Part IB Methods Example Sheet 2

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Mathematical Tripos Part IB Michaelmas term 2020 Professor E.P.S.



Laplace’s equation
1. Cartesian coordinates. Show that the solution of ∇2 φ = 0 in the region 0 < x < a, 0 < y < b, 0 < z < c, with
φ = 1 on the surface z = 0 and φ = 0 on all the other surfaces is
∞ ∞
16 X X sinh[ℓ(c − z)] sin[(2p + 1)πx/a] sin[(2q + 1)πy/b]
φ= ,
π 2 p=0 q=0 (2p + 1)(2q + 1) sinh cℓ

where ℓ2 = (2p + 1)2 π 2 /a2 + (2q + 1)2 π 2 /b2 . [Hint: You may find it useful to use the above form of the z-dependent
part of the solution from the outset.] Discuss the behaviour of the solutions as c → ∞.
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2. Plane polar coordinates. The potential φ satisfies Laplace’s equation in the unit circle r < 1 with boundary
π/2 , 0 ≤ θ < π.
φ(r = 1, θ) =
−π/2 , π ≤ θ < 2π .
Using the method of separation of variables show that
X rn sin nθ
φ(r, θ) = 2 .
n odd

Sum the series using the substitution z = reiθ . [Your solution can then be interpreted geometrically as the angle
between the lines to the two points on the boundary where the data jumps.]

3. Spherical polar coordinates. The electrostatic potential in a charge-free region satisfies Laplace’s equation. Find
the potential inside a spherical region bounded by two (conducting) hemispheres upon which the potential takes the
′ ′ R1 2
values ±V respectively. [Hint: Note that Pn+1 (z) − Pn−1 (z) = (2n + 1)Pn (z) and −1 Pm (z)Pn (z)dz = 2n+1 δmn .]

Legendre polynomials
4. Eigenfunction derivatives. If Ym and Yn are real eigenfunctions of the Sturm-Liouville equation
b b
d dy
(p(x) ) + (λ − q(x))y = 0 , (a < x < b) , satisfying the normalisation condition Ym2 dx = Yn2 dx = 1 ,
dx dx a a

show that (under suitable boundary conditions)

Z b
′ ′
(pYm Yn + qYm Yn )dx = λm δmn (no summation).

Z 1
′ ′
With Pn a Legendre polynomial, use this result to evaluate (1 − x2 )Pm (x)Pn (x)dx .

1 d n
(x2 − 1)n for positive integers n.

5. Legendre polynomials and Rodrigues’ formula*. Define qn (x) = 2n n! dx

(a) Show (i) qn is a polynomial of degree n; (b) Hence, deduce that (i) qn = Pn (x);
(ii) qn (1) = 1 for all n; (ii) −1 [Pn (x)]2 dx = 2/(2n + 1) (i.e. normalisation);
(iii) qn satisfies Legendre’s equation. (iii) −1 xm Pn (x)dx = 0 if m < n (i.e. orthogonality).

[Hint: For (a)(iii) show un = (x2 − 1)n satisfies (x2 − 1)u′n − 2nxun = 0 and differentiate further. For (b) inte-
grate by parts.] Note that analogous generating functions, normalisations and recurrence relations are available for
other orthogonal polynomials and are tabulated in (for example) the Digital Library of Mathematical Functions at
The one-dimensional wave equation
6. Modes on a string. A uniform string of mass per unit length µ and tension T undergoes small transverse vibrations
of amplitude y(x, t). The string is fixed at x = 0 and x = ℓ, and satisfies the initial conditions
y(x, 0) = 0 , yt (x, 0) = x(ℓ − x) , for 0 < x < ℓ ,
where yt ≡ ∂y/∂t. Using the fact that y(x, t) is a solution of the wave equation, find the amplitudes of the normal
modes and deduce the kinetic and potential energies of the string at time t. By comparison with the initial energy
of the string show that
X 1 π6
= .
n6 960
n odd

7. Damped string motion. (i) A uniform stretched string of length ℓ, mass per unit length µ and tension T = µc2
is fixed at both ends. The motion of the string is resisted by the surrounding medium, the resistive force per unit
length being −2kµyt , where y is the transverse displacement and the constant k = πc/ℓ. Show that the equation of
motion of the string is
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∂2y ∂2y ∂y
c2 2 = 2 + 2k ,
∂x ∂t ∂t
and find y(x, t) given that y(x, 0) = A sin(πx/ℓ) and yt (x, 0) = 0.
(ii) If an extra transverse force F0 sin(πx/ℓ) cos(πct/ℓ) per unit length acts on the string, find the associated particular
integral. Discuss the behaviour of the full solution as t → ∞.
8. Wave reflection and transmission. A string of uniform density is stretched along the x-axis under tension τ and
undergoes small transverse oscillations in the (x, y) plane so that its displacement y(x, t) satisfies
∂2y 2
2∂ y
= c , (∗)
∂t2 ∂x2
where c is a constant.
(i) Show that if a mass M is fixed to the string at x = 0 then its equation of motion can be written
∂2y ∂y
M 2 =τ .
∂t x=0 ∂x x=0−

(ii) Suppose that a wave exp[iω(t − x/c)] is incident from x = −∞. Obtain the amplitudes and phases of the reflected
and transmitted waves, and comment on their values when λ = M ωc/τ is large or small.
9. Impulsive force on a string. The displacement y(x, t) of a uniform string stretched between the points x = 0, ℓ
satisfies the wave equation (∗) given above with the boundary conditions, y(0, t) = y(ℓ, t) = 0. For t < 0 the string
oscillates in its fundamental mode and y(x, 0) = 0. A musician strikes the midpoint of the string impulsively at time
t = 0 so that the change in ∂y/∂t at t = 0 is λδ(x − 12 ℓ). Find y(x, t) for t > 0.

The heat equation

10. Diffusion in a disc & Bessel functions*. Consider the unit disc, with initial temperature distribution ψ0 (r, θ).
Require the boundary of the disc to be held at (wlog) zero temperature ψ(1, θ, t) = 0 for all t > 0. By assuming that
the temperature satisfies the diffusion equation in the disc (with unit diffusion coefficient) show that the solution is
∞ X
X ∞
ψ= cnk Jn (jnk r) exp[inθ − jnk t],
n=−∞ k=1

where jnk is the k th smallest (positive) zero of the nth order Bessel function of the first kind, (i.e. Jn (jnk ) = 0) and
present an appropriate expression for cnk . You may assume that (generalising Q8 from Sheet 1 to arbitrary positive
integers n):
Z 1 2
δkl [Jn′ (jnk )]2 δkl Jn+1 (jnk )
Jn (jnk r)Jn (jnl r)rdr = = .
0 2 2
Hence deduce the admissible forms for the initial conditions ψ0 (r, θ) so that the ratio Ψ(r, θ, t) = ψ(r, θ, t)/ψ0 (r, θ)
is a function of time alone. Suppose now that ψ0 = Ψ0 for all r < 1. Show that the only non-zero coefficients have
n = 0, and are equal to
c0k = .
j0k J1 (j0k )
What is the spatial structure of the temperature distribution as t → ∞?
[The recursion relations [z −ν Jν (z)]′ = −z −ν Jν+1 (z) and [z ν+1 Jν+1 (z)]′ = z ν+1 Jν (z) may be useful. ]

If you find any errors in the Methods Examples sheets, please inform your supervisor or email

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