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Journal of the Formosan Medical Association (2017) 116, 217e248

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2017 Taiwan lipid guidelines for high risk

Yi-Heng Li a, Kwo-Chang Ueng b,c, Jiann-Shing Jeng d,
Min-Ji Charng e,f, Tsung-Hsien Lin g,h, Kuo-Liong Chien i,j,
Chih-Yuan Wang j, Ting-Hsing Chao a, Ping-Yen Liu a,
Cheng-Huang Su k,l, Shih-Chieh Chien k, Chia-Wei Liou m,
Sung-Chun Tang d, Chun-Chuan Lee k, Tse-Ya Yu n,
Jaw-Wen Chen e,f,o, Chau-Chung Wu j, Hung-I Yeh k,l,*, for The
Writing Group of 2017 Taiwan Lipid Guidelines for High Risk

Division of Cardiology, Department of Internal Medicine, National Cheng Kung University College of
Medicine and Hospital, Tainan, Taiwan
School of Medicine, Chung Shan Medical University, Taichung, Taiwan
Department of Internal Medicine, Chung Shan Medical University Hospital, Taichung, Taiwan
Stroke Center and Department of Neurology, National Taiwan University Hospital, Taipei, Taiwan
Division of Cardiology, Taipei Veterans General Hospital, Taipei, Taiwan
Faculty of Medicine, School of Medicine, National Yang Ming University, Taipei, Taiwan
Division of Cardiology, Department of Internal Medicine, Kaohsiung Medical University Hospital,
Kaohsiung, Taiwan
Faculty of Medicine, College of Medicine, Kaohsiung Medical University, Kaohsiung, Taiwan
Institute of Epidemiology and Preventive Medicine, College of Public Health, National Taiwan
University, Taipei, Taiwan
Department of Internal Medicine, National Taiwan University Hospital, Taipei, Taiwan
Departments of Internal Medicine and Medical Research, Mackay Memorial Hospital, Taipei, Taiwan
Department of Medicine, Mackay Medical College, New Taipei City, Taiwan
Department of Neurology, Kaohsiung Chang Gung Memorial Hospital, Kaohsiung, Taiwan
Department of Internal Medicine, Far-Eastern Memorial Hospital, Taipei, Taiwan
Department of Medical Research, Taipei Veterans General Hospital, Taipei, Taiwan

Received 21 September 2016; accepted 26 November 2016

Conflicts of interest: This study is supported by Taiwan Society of Lipids and Atherosclerosis. The guidelines were endorsed by the
Taiwan Society of Cardiology, Taiwan Society of Cardiovascular Intervention, Taiwan Stroke Society, Taiwan Diabetes Association, Taiwa-
nese Association of Diabetes Educators, and Taiwan Nephrology Association.
Document Reviewers: Kou-Gi Shyu, Division of Cardiology, Shin Kong Wu Ho-Su Memorial Hospital, Taipei Taiwan; Chern-En Chiang,
General Clinical Research Center and Division of Cardiology, Taipei Veterans General Hospital and National Yang Ming University, Taipei,
Taiwan; Wei-Hsian Yin, Division of Cardiology, Heart Center, Cheng Hsin General Hospital, Taipei, Taiwan.
* Corresponding author. Division of Cardiology, MacKay Memorial Hospital, 92, Section 2, Chung Shan North Road, Taipei 10449, Taiwan.
E-mail address: (H.-I. Yeh).
0929-6646/Copyright ª 2016, Formosan Medical Association. Published by Elsevier Taiwan LLC. This is an open access article under the
CC BY-NC-ND license (
218 Y.-H. Li et al.

KEYWORDS In Taiwan, the prevalence of hyperlipidemia increased due to lifestyle and dietary habit
high risk; changes. Low density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL-C) and non-high density lipoprotein choles-
hyperlipidemia; terol (non-HDL-C) are all significant predicting factors of coronary artery disease in Taiwan. We
guidelines; recognized that lipid control is especially important in patients with existed atherosclerotic
statin; cardiovascular diseases (ASCVD), including coronary artery disease (CAD), ischemic stroke
Taiwan and peripheral arterial disease (PAD). Because the risk of ASCVD is high in patients with dia-
betes mellitus (DM), chronic kidney disease (CKD) and familial hypercholesterolemia (FH), lipid
control is also necessary in these patients. Lifestyle modification is the first step to control
lipid. Weight reduction, regular physical exercise and limitation of alcohol intake all reduce
triglyceride (TG) levels. Lipid-lowering drugs include HMG-CoA reductase inhibitors (statins),
cholesterol absorption inhibitors (ezetimibe), proprotein convertase subtilisin/kexin type 9
(PCSK9) inhibitors, nicotinic acids (niacin), fibric acids derivatives (fibrates), and long-chain
omega-3 fatty acids. Statin is usually the first line therapy. Combination therapy with statin
and other lipid-lowering agents may be considered in some clinical settings. For patients with
acute coronary syndrome (ACS) and stable CAD, LDL-C < 70 mg/dL is the major target. A lower
target of LDL-C <55 mg/dL can be considered in ACS patients with DM. After treating LDL-C to
target, non-HDL-C can be considered as a secondary target for patients with TG  200 mg/dL.
The suggested non-HDL-C target is < 100 mg/dL in ACS and CAD patients. For patients with
ischemic stroke or transient ischemic attack presumed to be of atherosclerotic origin, statin
therapy is beneficial and LDL-C < 100 mg/dL is the suggested target. For patients with symp-
tomatic carotid stenosis or intracranial arterial stenosis, in addition to antiplatelets and blood
pressure control, LDL-C should be lowered to < 100 mg/dL. Statin is necessary for DM patients
with CV disease and the LDL-C target is < 70 mg/dL. For diabetic patients who are  40 years
of age, or who are < 40 years of age but have additional CV risk factors, the LDL-C target
should be < 100 mg/dL. After achieving LDL-C target, combination of other lipid-lowering
agents with statin is reasonable to attain TG < 150 mg/dL and HDL-C >40 in men and >50
mg/dL in women in DM. LDL-C increased CV risk in patients with CKD. In adults with glomerular
filtration rate (GFR) < 60 mL/min/1.73m2 without chronic dialysis (CKD stage 3e5), statin ther-
apy should be initiated if LDL-C  100 mg/dL. Ezetimibe can be added to statin to consolidate
the CV protection in CKD patients. Mutations in LDL receptor, apolipoprotein B and PCSK9
genes are the common causes of FH. Diagnosis of FH usually depends on family history, clinical
history of premature CAD, physical findings of xanthoma or corneal arcus and high levels of
LDL-C. In addition to conventional lipid lowering therapies, adjunctive treatment with mipo-
mersen, lomitapide, or PCSK9 inhibitors become necessary to further reduce LDL-C in patients
with FH. Overall, these recommendations are to help the health care professionals in Taiwan
to treat hyperlipidemia with current scientific evidences. We hope the prescription rate of
lipid lowering drugs and control rate of hyperlipidemia in high risk patients could be increased
by implementation of the clinical guidelines. The major purpose is to improve clinical out-
comes of these high risk patients through the control of hyperlipidemia.
Copyright ª 2016, Formosan Medical Association. Published by Elsevier Taiwan LLC. This is an
open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (

Introduction to 2011.2 Data from the Taiwan Ministry of Health and

Welfare showed that CV disease causes one death every
Purpose of the guideline 27 minutes in Taiwan in 2014. Hyperlipidemia is one of the
major CV risk factors. In a 2007 survey in Taiwan, patients
with hypertension, hyperglycemia, or hyperlipidemia have
Cardiovascular (CV) and cerebrovascular diseases are the
1.9-, 1.5-, and 1.8-fold higher risks of CV disease than those
second and third leading causes of death in Taiwan.
without these risk factors. In the second Nutrition and
Atherosclerotic CV diseases (ASCVD), including coronary
Health Survey in Taiwan from 2005 to 2008, the prevalence
artery disease (CAD), ischemic stroke, and peripheral
of hypercholesterolemia defined as total cholesterol
arterial disease (PAD), contribute to the major portion of
(TC)  240 mg/dL was 13%, and hypertriglyceridemia
CV diseases and continue to be a major public health issue
defined as triglyceride (TG)  200 mg/dL was 21% in men.3
in Taiwan. For example, the overall incidence of acute
Because increased circulating low-density lipoprotein
myocardial infarction (MI) in Taiwan increased progressively
cholesterol (LDL-C) is highly atherogenic and a strong in-
from 1999 to 2008.1 A recent study using the Taiwan Na-
dependent predictor of CV events, LDL-C control becomes
tional Health Insurance Research Database showed that the
especially important in high-risk patients, including pa-
incidence of ST segment elevation MI decreased after 2004,
tients with existing ASCVD, diabetes mellitus (DM), and
but non-ST segment elevation MI continued to increase up
2017 Taiwan lipid guidelines for high-risk patients 219

chronic kidney disease (CKD). Lower high-density lipopro- Association were invited to join the symposia and give
tein cholesterol (HDL-C) is also associated with CV events, valuable comments regarding the guideline. The recom-
but under statin treatment, all pharmacological interven- mendations of this guideline are not only based on lines of
tion trials of HDL-C raising therapies failed to show the evidence from literature reviews but also included expert
benefit up to now. Patients with familial hypercholester- opinions from these major societies. The full manuscript of
olemia (FH) due to mutations in LDL-C metabolism related the guideline was formed through a period of 6 months. The
genes also carry a high risk of ASCVD. FH patients have very initial draft of this guideline was sent for review and
high levels of circulating LDL-C and often suffer from pre- modified by all these major societies in Taiwan, and the
mature atherosclerosis and death. Despite being a critical final document was endorsed by these societies.
and modifiable risk factor of atherosclerosis, the control The guideline recommendations were generated after
rate of hyperlipidemia in Taiwan is not adequate. In a reviewing international randomized clinical trials that are
recent survey of 3486 patients with stable CAD and cere- relevant to the above-mentioned high-risk patient groups. In
brovascular disease, only 54% of the patients had LDL-C < addition, post hoc analyses of these international clinical
100 mg/dL.4 The prescription rate of lipid-lowering drugs is trials and clinical trials performed in Asia were included.
also not high in high-risk patients. Lipid-lowering drugs Other data from retrospective studies, cohort studies, and
were used in only 60% patients with acute coronary syn- registry studies were also taken into consideration. The
drome (ACS) and in 38% of patients with ischemic stroke at evidence-based classification system, including class of
discharge in Taiwan.5,6 recommendation (COR) and level of evidence (LOE) devel-
The major purpose of this guideline is to make recom- oped by the American College of Cardiology/American Heart
mendations to the healthcare professionals dealing with Association (ACC/AHA) was used in this guideline. The COR is
the management of hyperlipidemia in Taiwan based on used to denote whether a given treatment is useful or
current lines of evidence; and through the implementation harmful. Class I recommendations indicate the treatment is
of this guideline, we hope that the control rate of hyper- useful, indicated, and should be used. Class III recommen-
lipidemia can be increased in high-risk patients and dations refer to the treatment that is harmful, contra-
improve the clinical outcomes of these patients. Most of indicated, and should not be done. Class II recommendations
the recommendations in this guideline are made according fall in between classes I and III. Class IIa indicates that the
to the results of international large-scale clinical trials, but lines of evidence favor the treatment effect, whereas class
some results from small-scale clinical trials and observa- IIb indicates that the treatment effect is less well estab-
tional studies in Asia and Taiwan are also taken into lished (Table 1). The LOE is used to denote the evidence
consideration to make these suggestions. All recommen- intensity supporting the recommendations. LOE A indicates
dations in this guideline provide common principles in that results from multiple randomized trials support the
evaluating and treating hyperlipidemia. Because clinical recommendations. LOE B indicates that only a few ran-
conditions vary among high-risk patients, the management domized trials or observation studies support the recom-
of hyperlipidemia in each patient still depends on their mendations. LOE C indicates that only expert opinions
physicians’ decisions and should be individualized. suggest the recommendations (Table 2).

How was the guideline developed? Epidemiology

In 2003, the Taiwan Society of Lipids and Atherosclerosis Background

published the first Chinese version of the “Guideline for
Prevention and Management of Dyslipidemia” and the ASCVD, including CAD, stroke, and PAD, have been a great
updated second version was published in 2009. In an effort burden in public health among Taiwanese citizens, and
to respond to the evolving data from new lipid studies in hyperlipidemia plays an important role for the risk of
these years, the executive board of the Taiwan Society of atherosclerosis.7,8 In addition, hypertriglyceridemia and
Lipids and Atherosclerosis decided to revise this guideline low HDL-C level have been associated with metabolic syn-
and published it in a journal with science citation index so drome and Type 2 DM. Moreover, previous population-based
that more healthcare workers could access and read it. The studies showed a significant increase in hypercholester-
executive board of Taiwan Society of Lipids and Athero- olemia prevalence for the general population in Taiwan.9
sclerosis assigned a chairperson and the members of the The prevalence of low HDL-C and hypertriglyceridemia,
writing committee. Each member of the writing committee which are strongly related to lifestyle factors, also
was responsible for a specific topic regarding lipid control increased in these years owing to the progressive economic
based on their expertise. Advisory board meetings were development in Taiwan.3 Although the mean cholesterol
held in June 2015 to determine the major contents of this levels were stable during 1980 and 2008 globally, the mean
guideline and the board decided to focus on the lipid con- cholesterol levels for both sexes increased among the Asian
trol in high-risk patient groups, including patients with ACS, Pacific countries because of changes in economic status and
CAD, PAD, ischemic stroke, DM, CKD, and FH. In 2016, dietary habits.8 In addition, the international Global Burden
symposiums were held throughout the country to discuss of Metabolic Risk Factors of Chronic Diseases Collaborating
about the detailed suggestions in this guideline. Opinion Group compared the profiles between 1980 and 2008 and
leaders from the Taiwan Society of Cardiology, Taiwan So- found a significant association between TC and national
ciety of Cardiovascular Intervention, Taiwan Stroke Society, income and Western diet. These factors have a great in-
Taiwan Diabetes Association, and Taiwan Nephrology fluence on the lipid profile change in Asian countries.7
220 Y.-H. Li et al.

Table 1 Class of recommendation.

Class of Definition Strength
Class I Evidence or general agreement that a given Is recommended/is indicated
treatment is beneficial, useful, effective.
Class II Conflicting evidence or a divergence of
opinion about the usefulness/efficacy of a treatment.
Class IIa Weight of evidence/opinion is in favor of Should be considered
Class IIb Usefulness or efficacy is less well established May be considered
by evidence or opinion.
Class III Evidence or general agreement that the given Is not recommended
treatment is not useful or effective and in some
cases may be harmful.

Therefore, evaluating the trend of hyperlipidemia change

in Taiwan has become an important issue for health policy
Table 2 Level of evidence. makers. Understanding the epidemiological pattern of
Level of evidence A Data derived from multiple
hyperlipidemia and its role for CV disease in Taiwan will be
randomized clinical trials
a key factor in the control and management of disease
Level of evidence B Data derived from a single
burden of atherosclerosis.
randomized clinical trial,
meta-analyses, or large Hyperlipidemia in Taiwan
nonrandomized studies
Level of evidence C Subgroup analyses, post hoc According to the national survey of adult population in Taiwan
analyses, retrospective studies, during 2012, the age-adjusted prevalence of hyperlipidemia,
cohort studies, registries, defined as TC  240 mg/dL or TG  200 mg/dL or on lipid-
small studies, or expert opinion lowering medications, was 9.7%. However, because of the
varying definitions, study populations, and study periods, the
prevalence rates of hyperlipidemia among Taiwanese people
varied modestly (Table 3). In 1995, Pan and Chiang9

Table 3 Prevalence of hyperlipidemia in Taiwan based on various populations.

Author, year Study period Study design and Definition Men (%) Women (%)
Pan and Chiang, 19959 1991e1993 Ju-Dung, n Z 77,789, Total cholesterol  240 mg/dL 9e13 7e18
age 35 y
1991e1993 Pu-Tzu, n Z 45,018, Total cholesterol  240 mg/dL 7e18 5e17
age 35 y
1990 National survey, Triglycerides  200 mg/dL 12.0 7.0
age 35e64 y
Chang et al, 200210 2002 National survey, n Z 5643, Total cholesterol  240 mg/dL 12.6 24.4
age 45 y or on medication
Triglycerides  200 mg/dL or 12.3 11.9
on medication
LDL-C 160 mg/dL 14.8 17.2
HDL-C < 35 mg/dL 14.4 9.5
Chien et al, 200511 1990e1991 Chin-Shan, n Z 3605, Total cholesterol  240 mg/dL 14.1 19.8
age 35 y
Triglycerides  200 mg/dL 14.4 12.0
HDL-C < 40 mg/dL 36.5 27.0
LDL-C  160 mg/dL 24.7 31.5
Pan et al, 20113 1993e1996 National survey, age 19 y Total cholesterol  240 mg/dL 10.2 11.2
2005e2008 Total cholesterol  240 mg/dL 12.5 10.0
1993e1996 Triglycerides  200 mg/dL 13.4 6.1
2005e2008 Triglycerides  200 mg/dL 20.8 7.9
HDL-C Z high-density lipoprotein cholesterol; LDL-C Z low-density lipoprotein cholesterol.
2017 Taiwan lipid guidelines for high-risk patients 221

summarized the age- and sex-specific hyperlipidemia patterns that 122 individuals developed CAD during a median follow-
in the local communities (1991e1993) and national repre- up of 13.6 years. The adjusted relative risk (RR) of CAD in
sentative data (1990), and showed that the prevalence rates the highest quintile compared with the lowest quintile was
of hypercholesterolemia were 7e18% for men and 5e18% for 2.74 [95% confidence interval (CI), 1.45e5.19] for Apo B, 1.98
women, and for hypertriglyceridemia they were 12% for men (95% CI, 1.00e3.92) for non-HDL-C, and 1.86 (95% CI,
and 7% for women in local communities. In addition, based on 1.00e3.49) for LDL-C (all p for trend < 0.05) (Fig. 1). The data
more than 5000 representative participants from the National provided strong evidence that Apo B, non-HDL-C, and LDL-C
and Health Survey in Taiwan, Chang et al10 reported that the concentrations are all important predictors of CAD in
prevalence rates of hypercholesterolemia were 12.6% for men Taiwan. Further analysis showed that Apo B had the highest
and 24.4% for women. Furthermore, Pan et al3 compared the receiver operator characteristic curve area and the highest
data from two national nutritional surveys from 1993 to 2008. likelihood ratio in predicting CAD. Because of economic
They found significant lifestyle and dietary habit changes in progress and lifestyle changes, the prevalence of hyperlip-
Taiwan. Increased intake of animal fats and calories with idemia, including elevated TC and TG, increased signifi-
sedentary behavioral pattern, especially in the younger pop- cantly in Taiwan. These epidemiological data carried
ulation were observed in Taiwan. These changes were important clinical implications. First, health education
accompanied with a significantly increased prevalence rate of through programs in individual and general population levels
hypertriglyceridemia among men (from 13.4% to 20.8%, needs to be enforced to promote healthy lifestyle, especially
p Z 0.034), but not in women. However, a local community- for healthy diets and increased physical activity. Second, a
based study on adults aged 35 years and older with a median screening strategy should be implemented to identify in-
follow-up time of 9 years since 1990 showed a higher preva- dividuals with hyperlipidemia, and adequate risk assessment
lence of hypercholesterolemia among women compared with and management should be provided. The control of hyper-
men.11 The rates of hyperlipidemia increased progressively lipidemia in primary and secondary prevention will reduce
with age, especially among postmenopausal women.9 The the disease burden of atherosclerosis in Taiwan.
prevalence of other lipid profiles, including apolipoprotein
(Apo) A1 and B, non-HDL-C, and lipoprotein (a), need to be
further investigated in the Taiwanese population. Lifestyle modification
Various lipid markers, including Apo B, non-HDL-C, and
LDL-C, were reported to predict the risk of CAD. The relative Lifestyle change on TC and LDL-C
importance of lipid markers among Taiwanese was also
studied. Chien et al12 conducted a community-based pro- The roles of lifestyle modification and dietary supplements
spective cohort study involving 3568 participants and found have been widely studied to influence lipid levels and

Figure 1 Adjusted relative risks of various lipid profiles for the risk of coronary heart disease events in the community-based
cohort study in Taiwan. Apo A1 Z apolipoprotein A1; Apo B Z apolipoprotein B; HDL-C Z high-density lipoprotein cholesterol;
LDL-C Z low-density lipoprotein cholesterol.
222 Y.-H. Li et al.

prevent CV disease. The drops in TC and LDL-C of 19 and

Table 4 Healthy lifestyle recommendations.
7.7 mg/dL, respectively, were observed for every 10 kg of
body weight loss.13 Meta-analysis found that exercise did Lifestyle change Recommendation
not significantly reduce TC and LDL-C.14,15 Egg intake has Sodium restriction 2.0e4.0 gm/d
been shown to promote the formation of large LDL-C, which Alcohol limitation Men: <30 gm/d ethanol
is less atherogenic and does not alter the LDL-C/HDL-C Women: <20 gm/d ethanol
ratio.16 Meta-analysis suggests that egg consumption is Body weight reduction BMI: 22.5e25.0
not associated with the risk of CV disease and mortality in Cigarette smoking Complete abstinence
the general population. However, egg consumption may be cessation
associated with an increased incidence of Type 2 DM among Diet adaptation DASH diet: rich in
the general population and CV morbidity among diabetic fruits and vegetables
patients.17 Lifestyle intervention including reduction of (8e10 servings/d),
trans or saturated fat and diet enriched with phytosterol rich in low-fat dairy
(plant sterol) or fiber can lower TC and LDL-C.18e20 Dietary products (2e3 servings/d),
cholesterol is not necessary for our body needs. The rela- and reduced in saturated
tionship between dietary cholesterol and blood cholesterol fat and cholesterol
level is still questionable.21 A common healthy diet pattern Exercise adoption Aerobic, at least 40 min/d,
including consuming <10% calories from saturated fats and and at least 3e4 d/wk
<10% calories from added sugar is strongly suggested.21
BMI Z body mass index; DASH Z Dietary Approaches to Stop
Note. From “2015 guidelines of the Taiwan Society of Cardiology
Lifestyle change on TG and HDL-C
and the Taiwan Hypertension Society for the management of
hypertension,” by C.E. Chiang, T.D. Wang, K.C. Ueng, T.H. Lin,
Diet or exercise could produce comparable and favorable H.I. Yeh, C.Y. Chen CY et al, 2015, J Chin Med Assoc, 78, p.
changes in TG and HDL-C.22 Regular exercise can reduce TG 1e47. Copyright 2017, Journal of the Chinese Medical Associ-
by 17.7 mg/dL more than those without exercise.14 There ation. Adapted with permission.
was a clear beneficial effect on TG and HDL-C concentrations
in the high-amount and high-intensity exercise.23 Typical
interventions shown to be effective include aerobic physical
activity at least 12 weeks in duration, three to four sessions Other dietary supplements
per week, lasting on average 40 min/session, and involving
moderate- to vigorous-intensity physical activity.24 Weight In addition to lifestyle change, some dietary supplements
reduction improves insulin sensitivity and decreases TG may be considered for individuals with hyperlipidemia in
levels. The drop in TG of 13.3 mg/dL is observed for every whom the total CV risk assessment does not justify the use
10 kg of weight loss. Stabilized weight reduction has a of lipid-lowering drugs. The dietary supplements consid-
beneficial influence on HDL-C levels, and a 3.5 mg/dL in- ered to be beneficial for people to improve lipid profile
crease for every 10 kg body weight reduction was found.13 TG include: (1) Fish oil. Fish oil supplementation produces a
increased by 0.19 mg/dL per gram of alcohol consumed in a clinically significant dose-dependent reduction of fasting
day and 5.69 mg/dL per 30 g consumed in a day. The average TG but not TC, LDL-C, or HDL-C in hyperlipidemic pa-
individual consuming 30 g of alcohol a day would expect an tients.31 Reduction of TG is correlated with both eicosa-
increase in HDL-C of 3.99 mg/dL.25 It is generally agreed that pentenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexenoic acid (DHA) intake
alcohol intake should be limited to <30 g/d in men and dose and initial TG level. A more detailed description of fish
<20 g/d in women. HDL-C elevation can be observed after oil is given in Section “Omega-3 fatty acids/fish oil”. (2)
smoking cessation, but attention should be also paid to Dark chocolate. The influence of dark chocolate on lipid
prevent weight gain associated with smoking cessation.26,27 levels is mainly attributable to flavonoids, which could
Lifestyle intervention including reduced intake of dietary inhibit cholesterol absorption. Meta-analysis showed that
carbohydrate, monosaccharides, and disaccharides can intake of dark chocolate for 2e12 weeks significantly
lower TG. Increase in HDL-C is observed with the reduction of reduced TC and LDL-C (6.23 and 5.90 mg/dL), respec-
dietary trans fat and carbohydrate.28e30 The overall healthy tively.32 (3) Red yeast rice. Red yeast rice is a traditional
lifestyle recommendations are provided in the 2015 Taiwan Chinese food. During the rice fermentation process, mon-
Hypertension Guideline (Table 4).24 acolins possessing 3-hydroxy-3-methyl-glutaryl-coenzyme A
(HMG-CoA) reductase inhibitory activity are produced as
Recommendation metabolites. In a meta-analysis of studies using red yeast
rice from 1200 mg/d to 4800 mg/d, containing 4.8e24 mg
 Adequate weight reduction to reduce TG and increase monacolin K, red yeast rice could reduce LDL-C from 19 to
HDL-C is suggested. (COR I, LOE A) 61 mg/dL with a pooled estimate of 39 mg/dL compared to
 Regular physical exercise to reduce TG and increase placebo.33 There was no significant difference in the effi-
HDL-C is suggested. (COR I, LOE A) cacy of LDL-C reduction between monacolin K (10 mg) daily
 Reduction of excess alcohol intake to reduce TG is sug- and pravastatin (40 mg), simvastatin (10 mg), or lovastatin
gested. (COR I, LOE A) (20 mg) daily.33 The safety outcomes of red yeast rice have
 Avoid trans fat intake to reduce LDL-C and increase HDL- not been extensively studied. (4) Soybean. Isoflavones in
C is suggested. (COR I, LOE A) soy protein cause arterial vasodilation and lower serum
2017 Taiwan lipid guidelines for high-risk patients 223

cholesterol. However, soy protein only slightly decreased mortality across a range of LDL-C levels. Intensive treat-
LDL-C and had no effect on HDL-C and TG.34 ment using statins at doses that effectively reduce LDL-C 
50% slows down the progression or even promotes the
Pharmacological therapy regression of coronary atherosclerosis.35,36 In clinical tri-
als, initiation of moderate-intensity (lowering LDL-C by
Currently available lipid-lowering drugs include HMG-CoA approximately 30% to <50%) or high-intensity statin ther-
reductase inhibitors (statins), cholesterol absorption in- apy (lowering LDL-C  50%) is a critical factor in reducing
hibitors (ezetimibe), proprotein convertase subtilisin/kexin CV events (Table 6).37 Moreover, statin therapy reduces
type 9 (PCSK9) inhibitors, nicotinic acids (niacin), fibric ASCVD across a spectrum of baseline LDL-C levels > 70 mg/
acids derivatives (fibrates), and long-chain omega-3 fatty dL.38 The reduction of cardiac risk is consistent for primary
acids (Table 5). Prior to initiating therapy, adults with and secondary prevention and also in various patient sub-
abnormal lipid profiles should be assessed for secondary groups. Currently available statins in Taiwan include
causes, familial disorders, and other underlying conditions lovastatin, pravastatin, simvastatin, fluvastatin, pit-
that may influence lipid levels. avastatin, atorvastatin, and rosuvastatin. Conventional
dosing regimens and the range of expected changes in the
Statins lipid profile are listed in Table 5. The reduction of LDL-C by
statin is dose-dependent; each doubling dose of statin
Statins decrease the production of TC and reduce LDL-C by causes a drop of about 6% in LDL-C levels. Statins can lower
as much as 20% to 60%. Statins reduce CV morbidity and TG ranging from 7% to 30%. HDL-C generally rises by 5e15%,

Table 5 Summary of lipid-lowering drugs.

Drug class Agents and daily doses Lipid/lipoprotein Side effects Other considerations
Statins Lovastatin (20e80 mg) LDL Y 20e60% Myalgia Rare rhabdomyolysis
Pravastatin (20e40 mg) HDL [ 5e15% Myositis Cognitive decline
Simvastatin (20e40 mg) TG Y 7e30% Increased serum New-onset diabetes
Fluvastatin (20e80 mg) Non-HDLY 15e50%
Atorvastatin (10e80 mg)
Rosuvastatin (5e40 mg)
Pitavastatin (1e4 mg)
Cholesterol Ezetimibe 10 mg LDL Y 15e22% Headache Effective in combination
absorption HDL [ 1e2% Muscle pain with statin
inhibitor TG Y 5e10%
Non-HDLY 14e19%
PCSK9 inhibitors Evolocumab (140 mg, s.c., Q2W) LDL Y 50e70% Injection site Not increased serum
reaction (5%) transaminases
Alirocumab (75 mg, s.c., Q2W) HDL [ 4e7% Require subcutaneous
TG Y 6e19%
Non-HDL Y 20e50%
Nicotinic acid IR nicotinic acid (1.5e3 g) LDL Y 15e18% Flushing Glucose intolerance
ER nicotinic acid (1e2g) HDL [ w25% Hyperglycemia ER niacin more tolerable
than IR
SR nicotinic acid (1e2 g) TG Y 20e40% Hyperuricemia
Non-HDL Y 8e23% GI distress
Excess infection
Fibric acids Gemfibrozil, 600 mg bid LDL Y 10-15% Dyspepsia May [ creatinine þ homocysteine
Bezafibrate, 200 mg bid/tid HDL [10-20% Increased serum Do not combine
transaminases gemfibrozil þ statin
Fenofibrate, 200 mg qd TG Y 20-50% Gallstones
Fenofibric acid, 135 mg qd Non-HDLY 5-19% Myopathy
Omega-3 fatty Omega-3 fatty acids 2e4 g LDL Y6%e[25% Fishy smell Combination with statin
acids HDL Y5%e[7% Skin eruption improve postprandial TG level
TG Y 20e45%
Non-HDLY 5e14%
ER Z extended-release; HDL-C Z high-density lipoprotein cholesterol; IR Z immediate-release; LDL-C Z low-density lipoprotein
cholesterol; PCSK9 Z proprotein convertase subtilisin/kexin type 9; SR Z sustained-release; s.c. Z subcutaneous; TG Z triglyceride.
224 Y.-H. Li et al.

Table 6 Intensity of statin therapy.
High-intensity statins Moderate-intensity statins daily  Statins are the first-line therapy, and moderate- or high-
daily dosage Y dosage Y LDL-C 30% to <50% intensity statins are preferred, unless not tolerated, for
LDL-C  50% high-risk patients. (COR I, LOE A)
Atorvastatin, 40e80 mg Atorvastatin, 10e20 mg  Based on individual risk, up titration to the highest
Rosuvastatin, 20e40 mga Fluvastatin XL, 80 mg recommended statin dose or highest tolerable dose to
Lovastatin, 40 mg reach the target level is necessary. (COR IIa, LOE A)
Pitavastatin, 2e4 mg
Pravastatin, 40e80 mg Ezetimibe
Rosuvastatin, 5e10 mg
Simvastatin, 20e40 mg Ezetimibe decreases cholesterol absorption in the intes-
LDL-C Z low-density lipoprotein cholesterol. tine by binding directly to NPC1L1 protein in intestinal
The maximal dose approved for rosuvastain in Taiwan is mucosa. The average reduction of LDL-C by ezetimibe
20 mg once daily. The 40 mg dose of rosuvastatin is reserved (10 mg) monotherapy is 15e22%, and there is an additional
only for those patients who have familial hypercholesterolemia reduction of LDL-C levels by 15e23% when used in combi-
(FH). nation with statins. Its effects on TG and HDL-C levels are
negligible. The efficacy of ezetimibe in combination with
but greater increases could occur in persons with low simvastatin has been addressed in clinical trials. The Study
HDL-C and elevated TG. of Heart and Renal Protection (SHARP) trial39 evaluated
Statin monotherapy is generally well tolerated, with a simvastatin (20 mg) and ezetimibe (10 mg) versus placebo
low frequency of adverse events. The most common in 9270 CKD patients. Treatment with simvastatin and
statin side effect is muscle-related symptoms. Incidence ezetimibe produced a 17% reduction in major atheroscle-
of myalgia without serum creatine kinase (CK) elevation rotic events compared to placebo (p Z 0.0021). In the
ranges from <5% in randomized clinical trials to >18% in Improved Reduction of Outcomes: Vytorin Efficacy Inter-
reported real-world data. The clinical presentation of national Trial (IMPROVE-IT) study,40 18,144 patients with
myalgia can be subtle or nonspecific that causes difficulty ACS < 10 days were randomly assigned to either simva-
in deciding whether myalgia is statin-induced or caused statin (40 mg) plus ezetimibe (10 mg) or to simvastatin
by other musculoskeletal conditions. Less often, myositis (40 mg) plus placebo. With a median follow-up of 6 years,
(elevated CK > 10 times the upper limit of normal) or simvastatin/ezetimibe was found to reduce the primary
rhabdomyolysis (CK > 10,000 IU/L or accompanied by outcome of CV mortality, major CV event, or nonfatal
significant elevation in creatinine level) develops. In stroke (p Z 0.016). The data suggest incremental LDL-C
randomized controlled trials, the incidence of statin reduction beyond statins, providing further clinical
myopathy is w1.5e5.0%. Myopathy is most likely to occur benefit. Ezetimibe can be coadministered with any dose of
in persons with multiple comorbidities, who are taking any statin. It has relatively few side effects when used
multiple medications, or in elderly persons, those with alone. In several 1-year safety studies, ezetimibe in com-
smaller body size, people of Asian ethnicity, etc. Certain bination with statins demonstrated no significant differ-
concomitant medications may increase the risk of statin ence in adverse event rate compared with either statin or
myopathy, and these include fibrates, particularly gem- ezetimibe monotherapy. Ezetimibe is contraindicated in
fibrozil; niacin; cyclosporine; azole antifungals; macro- pregnant or lactating women.
lide antibiotics; HIV protease inhibitors; verapamil and
diltiazem; amiodarone and grapefruit juice. Routine Recommendation
measurement of CK levels in asymptomatic patients prior
to or during statin treatment is not necessary. There is no  Ezetimibe alone can be considered an alternative to
need to discontinue statin therapy in asymptomatic pa- statins in patients who have statin contraindications or
tients whose CK levels are elevated <10 times the upper intolerance. (COR IIa, LOE C)
limit of normal. However, when patients become symp-  Ezetimibe can be used in combination with statins when
tomatic or their urine darkens, the drug should be the therapeutic target is not achieved at maximal
stopped promptly. The frequency of fatal rhabdomyolysis tolerated statin dose. (COR IIa, LOE B)
has been estimated to be as low as 0.15 deaths per million  For patients with ACS, routine use of the moderate in-
prescriptions. Elevated hepatic transaminases generally tensity statin combined with ezetimibe may be an
occur in 0.5e2.0% of cases and are dose-dependent. alternative. (COR IIa, LOE B)
Serious liver injury with statins is rare and unpredict-
able in individual patient, and routine periodic moni- Proprotein convertase subtilisin kexin 9 (PCSK9)
toring of liver enzymes is not required unless symptoms inhibitor
develop. Other adverse effects of statins such as cogni-
tive decline, confusion, hyperglycemia, increased risk of PCSK9 inhibitor (anti-PCSK9 monoclonal antibody) is a new
cancer, and sleep disturbance have been reported. But class of drug that can decrease LDL receptor (LDLR)
the CV benefits of statins outweigh these unproven small destruction and increase their recycling to the liver surface.
increased risks. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has approved
2017 Taiwan lipid guidelines for high-risk patients 225

evolocumab and alirocumab to be used in patients with FH or (baseline non-HDL-C of 84 mg/dL and LDL-C of 63 mg/dL),
CV disease who require additional LDL-C lowering in addition subgroup analysis suggested that patients with LDL-C greater
to diet and maximally tolerated statins. The European than 76 mg/dL at baseline may benefit from niacin therapy. In
Medicines Agency has approved alirocumab and evolocumab the subgroup analysis of the AIM-HIGH study, a significant
for patients who fail to achieve acceptable lipid control (p Z 0.03) reduction of primary events was found in patients
despite optimal statin therapy, patients with homozygous FH with TG  200 mg/dL and HDL-C < 32 mg/dL with niacin
(HoFH), and statin-intolerant patients. PCSK9 inhibitors, treatment.46 In a recent meta-analysis including 9959 par-
administered via injection every 2e4 weeks, have reduced ticipants derived predominantly from secondary prevention
LDL-C by as much as 50e70% across different patient pop- trials, allocation to niacin treatment yielded a 25% (p Z 0.02)
ulations with or without background statin therapy. risk reduction of the CV end points.48
Recently, significant reductions in CV event rates were re- Niacin is available in immediate-release, sustained-
ported from the Open-Label Study of Long-term Evaluation release, and extended-release formulations. The most
Against LDL-C (OSLER),41 and the Long-term Safety and frequent side effect of niacin is cutaneous flushing, which
Tolerability of Alirocumab in High Cardiovascular Risk Pa- can be reduced by using extended-release formulation, by
tients with Hypercholesterolemia Not Adequately Controlled taking niacin with food, or by taking aspirin (325 mg)
with Their Lipid Modifying Therapy (ODYSSEY LONG TERM) 30 minutes prior to niacin dosing. The other side effects of
studies.42 Pooled analysis of phase II and III studies demon- niacin include hyperuricemia, liver toxicity, and glucose
strated similar incidence of serious adverse events in pa- intolerance. Baseline hepatic transaminase, fasting blood
tients treated with PCSK9 inhibitors versus control.43 glucose or hemoglobin A1c, and uric acid should be ob-
Approximately 5% of injection site reaction was reported in tained prior to the initiation of niacin. These should be
the active treatment arms of evolocumab or alirocumab. followed up again during uptitration to a maintenance dose
Currently, PCSK9 inhibitors are being evaluated in the large and every 6 months thereafter. Niacin should not be used if
clinical outcome trials (FOURIE and ODYSSEY) and the results hepatic transaminase elevation is higher than 2e3 times of
will determine the future of these lipid-lowering therapies the upper limit of normal. To reduce the frequency and
by establishing their clinical efficacy in terms of CV event severity of adverse cutaneous symptoms, it is reasonable to
reduction, safety, and the consequences of prolonged start niacin from low dose and titrate to a higher dose over
exposure to very low levels of LDL-C. a period of weeks as tolerated.

Recommendation Recommendation

PCSK9 inhibitors should be considered in highly selected  Niacin may be considered an option in high-risk patients
patients with with low HDL-C and elevated LDL-C despite statin ther-
apy. (COR IIa, LOE C)
 FH (COR I, LOE A)  Niacin is indicated to reduce elevated TC, LDL-C, and TG
 Statin resistance (patients with CV disease not at LDL-C levels, and to increase HDL-C in patients with mixed
goal despite maximally tolerated statin  ezetimibe) dyslipidemia. (COR IIa, LOE C)
(COR IIa, LOE B)  Niacin is considered as adjunctive therapy for treatment
 Statin intolerance (COR IIa, LOE B) of patients with severe hypertriglyceridemia
(TG  500 mg/dL) who present a risk of pancreatitis.
Nicotinic acid (niacin)  Niacin in combination with statins may be appropriate
options for patients with hypertriglyceridemia and
Nicotinic acid appears to increase HDL-C partially by reducing associated low HDL-C. (COR IIa, LOE C)
HDL-C catabolism and mainly by increasing Apo A1 synthesis in
the liver. Niacin exerts broad-spectrum lipid-modulating ac-
tion, raising HDL-C in a dose-dependent manner by 25% and Fibrate
reducing both LDL-C (by 15e18%) and TG (by 20e40%) at the
2 g/d dose. Niacin has demonstrated benefit in earlier studies Fibrates (gemfibrozil, bezafibrate, fenofibrate, and fenofi-
in conjunction with statins and other drugs, as observed in the bric acid) are agonists of peroxisome proliferator-activated
Cholesterol Lowering Atherosclerosis Study (CLAS)44 and the receptor (PPAR) a, a nuclear receptor involved in the
HDL-Atherosclerosis Treatment Study (HATS).45 However, two regulation of lipid metabolism. Fibrates reduce TG levels by
recently published studies [Atherothrombosis Intervention in approximately 20e50% and also raise HDL-C levels by about
Metabolic Syndrome with Low HDL/High Triglycerides: Impact 10e20%. Fibrates have variable effects on LDL-C such that
on Global Health Outcomes (AIM-HIGH)46 and Heart Protec- in patients with hypertriglyceridemia they may rather in-
tion Study 2dTreatment of HDL to Reduce the Incidence of crease plasma LDL-C levels by 10e15%. The clinical benefits
Vascular Events (HPS2-THRIVE)47] suggested that even though of fibrates in monotherapy are primarily demonstrated by
niacin produced favorable lipid changes, it did not produce four randomized clinical trials: the Helsinki Heart Study
further reduction of heart attack, stroke, or death in patients (HHS),49 the Veterans Affairs High-density lipoprotein
already under statin treatment. Although the HPS2-THRIVE Intervention Trial (VA-HIT),50 the Bezafibrate Infarction
study demonstrated that niacin with the anti-flushing agent Prevention study (BIP),51 and Fenofibrate Intervention and
laropiprant could not reduce the primary composite events in Event Lowering in Diabetes (FIELD).52 The data from these
patients with optimal lipid parameters under statin therapy trials have shown a consistent decrease in nonfatal MI.
226 Y.-H. Li et al.

However, the effects on other clinical outcomes remained (1.8 g/d) was larger in the subset of patients with
equivocal, and the overall efficacy of fibrates on CV out- TG  150 mg/dL and HDL-C < 40 mg/dL than in the overall
comes is much less robust than that of statins. The FIELD study participants. The FDA approved omega-3-carboxylic
trial demonstrated a significant effect in a subgroup of acids as an adjunct to diet to reduce TG in adults with se-
patients with TG levels  200 mg/dL and HDL-C 40 mg/dL. vere hypertriglyceridemia (TG  500 mg/dL). The FDA
However, combination therapy with fenofibrate and sim- approval was based on data from the Epanova for Lowering
vastatin failed to reduce the risk of fatal CV events, Very high Triglycerides (EVOLVE) trial, which examined its
nonfatal MI, or nonfatal stroke according to results from the efficacy in lowering TG and other key lipid parameters in
Action to Control Cardiovascular Risk in Diabetes (ACCORD) patients with very high TG level.55 However, its effect on the
trial.53 Likewise, subgroup analyses in the ACCORD trial risk of pancreatitis or CV mortality and morbidity has not
demonstrated that fibrate therapy could reduce CV events been determined. The daily dose is 2 g or 4 g, making it the
in those with TG  204 mg/dL and HDL-C  34 mg/dL. first prescription omega-3 fatty acid to have a dosing option.
Therefore, there is a consistent finding in the fibrate trials Recently, a randomized clinical trial using omega-3 fatty
for reduction of CV events in patients with high TG and low acid was performed in Taiwanese patients with hyper-
HDL-C whether or not they are treated with statins. triglyceridemia.56 Patients with TG levels from 200 to 1000
Fibrates are generally well tolerated, and the most mg/dL received a concentrated preparation of omega-3 EPA
common side effect is dyspepsia. Fibrates have been asso- plus DHA in a dose of 2 g/d, 4 g/d or placebo, for eight
ciated with muscle toxicity causing muscle pain or weakness, weeks. The TG levels were reduced 32.1% (4 g/d), and 29.7%
especially when used in patients with renal insufficiency or (2 g/d) in omega-3 fatty acid group compared with 5.4% in
when used in combination with statins. Fenofibrate and placebo group (p < 0.001). Two outcomes trials are currently
fenofibric acid are less likely to interact with statins than underway to assess the effect of omega-3 products on CV
gemfibrozil and are safer in patients who must take both outcomes in patients with hypertriglyceridemia despite
medications. Fibrates promote cholesterol secretion into statin therapy. In general, omega-3 fatty acids are well
the bile and are associated with an increased risk of gall- tolerated and appear to be safe. However, the antith-
stones. Thus, fibrates are generally contraindicated in pa- rombotic effects may increase the risk of bleeding, espe-
tients with gallstones and severe liver disease. Fibrates can cially when given in addition to combination therapy with
raise creatinine levels and should be used with caution in aspirin and other antiplatelet drugs.
CKD patients. Fibrates can potentiate the effect of warfarin
and certain oral hypoglycemic agents, and therefore anti- Recommendation
coagulation status and plasma glucose levels should be
monitored in patients taking these agents.  Omega-3 fatty acid is indicated for the treatment of very
high TG (500 mg/dL). (COR IIa, LOE B)
Recommendation  EPA and DHA are recommended for patients with coronary
heart disease and hypertriglyceridemia. (COR IIa, LOE B)
 Fibrate alone could be used as a first-line agent for
treatment of severe hypertriglyceridemia (TG  500 mg/ Cholesteryl ester transfer protein (CEPT) inhibitor
dL) to prevent pancreatitis. (COR I, LOE B)
 In patients with a TG level < 500 mg/dL, the role of fibrates
CETP inhibitors block the transfer of cholesteryl ester from
is primarily in combination with statins in selected patients
HDL-C to LDL-C and VLDL (very low density lipoprotein)-C.
with mixed dyslipidemia. (COR IIa, LOE C)
CETP inhibitors lower LDL-C (w45%) and increase HDL-C (up
 Statinegemfibrozil combination therapy is not recom-
to w179%). When combined with statins, CETP inhibitors
mended. (COR III, LOE B)
yielded an additional decrease of LDL-C up to 50%. Four
 Fibrates are not recommended for dyslipidemia with
CETP inhibitors have reached late-stage clinical develop-
exclusively elevated LDL-C. (COR IIb, LOE C)
ment over the past several years: anacetrapib, dalcetrapib,
evacetrapib, and torcetrapib. Three CETP inhib-
Omega-3 fatty acids/fish oil/n-3 fatty acids/n-3 itorsdtorcetrapib,57 dalcetrapib,58 and evacetrapibdhave
polyunsaturated fatty acids all failed in outcome trials. Available data suggest that
CETP inhibitors might interfere with normal human HDL-C
metabolism, yielding HDL-C that is less efficient in excre-
N-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids (n-3 PUFAs; EPA and DHA)
tion of cholesterol. At the moment, the Randomized Eval-
are components of fish oil and have been used to lower TG by
uation of the Effects of Anacetrapib Through Lipid
20e35% and even up to 45% in individuals with very high TG
modification (REVEAL) study is the only remaining phase 3
(500 mg/dL) at doses of 2e4 g/d. Omega-3 fatty acid
trial of a CETP inhibitor still underway. In this trial, more
preparations containing EPA and DHA may increase LDL-C
than 30,600 patients have been randomized to anacetrapib
from 17% to 25% in patients with very high TG, although
(100 mg daily) or placebo, and the final follow-up is ex-
little or no increase is typically observed in patients with
pected to be completed in early 2017.
mixed dyslipidemia. The Japan EPA Lipid Intervention (JELIS)
study, conducted in 18,645 Japanese patients with hyper-
cholesterolemia, found that statin plus highly purified EPA Combination therapy
ethyl ester (1800 mg/d) was associated with a 19% reduction
in major coronary events.54 The JELIS subgroup analysis re- Statins are the most widely prescribed lipid-lowering agents
ported that the reduction in CV risk with EPA ethyl esters and are often used as monotherapy. A large portion of
2017 Taiwan lipid guidelines for high-risk patients 227

patients could not reach their treatment goals on statin Benefits of LDL lowering in ACS
monotherapy or are troubled by statin side effects,
prompting interest in combination therapy as a way to LDL-C is the most important target of lipid intervention in
enhance the likelihood of achieving target lipid levels ACS patients. Randomized clinical trials demonstrate clinical
without having to increase statin dose and reduce side ef- benefits of LDL-C lowering therapy with statin for ACS pa-
fects. Statins can be combined with ezetimibe, fibrate, tients. In the Myocardial Ischemia Reduction with Aggressive
niacin, or omega-3 fatty acid. However, except for ezeti- Cholesterol Lowering (MIRACL) study, ACS patients were
mibe, results of recent outcome trials of combining statin randomly assigned to treatment with atorvastatin (80 mg/d)
with fibrate or niacin failed to show additional reductions in or placebo between 24 and 96 hours after admission and
CV events compared with statin monotherapy. The adverse followed up for 16 weeks.59 A lower risk of primary end
effects of two or more drugs may be additive; clinical point, including death, nonfatal MI, cardiac arrest, or
judgment is needed to balance the risks and benefits of recurrent myocardial ischemia, was achieved in the statin
combination therapy. group (RR Z 0.84; 95% CI, 0.70e1.00). In the Pravastatin or
Atorvastatin Evaluation and Infection TherapyeThrombolysis
Recommendation In the Myocardial Infarction 22 (PROVE ITeTIMI 22) study,
Combination therapy with statin and other lipid- patients with ACS onset within the previous 10 days were
modifying agents may be considered in the following randomized to pravastatin (40 mg) or atorvastatin (80 mg)
settings: daily.60 After an average follow-up of 24 months, there was a
16% risk reduction (p Z 0.005) of the primary end point
 High-risk patients intolerant of or unresponsive to high- including a significant reduction of revascularization and
intensity statin monotherapy; lower intensity statin recurrent unstable angina and nonsignificant reduction of
combined with nonstatin medications may be an alter- all-cause death (28%, p Z 0.07) in patients treated with
native. (COR IIa, LOE B) atorvastatin (80 mg) than those treated with pravastatin
 When the cholesterol level is markedly increased (such (40 mg). In the A to Z trial, although the primary end point
as in FH) and statin monotherapy does not achieve the was not significantly achieved, a favorable trend to major CV
therapeutic goal. (COR IIa, LOE B). event reduction was observed with early initiation of sim-
 When mixed dyslipidemia is present. (COR IIa, LOE C). vastatin for ACS patients.61 In the IMPROVE-IT trial, patients
 Niacin or fibrates in combination with statins may be hospitalized within 10 days of ACS attack were included and
appropriate options for high-risk patients with hyper- randomized into simvastatin plus ezetimibe or simvastatin
triglyceridemia and low HDL-C. (COR IIa, LOE C) plus placebo.40 The simvastatin/ezetimibe group had a lower
 If maximum tolerated statin does not reach the non- risk of composite primary end point including CV death, MI,
HDL-C goal, add-on therapy with fibrate, omega-3, or or stroke [hazard ratio (HR) Z 0.936; 95% CI, 0.89e0.99]. In
niacin could be considered. (COR IIa, LOE C) Japan, the ESTABLISH study randomized patients with ACS
onset within 48 hours into statin therapy (atorvastatin,
Follow-up and monitoring 20 mg/d) immediately after percutaneous coronary inter-
vention (PCI) or standard care without lipid-lowering ther-
Regular lipid monitoring may promote patient adherence to apy. Statin therapy not only reduced coronary plaque
drug regimens and has a positive impact on their clinical volume observed from intravascular ultrasound (IVUS) but
outcomes. Response to therapy can be assessed at also predicted a lower risk of major adverse cardiac and
6e8 weeks from initiation or dose increases for statins, but cerebrovascular events (HR Z 0.46; 95% CI, 0.23e0.86)
response to fibrates may take longer. In long-term follow- during follow-up.62,63 These data indicate that LDL-C
up, the standard practice for monitoring a complete lipid lowering therapy with statin or statin plus ezetimibe is
profile (TC, TG, LDL-C, and HDL-C) is 6e12 months. How- necessary to improve the clinical outcomes for ACS patients.
ever, the specific interval should depend on patient
adherence and individual clinical situation.
Treatment target of LDL-C in ACS
Observational studies found better clinical outcomes in ACS
patients who received statin treatment even with a low
 Complete lipid profile (TC, TG, LDL-C, and HDL-C) should
baseline LDL-C. In the Global Registry of Acute Coronary
be monitored during the lipid lowering drug therapy.
Events (GRACE) registry, ACS patients with baseline LDL-
C < 100 mg/dL prior to statin treatment have a lower risk of
composite end point of MI, stroke, and death (adjusted
Acute coronary syndrome (ACS) odds ratio (OR) Z 0.64; 95% CI, 0.47e0.88) compared with
non-statin users at 6 months follow-up.64 In the Korean
ACS is a catastrophic complication of coronary atheroscle- Acute MI Registry, acute MI patients with baseline LDL-
rosis. It usually results from acute plaque rupture with C < 70 mg/dL who received statin therapy had a reduced
coronary thrombus formation causing lumen obstruction risk of the composite primary end point of death, recurrent
and myocardial ischemia or infarction. Diagnosis of ACS MI, target vessel revascularization, and coronary artery
depends on clinical presentation, electrocardiographic and bypass grafting (adjusted HR Z 0.56; 95% CI, 0.34e0.89) at
biomarker change, and ranges from ST segment elevation 1 year follow-up compared with nonstatin users.65 In the
MI to non-ST segment elevation MI or unstable angina. Cholesterol Treatment Trialists’ (CTT) Collaboration meta-
228 Y.-H. Li et al.

analysis involving 170,000 individuals in 26 randomized difference in the primary composite end point, including CV
trials, further LDL-C reduction with more intensive statin death, recurrent MI, angina requiring rehospitalization,
results in further decrease of coronary events, revascular- revascularization procedures, and stroke, between the two
ization, and ischemic stroke. No threshold of cholesterol groups at 4 months and 12 months follow-up. In another
level was found. The benefit of more intensive statin study, ACS patients were stratified according to statin
therapy was observed in patients with LDL-C < 77 mg/dL.66 initiation <24 hours and >24 hours after ACS presentation.
Considering most of clinical and basic scientific data, statin No significant differences were observed in the clinical
therapy is suggested to be used in all patients with ACS if outcomes including death, MI, stroke, rehospitalization, and
there is no contraindication of the drug. urgent revascularization between the two groups.72 How-
There are no specific randomized clinical trials to address ever, for patients with ACS undergoing PCI, a meta-analysis
the treatment target of LDL-C in patients with ACS. In the demonstrated that statin initiation before PCI reduced the
MIRACL study, the achieved mean LDL-C was 72 mg/dL in the risk of 30-day CV events compared with a post-PCI admin-
statin group and 132 in the control group.59 In the PROVE istration.73 Statin given prior to PCI in ACS could be useful.
ITeTIMI 22 study, the median levels of LDL-C achieved were Fig. 2 shows the LDL-C treatment algorithm for ACS patients.
95 mg/dL in the pravastatin group and 62 mg/dL in the
atorvastatin group.60 In the IMPROVE-IT study, the achieved Recommendation
median LDL-C was 70 mg/dL in the simvastatin monotherapy
group and 53 mg/dL in the simvastatin/ezetimibe group.40  Statin or statin/ezetimibe should be used for all ACS
The benefits of simvastatin/ezetimibe were more evident patients if there is no contraindication. (COR I, LOE A)
in diabetic patients. In the ESTABLISH study in Japan, the  The LDL-C target should be <70 mg/dL in ACS patients.
median LDL-C achieved in the statin therapy group and (COR I, LOE B)
control group were 69 mg/dL and 120 mg/dL, respectively.62  In ACS patients with diabetes, a lower target of LDL-
In the China Intensive Lipid Lowering with Statins in Acute C < 55 mg/dL can be considered. (COR IIa, LOE B)
Coronary Syndrome study, ACS patients were randomized to  Statin or statin/ezetimibe therapy should be started
receive atorvastatin (10 mg/d) (or equivalent dose of other within the first few days of hospitalization for ACS and
statins) or atorvastatin (20e40 mg/d) (or equivalent dose of prior to PCI for ACS. (COR IIa, LOE B)
other statins).67 At 3 months, the mean achieved LDL-C was
81 mg/dL and 78 mg/dL, respectively. No significant dif-
ference of the primary end point was observed at 2 years TG and HDL-C
follow-up. In the Plaque Regression With Cholesterol Ab-
sorption Inhibitor or Synthesis Inhibitor Evaluated by Intra- The role of TG as a CV risk factor is still controversial.
vascular Ultrasound (PRECISE-IVUS) study performed in Several studies found that increased TG is a risk factor of
Japan, the combination of atorvastatin and ezetimibe recurrent cardiac events in ACS patients already under
resulted in lower levels of LDL-C (63.2  16.3 mg/dL vs. statin treatment. In the post hoc analysis of PROVE ITeTIMI
73.3  20.3 mg/dL) and greater coronary plaque regression 22 trial, on-treatment TG < 150 mg/dL was associated with
than atorvastatin monotherapy.68 The statin-induced coro- a lower risk of composite end point of death, MI, or
nary plaque regression was even more prominent in ACS recurrent ACS after adjusting for LDL-C, HDL-C, and other
patients than patients with stable angina. There is a close clinical variables.74 Similar findings were also found in the
association between the achieved LDL-C and coronary pla- MIRACL study. The primary end point events increased
que regression, and the plaques start to regress when LDL-C across tertiles of baseline TG, and the HR was 1.50 between
is lowered down to <70 mg/dL.36,69 Previous meta-analysis the highest (>195 mg/dL) and the lowest (135 mg/dL)
study suggested a relation between IVUS-derived measures tertile of TG in the atorvastatin group of the MIRACL
of coronary plaque burden and adverse CV events.70 After study.75 In the dal-OUTCOMES trial, patients were ran-
considering all these data, controlling LDL-C to a target of domized to CETP inhibitor dalcetrapib or placebo at
<70 mg/dL is reasonable for all ACS patients. From the data 4e12 weeks after ACS on the background of statin ther-
in the IMPROVE-IT study, a lower target of LDL-C < 55 mg/dL apy.58 The risk of primary end point also increased with the
can be considered in ACS patients with DM. baseline TG, and the HR was 1.61 between the highest
(>175 mg/dL) and the lowest (80 mg/dL) quintile of TG.75
Increased TG is usually associated with decreased concen-
Timing of therapy in ACS trations of HDL-C.76 Low HDL-C level has long been known
as a cardiac risk factor. However, under statin control of
In the MIRACL study, statin was started between 24 hours LDL-C, all clinical trials with add-on therapy of fibrate,53
and 96 hours after hospital admission for ACS.59 In the niacin,46,47 or CETP inhibitor57,58 that decreased TG and
PROVE ITeTIMI 22 and IMPROVE-IT studies, statin or statin/ increased HDL-C could not further reduce cardiac risk
ezetimibe was started in ACS onset within 10 days.40,60 In compared with placebo. Non-HDL-C (TC minus HDL-C) in-
the ESTABLISH study, statin was used within 48 hours after cludes all potentially atherogenic lipoprotein particles,
MI onset.62 Li et al71 divided ACS patients into early statin such as VLDL, intermediate density lipoprotein (IDL), LDL,
group (statin initiation 2 days after admission; mean and lipoprotein (a). Non-HDL-C is also a CV risk factor12,77
initiation date, 1.72  0.45 days) and late statin group and can be considered as a secondary treatment target
(>2 days after admission and prior to discharge) and for patients with TG  200 mg/dL. The suggested non-HDL-
compared their clinical outcomes. There was no significant C target is <100 mg/dL in ACS patients.
2017 Taiwan lipid guidelines for high-risk patients 229


Start statin or statin/ezetimibe for all

LDL-C < 70 mg/dL ?

Yes No

Keep treatment Consider patients clinical features

DM ? Intolerable

Use high intensity Use non high intensity

Yes No
statin ± ezetimibe statin ± ezetimibe

LDL-C < 55 mg/dL

Keep treatment
can be considered
LDL-C < 70 mg/dL ?

Yes No

Keep treatment Add PCSK9 inhibitor

Figure 2 LDL-C treatment algorithm for ACS patients. ACS Z acute coronary syndrome; DM Z diabetes mellitus; LDL-C Z low-
density lipoprotein cholesterol; PCSK9 Z proprotein convertase subtilisin kexin 9.

Recommendation take pravastatin (40 mg) or placebo.79 There was a 24% RR

reduction (95% CI, 0.09e0.36) in the occurrence of the pri-
 Increased TG may be a risk factor of recurrent CV events mary end point including fatal coronary event or nonfatal
after ACS. (COR IIa, LOE B) MI. In the Scandinavian Simvastatin Survival Study (4S), 4444
 Non-HDL-C < 100 mg/dL can be the secondary target in patients with stable CAD, defined as having angina pectoris
patients with TG  200 mg/dL. (COR IIa, LOE B) or previous MI (onset time >6 months), were randomly
 TG-lowering therapy is necessary in patients with assigned to receive simvastatin (20e40 mg) or placebo.80
TG  500 mg/dL to prevent pancreatitis. (COR I, LOE B) Over 5.4 years of follow-up, there was a significant reduc-
tion of the primary end point, total mortality (RR Z 0.70;
95% CI, 0.58e0.85). In the Medical Research Council/British
Stable coronary artery disease (CAD) Heart Foundation (MRC/BHF) Heart Protection Study (HPS),
20,536 high-risk individuals were randomly allocated to
Patients with stable CAD have a high risk of myocardial receive 40 mg simvastatin or placebo for 5-year follow-up.81
ischemia, coronary revascularization, and ACS. Clinical In this study, 13,386 participants had prior MI or CAD and
diagnosis of CAD usually depends on a history of ACS or statin treatment provided a significant reduction of first
coronary revascularization, ischemic symptoms with posi- major vascular event (HR Z 0.75; 95% CI, 0.67e0.84). In the
tive stress tests, and the presence of significant coronary Treating to New Targets (TNT) study, 10,001 stable CAD
luminal narrowing by imaging studies. patients were randomized to atorvastatin (10 mg/d or
80 mg/d) and followed up for a median of 4.9 years.82 The
Benefits of LDL lowering in stable CAD primary end point was the occurrence of a first major CV
event, defined as death from CAD, nonfatal MI, resuscitation
LDL-C is the primary target in patients with stable CAD. after cardiac arrest, or fatal or nonfatal stroke. Mean LDL-C
Randomized clinical trials have clearly demonstrated the levels were reduced to 77 mg/dL during treatment with high
benefits of statin therapy for patients with CAD. In the Long- dose statin and resulted in a significant reduction in the risk
Term Intervention with Pravastatin in Ischaemic Disease of primary end point (HR Z 0.78; 95% CI, 0.69e0.89).
(LIPID) study, CAD patients who had a history of MI or hos- Statins not only improve clinical outcome but also atten-
pitalization for unstable angina were randomly assigned to uate atheroma progression or enhance atheroma regression.
treatment with pravastatin (40 mg/d) or placebo.78 The In the Reversal of Atherosclerosis with Aggressive Lipid
primary study end point was mortality from CAD. A lower Lowering (REVERSAL) trial, a total of 654 CAD patients were
risk of primary end point was found with statin as compared randomized into two groups, administered either atorvasta-
to placebo (RR Z 24%; 95% CI, 0.12e0.35). In the Choles- tin (80 mg/day) or pravastatin (40 mg/d).35 After 18 months
terol and Recurrent Events (CARE) study, 4159 patients with of treatment, progression of atherosclerotic plaque was
CAD, defined as having a history of MI, were randomized to halted in atorvastatin versus pravastatin group (percent
230 Y.-H. Li et al.

change in plaque volume, 0.4% vs. 2.7%). The mean LDL-C Who can benefit from statin therapy?
levels were reduced from 150.2 mg/dL to 79 mg/dL in the
atorvastatin group. In the A Study to Evaluate the Effect of The definitions of stable CAD were diverse in the clinical
Rosuvastatin on Intravascular Ultrasound-Derived Coronary trials. The mega outcome trials usually included patients
Atheroma Burden (ASTEROID) trial, rosuvastatin (40 mg/d) with history of unstable angina hospitalization or MI
was used for 24 months in 507 CAD patients.36 The mean (onset > 1 month, 3 months, or 6 months), medical history
change in percent atheroma volume for the entire vessel was of angina pectoris, or coronary artery bypass grafting or
0.98% (p < 0.001 vs. baseline). The mean baseline LDL-C of angioplasty. In view of the diverse eligibility of participants
130.4 mg/dL was decreased to 60.8 mg/dL in this study. with clinical diagnosis of CAD in these clinical trials, it is
Statins not only induce coronary plaque regression but also reasonable to recommend statin therapy in stable CAD
modify its composition and stabilize coronary plaque.83 In patients based on medical history of CAD, including: (1)
Japan, the Coronary Atherosclerosis Study Measuring Effects history of MI or unstable angina (>6 months); (2) history of
of Rosuvastatin Using Intravascular Ultrasound in Japanese coronary revascularization; (3) presence of ischemic
Subjects (COSMOS) study included 214 CAD patients who were symptoms with positive stress tests; (4) suspected ischemic
assigned to receive rosuvastatin (5e20 mg daily) for heart disease by electrocardiography or echocardiography;
76 weeks.84 Rosuvastatin treatment exerted significant (5) transcatheter angiographic diagnosis of significant cor-
regression of coronary atheroma (percent change of plaque onary stenosis (50% luminal narrowing). To avoid over-
volume by 5.1  14.1%, p < 0.0001). The baseline mean LDL- diagnosis, asymptomatic patients with coronary stenosis
C of 140.2 mg/dL declined to 82.9 mg/dL after statin treat- <75% but 50% luminal narrowing diagnosed by coronary
ment. Statin therapy also plays an important role in plaque computed tomography angiography, further stress test is
composition and stability in patients with stable CAD. In advised. For severe coronary lesions (75% luminal nar-
Korea, the Atorvastatin versus Rosuvastatin Therapy with rowing in major epicardial arteries or 50% luminal nar-
Equivalent Potency on Mild Coronary Atherosclerotic Plaques rowing in the left main trunk), statin therapy is
(ARTMAP) trial randomized 350 patients to atorvastatin recommended. Statins could be considered in patients who
(20 mg/d) versus rosuvastatin (10 mg/d).85 At 6-month have nonobstructed coronary atherosclerosis (<50% luminal
follow-up, the change in percent atheroma volume was not narrowing) in view of the robust evidence supporting statin
different between the two groups (0.3  4.2 vs. 1.1  3.5, effect on coronary plaque volume and stability.
p Z 0.157). The achieved LDL-C levels were 56  18 mg/dL
versus 53  18 mg/dL, respectively. In a meta-analysis of 20 Recommendation
trials including 5910 patients with CAD, intensive lowering
LDL-C (rosuvastatin mean 33 mg daily and atorvastatin mean  The LDL-C target should be <70 mg/dL in stable CAD
60 mg daily) for >17 months duration could lead to the patients. (COR I, LOE B)
regression of coronary atherosclerotic plaque. The LDL-C  Statin-benefit CAD included patients with history of ACS
should be reduced at least by >40% or to a target level (>6 months), history of coronary revascularization,
<78 mg/dL for atheroma regression.86 presence of ischemic symptoms with positive stress
tests, or suspected ischemic heart disease by electro-
cardiography or echocardiography, or transcatheter
Treatment target of LDL-C in CAD angiographic diagnosis of significant coronary stenosis
(50% luminal narrowing). (COR I, LOE B)
No randomized clinical trials were designed to examine a  Statin could be considered in patients who have non-
specific treatment target of LDL-C in patients with stable obstructed coronary atherosclerosis (<50% luminal nar-
CAD. In the CARE study, the mean level of LDL-C was low- rowing). (COR IIb, LOE C)
ered to 97 mg/dL in the pravastatin group.79 In the MRC/
BHF HPS, the mean LDL-C was reduced to 88.9 mg/dL in the
statin group and 127.7 mg/dL in the placebo group.81 In the TG and HDL-C
TNT study, the mean LDL-C was 77 mg/dL during treatment
with high-dose statin and 101 mg/dL during treatment with The role of TG or HDL-C as a CV risk factor is still contro-
low-dose statin.82 In the CTT Collaboration meta-analysis, versial. The post hoc analysis of the 4S study showed that
LDL-C reduction with more intensive statin results in lower baseline TG levels are associated with less major CV
further decrease of coronary events, revascularization, and events (per 1 mmol/L reduction in TG: RR Z 17.6%; 95% CI,
ischemic stroke in patients with stable CAD or acute MI. No 28.5 to 5.1) in the placebo arm.88 For statin-treated CAD
threshold of cholesterol level was found. The benefit of patients, some studies revealed that low HDL-C is a risk
more intensive statin therapy was consistent regardless of factor of major CV events, whereas higher TG has weak or no
the baseline LDL-C levels, even observed in patients with predicted value. For example, in the post hoc analysis of the
baseline LDL-C < 77 mg/dL (HR Z 0.71; 95% CI, statin arm in the 4S study, a significant RR by 0.8% was
0.52e0.98).66 In the post hoc analysis of TNT study, there observed for each 1% increase in HDL-C, whereas there was
was a highly significant reduction in the rate of major CV no clear relationship with TG.88 In the post hoc analysis of
events with descending achieved levels of on-treatment the TNT trial, the relationship between HDL-C and major CV
LDL-C (p < 0.0001 for trend across LDL-C).87 Considering events showed borderline significance (p Z 0.05). In patients
most of the data from randomized clinical trials and IVUS with LDL-C < 70 mg/dL, those in the highest quintile of HDL-
studies, statin therapy to treat LDL-C to a target of C were at less risk for major CV events than those in the
<70 mg/dL is reasonable for all stable CAD patients. lowest quintile (p Z 0.03).89 Results from clinical trials with
2017 Taiwan lipid guidelines for high-risk patients 231

TG-lowering/HDL-C-raising drugs in stable CAD patients were plaques in the superficial femoral artery by using magnetic
inconsistent, with a neutral effect of benzafibrate in the BIP resonance imaging in PAD patients treated with statin or
study51 and a positive effect of gemfibrozil in the HIT statin plus ezetimibe. Statin therapy, with or without eze-
study.50 Recent clinical trials all failed to show benefit of timibe, could stop the progression of atherosclerosis, but
add-on TG-lowering/HDL-C-raising drugs on top of statin. adding ezetimibe to patients previously treated only with
Taken together, the prognostic role of HDL-C and TG in CAD statin led to a progression of peripheral atherosclerosis,
patients with or without treatment with statin is contro- despite a 22% decrease in LDL-C.99 Taken together, the
versial. The recommendations for TG or HDL-C intervention benefit of nonstatin lipid-lowering drug in PAD patients is
in CAD patients are the same as those in ACS patients. controversial. Overall, the treatment targets for patients
with ACS, stable CAD, or PAD are summarized in Table 7.
Peripheral arterial disease
PAD is a manifestation of systemic atherosclerosis and is
associated with an increased CV risk. PAD patients often  ABI measurement is recommended to identify PAD in
have other comorbidities, and physicians should be alert of patients with multiple risk factors. (COR IIa, LOE C)
the coexisting CAD.90,91 Weak or absent pulse is usually  The LDL-C target in PAD should be <100 mg/dL and
found during physical examination. The first-line diagnostic optimally <70 mg/dL if there is coexisting CAD. (COR IIa,
tool is ankle-brachial index (ABI). PAD is suspected when LOE C)
ABI is 0.90. ABI values of 0.91e0.99 are considered
“borderline,” and values >1.40 indicate noncompressible Ischemic stroke and transient ischemic attack
arteries. PAD is graded as mild to moderate if the ABI is
between 0.41 and 0.90, and an ABI <0.40 is suggestive of TC/LDL-C and stroke risk
severe PAD. Doppler ultrasound examination can be ar-
ranged to look at the site and extent of atherosclerosis. For Observational studies have shown that higher TC and LDL-C
further PAD diagnosis, computerized tomography, magnetic are associated with increased risk of ischemic stroke.100,101
resonance angiography, or invasive angiography are widely In the Asia Pacific Cohort Studies Collaboration from 25
used imaging techniques. countries including 352,033 participants, every 1 mmol/L
The data of PAD patients in the HPS trial showed that increase in TC had a 25% increase in ischemic stroke, a 45%
treatment with simvastatin (40 mg daily) reduced the rate increase in fatal or nonfatal MI, and a 20% decrease in fatal
of major vascular events by nearly 25% and also reduced intracranial hemorrhage (ICH).100 In a meta-analysis of 61
the rate of peripheral vascular events by 16%, mainly prospective observational studies, TC was positively asso-
because of reduction of noncoronary revascularizations, ciated with ischemic heart disease mortality in both mid-
including amputations.92 Simvastatin treatment reduced dle and old age, but was only weakly associated with
the rate of first major vascular events in patients with PAD ischemic and total stroke mortality in middle age
without preexisting CAD, and the risk reduction was inde- (40e59 years).102 Ischemic stroke is a heterogeneous dis-
pendent of the severity of preexisting PAD. The 4S trial ease, and the association of lipids with ischemic stroke
demonstrated a 38% risk reduction of new or worsening may vary by its subtypes.103 The studies in Japan showed
intermittent claudication in the simvastatin group versus that elevated levels of TC or LDL-C were associated with
the placebo group, over a follow-up period of 5.4 years.93 increased risk for atherothrombotic infarction, but not for
The other two studies showed that simvastatin treatment cardioembolism and lacunar infarction.104,105 On the
could improve total walking distance and pain-free walking
distances in PAD patients.94,95 Atorvastatin could also
improve the symptomatology of patients with PAD. Ator-
Table 7 LDL-C targets in ACS, CAD, and PAD.
vastatin (10 mg/d or 80 mg/d) was compared with the
placebo group, and the pain-free walking distance Disease category LDL-C target
improved by 63% in the 80 mg atorvastatin treatment Primary target
group.96 A meta-analysis including 17 lipid-lowering trials ACS LDL-C < 70 mg/dL
found 26% risk reduction of CV events in PAD patients ACS þ DM LDL-C < 55 mg/dL
treated with statins.97 Although a number of lipid-lowering can be considered
drugs were assessed, the most consistent benefits were Stable CAD LDL < 70 mg/dL
shown by statins. Lipid-lowering therapy also improved PAD PAD LDL < 100 mg/dL
symptoms by increasing walking distance and alleviating PAD þ CAD LDL < 70 mg/dL
claudication. Secondary target
The data of nonstatin lipid-lowering drugs in PAD pa- ACS, stable CAD, Non-HDL-C < 100 mg/dL
tients are rare. A study evaluated the effect of benzafi- PAD with TG >200 mg/dL
brate on CV events in patients with PAD. Benzafibrate
ACS Z acute coronary syndrome; CAD Z coronary artery dis-
reduced TG by 23.3% and LDL-C by 8.1%; it also increased
ease; DM Z diabetes mellitus; HDL-C Z high-density lipopro-
HDL-C by 8%. However, benzafibrate treatment did not tein cholesterol; LDL-C Z low-density lipoprotein cholesterol;
exert any benefit in the incidence of CAD and stroke.98 The PAD Z peripheral arterial disease; TG Z triglyceride.
other study evaluated the evolution of atherosclerotic
232 Y.-H. Li et al.

contrary, lower TC and LDL-C were associated with that statin therapy at stroke onset was associated with
increased risk of ICH.106,107 A meta-analysis of 23 pro- better functional outcome and lower mortality at
spective studies including 1,430,141 participants showed 90 days.117 Another meta-analysis showed that prestroke
that there is an inverse relationship between TC and ICH statin use was associated with milder initial stroke severity,
(OR Z 0.85 per 1 mmol/L increment; 95% CI, 0.80e0.91), good functional outcome, and lower mortality; and statin
and less significant relationship between LDL-C and ICH withdrawal after acute stroke was associated with worse
(OR Z 0.90; 95% CI, 0.77e1.05).108 functional outcome.118 In intravenous thrombolysis for
acute ischemic stroke, a meta-analysis showed prior statin
Statins in stroke prevention use was not associated with favorable outcome (OR Z 0.99;
95% CI, 0.88e1.12), but was associated with an increased
risk of symptomatic ICH (OR Z 1.55; 95% CI, 1.23e1.95).119
In a meta-analysis of 24 randomized trials, statin treatment
From the Get With The Guidelines-Stroke Registry,
has primary stroke risk reduction of 0.81 (95% CI,
ischemic stroke patients without prestroke statin use but
0.75e0.87), and by metaregression analysis, every 1 mmol/L
discharged on statin therapy had lower risk of CV events,
LDL-C reduction can decrease the risk of stroke by 21.1% and
lower mortality and readmission, and no increased risk of
a 10% LDL-C reduction can decrease the risk of stroke by
hemorrhagic stroke in a 2-year follow-up.120 Of 16,704 pa-
7.5%.109 Another meta-analysis including 27 trials showed
tients with acute ischemic stroke or TIA from the Taiwan
that statin therapy has 15% risk reduction of stroke per
Stroke Registry, lipid-lowering therapy during hospitaliza-
1 mmol/L LDL-C reduction.38 An observation study in Taiwan
tion was associated with a lower risk of recurrent stroke,
also showed statin reduced risk of recurrent ischemic stroke
ischemic heart disease, and death at 6 months after the
in diabetic patients.110 The Stroke Prevention by Aggressive
stroke (HR Z 0.78; 95% CI, 0.61e0.98).121 However, only
Reduction in Cholesterol Levels (SPARCL) study was the only
38.7% of patients from Taiwan Stroke Registry with dysli-
trial dedicated to evaluate statin in secondary stroke pre-
pidemia received lipid-lowering drugs at discharge.6 Data
vention. This trial randomized 4731 patients with recent
from the Taiwanese Secondary Prevention for patients with
stroke or transient ischemic attack (TIA), baseline LDL-C
AtheRosCLErotic disease (T-SPARCLE) Registry also demon-
100e190 mg/dL, and no known CAD history to receive
strated that the use of lipid-lowering drugs and a target of
atorvastatin (80 mg/d) versus placebo.111 Over a median
LDL-C < 100 mg/dL for patients with cerebrovascular dis-
follow-up of 4.9 years, atorvastatin was associated with 2.2%
ease were still suboptimal in Taiwan.122 A meta-analysis of
absolute risk reduction of recurrent stroke (HR Z 0.84; 95%
16 studies showed that pre-ICH statin use did not increase
CI, 0.71e0.99) and 3.5% absolute risk reduction of major CV
mortality, and had a better 3-month functional outcome as
events (HR Z 0.80; 95% CI, 0.69e0.92). The benefit of statin
compared to no pre-ICH statin use.123 One study from
on stroke risk reduction was similar across age, sex, and
Taiwan National Health Insurance Research Database
stroke subtypes.112 The SPARCL trial found a higher inci-
showed that ICH patients who had taken statins during
dence of ICH in the statin arm (2.3% vs. 1.4%; HR Z 1.66; 95%
hospitalization or within 3 months after discharge were
CI, 1.08e2.55). The risk of ICH linked to statin was associ-
associated with lower all-cause mortality and without
ated with hemorrhagic stroke as the entry event and old
increased recurrent ICH.124
individuals.113 A meta-analysis of 31 randomized trials
showed statin did not increase ICH, and the occurrence of
ICH was not related to LDL-C level.114 One analysis from
Taiwan’s National Health Insurance database also showed
that there was no association between cumulative statin use  For patients with acute ischemic stroke or TIA, early
and ICH occurrence in individuals without stroke history.115 initiation of statin therapy is recommended. (COR IIa,
Recommendation  For patients with acute ischemic stroke treated with
thrombolysis, statin therapy prior to or after thrombol-
ysis is safe and may be beneficial. (COR IIb, LOE B)
 For patients with ischemic stroke or TIA presumed to be
 For patients with acute ischemic stroke, hemorrhagic
of atherosclerotic origin, intensive statin therapy is
stroke or TIA, discontinuation of prestroke statin therapy
recommended. The goal of LDL-C < 100 mg/dL is sug-
is not recommended. (COR III, LOE C)
gested. (COR I, LOE A)
 For patients with stroke or TIA presumed to be of non-
atherosclerotic origin, the benefit of intensive statin Other lipid-lowering drugs for stroke prevention
therapy is uncertain. (COR IIb, LOE C)
In a metaregression analysis of 64 randomized trials, an
Statins in acute stroke association was found between baseline TG levels and
stroke risk (RR Z 1.05 per 10 mg/dL increase; 95% CI,
Beyond lipid-lowering effect, statins have pleiotropic anti- 1.03e1.07).125 However, fibrates had no effect on
inflammatory activities and neuroprotective effects.116 decreasing stroke risk in another meta-analysis.126 Niacin,
Early statin therapy after acute stroke may have benefi- fibrates, and CETP inhibitors can raise the HDL-C level. A
cial effects of less stroke recurrence and better functional meta-analysis showed there was no significant effect on
outcome. In contrast, statin discontinuation after stroke stroke outcomes for niacin (OR Z 0.96; 95% CI, 0.75e1.22),
may be associated with increased risk of early neurological fibrates (OR Z 1.01; 95% CI, 0.90e1.13), or CETP inhibitors
deterioration and poor outcome. A meta-analysis found (OR Z 1.14; 95% CI, 0.90e1.45).127
2017 Taiwan lipid guidelines for high-risk patients 233

Carotid stenosis in Hong Kong to evaluate the effects of simvastatin (20 mg/
d) on the progression of middle cerebral artery stenosis in
Statins can stabilize carotid plaque, decrease plaque 114 stroke-free individuals over 2 years, the results showed
inflammation, and reduce carotid atherosclerotic progres- there was no apparent effect on the evolution of asymp-
sion. Over the past two decades, the annual stroke rate due tomatic middle cerebral artery stenosis.137 Another study in
to asymptomatic carotid stenosis has decreased signifi- Taiwan showed atorvastatin (40 mg/d) resulted in regres-
cantly from 2% to 4% to <1%, which was largely attributed sion in more than half of symptomatic ICAS patients, but
to improvement in medical management, including there was no control group for comparison.138 In the Trials
increased statin use.128 A meta-analysis including 21 trials of Cilostazol in Symptomatic intracranial arterial stenosis-2
with 6317 individuals showed that statin therapy was (TOSS-2) study including 409 patients, lipid levels or statin
associated with regression of common carotid artery use did not predict progression or regression of ICAS.139
intima-media thickness (pooled weighted mean difference The Stenting and Aggressive Medical Management for
between statin vs. placebo 0.029 mm; 95% CI, 0.045 to Preventing Recurrent Stroke in Intracranial Stenosis
0.013) by ultrasonography.129 For asymptomatic carotid (SAMMPRIS) trial compared stenting plus aggressive medical
stenosis, other ASCVD is common and long-term mortality is management versus aggressive medical management only in
high. In a review of 17 studies including 11,391 asymp- patients with TIA or stroke within 30 days attributed to ICAS
tomatic carotid artery stenosis patients, the 5-year all- 70e99%.140 Aggressive medical therapy consisted of aspirin
cause mortality was 23.6%.130 Treatment with statins (325 mg/d), clopidogrel (75 mg/d) for 90 days after enroll-
improved long-term survival in patients with carotid ste- ment and intensive risk factors management that targeted
nosis.131 In a subgroup analysis of patients with carotid SBP < 140 mmHg (<130 mmHg in patients with DM), LDL-
stenosis from the SPARCL trial, high dose statin treatment C < 70 mg/dL, non-HDL-C < 100 mg/dL, and hemoglobin
was associated with a 33% risk reduction of stroke A1C < 7% in DM with a lifestyle modification program. This
(HR Z 0.67; 95% CI, 0.47e0.94).132 trial was stopped prematurely after 451 patients had been
randomized because the 1-month stroke or mortality in the
Recommendation stenting group was significantly higher than that in the
medical group (14.7% vs. 5.8%, p Z 0.002). The event rate in
 For patients with symptomatic carotid stenosis, aggres- the medical arm of SAMMPRIS was much better than that
sive medical therapies with antiplatelet, blood pressure projected based on WASID trial, which may be explained by
and lipid control, and other risk factor modifications are the differences in the intensity of medical management,
recommended. The goal of LDL-C < 100 mg/dL is sug- including dual antiplatelet therapy for the first 3 months,
gested. (Class I, LOE A) aggressive blood pressure and LDL-C control, and a lifestyle
 For patients with asymptomatic carotid stenosis and program. After extending the follow-up time to 32.4 months,
clinical evidence of other ASCVD, aggressive medical the SAMMPRIS cohort still demonstrated persistence of the
therapies with antiplatelet, blood pressure and lipid early benefit of medical management over stenting.141 A
control, and other risk factor modifications are recom- post hoc analysis of factors associated with recurrent
mended. The goal of LDL-C < 100 mg/dL is suggested. ischemic stroke in the medical arm included old infarct in
(Class IIa, LOE B) the territory, stroke as the qualifying event, and no statin
 For patients with asymptomatic carotid stenosis and use at enrollment (HR Z 2.4; 95% CI, 1.1e5.2).142
without clinical evidence of other ASCVD, lipid control
could be considered. (COR IIb, LOE C) Recommendation

 For patients with stroke or TIA attributable to ICAS

Intracranial arterial stenosis 50e99%, intensive lipid and blood pressure control is
recommended. The goal of LDL-C < 100 mg/dL is sug-
Intracranial arterial stenosis (ICAS) is an important cause of gested (COR I, LOE B).
ischemic stroke, especially in Asian populations.133,134 Pa-  For patients who have asymptomatic ICAS (>50%) and
tients with symptomatic ICAS have high risk of recurrent clinical evidence of other ASCVD, aggressive medical
stroke. In the WarfarineAspirin Symptomatic Intracranial therapy, including antiplatelets, blood pressure, and
Disease (WASID) trial, 569 patients who had stroke or TIA lipid control, is recommended. The goal of LDL-C <
attributed to ICAS 50e99% were randomized to receive 100 mg/dL is recommended (Class IIb, LOE C).
warfarin (international normalized ratio 2e3) versus aspirin  For patients with asymptomatic ICAS (>50%) and without
(1300 mg/d). After a mean follow-up of 1.8 years, 22.1% in clinical evidence of other ASCVD, lipid control could be
the aspirin group and 21.8% in the warfarin group developed considered (Class IIb, LOE C).
stroke or died (vascular death) (p Z 0.83).135 The WASID
study highlighted the importance of risk factor control in
prevention of recurrent stroke in patients with ICAS. Pa- Diabetes mellitus (DM)
tients with LDL-C  100 mg/dL had higher risk of recurrent
stroke compared with those with LDL-C < 100 mg/dL Diagnosis
(HR Z 1.72, p Z 0.03), and patients with systolic blood
pressure (SBP)  140 mmHg also had higher risk of recurrent DM refers to a group of metabolic disorders characterized by
stroke compared with patients with mean SBP < 140 mmHg the presence of hyperglycemia that results from insulin
(HR Z 1.63, p Z 0.01).136 In a randomized trial conducted deficiency, insulin resistance, or both. Chronic hyperglycemia
234 Y.-H. Li et al.

is associated with both microvascular and macrovascular disease.147,148 Aggressive management for lipid disorder
complications. The current diagnostic criteria of DM143 (Table and other risk factors has been proven to reduce mac-
8) are based on the glucose level at which substantial rovascular complications in these patients. Comprehen-
microvascular complications, especially retinopathy, sive assessment and treatment of dyslipidemia in diabetic
occur.144e146 Those with abnormal glucose homeostasis but patients are recommended, and it may be prudent to
not yet fulfilling the diagnostic criteria of DM are termed apply the same principles to prediabetic patients as well.
prediabetes, including impaired fasting glucose and impaired Intensive lifestyle intervention is simple and cost-
glucose tolerance (IGT) (Table 8).143 Individuals with pre- effective and should always be incorporated into dysli-
diabetes are at high risk of developing diabetes and its pidemia treatment plans.
Diabetic patients are frequently associated with dys- Recommendation
lipidemia and ASCVD. Diabetic dyslipidemia is featured
with increased serum TG, increased VLDL, decreased  For DM and prediabetes patients, complete lipid profile
HDL-C, and increased small dense LDL-C. The risk of CV (TC, TG, LDL-C and HDL-C) should be measured. (COR I,
disease appears early in the course of dysglycemia and LOE A)
correlates with plasma glucose level.147,148 However,
because current diagnostic criteria are based on micro-
Lifestyle intervention for diabetic dyslipidemia
vascular end points, macrovascular insults often present
well before glucose level elevates to diabetic range.149
Lifestyle intervention is essential in the management of
Because plasma glucose concentration distributes over a
hyperglycemia and dyslipidemia in diabetes. It includes
continuum, it would not be surprising that both predia-
participating in an intensive diet counseling program,
betic and diabetic patients are at increased risk of CV
increasing moderate-intensity physical activity, and tar-
geting a loss of 7% of body weight in obese individuals.150
Intensive diet programs should focus on reducing satu-
Table 8 Diagnostic criteria for diabetes mellitus and rated fat, cholesterol, and trans fat intake and increasing
prediabetes. omega-3 fatty acids, plant sterols, and dietary fiber.151e153
Diabetes FPG  126 mg/dL (7.0 mmol/L). For diabetic patients, restricting saturated fat intake to
Mellitus Fasting is defined as no caloric <7% of total daily energy intake is recommended. Sugar
intake for at least 8 h.a control can also reduce plasma lipid levels in patients with
OR very high TG and poor glycemic control. Medical nutrition
2-h PG  200 mg/dL (11.1 mmol/L) therapy should be individualized according to each pa-
during an OGTT. The test should be tient’s age, pharmacological treatment, lipid levels, and
performed as described by the WHO, medical conditions. Physical activity also plays a crucial
using a glucose load containing the role to help diabetic patients improve their lipid profile and
equivalent of 75 g anhydrous glucose maintain weight loss.154 Moderate to high levels of aerobic
dissolved in water.a physical activity are associated with substantial reductions
OR in CV morbidity and mortality.155 Moderate-intensity phys-
A1C  6.5% (48 mmol/mol). The test ical activity (such as brisk walk) for a minimum of 150 min/
should be performed in a laboratory wk is recommended. However, those previously sedentary
using a method that is NGSP certified individuals with limited exercise tolerance may have to
and standardized to the DCCT assay.a build up their amount of exercise gradually. Starting with as
OR little as 5e10 minutes per day may be more practical. In
In a patient with classic symptoms of summary, intensive lifestyle intervention is simple, safe,
hyperglycemia or hyperglycemic crisis, and cost-effective and should always be incorporated into
a random plasma glucose  200 mg/dL hyperlipidemia treatment plan for diabetic patients.
(11.1 mmol/L).
Prediabetes FPG 100 mg/dL (5.6 mmol/L) to 125 mg/dL Pharmacologic intervention for diabetic
(6.9 mmol/L) (IFG) dyslipidemia
2-h PG in the 75-g OGTT 140 mg/dL Statin is the most widely used lipid-lowering agent and often
(7.8 mmol/L) to 199 mg/dL the first choice for treatment of diabetic dyslipidemia because
(11.0 mmol/L) (IGT) the primary target is to lower LDL-C. A meta-analysis of 14
OR randomized trials of statin therapy in 18,686 diabetic patients
A1C 5.7 e 6.4% (39 e 46 mmol/mol) demonstrated that there was a 9% reduction in all-cause
DCCT Z Diabetes Control and Complications Trial; mortality and 21% reduction in major vascular events per
FPG Z fasting plasma glucose; IFG Z impaired fasting glucose; mmol/L reduction in LDL-C. MI, coronary revascularization,
IGT Z impaired glucose tolerance; NGSP Z National Glyco- and stroke were also significantly reduced.156 Several studies
hemoglobin Standardization Program; OGTT, oral glucose have investigated the efficacy and safety of statins among
tolerance test; PG Z plasma glucose.
a patients with dysglycemia in Taiwan. In prediabetic patients,
In the absence of unequivocal hyperglycemia, results should
the risk of new-onset diabetes and the reduction of CV events
be confirmed by repeat testing.
and death after statin therapy were parallel (HR Z 1.20; 95%
2017 Taiwan lipid guidelines for high-risk patients 235

CI, 1.08e1.32 and HR Z 0.7; 95% CI, 0.61e0.80, respectively). disease, the need for statin therapy is reinforced. For
Therapeutic advantages outweighed diabetic consequences patients with DM who are 40 years of age, or who are
in patients with earlier and more persistent treatments.157 <40 years of age but have additional CV risk factors, statin
The Pitavastatin and Atorvastatin double-blind randomized therapy is necessary. The LDL-C target for diabetic pa-
comparative study among high-risk patients, including those tients who do not have overt CV disease should be
with Type 2 DM in Taiwan (PAPAGO-T Study) has shown that <100 mg/dL (primary prevention). For those with DM and
both pitavastatin (2 mg/d) and atorvastatin (10 mg/d) were concomitant CV disease, the LDL-C goal of < 70 mg/dL is
well tolerated and improved the lipid profiles to a comparable considered (secondary prevention). If the above LDL-C
degree in high-risk Taiwanese patients with hypercholester- targets are not reached on maximal tolerated statin ther-
olemia, which included the diabetic population. Hemoglobin apy, a reduction of at least 30e40% in LDL-C levels is an
A1c levels were significantly higher in the atorvastatin group alternative therapeutic target. Because TG and non-HDL-C
but not in the pitavastatin group.158 Lai et al159 found that also predict future CV events in Taiwanese studies,161e163
neither atorvastatin nor rosuvastatin was associated with a targets for TG and HDL-C in diabetic patients are set as
significant change of renal function in Type 2 DM patients. secondary target. The combination of other lipid-lowering
Moreover, compared with high potency statin alone, simva- agents with statin is reasonable to attain TG < 150 mg/dL
statin/ezetimibe therapy was associated with lower risk of and HDL-C > 40 mg/dL in men and >50 mg/dL in women
major adverse cardiac events in Type 2 DM patients.160 In after the LDL-C target has been achieved. The recom-
addition to LDL-C, Wang and Chang161 showed that non-HDL-C mendations are summarized in Table 9.
was a reliable predictor for early vascular inflammation or
atherosclerosis among Taiwanese patients with Type 2 DM who Recommendation
did not use anti-inflammatory agents. Tseng et al162 found that
TG level was independently associated with CAD in Taiwanese  The LDL-C target for diabetic patients who do not have
adults with Type 2 DM, but other lipid parameters (e.g., TC and overt CV disease is <100 mg/dL. (COR I, LOE A)
LDL-C) were not. A meta-analysis study focusing on the Asia  The LDL-C target for diabetic patients with overt CV
Pacific region (including Taiwan) also supported serum TG or disease is <70 mg/dL. (COR I, LOE B)
lipid ratios as a better predictor for CHD than LDL-C.163 These  If the above LDL-C targets are not reached on maximal
lines of evidence suggest that in Taiwan’s diabetic population, tolerated statin therapy, a reduction of at least 30e40%
the role of TG or non-HDL-C in CV risk appears to be as in LDL-C levels is an alternative target. (COR IIa, LOE B)
important as LDL-C.  TG < 150 mg/dL and HDL-C > 40 mg/dL in men and
>50 mg/dL in women should be the secondary target after
Suggestions for treatment of diabetic dyslipidemia the LDL-C target has been achieved. (COR IIa, LOE B)
in Taiwan

According to the 2016 guidelines of the American Diabetes Chronic kidney disease (CKD)
Association, nearly everyone with diabetes aged >40 years
would be considered to initiate moderate- or high- Definition and staging
intensity statin therapy. The measurement of on-
treatment LDL-C is to be used only as an assessment of CKD is prevalent in Taiwan and associated with an increased
drug compliance and efficacy rather than as a target for risk of CV morbidity and mortality.164,165 According to the
treatment. After reviewing current lines of evidence and Kidney Disease: Improving Global Outcomes (KDIGO) 2012
considering the local practicing behavior of most physi- guideline, glomerular filtration rate (GFR) < 60 mL/min/
cians, the target approach for diabetic dyslipidemia 1.73 m2 for more than 3 months is the most commonly used
treatment is suggested in Taiwan. For DM patients with CV diagnostic indicator of CKD. Early stage CKD (stage 1 or 2)

Table 9 Lipid recommendations for diabetic patients.

Recommended Target Individuals who should be targeted for Risk assessment algorithm
lipid modification
LDL-C: 1. All diabetic patients aged 40 y ASCVD risk factors include:
2. Diabetic patients aged <40 y
- Without CVD: < 100 mg/dL who have overt ASCVD or - High blood pressure
- With CVD: < 70 mg/dL or ASCVD risk factors - Smoking
30e40% reduction - Overweight and obesity
- Family history of premature ASCVD
TG < 150 mg/dL
Men: > 40 mg/dL
Women > 50 mg/dL
ASCVD Z atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease; HDL-C Z high-density lipoprotein cholesterol; LDL-C Z low-density lipoprotein
cholesterol; TG Z triglyceride.
236 Y.-H. Li et al.

refers to GFR  60 mL/min/1.73 m2 and simultaneous Recommendation

identification of other markers of kidney damage that have
been present for more than 3 months (Table 10). End-stage  Dyslipidemia is a risk factor of developing CKD in the
renal disease generally indicates CKD with GFR < 15 mL/ general population. (COR I, LOE A)
min/1.73 m2 and requires regular hemodialysis, peritoneal  Use of dyslipidemia to predict progression of renal
dialysis, or kidney transplantation. Both equations of function in CKD population is uncertain. (COR IIa, LOE B)
Modification of Diet in Renal Disease (MDRD) and Chronic  Higher LDL-C predicts increased CV risk in CKD popula-
Kidney Disease Epidemiology Collaboration (CKD-EPI) can tion, but this association attenuates at lower baseline
be adopted to estimate GFR in Taiwan.166 In the population GFR. (COR I, LOE B)
of GFR  60 mL/min/1.73 m2, the CKD-EPI equation was
reported with higher accuracy than the MDRD equation.167
Screen, follow-up, and lifestyle modification

CKD and dyslipidemia Routine evaluation of lipid profile in adults with newly
identified CKD is reasonable and supported by other
Increased plasma levels of TG and decreased levels of HDL- guidelines.182e184 Complete lipid profiles, including TC, TG,
C are frequently observed in the early stage of CKD,168 and HDL-C, LDL-C, are all recommended to be checked. Non-
similar results were also found in T-SPARCLE registry in HDL-C, Apo-B, and lipoprotein (a) are considered alterna-
Taiwan.169 This phenomenon can be explained by redistri- tive risk markers, but are not recommended to be
bution of cholesterol from HDL to VLDL and IDL as well as measured routinely.185 Follow-up of lipid values is not
defective removal of TG from LDL and HDL particles. Other necessary in most CKD patients. Repeat measurements of
forms of AposdApo A-I, Apo A-II, and Apo C-IIIdalso play lipid values are warranted in patients who have poor
an important role in CKD-associated dyslipidemia. adherence to statin treatment, who have changed in renal
Nephrotic dyslipidemia, which is characterized by elevation replacement method, or who potentially develop newly
of plasma TC and LDL-C, also superimposes to CKD-related secondary dyslipidemia.182,184 Individuals with established
lipid disorders when proteinuria become prominent.170,171 CV disease need follow-up of lipid values to achieve the
Dyslipidemia is a risk factor to predict renal dysfunction in ideal therapeutic target. Lifestyle changes, including ex-
the general population. Elevated TC, non-HDL-C, a high ratio ercise, weight reduction, and dietary modification, to
of TC/HDL-C, and low HDL-C are all significantly associated improve the lipid profile may provide CV protective effects
with an increased risk of developing renal dysfunction in large in the general population, but such effects are not proven
cohort studies.172e175 Glomerulosclerosis due to macrophage in CKD patients. However, in patients with high TG levels,
infiltration and foam cell formation was proposed as the therapeutic life changes are still considered first-line
mechanism.176 However, in the CKD population, dyslipidemia management because of prevalent secondary risks: over-
showed inconsistent results to predict renal outcome. In the weight, sedentary life, or cigarette smoking.186,187
MDRD study, lower HDL-C independently predicted a faster
decline in GFR,177 but from a large cohort study, none of TC, Recommendation
TG, VLDL-C, LDL-C, HDL-C, Apo A-I, Apo B, and lipoprotein (a)
were independently associated with progression of kidney  In adults with newly identified CKD (including those
disease.178 For CV outcome, higher LDL-C predicts increased treated with chronic dialysis or kidney transplantation),
risk of future CV events in the CKD population; however, this complete lipid profile (TC, TG, LDL-C, HDL-C), evalua-
association attenuated at lower baseline GFR.179 Other forms tion is recommended. (COR I, LOE C)
of dyslipidemia are not demonstrated to be a risk factor in  The benefits with lifestyle changes in CKD patients are
large cohort studies of CKD.180,181 uncertain (COR IIb, LOE B), except for those with
elevated TG. (COR IIa, LOE C)

Table 10 CKD definition and stage. Treatment target in CKD

CKD stage GFR (mL/min/1.73 m )
The treatment threshold of LDL-C is 100 mg/dL in CKD
Stage 1 90 stage 3e5 population. This recommendation is mainly
Stage 2a 60e89 based on the SHARP and TNT studies.39,188 If diabetes, MI,
Stage 3a 45e59 or stroke is identified, the threshold of LDL-C should be
Stage 3b 30e44 modified according to these comorbidities. Ten year risk of
Stage 4 15e29 CAD in kidney recipients, estimated from ALERT study is
Stage 5 <15 approximately 21.5%.189 Dyslipidemia is frequently
CKD Z chronic kidney disease; GFR Z glomerular filtration observed in kidney transplant recipients. The Assessment
rate. of Lescol in Renal Transplantation (ALERT) study showed a
CKD (stage 1 or 2) is referred to GFR  60 mL/min/1.73 m2 significant benefit of the combined secondary end point of
and simultaneous identification of below findings: albuminuria cardiac death or nonfatal MI in the fluvastatin treatment
(30 mg/24 h), urine sediment abnormalities, electrolyte, and group (RR Z 0.65; 95% CI, 0.48e0.88).189 Statin therapy
other abnormalities due to tubular disorders, abnormalities
seems reasonable in all kidney transplant recipients who
detected by histology, structural abnormalities, history of kid-
have decreased GFR and higher LDL-C.184 Drugedrug in-
ney transplantation.
teractions should be carefully observed in renal
2017 Taiwan lipid guidelines for high-risk patients 237

transplantation recipients, especially those metabolized are already under LDL-C lowering treatment and progress
by cytochrome P450 system. There have been no large- to dialysis-dependent, the medications could be continued
scale, randomized clinical trials to investigate the best without interruption. The treatment algorithm for CKD is
therapeutic target of LDL-C in CKD patients. In the 2007 shown in Fig. 3.
Kidney Disease Outcomes Quality Initiative (KDOQI), the Considering statin side effects, statins metabolized by
LDL-C target in patients with diabetes and CKD stages 1e4 liver, such as fluvastatin, atorvastatin, pitavastatin, and
is <100 mg/dL, and <70 mg/dL is a therapeutic option.190 ezetimibe, are safe choices in CKD patients. Low dose
In the 2016 European Society of Cardiology (ESC) guide- statin is suggested in stage 5 CKD patients (GFR < 15 mL/
lines, moderate CKD (GFR 30e59 mL/min/1.73 m2) carries min/1.73 m2). In the SHARP study, there were no differ-
high risk and the LDL-C < 100 mg/dL is the suggested ences between the simvastatin/ezetimibe and placebo
target. Severe CKD (GFR < 30 mL/min/1.73 m2) should be groups regarding the incidences of muscle pain, increasing
regarded as very high risk, and LDL-C < 70 mg/dL is the CK, hepatitis, gallstone, and pancreatitis.39 In a
suggested target.185 The 2013 KDIGO guideline and the rosuvastatin-based study, including 2776 patients with
2013 ACC/AHA guidelines did not recommend the target dialysis, there was no difference in the incidence of rhab-
level of LDL-C.183,184 In the SHARP study with 9270 CKD domyolysis between the rosuvastatin and placebo groups
patients, the average LDL-C reduction was about 30% by (0.2% vs. 0.1%, p Z 0.66).195
simvastatin and ezetimibe in CKD patients without dial-
ysis.39 In the Collaborative Atorvastatin Diabetes Study Recommendation
(CARDS) and Prospective Pravastatin Pooling (PPP) study,
LDL-C reduction showed CV benefits by statin in diabetic  In adults with GFR < 60 mL/min/1.73 m2 without chronic
patients with CKD.191,192 The LDL-C reduction was about dialysis (CKD stages 3e5), stain therapy should be initi-
40% in the CARDS study. Currently, no definite LDL-C target ated if LDL-C  100 mg/dL. (COR I, LOE B)
is suggested for CKD patients without dialysis in Taiwan.  Moderate-intensity statin is recommended in CKD pa-
Epidemiological studies, meta-analyses and cohort studies tients without dialysis. (COR IIa, LOE B)
all reported a better prognosis in nondialysis CKD patients  Statin therapy initiated in adults with dialysis-
with cholesterol-lowering medications.39,188,193 Therefore, dependent CKD has not been proven to provide addi-
based on the body of evidence, moderate-intensity statins tional benefits. (COR III, LOE A)
are suggested in CKD patients without dialysis if LDL-C   Ezetimibe can be added to statin to consolidate CV
100 mg/dL. For dialysis patients, randomized controlled protection in CKD patients. (COR IIa, LOE B)
trials indicated that statin or statin/ezetimibe initiated  In renal transplantation recipients with GFR < 60 mL/
during chronic dialysis provided no benefits in CV events min/1.73 m2, statin should be initiated if LDL-
reduction.39,194,195 However, a meta-analysis including 31 C  100 mg/dL. (COR IIa, LOE B)
randomized clinical trials still showed minor but significant  If carefully used, statins do not increase the incidences
effect of statin therapy on CV outcome in dialysis pa- of rhabdomyolysis and abnormal liver function in CKD
tients.196 We suggest that, when nondialysis CKD patients patients with or without dialysis. (COR IIa, LOE B)

Consider drugs for

lowering LDL-C in CKD

CKD (incl. renal

CKD (incl. transplant) with
transplant) with GFR < 60 ESRD under HD/PD
2 ASCVD and DM
mL/min/1.73 m

Start statin or
See recommendations in Initiating statin treatment
statin/ezetimibe when
ASCVD and DM has no proven benefit
LDL-C ≥ 100 mg/dL

Figure 3 Algorithm for consideration of starting LDL-C lowering treatment in CKD. ASCVD Z atherosclerotic cardiovascular
disease; CKD Z chronic kidney disease; DM Z diabetes mellitus; ESRD Z end-stage renal disease; GFR Z glomerular filtration rate;
HD Z hemodialysis; LDL-C Z low-density lipoprotein cholesterol; PD Z peritoneal dialysis.
238 Y.-H. Li et al.

Familial hypercholesterolemia (FH) or more FH patients in Taiwan. Founder mutations that

reduce genetic variation can influence the prevalence in
Introduction certain racial groups or geographic locations, resulting in
increased prevalence in certain groups (e.g., French Cana-
dian, South African Afrikaners).204,205 A recent report showed
FH is an inherited disorder of lipoprotein metabolism,
that the detection rates of FH vary widely in different
transmitted as autosomal codominant inheritance and
countries, and in general FH is vastly underdiagnosed in most
characterized by elevated levels of LDL-C, presence of
countries including Taiwan.201 Identification and early
tendon xanthoma, and marked predisposition to premature
treatment of affected individuals is clearly desirable.
CAD.197,198 FH is known to be caused by mutations in three
different genes, most commonly in the gene coding for
LDLR, but mutations in Apo B gene, encoding the ligand of Genetics
LDLR, cause a phenotypically identical condition. Mutations
in a third gene, PCSK9, have more recently been reported It is known that mutations in three genes cause FH. These
to be involved in around 1% of FH cases. Patients can be include mutations in the LDLR gene (LDLR, MIM # 606945),
heterozygous FH (HeFH) with one mutated allele. In- which lead to lack or defect of functional hepatic receptors
dividuals with HoFH may have two identical mutations for uptake of circulating LDL-C; mutations in the Apo B gene
(simple homozygous), two different mutations on the same (APOB, MIM # 107730), which is the ligand for interaction
gene (compound heterozygous), two different mutations on with the LDLR; and mutations in the PCSK9 gene (PCSK9,
two different genes (double heterozygous), or two muta- MIM # 607786), which is involved in the degradation of LDLR
tions in the autosomal recessive LDLR adaptor protein-1 protein.197,198 Mutations in the LDLRAP-1 (LDLRAP1, MIM #
(LDLRAP1) gene. Because the reduction of LDLR in HoFH 605747), which cause autosomal recessive hypercholester-
is more pronounced than that seen in HeFH, cholesterol olemia, are extremely rare. Autosomal recessive hyper-
level is usually higher in HoFH than in HeFH. cholesterolemia is a loss-of-function mutation of LDLRAP-1,
The physical signs and symptoms of FH are characterized which inhibits the internalization of LDL ligandereceptor
by accelerated atherosclerosis and the deposition of complex in hepatic cells, consequently leading to LDL-C
cholesterol. The physical signs of HoFH are generally more degradation failure, and thus induces LDL-C elevation. So
severe and occur earlier than in patients with HeFH. far, more than 1700 mutation sites have been identified
Atherosclerotic manifestations include vascular endothelial worldwide (, of which 136 mu-
damage that produces premature CAD, PAD, and valvular tations have been reported in Han Chinese.198 There are no
disease (e.g., aortic stenosis). Deposition of cholesterol special hot spot mutations in Chinese individuals. This
results in the development of cutaneous or tendonous pattern of diverse spectrum of disease-causing mutations of
xanthoma and corneal arcus. Xanthomas typically occur LDLR is commonly seen in most multicultural populations.
around the eyelids and extensor sides of tendons of the Of the 136 different LDLR mutations identified, there are
feet, hands, and elbows. The severe lipid abnormalities 134 point mutations and nine large rearrangements include
associated with HoFH result in accelerated CV disease, an insertion or deletion of LDLR. Five mutations were reported
increased risk of cardiac events, and early death. It is more frequentlydAPOB-R3500W (c. 10579C > T, 9.6%),
estimated that CV risk is increased by up to 20-fold in un- LDLR-C308Y (c.986G > A, 8.3%), LDLR-H562Y (c.1747C > T,
treated patients and still elevated approximately 10-fold in 6.5%), LDLR-A606T (c.1879G > A, 4.9%), and LDLR-D69N (c.
patients receiving statins.199e201 CV disease of FH patients 268G > A, 4.7%)dwhich together accounted for 34% of
occurs at an early agedtypically prior to 20 years of age mutations found in the Han Chinese population.198 Only one
and as early as preteen years.199,202 Young patients often proband with PSCK9 mutation, PCSK9-R306S (c.918C > T),
have severe and widespread atherosclerosis in all major has been reported in Han Chinese in China, but not in
arterial beds, and there have been reports of acute MI and Taiwan.206 HoFH can be simple homozygous (mutations in
sudden death in patients as young as 4 years of age.202 The both alleles of the same gene) or, more commonly, com-
CV risk is related to cumulative LDL-C exposure and is also pound heterozygous (different mutations in each allele of
related to the presence of other genetic or environmental the same gene) or double heterozygous (mutations in 2
risk factors. The effect of each risk factor is amplified in the different genes affecting LDLR function).201,203 The severity
setting of dramatically elevated cholesterol levels. of HoFH depends on residual LDLR activity. Patients with
HoFH are classified as either receptor-negative (i.e., < 2%
Epidemiology residual activity) or receptor-defective (i.e., 2e25% resid-
ual activity).203 As the clinical phenotype of FH is highly
variable in terms of severity, diagnosing FH on the basis of
The prevalence of HoFH is historically estimated to be
clinical criteria alone are not very reliable and may over-
approximately 1 in 1 million, but this data may underesti-
look substantial proportion of FH. Genetic testing to
mate the true prevalence rate of FH.201 More recent studies
identify functional mutations can provide unequivocal
based on surveys of unselected general populations found a
prevalence of HeFH of 1 in w200 in the general population
and a prevalence of 6/1 million population in HoFH by
extrapolation.203 Accordingly, FH is the most common he- Diagnosis
reditary metabolic disorder worldwide. The prevalence of FH
in Taiwan appears to be comparable to that in Western Clinically, patients with severe hypercholesterolemia,
countries. Based on this estimation, there are about 100,000 tendon xanthoma, and/or premature CV disease and family
2017 Taiwan lipid guidelines for high-risk patients 239

history of hypercholesterolemia should be suspected of screening is important because most patients identified via
having FH. Taiwan FH diagnostic criteria, a modification of screening were not aware of the diagnosis and were
Dutch Lipid Clinic Network criteria and established by the therefore not receiving therapy.207 The goal of familial
Taiwan Society of Lipids and Atherosclerosis, is recom- cascade screening is to reduce morbidity and mortality for
mended for the diagnosis of FH in Taiwan (Table 11). The CV diseases by identifying FH patients in earlier age and
criteria take into account four areas to make the clinical also starting effective treatment earlier. All patients with
diagnosis of FH, including family history, clinical history of FH should be assessed for other CV risk factors, as well as
premature CAD, physical examination of xanthoma or the presence of symptomatic or subclinical atherosclerosis.
corneal arcus, and level of LDL-C. The diagnosis of FH is
definite when the total scores exceed 8 points, probable for Recommendation
scores of 6e8 points, and possible for scores of 3e5 points.
Patients who further meet the following three clinical  Patients with severe hypercholesterolemia, tendon
symptoms, or positive for HoFH in genetic tests, can be xanthoma, and/or premature CAD should be screened
diagnosed as having HoFH: (1) skin/tendon xanthoma, for FH. (COR I, LOE C)
corneal arcus; (2) untreated LDL-C > 330 mg/dL and/or  Familial cascade screening should be performed for pa-
TC > 500 mg/dL; and (3) parents who have hypercholes- tients with FH. (COR I, LOE C)
terolemia (untreated TC > 250 mg/dL) or premature CAD.
Genetic testing can confirm the diagnosis of FH and is
helpful for familial cascade screening (i.e., identifying Treatment
family members at risk), although it is not widely available
and not routinely used in clinical practice. Such cascade The primary target of treatment in FH patients is the
reduction of LDL-C via a combination of lifestyle change,
pharmacotherapy, or apheresis.203,208 Because lipid-lowering
therapy is associated with a delayed onset of CV disease and
Table 11 Taiwan FH diagnostic criteria.
prolonged survival, early and aggressive therapy should be
Parameter Points initiated as soon as possible.200,203 Because of very high
Familial history baseline LDL-C levels, achievement of target LDL-C is
First-degree relative with early 1 extremely difficult. As an initial goal, therapy should aim for
vascular/coronary disease >50% reduction of plasma LDL-C levels. In addition, in the
(male <45 y, female <55 y) absence of CAD or other major risk factors, an LDL-C treat-
OR ment goal of <100 mg/dL is recommended, whereas a goal
Adult first-degree relative of <70 mg/dL is suggested for patients with CAD or diabetes.
with LDL-C > 160 mg/dL Statins effectively lower cholesterol around 50% in patients
First-degree relative with xanthoma 2 with HeFH and are the first line of pharmacotherapy. How-
and/or corneal arcus ever, in patients with HoFH, lacking fully functioning LDLR,
OR statins are not generally effective and reduce LDL-C only
First-degree relative modestly (w20%). The addition of ezetimibe, an inhibitor of
<18 y with LDL-C > 130 mg/dL cholesterol absorption, to statins may further reduce LDL-C
Clinical history levels by 10e15%, while also reducing the incidence of CV
Patient with early coronary artery 2 events. Combining statins with other drugs, such as bile acid
disease (male <45 y, female <55 y) resins or niacin, may also lower LDL-C levels, but the use of
Patient with early cerebral or peripheral 1 these combinations may be limited by adverse events.
arterial disease (male <45 y, The inability of standard lipid-lowering therapies to
female <55 y) produce the necessary effect is further exacerbated by the
Physical examination fact that these agents work by increasing expression of
Xanthoma 6 LDLRs. Thus, lipoprotein apheresis should be considered in
Corneal arcus (<45 y) 4 all patients with HoFH and should be initiated early. Lipo-
Level of LDL-C (mg/dL) protein apheresis selectively removes LDL-C without
330 8 affecting immunoglobulins or other proteins with re-
250e329 5 ductions in LDL-C of approximately 60%.209 However, a
190e249 3 rapid rebound in LDL-C is seen with levels returning to
155e189 1 baseline within 2e4 weeks. Although there are no ran-
Genetic testing domized trials evaluating the effect of apheresis on clinical
Presence of functional mutation of LDL-R, 8 outcomes, there is clinical evidence that apheresis can
ApoB-100, or PCSK9 gene contribute to regression and/or stabilization of athero-
(Diagnostic of FH) sclerotic plaque.203 Limitations to the use of apheresis
Definite FH >8 points include lack of availability in some locations, high cost, long
Probable FH 6e8 points procedure duration, and the need to maintain vascular
Possible FH 3e5 points access. It is recommended that patients on apheresis un-
dergo routine monitoring to assess carotid atherosclerosis,
FH Z familial hypercholesterolemia; LDL-C Z low-density li-
progression of aortic valve/root disease, and progression of
poprotein cholesterol.
coronary atherosclerosis.199
240 Y.-H. Li et al.

Recommendation also associated with substantial reductions in lipoprotein

(a) (31.1%) and a significant increase in HDL-C (þ15.1%).
 LDL-C targets in both HeFH and HoFH are <100 mg/dL in Notably, there was substantial variability in the reduction
adults or <135 mg/dL in children. (COR I, LOE C) of LDL-C concentrations among HoFH patients receiving
 LDL-C < 70 mg/dL is recommended for both HeFH and mipomersen with values ranging from þ2% to 82%. Com-
HoFH patients with ASCVD. (COR I, LOE C) mon adverse events with mipomersen included flulike re-
actions, injection site reactions, and elevations in alanine
aminotransaminase levels. Mipomersen was also associated
with an increase in hepatic fat in 9.6% of patients compared
New pharmacological therapies with 0.02% of placebo-treated patients. Mipomersen carries
a black box warning for the risk of hepatotoxicity, and the
Despite the availability and use of conventional pharma- drug is only available in the United States via a Risk Eval-
cotherapy, only a small proportion of patients with HoFH uation and Mitigation Strategy program.212
achieve the recommended LDL-C targets, underscoring the Lomitapide: The microsomal triglyceride transfer protein
need for novel treatment options that decrease athero- (MTP) is an intracellular lipid-transfer protein located in the
genic LDL-C. Recently, three novel agents have become lumen of the endoplasmic reticulum. MTP is a major medi-
available as adjunctive treatment of FHdmipomersen, ator of the assembly and secretion of Apo B-containing li-
lomitapide, and PCSK9 inhibitor (evolocumab and poproteins such as VLDL from the liver, and chylomicrons
alirocumab)deach with a unique mechanism of action. Two from the intestine.213,214 The rare genetic condition, abe-
of these agents (mipomersen and lomitapide) target VLDL talipoproteinemia, is characterized by loss-of-function mu-
production, whereas the PCSK9 inhibitor causes increased tations in the gene encoding MTP (i.e., MTTP) and is
catabolism of LDL-C via increased LDLR recycling.203 Prop- associated with marked hypocholesterolemia and an
erties of these agents are summarized in Table 12. These absence of Apo B-containing lipoproteins in the plasma.215
agents produce additive LDL-C lowering when combined Lack of functional MTP in abetalipoproteinemia results in
with other lipid-lowering therapies such as statins, ezeti- the inability to load Apo B with lipoproteins and the targeted
mibe, and apheresis, and represent promising approaches proteasomal degradation of Apo B. This leads to a loss of
to the treatment of FH for those patients who cannot intestinal secretion of chylomicrons and liver secretion of
achieve LDL-C targets with conventional therapy.203 VLDL and a consequent lack of LDL-C in the plasma. Thus,
Mipomersen: Apo B is the primary protein of VLDL and inhibition of MTP is a potentially powerful therapeutic target
LDL, and is essential for the production and catabolism of to reduce the production of Apo B-containing lipoproteins,
VLDL and LDL. Mipomersen is an antisense oligonucleotide particularly VLDL, the precursor of LDL.213 Lomitapide is a
against the mRNA of ApoB-100, the primary ligand for the small molecule that inhibits MTP. By binding directly to MTP,
LDLR.210 The drug reduces Apo B mRNA translation, and lomitapide inhibits the synthesis of TG-rich chylomicrons in
thereby the synthesis of Apo B, resulting in a reduction of the intestine and VLDL in the liver, with a resulting reduction
VLDL secretion. Mipomersen is indicated as an adjunct to in plasma LDL-C.216 Lomitapide is approved in Taiwan,
lipid-lowering medications and diet to reduce TC, LDL-C, United States, and Europe as an adjunct to a low-fat diet and
and Apo B in patients with HoFH. The phase III trial of other lipid-lowering treatments, including LDL apheresis, to
mipomersen in patients with HoFH included 51 patients reduce TC, LDL-C, and Apo B in patients with HoFH. The
with clinical diagnosis or genetically confirmed HoFH.211 pivotal phase III open-label trial included 29 patients with
The mean baseline LDL-C was 402 mg/dL. Patients who HoFH.217 Patients with HoFH was initiated at 5 mg/d and
received maximally tolerated doses of lipid-lowering drug titrated at 4-week intervals up to a maximum of 60 mg/d. At
were randomized to receive mipomersen (200 mg) subcu- the end of 26 weeks, patients achieved statistically signifi-
taneously (n Z 34) or placebo (n Z 17) once weekly for cant reductions in TC (46%; p < 0.0001) and LDL-C (50%;
26 weeks. At 26 weeks, mipomersen-treated patients ach- p < 0.0001). Furthermore, eight patients achieved LDL-C <
ieved significantly greater reductions in TC (21.2%), LDL-C 100 mg/dL. Significant reductions from baseline were also
(24.7%), and Apo B (26.8%). In addition, mipomersen was seen for VLDL (45%), non-HDL-C (50%), TG (45%), and

Table 12 Novel therapies for familial hypercholesterolemia.

Agent Mechanism Indication Dosage and administration
Mipomersen Oligonucleotide inhibitor Adjunctive therapy in HoFH HoFH: 200 mg s.c. once weekly
of apolipoprotein B-100 synthesis
Lomitapide Microsomal triglyceride Adjunctive therapy in HoFH HoFH: initiate at 5 mg/d, titrating
transfer protein inhibitor to maximum of 60 mg/d
Evolocumab PCSK9 inhibitor Adjunctive therapy in HeFH HeFH: 140 mg s.c. every 2 wk or
and HoFH 420 mg s.c. once monthly
HoFH: 420 mg s.c. once monthly
Alirocumab PCSK9 inhibitor Adjunctive therapy in HeFH HeFH: 75e150 mg s.c. every 2 wk
PCSK9 Z proprotein convertase subtilisin/kexin type 9; HeFH Z heterozygous familial hypercholesterolemia; HoFH Z homozygous
familial hypercholesterolemia; s.c. Z subcutaneous.
2017 Taiwan lipid guidelines for high-risk patients 241

Apo B (49%). These reductions were maintained throughout There are no available safety data for the use of mipo-
the 52-week safety phase with reductions in TC (35%) and mersen in pregnancy.
LDL-C (38%), respectively, despite changes in concomitant
lipid-lowering therapy. The Lomitapide Observational
Worldwide Evaluation Registry (LOWER) is a registry open to
lomitapide-treated patients that is designed to evaluate the
long-term safety and efficacy of lomitapide in clinical prac- Introduction
tice for at least 10 years.218 Titration of lomitapide occurred
slower than in the pivotal phase III trial, with a mean dose of 1. Lee CH, Cheng CL, Yang YH, Chao TH, Chen JY, Liu PY, et al.
10 mg reached only after 12 months. The mean reduction in Trends in the incidence and management of acute myocardial
infarction from 1999 to 2008: get with the guidelines perfor-
LDL-C at Month 4 was 42%, with 38% of patients achieving a
mance measures in Taiwan. J Am Heart Assoc 2014;3:e001066.
reduction of at least 50% at 6 months.218,219 Oral lomitapide 2. Yin WH, Lu TH, Chen KC, Cheng CF, Lee JC, Liang FW, et al.
was generally well tolerated in patients with HoFH. The most The temporal trends of incidence, treatment, and in-hospital
common adverse events were gastrointestinal in nature, mortality of acute myocardial infarction over 15 years in a
manifested as diarrhea, nausea, dyspepsia, and vomiting, Taiwanese population. Int J Cardiol 2016;209:103e13.
accumulation of liver fat and elevation of liver trans- 3. Pan WH, Wu HJ, Yeh CJ, Chuang SY, Chang HY, Yeh NH, et al.
aminases. In the LOWER registry, elevated transaminase Diet and health trends in Taiwan: comparison of two nutrition
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reversible after discontinuation of lomitapide.216 Whether 4. Ho LT, Yin WH, Chuang SY, Tseng WK, Wu YW, Hsieh IC, et al.,
Taiwanese Secondary Prevention for patients with AtheRo-
this fat accumulation is a risk factor for the development of
sCLErotic disease (T-SPARCLE) Registry Investigators. De-
steatohepatitis and cirrhosis is currently unknown. terminants for achieving the LDL-C target of lipid control for
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function. PCSK9 binds and targets LDLR for degradation in PLoS One 2015;10:e0116513.
lysosomes and prevents normal recycling of LDLR back to 5. Shyu KG, Wu CJ, Mar GY, Hou CGY, Li AH, Wen MS, et al.
the cell surface, thereby increasing LDL-C plasma concen- Clinical characteristics, management and in-hospital out-
trations. Inhibition of PCSK9, by preventing PCSK9- comes of patients with acute coronary syndrome d obser-
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from circulation. Two PCSK9 inhibitors, both monoclonal 6. Hsieh FI, Lien LM, Chen ST, Bai CH, Sun MC, Tseng HP, et al.,
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antibodies, are now available for treatment of patients
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lowering therapies. The phase III randomized, double-
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