Mental Health
Mental Health
Mental Health
(2) What do you think your mental health will be like in the future?
(3) What do you do to maintain or improve your mental health?
(4) Are you worried about the mental health of anyone you know?
(5) Is mental health more important than physical health?
(6) Are there many people with mental health problems in your country?
(7) What does your government do for people with mental health diseases and
(8) How can society help people with mental health problems or stop people
from developing them?
(9) Do you think modern society increases the likelihood of mental health
(10) What advice would you give to someone with mental health issues?
How is your mental health?
(2) Has your mental health changed over the years?
(3) What affects your mental health on a daily basis?
(4) Are you worried about your mental health?
(5) How does one’s mental health deteriorate?
(6) What is the relationship between sleep and mental health?
(7) What mental health disorders and problems do you know of?
(8) One of the most common mental health problems is depression. How can we
help people who suffer from this?
(9) If someone has a mental health disorder, should they be kept in a special
mental health institution?
(10) Are murderers with mental health problems really murderers?
Do you ever feel that you’ve been affected by feelings of edginess, anxiety, or
Have you experienced a week or longer of lower-than-usual interest in activities that
you usually enjoy? Examples might include work, exercise, or hobbies.
Have you ever experienced an ‘attack’ of fear, anxiety, or panic?
Do feelings of anxiety or discomfort around others bother you?
Tell me about your sleeping habits over the past X months. Have you noticed any
changes? Difficulty sleeping? Restlessness?
How would you describe your appetite over the past X weeks? Have your eating
habits changed in any way?
Could you tell me about any times over the past few months that you’ve been
bothered by low feelings, stress, or sadness?
How frequently have you had little pleasure or interest in the activities you usually
enjoy? Would you tell me more?
How often during the past X months have you felt as though your moods, or your
life, were under your control?
How frequently have you been bothered by not being able to stop worrying?
Tell me about how confident you have been feeling in your capabilities recently.
Let’s talk about how often you have felt satisfied with yourself over the past X
How often over the past few weeks have you felt the future was bleak?
Can you tell me about your hopes and dreams for the future? What feelings have
you had recently about working toward those goals?
Describe how ‘supported’ you feel by others around you – your friends, family, or
Let’s discuss how you have been feeling about your relationships recently.
Tell me about any important activities or projects that you’ve been involved with
recently. How much enjoyment do you get from these?
How frequently have you been doing things that mean something to you or your
Over the last 12 months, how frequently have you felt so worried about something
that you were unable to sleep at night?
Over the last 12 months, how frequently have you felt alone or lonely?
Over the last 12 months, how often did you seriously consider attempting suicide?
Over the last 12 months, did you ever plan how you might attempt suicide?
How many close friends would you say you have?
How do you feel about the story you just heard? What was your first reaction? How
about as the story unfolded?
What were your thoughts regarding the signs and symptoms of this mental health
issue? Have you experienced any of these yourself or in someone you know?
How would you react if you noticed these in someone you care about?
How might taking action benefit you and the person you care about?
What actions could you take to help someone who is exhibiting these signs and
What do you believe is important for anyone to be aware of if they know someone
with this mental health issue?
What experiences have you had that are related to this story? What was similar?
What differed?
Health policy and systems research topics – e.g., How can health policy and systems
research help us create parenting and social skills interventions for early childhood
care in a cost-efficient, feasible, and effective way?
Cost-effective interventions for low-resource settings – e.g., How can affordable
interventions be delivered in settings where resources are scarce?
Questions about child and teen mental disorders – e.g., How effective and cost-
effective are school-based mental health treatments for special needs
What is your experience with treating others with my mental health condition?
Will you be able to collaborate or liaise with my physician on an integrated care
What does a typical appointment with you look like?
What treatments or therapies are you licensed to administer?
Are there benefits or risks that I should know about these therapies?
What is the general time frame in which most patients will see results?
How will I know if the treatment is having an effect?
How long does this type of treatment last?
What does research say about this type of treatment?
Have my sleeping habits changed? Do I wake up and fall asleep at regular times?
When I sleep, how would I describe the quality of my rest?
How has my appetite increased or decreased recently?
Am I having trouble focusing at work or school? Can I concentrate on the things I
want to do? Do I find pleasure in things that usually make me happy?
Am I socializing with my friends as much as I usually do? How about spending time
with my family? Am I withdrawing or pulling away from those around me who
Do I feel like I’m maintaining a healthy balance between leisure, myself, my career,
physical activity, and those I care about? How about other things that matter to me?
How relaxed do I feel most of the time, out of 10? Is this the same, more, or less
than usual?
How do I feel most of the time? Happy? Anxious? Satisfied? Sad?
What are my energy levels like when I finish my day? Are there any significant
changes in my tiredness?
Am I having any extreme emotions or mood swings? Any suicidal thoughts,
breakdowns, or panic attacks?