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A Review on Effect of Fiber Reinforced Concrete on Rigid Pavement

Conference Paper · December 2015


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2 authors, including:

Milind V Mohod
Prof. Ram Meghe Institute of Technology & Research


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A Review on Effect of Fiber Reinforced
Concrete on Rigid Pavement
Ms.Amreen N. Ali * Mr. Milind. V. Mohod
Student, M.E.[Structure Engg.] Asst. Professor,
Department of Civil Engineering, Department of Civil Engineering,
Prof Ram Meghe Inst of Tech and Research, Prof Ram Meghe Inst of Tech and Research,
Badnera, Amravati Badnera, Amravati
amreen26ali97@gmail.com milindmohod88@gmail.com
Abstract: Road transportation is undoubtedly the lifeline of the nation and its development is a
crucial concern. In recent years, cement concrete pavements are being adopted in many new
road projects in India in view of their longer services lives, lesser maintenance requirements
and smoother riding surface. This paper presents a comprehensive review on work done on
fiber reinforced concrete pavement using polypropylene, steel, hybrid and glass fibers.
Polymer fiber reinforced concrete pavement is a recent advancement in the field of reinforced
concrete pavement design. Polymer fiber reinforced concrete pavements are more efficient
than ordinary cement concrete pavements. Various issues and behavior of fiber reinforced
concrete in pavement are also discussed.
Keywords: Fiber Reinforced Concrete, Cement, Polypropylene Fibers

1.0 INTRODUCTION concrete properties in all directions. The plain

concrete structure cracks into two pieces when
the structure is subjected to the peak tensile
C oncrete pavements, often called rigid
pavements, are made up of Portland cement
concrete and may or may not have a base
load and cannot withstand further load or
deformation. The fiber reinforced concrete
course between the pavement and subgrade as structure cracks at the same peak tensile load,
shown in figure 1. A pavement is the layered but does not separate and can maintain a load
structure on which vehicles travel. It serves two to very large deformations. Fibers help to
purposes, namely, to provide a comfortable and improve the post peak ductility performance,
durable surface for vehicles, and to reduce pre-crack tensile strength, fatigue strength,
stresses on underlying soils. In India, the impact strength and eliminate temperature and
traditional system of bituminous pavements is shrinkage cracks. FRC satisfies two of the much
widely used. Because Concrete has some demanded requirements of pavement material in
deficiencies as low tensile strength, low post India, economy and reduced pollution. It also
cracking capacity, brittleness and low ductility, has several other advantages like longer life, low
limited fatigue life, not capable of maintenance cost, fuel efficiency, good riding
accommodating large deformations, low impact quality, increased load carrying capacity and
strength. Cement concrete is characterized by impermeability to water over flexible
brittle failure, the nearly complete loss of loading pavements.[2]
capacity, once failure is initiated. Within two to
three decades the bituminous pavement would 1.1 Fiber Reinforced Concrete (FRC)
be a history and required periodical Polymeric fibers are gaining popularity
maintenance. Now it is very essential to rethink because of its properties like zero risk of
of another material which satisfies required corrosion and cost effectiveness. The polymeric
facilities. More recently micro fibers, such as fibers commonly used are polyester, Recron 3s,
those used in traditional composite materials and polypropylene. Various forms of recycled
have been introduced into the concrete mixture fibers like plastic, disposed tires, carpet waste
to increase its toughness, or ability to resist and wastes from textile industry, and
crack growth. FRC is Portland cement concrete FortaEcono net, can also be used as fiber
reinforced with more or less randomly distributed reinforcements.
fibers. In FRC, thousands of small fibers are
dispersed and distributed randomly in the These fibers act as crack arresters,
concrete during mixing, and thus improve restricting the development of cracks and thus

* Corresponding Author
transforming a brittle material into a strong accomplishes improved durability and reduced
composite with superior crack resistance, surface water permeability of concrete. It
improved ductility and distinctive post cracking reduces the risk of plastic settlement cracking
behavior prior to failure[4]. over rebar. It enables easier and smoother
finishing. It also helps to achieve reduced
1.2 Polypropylene fibers bleeding of water to surface during concrete
Polypropylene fibers as shown in fig 3 are placement, which inhibits the migration of
new generation chemical fibers. They are cement and sand to the surface and the benefits
manufactured in large scale and have fourth of the above will be harder, more durable
largest volume in production after polyesters, surface with better abrasion resistance. A
polyamides and acrylics. About 4 million tonnes uniform distribution of fibers throughout the
of polypropylene fibers are produced in the world concrete improves the homogeneity of the
in a year. Polypropylene fibers were first concrete matrix. It also facilitates reduced water
suggested for use in 1965 as an admixture in absorption, greater impact resistance, enhanced
concrete for construction of blast resistant flexural strength and tensile strength of concrete.
buildings meant for the US Corps of Engineers. [4]The use of polymer fibers with concrete has
Subsequently, the polypropylene fiber has been been recognized by the Bureau of Indian
improved further and is now used as short Standards (BIS) and Indian Road Congress and
discontinuous fibrillated material for production is included in the following Standard documents:
of fiber reinforced concrete or as a continuous IS:456:2000 – Amendment No.7, 2007
mat for production of thin sheet components.
Further, the application of these fibers in IRC:44-2008 – Cement Concrete Mix Designs
construction increased largely because addition for Pavements with fibers
of fibers in concrete improves the tensile
strength, flexural strength, toughness, impact IRC:SP:76:2008 – Guidelines for Ultra Thin
strength and also failure mode of concrete. White Topping with fibers
These fibers are manufactured using Vision: 2021 by Ministry of Surface Transport,
conventional melt spinning. Polypropylene fibers New Delhi
are thermo plastics produced from Propylene
gas. Propylene gas is obtained from the
petroleum by products or cracking of natural gas
feed stocks. Propylene polymerizes to form long
polymer chain under high temperature and
pressure. However, polypropylene fibers with
controlled configurations of molecules can be
made only using special catalysts.
Polypropylene fibers were formerly known as
Steal the,. These are micro reinforcement fibers
and are 100% virgin homopolymer
polypropylene graded monofilament fibers. They
contain no reprocessed Olifin materials. The raw
material of polypropylene is derived from
monomeric C3H6 which is purely a hydrocarbon.
For effective performance, the
recommended dosage rate of polypropylene
fibers is 0.9 kg/m3, approximately 0.1% by
volume. Monofilament polypropylene fibers can
be used in much lower content than steel fibers
Concrete pavements may be weak in
tension and against impact, but PFRC is a
suitable material which may be used for cement
concrete pavement as it possesses extra
strength in flexural fatigue and impact etc. The
usage of fibers in combination with concrete also
results in a mix with improved early resistance to
plastic shrinkage cracking and thereby protects
the concrete from drying shrinkage cracks. It
10) All these advantages result in overall
improved durability of concrete.
1) The use of PFRC, being a relatively new
technology poses a threat of a high initial
cost of construction.

Literature Review:
Fiber reinforced concrete was successfully
used in variety of engineering applications,
because of its satisfactory and outstanding
performance in the industry and construction
field. However, most of the engineers and
researchers have think that how and why the
fibers perform so successfully. So, to recognize
Monofilaments fibres Bundled fibres the usage of fibers in concrete, in these last four
decades, most of the researches were done on
Fig.3: Polypropylene fibers[5] behavior of fiber reinforced concrete in
Advantaged and Disadvantages of PPFRC pavements.

Advantages: Md Zoheb1 Amaresh S Patil[6] has done

the work on steel fiber Reinforced concrete
1) Water logging is a major reason for potholes
in roads. WBM and Asphalt roads are He analyse the rigid pavements reinforced
permeable to water which damages the road with steel fibers for temperature stresses under
and sub grade. But PFRC roads are highly Static vehicular load using ANSYS software. He
impermeable to water so they will not allow determines the temperature stresses for both
water logging and water being coming out on linear temperature gradient and non-linear
surface from sub grade. temperature gradient. He also determines the
effect of slab length & slab thickness on curling
2) Implementation of sensors in roads will be stresses. Also to determine the critical
easier while using polymer fibers for temperature stresses at various locations in
concrete. pavement under Static loads. He has done the
work using Finite Element Software. In his
3) Environmental load of PFRC pavement was project work the model is generated &
found to be significantly lower than the steel engineering analysis is carried out using
fiber reinforced pavement. ANSYS. & from his work he concluded that:
4) Maintenance activities related to steel a) There is 2 to 5% increase in stresses
corrosion will be reduced while using PFRC. yielded from Positive curling temperature
gradient & negative curling temperature
5) In fresh concrete polymer fibers reduces the
gradient in steel fiber reinforced concrete,
settlement of aggregate particles from
when compared to conventional concrete.
pavement surface resulting in an
b) The variation of length of slab does not
impermeable and more durable, skid resistant
influence the curling stresses distribution in
both the case of positive and negative
6) Fibers reduce plastic shrinkage and temperature gradient for SFRC slab. The
substance cracking. Fibers also provide increment in stresses for SFRC lies in the
residual strength after cracking occurred. range of 20-41% when compared with
those of conventional concrete.
7) The use of PFRC produces concrete of
improved abrasion resistance and impact Mohammed Maaz Salman1 Prof.
resistance. Amaresh S Patil [7] has also done the work on
steel fibre reinforced rigid pavements are
8) PFRC also enhances ductile and flexural analyzed for stresses developed due to Moving
toughness of concrete. loads & temperature differentials. Comparison of
9) The use of fibers in concrete can result in curling stresses in SFRC with conventional
cement saving up to 10%and in the presence concrete is carried out. All the models are
of fly ash, savings may be up to 35%. generated and analysis is carried out using the
ANSYS software. Parametric study for the effect to SFRC for use in road construction industry
of change in slab length & slab thickness of both in economical and environmental terms.
pavements on curling stresses is also done. Given available design methodology, existing
Curling stresses due to Linear &Non linear laying and material production equipment, SFR-
temperature distribution in top & bottom layer of RCC pavement may be the ideal new approach
SFRC pavement slabs are also calculated. in road construction. Further work can be done
Analysis results shows, SFRC develops more towards a more environmental and economical
stresses as compared to conventional concrete pavement design. Most importantly, the life cycle
&Non linear temperature distribution develops studies showed that the steel fibre type and
more stresses than linear temperature dosage can greatly influence the environmental
distribution. (emissions and energy consumption) and
economical indicators of concrete pavement
He reported that Positive curling layer. This is because the pavement layer depth,
temperature gradient & negative curling required to support the traffic load, is affected by
temperature gradient in steel fibre reinforced the mechanical properties of SFRC which in turn
concrete pavements yields 3 to 5 % higher are influenced by fibre type and dosage.
stresses as compared to conventional concrete
pavements. He also reported that the variation of Rakesh Kumar, Pankaj Goel and Renu
length of SFRC slab up to 8M does not influence Mathur[9] has reported the work on addition of
the curling stresses in both the case of positive polypropylene fiber discrete and fibrillated fibre
and negative temperature gradient, thus on the properties of a paving grade concrete mix
confirming Westergaard’s finding that slab of 48 MPa compressive strength at 28-day. Six
curling stresses are independent of slab length. concrete mixes with fiber dosages 0.05%, 0.10%
With increase in thickness or temperature and 0.15% by volume fraction besides the
(temperature gradient) in SFRC slab, curling control concrete mix were manufactured.
stresses in SFRC slab increases. Frictional Discrete and fibrillated polypropylene fiber was
stresses in steel fibre reinforced concrete used in his study. The properties such as
pavements calculated using ANSYS are almost settlement, compressive strength, drying
similar to the stresses obtained for conventional shrinkage, and abrasion resistance of the
concrete pavements. For 1% to 3% percentages concrete were evaluated. The study suggested a
of steel fibres in concrete, Non-linear significant reduction in settlement and drying
temperature distribution causes 21.17% to shrinkage without significant change in
25.15% higher curling stresses in SFRC than the compressive strength for the concrete mixes
linear temperature distribution. For moving loads reinforced with fiber.
in SFRC, maximum loading stress will be at
starting position of edge for both the speeds of The major conclusions that emerged from
45kmph & 80kmph. the experimental work are as:

Constantia Achilleos Diofantos Fibrillated fiber is more effective in reducing

Hadjimitsis, Kyriacos Neocleous, Kypros the settlement of concrete than multifilament
Pilakoutas, Pavlos O. Neophytou and Stelios fiber. However, it has lesser effect on slump
Kallis[8] has reported that Steel fibre reinforced reduction than multifilament fiber at the same
concrete (SFRC) i.e environmental and fiber content. There is no adverse effect of the
economical loadings of SFRC pavements. addition of multifilament and fibrillated fiber on
28-day compressive strength of concrete.
The innovative concept of the project is the Fibrillated fiber performs better than
use of recycled steel tyre-cord wire as concrete multifilament fiber in controlling drying shrinkage
fibre reinforcement, which provides additional of concrete. Concrete containing fibrillated fiber
environmental benefits for tyre recycling over performs similar to concrete containing
landfilling. Within the project framework a multifilament fiber in the development of
demonstration of a steel-fibre-reinforced roller- abrasion resistance. Concrete reinforced with
compacted concrete (SFR-RCC) pavement was polypropylene fibrillated fiber may be used in the
constructed in a rural area in Cyprus. In order to construction of concrete pavements.
assess the economical and environmental
picture of the demonstration pavement, life cycle Jun Murakoshi1, Naoki Yanadori, and
cost analysis (LCCA) and life cycle assessment Hironori Ishii[10] has describes ongoing
(LCA) studies were undertaken, which also studies about application of Steel Fiber
compared the under study pavement design with Reinforced Concrete (SFRC) pavement for
four conventional alternatives. From their work existing orthotropic steel deck as a
they concluded that the proposed SFR-RCC countermeasure for fatigue problems. In order to
pavement design is well sustainable alternative evaluate durability of the pavement, strength
tests and fatigue tests under negative bending transverse joints and to prevent faulting, they
have been conducted using half meter size have use the Glass fiber-Reinforced polymers,
specimens taking into account of effects of GFRP as load transfer devices. In their
reinforcement in SFRC and influence of water. experimental program, two types of dowel
Researches on SFRC so far have been usually construction are tested. The first type is a round
conducted through experiments and fatigue test GFRP dowel bar having a 38-mm diameter and
by several entities. PWRI’S research is the second is a concrete-filled GFRP pipe
mentioned In order to establish the SFRC having a 60-mm outside diameter. Laboratory
pavement as an anti-fatigue technology, testing and a field implementation project were
followings are needed to be evaluated. One is to carried out. The field test section was
confirm the improvements of fatigue constructed on a regional highway in the city of
performance of OSD, the second is to evaluate Winnipeg and involved three types of GFRP
SFRC’s durability, and third is to clarify whether dowels in addition to epoxy-coated steel. Falling
any side-effects occur or not. Finally they Weight Deflectometer (FWD) testing was
conclude that SFRC pavement is expected to conducted after one year of service and showed
reduce stress that is related to fatigue crack that GFRP dowels produced 30% higher
initiation at the weld between trough ribs and deflections compared to steel. GFRP dowels are
deck plate. The effect has been confirmed both comparable to those produced by steel dowels,
in FE analysis using 3-D models and stress providing that the diameter of the GFRP dowel is
measurement using real size specimens. For 20-30% larger than the steel dowel. The larger
negative bending on SFRC, the effect of diameter results in a reduction in bearing
reinforcing bars and CFRP were tested in static stresses which in turn reduces the potential for
and fixed point cyclic loading tests. Increase of faulting.
loads corresponding crack initiations and
decrease of crack width are not clear in the Discussion:
specimens using reinforcements, while small From the above literature review it has
differences are observed as to crack width in been noted that a tremendous work has been
accordance with rigidities of Reinforcement. In done on steel fiber reinforced concrete
the case that a crack penetrated SFRC and pavement. Such as use of steel fibers in
water reached the interface between SFRC and pavement for temperature stresses
steel plate, decrease of tensile strength was [6].Comparison of curling stresses in SFRC with
observed. However, the decreased area was conventional concrete was carried out [7]. It has
limited to vicinity of the crack. Wheel running test been also noted that some researchers has
showed that SFRC pavement maintained its used the recycled steel tyre-cord wire as
stress reduction effect through 2,000,000 times concrete fiber reinforcement [8].The steel fiber
loading that caused positive bending in macro- reinforced concrete for fatigue problems in
wise on OSD. Another wheel running test pavement was also carried out [10]. Some
focusing on negative bending is being prepared. researchers has presented the work on use of
Rajarajeshwari B Vibhuti [11] studied the Glass fiber-Reinforced polymers, GFRP as load
effect of addition of mono fibers and hybrid fibers transfer devices[12].The effect of hybrid fibers
on the mechanical properties of concrete for on mechanical properties of concrete was also
pavements. Steel fibers of 1% and seen[11]. But it is noted that no work was
polypropylene fibers 0.036% were added reported to understand the effect of
individually to the concrete mixture as mono polypropylene fiber reinforced concrete in
fibers and then they were added together to form pavements.
a hybrid fiber reinforced concrete. Mechanical
properties such as compressive, split tensile and
flexural strength were determined. The results 1} Steel fiber reinforced concrete with 2% steel
show that hybrid fibers improve the compressive fibres yields slightly more stress as
strength marginally as compared to mono fibers. compared to 1% & 3% steel fibre reinforced
Whereas, hybridization improves split tensile concrete for both Positive curling
strength and flexural noticeably. She suggested temperature gradient & negative curling
that the improved mechanical properties of temperature gradient.
HFRC would result in reduction of warping
stresses, short and long term cracking and 2} The increment in stresses for SFRC lies in
reduction of slab thickness. the range of 20-41% when compared with
those of conventional concrete.
Ahmed Shalabyand Scott Murison[12 ]
has presented the work on fiber reinforced 3} Frictional stresses in steel fibre reinforced
polymer concrete to transfer the loads across concrete pavements are almost similar to
the stresses obtained for conventional [4] B. Vimalrajan and G. Manimaran“ polymer
concrete pavements. fiber pavements”.
[5] Dr.T.Ch.Madhavi, L.Swamy Raju, Deepak
4} The increased diameter and reduced stiffness
of the GFRP dowels results in lower bearing Mathur “polypropylene fiber reinforced
stresses between the concrete and dowel, concrete” International Journal of Emerging
Technology and Advanced Engineering
which are major causes of dowel looseness
(ISSN 2250-2459, ISO 9001:2008 Certified
and slab faulting.
Journal, Volume 4, Special Issue 4, June
5} Hybrid fibers improve the compressive 2014.
strength marginally as compared to mono [6] Md Zoheb Amaresh S Patil “Analytical Study
fibers. Hybridization also improves split of Steel Fibre Reinforced Rigid Pavements
tensile strength and flexural noticeably. under Static Load” IJSRD - International
Journal for Scientific Research &
6} Fibrillated fibre is more effective in reducing Development| Vol. 2, Issue 09, 2014 | ISSN
the settlement of concrete than multifilament (online): 2321-0613.
fiber. However, it has lesser effect on slump
reduction than multifilament fiber at the [7] Mohammed Maaz Salman Prof. Amaresh S
same fiber content. Patil “Analytical Study of Steel Fibre
Reinforced Rigid Pavements Under Moving
7} Polypropylene fibers reduce the water Load” IJSRD - International Journal for
permeability, plastic, shrinkage and Scientific Research & Development| Vol. 2,
settlement and carbonation depth. Issue 07, 2014 | ISSN (online): 2321-0613.
[8] Constantia Achilleos,*, Diofantos Hadjimitsis,
8} The problem of low tensile strength of Kyriacos Neocleous, Kypros Pilakoutas,
concrete can be overcome by addition of Pavlos O. Neophytou and Stelios Kallis
polypropylene fibers to concrete. “Proportioning of Steel Fibre Reinforced
Concrete Mixes for Pavement Construction
9} Notable increase in compressive strength is
and Their Impact on Environment and Cost” 8
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[9] Rakesh Kumar, Pankaj Goel and Renu
10} Polypropylene fibers enhance the strength of Mathur “Suitability of Concrete Reinforced
concrete, without causing the well known with Synthetic Fiber for the Construction of
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fibers. Central Road Research Institute, Delhi-
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11} Concrete reinforced with polypropylene fiber
[10] Jun Murakoshi, Naoki Yanadori, and
may be used in the construction of concrete
Hironori Ishii “research on steel fiber
reinforced concrete pavement for orthotropic
12} Resistance to change though however small steel deck as a countermeasure for fatigue”.
disturbs our society hence we are always [11] Rajarajeswari B vibhuti, Radha Krishna,
reluctant to accept even the best. It’s high “Mechnical properties of hybrid fiber
time that we overcome the resistance and reinforced concrete for pavement” in IJRET,
reach for the peaks. PPFRC opens a new 2013.
hope to developing and globalizing the [12] Ahmed Shalaby, Assistant Professor, and
quality and reshaping the face of the “True Scott Murison, Graduate Student “using fiber-
Indian Roads”. reinforced polymer load transfer devices
injointed concrete pavements”.
Author’s Biography
[1] Mohd. Imran Khan, “Mechanistic Analysis of
Rigid Pavement for Wheel Load Stresses Ms. Amreen.N.Ai is pursuing her
Using Ansys”. M.E in structural engineering
from Prof. Ram Meghe Institute
[2] K. Vamshi krishna1, J. Venkateswara Rao2
of Technology & Research
“Experimental study on behavior of fiber
Badnera, SGBAU, Amravati
reinforced concrete for rigid pavements”
University. She obtained her B.E
[3] Westergaard, H.M., “Stresses in Concrete from the same institute. She has
Pavements Computed by Theoretical worked in the area of concrete research at UG
Analysis”, Public Roads, 7, 25 – 35 (1926). level.
Mr.Milind V. Mohod is currently Engineering) from GCOE, Amravati. He has
Assistant Professor at Prof. presented and published numerous research
Ram Meghe Institute of papers in several National confernces,
Technology and Research, International Conferences and Journals. His
Badnera, Amravati. He obtained area of interest are related to Structural
his BE degree from Dynamics, Earthquake Engineering, Plate
PRMIT&R,Badnera, SGBAU, Analysis, Finite Element Method. He has an
Amravati University and M.Tech (Structural experience of 4.5 years

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