Gingerbread Man
Gingerbread Man
Gingerbread Man
The body panels are worked from the bottom up. With 3.25mm hook and Topaz:
Row 1: Ch 4, sc in 2nd ch from hook and in each ch across (3 sts), ch 1, turn.
Row 2: Inc, sc 1, inc (5 sts) ch 1, turn.
Row 3: Sc in each st across (5 sts), ch 1, turn.
Row 4: Inc, sc 3, inc (7 sts), ch 1, turn.
Row 5: Sc in each st across (7 sts), ch 1, turn.
Row 6: Inc, sc 5, inc (9 sts), ch 1, turn.
Row 7: Sc in each st across (9 sts), ch 1, turn.
Row 8: Inc, sc 7, inc (11 sts), ch 1, turn.
Row 9: Sc in each st across (11 sts), ch 1, turn.
Row 10: Inc, sc 9, inc (13 sts), ch 1, turn.
Row 11: Sc in each st across (13 sts), ch 1, turn.
Row 12: Inc, sc 11, 3sc into last st (16 sts), ch 1, turn.
Row 13: Dec, sc 14 (15 sts), ch 1, turn.
Row 14: Inc, sc 14 (16 sts), ch 1, turn.
Row 15: Inc, sc 15 (17 sts), ch 1, turn.
Row 16: Sc 16, inc (18 sts), ch 1, turn.
Row 17: Inc twice, sc 16 (20 sts), ch 1, turn.
Row 18: Sc 18, inc, 3sc into last st (23 sts), ch 1, turn.
Row 19: Dec, sc 21 (22 sts), ch 1, turn.
Row 20: Sc in each st across (22 sts), ch 1, turn.
Row 21: Inc, sc 21 (23 sts), ch 1, turn.
Row 22: Sc 22, inc (24 sts), ch 6, turn.
Row 23: Sc 5 along chs, continue across row sc 22, dec (28 sts), ch 1, turn.
Row 24: Sc in each st across (28 sts), ch 1, turn.
Row 25: Dec, sc 24, dec (26 sts), ch 1, turn.
Row 26: Sc in each st across (26 sts), ch 1, turn.
Row 27: Dec, sc 22, dec (24 sts), ch 1, turn.
Row 28: Sc in each st across (24 sts), ch 1, turn.
Row 29: Dec, sc 20, dec (22 sts), ch 1, turn.
Row 30: Sc in each st across (22 sts), ch 1, turn.
Row 31: Dec, sc 18, dec (20 sts), ch 1, turn.
Row 32: Dec, sc 16, dec (18 sts), ch 1, turn.
Row 33: Dec, sc 14, dec (16 sts), ch 1, turn.
Row 34: Dec, sc 12, dec (14 sts), ch 1, turn.
Now we will start increasing for the head.
Row 35: Inc twice, sc 10, inc twice (18 sts), ch 1, turn.
Row 36: Inc twice, sc 14, inc twice (22 sts), ch 1, turn.
Row 37: Inc twice, sc 18, inc twice (26 sts), ch 1, turn.
Row 38: Inc, sc 24, inc (28 sts), ch 1, turn.
Row 39: Inc, sc 26, inc (30 sts), ch 1, turn.
Row 40: Sc in each st across (30 sts), ch 1, turn.
Row 41: Inc, sc 28, inc (32 sts), ch 1, turn.
Rows 42-51: Sc in each st across (32 sts), ch 1, turn.
Row 52: Dec, sc 28, dec (30 sts), ch 1, turn.
Row 53: Sc in each st across (30 sts), ch 1, turn.
Row 54: Dec, sc 26, dec (28 sts), ch 1, turn.
Row 55: Dec, sc 24, dec (26 sts), ch 1, turn.
Row 56: Dec, sc 22, dec (24 sts), ch 1, turn.
Row 57: Dec, sc 20, dec (22 sts), ch 1, turn.
Row 58: Dec twice, sc 14, dec twice (18 sts), ch 1, turn.
Row 59: Dec twice, sc 10, dec twice (14 sts).
Tie off. Repeat all of the above for the back panel.
Using 3.25mm hook and Topaz:
Row 1: Ch 5, sc in 2nd ch from hook and in each ch across (4 sts), ch 1, turn.
Row 2: Inc, sc 2, inc (6 sts), ch 1, turn.
Rows 3-11: Sc in each st across (6 sts), ch 1, turn.
Row 12: Sc in each st across (6 sts).
Tie off. Repeat rows 1-12 for back arm panel.
Arm Icing:
With 3.25mm hook and White yarn:
Row 1: Ch 9.
Tie off, leaving a long tail for sewing. Using a tapestry needle, stitch the middle chain
(i.e. the 5th ch) of the icing onto one of the arm panels at row 4 in the middle of the
panel. Stitch the remaining icing onto the arm panel in a “V” shape. Weave ends to the
back. You can also try surface slipstitching the icing on if you wish. I opted to sew it on.
Once the arm icing is complete, put both panels together and insert your hook into a
stitch on the edge of the panels in one of the corners (i.e. the part that attaches to the
body). Sc along the edges to join the panels. Once the panels are joined on three sides,
stuff. Continue crocheting around. (Sc, ch 1, sc) into each bottom corner. Slst to
beginning st to close.
Repeat the instructions in the “Arm” and “Arm Icing” sections above for the second arm.
Head Icing:
The icing is worked from the top down. With 3.25mm hook and White yarn:
Row 1: Ch 12, sc in 2nd ch from hook and in each ch across (11 sts), ch 1, turn.
Row 2: Inc twice, sc 8, inc (14 sts), ch 1, turn.
Row 3: Sc 12, inc twice ( 16 sts), ch 1, turn.
Row 4: Inc, sc 14, inc (18 sts), ch 1, turn.
Row 5: Sc 17, inc (19 sts), ch 1, turn.
Row 6: Inc, sc 11, leave remaining sts unworked (13 sts), ch 1, turn.
Row 7: Dec, sc 10, inc (13 sts), ch 1, turn.
Row 8: Sc in each st across (13 sts), ch 1, turn.
Row 9: Sc 12, inc (14 sts), ch 1, turn.
Row 10: Sc 7, leave remaining sts unworked (7 sts), ch 1, turn.
Row 11: Dec twice, sc 3 (5 sts), ch 1, turn.
Row 12: Sc in each st across (5 sts), ch 1, turn.
Row 13: Dec, sc 1, dec (3 sts), ch 1, turn.
Row 14: Sc3tog (1 st).
Tie off. Turn work so that the starting yarn tail and the ‘bump’ you just finished is on the
right. Rejoin your yarn in the stitch immediately to the left of the finished ‘bump’ (this is
from where the stitches of Row 10 were left unworked) and work the following:
(Sc, ch 2, sc)
Stop after the third peak. Stitch the second arm in place the same way as the first.
Stuff the body now. Be sure to push stuffing all the way down into the tip of the leg and
into each peak.
Continue crocheting up until you reach the icing on the head. Switch to white yarn when
you reach the icing. When joining the icing part of the panels, you will insert your hook
through the icing and both panels.
Stop at the top of the head and stuff the head firmly. You will need more stuffing than
you think for the head! It’s a very large head. When you think you’re done stuffing, add
more. Trust me.
Continue crocheting across the top of the head, topping up stuffing as you go. Switch
back to Topaz yarn where appropriate. When you are satisfied with the stuffing, close
with a slst to first st. Tie off. With your tapestry needle, poke the yarn tail back inside the
You’re done!