Yannick Serge Obam Akou 554 Poster
Yannick Serge Obam Akou 554 Poster
Yannick Serge Obam Akou 554 Poster
An end to end Android application which detects plant diseases using deep learning model
Plant diseases pose a threat to food security globally as they contribute 10– CPU Google Compute Engine backend
16% of global crop losses each year costing an estimated US$220 billion. In RAM 12.72 GB
Africa alone, 80% of agricultural production comes from smallholders and
DISK 358.27 GB
the identification of plant diseases remains difficult due to the lack of neces-
sary infrastructure. Research was carried out to realize an intelligent system D. IMPLEMENTATION PROCESS
of detection of plant diseases based on simple images of leaves of healthy
and diseased plants, using deep learning methods to help farmers overcome
this problem.
For this purpose, two models of convolutional neural networks were deve-
loped and trained using plantVillage’s open dataset of 54,306 images of
leaves containing 14 species, spread over 38 distinct classes of combinations
[plants, diseases], including healthy plants.
The best performance achieved an accuracy of 93.01%. This high success
rate makes this model a very useful advisory or early warning tool. An An- RESULTS
droid application was immediately developed to make it available to far-
mers. It should be noted, however, that this approach could be further im-
proved by integrating several other varieties of plant species and diseases
taken under actual crop conditions and from several geographical areas.
• To build and compare CNN models that classify plant diseases
• To build an end to end AI system which detects plant diseases to
help farmers
• To make the project open source
To date, convolutional neural networks seem to
be the most appropriate method for image-based
plant disease classification because they are the
most efficient.