I-II CSE - Python Programming-Mid-2 Q Paper - R20

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R20- I B. Tech II SEM Descriptive II Examination

Subject Name: Python Programming Date of Exam: - -2023

Branch: CSM Max Marks: 15; Time: 90Mins


1.A) Explain readline( ), readlines( ),write(),writelines(),seek() and tell() methods with

examples? [3M]-Understanding-II

B) Explain about structuring classes with inheritance and polymorphism? [3M]-Understanding-


2. A) Explain the following: [3M]-Understanding-II

a) Raising exceptions b) User-defined exceptions

c) Defining clean-up actions d) Predefined clean-up actions

B) Illustrate the use of the four main elements of scratch- Programming palette, storage area,
Sprites and Script. [3M]-Understanding-II

3. What are Python dictionary methods? Explain? [3 M]- Remembering-I


1. A) Explain about class attributes, Constructor and destructors with example programs? [3M]-

B) How to implement method overriding and Overloading Operators in Python? Explain with
examples? [3 M]- Remembering-I

2. A) Explain the following: [3M]-Understanding-II

i) The Terminal-Based Version ii) The GUI-Based Version

B) Explain the following: [3M]-Understanding-II

a) Entry fields for the input and output of text b) Multi-line text widgets

c) Scrolling list boxes d) Grid attributes

3. What is recursion and Explain about Higher Order Function with suitable examples? [3 M]-

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