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Dipole Arrays

R. Serra (r.serra@tue.nl)

June 17, 2019

Dipole Arrays 2/8

A properly spaced and excited collection of antennas can have a

significant variation with ϕ.

We will assume:
I The array is linear.
I Each element is a dipole.
I All antenna elements in the array are identical.
I The current amplitude is the same feeding each element.
I The radiation pattern lies in the x-y plane (θ = π/2).

We will control the radiation pattern by

I controlling the spacing between elements and/or
I controlling the phase of the current driving each element.

Department of Electrical Engineering

Pair of Dipoles 3/8

We recall the far field value of E:

I0 L β exp(−jβr)
EFF = jZ sin(θ)aθ
4π r

We consider a pair of z-oriented dipoles. The total field is the vector


I01 L β exp(−jβr1 ) I0 L β exp(−jβr2 )

Ĕtotal = Ĕ1 + Ĕ2 = jZ aθ + jZ 2 aθ
4π r1 4π r2

Department of Electrical Engineering

Pair of Dipoles - Assumptions 4/8

The currents have the same amplitude, but we insert a phase shift α
between them:

I01 = I0
I02 = I0 e jα

We consider the far field conditions, then ϕ1 ≈ ϕ2 ≈ ϕ and for the

denominator r1 ≈ r2 ≈ r.

The same simplification cannot be done for the phase terms, therefore

d d
r1 = r + cos ϕ, r2 = r − cos ϕ
2 2

Department of Electrical Engineering

Pair of Dipoles - Total Field 5/8

Substitution leads to

I0 L β e −jβr j α h −j(β d cos ϕ+ α ) j(β d

cos ϕ+ α
Ĕtotal = jZ e 2 e 2 2 +e 2 2 aθ
4π r

Knowing that exp(−jx) + exp(jx) = 2 cos x

I0 L β e −jβr
α d α
Ĕtotal = jZ 2e j 2 cos β cos ϕ + aθ
4π r 2 2

Department of Electrical Engineering

Pair of Dipoles - Radiated Power 6/8

The radiated power is simply

i 1 |Ĕ 2
1 h ∗ totalθ |
S̆h = Re Ĕ × H̆ = ar
2 2 Z

Resulting in

Z β 2 I02 L 2
d α
S̆h = 2 2
cos2 β cos ϕ + ar
8π r 2 2

Department of Electrical Engineering

Array Factor 7/8


Z β 2 I02 L 2
d α
S̆h = 2 2
4 cos2 β cos ϕ + ar
32π r 2 2
It can be written

S̆h = Funit Farray ar

Where the unit factor Funit is the time-averaged power density for an
individual element at θ = π/2, and Farray is the array factor.

Department of Electrical Engineering

N-element linear arrays 8/8

For a general uniform linear array of N elements along the x-axis,

spacing d , phase increase α:



Farray = 2 Ψ

sin 2

Ψ = βd cos ϕ + α

Source: Wentworth

Department of Electrical Engineering

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