English Long Quiz
English Long Quiz
English Long Quiz
1. Fiesta 11. Boulevard 1. Mary is ten years old. ____ is very pretty .
2. Baby 12. rain 2. Skusta Clee is a rapper. ___ is very talented.
3. Flies 13. mother 3. The children are playing. ____ are having a lot
4. Vic Sotto 14. Iguana of fun.
5. Classmates 15. contest 4. My parents are the best. ____ make sure I get
6. Owaon 16. bonding all I need.
7. Rose 17. Skusta Clee 5. Christmas is my favorite holiday. ___ is the
8. Uncle 18. letter happiest time of the year.
9. Lunch 19. girlfriend 6. Mingkay and Kikay are my two pets. ____ are
10. TV 20. School both a cat.
7. Korea is my dream destination. ___ is the place I
Test II. Identify what kind of nouns are the following. admire the most.
Write (P) if the noun is Proper Noun and (C) if it is 8. Covid19 is giving people a difficult time because
Common Noun. ___ hinders them from doing things that they
normally do.
1. Samsung 11. Kopiko 9. Fiesta is one of the most celebrated occasion in
2. TV 12. milk the Philippines. ___ is considered as
3. Police 13. Tobleron thanksgiving to the town’s patron.
4. Dog 14. paper 10. Manny Pacquiao is considered a legend in
5. Adidas 15. song boxing worldwide.___ is admired by a lot of
6. Vallecer 16. Spider people because of his humble character.
7. Country 17. City
8. Singer 18. Hospital
9. Apple 19. number Test V. Fill in the blanks with the correct verbs.
10. Toothpaste 20. Laptop
Test III. Write S if the noun is Singular and P if the Simple Present Simple Past
noun is Plural. 1._____________ broke
pay 2.________________
1. Children 11. cat 3._____________ danced
2. Mouse 12. people 4._____________ taught
3. Mangoes 13. student
drive 5._______________
4. Banana 14. stones
write 6._______________
5. Countries 15. mice
7. ______________ drew
6. Sisters 16. tooth
8. ______________ said
7. Men 17. trees
9._______________ thought
8. Teeth 18. planet
fight 10.__________
9. Foot 19. stars
10. Parents 20. eyes