Two Kingdoms V
Two Kingdoms V
Two Kingdoms V
This message was preached by Brother Robert Lee Lambert, in Full Gospel
Assembly, Durham, Connecticut, U.S.A, on April 18th 1971 A.M.
The efforts to transcribe & saving the audio messages of Bro Lambert had been
made by the saints & daughter of Bro Lambert, Connecticut U.S.A. Those
precious saints sat under Bro Lambert, took hours of hours to write & type the
messages of Bro Lambert. This booklets will be available in the printed form.
Copyright © CLJC. All rights reserved 2015
Our most gracious Heavenly Father we are thankful to be alive this morning. To be living in this
most glorious day of all ages. All the great apostles and prophets of days gone by longed to be
living in this day. Lord by thy love and grace thou hast seen fit that we could be born today. That
we might see the great glory of Jehovah God revealed in human flesh once again.
We thank you for this glorious promise you have given us in this hour; that the great Seal of
God, the great Capstone, the Stone out of the mountain, Father is ready to come rolling down
through the nations.
DANIEL 2:45 Forasmuch as thou sawest that the stone was cut out of the mountain without
hands, and that it brake in pieces the iron, the brass, the clay, the silver, and the gold; the great
God hath made known to the king what shall come to pass hereafter: and the dream is certain,
and the interpretation thereof sure.
I said, "Loyce can't come now. The baby's too young to know. Billy the hour is here; we must
go." I said, "It's midnight now, before daylight Jesus will be here. If it isn't then I'm a false
witness of Christ."
And somebody spoke up and said, "No man knows the minute or hour."
"I never said minute or hour; I said sometime between now and daylight." And I said, "Let's go,
Billy. And I said, "But we're at the time; let's go." And we got in the car and started. And we
started up the mountain. And when we did, it looked like the light was coming, and the skies
were dark upon the earth. He said I pulled off the side of the road, held my hands over like this,
fire still flying from my eyes. He said I said, "Lord, I have did this at Your command. I have did
this just because that You told me to do it this way. I have did these things according to what
You've told me." And I motioned to a big granite mountain, and a Light without hands cut a
stone out of the mountain weighing hundreds of tons and here it come. I said, "Turn your heads;
don't look. It'll all be over just in a few minutes." Said, "Then a great holy hush come everywhere
as this Stone come towards the place."
It may be later than we think. See, that's exactly Scriptural (you see?), the Stone without hands
cut out of the mountain. And so one of these days it's going to be that way when you're going to
scream for something. I said to him, "You've already had that time. God has constantly warned
you time after time." Yeah, I said, "Even if it's my own kid or whoever it is, the hour is here. I
can only say what He's told me to say, and it'll be here, and it was." And then all of a sudden here
He come a Stone cut out of the mountain without hands. Daniel saw that, you know, back many
years ago. And Billy knowed nothing about that, but it was a dream sent to him from the Lord.
Now, see, they claim to be worshipping that very God that they were making fun of. And the
same thing has reversed again today by the same reason, living in a glare instead of the Light.
Great Lights has a shine. All right.
Father we call upon thee for mercy this morning and ask that grace may be extended to every
soul here this morning.
God I pray that every one here this morning (If they have not already done it.) will come to the
place that they loose sight of jobs and houses and lands and lots and relatives and friends and
neighbors and cousins and all these things. Father may Jesus Christ have the preeminence and
may we pass this great test to love thee with all of our heart, all of our soul, and all of our mind.
For truly Lord only a few will be able to enter in.
"Oh," he said, "Don't say that, brother."
I'll say, "I'll lengthen it to fifty, and that's as many as I can go."
He said, "Fifty people?"
I said, "Jesus said when He was on earth, `As it was in the days of Noah, so shall it be in the
coming of the Son of man.' Days of Noah, there was eight souls saved." Now, remember a
generation fades out each day, ends that generation. Take fifty a day for six thousand years and
see what you've got.
And he said, "Well then, Brother Branham, I'd like to ask you this question. All the people that's
claim to have the Holy Sprit, and so forth, won't they come in the resurrection?"
I said, "If they had the Holy Sprit. But what we been putting to much emphasis on, is on other
things instead of the real thing, the love of God."
Now God we pray you will lead us and guide us by your Holy Spirit this morning and give us the
presence of the Lord Jesus that we might be able to learn of thy great plan of redemption. For we
ask it in Jesus name. Amen!
Very happy to be with you this morning to stand our post of duty in this hostile trying last
generation. This is the last generation that will be here upon the Earth. Men and women are
walking the streets and are counted no more than wood that I put in my Ashley heater this
morning. The way God looks at it. Living in an hour when mommys and daddys and nice people
will be burnt like stubble.
MALACHI 4:1 For, behold, the day cometh, that shall burn as an oven; and all the proud, yea,
and all that do wickedly, shall be stubble: and the day that cometh shall burn them up, saith the
LORD of hosts, that it shall leave them neither root nor branch.
actually opposing themselves and don't know it. Objects of pity are they indeed. Pity the poor
people who are in this last day ecumenical move, for they call it the move of God, when it is of
Satan. Pity those who do not know the curse of organization. Pity those who have so many
beautiful churches, such lovely parsonages, such grandly trained choirs, such a show of wealth
and such a sedate and reverent form of worship. Pity them, don't envy them. Back to the old store
buildings, back to the dimly-lit rooms, back to the cellars, back to less of the world and more of
God. Pity those who make their great claims, and talk about their gifts. Feel for them as objects
of pity, for soon they will be objects of wrath.
is the road that leads to destruction, and many there be that go in thereat. Not all that saith unto
Me, `Lord, Lord,' will enter therein, but the one that doeth the will of My Father." That's the one
that goes in, see; not saying "Lord," and their fine prayers, and--and revivals, and so forth.
89868 IDENTIFICATION TULARE.CA V-22 N-14 64-0216
If He is the Redeemer... I don't say this to hurt now, or to be different. I don't preach doctrine.
But let me ask you something: if He is a Redeemer, He come... To "redeem" is to pick up that
which has fallen, to redeem back to a place where it was at the beginning. So none will be picked
up but them that was in His thoughts at the beginning. He come to redeem, not this cannon
fodder that we see around professing to be Christians, but that He came to redeem that was in
God's thinking at the beginning. This other is just something that's makes around to show the
statue. See? It's a garden, a flower garden. It plays its part. But the statue's what you want to see,
the Statue of Christ, which was God projected to the earth in the form of a man. Amen. That's the
Statue you want to see. That's the one. This other is just makeup for it. You see?
Seeing that these terrible things are coming upon the Earth; What manner of people ought we to
be? How can we contain all these great things God has promised to this endtime?
I want to bring a message soon that will fit in with these messages on Gods great "Payday".
This is the last generation that is gonna receive a paycheck from the Lord God. There is no future
for any one outside of the rapture. If you do not make the rapture; there is no words in the
vocabulary to describe how terrible it is going to be. So said the prophet Brother Branham.
Watch this Sixth Seal opening up here now, plumb back here seven hundred and thirteen years
before Christ come. He's been two thousand years; that'd be about twenty-seven hundred years
ago Isaiah seen this Seal hanging there. All right.
Therefore shall all hands be faint, and every man's heart shall melt:
What did Jesus say, "And because iniquity shall abound the--the love of many shall wax then,
and man's heart will be failing for fear,; sea a-roaring." See? Man's heart will faint.
And they shall be afraid: pangs of sorrow shall take hold of them; they shall be in pain as a
woman that travaileth: they shall be amazed one at another; their faces shall be ashamed.
Behold, the day of the LORD cometh, cruel both with wrath and fierce anger, to lay the land
desolate: and he shall destroy the sinners thereof out of it. (The land, that's all of it, brethren.
See? Notice.)
For the stars of heaven and the constellations thereof shall not give their light: the sun shall be
darkened in his going forth, and the moon shall not cause her lights to shine.
And I will punish the world for their evil, and the wickedness of their iniquity; and I will cause
the arrogance of the proud to cease, and will lay low the haughtiness of the terrible.
See there, just exactly, Isaiah saw the same thing that Jesus spoke of, that the Seventh Seal
reveals, when He's cleansing the land with tribulations. That's the tribulation period, this Sixth
Seal. Yes, he was a prophet, and the Word of God was made known to him. That's twenty-seven
hundred years ago.
Now we know that not every one that claims to be a Christian, is going to make that rapture. I
have tried by the Word of God to warn people that if you can not pass the ABC'S of God's test;
Then how will you pass the Great Test that is coming upon all men?
See, many say, "I will stand!" But you will not, see? Unless you quickly receive something
supernatural in your heart. Not in your head. Satan chose the head; but God chooses the heart. As
long as you just got in your head, "I believe the prophet. I believe everything he said." If it is all
up in your head and not down in the heart you will never make it through.
As long as one speck of love is in your heart for this world. We can fool one another. But you
can not fool Christ! Because the thoughts in your mind speak louder in Heaven that your words
do on Earth. Christ knows, if down in your heart you love Him. This is the first commandment,
that you love the Lord God with all your heart soul and strength.
That is why he said except ye forsake houses lands, lots, jobs, wives, children, for the Seal of
God's sake. Forsake all! As long as there is one speck of love in your heart for anything in the
world; you will never get a revelation!
MATTHEW 19:25 When his disciples heard it, they were exceedingly amazed, saying, Who
then can be saved?
26 But Jesus beheld them, and said unto them, With men this is impossible; but with God all
things are possible.
27 Then answered Peter and said unto him, Behold, we have forsaken all, and followed thee;
what shall we have therefore?
28 And Jesus said unto them, Verily I say unto you, That ye which have followed me, in the
regeneration when the Son of man shall sit in the throne of his glory, ye also shall sit upon
twelve thrones, judging the twelve tribes of Israel.
29 And every one that hath forsaken houses, or brethren, or sisters, or father, or mother, or wife,
or children, or lands, for my name's sake, shall receive an hundredfold, and shall inherit
everlasting life.
30 But many that are first shall be last; and the last shall be first.
I know these things I say are hard. But God never built His Church upon believing that Brother
Branham is a prophet. That is no more than being able to read. Anybody that is able to read
knows Brother Branham is a prophet.
We almost thought he was coming here a few weeks ago when the planets came together and we
had those all night prayer meetings. We certainly thought that was it! But we are still here, and
our hearts are lifted up higher in greater hope and faith that God is going to pour out His Spirit.
Brother Robert Gatlin called me from down in Jeffersonville this morning. He said he had been
in a room praying for several days. He said he was depressed after going around to the different
assemblies and finding then in a terrible condition. It hurt him very badly to hear his friends and
everybody claiming to have it all. Yet they really do not have nothing. It got him so bad he had
to go in a room and pray.
I ask him if he had seen Brother Ruddle yet? He said he was waiting till he prayed through and
got victory before he went over to see him. It was pitiful to hear the things that he said. He said it
is in his heart to get up there real quickly.
We do not realize how bad it is till we get out and around. Brother Bob has been all over Europe
and Asia. All over the world. He said this is the only place in the World where he felt the
Supernatural presence of God.
I think about that and I can hardly comprehend it. But then when I travel myself; I comprehend it
then. It is because we are forsaking all to press and strive and struggle to come into the Token.
84404 DESPERATION JEFF.IN V-4 N-1 63-0901E
I believe that the reason we don't have desperation is because it's a lack of love, the love of God.
I think that the love of God causes desperation. If God is in you, the Token inside of you, and
you see the conditions of times and people wading in sin the way they are, it'll throw you into
desperation. I believe it will.
84410 DESPERATION JEFF.IN V-4 N-1 63-0901E
We find out in James 5:15 that the Bible said that the effectual, fervent (that's desperation)--
effectual, fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much. When a righteous man, a good man,
gets in travail, or soul travel, or travail, either one... (I think "travel" is a better word. Travail or
travel, either which one you want to call it.) But when a soul gets in desperation in travailing, an
effectual fervent prayer of a man that can show the Token, it does something. See?
84460 DESPERATION JEFF.IN V-4 N-1 63-0901E
Let us pray. In desperation watch for the Kingdom of God; It'll come upon you.
Our heavenly Father, I pray Thee in Jesus' Name, be merciful unto us, Lord. And start in us a
desperation. Oh, Lord God, have mercy upon us; I pray, and let the people seek Thee tonight
with desperate hearts. We know You're here, Lord. You're the same yesterday, today, and
And now, may these people who has the Token, that they've passed from death unto Life, they've
changed from the old worldly life to a new one... They have... The Blood has been applied and
God give them a Token sign. May they take that Token in their hands, them that's sick, say, "I
am a purchased product of God. I am in Christ, and in Him is no sickness. I'm in Christ, and in
Him is no sin. I'm in Christ, and in Him is no unbelief. I renounce everything that the devil has
told me. I take my Token that my... `He was wounded for my transgressions; He was bruised for
my iniquity; the chastisement of my peace was upon Him; and with His stripes I was healed.'
And I now hold the Token that God has recognized me that--purpose--person--purchased by the
Blood of the Lord Jesus. And I hold the Token of His death in my hands, because He has raised
again, and I am His and He's mine. I go with determined faith, that from this night on, I believe
God, and I'll be healed when I get there, and meet the requirements; because the last words that
fell from His lips was this: `If they lay hands on the sick, they shall recover.'" Grant it, Lord.
May a desperation set in, for I ask it in Jesus' Name. Amen.
I wish I could do it for you! See? I forsook all many times. Seventy some times or fifty some; I
do not know how many. Tested time and time again, before He ever come to me and give me this
revelation of the Word of God. I know the test is laying in the ABC'S. Are we able to totally
separate from all unbelief??? There is where it is laying. You know, there will not be many, that
is able to do that.
That is the ultimate in this hour. That is the only way you can prove to the Lord God that you
love Him with all your Heart and Soul and Might. Remember He gave Abraham Isaac and after
He gave Him Isaac; He called for His life. To test his love.
Abraham did not have as great a promise as we have today. So you can see right there; not
everybody is going to enter into that.
I try to prove by the Word of God and show you that there will be multitudes believe this
message you are now listening to. They will believe it with all their mind and strength; but it will
be too late for them to get the seal of God to leave the Earth. The Seal of God is the great power
of Christ that comes into the New Birth that translates you from the Earth. See there will just be a
handful make that.
You make your decision right where you set this morning. See? Maybe you have already made it
and do not know it. It is sad. We know it will take a people that is all out for God; that do not
care if they eat corn bread and beans or where they live. They do not care for nothing; they
forsake all. That is the test. That is the only way you can get revelation. See?
There is where the trouble is laying. A lot of times you think that you got revelation but you have
not. You memorize what the minister is saying. You can not polly-parrot what Brother Branham
said. We tried to polly-parrot Jesus Christ for many years only to find out we was baptized
wrong. We were baptized in water wrong. Baptized in the Spirit wrong. We had hardly any truth
at all when the prophet of God came.
People are trying to carry over a denominational experience; a denominational seed, a
denominational experience of the New Birth and bring it over here in the Bride Age and
make it work. It will not work! See? You must be Born Again!
Billy Graham may preach everywhere; Oral Roberts, them godly men may preach everywhere.
The Lord may send me to sow seeds somewhere else (some field), but I believe our nation is
sowed down, and I believe she's ready for the harvest now.
When the Spirit falls and there becomes a move amongst the people, them denominations will
swing together just as certain as I'm standing in the pulpit. And the church of God will be ousted,
and they'll make it such a racket until they'll confederate it and put a boycott on anybody that
don't belong to them. Rome will rule the world for just a hour. She'll rule for a little piece. Not
Communism, Romanism will rule the world with the cooperation of Protestantism in a
denominational form of church, which God has rejected. That's as close as I know the Word of
Now how many will be able to receive that true seed of the Word? They go with their emotions;
Their five senses. They see, feel, taste, hear, smell. They lean on those things. But there will be a
Bride, a selected wise virgin, a few wise people, that really wise up and forsake all. How many
want to do that?
There is nothing left, it is all rotten and decaying. Believe me brother and sister God is very near.
Very very near. It is something great and it is right on record here. It has been told you. You
should be prepared. It is going to happen.
I know I did. I said it in 1958! And have been saying it for 12 years. But now as Brother Mike
Canada said, "Time has got this thing!" See? Time has run out. No time did Brother Branham's
prophesies ever fail. And he said a burning ash heap by 1977. So why do we put all of our care
upon houses and lands and lots and jobs and bank accounts and striving for more? What good is
it? If you had barrels of thousand dollar bills; what good would it be to you? How many see that?
In her voting she will elect the wrong person. The Americans will take a great beating at a place
that Germany will build, which will be a great wall built of concrete (The Maginot Line, eleven
years before it was ever built.) But finally they will be victors.
Then when these women help elect the wrong person, then I seen a great woman rise up in the
United States, well-dressed and beautiful, but cruel in heart. She will either guide or lead this
nation to ruination. (I've got in parenthesis "perhaps Catholic church.")
Also, science will progress, especially in the mechanical world. Automobiles will continue to get
like egg shape. Finally they will build one that won't need a steering wheel. (They've got it now.)
It will be controlled by some other power.
Then I seen the United States as one smoldering, burnt-over place. It will be near the end. (Then
I've got in parenthesis: "I predict that this will take place." Now, remember, the Lord ne... That's
what the Lord showed, but "I predict this will take place before 1977.") Upon this prediction, I
base, because of the onrushing slaught that's coming now, how fast that it was moving, how long
it'll take till this nation meets its place.
Then I turned to look and I seen the United States was a smoldering something had burned it up,
and down beneath there I said (not in the trance) but I predict... Remember this. I guess this is
taped too. I predict that these things will take place between now 1933 and 1977 which will give
us sixteen more years if my prediction strikes right.
Now, there was seven things spoke of that would happen. Five of them has already happened.
There's two left to take place. It'll be that way. That's in the Name of the Lord it shall be that
way. See?
Then after the Ephesian Church Age, from A.D. 53 until A.D. 170, then started in the Smyrna
Church Age which lasted from A.D. 170 until A.D. 312. Then come in the Pergamos Church
Age, and the Pergamos Church Age begin at 312 and lasted till A.D. 606. Then come in the
Thyatira Church Age, and the church age of Thyatira begin at 606 and went to 1520, the dark
ages. And then the Sardis Church Age begin at 1520 and lasted till 1750, the Lutheran age. Then
from 1750, the next age come in was the Philadelphian, Wesley age; that begin at 1750 and
lasted till 1906. And at 1906 the Laodicean Church Age set in, and I don't know when it'll end,
but I predict it'll be done by 1977. I predict, not the Lord told me, but I predict it according to a
vision that was showed me some years ago, that, five of those things has (out of the seven)--has
already taken place about...
We believe that the Laodicean church started in A.D. 1906. I predict... Now, remember,
"predict," especially you listening at the tape. I don't say it will be, but predict that it will end by
1977, that the church will go completely into apostasy, and she'll be ousted out of the mouth of
God. And the second coming, or the rapture of Christ, might come anytime. Now, I could miss
that a year; I can miss it twenty years, I could miss it a hundred years. I don't know where. But I
just predict that according to a vision He showed me, and taking the time, the way it's
progressing, I say it'll be sometime between '33 and '77. At least, this great nation is going to
strike a war that's going to blow it to bits. See? Now, that's pretty close; it's awful close. And I
could be wrong; I'm predicting. Everybody understand say, "amen" if you. [Congregation says,
"Amen."--Ed.] See?
Now, counting the time, we find that we have exactly (listen!) seventeen years left, and we will
have the same span of time given to us as God dealing with us in the power of the Holy Spirit
since A.D. 33 until 1977, the same span of time of 1954 years. God deals with us the same as He
did with the Jews. How about that?
Now, mark down in your book a little Scripture here I want to give you. Leviticus 25, begin with
the 8th verse. God called a Jubilee every forty-ninth year; the fiftieth year was the Jubilee. We
know that. We understand that. From the first Jubilee of Leviticus 25:8, in 1977 will be the
seventieth Jubilee, making exactly 3,430 years. Jubilee means the going up, the release.
Now, listen. To you old-timers here in the church that's been here for a long time, I want you to
notice something. I never learned this until yesterday. I picked it up from historian, Paul Boyd,
and then I traced it back through the Scriptures, picked up these other dates here, and so forth,
and got it, and run it--traced it through.
Now, in 1933 when we were worshipping over here in the Masonic temple where the church of
Christ stands today, on one April morning before leaving home, I was dedicating my car (I got a
'33 model car, and I was dedicating it to the Lord's service), and in a vision I saw the end time.
Now, notice how striking this is. Back yonder when I was just a boy, and you can imagine what a
1933 model car looked like--now, what it looked like. And I went over there to the Masonic
temple where... Some of you old-timers in here remembers; it's wrote down on an old paper at
home. It's already in print and went out around the world. See? That was in 1933. And I
predicted that there would be some great tragedy happen to this United States before or by the
year of 1977. How many remembers me saying that? Look at the hands. Sure!
Now, then after that, I turned and looked, and I saw this United States burning like a smolder--
rocks had been blowed up. And it was burning like a heap of fire in logs or something that just
set it afire; and looked as far as I could see and she had been blown up. And then the vision left
me. Five out of the seven, has happened.
And here it comes around and shows, and then I predicted... I never said the Lord told me that,
but standing that morning in the church, I said, "The way progress..." I got back on the end of the
wall and run to the other end of the wall, and I said, "The way progress is going on, I'll predict
that the time--I don't know why I'm saying it--but I predict that that'll all happen between right
now, 1933, and 1977. And not knowing it, God knows my heart, I never knowed it until
yesterday, that 1977 is the Jubilee, and exactly the same amount of time run out that He give
with Israel and everything at the end. So here we are at the end of the age, at the coming in of the
seventieth week. We don't know what time that the church will be gone. Oh, my. What can we
do, friends? Where are we at?
Now, what's the next thing? The Seven Seals, now. We drop right in on them when the Lord will
permit. When that'll be, I don't know. Just whenever He delivers it, then we'll go right into it.
Then we're going to have a long, long meeting, 'cause we're going to take from the 6th chapter
through the 19th to get through it. And as slow as I am with it...
Now, I do not want anyone to go away misunderstanding this. Tape's still playing. I don't want
anyone to misunderstand it. Don't misunderstand now, and say, "Brother Branham said Jesus will
come in 1977." I never said no such a thing. Jesus may come today. But I have predicted that
between '33 and '77 something would take place, that these things that I seen come to pass in the
vision would take place. And five of them has already took place.
The Laodicean Age began around the turn of the Twentieth Century, perhaps 1906. How long
will it last? As a servant of God who has had multitudes of visions, of which NONE has ever
failed, let me predict (I did not say prophesy, but predict) that this age will end around 1977. If
you will pardon a personal note here, I base this prediction on seven major continuous visions
that came to me one Sunday morning in June, 1933. The Lord Jesus spoke to me and said that
the coming of the Lord was drawing nigh, but that before He came, seven major events would
transpire. I wrote them all down and that morning I gave forth the revelation of the Lord. The
first vision was that Mussolini would invade Ethiopia and that nation would "fall at his steps".
That vision surely did cause some repercussions, and some were very angry when I said it and
would not believe it. But it happened that way. He just walked in there with his modern arms and
took over. The natives didn't have a chance. But the vision also said that Mussolini would come
to a horrible end with his own people turning on him. That came to pass just exactly as it was
Based on these seven visions, along with the rapid changes which have swept the world in the
last fifty years, I PREDICT (I do not prophesy) that these visions will have all come to pass by
1977. And though many may feel that this is an irresponsible statement in view of the fact that
Jesus said that `no man knoweth the day nor the hour.' I still maintain this prediction after thirty
years because, Jesus did NOT say no man could know the year, month or week in which His
coming was to be completed. So I repeat, I sincerely believe and maintain as a private student of
the Word, along with Divine inspiration that 1977 ought to terminate the world systems and
usher in the millennium.
But that is where the problem is laying. See? That is why America is like it is today. Just
coveting and lusting spirits constantly desiring more. We will never make the rapture like that!
We would be better of this morning if the nation was totally bankrupt. If you had no money in
the bank and no job; You would not mind, you would just serve the Lord then. See?
It will be too late then. Believe me I know what I am talking about. Some people may not think
so; but I do! I have known for years. One day people will cry for the thing that I have preached
for years! They will not be able to get it! But we have an opportunity here this morning again.
What if we could get so fixed in our spirits this morning........ How many times has the spirit of
the Lord come near here? Hundreds and hundreds of times the great power of God has swept
through this building here. Why could we not have stood to our feet and received the great thing
that I have preached? Why do we walk away sick and crippled? Why?? I believe it is a lack of
Revelation! I really do!
We think we hear; but we do not hear! How many want to hear with a revelation?? Let it get
down in your heart and just transform your whole life.
Now, how many enjoyed the message last Sunday? To me that was a tremendous thing. I went
back and listened to the tape. I hate to do it cause it makes me nervous to listen to myself preach.
But I can not remember all those things. See? I can not remember because I do not have much of
a memory. So I had to go back and listen to the Kingdom tapes to see what was said on there. I
marveled at some of the things that the Holy Spirit brought out and put together.
I had to listen so that I could see how to place what I am placing this morning. Now when you
get those tapes; go back to where I started the Kingdom messages and listen to them. Come right
down through there to the message last Sunday. That was the fourth in the series and this
morning will be number five. See how that all dovetails together. Look and see if that is not
God's revelation.
It this message has not dovetailed the whole Bible from Genisis to Revelation then I do not know
nothing! Now the preacher.... I marvel that you drive great distances to hear me preach. I know it
is not the way that it is said; but it is the life of the revelation in there that causes you to come. It
is that Life that changes you and causes you to grow in grace like you are. Of all the
congregations I believe you are the most spiritual and advance group on Earth. Brother Ruddel
and other ministers also agree. Brother Bob Gatlin after traveling the world said there was no
place like here.
Last night and over the past few days I have been thanking the Lord that I have been counted
worthy to stand this reproach for revival. It just thrilled my heart and God flooded my soul with
the joy of the Lord. Just to think that it is turned down all over the United States and the world.
They have rejected the Capstone, the Headstone. Here I have the glorious opportunity to stand
this morning and preach this great promise of the hour. I have the glorious opportunity to
challenge you people to forsake all and go after that. Remember my name is out under it. Brother
Branham's name is too. He said God will come and do the same thing he did on the day of
not yet formed) so this was but the soft shell that looked like the real grain yet to come. The
original wheat seed of Pentecost was to come back in the last age. It had been buried at Nicaea. It
sent up a shoot at Sardis. It grew a tassel at Philadelphia, and it was to mature at Laodicea. But it
could not be back to the original until the Word was restored. The prophet had not yet come
upon the scene. But now according to the time wherein we stand in the Laodicean Age, the
`Prophet-messenger' of Revelation 10:7 must already be in the land. Once more "Thus saith the
Lord" must be here, ready to be manifested with infallible vindication. Thus is the True Seed
already maturing, and THEN THE HARVEST.
But I tell you as a little minister of the Gospel in the Name of the Lord He is gonna do it! The
mightiest thing that ever struck the earth. Have I ever told you anything wrong? He will do it! I
am so happy.
The Lord has blessed my soul the last few days with just a couple of little things. It just filled my
heart with joy. You know that I have been standing for the Lord with this Message for a long
time now, and I have got one of the worst names around the country. And I have been trying to
stand at my post of duty with two bones. I have no muscles in both legs. you the congregation
knows how bad it is, that really, unless I am behind the pulpit, I can not even stand up and I have
no legs to stand on. And I have never sought the Lord God for healing because it just seemed like
it was His will to have me sickly and afflicted. I am given up for a dead man on the medical
records at the Veteran's Administration, U.S.A.F. I was given up for a dead man and I never was
called in for an examination. Pharaoh just sends me a pay check every month! I appreciate that,
because, as hard as I preach, probably nobody would give me an offering anyway.
I have seen a lot of amusing things - see people that was brought out of bondage from false
prophets and deception. They used to send thousands of dollars to them men and yet they never
give me a penny. And most of the time when I was given offerings, God knows, I would turn
around and give it back. I say, "No sir, I feel led of the Lord to do without that. That you might
know that I never come here for your money. But I love you and have told you the truth."
And, standing on these old bony legs all those years; I always wanted to have strong legs. And it
is just so hard for me to walk, and doctors said I was going to break both those legs and they
wanted to put braces on, up to my hips. But I just thought, "Lord, I just can not do that." And I
almost broke my legs several times - just God that kept me from it. I do not have no muscles at
all in the lower part of my legs and I do not know how I walk, I really do not. And there is
nothing at all to hold those joints in place, they are just wobbling around.
But now the Lord God has showed me, three times in the last month, and then it came again the
other morning around 4 o'clock, and I saw myself showing my congregation my new legs.
It just filled the room up with His great Presence, and I just loved Him and cried and wept. I
always admired Brother Jimmy Rosenberry's big strong calves in his legs, you remember, I was
telling you the other day, Brother Jim?
The first time He showed me that, I was preaching to thousands of people overseas. Great
thousands had thronged to hear the Gospel, and I was sitting way back up in like a great big
coliseum or stadium. And they did not know who the little fellow was who was going to preach
the Gospel, and it was a great suspense, and it shocked everybody who the Lord was using. And,
when it came time for me to come down a big flight of stairs, which I can not get down at all. I
have to have something to hold to or I just can not come down stairs at all. And I came down,
just hitting on the rims of those steps, just right on down there. And after it was over I said,
"Lord, I must have had two new legs, because I could never come down steps like that." And I
felt the quickening power.
Then the other day, a few weeks ago, I had this from the Lord. I reached down, and all at once,
something came over me and there was a big muscle, Brother Jim, in that left leg. And I felt it
again. Now if someone gave me a million dollars, I can not raise up on my toes because I have
nothing to raise myself up. But then when I felt that big calf, I knew immediately, and I jumped
up and I could go up on my tip-toes and dance around.
And then, the other morning, He showed me the same thing. I had my pants leg up and was
showing my calf to Sister Rosenberry. I said, "Just look at that leg." And I was showing it to all
the sisters and everybody. I was shouting and having a wonderful time. And I thought, "Lord, I
am gonna get Brother to come over and photograph both of my legs, so, with a real good, plain
picture to show how bad they was, and after." How many believe that?
And then, after the Lord God -- Now, I have never had faith (revelation), but now it is just
bubbling up in me. Now, just one little nod from the Lord, I will take it. I love Him with all my
heart and all my soul and all my might.
Then, on top of that, just a little thing, but just something that flooded my soul. I walked around
the room the other morning. I got up from praying, not realizing, I went over, and the Spirit of
the Lord struck me as I went to the desk, and my voice started saying, "Send the Light, the
blessed Gospel Light, let it shine from shore to shore." And the Spirit of the Lord was upon me.
Oh I shouted. I started screaming and hollering and crying, when I realized what was said. Oh
my, was there power in that! "Send the Light, the glorious Gospel Light!"
Now, I will tell you, in the Name of the Lord God, I am gonna go world-wide with this
Revelation! I tell you that, in the Name of the Lord Jesus, and I am going with two new legs, too!
God is going to come to me and heal me and commission me and send me with this Revelation!
How many believe that? I believe it is right close at hand.
Hey, children, God is going to do great things for us! This thing is so great and so mammoth,
what He is getting ready to do. Actually, yesterday, the last couple of days, I was a nervous
wreck. I would sit down and all that revelation start going through my mind. See, you do not
realize what it is to be up there. Really, can I share something with you from my heart?
See, really children, I am a hairline from insanity all the time. Just a split millionth of a hairline
from total insanity. See, that is where He has got me, up in that realm. You think Paul, with the
revelation he had, had a messenger of Satan to buffet, what do you think that I go through? How
many of you that sat here and heard all these things for four years, know that there is far, far
more revelation than Paul ever had?
Now, what do you think that a poor, little, ignorant country boy like myself, that is caught up in
that realm there; what do you think my mind goes through? And it is laying at the grace of the
Lord God; if it wasn't for the grace of God, I would go total insane, my mind would snap. See?
But you see, it goes to show you that, no man could come up there unless God takes him there. It
takes God! You can not come there by fasting. If you do get up there a little ways by fasting
thirty or forty days; you will have to take some shots of alcohol when you come back down. That
is why them things happen to those preachers. You see, it is the doing of the Lord God, and I
thank Him for that, because I could not take it if it was not the Lord holding that up there.
You know, I could not tell nobody them things. If I was in Jeffersonville, people just laugh me to
scorn. Even when I told them the Lord God would send me all over the world - what little bit I
told the preachers, they laughed and made fun of me, and still laugh at me today. But, you see,
He wrote it upon my heart. He said so, I did not. I never asked. He said that.
I was praying one time, with great burden. The devil almost killed a couple of my children, and I
was in great trial. The Word of the Lord had come to me, and everything looked contrary to what
the Word of the Lord said to me. I laid there, weeping and travailing and agonizing in prayer,
and then the Lord God spoke to me and said, "You do not have to ask Brother Branham anything
about what I told you. You shall carry the burden for my Bride during the persecution. You do
not have to ask Brother Bran ham, or any man, anything that I told you. You know what I told
you, and I am getting ready to let the whole world know about it."
That was hard to take way back there. See, but now it is coming right up here. You know, I never
asked --. People say, "What are you trying to make yourself?" No, I am really not. I am what I
am, by the grace of God. I never asked for these things. But He promised me! The Word of the
Lord came to me and told me that He would send me world-wide. I really believe it with all my
heart. I believe with all my heart, that my Message is the New Birth and the Token - that is my
Message. I say, humbly, that is the Message that Brother Branham talked about coming forth. It
will be a White Horse Rider pack it. And I know it is going to go world-wide, and I say, in the
Name of the Lord, it will conquer everything that is on the field! Why? Because it is the Lord
God!. You say, "Here?" See, I can not help that. It is the Lord God, not man at all. It is going to
conquer everything that is on the field today!
Brother Bob Gatlin told me how bad it is. He said, "They do not believe this message down here.
This brother and that brother are all spiritually dead." I said, "That is all right. I stand in the gap."
I stand right in the gap. If God had not predestinated a gift of God, and a ministry today, there
would be no Bride and no resurrection. How many believe that? But God is going to have a
Bride, a multi-membered Body, that He will get into and show it off before all the world.
Now I can preach. I feel all right now. I was just kind of waiting a little bit to feel the presence of
the Lord. Do you love Him with all your hearts? How many want this great outpouring of the
Holy Ghost? It is coming, just be patient.
Think now, you have just been waiting a couple years. I have been waiting thirteen years. After
Jesus Christ appeared to me personally and told me! You know how hard it is to wait that long.
See, it is coasting for me now! I am right up here, it has got to happen. So, let us keep our eyes
upon the Lord Jesus, because this is one move of the Spirit in which man will get no glory! God
will get all the glory!
Now, did you understand what I preached last week on Jacob's Ladder? The angels, ascending
and descending; we found out that was the opening of the Seals and the establishment of Bethel -
the true Church. Showing you how those angels, descending and ascending. You refer back to
that tape on Jacob and the angels.
Notice here, this message on the angels, is fitting right into the Two Kingdoms. I want to tie
Revelation 12 together this morning. It is late already, I have talked away some time. But I
would rather talk away a little time and wait for the presence of the Lord; I depend on the
inspiration of the Holy Spirit. I would not want to say nothing wrong. If it is inspiration it will
line right up, and it will be all right.
Brother Gatlin played my tape "Ye Must Be Born Again" in Jeffersonville. One brother who
heard it is all fired up. He called me and wants more tapes; also wants to come up here. He is so
thrilled, I could hardly get off the phone from him.
Another brother heard it, and went to a church and started preaching what I had said. Caused a
fuss in the congregation. Brother Perelli had given the tape to Brother Gatlin. I said, "George, go
get that tape!"
I said, "Go get him another one, a different one, anything but that on the New Birth."
When George went to get it in New York. Brother Gatlin would not give it to him. He said,
"That message is for him!" And he has been playing it for any who will listen.
As this gets out it will bring a persecution. But that is all right. I used to worry myself to death
about it (tapes getting out) but, what it does, it must get out so I can bear the reproach right now.
If you look in the Bible, you can see all of that. See, the first vindication of a true servant of God
is, He gives him the true revelation. Then He lets some of that seep out. And then, He is talked
about and run down - you know how it goes - and then God steps in behind that and vindicates
that, see? And it makes all the people come and repent and humble themselves. See, it all works
out for the will of God.
This is Eternal Life, children, just to think that God will give us this little time to be together to
talk about all these wonderful things.
Matt. 16:24 "Then Jesus said unto His disciples, If any man will come after me, let him deny
himself and take up his cross and follow me,"
25 "For whosoever will save his life shall lose it, and whosoever will lose his life for my sake
shall find it,"
Now, see there what Brother Bob has been trying to tell you. You just got to completely lose
your life. Notice, what He is saying here before we get to this text. You got to lose your life,
until you come to the place that you have no will, no desire on this earth, nothing, then you are in
good shape.
Matt. 16:25 "For whosoever will save his life shall lose it."
Now, it shows you right there, that this generation that He is talking to here, the people are going
to seek to save their life. They do not want to lay it down, and those that seek to save it are,
eventually, going to lose it because the hydrogen war takes place and it is all over. How many
see that? Houses burn up and pension plans lost. You notice how people here in Connecticut are
going crazy because they labored all these years for their pension and have a year to go, and the
whole thing went bankrupt.
Matt. 16:25 "For whosoever shall save his life shall lose it, and whosoever will lose his life for
my sake shall find it."
How many want to lose their life? The only way you are going keep it; is to lose it. You have to
lose it here to find it there.
Matt. 16:26 "For what is a man profited if he shall gain the whole world and lose his own soul?
or what shall a man give in exchange for his soul?"
27 "For the Son of man shall come" (watch here now) "in the glory of His Father, with His
angels; and then He shall reward every man according to his works."
28 "Verily, I say unto you, there be some standing here, which shall not taste of death, till they
see the Son of man coming in His Kingdom."
Father, dear, bless this great Eternal Word of God and give us revelation today, in every heart
here this morning. In Jesus Name. Amen!
I can not background, but you will have to get those tapes and go over them and go over them.
Then hook right in with this, this morning.
The Son of Man is coming. He said here, "There is some standing here." Watch there, the law,
the shadow the old Jewish church is just passing away, and a new day is coming on. And there is
a predestinated, elected, Seed of God there to hear that ministry of the Son of Man.
Now, who was Jesus? The Son of Man. How many know that Jesus is here on earth now? When
the Seals were opened by Mal. 4:5. That Angel come down from Heaven, Revelation lO:l.
Revelation lO:7 was an earthly angel.
But there is a Heavenly angel come down from Heaven, that was Christ, and this is the Son of
Man! The only way that God can reveal Himself to you now is as Son of Man.
If you are spiritual, you will have to put these things together and remember, if you get it by
revelation, you will be a hairline from anti-Christ. You get on one side, you will be anti-Christ,
but, if you are predestinated He will run you down that line there and you will have the
revelation that no man can get. Only the elected Seed of God!
which John received when he was the voice that cried, "I am not He, BUT HE IS COMING
Now, it goes to show you that if the natural mind can get this thing that is underneath the
Seventh Seal, then the devil has got it. But only the predestinated who have their names on the
Lamb's Book of Life before the foundation of the world, they are the only ones who are able to
hear His Voice!
I THESSALONIANS 4:16 For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with
the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first:
Notice, the Lord Himself - The Lord Himself, descends from Heaven with a Shout! That Shout
was the Son of Man. Son of Man is a prophet - a prophetic ministry. Now, is there any other way
that God could reveal Himself now?
No, because you only got three names - Son of Man, Son of God and Son of David. He was Son
of God through the Seven Church Ages, but then He descends from Heaven with a Shout when
the Seals were opened. He descends from Heaven with a Shout, and that is the Message of Mal.
4:5, the Shout, the Son of Man, the Messiah.
can be nothing broken in the Scriptures. Every Word must be so. That's the way that I believe it.
That's the way It's got to be; not because I believe it, because It's the Word of God.
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Notice. Now, He came first as the Prophet, and they crucified Him. His own crucified Him. He
came as the Son of man.
Then after the Holy Spirit came, He was then the Son of God. God is a Spirit. He was the Holy
Spirit: Son of God. He lived through the church ages as Son of God.
Now, in the millennium He'll be Son of David setting upon the throne of His father David. He is
the Son of David now.
And remember, between the Son of God... In the Laodicea church age they put Him out. And in
Luke He said that He would be revealed again as Son of man, the prophet, fulfilling the rest of it.
See? The Scriptures tie perfectly together. Son of man, Son of God, Son of David, what was it?
It's the same God all the time, just changing His form, en morphe. He just changed it. It's a great
drama to Him; He's acting it out.
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For His acts He changes His form. Then He came the form of Son of man. For the reformers'
age, Wesley, Luther, and all down through we find out that they got it so bundled up, just like the
Israelites did, till when He does appear in the last days in the Pentecostal age as the Holy Spirit,
they rejected It. They did the same thing Israel did. And what does He do now? Return as Son of
man. And then from that, Son of David. See how close we are? Son of man, Son of David, Son
of God. He's revealed in the last days as Son of man according to Malachi 4, all the rest of the
prophecies pertaining to this hour. No more dealing with the church after they put Him out; on
the outside, knocking at the door. Some predestinated seed in there yet, He must get to them.
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He's veiled in a man, as He always was veiled. But He was veiled unto them; He was in His
human temple. God was in a human temple. Now, be real careful; now He's the same yesterday,
today, and forever. See? God veiled, hiding Himself from the world, veiled in human being...
Here was God, those Greeks saying "We would see Him," and Jesus said, "A corn of wheat has
to fall and die." You have to die to all your ideas. You have to get out of your own thoughts.
Like those disciples was, they couldn't explain about eating His body and drinking His Blood;
but (See?) they'd done died to those things. They were dead to a principle; they were dead to
Christ. No matter what He did, or how much defeat looked like He had, they still believed it
anyhow. See? They could see in that Man, a Man that eat, drank, fished, slept, everything else,
was born here on the earth, and walked with them, talked with them, wore clothes like the rest of
them, but that was God.
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So the Greeks couldn't see Him, because He was hid from them in a human being. Notice His
Word to them, "Except this corn of wheat falls in the ground..."
God veiled in the form of a Man, hid Himself from their view; they could only see a Man. But
those predestinated seen God. One saw a Man; the other one saw God. See? And it was God
veiled in a human being, making both of them right, but your faith in that what you don't see,
you believe it anyhow. God veiled in a human being, He was in that flesh, and that flesh was His
veil. The veil was rent (See?) that God might be made manifest.
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Jesus was that God, veiled. And when He died at Calvary, God sent fire and lightning and ripped
that veil from top to the bottom, that the whole mercy seat was in plain view. But they were too
blind to see it. As Moses said here, Paul said, reading of Moses, "When Moses is read yet, that
veil is still on their heart." Oh, brother, sister, that's what the Jews did when the veil was rent and
brought God into plain view, hanging on the cross. He was in plain view, but they couldn't see It.
Could it be possible that the Gentiles has hit the same thing? (Oh, God.) When they've had
the church ages of the Son of God, but when now the veil of this denominations and things, this
veil of tradition that we've got since Pentecost, when the church traditions has been rent, the
things that the people said, "Days of miracles is past," and these things, and God has took the veil
off of it and brought It in plain view, and they're ready to crucify It again. Just exactly right.
The unveiled God, plain view, they should've seen Him standing there. Yet He was too common;
He was an ordinary Man. They couldn't see It. See, there stood a Man. "Well," they said, "this
guy, what school did He come from?" But remember, when that spear struck His body, that
Spirit left Him, the temple of sacrifice blocks turned over, and the lightning whipped down
through the temple and rent the veil. What was it? There was their God hanging on Calvary, and
they were too blind to see it.
Brought Him in open view, and still they don't see It. They're blinded. God, veiled in a human
You remember He returned then to Paul after that, and to Peter in the prison, as the Pillar of Fire.
You remember that?
But in the last days He's supposed to return again, but a Pillar of Fire is supposed to come back
again to manifest the Son of man (See?), to show the Word, the Light. The traditions that's been
will be wiped away. There's nothing going to bother it; it's going to be done anyhow. God just
tear them denominations and traditions down. What kind of a Spirit will He do with it? Like He
did in the first place. Look what He done in the days of Elijah, in the days of John. "Don't you
think to say within yourself you have Abraham to the father, 'cause God's able of these stones to
rise children to Abraham." See? Don't you think, "'Cause I belong to this and I belong to that."
See? God tearing off the veil (See?) to show Who He is... See, watch the veil when it rents here
now. We find out.
Now notice, He comes as a Messiah to give the invitation to come to the marriage supper of the
Lamb, the Baptism of the Holy Ghost. The Messiah, In other words, come to the upper room,
like Jesus said. Come to the wedding supper.
And they all began to make excuses. Now, after they have turned down their invitation to come
to the great baptism of the Holy Ghost - the great marriage supper of the Lamb which will be in
Heaven, which is the spiritual feast here on the earth, which is the Token baptism of the Holy
Ghost, the Seal of God, after that invitation goes out by the Messenger, Right?
LUKE 14:16 Then said he unto him, A certain man made a great supper, and bade many:
17 And sent his servant at supper time to say to them that were bidden, Come; for all things are
now ready.
18 And they all with one [consent] began to make excuse. The first said unto him, I have bought
a piece of ground, and I must needs go and see it: I pray thee have me excused.
19 And another said, I have bought five yoke of oxen, and I go to prove them: I pray thee have
me excused.
20 And another said, I have married a wife, and therefore I cannot come.
21 So that servant came, and shewed his lord these things. Then the master of the house being
angry said to his servant, Go out quickly into the streets and lanes of the city, and bring in hither
the poor, and the maimed, and the halt, and the blind.
22 And the servant said, Lord, it is done as thou hast commanded, and yet there is room.
23 And the lord said unto the servant, Go out into the highways and hedges, and compel [them]
to come in, that my house may be filled.
24 For I say unto you, That none of those men which were bidden shall taste of my supper.
Notice, that is the Shout. He descends from Heaven with a Shout! Who? The Lord, Himself. The
Lord, Himself descended from Heaven with a Shout. All right, where was the Lord then, on
earth? He that was put on the outside of the Church Ages, on the outside of the Laodicean
Church Age, which said they had the Spirit, which said they had the Token, and they lied; they
they put Christ on the outside. Well, where was Christ? Christ was in the Son of Man, and the
man that had the ministry of the Son of Man was Brother William Branham.
So He descended from Heaven with a Shout, and that was in one man, and that one man was a
prophet which was the friend of the Bridegroom John the Baptist. But he said his ministry was
to forerun the coming Word which came by the opening of the Seals, which was the full-body
Revealed Word of God. The full revelation of the Bible in one man.
say, "Amen." [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] Well, if it is the Word cell to start with, the
other Word cells are ordained to make it a full body.
Don't be children, only in love, but be men in Spirit and in judgment. Judge ye whether I've told
you the Truth or not. Judge ye whether It's the Word of God or not. Judge ye whether it's the
hour we're talking about or not. Judge ye whether these things are promised. Now, are they
vindicated? By things that there's not a human being in the world could do it. But it's become so
common to us till we're letting it flow right on apast us. Wait, church, wait.
There would be a Voice of God. God does not have any vocal cords here on earth that He uses.
He is not here in His corporal body with His vocal cords. But He is got to have a body to come
into. Inside that man will be the Voice of God which is the full-body Revealed Word.
The full-body Revealed Word is the body, and the body is the Word, and the body is the carcass.
Jesus said, "When they say, "Behold, the Lord is over in the desert; behold, He is over here,
behold, He is in the secret chamber - we got Him over here in a little basement meeting." He
said, "Go not there. If you want to know where He will be." He said, "Here is a parable, As
lightening cometh out of the East and shineth to the West, even so shall the coming of the Son of
Man be, for wheresoever those predestinated eagles are, there will be the Voice, the Son of
Man." Do you believe?
Brother Branham said, "My ministry to the earth, is to forerun the coming Word, which is
Christ." He said, "I am not the true Light, I am only pointing to the true Light. I am only bearing
witness that He is coming, He is coming after this ministry. He said, "He will come right after
the days of my ministry, and He will be revealed from Heaven." He said, "He is coming out of
the East, and will be revealed from Heaven." How? He will descend from Heaven with the Voice
of the Archangel. Now who is the Archangel? That is Michael! Michael is the Archangel and
that is Christ! Christ is the anointed One. Christ is the coming of the Lord Jesus.
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Said, "What did you go to see, a prophet?" Said, "I say unto you, and greater than a prophet." He
was. He was the messenger of the covenant. He was the breach. He was the keystone between
law and grace. "What'd you go out to see, a prophet? And I say unto you, more than a prophet."
He said, "He was a bright and shining light, for a while." Why? He was the Word made light. He
was the Word manifested.
Then when He come on the scene, he said, "I must decrease; He must increase." Two of them
couldn't stay at the same time. John had to go; Jesus remained. See? It's always that way.
That's where that so many people today is going to be confused. You know, the rapture might
take place, and just think of the sadness of it!
One day the disciples asked Him, said, "Why did the Scribes say that Elias must first come?"
Jesus said, "He has already come and you didn't know it," and they understood that it was John
the Baptist. Those elected apostles still couldn't see who he was. That was the Elijah.
Now look. You know, the coming of the Lord is going to be a secret coming. He said, "There
will be two in the bed, and I will take one and leave one," that's where the night is. "Two in the
field, I will take one and leave one."
You know, there is so many people disappear every day, off the face of the earth, that nobody
can account for. One of these days it might be that people might say, "Well, you mean the
tribulation, the thing is on us now? I thought the Church was to go before the tribulation." They
don't realize and understand that the rapture could take place and they would know nothing about
it; it's the secret going of the Church.
And, think, people will go right on preaching, saying they believe they're getting saved, and
adding in the church, and building churches, and going on just like they did in the days of Noah,
and so forth, and not know it; and the rapture done past, "it's already happened and you didn't
know it." There is hundreds of people disappear from the earth and people know nothing about
where they went to, they can't account for it; somebody was going somewhere, they never hear
from them no more. And that could be the rapture.
JOHN 1:1 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.
2 The same was in the beginning with God.
3 All things were made by him; and without him was not any thing made that was made.
4 In him was life; and the life was the light of men.
5 And the light shineth in darkness; and the darkness comprehended it not.
6 There was a man sent from God, whose name was John.
7 The same came for a witness, to bear witness of the Light, that all men through him might
8 He was not that Light, but was sent to bear witness of that Light.
9 That was the true Light, which lighteth every man that cometh into the world.
10 He was in the world, and the world was made by him, and the world knew him not.
plain, it's got to be. Now, the only thing there has to be is something pulsates, gets into a man,
God vindicate and tells him and shows him that that is the thing to happen; and that you're going
We thought the coming of the Lord Jesus - He was coming down and pick one up here and one
there, and then take them off in the rapture. That is the rapture. The coming of the Lord Jesus,
and the rapture is not the same thing. Oh, here it comes! The coming of the Lord Jesus, the Son
of Man, is a universal, mighty earth shaking thing! But the rapture will come as a thief in the
night. Glory to God! Oh, the mighty revelation of God!
Notice, when God came in the Shout, that was a man and that man was a prophet. Brother
Branham said, "The things you see done in my ministry will only be amateur to what the Lord
will do when He will comes, and when He comes, He will testify that I have told you the truth."
Glory to God! Then the ministry of the Voice of the Son of Man, the Voice of God, will be the
final vindication that William Branham was John the Baptist that forerun the second coming of
PSALMS 82:1 A Psalm of Asaph. God standeth in the congregation of the mighty; he judgeth
among the gods.
2 How long will ye judge unjustly, and accept the persons of the wicked? Selah.
3 Defend the poor and fatherless: do justice to the afflicted and needy.
4 Deliver the poor and needy: rid [them] out of the hand of the wicked.
5 They know not, neither will they understand; they walk on in darkness: all the foundations of
the earth are out of course.
6 I have said, Ye are gods; and all of you are children of the most High.
7 But ye shall die like men, and fall like one of the princes.
8 Arise, O God, judge the earth: for thou shalt inherit all nations.
JOHN 10:30 I and my Father are one.
31 Then the Jews took up stones again to stone him.
32 Jesus answered them, Many good works have I shewed you from my Father; for which of
those works do ye stone me?
33 The Jews answered him, saying, For a good work we stone thee not; but for blasphemy; and
because that thou, being a man, makest thyself God.
34 Jesus answered them, Is it not written in your law, I said, Ye are gods?
35 If he called them gods, unto whom the word of God came, and the scripture cannot be broken;
36 Say ye of him, whom the Father hath sanctified, and sent into the world, Thou blasphemest;
because I said, I am the Son of God?
37 If I do not the works of my Father, believe me not.
38 But if I do, though ye believe not me, believe the works: that ye may know, and believe, that
the Father is in me, and I in him.
Remember that, the angel on the Ohio River in 1933 said, "Your message will forerun the second
coming of the Lord Jesus." That is where the people are missing the revelation today. They
are not able to under stand the coming of the Lord. Brother Branham said, "This is the last
sign you will see until the promised Son comes, which is the Lord Jesus Christ." But let us talk
about the coming of the Lord Jesus now.
Now, remember, "Son of man" is a prophet. Jehovah called Ezekiel a "son of man." Jesus come
in three names: Son of man, Son of David, Son of God. He called Hisself "Son of man" so that
the people would understand, for He was that Prophet that the Lord God would raise up.
Now, notice, then He promised what? The Son of man would reveal Himself again just before
that time, before the fire. And that was the last sign that Abraham saw before the promised son
arrived; and he turned back to a young man, and she to a young woman. Now, notice, the
Scripture specifically says that, now we must look for that.
There can be no rapture until the Lord comes, and He comes from Heaven, Himself, with a
Shout, (John the Baptist, Mal. 4:5, Rev. 10:7), and then He descends down lower to the earth.
Brother, if He got that close to you with John the Baptist, Mal. 4:5, and all them great miracles
took place, what do you think will happen when the Lord, Himself, comes?
Notice here, that the Shout was a prophet. Do you think the Voice will be anything less?. If
Brother Branham said, "The things you see done in my ministry now, are only amateur to what
the Lord will do when He comes." And he was a prophet. What do you think that man will be
when he comes? Will he be anything less? Brother, let me tell you something. Can I say it? Jesus
said, "There be some standing here ...."
Now I have gone off. I am way off my subject, but I got to follow this. You just believe that I am
led this way of the Spirit.
Notice, who was Jesus? The prophet. John said, "He is coming. He is coming. He is coming. His
fan is in His hand. He will thoroughly purge His floor. He will scatter that chaff away from the
wheat. He will cause a separation. He will cause a war to break out. He will separate husband
from wife, wife from husband, brother from father, sister from brother, houses, lands and lots.
His fan is in His hand. He will thoroughly purge His floor. He will blow that chaff out of that
assembly. He will blow that chaff away from the wheat. He will separate the unbeliever from the
make believer. But He will gather believers into His body, the Bride."
I believe He is here right now! The one I am speaking of, He is here children! How many know
the Lord is here?
John the Baptist said that he was the voice of one crying in the wilderness. That was the voice of
God for that day. He said, "I am the voice of one - one crying in the wilderness!" Everybody said
the voice of many crying in the wilderness, but it was one man! The Shout was one man, one
mind God was using, crying in the wilderness. He was crying, with tears dripping down his face,
trying to get the people to see that they were wretched, miserable, poor, blind and naked, without
the baptism of the Holy Ghost. But he was preparing the way for the Lord; The Voice, Himself,
to come.
God dealt with this one man. God never deals with groups, it's with one man. Elijah wasn't a
group. John wasn't a group. They wasn't a group or a denomination, either one of them. But both
of them condemned such. That's right.
MATTHEW 3:3 For this is he that was spoken of by the prophet Esaias, saying, The voice of one
crying in the wilderness, Prepare ye the way of the Lord, make his paths straight.
MARK 1:3 The voice of one crying in the wilderness, Prepare ye the way of the Lord, make his
paths straight.
LUKE 3:4 As it is written in the book of the words of Esaias the prophet, saying, The voice of
one crying in the wilderness, Prepare ye the way of the Lord, make his paths straight.
JOHN 1:23 He said, I am the voice of one crying in the wilderness, Make straight the way of the
Lord, as said the prophet Esaias.
And he said, "I just baptized you in the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ in water, but there is One
standing among you, a little fellow that you do not know, the Christ, the Voice of God. He shall
baptize you with the Holy Ghost and fire." How many want that?
Notice here, Brother Branham was God hidden and revealed in simplicity, in human flesh, in the
form of a Shout. And it was a prophet and it was the Son of Man being revealed, The Son of
Man is the Lord Jesus Christ, but He come as the messiah, the anointed one, in the Shout, giving
out an invitation to the marriage supper of the Lamb, and the people did not realize that, that was
not Brother Branham speaking in those trances, but it was the Lord, Himself, speaking. But
notice, it was the Shout, And a Shout is "Hey! Hey! Hey, behold, the Bridegroom cometh; the
Voice is coming after me. Behold, the Bridegroom cometh, go out to meet that Bridegroom!"
Glory to God! The Bridegroom is here! Do you realize what's going on?
Brother Branham said that Heavenly Angel is on earth at the time the earthly angel is sounding
his message, and he come at the opening of the Seals. The opening of the Seals was the loosing
of the Revealed Word of God. Brother Branham said the opening of the Seals is the loosing of a
ministry, and it is the ministry of the Lord Jesus Christ, the Revealed Word of God, Himself, the
Voice of the Bridegroom! And He is the One that will not baptize you with water, (you have
already been baptized in water) but He is the One that will unlock the outpouring of the Holy
Ghost! He is the One who will usher in the great Capstone! Yes, it is the truth, too!
He said, "There is some standing right here," the Son of Man said. Now, who was He? The Son
of Man was the complete Revealed Word of God that all the prophets had spoke of.
whole complete book of redemption. The Bible is God's Word, foretelling the future events. Its
believers is commanded by Its Author to read and believe every Word of It, not just part of It.
One Word, to disbelieve It, you might as well quit trying until you believe that Word. Every
Word is absolutely a part of Almighty God. God made manifest, wound into His Word to show
forth Who He is.
We are commanded, as believers, to believe every Word of It. And It's wrote by the Author of
God Himself. There's nobody can add anything to It or take anything from It. If you would, it
would be a freak body of God. It would have, maybe like six fingers on one hand, or three arms,
or something, to add something, to take something away from it and be one arm short, one finger
short. It's the complete Body of Jesus Christ. And in Christ, being the Male, the Groom, the
Bride is represented in Him also. And these two are One. "At that day you'll know that I am in
the Father, the Father in Me, I in you and you in Me." What a complete picture!
And the true believers in this Word, who accept It that way, believe It, and with patience wait for
It's prophesied promises, every one of them to be manifested in its age. Every believer has
watched for it. Every believer that's been on the toes, watching, is the one It's been revealed to.
Let us pray. O church, here and across the nation, listen to your humble servant this morning,
will you? Look where you were at a few years ago when this first started. Now look what
impersonations has capitalized on it, and great millions and billions of dollars has flowed into the
organizations. See? Still away from the Word of God... Buildings and organizations is not the
way God stirs His Spirit. He stirs It right into His Word to make It live. And if you were
ordained from the beginning of the earth to that Word, every Word will come right on top of the
Word. Like a human cell will not have one human cell, and the next the cell of a dog, and the
next the cell of a cat; it'll be human cells. But it's got to have a cell first to start with. Is that right?
say, "Amen." [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] Well, if it is the Word cell to start with, the
other Word cells are ordained to make it a full body.
Don't be children, only in love, but be men in Spirit and in judgment. Judge ye whether I've told
you the Truth or not. Judge ye whether It's the Word of God or not. Judge ye whether it's the
hour we're talking about or not. Judge ye whether these things are promised. Now, are they
vindicated? By things that there's not a human being in the world could do it. But it's become so
common to us till we're letting it flow right on apast us. Wait, church, wait.
All the prophets had spoke, "He is coming, He is a-coming!" Who is coming? Everything that
the prophets had spoke of, was coming, and it was going to be in one man! And what was He to
do? He was to make the Word of God so plain, by the full revelation of the Bible, that it would
show the people the Bridegroom - Who He is! He is the Word of God! He will come on a White
Horse, and had a Name on His side, and He was called the Word of God! The White Horse - here
it comes! - and they that follow Him are on White Horses too!
REVELATION 19:11 And I saw heaven opened, and behold a white horse; and he that sat upon
him was called Faithful and True, and in righteousness he doth judge and make war.
The White Horse is the Apostolic Word in Power back on the earth again!! Apostolic days are
ready to break out again! Amen!!
What is it? We see the opening of the Seals is a lot greater than we think.
God showed Brother Branham that White Eagle, and a White Eagle is the greatest Prophet that
has ever been on the face of the earth! It is the Lord Jesus Christ, the King of all the prophets!
Why? He is the fulfillment of all that the prophets spoke of through all ages.
Malachi 4:5 was unto John the Baptist, but, since that time the Holy Ghost has been preached the
Kingdom of Heaven has been preached, and men and women are forsaking all to press into that
great thing!
Let me tell you something! The elected Bride of Christ is made up in such a way that they do not
see a sign or a wonder, but they hear the Voice of the Bridegroom! It did not say the sign of the
Bridegroom. You have already seen his sign - you saw your last sign, but now, can you hear the
JOHN 3:29 He that hath the bride is the bridegroom: but the friend of the bridegroom, which
standeth and heareth him, rejoiceth greatly because of the bridegroom's voice: this my joy
therefore is fulfilled.
It will be hid in some human being. You say, "Who's that?" That is for you to find out. Was
Malachi 3, John the Baptist, two men? Was Malachi 4 two or three men? Was the Shout in one
man? Was he a prophet? Will not the Voice of the Bridegroom be in another man? Will he not be
a White Eagle? Will he not be on a White Horse? Will not all the Bride that is predestinated
along with His ministry, will they not follow behind Him on White Horses? How many of you
here this morning want a White Horse?
This same power that fell on the day of Pentecost, is going to fall on the endtime Bride. What is
it? The Son of Man, being revealed. The Son of Man is revealing who He is, by the Word. Jesus
said to those Scribes and Pharisees that was hanging on to the prophets that had just passed away
- Moses and John. He said, "If you do not believe that I am He, ye shall die in your sins"'
united, see, we go to the Wedding Supper, not to the marriage. "... fill your flesh... self, of all the
flesh of mighty men, 'cause the marriage of the Lamb has come." But, the rapture, is going to the
Wedding Supper. When, the Word here unites with the person, and they two become one. And
then what does it do then? It manifests the Son of man again, not the church theologians. The
Son of man! The Word and the Church becomes one. Whatever the Son of man done, He was the
Word, the Church does the same thing.
John said, "I will know Him, I will know Him when I see Him. He will be the Revealed Word of
God." And notice, the Revealed Word, Christ, come to a prophet. And that is what's the matter
with this thing right now. What they need is a vindicated prophet of God today.
They say, "Joseph is a prophet." Joseph is a sinner, an ungodly sinner, and he needs to be saved.
The devil lets you talk about Joseph 'cause he knows he got him. They will recognize him as a
prophet because he can not do them no harm. But that devil does not want God to send a real
prophet. But they are gonna get one, anyway! That is, "THUS SAITH THE LORD!" They are
going to get one!
Say, "you are just excited." Yes, I am excited - I can not help but be, but I also know what I am
saying and where I am standing!
Notice here, the White Eagle and the White Horse Rider is none other than the Bridegroom,
Himself, which is the King of all the prophets. Brother Branham said in Shreveport, that the next
Message would come by the White Eagle, the White Horse Rider. And he said it would be the
Message of the Seventh Seal, and he said, "My ministry is to forerun the coming of Christ, who
is the Word."
Look! I want to say one more thing. Closely now, don't miss this. How striking! From the
seventh angel's (messenger of the Seventh Seal) Message (and Revelations 10 was the Seventh
Seal) to the Seven Trumpets, between those two times... Oh God, how can we say this to make
the people see it? It's between that Sixth Trumpet (and the Sixth Trumpet--and the Sixth Trumpet
and the Sixth Seal sounds at the same time), and between the Sixth Trumpet and the Seventh
Trumpet, there is a prophet to appear before the Gentiles to call the people back to the original
Pentecostal doctrine; and the two witnesses of Revelations 11 appear to the Jews to send them to
Jesus, while the Church is being taken up--all of them prophets. Amen! The Word of the Lord
cannot be broken. It won't be a denomination! Do you see it?
And the seventh angel's Message, under the same trumpet, same everything, exactly, the same
seal, is to what? Call the people, the Bride out of the Pentecostal and world traditions to the
genuine Atonement, the Word, Christ, impersonated in His Word here, made flesh among us.
And in Christ, the Voice of God, is the rapture, the outpouring of the Holy Ghost, the great
ministry of the Bride, the Millennium, the two prophets to the Jews - everything is tied up in the
coming of the Lord!
Notice here, He said, if people would be ashamed of my Words and of my revelation - if they are
too ashamed to bear the reproach --.
MARK 8:38 Whosoever therefore shall be ashamed of me and of my words in this adulterous
and sinful generation; of him also shall the Son of man be ashamed, when he cometh in the glory
of his Father with the holy angels.
LUKE 9:26 For whosoever shall be ashamed of me and of my words, of him shall the Son of
man be ashamed, when he shall come in his own glory, and [in his] Father's, and of the holy
Our message last Sunday was trying to show you what God did to Abraham and to his Seed after
him. And we found out that every junction He taken Abraham, He took His Seed. Through
justification, through sanctification, through the baptism of the Holy Ghost, through the placing
of a Son, and then God came in human flesh, turned His back to Sarah's tent, and told what she
was thinking in her heart.
Don't get scared. He's right on schedule. He's here. Don't be offended in Him. "Blessed are they
who's not offended in Me." If He was here to speak tonight, He'd say the same thing. He's right
on schedule. The prophet said there'll be a time that would be not day nor night, but in the
evening time, it shall be light. He's right on schedule.
MATTHEW 11:6 And blessed is he, whosoever shall not be offended in me.
LUKE 7:23 And blessed is he, whosoever shall not be offended in me.
Go anywhere and mention my name; it will cause every demon in hell to climb on your back.
How many of you say, "amen"? Don't you dare go anywhere and mention Connecticut, Token, or
Bob Lambert It goes to show you something, if you are spiritual. You ought to realize something
because of that. Perhaps I should not say things like that. But, you know how that man came
from Israel and laid them things right out. I have got to go on with it. See?
I will say this, "Blessed is he that is not offended in me. Blessed is he!" If you do not get
offended at what I am saying, then I say to you as God's little minister, "Blessed are you!" If you
rejoice at what I am saying, blessed are you! Now, in the days to come, you will realize what I
have said and the Lord God will bring this back to your remembrance. You will remember all
these things. Blessed are you that is not offended in me!
He said, "If you will be offended at me, the Son of Man, the Voice of God - if you will be
offended in me - if you will be offended at the Bridegroom --." You better love that revelation.
You better be like Hattie Wright and say, "It ain't nothing but the truth!" Then the Spoken Word
will take place.
First, you have to have the Revealed Word of God to test your reaction. Did you know Brother
Branham said, "The Bride has never received her Word test, but she is to get the Word test."
Hold it there now! The Shout was not the Word test, but the Shout brought the Message and
brought a mixed multitude of people out. He was the net.
I want somebody to show me in the Bible where it'll be a group of people; God would break His
Own Word, He can't do that. No, sir. He promised this. It'll be a one man. And then there'll be
others with him, of course, thousands, the whole Church believers will be with him, everywhere.
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When Israel left Egypt, there was approximately two million people left at the same time. Every
one of them heard the message of a prophet. Every one of them saw the Pillar of Fire. Every one
of them was baptized to Moses, in the Red Sea. Every one of them shouted in the Spirit, beat the
tambourines and run up-and-down the bank, with Miriam, when Moses sang in the Spirit. They,
every one, drank from the same spiritual Rock. They, every one, eat fresh Manna every night.
Every one of them! But there was two made the land, one out of a million.
What was the test? They all drink in the same Rock, they all eat the same spiritual Manna as
we're eating this morning, but the Word test proved them. When it come to the time of Kadesh-
barnea, when they started over into the promised land, and they could not go over till they was
tested by the Word. And all the other ten came back, and said, "We can't make it! The people are
like... We're like grasshoppers, to them, their great walled city. The opposition is too great."
But Joshua and Caleb stilled the people. They said, "We're more than able to do it!" Why? God
said, before they left the promised land, "I've given you the land. I've give it to you. It's yours."
But there were one out of each million.
The Baptists have their creeds and dogmas based on the Word and you can't shake them. They
say the apostolic days of miracles are over and there is no Baptism with the Holy Ghost,
subsequent to believing. The Methodists say (based on the Word) there is no water baptism
(sprinkling is not baptism) and that sanctification is the Baptism with the Holy Ghost. The
Church of Christ majors in regenerational baptism and in all too many cases they go down dry
sinners and come up wet ones. Yet they claim their doctrine is Word-based. Go right down the
line and come to the Pentecostals. Do they have the Word? Give them the Word test and see.
They will sell out the Word for a sensation just about every time. If you can produce a
manifestation like oil and blood and tongues and other signs, whether in the Word or not, or
whether properly interpreted from the Word, the majority will fall for it. But what has happened
to the Word? The Word has been put aside, so God says, "I am going against you all. I will spue
you out of My mouth. This is the end. For seven out of seven ages, I have seen nothing but men
esteeming their own word above Mine. So at the end of this age I am spuing you out of My
mouth. It is all over. I am going to speak all right. Yes, I am here in the midst of the Church. The
Amen of God, faithful and true will reveal Himself and it will BE BY MY PROPHET." Oh yes,
that is so. Revelation 10:7 "And in the days of the voice of the seventh messenger, when he shall
begin to sound, the mystery of God should be finished as He hath declared to His servants the
prophets." There it is. He is sending a vindicated prophet. He is sending a prophet after almost
two thousand years. He is sending someone who is so far from organization, education, and the
world of religion that as John the Baptist and Elijah of old, He will hear only from God and he
will have "thus saith the Lord" and speak for God. He will be God's mouthpiece and HE, AS IT
TO THE FATHERS. He will bring back the elect of the last day and they will hear a vindicated
prophet give the exact truth as it was with Paul. He will restore the truth as they had it. And those
elect with him in that day will be the ones who truly manifest the Lord and be His Body and be
His voice and perform His works. Hallelujah! Do you see it?
How many remember the parable I preached on the net? Brother Branham threw a net out over a
mixed multitude of people in denominations, throwed the net over them, pulled them out. He
said, in there was tadpoles, crawfish, craw dads, etc. - all kinds of thing, - water snakes, but he
said also, in there was Rainbow Trout fish.
EXODUS 12:38
And a mixed multitude went up also with them;
Now, I know, to you Methodists, and Baptists, and so forth, there's a lot of fanaticism that
follows any message. Now, to you Lutherans, I was just reading the history of Martin Luther,
one of his books that was wrote on him here not long ago. They said it wasn't so mysterious that
Martin Luther could protest the Catholic church and get by with it, but to hold his head above all
the fanaticism that followed his revival. And there is a mixed multitude with every revival. You
know that. But now remember, that only indicates that there's a real one.
When you see a bogus dollar, somebody's making out like they got something, just remember
there's one genuine that's made off of. If it isn't, that's the original. See? So you know that that
can't be the original. So there has to be a original. And that original is the real Jesus Christ, the
One that's here that knows every secret in your heart right now.
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Now it's recorded here in the Word. We're in the last days. There's nothing put up about this.
There's nothing bogus, no hoax. It's the Word being made manifest. It's the Word telling the
truth. You've been to the meetings, you've been in the meetings before and you know that it's the
truth. Now we have a lot of impersonators, we know that. But don't look at them. There was a
mixed multitude went with Moses. But remember, there were some true Israelites there that went
to the promised land. See?
turtles, crawfish, crawdads, tadpoles, water dogs, hell-divers, and everything else in there. But
what it is, there's some fish in there too. That's the ones that's the Master's.
Now, watch here. The tadpole will say, "I am the Bride!" The turtle says, "I am the Bride!" The
crawfish will say, "I am the Bride!" "I am the Bride, I believe the prophet!"
Certainly you believe the prophet; The net went over you. Why wouldn't you believe him? The
net went over you and pulled you out of there. (That net revival pulled you out of denominations
or the world.) And everybody in the net says, "I am the Bride, I am going in the rapture, I am in
the Bride."
Little do they realize that there is a man coming behind the Shout, that is to separate the fish
from the tadpoles, tarpons and snakes.
MATTHEW 13:47 Again, the kingdom of heaven is like unto a net, that was cast into the sea,
and gathered of every kind:
48 Which, when it was full, they drew to shore, and sat down, and gathered the good into
vessels, but cast the bad away.
49 So shall it be at the end of the world: the angels shall come forth, and sever the wicked from
among the just,
50 And shall cast them into the furnace of fire: there shall be wailing and gnashing of teeth.
51 Jesus saith unto them, Have ye understood all these things? They say unto him, Yea, Lord.
And the Bible said, "He gathered the good fish into a vessel"! The Voice is to gather the good
fish out from among all of that mixed multitude stuff and put it into the Body of the Lord Jesus
Christ. And the Body is the only thing that goes in the rapture. Tadpoles, tarpons, and wallowers
of the mud, stay right here in the tribulation. Do you believe? Is that the Word of God?
Remember, His fan is in His hand! Brother Branham said, "This revival of divine healing has
brought out a mixed multitude, and," he said, "that is where all the trouble is at." The mixed
multitude is trying to get you away from the promised outpouring of the Holy Ghost, and revival,
and the Token.
He was waiting for the people to have a desire in their heart to hear this prophet that He was
going to send. 'Course there was a bunch that said they did, that did not. It proved later that they
wasn't right. They was just all worked up, and emotion, and the Bible said a mixed multitude
went with them. What did it do? Brought trouble out in the wilderness. And every time the
phenomena is done... Oh, I wished I could make this sink in here. Every time that God sends
something, there's some rude, carnal impersonation of it goes with it, every time. Always
something to "make belief" of it. And that sets in just good with the people. But a genuine
prophet of God stays with THUS SAITH THE LORD! He'll never move from that Scripture if
he's sent of God.
Moses stayed exactly on the Scripture. God said, "I will bring them out!" He said to Moses, "I've
sent you to do the job!" Moses had an experience; he had met God. He had the Word of the Lord.
The reason that God sends prophets is because they have the Word of the Lord. The Word of the
Lord comes to the prophets. And if he doesn't have the Word of the Lord, then he's not a prophet.
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Peter got all excited and he said, "Let--let--let us..." You know, the supernatural usually makes
people excited. You know, Israel got excited down there. Instead of coming under the atonement,
there was an uncircumcised group went with them--a mixed multitude, the Bible calls it. It
caused trouble a little later on. The supernatural had been done, and there was a mixed multitude
that went with them.
That's the same thing's happened to this revival, halfway believers. There's only three classes
of people in the world. That's believers, make-believers, and unbelievers, and they set in every
group. So you find it. That's it. So then, we watch. Here it was.
Notice, the winds begin to blow. The sea begin to get rough. They'd gone off without Him, gone
off on a big program somewhere, gone off to do this, all so interested in this, and that, and the
other. And they'd left without Him.
A mixed multitude went up with Moses that caused the trouble. And I think that's about
the same thing that's happened today. The Super natural's been done, and we've brought in a
mixed multitude: same thing. That's what causes the trouble. Notice.
If it had not been for the opening of the Seals and the loosing of a ministry of the full-body
Revealed Word, there would be no outpouring of the Holy Ghost. And, if there would be no
outpouring of the Holy Ghost, there would be no rapture and no resurrection at all. You would be
But it is impossible! The Bride of Christ is fore-ordained and predestinated to stand; To hear the
Voice of the Bridegroom.
Brother Branham said, "Unless you are constantly in the Word of God and prayer, and sold out
to the world, you will not recognize the Bridegroom when He comes, because He will be the
Revealed Word of God in a man!"
Son of man! The Word and the Church becomes one. Whatever the Son of man done, He was the
Word, the Church does the same thing.
What's happened upon Mount Sunset? God confirming His Word. That's what all this noise is
about. Notice, it's God fulfilling His promised Word again, of Revelation 10:1 to 7, "And in the
days of the sounding of the seventh angel's Message, the mystery of God should be finished."
The hidden mystery of Revelation 10:1 to 7, the last message to the last church age. Fulfills
exactly, in this age, St. Luke 17:30, "The day when the Son of man shall be revealed."
"And there shall rise false prophets and false Christs, show great signs and wonders, insomuch
it'd deceive the Elected if possible." The people still in doubt. And, as usual, the church is just as
What does the Scripture say about today and about the time we live in? Jesus speaking... I won't
have time to take them all, but I want to take this one before we close. Jesus said in St. Luke the
17th chapter, the 30th verse--Jesus Christ, the Word Himself (do you believe that?)--Jesus Christ,
the Word Himself made flesh, spoke and said what the Word would be in the end time, what
would be the sign of the end of the world. He told them nation would rise against nation, but He
said, "As it was in the days of Sodom, so shall it be in the day when the Son of man is being
Now, when Jesus came to the earth He came in the name of three Sons: Son of man (which is a
prophet), Son of God, and Son of David. Now, He lived here on earth, He never did say He was
the Son of God. He said, "I'm the Son of man." Jehovah Himself called Ezekiel in the prophets
"Son of man," because He had to come to fulfill Scripture as a prophet! Moses said, "The Lord
your God shall raise up a Prophet likened unto me." That's the reason He could not be the Son of
God there, because He was the Son of man! He... the Word came to the prophets and He was the
Word in Its fullness! Son of man, the major Prophet, not the major Prophet, but the God
Prophet! The fullness of the Godhead bodily was in Him, therefore He was the Son of man.
Now, for two thousand years He's been known to us as Son of God, Spirit. And in the
Millennium He'll be Son of David, upon the throne. We all know that, who believe the
Notice, He does not come as a lamb. He does not come, as a lamb! "Well," you say, "Brother
Branham never preached like that." Well, that is right! He will not preach like Brother Branham.
Yet he will sound like him.
He will have his spirit. God takes His man, but never His Spirit. And that Spirit which is upon
the Bride is Elijah's Spirit, which is a prophet's spirit. That was upon Elijah, Elisha, John the
Baptist, Jesus Christ, and comes upon Malachi 4:5, then comes upon the two prophets. But it is
all the Spirit of Christ! Showing you that He is revealing Himself as the Son of Man.
The ministry of the Shout was this: "Behold, the Bridegroom cometh right after the days of my
ministry. Trim your wicks, brother, sister. Trim your wicks and go out and get the oil."
Now, when the little Bride is trimming her wick, and praying and striving and crying to come
into the great Kingdom of Heaven, the great Token, the outpouring of the Holy Ghost, then men
are raising up all over the country to say contrary to that, and do not know it, but they are making
themselves false anointed ones and false Christs and false prophets! Is that the Word of God?
Do you think that false anointed one is down there in the denominations, or out there in that
latter rain bunch? He is right up here at the supper table. And remember this, brother and sister,
"There was nobody there that knew Judas was a devil."
There was one person there who knew - one person had enough revelation to know the devil -
and that was the Bridegroom, Himself!
He said, "You are not all clean, because one of you, and I have chosen him, he is a devil." And
where did He call him out? Where did the Bridegroom call that Judas, unbeliever, false anointed
one, out? Right before the Spirit was poured out on the day of Pentecost. And the Seals has
brought the coming of the Revealed Word, the Bridegroom, and the Bridegroom's Voice is
exposing every filthy, dirty spirit that is not predestinated to go into the Body. Glory to God!
You believe it is the Lord, do you? Are you able to hear His Voice? You say, "Where is the great
power and great wonder?"
That comes later! You receive the test first. You sit here and be tested, to whether you can hear.
Now, are you able to hear? Jesus said, "My sheep hear my Voice." He did not say, "Did you feel
it, or did you see it?" He said, "Did you hear it?" He that hath an ear, let him hear the Voice of
the Bridegroom!
He (the Bridegroom) is the Revealed Word that came from the opening of the Seals. That is the
only way to put the devil to flight, is to tell it like it is. Now, we hinted and hinted and hinted but
now, I am hitting the thing right on the head.
As sure as I stand here, there is a Holy, Anointed Prophet of God that is ready to cross the earth,
as sure as I stand here!
That is why that you see all these little brothers and all these men all over the country, thinking
they are the one the prophet spoke of. Remember here, John the Baptist, Malachi 4 was to
prepare the way for the Lord to come. How could he prepare the way for the Lord to come if he
did not come and open the Seals?
The ministry of William Branham, Malachi 4:5, was to open the Seals. That made a way for the
Lord, Himself, the Voice of the Bridegroom, to come and gather the Bride together. There is
going to be a great gathering. God is going to gather His elected together from the four winds of
the earth, and He will do it by the Holy Angels of God. Do you believe?
MATTHEW 24:31 And he shall send his angels with a great sound of a trumpet, and they shall
gather together his elect from the four winds, from one end of heaven to the other.
MARK 13:27 And then shall he send his angels, and shall gather together his elect from the four
winds, from the uttermost part of the earth to the uttermost part of heaven.
John, Malachi 4:5, was to make a way. And he made the way for the Lord to come when he
opened up the Revealed Word of God, the Seals. How can it be, Brother Bob? It just is! They
say, "How can a virgin conceive?" She did! How could that fuzzy-faced man be the Voice of one
crying in the wilderness? He was! How could this little, sickly fellow, the Lord Jesus - how
could He be the ONE? He is! He is!
Oh, brother, just wait until the devil flies up against that one time. Let me tell you something,
When the Voice of the Bridegroom goes out to meet the challenge of the day. He goes out as the
Mighty Conqueror to face Goliath in the greatest battle that has ever been fought!
Woe unto all these false prophets out there, Your day is at hand! God will judge it! Sure, He will
do it! That Bridegroom's gonna get all of it!
Brother Branham said, "I have known for years about these false prophets, these false teachers,
these false anointed ones, these money making schemes." And I will say humbly, "And so have
I." I have waited for this hour and now it is at hand, God is gonna expose this thing for what it is!
I know what I am talking about!
Brother Branham said, "All you false teachers, you false prophets, you that is heard these tapes
and saw these great signs, and you tell the people it ain't so, and with your money-making
schemes - one day you will reap what you sowed, when that man comes with the Bridegroom,
Himself, inside of Him, He will call you out and expose you for the devil that you are!"
Now, blessed is he that's not offended in me. Do not be offended at my words - you can not
understand it - say, "I believe, Lord!" Do not try to figure it out, you will go crazy. Pray to God
that He will reveal it to you in your heart.
Then; "Flesh and blood hath not revealed it unto thee, but my Father which is in Heaven, and
upon this Rock --" What? Upon this Rock, the Revealed revelation of who the Christ is! Is that
the Word of God?
Get in the Spirit, or it will drive you crazy! We can not hint around and wait for everybody else.
You got to get it by revelation or you are gone.
Remember, Brother Branham said in the Name of the Lord, "Thus saith the Lord, there is coming
forth something from the Lord, and it is going to pass right through the people and they are going
to miss it again." And he said, "Unless you are constantly in prayer and the Word of God, you
will not recognize the Bridegroom when He comes!"
It is only the elected, fore-ordained little virgin, the wise virgins. Glory to God! It is the wise
virgin, that recognize the Bridegroom, Why? Because she knows He is the One who has the oil!"
Glory to God! Is that right? Is it the truth, Brother Bob? Yes, God said so!
MATTHEW 3:11 I indeed baptize you with water unto repentance: but he that cometh after me
is mightier than I, whose shoes I am not worthy to bear: he shall baptize you with the Holy
Ghost, and [with] fire:
LUKE 3:16 John answered, saying unto [them] all, I indeed baptize you with water; but one
mightier than I cometh, the latchet of whose shoes I am not worthy to unloose: he shall baptize
you with the Holy Ghost and with fire:
They said, "You say that God is your Father, you are going around making yourself God." He
said, "If you do not believe that I am He, you shall die in your sins!"
JOHN 8:19 Then said they unto him, Where is thy Father? Jesus answered, Ye neither know me,
nor my Father: if ye had known me, ye should have known my Father also.
20 These words spake Jesus in the treasury, as he taught in the temple: and no man laid hands on
him; for his hour was not yet come.
21 Then said Jesus again unto them, I go my way, and ye shall seek me, and shall die in your
sins: whither I go, ye cannot come.
22 Then said the Jews, Will he kill himself? because he saith, Whither I go, ye cannot come.
23 And he said unto them, Ye are from beneath; I am from above: ye are of this world; I am not
of this world.
24 I said therefore unto you, that ye shall die in your sins: for if ye believe not that I am [he], ye
shall die in your sins.
25 Then said they unto him, Who art thou? And Jesus saith unto them, Even [the same] that I
said unto you from the beginning.
26 I have many things to say and to judge of you: but he that sent me is true; and I speak to the
world those things which I have heard of him.
27 They understood not that he spake to them of the Father.
What was the matter? The blinded preachers could not understand that one minute it was Jesus,
the man, and the next minute it was Jehovah God!
Upon that Rock! - What's that man acting like that for? (Bill DeMoss) Because flesh and blood
never revealed it to him, but my Father which is in Heaven, and upon this Rock, Jesus Christ
shall build a Bride Church that the gates of hell cannot prevail against it!!
You could not burn it out of him, you could not saw it out of him! Saw his head off, throw him in
the ocean, he does not care! Do you believe? Do not try and figure it out! I believe, Lord! Help
my unbelief!
Remember, Malachi 4:5, John, said, "Behold the Lamb of God that taketh away the unbelief."
And it was the opening of the Seals, the Revealed Word of God, the Lamb of God, the Lion of
the tribe of Judah, that is coming to take away all your unbelief and establish you on a Rock!
Do not look at the bones, do not look at the flesh and bones because you will fall, Shut your eyes
and hear the Voice!
Oh yeh, I see Him there, the Son of Man, the complete body Revealed Word of God, standing
there - a little, old, sickly, ribald fellow, no beauty, sick and afflicted - talked about -- Who?
Jesus? Where? Nazareth? How can any good thing come out of there? Come and See.
ISAIAH 53:2 For he shall grow up before him as a tender plant, and as a root out of a dry
ground: he hath no form nor comeliness; and when we shall see him, there is no beauty that we
should desire him.
In the Bible (Isaiah 53, if you want to put some Scripture down) I've got rows of Scripture, wrote
on the side here for it (Isaiah 53)... The Bible said of our Lord Jesus that there was no beauty that
we should desire Him, and we hid as it was our faces from Him. Is that right? We didn't desire
Him because He wasn't pretty. He was probably a little fellow, stoop shouldered, ruddy-looking,
and He wasn't desirable to be a leader. He didn't look like a leader; talked with common street
talk and so forth like the people does (the common people), so therefore He didn't look like He
was any great scholar, educated, fine, all robed up and everything; He was just an ordinary man.
There was no beauty of Him that we should desire Him. He walked in and out of man right
along, and they didn't even know Who He was. He didn't look like a god walking along, what
we'd think was a god. But the same, He was!
Philip said to Nathaniel, "I tell you one thing, it would not surprise me, that when you get there,
that He does not tell you your name." Watch out! Watch carefully, now there is the Son of Man,
coming and bringing a sign, discerning the secrets of the heart. That is the Shout, and it tells you
your name. How did it know your name? Because it was the Word. The Word tells you your
name, discerns you, tells who you are, where you come from.
Now notice, when the Spirit comes upon the Voice and it goes forth to the public, it will do the
same thing, only it will not be like it was in the Shout, It will tell you it is the Lord Jesus!
Because, He is not appearing now; He is already come! He is not hiding no more. He is out in the
open! Oh, I could get on that now! I could tie four Gospels together on that right now. Do you
want a little of that? Here it is. Here it is.
All right now, they persecuted the little prophet now, from stem to stern - talked about him, lied
about him. He just yielded himself, "You are Mary Brown, you are that, you are this, go back
home, you are healed, that is Thus saith the Lord. What did I say now? I do not know what I
said, but that was Him speaking and I know it was perfect, was it not?" "Yes, yes, Lord, it was
right." Yes, it is perfect every time Why? He said, "That was not me, that was Him."
She said, "I know that Messiah is coming to do this, but Who are You?"
He said, "I am He."
And You're the same yesterday, today, and forever. And You've promised, "The works that I do
shall ye do also. More than this shall you do, because I go to the Father. And, behold, in the last
days I'll send to you the Elijah, the prophet, and he'll change the thoughts of the people, turn the
hearts of the children back to the apostolic Teaching of the Bible. And it shall be Light about the
evening time."
Here we are, great God of heaven! The hour's here! The hands are upon the people.
Satan, you're defeated. You are a liar. And, as a servant of God, and as servants, we command
that in the Name of Jesus Christ, that you obey the Word of God and go out of the people, 'cause
it's written, "In My Name they shall cast out devils."
And all the people may be set free. Grant it, dear God. You are the God of heaven that defeated,
that day with an attraction on Mount Calvary, all sickness and diseases and all the works of the
Devil. You are God! And the people are healed by Your stripes. They are free. In the Name of
Jesus Christ. Amen.
They said, "Oh, Brother Branham has a wonderful gift of discernment." Glory to God! It was not
the gift of discernment, it was the Lord, Himself! And they persecuted him and tormented him,
they beat him to death, finally. They might as well martyred him and killed him Did they do it?
Now, here we are, everything dried up, The Catholic church is shook up. The Methodist church
is shook up. The Baptist, and all of them is shook up. Members is going out of them, saying they
are dead, they ain't got nothing, they are a bunch of hypocrites, and they are all scared to death.
And the Pentecostals has put the Christ on the outside of the church. They are dead and dried up,
and those that did follow and recognize the prophet of God, are hungering and thirsting to see
one of the days of the Son of Man.
LUKE 17:22 And he said unto the disciples, The days will come, when ye shall desire to see one
of the days of the Son of man, and ye shall not see it.
You know what happens? Along about now, any day, there will be a great revival break out. God
will come with all His holy Angels from Heaven. Remember, He said, "There is some standing
here who will not taste death, until they see the Kingdom of God come, and the Son of Man - and
the Son of Man coming, bringing the outpouring of the Holy Ghost!!" Glory to God, Children!
Do you realize what Brother Bob is saying to you? There are some here, this morning, who will
not see death, until they see the Son of Man coming with His Angels, bringing an outpouring of
the Holy Ghost!
JOHN 1:45 Philip findeth Nathanael, and saith unto him, We have found him, of whom Moses in
the law, and the prophets, did write, Jesus of Nazareth, the son of Joseph.
46 And Nathanael said unto him, Can there any good thing come out of Nazareth? Philip saith
unto him, Come and see.
47 Jesus saw Nathanael coming to him, and saith of him, Behold an Israelite indeed, in whom is
no guile!
48 Nathanael saith unto him, Whence knowest thou me? Jesus answered and said unto him,
Before that Philip called thee, when thou wast under the fig tree, I saw thee.
49 Nathanael answered and saith unto him, Rabbi, thou art the Son of God; thou art the King of
50 Jesus answered and said unto him, Because I said unto thee, I saw thee under the fig tree,
believest thou? thou shalt see greater things than these.
51 And he saith unto him, Verily, verily, I say unto you, Hereafter ye shall see heaven open, and
the angels of God ascending and descending upon the Son of man.
Philip findeth Nathanael, said, "Come here, I have found the Messiah, the anointed Word," He
said, "He will probably tell you your name, He told Peter his and his daddy's." And when he
come up there, there was that sign of the Messiah. Oh-h-h, the sign of the Messiah trying to show
you what He will be when He comes in the Voice!
Jehovah God speaks out in the Second Pull, discerning the secrets of the heart. The Second Pull
spoke out and said, "Behold an Israelite in whom there is no guile." He said, "Rabbi, whence
didst thou know me?" He said, "Before Philip called you, under the fig tree, I saw thee," He said,
"Marvel ye at this, Philip?" Said, "Behold, there cometh an hour, and after the Second Pull,
discerning the secrets of the heart, that you will see greater things than this."
When the Third pull comes, you will see greater things than this. He said, "Behold, ye shall see
the Angels of Heaven, descending and ascending upon the Son of Man!" What is it? It is the
Angels of Heaven, bringing revelation all the time, Is that right?
Notice, the Third Pull, Brother Branham said the Third Pull was angels. The First Pull was tiny
white birds. They beat his feathers down. The Second Pull was little bigger birds - doves. And
that dove was finally shot up and its wings blown off and it flew into camp, but he said, the
Message got through. The devil beat the little birds.
I want to tell you a little story that I read not long ago, in closing. In time of the first World War,
in one place there, they had a whole regiment of soldiers--American soldiers--pinned down. The
German army had them pinned down. And the machine gun fire, and the big cannons and
whatever they had, and mortar fire, whatever it was, had them pinned down. They couldn't get
out, and there was no way of getting out.
There was a whole regiment of soldiers perishing right there, because they was on every side.
They had planes. Daresn't to send one up, they'd shoot it down. A man tried to get out... Well,
they was just every side. There wasn't nothing... Their fine guns had failed. All their military
strategy had failed. They were pinned in by the enemy. There was no way of getting out. There
wasn't nothing.
And finally one little soldier come up. He found a pigeon, one of those homer pigeons. That was
their only hope. They wrote a message, and thought if this pigeon can only get through, and back
to the main headquarters where it come from, and take this message... Was a message pigeon, a
messenger pigeon, and that's the only thing they had--a simple little pigeon.
All the military things had failed, but they got a simple little pigeon. They wrote the message and
tied it to his little leg, and turned him loose with a blessing and a prayer that he'd make it. Of
course, the Germans seen that white pigeon going up, and they fired on it, and everything else.
One bullet went through its wing, and knocked the feathers out. Another stripped around its neck
and cut its craw off. Another one struck its leg that had the message on it. But the little pigeon
kept flying, trying to get the message in. He must--it was life at stake. Finally with his struggles,
and flopping in the air, and turning and finally falling, he fell in the barracks of the camp where
the soldiers was.
One soldier picked him up and looked at him. And this little fellow said, "He's been shot." He
opened, looked at his little leg--on his little bruised leg--and there was a note. They read the note.
It was covered with blood. Though it was covered with blood, the message got through. It got
through. They sent reinforcements quickly, and saved the whole regiment of soldiers.
The little pigeon hadn't have got through, all them men would have perished. What a disaster that
would've been. That would've been a horrible thing. And that was a great thing for that little
pigeon to do, though it cost his blood. His blood was on the message.
That was a great thing. But not half as great till one day when sin had the sons of God pinned
down. There was no hopes. There was nothing that they could do. All hopes was gone. But there
came, not a pigeon, but a dove, nineteen hundred years ago this afternoon, in simplicity. He'd
been born in a manger, dying on a cross. But He reached heaven with the blood of his own self
on the message, and he delivered the sons of God. And now we can be again sons of God and
daughters of God, to live in holiness and purity, to live in his presence.
I'm so thankful for that dove that came down from glory, that took the message that I was in need
and He flew back to heaven with it. And it was bloody all over, where the sins of the world had
done. But today I'm liberated. I'm free. I'm so glad.
And yet the simple can understand it. I'm glad I'm simple enough to understand it. Aren't you
glad for that? Aren't you thankful? God hiding Himself in simplicity. He become esteemed in
reproach. We esteemed Him reproached and afflicted. We hid as it was our face from Him. He
wasn't the great soldier that they thought He would be. He wasn't the gallant military man that
they looked for. But they hid their face from Him. They was ashamed. But yet, He was wounded
for our transgressions; bruised for our iniquity. What was it? God hiding Himself in simplicity.
Jehovah becoming man, that He might die for man to take the message back with his own
blood--God's requirement that the price was paid--and we are redeemed.
And today, as humble as it may be... You don't have to be smart. You don't have to have an
education. Just believe that message--God's Word. And you too, can be saved and be a son of
God, to stand in the presence of God and do the works of God.
Now, do you see why I did not believe that poor, little boy who raised up here with them little
birds, Why, he was trying to take the Bride back there to the First Pull. I knew better than that -
that is why I did not fall for that. How can people expect a man of God to fall for something like
that? I let some of the foremost spiritual ministers hear those tapes that, that man preached here,
that these people left here. I let four or five men listen to them, and everyone of them said he was
demon possessed, and total insanity. Think of that!
Little birds, brother, if it had been little birds it would not have done the job, because the devil
beat the little birds to death. Brother Branham said their feathers were blown out and they were
beat to death, and God sent bigger birds, doves, and he said the dove fell into camp, wing blowed
off, torn up, shot, but he said the Message got through.
But he said the Third Pull is the Angels from Heaven. Mighty Angels from Heaven with the Son
of Man! Do you believe? How many want little birds? How many want little bigger birds? How
many want the Angels from Heaven? They are the only ones that will do the job.
GENESIS 28:12 And he dreamed, and behold a ladder set up on the earth, and the top of it
reached to heaven: and behold the angels of God ascending and descending on it.
JOHN 1:51 And he saith unto him, Verily, verily, I say unto you, Hereafter ye shall see heaven
open, and the angels of God ascending and descending upon the Son of man.
Now, notice here, these Angels, ascending and decending is the coming of the Third Pull in the
Son of Man. The complete, full-body Revealed Word. Now, there is only two powers. Satan's
power in his kingdom. He has got a spiritual kingdom, right? The United States is his natural
kingdom, but his great desire is a spiritual kingdom.
The Son of Man, coming from Heaven with His Angels, is to meet the power of the devil. The
power of the devil done beat the little birds down. The power of the devil beat the doves to death.
But He will not be able to do it with the Lion of the tribe of Judah! He ain't sending little birds,
He is sending a Lion, and when the Lion roars, everything shuts up! And, brother, He is going to
shut every mouth. Every mouth that has any interpretation at all, is going to be shut up when He
comes. Oh, yes !
So many times people sympathize. Oh, and I read a book not long ago, on, "The Silent God,"
give by some of these modern philosophers who try to turn you away from God. If you don't
know the Word of God and the plan of God, you can be easily shook. But when you see God's
plan, His program, then by faith you know it's God; and God identifying Himself, doing just
what He did in the other times, walking, proving.
That's the reason Moses could not be shook. He talked face to face with God, and God told him,
"I am the One that was with Abraham back yonder. I'm the One that's made this promise. I'll be
with you." How you going to stop that man then?
As the prophet of old said, "When the lion roars, who can but fear? And God has spoken, who
can but prophesy?" When we see the things that God promised at this hour, see it unfold, how
can you stand still when you see that that's His way. He said, it would happen. See all the
mysterious things, but that's just exactly the way God said it would take place.
Remember, the Angel from Heaven, Revelation 10:1 said it had a rainbow upon His head. That
was the Bride covenant. His feet as fire, right? That is that covenant Angel, Christ, coming with
the Angels of Heaven! What is He coming for? He is bringing His spiritual Kingdom to His
subjects, the Bride - the Queen. Why? He is going to take dominion over the power of the devil.
How many want to see it real quick?
Now, the Son of Man and His Angels being revealed from Heaven, are coming to destroy and
make war with Lucifer, the devil and his angels and his kingdom. Oh, this is wonderful, children!
Notice, the Voice of the Bridegroom is the Voice of the Archangel, which is Michael. War is
about to be fought. Watch here. How many has got that solid now? All right.
Now, the Voice of the Bridegroom is the Son of Man. How could it be Son of God? You would
go back to the Seven Church Ages again. It has got to be Son of Man, and Son of Man is a
prophet, and the Revealed Word only comes to a prophet.
Why can you not show me a Bride? Why can you not show me the power that fell at Pentecost?
Why can you not show me ministers saying the same thing? Everybody's got their own "isms".
Isms, and now they even got "wasms."
"Oh, the Lord appeared to me out behind the barn. The Lord came to me in a barn - back behind
the barn. Oh, the revival is going on out behind the barn. It is so simple you can not see it."
Tommyrot! There ain't no revival anywhere but where the Son of Man is! There ain't no revival
anywhere, there ain't no revelation anywhere and the presence of God ain't no where but where
the Son of Man is!
I am able to say that because it is right there in the Word of God. If you want to find the presence
of God and the Son of Man and the Bride groom, you find Mt. Zion, because there is where His
Voice is in Mt. Zion!
Brother Branham said, "Mt. Zion is the Bride, and the Deliverer shall come out of Zion!" You
say, "Well, I did not know it." Yes, and the whole Bible fits right there too. How many believe
OBADIAH 1:21 And saviours shall come up on mount Zion to judge the mount of Esau; and the
kingdom shall be the LORD'S.
And the LORD will create upon every dwelling place of mount Zion, and upon her assembly, a
cloud of smoke by day, and a shining of... fire by night: for upon all the glory shall be a defense.
The Lord in that day, upon the top of it, shall create a fire of light to burn, upon the day. And it
goes ahead and says it'll be a shelter, a rest, a refuge. Notice, making exactly the speaking of the
Bible, exactly. If the walls are straight up and down, you couldn't see it; it has to lean. "All of My
holy mountain..." He will create this light upon this mountain, and it shall be for a defense. Oh,
we have sang that song:
Oh that city of Mount Zion,
And as a pilgrim, yet I love it still.
When I get to those ages...
When I reach that city on the hill. (See?)
Notice, Mount Sinai was where God descended on top of it, when He spoke to Israel in a Pillar
of Fire. He descended on top of a mountain, Mount Sinai. On the Mount of Transfiguration,
when He declared, "This is My beloved Son; hear ye Him," He descended in a Pillar of Light in
shining brightness upon top of the mountain before Peter, James, and John. And in there He was
represented with both Moses and Elijah, the translated and the dead raised. Glory.
He has to be for that is history repeating itself from the time of Ahab. Israel's history under
Ahab is happening right here in America where the prophet of Malachi appears. As Israel left
Egypt to worship in freedom, pushed out the natives, raised up a nation with great leaders like
David etc., and then put an Ahab on the throne with a Jezebel behind him to direct, so have we
done the very same in America. Our forefathers left for this land to worship and live in freedom.
They pushed back the natives and took over the land. Mighty men like Washington and Lincoln
were raised up but after awhile other men of such poor caliber succeeded these worthy men that
soon an Ahab was set in the presidential chair with a Jezebel behind him to direct him. It is at
such a time as this that the messenger of Malachi must come. Then in the latter rain will come a
Mount Carmel showdown. Watch this carefully now to see it in the Word. John was the
forerunner of Malachi 3. He planted the former rain and was rejected by the organizations of his
day. Jesus came and had a Mount Transfiguration show down. The second forerunner of Christ
will sow for the latter rain. Jesus will be the showdown between the denominations and creeds,
for He will come to back up His Word and take His bride in the rapture. The first showdown was
Mount Carmel; the second was the Mount Transfiguration, and the third will be Mount Zion.
The Lord, Himself, was on earth, the Bridegroom was on earth, when Brother Branham opened
the Seals. He introduced the Bridegroom. And the Bridegroom was the Revealed Word, coming
from the Seals. The Angel from Heaven is the Bridegroom, Christ - the Covenant Christ. How
many say, "amen"? He came to earth from Heaven when the earthly angel opened the Seals.
How many say, "amen" to that? It will not lie. You just relax it will not contradict itself, - it is
Notice, the end-time messenger, his job will be to get the saints ready, the Bride ready for the
Bridegroom. That will be his Message. Now you want to learn ABC's so you can study algebra
later? When these other seals on the back is opened they'll only be revealed to them. That's
right. Learn ABC first. What is ABC? "Always Believe Christ," (not your creed), Christ. See?
Believe what He says, not what somebody else says.
If it's contrary, if a man tells you "It's all right for you to cut your hair, women," you know he's
lying. The Bible says it's wrong. If he says "You can be deacon and still have four or five wives,"
he's lying. That's contrary to the Word. See? All these other things that we speak of, call it to the
Word and see if it's the Word right.
Here is Michael and His Angels, the Son of Man, Christ, coming, bringing the Token, the
Kingdom, the Capstone. How many know the Kingdom is the Capstone? How many know that,
that is the Holy Ghost, the Seal of God?
Here, Lucifer and his angels, and Michael and His Angels are getting ready to fight. Note, they
fought once before in Heaven. Is that right?
Notice, while that group is a-riding, making themselves ready to stomp out everything that won't
agree with them, there's another group being made ready after while--Revelations 19. The next
time the Church is heard, She comes also, not upon exactly horses, but the Bible said He was on
a white horse, and the host of Heaven was following Him upon white horses. That right? While
this group down here has got two thousand bound at the river Euphrates, and has been bound for
two thousand years, also, that church has bound the Holy Ghost for nearly two thousand years,
under martyrdom back there and under the church ages. It's been bound, not at the river
Euphrates, but at the door of creeds and dogmas, that the Holy Spirit can't work in the church
because of manmade systems. But She's going to be liberated, She's coming back. That's what
the Bible said. And those two meet one another on the battlegrounds--Lucifer and Michael--
again, like in the beginning.
The Second Coming, as the Voice, is the universal coming the Son of Man. He is the
Bridegroom, coming to get the Bride. He is the full, matured Revealed Word of God. He is the
Christ, the anointed One, the Voice. And He comes with the Revealed Word of God, the Sword
of the Spirit, in His mouth, "in His Mouth." He is going to destroy His enemies with His Mouth,
with the brightness of His coming. Like lightening out of the East! See, that is that Angel!
Now, notice, over in Daniel 12, (real quick) Daniel 12, Oh, children, this is wonderful! To think
that we could be living in this hour!
"And at that time shall Michael stand up, the great prince which standeth for the children of thy
people: and there shall be a time of trouble, (see? right now!) such as never was since there was a
nation, even to that same time: and at that time, thy people shall be delivered, every one that
shall be found written on the Lamb's Book of Life."
DANIEL 12:1 And at that time shall Michael stand up, the great prince which standeth for the
children of thy people: and there shall be a time of trouble, such as never was since there was a
nation even to that same time: and at that time thy people shall be delivered, every one that shall
be found written in the book.
How many want to be delivered? Michael, the Archangel, and the Son of Man and all the Angels
of Heaven, is to come to deliver every one whose name is found in the Book, Now, watch here!
v 2 "And many of them that sleep in the dust of the earth" (now here is your resurrection coming,
after Michael comes)
everlasting contempt." (Now, of course there it dropped over a thousand years, but a thousand
years is just one day to the Lord - that is just one day there,)
DANIEL 12:2 And many of them that sleep in the dust of the earth shall awake, some to
everlasting life, and some to shame and everlasting contempt.
v.3 "And they that be wise" (wise virgins) "shall rise and trim their lamps at the coming of
Michael and His Angels and the Son of Man -" (I am reading between the lines now. You ask,
"Where is that?" That is in there! Why? Because I am in love and I am reading it.) You can not
read it unless you are in love. You can not put on (pretend)!
DANIEL 12:3 And they that be wise shall shine as the brightness of the firmament; and they that
turn many to righteousness as the stars for ever and ever.
And they that be wise, these wise virgins, they shall rise and shine, because they go out and get
the oil from the Bridegroom, the Son of Man. They eat and feast on the carcass of the Revealed
Word of God, and they rise and start shining. Why are they shining? They are stars! You are
right up in the heavens.
The Bible, the first Bible, was in the heavens, and I am shining up there somewhere. What is
stars for? To shine in the night. It ain't them shining, but it is the sun that is shining on them,
making them shine. Oh, rise and shine and give God the glory! How many want to rise and
MATTHEW 16:27 For the Son of man shall come in the glory of his Father with his angels; and
then he shall reward every man according to his works.
All right, here they are now. The wise virgins rise up at the time of the coming of Michael, the
Archangel, the Son of Man, the Voice, with the Angels from Heaven, bringing His rewards with
Him. And He shall reward every one according to their works, What is works? Show me your
revelation; let me see your works.
JOHN 6:28 Then said they unto him, What shall we do, that we might work the works of God?
29 Jesus answered and said unto them, This is the work of God, that ye believe on him
whom he hath sent.
30 They said therefore unto him, What sign shewest thou then, that we may see, and believe
thee? what dost thou work?
31 Our fathers did eat manna in the desert; as it is written, He gave them bread from heaven to
32 Then Jesus said unto them, Verily, verily, I say unto you, Moses gave you not that bread from
heaven; but my Father giveth you the true bread from heaven.
33 For the bread of God is he which cometh down from heaven, and giveth life unto the world.
GENESIS 15:1 After these things the word of the LORD came unto Abram in a vision, saying,
Fear not, Abram: I am thy shield, and thy exceeding great reward.
DEUTERONOMY 32:41 If I whet my glittering sword, and mine hand take hold on judgment; I
will render vengeance to mine enemies, and will reward them that hate me.
ISAIAH 40:10 Behold, the Lord GOD will come with strong hand, and his arm shall rule for
him: behold, his reward is with him, and his work before him.
ISAIAH 45:13 I have raised him up in righteousness, and I will direct all his ways: he shall build
my city, and he shall let go my captives, not for price nor reward, saith the LORD of hosts.
ISAIAH 62:11 Behold, the LORD hath proclaimed unto the end of the world, Say ye to the
daughter of Zion, Behold, thy salvation cometh; behold, his reward is with him, and his work
before him.
MATTHEW 5:11 Blessed are ye, when men shall revile you, and persecute you, and shall say all
manner of evil against you falsely, for my sake.
12 Rejoice, and be exceeding glad: for great is your reward in heaven: for so persecuted they the
prophets which were before you.
MATTHEW 10:41 He that receiveth a prophet in the name of a prophet shall receive a prophet's
reward; and he that receiveth a righteous man in the name of a righteous man shall receive a
righteous man's reward.
42 And whosoever shall give to drink unto one of these little ones a cup of cold water only in the
name of a disciple, verily I say unto you, he shall in no wise lose his reward.
MATTHEW 16:27 For the Son of man shall come in the glory of his Father with his angels; and
then he shall reward every man according to his works.
MARK 9:41 For whosoever shall give you a cup of water to drink in my name, because ye
belong to Christ, verily I say unto you, he shall not lose his reward.
LUKE 6:23 Rejoice ye in that day, and leap for joy: for, behold, your reward is great in heaven:
for in the like manner did their fathers unto the prophets.
COLOSSIANS 3:24 Knowing that of the Lord ye shall receive the reward of the inheritance: for
ye serve the Lord Christ.
HEBREWS 10:35 Cast not away therefore your confidence, which hath great recompence of
REVELATION 11:18 And the nations were angry, and thy wrath is come, and the time of the
dead, that they should be judged, and that thou shouldest give reward unto thy servants the
prophets, and to the saints, and them that fear thy name, small and great; and shouldest destroy
them which destroy the earth.
REVELATION 18:6 Reward her even as she rewarded you, and double unto her double
according to her works: in the cup which she hath filled fill to her double.
REVELATION 22:12 And, behold, I come quickly; and my reward is with me, to give every
man according as his work shall be.
Oh, I will show you some works. Here is a man who left wife, children, houses, lands and lots.
Another man left a $50,000 a year business. He said, "I can make barrels of money, but what
good is it going to do me - I want that Token." Here is a man all the way from Yugoslavia - does
not want no wife, all he wants is that.
That is works. Now, what have you given up? Now, you have to give up something! What have
you been tested on? See, everybody has got to receive a test. Maybe one is this, maybe one is
that, but everyone is going to receive a test.
MATTHEW 16:27 For the Son of man shall come in the glory of his Father with his angels; and
then he shall reward every man according to his works.
MARK 8:38 Whosoever therefore shall be ashamed of me and of my words in this adulterous
and sinful generation; of him also shall the Son of man be ashamed, when he cometh in the glory
of his Father with the holy angels.
LUKE 9:26 For whosoever shall be ashamed of me and of my words, of him shall the Son of
man be ashamed, when he shall come in his own glory, and [in his] Father's, and of the holy
ROMANS 9:33 As it is written, Behold, I lay in Sion a stumbling stone and rock of offense: and
whosoever believeth on him shall not be ashamed.
ROMANS 10:11 For the scripture saith, Whosoever believeth on him shall not be ashamed.
I JOHN 2:28 And now, little children, abide in him; that, when he shall appear, we may have
confidence, and not be ashamed before him at his coming.
And now, He is coming for those who bore the reproach. "If you are ashamed of me" - if you are
not willing to lose your life, you will not find it. But if you are willing to lose your life, you are
gonna find it. And the Son of Man is coming, with His Angels, and when He comes, He is gonna
bring His rewards with Him What is it? The Angels of Heaven are bringing the inheritance to
the sanctified ones. How many want an inheritance? That is why Brother Branham said, "Seed
will not be heir with the denominational shuck."
DANIEL 12:3 And they that be wise shall shine as the brightness of the firmament; and they that
turn many to righteousness as the stars for ever and ever.
The Angels of Heaven, coming here with Michael. "They that be wise shall shine," (watch this)
"as the brightness of the firmament," Why? The s-u-n is gonna rise upon the stars and they are
going to shine in this dark hour. What is gonna make them shine? The revelation that is on them
and the power of God. They are gonna, "Shine as the brightness of the firmament; and they that
turn many to righteousness, as the stars for ever and ever." Now, what is righteousness?
Jesus said, "You, by your creeds and dogmas go about to establish your own righteousness, by
the works of the law - denominations " But He said, "That is not what God accepts." The
righteousness which (Paul said) is not of the law, but is by the hearing of faith.
MATTHEW 5:20 For I say unto you, That except your righteousness shall exceed the
righteousness of the scribes and Pharisees, ye shall in no case enter into the kingdom of heaven.
ROMANS 1:17 For therein is the righteousness of God revealed from faith to faith: as it is
written, The just shall live by faith.
ROMANS 3:22 Even the righteousness of God which is by faith of Jesus Christ unto all and
upon all them that believe: for there is no difference:
ROMANS 4:3 For what saith the scripture? Abraham believed God, and it was counted unto him
for righteousness.
ROMANS 4:5 But to him that worketh not, but believeth on him that justifieth the ungodly, his
faith is counted for righteousness.
ROMANS 4:6 Even as David also describeth the blessedness of the man, unto whom God
imputeth righteousness without works,
ROMANS 4:9 Cometh this blessedness then upon the circumcision only, or upon the
uncircumcision also? for we say that faith was reckoned to Abraham for righteousness.
ROMANS 4:11 And he received the sign of circumcision, a seal of the righteousness of the faith
which he had yet being uncircumcised: that he might be the father of all them that believe,
though they be not circumcised; that righteousness might be imputed unto them also:
ROMANS 4:13 For the promise, that he should be the heir of the world, was not to Abraham, or
to his seed, through the law, but through the righteousness of faith.
ROMANS 4:22 And therefore it was imputed to him for righteousness.
ROMANS 5:17 For if by one man's offense death reigned by one; much more they which receive
abundance of grace and of the gift of righteousness shall reign in life by one, Jesus Christ.
18 Therefore as by the offense of one judgment came upon all men to condemnation; even so by
the righteousness of one the free gift came upon all men unto justification of life.
ROMANS 5:21 That as sin hath reigned unto death, even so might grace reign through
righteousness unto eternal life by Jesus Christ our Lord.
ROMANS 9:32 Wherefore? Because they sought it not by faith, but as it were by the works of
the law. For they stumbled at that stumbling stone;
ROMANS 10:3 For they being ignorant of God's righteousness, and going about to establish
their own righteousness, have not submitted themselves unto the righteousness of God.
4 For Christ is the end of the law for righteousness to every one that believeth.
5 For Moses describeth the righteousness which is of the law, That the man which doeth those
things shall live by them.
GALATIANS 2:16 Knowing that a man is not justified by the works of the law, but by the faith
of Jesus Christ, even we have believed in Jesus Christ, that we might be justified by the faith of
Christ, and not by the works of the law: for by the works of the law shall no flesh be justified.
GALATIANS 3:5 He therefore that ministereth to you the Spirit, and worketh miracles among
you, doeth he it by the works of the law, or by the hearing of faith?
GALATIANS 3:10 For as many as are of the works of the law are under the curse: for it is
written, Cursed is every one that continueth not in all things which are written in the book of the
law to do them.
PHILIPPIANS 3:9 And be found in him, not having mine own righteousness, which is of the
law, but that which is through the faith of Christ, the righteousness which is of God by faith:
REVELATION 19:8 And to her was granted that she should be arrayed in fine linen, clean and
white: for the fine linen is the righteousness of saints.
REVELATION 19:11 And I saw heaven opened, and behold a white horse; and he that sat upon
him was called Faithful and True, and in righteousness he doth judge and make war.
Showing you that these stars is going to turn other stars, that do not have the revelation of God,
are going to turn them to the revelation, and then they are going to shine. Glory to God! My
Lord, there is hope after all, ain't there?
DANIEL 12:3 And they that be wise shall shine as the brightness of the firmament; and they that
turn many to righteousness as the stars for ever and ever.
And because they rise with this revelation and the power of God and begin to shine, what was it?
It is that virtuous little woman over there in the parables, whose husband went away (Christ) and
she lost one of her virtues, And brother, she got her broom and began to sweep - tear the house
up, trying to find that, because she knew her husband, the Bridegroom, was coming back. When
He comes back, she knew she had to have faith, virtue, knowledge, temperance, godliness,
patience, brotherly kindness. And she was scared to death. She was striving. She moved the
chair, she moved the bed, she moved the couch, she moved everything, hunting for that virtue.
Brother, that is what we are doing here. We are searching our hearts; we are striving and
struggling to find the virtues of Christ. But, when she found that last virtue, (Glory!) her
Husband came. He came, and He found her still a virtuous woman! Glory to God! And she
called the neighbor assemblies around and said, "Come, I have found my coin!" Glory to God!
Today, if a woman is married, she should wear a wedding ring as a sign that she's married. That's
to keep other men from having anything to do with her. They look and they see she's a married
In those days, they didn't have wedding rings; they had a tablet (They call it "tablet.") they put on
their head. It had ten coins, and it went around their head. And that was a sign they were a
married woman, and no man was to fool with them; no boys was to flirt with them. They were
Each one of those coins... If we only have time (but I haven't, I'm going to try to keep my word
as close as possible), I could tell you what each one of those coins meant. It was placed in there,
and each coin meant a certain virtue of that woman. The first, meaning her love to her husband.
Second, her pledge of virtue to live clean for him. And the third and fourth and fifth, on to the
ninth and tenth...
If you want to look it up, look in Galatians 5. You'll find out that that woman represented the
Church, and the Church is an espoused Wife to Christ. And the tablet that the Church is
supposed to wear is found in Galatians 5, which is love, joy, peace, long-suffering, goodness,
meekness, gentleness, patience. That is the tablet that's supposed to be wore in the Church:
brotherly love, kindness, fellowship.
And this woman, when it... It must have been along about dark that she realized that she had lost
one of those coins.
GALATIANS 5:22 But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness,
goodness, faith,
23 Meekness, temperance: against such there is no law.
And it was getting night, and remember, her husband would return. And if he found her with one
of those coins out, it showed she had been marked a harlot.
And if she had defied, or defiled herself in any way, and it was seen by the people, they brought
her before the priest and brought witness that she'd been found such, and the priest seen that she
was a married woman took the coin (out of her tablet) that she'd been doing wrong by. If she had
marred her virtue, they took that out. If she had been flirting, showing that she wasn't true to her
husband, they took that one out. Whatever it was, they took it out. And when her husband
returned, he found that she had been marked, and he would divorce her immediately and have
nothing to do with such a woman. He did not want such a woman.
So it was getting along towards dark when she realized that she had lost something, time for her
husband to come, and it's getting late.
No wonder Brother Branham said, "Shalom, little Bride, rise and shine! Think he did not know
about it? I say he did!
Arise, shine; for thy light is come, and the glory of the Lord is risen upon thee.
For, behold,... darkness shall cover the earth, and gross darkness the people: but the Lord shall
rise upon thee, and his glory shall be seen upon thee.
Let us pray. Lord Jesus, as meditating upon these Words, we go now into starting this service, to
the honor of Thee. Bless us, Father, we ask in Jesus' Name. Amen.
Now my subject this afternoon is one word: "Shalom." In the Hebrew, means "peace." Peace, or
it's a greeting, it's a "peace be unto you," or, "welcome," "good morning," any kind of a greeting.
But the main word I found in the Hebrew here, there is many things it means, but all pertaining
to the same thing, "peace."
ISAIAH 60:1 Arise, shine; for thy light is come, and the glory of the LORD is risen upon thee.
Oh, I am just having, a Jubilee! My, my, now I know what my old horse felt like when he got out
and got loose and got in the alfalfa field. Boy, just over there, chewing that old alfalfa and
slobbering - sweating and slobbering, boy he was having a good time! That is the way you got to
get, Just yield yourself - why, I do not care what anybody thinks about me — old - bald-headed -
I do not care, I am happy Glory to God! Brother, I have got something genuine down in there
that is hungering and in love with the Lord Jesus Christ! And I am reading between the lines.
right out in a word. Jesus thanked the Father because that He'd hid those things from the eyes of
the wise and prudent.
Now, no one else could read my wife's letters like that, 'cause I love her that way. See? And
that's the way she writes to me. That's the way God writes to you; it's between the lines. You read
He said, "It is all sealed up. Go your way, Daniel, and stand in your lot; seal up the Book, seal it
up! They ain't gonna shine now, Daniel, but one day, it will be dark as midnight." (oh, Glory to
God!) "But, my predestinated little stars will be down there, and the Son of morning, the
Morning Star shall arise, begin to shine upon them. They will raise up with the revelation, and
they will turn many from their unbelief, with no revelation, to a revelation. And," said, "I have
got them up here, they will shine as the Token forever in the firmament."
DANIEL 12:1 And at that time shall Michael stand up, the great prince which standeth for the
children of thy people: and there shall be a time of trouble, such as never was since there was a
nation even to that same time: and at that time thy people shall be delivered, every one that shall
be found written in the book.
2 And many of them that sleep in the dust of the earth shall awake, some to everlasting life, and
some to shame and everlasting contempt.
3 And they that be wise shall shine as the brightness of the firmament; and they that turn many to
righteousness as the stars for ever and ever.
4 But thou, O Daniel, shut up the words, and seal the book, even to the time of the end: many
shall run to and fro, and knowledge shall be increased.
He will say, "There you are, Brother Gatlin, see that star? There you are, see how you are
shining? I put you up there before the foundation of the world. I knowed you were going to stand
on this Revealed Word of God. I knowed you were gonna know that I was coming and you
would hold those virtues until I came. There you are, shining. Look up there and see if you can
find yourself."
I am gonna get on something in a minute - about some fallen stars. I do not want to be a fallen
star, do you? Oh, ain't this wonderful?
"But go your way, Daniel, seal up the Book, put seven seals on her, Seal her up. In the endtime,
many shall run to and fro, and try and get it, but can not. But, they that know their God. (Oh
come on! Are you awake?) But, they that know their God. They that are able to hear the Voice,
shall know their God, they will know that is their God, the Revealed Word, and they shall do
great exploits because they recognize their God!"
Man, I love that, brother, don't you? Question is, are you going to be able to know Him?
I will say this, "if a man has got his eyes on body, eyes and personalities. He will never make it
through this thing." Oh, brother, if you are not hungering and thirsting, you will never recognize
Him. He will come in such an ignoramus, He will come in such a body, that it will stumble
everybody that ain't the Bride. You say, "If it came through somebody else, I would believe it,
but not him! I will not have a thing to do with it." "Blessed is he who is not offended in me!"
You say, "I have got 900 tapes, and I have heard them all, and it is nowhere on there."
And He will say, "Search the tapes and search the books and, after you search the tapes and you
search the books, they are they which testify of me, and you will not come to me, the Voice, that
you might have Life, the Token! Come on - you will not come to me, the Voice, that I might give
you Life, the Token, and ye shall die in your unbelief because you do not believe I am He that
He spoke of!"
You thought it was all over! "It is not all over, honey, it is just begun!" No, they got it all
wrong, it is not all over, it is just now be ginning!
Brother Branham said, 1965, "The dawn is just breaking now," said, "soon the sun will rise and
we'll see standing."
Two preachers in the Message, were out in a boat. And one of them had a revelation. You know,
the other one never been fishing before out there on that old dark ocean, and the old fog settled in
there on the coast, and you could not see your hand in front of you. And the little brother started
to panic. He got up and started shaking the boat and almost turned the boat over. And the other
brother said, "Sit down, brother, it is just a few hours until daylight." He said, "If you start
rowing now you may row farther out in the ocean - you will get farther away from this thing God
is gonna do!" He said, "The thing to do, let us just sit here and pray, and when the sun comes up,
we will see. "When the Daystar arises in your heart!"
Notice here, that Michael and His Angels, being revealed from Heaven - it is not that you are
gonna see them now, coming down out of Heaven like that. But it will be revealed from Heaven
- like the Lord, Himself, being revealed from Heaven.
Now there is so many good things coming to me. I just have to pass by them or we would be here
forever. Just coming. "Oh my!"
ROMANS 1:18 For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and
unrighteousness of men, who hold the truth in unrighteousness;
II THESSALONIANS 1:7 And to you who are troubled rest with us, when the Lord Jesus shall
be revealed from heaven with his mighty angels,
8 In flaming fire taking vengeance on them that know not God, and that obey not the gospel of
our Lord Jesus Christ:
9 Who shall be punished with everlasting destruction from the presence of the Lord, and from
the glory of his power;
10 When he shall come to be glorified in his saints, and to be admired in all them that believe
(because our testimony among you was believed ) in that day.
Watch these Angels come, being revealed from Heaven - now, if you are spiritual, you done
caught that. Michael and His Angels, coming — the Son of Man. The Revealed Word, coming
revealed in the Son of Man these Angels. Son of Man coming with the Revealed Word of God to
avenge all ungodliness and unrighteousness. He said, "Men, (preachers) men, who hold the truth
of Malachi 4:5, without a divine revelation." That is fearful, ain't it?
You say, "Brother Bob, I do not understand what you are talking about." Honey, you had better,
or you are lost. You are going through the tribulation as sure as the world. You better strive and
struggle to get revelation or you are tribulation bound, Ain't that fearful?
The wrath of God -- Remember, Brother Branham said, "When the Token comes, that Capstone,
true Baptism comes," he said, "It will not recognize nothing but faith," And said, "If that Token
does not come upon you, you are found a professor, without a possession "
No matter how righteous they was, how good they was, how much education they had, how they
dressed, the Token was the only thing. "When I see the token, I'll pass over you."
The Blood was a Token that the requirement of Jehovah had been met, that it had been done. The
Blood stood for the Token. The Blood was the Token. See?
84338 TOKEN.THE JEFF.IN. V-2 N-19 63-0901M
Could you imagine the Egyptians say, "Look at that crazy bunch of holy-rollers, putting blood...
Ha, ha. Won't they have a mess to wash that off now. Oh, my, them big fine homes, all covered
over with blood. Oh, such a stink. I'll bet you that'll be horrible in a few days. It don't mean a
thing. You know why? Holy father so-and-so, said so." But there was; there was; it did mean
something. It does mean something to us who believe it.
Just remember, your unmoveable faith that you got in this word... Now, you're not Eve no more.
See? You're not one of these doubters, compromising with Satan; you hold every Word of God.
See, Eve said, "Well, the Lord said so."
Satan said, "But, you know, the Lord surely won't do a thing like that to a nice person like you.
Oh, you're so lovely."
Oh, yes, He will too. He said He'd do it.
"Well, my father was a minister; I've been a minister..."
I can't help it. Without the Token, you're lost. The wrath is upon you (That's all.) without the
Token. See? He said He'd do it, and He will do it. That just settles it. He says He'd do it.
"Oh, I believe the days of miracles..."
Yes, but He said it was. "I'm the same yesterday, today, and forever." See? That's just what He
proves to be.
Now, to us, we know it. To them, they don't believe it. But we do believe it. We know it is the
truth. See?
84354 TOKEN.THE JEFF.IN. V-2 N-19 63-0901M
I'll be like the messengers at Jericho; I'll go to every person that I can and see if I can get them to
come under the Blood covenant, under the Blood of the Lamb, that they might receive the
Token. See?
The Blood cleanses. The Spirit is a Token that the Blood's been applied. See? The Spirit is the
Token that the Blood has been applied. Until the Blood's applied, the Spirit cannot come. But
when the Blood is applied, then the Spirit is a Token, sent it back to you, that your faith in the
Blood has been accepted. Your fare's paid. Your fare's paid. It's all over. The case is closed.
You're a Christian. You are a believer. Christ is in you, and you're in Christ.
89106 TOKEN.THE BAKF.CA V-22 N-8 64-0208
And when I can show the Token of the Holy Spirit, you've got the right to any purchased thing
that Jesus Christ died for. It's the Token. Watch, just a moment, as we close. Hold the Token
over your unwavering faith in the promised Word. I believe that Jesus said, "Ask the Father
anything in My Name, I'll do it." Hold your Token over that promised Word, and walk right
to it. "I'm the Lord that heals all thy diseases. He was wounded for my transgressions; with his
stripes I was healed." Take my Token of the Holy Spirit that's in me, hold it over my prayer, and
say, "Lord God, You promised it." "When I see the Token I'll reward you. I promised to do it."
He can't do nothing else. He looked right through the Blood of His own Son. There's the Token
applied. He has to do it, because He promised it.
90904 TOKEN.THE DAL.TX V-19 N-12 64-0308
One woman in that whole great economy! One little woman, and her of ill fame, probably
excommunicated from every church in the city, but she believed that messenger. And that
messenger left the token, the sign, and God honored the token. So is it today. Just remember,
when God's wrath destroyer that come, that big system fell, the token kept her house safe. Not
'cause she was a good woman; because she had faith and applied the token.
Brother Branham said, on "The Token" tape, "The wrath of God will fall on all the professors
without a possession." The wrath of God, coming to avenge men who hold the truth, all that is on
tapes, without revelation - that is unrighteousness. They are holding the truth in unrighteousness
Do you know, that is what the devil uses — a man that has got truth, but no revelation. I hate to
say it that way, but it is the truth!
"What if God, willing to shew His wrath, and to make His power known, endured with much
longsuffering the vessels of wrath fitted to destruction;
23 "And that He might make known the riches of His glory on the vessels of mercy, which He
had afore prepared unto glory." (unto this glorious thing)
Do you want it? Think about it! Watch here, on Lucifer's kingdom.
Now, how many know He is gonna make war? Let us look and see what Satan's kingdom
consists of. We know it is a religious kingdom - he wants to be worshipped as God, and he
deceives his subjects by twisting the Revealed Word — brings them into Satan's church,
So he has got a church - got preachers, angels of light. They do not come preaching Pentecostal
message, they come preaching the Message of Mal, 4:5. Men who hold the truth in
unrighteousness - no revelation. Do you not see where that devil is laying at, children? It is the
devil up here around the Message.
Men, who hold the truth with no revelation, creeping into houses, leading captive silly women,
who are ever listening to tapes and books, and never able to come to the knowledge of the
revelation. Men of corrupt minds, reprobates, speaking evil of dignities. What is a dignity? A
man of God that is holding the divine office of God. With their perverted revelation, holding the
truth, but without any revelation, they speak evil of the man that is really called of God. But, He
said, they shall perish in their utter corruption.
II TIMOTHY 3:1 This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come.
2 For men shall be lovers of their own selves, covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers,
disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy,
3 Without natural affection, truce breakers, false accusers, incontinent, fierce, despisers of those
that are good,
4 Traitors, heady, high-minded, lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God;
5 Having a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof: from such turn away.
6 For of this sort are they which creep into houses, and lead captive silly women laden with sins,
led away with divers lusts,
7 Ever learning, and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth.
8 Now as Jannes and Jambres withstood Moses, so do these also resist the truth: men of corrupt
minds, reprobate concerning the faith.
9 But they shall proceed no further: for their folly shall be manifest unto all [men], as theirs also
Look here, Satan's kingdom — Satan's kingdom is full of sickness, That is what his kingdom
does - afflicts you with sickness. Sickness, sorrow, sin, death, evil, hate, jealousy, war, and all
evil is in Satan's kingdom.
Now, notice here, Son of Man, Third Pull, Angels, Kingdom of Heaven, true baptism of the Holy
Ghost, the Seal of God, the coming of the Kingdom - look how contrary it is. It is full of love,
joy, righteousness, holiness, the power of God, signs, wonders, miracles, divine healing - all
them great things. And love and joy and righteousness in the Holy Ghost. Righteousness! The
only way to be righteous, is to have revelation. Righteousness in the Holy Ghost. If you want
righteousness, get revelation from the Holy Ghost, you will have righteousness. If you have
truth, just have a truth of Malachi 4:5, without a revelation, then you could have Satan on your
received not the love of the truth... (And Christ is the Truth, and Christ is the Word, but they'd
rather have a creed.),... that they might be saved.
And for this cause God has sent them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie:... (It should
be translated there, as I looked in the Lexicon, "the lie," not "a lie"; "the lie," same one he told
That they... might be damned who believed not the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness.
ROMANS 1:18 For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and
unrighteousness of men, who hold the truth in unrighteousness;
Jesus said, "Some will not taste death until they see this Kingdom come with the Angels " Now,
watch here. Here is the Kingdom coming with the great Angels. You got it? Now, let us watch
MATTHEW 16:27 For the Son of man shall come in the glory of his Father with his angels; and
then he shall reward every man according to his works.
28 Verily I say unto you, There be some standing here, which shall not taste of death, till they
see the Son of man coming in his kingdom.
JOHN 8:52 Then said the Jews unto him, Now we know that thou hast a devil. Abraham is dead,
and the prophets; and thou sayest, If a man keep my saying, he shall never taste of death.
HEBREWS 2:9 But we see Jesus, who was made a little lower than the angels for the suffering
of death, crowned with glory and honour; that he by the grace of God should taste death for
every man.
Now let us go to II Thessalonians 1:5-10. I want you to read these scriptures when you go home.
This will open up great things to you. In Genisis and everywhere through out the Bible.
II THESSALONIANS 1:5 Which is a manifest token of the righteous judgment of God, that ye
may be counted worthy of the kingdom of God, for which ye also suffer:
6 Seeing it is a righteous thing with God to recompense tribulation to them that trouble you;
7 And to you who are troubled rest with us, when the Lord Jesus shall be revealed from heaven
with his mighty angels,
8 In flaming fire taking vengeance on them that know not God, and that obey not the gospel of
our Lord Jesus Christ:
9 Who shall be punished with everlasting destruction from the presence of the Lord, and from
the glory of his power;
10 When he shall come to be glorified in his saints, and to be admired in all them that believe
(because our testimony among you was believed ) in that day.
"Which is the manifest token of the righteous judgment of God, that ye may be counted worthy
of the kingdom of God, for which ye also suffer," (watch here now, suffering for the Kingdom's
"Seeing it is a righteous thing with God to recompense tribulation to them that trouble you.
"And to you who are troubled, rest with us, when the Lord Jesus shall be revealed from Heaven"
(here is that Voice) with His mighty Angels.
In flaming fire, taking vengeance on them that know not God, that obey not the Gospel of our
Lord Jesus Christ."
The Voice, appearing with the Angels from Heaven, with flaming fire. What is that flaming fire?
It is the Revealed Word of God, coming forth from the mouth of His servant. That is Holy Ghost
fire out of the mouth of God is servant - burn the enemies up with. Burn them up and kill them
with the Revealed Word of God. Do you believe it? Now, watch here.
v 9 - "Who shall be punished --" (here is this other kingdom, Satan's kingdom, the seed of the
serpent that is persecuting the ones that are after the promise. How many see that?) "Who shall
be punished with everlasting destruction from the presence of the Lord."
Showing you that wherever that Son of Man is, (the Lord Jesus in the Revealed Word of God),
there is where the presence of the Lord will be. How many see that? Now, these are going to be
throwed away from the presence of God as it goes across the earth in that ministry. See?
Now watch verse l0 it is beautiful. "When He shall come to be glorified in his saints" (the Bride),
"and to be admired in all them that believe" (that are holding on to the revelation of the Token of
the hour, the coming of the Bridegroom), He is coming to be glorified.
How? He is coming to indwell them with Himself. Ain't it wonderful? Oh, here it is. "Because
our testimony among you was believed in that day."
Everything centered on this day right here. Because the testimony, contending for the faith that
was once delivered to the saints - that was their testimony. What is contending for the faith?
Contending for that same Token baptism of the Holy Ghost, the power of God.
Sure! Because our testimony is believed of you in that day, when those Angels come, and the
Lord Jesus comes to be glorified in His saints. Children, I tell you, "I love it!" The power of the
Holy Spirit, returning back to the believers once again. He is coming to be glorified in His saints,
with Mark 16:15, John 14:12, Hebrews 13:8, and 4:12. Right?
MARK 16:15 And he said unto them, Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every
JOHN 14:12 Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that believeth on me, the works that I do shall he
do also; and greater [works] than these shall he do; because I go unto my Father.
HEBREWS 13:8 Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and to day, and for ever.
HEBREWS 4:12 For the word of God [is] quick, and powerful, and sharper than any two-edged
sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and
[is] a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart.
Now I will stop right here. I have got something real important for tonight. I want to place
Hebrews 12 the Voice from Heaven, and Revelation 12 together. I caught it on tape where
Brother Branham said he wanted to place that, with the future home of the earthly bride. He
never did so I thought I will take this opportunity to place that in there. I believe it will help us.
JOEL 3:16 The LORD also shall roar out of Zion, and utter his voice from Jerusalem; and the
heavens and the earth shall shake: but the LORD will be the hope of his people, and the strength
of the children of Israel.
HEBREWS 12:18 For ye are not come unto the mount that might be touched, and that burned
with fire, nor unto blackness, and darkness, and tempest,
19 And the sound of a trumpet, and the voice of words; which voice they that heard intreated that
the word should not be spoken to them any more:
20 (For they could not endure that which was commanded, And if so much as a beast touch the
mountain, it shall be stoned, or thrust through with a dart:
21 And so terrible was the sight, that Moses said, I exceedingly fear and quake:)
22 But ye are come unto mount Sion, and unto the city of the living God, the heavenly
Jerusalem, and to an innumerable company of angels,
23 To the general assembly and church of the firstborn, which are written in heaven, and to God
the Judge of all, and to the spirits of just men made perfect,
24 And to Jesus the mediator of the new covenant, and to the blood of sprinkling, that speaketh
better things than [that of] Abel.
25 See that ye refuse not him that speaketh. For if they escaped not who refused him that spake
on earth, much more [shall not] we [escape], if we turn away from him that [speaketh] from
26 Whose voice then shook the earth: but now he hath promised, saying, Yet once more I shake
not the earth only, but also heaven.
27 And this [word], Yet once more, signifieth the removing of those things that are shaken, as of
things that are made, that those things which cannot be shaken may remain.
28 Wherefore we receiving a kingdom which cannot be moved, let us have grace, whereby we
may serve God acceptably with reverence and godly fear:
29 For our God [is] a consuming fire.
REVELATION 12:1 And there appeared a great wonder in heaven; a woman clothed with the
sun, and the moon under her feet, and upon her head a crown of twelve stars:
2 And she being with child cried, travailing in birth, and pained to be delivered.
3 And there appeared another wonder in heaven; and behold a great red dragon, having seven
heads and ten horns, and seven crowns upon his heads.
4 And his tail drew the third part of the stars of heaven, and did cast them to the earth: and the
dragon stood before the woman which was ready to be delivered, for to devour her child as soon
as it was born.
5 And she brought forth a man child, who was to rule all nations with a rod of iron: and her child
was caught up unto God, and [to] his throne.
Now I got off my text this morning. But I believe it was the Lord. I feel better about it. Do you
love Him with all your heart? What if we did not have this hope?
What if I just said, "Well, we're certainly happy to see Brother Paul, Brother Brothers, and all
you people here this morning, and 'course we're just waiting for Brother Branham to come up,
and just be encouraged now and listen to all the tapes you can. It is all over now, do not look for
nothing big. Now be sure and come back tonight, the Lord is going to bless us." How in the
world will He bless us in all that unbelief? He ain't gonna bless you, You ain't looking for Him to
do nothing, It is already over.
Brother, it is just begun for the Bride. Oh, God, we are living in the most glorious day, when the
Son of Man is coming with His mighty angels, revealed from Heaven to be glorified in His
saints! Do you want Him to glorify Himself in you?
Brother, sister, you were not born here on earth just to work and build a house, come to church
and sit down. God wants YOU, He wants your body. Present your body so He can get into it,
work and move and have the pre-eminence in you. Do you want that with all your heart?
Let us sing a hymn. Remember now, take her down the middle of the road by the help of the
Holy Spirit. Brother Branham said, "The real revelation is a hairline from antichrist "
I JOHN 2:18 Little children, it is the last time: and as ye have heard that antichrist shall come,
even now are there many antichrists; whereby we know that it is the last time.
I JOHN 2:22 Who is a liar but he that denieth that Jesus is the Christ? He is antichrist, that
denieth the Father and the Son.
I JOHN 4:3 And every spirit that confesseth not that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh is not of
God: and this is that [spirit] of antichrist, whereof ye have heard that it should come; and even
now already is it in the world.
II JOHN 1:7 For many deceivers are entered into the world, who confess not that Jesus Christ is
come in the flesh. This is a deceiver and an antichrist.
that honed age, in this age where just the antichrist anointing is so perfectly, it would deceive the
very Elected; they'll fall on the wrong side if they don't watch it, like a wedge. Watch. Be
careful. We're not living in a Pentecostal age now. We're passed that age, just the same we've
passed Luther, and passed...
God, coming to be glorified in YOU. God, coming to be glorified in the saints. And let me tell
you something brother, it ain't no little thing. It ain't gonna be shut up in one part of the country.
Brother she is gonna ride the trail one more time!! The nations of the world will hear about it!
Just to show you the simplicity of God in His Word - how it is going to shake nations. When
Brother Branham told the people of the angel and his commission; They said, "Why you, Brother
Branham? Bill, you used to hunt rabbits out behind my house. You going into all the world?
Why, you never had but one pair of britches to wear. You, Bill?!"
This does not depend on what man says, but what God says. He is gonna have a Bride. He ain't
gonna put her under any bushel or, like some brother said, "Well, we had a revival."
I Said, "When? Brother Gatlin was just down in your church, and he did not say anything about
you having a revival."
"Well," he said, "it was so simple you did not see it."
I said, "Friend, I just think now, if you will just look a little closer, there is something wrong.
The prophet of God said, 'Every revival signifies a move of God with power!"'
Why, God ain't going to do this thing in a corner, like Paul said, "This thing was not done in a
corner anywhere." But it shook cities, it shook nations, it shook kingdoms. Well, here comes the
two men that turned the world upside down. Brother, if they turned the world upside down in
that day, what will it be in this day? How many want to turn the world upside down?
ACTS 17:1 Now when they had passed through Amphipolis and Apollonia, they came to
Thessalonica, where was a synagogue of the Jews:
2 And Paul, as his manner was, went in unto them, and three sabbath days reasoned with them
out of the scriptures,
3 Opening and alleging, that Christ must needs have suffered, and risen again from the dead; and
that this Jesus, whom I preach unto you, is Christ.
4 And some of them believed, and consorted with Paul and Silas; and of the devout Greeks a
great multitude, and of the chief women not a few.
5 But the Jews which believed not, moved with envy, took unto them certain lewd fellows of the
baser sort, and gathered a company, and set all the city on an uproar, and assaulted the house of
Jason, and sought to bring them out to the people.
6 And when they found them not, they drew Jason and certain brethren unto the rulers of the city,
crying, These that have turned the world upside down are come hither also;
7 Whom Jason hath received: and these all do contrary to the decrees of Caesar, saying that there
is another king, [one] Jesus.
8 And they troubled the people and the rulers of the city, when they heard these things.
9 And when they had taken security of Jason, and of the other, they let them go.
10 And the brethren immediately sent away Paul and Silas by night unto Berea: who coming
[thither] went into the synagogue of the Jews.
11 These were more noble than those in Thessalonica, in that they received the word with all
readiness of mind, and searched the scriptures daily, whether those things were so.
He said, "Well, it's the Spirit of the Lord Jesus. He is the Word. And He's promised this in the
last days. Now, don't be afraid."
I went down then, to baptize a bunch of people on the river. When I was baptizing there, where
about five thousand people standing on the bank, right in the middle of the day, two o'clock in
the afternoon, hot, they hadn't had a rain for a week or two--and standing on the bank, here come
that Pillar of Fire whirling out of the air, coming down where I was standing, and a voice saying,
"As John the Baptist was sent to forerun the first coming of Christ, your message will forerun the
second coming of Christ."
The newspapers packed it, and it swept into Canada on the Associated Press, around the world,
"A local minister, Baptist minister, baptizing..." and said, "a mystic Light appears over him," the
very one that they caught the picture of here, and done it in Germany, and everywhere. And it's
My pastor said to me, he said, "Billy, what kind of a dream did you have? Why, you know you
didn't see it."
I said, "There were hundreds standing there, witnessed it."
And said, "Aw, that's a mental delusion." Tried his best.
That's old man Unbelief, and Mr. Skeptic. I held straight to the Word. Stayed there, because I
knowed it was God's promise. Amen.
Luke, the 17th chapter, He promised "As it was in the days of Sodom..." As I seen the world
heaping up as it was, I knowed something has to come to pass. I seen in Malachi 4, where He
would restore back the faith to the Word, that they'd scattered out from. I knowed that had to
come to pass. And I stayed true to the Word. I find Jesus Christ today, the same yesterday, today,
and forever.
Congregation, it's raining. I'll stop right here. I want to say this. I've brought all these witnesses,
my own witness. Many of you are witnesses this week; that thing is true, the message. How can
Dr. Davis said to me, "A boy, a grammar school education, go to pray for kings and potentates,
and light a revival that'll go around the world? Billy, get next to yourself." But it did it. It did it.
Thirty-three years later, the revival over, and it did it. God said so. I'm His witness. He didn't say
when He would do it. He said He would do it.
I waited for the time when the Word would be so real, put into my hand, as it was, a sword, and
was going to discern with that, the very thoughts of the people's heart. I thought "How can that
be?" I waited believing it, and it happened. The scoffer, the unbeliever, the skeptic, the impatient
still waits and looks on. But God, after thirty-three years has confirmed it, universal, around the
world, where papers, magazines, and articles has been wrote throughout the world. You be the
Oh, those scientists, those poor devils, I feel sorry for them, talking about taking hydrogen power
now and melting the ice caps and blowing holes in great continents of mountains, so the cool
breeze will blow out over the desert and bring forth flowers and fruits. Is there anything as
ignorant as a scientist? The dumbest people on earth is the scientists. They spend their whole
lives and try and learn the most coarse little thing. The answer is just get down and say, "In the
beginning, God!"
I thank God, the Lord Jesus is coming with His angels to end this thing. Those crazy people
gonna let off them bombs and melt them ice fields and take that water and bring it down this
way, create a big falls, and create a warm air current. Foolish! Oh-h-h, I would just like to be
able to speak to them one time. You poor, little — I do not know what to call it — it is just
awful. I am so glad I believe the Lord God.
Oh, I laid there in His presence the other morning, and said, "Oh, God, I believe you for great
things, Lord I am believing you for great and mighty things, Lord - not laying hands on the sick,
but creating arms, legs and eyes!" That is right!
Little Irma and my day is close at hand! I reached down and felt that big muscle in my leg. Oh,
that felt good!
I said, "Heath (Brother Kenneth Heath) wait till I get my legs." If I ain't busy in the ministry, and
I get to go hunting, I am gonna walk them guys to death. They dragged me through the snow and
carried me, and then, when a big buck jumped up, I was so tired I could not even pick up my gun
to shoot it. I said, "I want you to look at that big buck standing over there." They did not believe
me. I stood there and looked at him, too tired to even get up. The other brother had my gun, and
there he just walked off. I said, "Boy!" Lord, just let me get to that mountain and just run up it
one time, and holler and jump up in the air and kick my heels - it is coming, brother!
Deliverance is going to be in Zion! Michael, the Archangel is coming down out of Heaven -
Glory to God! - with the power of the Holy Ghost, and every name that is in the Book shall be
delivered! Every crippled limb, every sickness will be melted away at the presence of the Lord
God of hosts! Do you believe it?
Do you think I am going out of here, crippled legs, like I am? Spine, old vertebras wobbling
around like marbles in a glass jar, pain all the time? Brother, I am going out of here as sound as
can be! How many are happy? Oh, do you not love Him? Why, we are looking for Him to do this
thing this morning, If we could just get that thing fixed. You say, "Oh, could it be? Could it be?
Me? Here?" Well, it is got to be somewhere. How many just let it be here? God, "We believe it!"
One of the preachers told Brother Gatlin, "Do not bring that junk around here. We are already
sealed. We already got the power of God."
Brother Gatlin then talked with him. Asking if he was sure he had the seal and the mighty Christ
living inside. "Why are all them poor little sick people in your church? Why are you reserving all
that power? Why do you not demonstrate some of it?"
The man said we do not want the doctrine Lambert is preaching. Brother Gatlin said, "Brother I
think you should look at the word a little better. You would see that it is true.
When that ministry goes into them places, the Spirit of God will fall with such love and such
power, it will just melt people - nobody will be able to withstand it. Just a few little old Ananias's
and Sapphira's, that will straighten it up real quick. Why? Because they are scared, and just wide
open for the Revealed Word of God. They have got nowhere to stand, nowhere! And just think
that the Lord God would let us see this that we can bear the reproach. Oh, it is just joy
Jesus said, "Blessed are you that hunger and thirst after my coming. Blessed are you that hunger
and thirst after me, righteousness, the Token. Blessed are you that are persecuted for the Token's
sake. Rejoice and be exceeding glad for great is your reward in Heaven."
MATTHEW 5:2 And he opened his mouth, and taught them, saying,
3 Blessed are the poor in spirit: for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.
4 Blessed are they that mourn: for they shall be comforted.
5 Blessed are the meek: for they shall inherit the earth.
6 Blessed are they which do hunger and thirst after righteousness: for they shall be filled.
7 Blessed are the merciful: for they shall obtain mercy.
8 Blessed are the pure in heart: for they shall see God.
9 Blessed are the peacemakers: for they shall be called the children of God.
10 Blessed are they which are persecuted for righteousness' sake: for theirs is the kingdom of
11 Blessed are ye, when men shall revile you, and persecute you, and shall say all manner of evil
against you falsely, for my sake.
12 Rejoice, and be exceeding glad: for great is your reward in heaven: for so persecuted they the
prophets which were before you.
Now, what? Let me just give you a little twister here just a minute. I'd say, "How many has the
Holy Ghost?" All of you raise up your hand. I'd say, "All right, I'll see if you have." The Bible
said that they that had the Holy Ghost sighed and cried day and night for the abominations done
in the city. Now, how many hands would go up? How many of you can't rest at night, so full of
joy and the power of God, and so sad for the people that's lost, that day and night you weep and
cry for the abominations? You won't... See? Who would be that in the city? How many of that's
in the church? That's what the Bible said the Holy Spirit evidence was.
He told the sealing Angels (Ezekiel 9, that's right), He said, "Go through the city and set a mark
upon those who sigh and cry for the abominations did in the city. The rest of them, let the
destroying Angel destroy them." No matter how much members they was and how many of the
things they done. And a man with--a ink horn writer, dressed in white (which represented the
Holy Spirit) came forth and put a mark upon all them that sighed and cried for the abominations
done in the city. Now, you say... And watch what he said in there also. "slay utterly, little
children, old women, babies, kill them all." Little children? Yes.
When Joshua entered the land of Canaan, he said, "Don't you let one of them live. If it's a cute
little baby, a little Amalekite, or a Amorite, kill it. You remember, he'll grow up to be an
Amalekite; he'll pollute the camp." And when those little things come back like that disagreeing
with the Word of God, get rid of that thing. I don't care what denomination it belongs to.
You say, "Well, they're good..." I don't care how good a people they are. If they're contrary to
that Word, get the thing out of you. It's a growing little Amalekite. Looks cute, looks innocent; it
looks like it's all right, but don't you have anything to do with it. You stay away from it.
"Well, Brother Branham, I go down here, because... Well, I don't..." You just remember, any
Amalekite, anything that denies the Word, stay away from it; have nothing to do with it at all.
How many believes that's the truth? Sure it is. See? Stay away from it.
Who sigh and cry for the abominations that's did in the city... Where do you see that? I can show
you ten thousand speaking in tongues to one that's really burdened for sin... That can't even pray
a hour. But did you know the Bible said to mark only those who sighed and cried for the
abominations in the city? How many ever read it? Sure. That was the Holy Spirit come forth to
mark the people, and said to the destroying Angel, "Go forth and destroy everything that doesn't
have that mark upon them." And the mark of God is the Holy Ghost; is a Seal of God.
Now, where is them people that's that interested? I can show you people that jump up-and-down
and cry in a church; I can show you people that shout and run all over the building; I can show
you people that prophesy, and it comes to pass; I can show you those who speak in tongues, and
run up and down the buildings, and say things that actually interpret and it comes to pass; but
where is that person that sighs and cries for the abominations that's did in the city? Where's that
burdened soul? You could turn some new leaves on that. See what I mean?
EZEKIEL 9:1 He cried also in mine ears with a loud voice, saying, Cause them that have charge
over the city to draw near, even every man with his destroying weapon in his hand.
2 And, behold, six men came from the way of the higher gate, which lieth toward the north, and
every man a slaughter weapon in his hand; and one man among them was clothed with linen,
with a writer's inkhorn by his side: and they went in, and stood beside the brazen altar.
3 And the glory of the God of Israel was gone up from the cherub, whereupon he was, to the
threshold of the house. And he called to the man clothed with linen, which had the writer's
inkhorn by his side;
4 And the LORD said unto him, Go through the midst of the city, through the midst of
Jerusalem, and set a mark upon the foreheads of the men that sigh and that cry for all the
abominations that be done in the midst thereof.
5 And to the others he said in mine hearing, Go ye after him through the city, and smite: let not
your eye spare, neither have ye pity:
6 Slay utterly old and young, both maids, and little children, and women: but come not near any
man upon whom is the mark; and begin at my sanctuary. Then they began at the ancient men
which were before the house.
7 And he said unto them, Defile the house, and fill the courts with the slain: go ye forth. And
they went forth, and slew in the city.
8 And it came to pass, while they were slaying them, and I was left, that I fell upon my face, and
cried, and said, Ah Lord GOD! wilt thou destroy all the residue of Israel in thy pouring out of thy
fury upon Jerusalem?
9 Then said he unto me, The iniquity of the house of Israel and Judah is exceeding great, and the
land is full of blood, and the city full of perverseness: for they say, The LORD hath forsaken the
earth, and the LORD seeth not.
10 And as for me also, mine eye shall not spare, neither will I have pity, but will recompense
their way upon their head.
11 And, behold, the man clothed with linen, which had the inkhorn by his side, reported the
matter, saying, I have done as thou hast commanded me.
The Bride hasn't had a revival yet. See? There's been no revival there, no manifestation of
God to stir the Bride yet. See? We're looking for it. It will take those seven unknown
thunders back there to wake her up again. He will send it. He promised it. Now, now,
watch. Now, she was dead.
When the sealing Angel crossed through the country, He was commanded to put a mark upon
those who sighed and cried for the abominations done in the city. I say this with reverence now
and with respects. Don't get mad at me, angry, rather. But what if the sealing Angel crossed this
nation today? Where would He find men so deeply consecrated to God, for the sins of this
crumbling nation, till they cried day and night for the sins? Where would He mark, the church
that fast, and pray, and long, "Lord Jesus." Where would He find that person?
We've went off after education. We've went off after great flowery sermons. We've went off after
Hollywood dress and fanaticism. The churches must be so big. It must be plush. It must be
crucifix everywhere. There must pipe organs. Those things are all right. But we've put all of our
thoughts to that and left the real thing off.
PSALMS 68:18 Thou hast ascended on high, thou hast led captivity captive: thou hast received
gifts for men; yea, [for] the rebellious also, that the LORD God might dwell [among them].
JOHN 1:51 And he saith unto him, Verily, verily, I say unto you, Hereafter ye shall see heaven
open, and the angels of God ascending and descending upon the Son of man.
JOHN 3:13 And no man hath ascended up to heaven, but he that came down from heaven, [even]
the Son of man which is in heaven.
JOHN 20:17 Jesus saith unto her, Touch me not; for I am not yet ascended to my Father: but go
to my brethren, and say unto them, I ascend unto my Father, and your Father; and [to] my God,
and your God.
ACTS 2:34 For David is not ascended into the heavens: but he saith himself, The LORD said
unto my Lord, Sit thou on my right hand,
EPHESIANS 4:8 Wherefore he saith, When he ascended up on high, he led captivity captive,
and gave gifts unto men.
9 (Now that he ascended, what is it but that he also descended first into the lower parts of the
10 He that descended is the same also that ascended up far above all heavens, that he might fill
all things.)
REVELATION 7:2 And I saw another angel ascending from the east, having the seal of the
living God: and he cried with a loud voice to the four angels, to whom it was given to hurt the
earth and the sea,
And them Angels is bringing your reward. They are going to come (the Sealing Angel) and place
you in the Body of the Lord Jesus Christ. And then, there is all blessings in Christ. You will be
right in Christ. All that is in Christ, will be perfect, and everything that is perfect, and in Christ,
is the only thing that is going in the rapture. Do you want to come into Christ? Think of it! If you
stay outside, you are tribulation bound. So that is why you have got to strive to enter in!
Listen, getting this great revival should mean more than anything else in the world. Should be!
Now let us sing this song.
It will not be long until the glorious Light of the Gospel shines across the earth for its last time,
to the Gentile people, bringing all the elected Bride of Christ to Eternal Life. What a blessed,
glorious privilege we have this morning to be in that number.
Now with head bowed and eyes closed. Let us remember the service tonight. Pray for the
service. Pray that God would do this great thing that He promised.
Friend, stand in the gap for the poor little people. Unless God has predestinated and ordained this
group of people, somewhere on earth today, to receive this, and usher in the Capstone, the whole
cause of Brother Branham's ministry would be lost. It breaks my heart to see the condition
Brother Branham's family is in, and all of our children.
See, all of us has got to be born again! Born Again and filled with the Holy Spirit.
With the condition as it is, you would think, we would be in desperation and screaming and
agonizing, before God.
But see, we just keep going on, putting off, putting off. Oh, children, how we need to plead for
the grace of God! This is 1971 and a half rolling around. There ain't no future outside of going in
the rapture! The prophet of God said America would be a burning ash heap by 1977. You got to
subtract three and one half years from that. That leaves us only one and one half to two years
left. And, unless you come into that Christ - that Body - and here you stand this morning, every
one outside of that Body. If the rapture took place this morning, what would go? How many see
the terrible danger that we are living in? Unless we come into that Body by one Capstone,
Token, true baptism, we will all perish! They will all perish.
So help us to stand in the gap and plead and cry, "God do this thing, that we might snatch those
out of the fire whose garments are spotted by the flesh - following the things of the flesh!"
JUDE 1:20 But ye, beloved, building up yourselves on your most holy faith, praying in the Holy
21 Keep yourselves in the love of God, looking for the mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ unto
eternal life.
22 And of some have compassion, making a difference:
23 And others save with fear, pulling them out of the fire; hating even the garment spotted by the
24 Now unto him that is able to keep you from falling, and to present you faultless before the
presence of his glory with exceeding joy,
25 To the only wise God our Saviour, [be] glory and majesty, dominion and power, both now
and ever. Amen.
Oh God, help us to rise and shine and turn many to righteousness! Do you want to do it saints? -
turn many to righteousness!
Brother Bellemare pray, and dismiss us. Remember the service tonight. I want to place this
Revelation 12.