental and social issues.

EPFIs operate in diverse markets: some with robust environmental and social governance, legislation
systems and institutional capacity designed to protect their people and the natural environment;
and some with evolving technical and institutional capacity to manage environmental and social

The EPFI will require that the Assessment process evaluates compliance with the applicable
standards as follows:

1. For Projects located in Non-Designated Countries, the Assessment process evaluates compliance
with the then applicable IFC Performance Standards on Environmental and Social Sustainability
(Performance Standards) and the World Bank Group Environmental, Health and Safety
Guidelines (EHS Guidelines) (Exhibit III).

2. For Projects located in Designated Countries, the Assessment process evaluates compliance with
relevant host country laws, regulations and permits that pertain to environmental and social
issues. Host country laws meet the requirements of environmental and/or social assessments
(Principle 2), management systems and plans (Principle 4), Stakeholder Engagement (Principle 5)
and, grievance mechanisms (Principle 6).

The Assessment process will establish to the EPFI’s satisfaction the Project's overall compliance with,
or justified deviation from, the applicable standards. The applicable standards (as described above)
represent the minimum standards adopted by the EPFI. The EPFI may, at their sole discretion, apply
additional requirements.

6 June 2013

Principle 4: Environmental and Social Management System and Equator Principles

Action Plan

For all Category A and Category B Projects, the EPFI will require the client to develop or maintain an
Environmental and Social Management System (ESMS).

Further, an Environmental and Social Management Plan (ESMP) will be prepared by the client to
address issues raised in the Assessment process and incorporate actions required to comply with the
applicable standards. Where the applicable standards are not met to the EPFI’s satisfaction, the
client and the EPFI will agree an Equator Principles Action Plan (AP). The Equator Principles AP is
intended to outline gaps and commitments to meet EPFI requirements in line with the applicable

Principle 5: Stakeholder Engagement

For all Category A and Category B Projects, the EPFI will require the client to demonstrate effective
Stakeholder Engagement as an ongoing process in a structured and culturally appropriate manner
with Affected Communities and, where relevant, Other Stakeholders. For Projects with potentially
significant adverse impacts on Affected Communities, the client will conduct an Informed
Consultation and Participation process. The client will tailor its consultation process to: the risks and
impacts of the Project; the Project’s phase of development; the language preferences of the
Affected Communities; their decision-making processes; and the needs of disadvantaged and
vulnerable groups. This process should be free from external manipulation, interference, coercion
and intimidation.

To facilitate Stakeholder Engagement, the client will, commensurate to the Project’s risks and
impacts, make the appropriate Assessment Documentation readily available to the Affected
Communities, and where relevant Other Stakeholders, in the local language and in a culturally
appropriate manner.

The client will take account of, and document, the results of the Stakeholder Engagement process,
including any actions agreed resulting from such process. For Projects with environmental or social
risks and adverse impacts, disclosure should occur early in the Assessment process, in any event
before the Project construction commences, and on an ongoing basis.

EPFIs recognise that indigenous peoples may represent vulnerable segments of project-affected
communities. Projects affecting indigenous peoples will be subject to a process of Informed
Consultation and Participation, and will need to comply with the rights and protections for
indigenous peoples contained in relevant national law, including those laws implementing host
country obligations under international law. Consistent with the special circumstances described in

7 June 2013

IFC Performance Standard 7 (when relevant as defined in Principle 3), Projects with adverse impacts
on indigenous people will require their Free, Prior and Informed Consent (FPIC) 3.

Principle 6: Grievance Mechanism

For all Category A and, as appropriate, Category B Projects, the EPFI will require the client, as part of
the ESMS, to establish a grievance mechanism designed to receive and facilitate resolution of
concerns and grievances about the Project’s environmental and social performance.

The grievance mechanism is required to be scaled to the risks and impacts of the Project and have
Affected Communities as its primary user. It will seek to resolve concerns promptly, using an
understandable and transparent consultative process that is culturally appropriate, readily
accessible, at no cost, and without retribution to the party that originated the issue or concern. The
mechanism should not impede access to judicial or administrative remedies. The client will inform
the Affected Communities about the mechanism in the course of the Stakeholder Engagement

Principle 7: Independent Review

Project Finance

For all Category A and, as appropriate, Category B Projects, an Independent Environmental and
Social Consultant, not directly associated with the client, will carry out an Independent Review of the
Assessment Documentation including the ESMPs, the ESMS, and the Stakeholder Engagement
process documentation in order to assist the EPFI's due diligence, and assess Equator Principles

The Independent Environmental and Social Consultant will also propose or opine on a suitable
Equator Principles AP capable of bringing the Project into compliance with the Equator Principles, or
indicate when compliance is not possible.

Project-Related Corporate Loans

An Independent Review by an Independent Environmental and Social Consultant is required for

Projects with potential high risk impacts including, but not limited to, any of the following:

There is no universally accepted definition of FPIC. Based on good faith negotiation between the client and affected
indigenous communities, FPIC builds on and expands the process of Informed Consultation and Participation, ensures the
meaningful participation of indigenous peoples in decision-making, and focuses on achieving agreement. FPIC does not
require unanimity, does not confer veto rights to individuals or sub-groups, and does not require the client to agree to
aspects not under their control. Process elements to achieve FPIC are found in IFC Performance Standard 7.

8 June 2013

• adverse impacts on indigenous peoples

• Critical Habitat impacts
• significant cultural heritage impacts
• large-scale resettlement

In other Category A, and as appropriate Category B, Project-Related Corporate Loans, the EPFI may
determine whether an Independent Review is appropriate or if internal review by the EPFI is
sufficient. This may take into account the due diligence performed by a multilateral or bilateral
financial institution or an OECD Export Credit Agency, if relevant.

Principle 8: Covenants

An important strength of the Equator Principles is the incorporation of covenants linked to


For all Projects, the client will covenant in the financing documentation to comply with all relevant
host country environmental and social laws, regulations and permits in all material respects.

Furthermore for all Category A and Category B Projects, the client will covenant the financial

a) to comply with the ESMPs and Equator Principles AP (where applicable) during the
construction and operation of the Project in all material respects; and

b) to provide periodic reports in a format agreed with the EPFI (with the frequency of these
reports proportionate to the severity of impacts, or as required by law, but not less than
annually), prepared by in-house staff or third party experts, that i) document compliance
with the ESMPs and Equator Principles AP (where applicable), and ii) provide representation
of compliance with relevant local, state and host country environmental and social laws,
regulations and permits; and

c) to decommission the facilities, where applicable and appropriate, in accordance with an

agreed decommissioning plan.

Where a client is not in compliance with its environmental and social covenants, the EPFI will work
with the client on remedial actions to bring the Project back into compliance to the extent feasible. If
the client fails to re-establish compliance within an agreed grace period, the EPFI reserves the right
to exercise remedies, as considered appropriate.

9 June 2013

Principle 9: Independent Monitoring and Reporting

Project Finance

To assess Project compliance with the Equator Principles and ensure ongoing monitoring and
reporting after Financial Close and over the life of the loan, the EPFI will, for all Category A and, as
appropriate, Category B Projects, require the appointment of an Independent Environmental and
Social Consultant, or require that the client retain qualified and experienced external experts to
verify its monitoring information which would be shared with the EPFI.

Project-Related Corporate Loans

For Projects where an Independent Review is required under Principle 7, the EPFI will require the
appointment of an Independent Environmental and Social Consultant after Financial Close, or
require that the client retain qualified and experienced external experts to verify its monitoring
information which would be shared with the EPFI.

Principle 10: Reporting and Transparency

Client Reporting Requirements

The following client reporting requirements are in addition to the disclosure requirements in
Principle 5.

For all Category A and, as appropriate, Category B Projects:

• The client will ensure that, at a minimum, a summary of the ESIA is accessible and available
online 4.

• The client will publicly report GHG emission levels (combined Scope 1 and Scope 2
Emissions) during the operational phase for Projects emitting over 100,000 tonnes of CO 2
equivalent annually. Refer to Annex A for detailed requirements on GHG emissions

EPFI Reporting Requirements

The EPFI will report publicly, at least annually, on transactions that have reached Financial Close and
on its Equator Principles implementation processes and experience, taking into account appropriate

Except in cases where the client does not have internet access.

10 June 2013

confidentiality considerations. The EPFI will report according to the minimum reporting
requirements detailed in Annex B.


The Equator Principles is a baseline and framework for developing individual, internal environmental
and social policies, procedures and practices. The Equator Principles do not create any rights in, or
liability to, any person, public or private. Financial institutions adopt and implement the Equator
Principles voluntarily and independently, without reliance on or recourse to the IFC, the World Bank
Group, the Equator Principles Association, or other EPFIs. In a situation where there would be a clear
conflict between applicable laws and regulations and requirements set out in the Equator Principles,
the local laws and regulations prevail.

11 June 2013


Annex A: Climate Change: Alternatives Analysis, Quantification and Reporting of

Greenhouse Gas Emissions

Alternatives Analysis

The alternatives analysis requires the evaluation of technically and financially feasible and cost-
effective options available to reduce project-related GHG emissions during the design, construction
and operation of the Project.

For Scope 1 Emissions, this analysis will include consideration of alternative fuel or energy sources if
applicable. Where an alternatives analysis is required by a regulatory permitting process, the
analysis will follow the methodology and time frame required by the relevant process. For Projects in
high carbon intensity sectors, the alternatives analysis will include comparisons to other viable
technologies, used in the same industry and in the country or region, with the relative energy
efficiency of the selected technology.

High carbon intensity sectors include the following, as outlined in the World Bank Group EHS
Guidelines: thermal power, cement and lime manufacturing, integrated steel mills, base metal
smelting and refining, and foundries.

Following completion of an alternatives analysis, the client will provide, through appropriate
documentation, evidence of technically and financially feasible and cost-effective options. This does
not modify or reduce the requirements set out in the applicable standards (e.g. IFC Performance
Standard 3).

Quantification and Reporting

Quantification of GHG emissions will be conducted by the client in accordance with internationally
recognised methodologies and good practice, for example, the GHG Protocol. The client will quantify
Scope 1 and Scope 2 Emissions.

The EPFI will require the client to report publicly on an annual basis on GHG emission levels
(combined Scope 1 and Scope 2 Emissions) during the operational phase for Projects emitting over
100,000 tonnes of CO 2 equivalent annually. Clients will be encouraged to report publicly on Projects
emitting over 25,000 tonnes. Public reporting requirements can be satisfied via regulatory
requirements for reporting or environmental impact assessments, or voluntary reporting
mechanisms such as the Carbon Disclosure Project where such reporting includes emissions at
Project level.

In some circumstances, public disclosure of the full alternatives analysis or project-level emissions
may not be appropriate.

12 June 2013

Annex B - Minimum Reporting Requirements

The EPFI will report annually and as per the requirements detailed in all of the sections below.

Data and Implementation Reporting

Data and implementation reporting is the responsibility of the EPFI. It will be published on the EPFI’s
website, in a single location and in an accessible format.

The EPFI will specify the reporting period (i.e. start and end dates) for all data and implementation

Project Finance Advisory Services Data

The EPFI will report on the total number of Project Finance Advisory Services mandated during the
reporting period. The total will be broken down by Sector and Region.

Data for Project Finance Advisory Services will be reported under a separate heading from Project
Finance and Project-Related Corporate Loans. Project Finance Advisory Services data may exclude
the Category and whether an Independent Review has been carried out because the Project is often
at an early stage of development and not all information is available.

Project Finance and Project-Related Corporate Loans Data

The EPFI will report on the total number of Project Finance transactions and total number of Project-
Related Corporate Loans that reached Financial Close during the reporting period.

The totals for each product type will be broken down by Category (A, B or C) and then by:

• Sector (i.e. Mining, Infrastructure, Oil and Gas, Power, Others)

• Region (i.e. Americas, Europe Middle East and Africa, Asia Pacific)
• Country Designation (i.e. Designated Country or Non-Designated Country)
• Whether an Independent Review has been carried out

Data for Project Finance transactions and Project-Related Corporate Loans should be shown

Bridge Loans Data

Data for Bridge Loans, due to their nature, are not subject to specific reporting requirements.

13 June 2013

Implementation Reporting

The EPFI will report on its implementation of the Equator Principles, including:

• The mandate of the Equator Principles Reviewers (e.g. responsibilities and staffing);
• The respective roles of the Equator Principles Reviewers, business lines, and senior
management in the transaction review process;
• The incorporation of the Equator Principles in its credit and risk management policies and

For the first year of Equator Principles adoption, the EPFI will provide details of its internal
preparation and staff training. After the first year, the EPFI may provide details on ongoing training
of staff if considered relevant.

Project Name Reporting for Project Finance

The EPFI will submit project name data directly to the Equator Principles Association Secretariat for
publication on the Equator Principles Association website.

Project name reporting is:

• applicable only to Project Finance transactions that have reached Financial Close,
• subject to obtaining client consent,
• subject to applicable local laws and regulations, and
• subject to no additional liability for the EPFI as a result of reporting in certain identified

The EPFI will seek client consent at any time deemed appropriate but no later than Financial Close.

The EPFI will submit the following project name data directly or via a web link:

• Project name (as per the loan agreement and/or as publicly recognised),
• Calendar year in which the transaction reached Financial Close,
• Sector (i.e. Mining, Infrastructure, Oil and Gas, Power, Others),
• Host country name.

Individual EPFIs may want to publish the data as part of their individual reporting, but there is no
obligation to do so.

14 June 2013


Exhibit I: Glossary of Terms

Unless specified here, the Equator Principles use definitions as set out in the IFC Performance

Affected Communities are local communities, within the Project's area of influence, directly affected
by the Project.

Assessment (see Environmental and Social Assessment).

Assessment Documentation (see Environmental and Social Assessment Documentation).

Asset Finance is the provision of a loan for the purchase of assets (such as airplanes, cargo ships, or
equipment) in exchange for a security interest in those assets.

Bridge Loan is an interim loan given to a business until the longer term stage of financing can be

Buyer Credit is a medium/long term Export Finance credit where the exporter’s bank or other
financial institution lends to the buyer or the buyer’s bank.

Critical Habitats are areas with high biodiversity value, including (i) habitat of significant importance
to Critically Endangered and/or Endangered species; (ii) habitat of significant importance to endemic
and/or restricted-range species; (iii) habitat supporting globally significant concentrations of
migratory species and/or congregatory species; (iv) highly threatened and/or unique ecosystems;
and/or (v) areas associated with key evolutionary processes.

Designated Countries are those countries deemed to have robust environmental and social
governance, legislation systems and institutional capacity designed to protect their people and the
natural environment. The list of Designated Countries can be found on the Equator Principles
Association website.

Effective Operational Control includes both direct control (as operator or major shareholder) of the
Project by the client and indirect control (e.g. where a subsidiary of the client operates the Project).

Environmental and Social Assessment (Assessment) is a process that determines the potential
environmental and social risks and impacts (including labour, health, and safety) of a proposed
Project in its area of influence.

15 June 2013

Environmental and Social Assessment Documentation (Assessment Documentation) is a series of

documents prepared for a Project as part of the Assessment process. The extent and detail of the
documentation is commensurate with the Project’s potential environmental and social risks and
impacts. Examples of Assessment Documentation are: an Environmental and Social Impact
Assessment (ESIA), Environmental and Social Management Plan (ESMP), or documents more limited
in scale (such as an audit, risk assessment, hazard assessment and relevant project-specific
environmental permits). Non-technical environmental summaries can also be used to enhance the
Assessment Documentation when these are disclosed to the public as part a broader Stakeholder
Engagement process.

Environmental and Social Impact Assessment (ESIA) is a comprehensive document of a Project’s

potential environmental and social risks and impacts. An ESIA is usually prepared for greenfield
developments or large expansions with specifically identified physical elements, aspects, and
facilities that are likely to generate significant environmental or social impacts. Exhibit II provides an
overview of the potential environmental and social issues addressed in the ESIA.

Environmental and Social Management Plan (ESMP) summarises the client’s commitments to
address and mitigate risks and impacts identified as part of the Assessment, through avoidance,
minimisation, and compensation/offset. This may range from a brief description of routine
mitigation measures to a series of more comprehensive management plans (e.g. water management
plan, waste management plan, resettlement action plan, indigenous peoples plan, emergency
preparedness and response plan, decommissioning plan). The level of detail and complexity of the
ESMP and the priority of the identified measures and actions will be commensurate with the
Project’s potential risks and impacts. The ESMP definition and characteristics are broadly similar to
those of the “Management Programs” referred to in IFC Performance Standard 1.

Environmental and Social Management System (ESMS) is the overarching environmental, social,
health and safety management system which may be applicable at a corporate or Project level. The
system is designed to identify, assess and manage risks and impacts in respect to the Project on an
ongoing basis. The system consists of manuals and related source documents, including policies,
management programs and plans, procedures, requirements, performance indicators,
responsibilities, training and periodic audits and inspections with respect to environmental or social
issues, including Stakeholder Engagement and grievance mechanisms. It is the overriding framework
by which an ESMP and/or Equator Principles AP is implemented. The term may refer to the system
for the construction phase or the operational phase of the Project, or to both as the context may

Equator Principles Action Plan (AP) is prepared, as a result of the EPFI’s due diligence process, to
describe and prioritise the actions needed to address any gaps in the Assessment Documentation,
ESMPs, the ESMS, or Stakeholder Engagement process documentation to bring the Project in line

16 June 2013

with applicable standards as defined in the Equator Principles. The Equator Principles AP is typically
tabular in form and lists distinct actions from mitigation measures to follow-up studies or plans that
complement the Assessment.

Equator Principles Association is the unincorporated association of member EPFIs whose object is
the management, administration and development of the Equator Principles. The Equator Principles
Association Secretariat manages the day to day running of the Equator Principles Association
including the collation of EPFIs project name reporting data. For more information go to the Equator
Principles Association website.

Equator Principles Reviewers are EPFI employees responsible for reviewing the environmental and
social aspects of transactions subject to the Equator Principles. They may be part of a distinct
Equator Principles team or members of banking, credit risk, corporate sustainability (or similar)
departments/divisions tasked with applying the Equator Principles internally.

Export Finance (also known as Export Credits) an insurance, guarantee or financing arrangement
which enables a foreign buyer of exported goods and/or services to defer payment over a period of
time. Export credits are generally divided into short-term, medium-term (usually two to five years
repayment) and long-term (usually over five years).

Financial Close is defined as the date on which all conditions precedent to initial drawing of the debt
have been satisfied or waived.

Informed Consultation and Participation is an in-depth exchange of views and information and an
organised and iterative consultation that leads the client to incorporate the views of Affected
Communities, on issues that affect them directly (such as proposed mitigation measures, the sharing
of development benefits and opportunities, and implementation issues), into their decision-making

Independent Environmental and Social Consultant is a qualified independent firm or consultant

(not directly tied to the client) acceptable to the EPFI.

Independent Review is a review of the Assessment Documentation including the ESMPs, ESMS and
Stakeholder Engagement process documentation carried out by an Independent Environmental and
Social Consultant.

Known Use of Proceeds is the information provided by the client on how the borrowings will be

17 June 2013

Mandated Equator Principles Financial Institution or Mandated Financial Institution is a financial

service provider that is contracted by a client to carry out banking services for a Project or

Non-Designated Countries are those countries not found on the list of Designated Countries on the
Equator Principles Association website.

Operational Control (see Effective Operational Control)

Other Stakeholders are those not directly affected by the Project but have an interest in it. They
could include national and local authorities, neighbouring Projects, and/or non-governmental

A Project is a development in any sector at an identified location. It includes an expansion or

upgrade of an existing operation that results in a material change in output or function. Examples of
Projects that trigger the Equator Principles include, but are not limited to; a power plant, mine, oil
and gas Projects, chemical plant, infrastructure development, manufacturing plant, large scale real
estate development, real estate development in a Sensitive Area, or any other Project that creates
significant environmental and/or social risks and impacts. In the case of Export Credit Agency
supported transactions, the new commercial, infrastructure or industrial undertaking to which the
export is intended will be considered the Project.

Project Finance is a method of financing in which the lender looks primarily to the revenues
generated by a single Project, both as the source of repayment and as security for the exposure. This
type of financing is usually for large, complex and expensive installations that might include, for
example, power plants, chemical processing plants, mines, transportation infrastructure,
environment, and telecommunications infrastructure. Project Finance may take the form of
financing of the construction of a new capital installation, or refinancing of an existing installation,
with or without improvements. In such transactions, the lender is usually paid solely or almost
exclusively out of the money generated by the contracts for the Project’s output, such as the
electricity sold by a power plant. The client is usually a Special Purpose Entity that is not permitted to
perform any function other than developing, owning, and operating the installation. The
consequence is that repayment depends primarily on the Project’s cash flow and on the collateral
value of the Project’s assets. For reference go to: “Basel Committee on Banking Supervision,
International Convergence of Capital Measurement and Capital Standards ("Basel II")”, November
2005. Reserve-Based Financing in extractive sectors that is non-recourse and where the proceeds are
used to develop one particular reserve (e.g. an oil field or a mine) is considered to be a Project
Finance transaction covered under the Equator Principles.

18 June 2013

Project Finance Advisory Services is the provision of advice on the potential financing of a
development where one of the options may be Project Finance.

Project-Related Corporate Loans are corporate loans, made to business entities (either privately,
publicly, or state-owned or controlled) related to a single Project, either a new development or
expansion (e.g. where there is an expanded footprint), where the Known Use of Proceeds is related
to a single Project in one of the following ways:

a. The lender looks primarily to the revenues generated by the Project as the source of
repayment (as in Project Finance) and where security exists in the form of a corporate or
parent company guarantee;

b. Documentation for the loan indicates that the majority of the proceeds of the total loan are
directed to the Project. Such documentation may include the term sheet, information
memorandum, credit agreement, or other representations provided by the client into its
intended use of proceeds for the loan.

It includes loans to government-owned corporations and other legal entities created by a

government to undertake commercial activities on behalf of the government, but excludes loans to
national, regional or local governments, governmental ministries and agencies.

Scope 1 Emissions are direct GHG emissions from the facilities owned or controlled within the
physical Project boundary.

Scope 2 Emissions are indirect GHG emissions associated with the off-site production of energy used
by the Project.

Sensitive Area is an area of international, national or regional importance, such as wetlands, forests
with high biodiversity value, areas of archaeological or cultural significance, areas of importance for
indigenous peoples or other vulnerable groups, National Parks and other protected areas identified
by national or international law.

Stakeholder Engagement refers to IFC Performance Standards provisions on external

communication, environmental and social information disclosure, participation, informed
consultation, and grievance mechanisms. For the Equator Principles, Stakeholder Engagement also
refers to the overall requirements described under Principle 5.

Supplier Credit is a medium/long term Export Finance credit that is extended by the exporter to the
overseas buyer.

19 June 2013

Exhibit II: Illustrative List of Potential Environmental and Social Issues to be

Addressed in the Environmental and Social Assessment Documentation

The list below provides an overview of the issues that may be addressed in the Assessment
Documentation. Note the list is for illustrative purposes only. The Assessment process of each
Project may or may not identify all of the issues listed, or be relevant to every Project.

The Assessment Documentation may include, where applicable, the following:

a) assessment of the baseline environmental and social conditions

b) consideration of feasible environmentally and socially preferable alternatives
c) requirements under host country laws and regulations, applicable international treaties and
d) protection and conservation of biodiversity (including endangered species and sensitive
ecosystems in modified, natural and Critical Habitats) and identification of legally protected
e) sustainable management and use of renewable natural resources (including sustainable
resource management through appropriate independent certification systems)
f) use and management of dangerous substances
g) major hazards assessment and management
h) efficient production, delivery and use of energy
i) pollution prevention and waste minimisation, pollution controls (liquid effluents and air
emissions), and solid and chemical waste management
j) viability of Project operations in view of reasonably foreseeable changing weather
patterns/climatic conditions, together with adaptation opportunities
k) cumulative impacts of existing Projects, the proposed Project, and anticipated future Projects
l) respect of human rights by acting with due diligence to prevent, mitigate and manage adverse
human rights impacts
m) labour issues (including the four core labour standards), and occupational health and safety
n) consultation and participation of affected parties in the design, review and implementation of
the Project
o) socio-economic impacts
p) impacts on Affected Communities, and disadvantaged or vulnerable groups
q) gender and disproportionate gender impacts
r) land acquisition and involuntary resettlement
s) impacts on indigenous peoples, and their unique cultural systems and values
t) protection of cultural property and heritage
u) protection of community health, safety and security (including risks, impacts and management
of Project’s use of security personnel)
v) fire prevention and life safety

20 June 2013

Exhibit III: IFC Performance Standards on Environmental and Social Sustainability

and the World Bank Group Environmental, Health and Safety Guidelines

The Equator Principles refer to two separate parts of the IFC Sustainability Framework as “the then
applicable standards” under Principle 3.

1. The IFC Performance Standards

As of 1 January 2012, the following Performance Standards are applicable:

1 - Assessment and Management of Environmental and Social Risks and Impacts

2 - Labor and Working Conditions
3 - Resource Efficiency and Pollution Prevention
4 - Community Health, Safety and Security
5 - Land Acquisition and Involuntary Resettlement
6 - Biodiversity Conservation and Sustainable Management of Living Natural Resources
7 - Indigenous Peoples
8 - Cultural Heritage

Guidance Notes accompany each Performance Standard. EPFIs do not formally adopt the Guidance
Notes however EPFIs and clients may find them useful points of reference when seeking further
guidance on or interpreting the Performance Standards.

The IFC Performance Standards, Guidance Notes and Industry Specific Guidelines can be found on
the IFC website.

2. The World Bank Group Environmental, Health and Safety Guidelines

The World Bank Group EHS Guidelines are technical reference documents containing examples of
Good International Industry Practice (GIIP) as described in the IFC Performance Standards. They
contain the performance levels and measures that are normally considered acceptable for Projects
in Non-Designated Countries, as well as being achievable in new facilities at reasonable costs by
existing technology. Two sets of guidelines are used:

The General Environmental, Health and Safety Guidelines

These Guidelines contain information on cross-cutting environmental, health, and safety issues
potentially applicable to all industry sectors. They are divided into sections entitled: Environmental;
Occupational Health and Safety; Community Health and Safety; Construction; and Decommissioning.
They should be used together with the relevant Industry Sector Guideline(s).

21 June 2013

The Industry Sector Guidelines

These Guidelines contain information on industry-specific impacts and performance indicators, plus
a general description of industry activities. They are grouped as follows:

Agribusiness/Food Production Forestry

• Annual Crop Production • Board and Particle-based Products
• Aquaculture • Forest Harvesting Operations
• Breweries • Pulp and Paper Mills
• Dairy Processing • Sawmilling and Wood-based Products
• Fish Processing
• Food and Beverage Processing General Manufacturing
• Mammalian Livestock Production • Base Metal Smelting and Refining
• Meat Processing • Cement and Lime Manufacturing
• Plantation Crop Production • Ceramic Tile and Sanitary Ware
• Poultry Processing Manufacturing
• Poultry Production • Construction Materials Extraction
• Sugar Manufacturing • Foundries
• Vegetable Oil Processing • Glass Manufacturing
• Integrated Steel Mills
Chemicals • Metal, Plastic, Rubber Products
• Coal Processing Manufacturing
• Large Volume Inorganic Compounds • Printing
Manufacturing and Coal Tar Distillation • Semiconductors and Electronics
• Large Volume Petroleum-based Organic Manufacturing
Chemicals Manufacturing • Tanning and Leather Finishing
• Natural Gas Processing • Textiles Manufacturing
• Nitrogenous Fertilizer Manufacturing
• Oleochemicals Manufacturing
• Pesticides Formulation, Manufacturing and
• Petroleum-based Polymers Manufacturing
• Petroleum Refining
• Pharmaceuticals and Biotechnology
• Phosphate Fertilizer Manufacturing

22 June 2013

Infrastructure Mining
• Airlines • Mining
• Airports
• Crude Oil and Petroleum Product Oil and Gas
Terminals • Offshore Oil and Gas Development
• Gas Distribution Systems • Onshore Oil and Gas Development
• Health Care Facilities • Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) Facilities
• Ports, Harbors and Terminals
• Railways Power
• Retail Petroleum Networks • Electric Power Transmission and
• Shipping Distribution
• Telecommunications • Geothermal Power Generation
• Toll Roads • Thermal Power
• Tourism and Hospitality Development • Wind Energy
• Waste Management Facilities
• Water and Sanitation

23 June 2013

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