Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAV) in Precision Agriculture:
Applications and Challenges
Parthasarathy Velusamy 1 , Santhosh Rajendran 1 , Rakesh Kumar Mahendran 2 , Salman Naseer 3 ,
Muhammad Shafiq 4, * and Jin-Ghoo Choi 4, *
Abstract: Agriculture is the primary source of income in developing countries like India. Agriculture
accounts for 17 percent of India’s total GDP, with almost 60 percent of the people directly or indirectly
employed. While researchers and planters focus on a variety of elements to boost productivity,
crop loss due to disease is one of the most serious issues they confront. Crop growth monitoring
and early detection of pest infestations are still a problem. With the expansion of cultivation to
wider fields, manual intervention to monitor and diagnose insect and pest infestations is becoming
increasingly difficult. Failure to apply on time fertilizers and pesticides results in more crop loss
and so lower output. Farmers are putting in greater effort to conserve crops, but they are failing
most of the time because they are unable to adequately monitor the crops when they are infected
by pests and insects. Pest infestation is also difficult to predict because it is not evenly distributed.
Citation: Velusamy, P.; Rajendran, S.; In the recent past, modern equipment, tools, and approaches have been used to replace manual
Mahendran, R.K.; Naseer, S.; Shafiq, involvement. Unmanned aerial vehicles serve a critical role in crop disease surveillance and early
M.; Choi, J.-G. Unmanned Aerial detection in this setting. This research attempts to give a review of the most successful techniques to
Vehicles (UAV) in Precision have precision-based crop monitoring and pest management in agriculture fields utilizing unmanned
Agriculture: Applications and aerial vehicles (UAVs) or unmanned aircraft. The researchers’ reports on the various types of UAVs
Challenges. Energies 2022, 15, 217. and their applications to early detection of agricultural diseases are rigorously assessed and compared.
This paper also discusses the deployment of aerial, satellite, and other remote sensing technologies
Academic Editor: Dalia Štreimikienė for disease detection, as well as their Quality of Service (QoS).
take appropriate measures at the right time to protect the crops from diseases. The UAV
with low-altitude remote sensing has more advantages like good mobility, easy construc-
tion, and high resolution for obtaining the images [5]. The quality of the crop and yield
benefits depends on biotic and abiotic factors. In the past, the farmers rely based on their
experiences for the production of the crops. Different types of farmers are moving towards
remote sensing platforms like UAV-based technology, which helps them protect the crops.
In the future, precision agriculture will rely on Sensors, Robotics, the Internet of Things,
Machine Learning, and Decision-based support systems. In [6], IoT-based technology has
also been adapted to agricultural systems, incorporating cloud computing, big data storage,
security issues, and analytics. In [7], they implemented an energy harvesting mechanism
using solar energy and a wind turbine by integrating a long-range (LoRa) communication
modem in agricultural field.
This review contributes the best solutions for protecting the crop and pest management
to solve the farmer’s problem and their day-to-day challenges in the agriculture field. We
provide a brief overview to the necessity for UAVs. The goal of precision farming using
remote sensing technologies is explained to reduce the potential risks and improve the
agricultural yield. We focus on UAVs and their types with clear explanations with a
comparison between the different types of UAVs including their technical specifications.
The role of UAV in precision pest management is discussed. We provide the conclusion
with a challenges and future scope in precision agriculture.
The rest of the paper is organized as follows. Section 2 gives a brief overview about
the precision agriculture. Section 3 describes different types of UAVs. Section 4 juxtaposed
the qualitative parameters of various types of UAVs and their applications in precision
agriculture. Section 5 investigates the role of UAVs in precision pest management. In the
last section we have drawn our conclusions.
2. Precision Agriculture
Precision agriculture (PA) helps farmers make crucial decisions at the right time by
analyzing a vast amount of data regarding the environment and crop details. Thus, PA helps
the farmers marching towards more production with quality to meet the required demand.
Remote Sensing (RS) plays a vital role in crop evaluation and soil health conditions. It
indicates the problems at the right time and helps to resolve the problem wisely. Figure 1
describes various remote sensing platforms used for precision agriculture.
UAV is flexible for most applications and addresses the solutions for the problems
faced by other RS platforms [8].
It can be easily accessible and provides accurate data. Further, it is cost-effective and
easy to deploy anywhere and can operate real-time spatial images compared with other
Energies 2022, 15, 217 3 of 19
Types of RS Platforms
Quality of Services
UAV Satellite Manned Aircraft Ground Based
Flexibility high low low low
Adaptability high low low low
Cost low high high low
Time Consumption low low low high
Risk low average high low
Accuracy high low high moderate
Deployment easy difficult complex moderate
Feasibility yes no no yes
Availability yes no yes no
Operability easy complex complex easy
Types of UAV
Fixed Wing Single Rotor Multi-Rotor Hybrid VTOL
1(1 Big Sized and Tricopter-3
Small Sized on Quadcopter-4
No. of Rotors 1 1
the tail of the Hexacopter-6
drone) Octocopter-8
Manufacture and
Simple Complex Complex Complex
Cost High High Low High
Average Flying (Battery) Higher (Powered Ability to cover longer
Limited (20–30 min)
Time 16 h by Gas Engine) distances
(Powered by Gas Engine)
Endurance More Limited More
(with Gas Power)
Battery—They never utilize
Battery—They utilize
Energy energy to stay afloat on air, Gas Power Battery
energy to stay afloat on air
Gas Engine
Speed Fast Flying Speed Limited Limited Fast Flying Speed
Aerial Photography, Short Mapping and Land
Long-Distance Aerial
Applications Aerial Scanning Distance Aerial Mapping Surveying, Mining,
Mapping and Surveillance
and Surveillance Surveillance and Security
Aerial photography is not
Harder to fly,
applicable because it needs Imperfect in hovering
Drawbacks Dangerous to Limited Payload
to be motionless in the air Limited Payload
for a period.
Required (runway or a
Training Required Catapult Launcher- to set a
Not Required Not Required Not Required
in Flying fixed-wing in air, Parachute
or a Net- Landing)
Figure 6. Tricopter.
a fluid tank, spray motor, and spray lance. The spray lance has four nozzles spaced in a
gap of 45 cm, each spanning 1.3 m. The bottom area of the drone has landing gears below
the spray unit so that take-off and landing of the model would be safe during and after the
spray [15].
Figure 8. Hexacopter.
3.4.4. Octocopter
Octocopter has eight rotors and is used as similar to Hexa UAV for agricultural
spraying purposes. As can be seen in Figure 9, This has a diagonal wheelbase of 1630 mm
diameter and can fly for 15 min with a 10 kg payload. It has six nozzles with 5–8 m
spray width. This model was observed using the Time-resolved particle image velocimetry
(TR-PIV) method to measure the movement of the sprayed droplets and their deposition.
This observation method showed that two variables, such as rotor speed and position of
the spray nozzle, influence the movement of deposition of the spray [16].
Energies 2022, 15, 217 8 of 19
References Crop Name No. of
Type of UAV Camera Pest Name Observations
Sourav Kumar
Bhoia et al., 2021 Rice RGB, 4 Visual inspection of
Multi-Rotor Multispectral Leaf hopper
[17] images
Castrignanò, A
Olive Multi-Rotor Multispectral 6 Xylella fastidiosa Visual Images
et al., 2020 [27]
Pathogen Fusarium
Francesconi S et al., 4 graminearum
2021 [28] Wheat Multi-Rotor Hyperspectral Visual Images
SaumyaYadav et al., RGB, Xanthomonas campestris
Peach Multi-Rotor 4 Visual Images
2021 [29] Multispectral pv.pruni
Görlich, F et al., Sugar beet Multi-Rotor Hyperspectral 4 Cercosporabeticola Damage assessments
2021 [30]
Yu, Run et al., 2021 Pine 4
[31] Multi-Rotor Hyperspectral Bursaphelenchusxylophilus Visual Images
Vinı’cius Bitencourt
Campos Calou Multi-Rotor- Visual Images, Degree
Banana RGB 4 Yellow sigatoka
Quad copter of Severity
et al., 2020 [38]
Del Campo-Sanchez Visual inspection of
Grape Multi-Rotor RGB 4 Cotton assid
et al., 2019. [39] images
Abdulridha, Jaafar Lemon Multi-Rotor Hyperspectral 4 Xanthomonas citri
Visual inspection of
et al., 2019. [40] images
RGB, Ground trapsand root
Vanegas et al., 2018 Multispectral,
Grape Multi-Rotor 4 Grapephylloxera digging, visual vigour
[41] Hyperspectral assessments
Energies 2022, 15, 217 10 of 19
Table 3. Cont.
References Crop Name No. of
Type of UAV Camera Pest Name Observations
Huang et al., 2018
Cotton Multi-Rotor Multispectral 4 Two-spotted spidermite Damage assessments
Samuel Joalland Sugar Beet 4 Beet
et al., 2018 [43] Multi-Rotor Hyperspectral Cyst Nematode Visual Images
Hunt et al., 2017. Potato Multi-Rotor Multispectral 6 Colorado potato beetle Damage assessments
Stanton et al., 2017 Sorghum Fixed Wing Multispectral 1 Sugarcane aphid Arthropod counts
Arthropod counts,
Severtson et al., 8
2016a. [46] Canola Multi-Rotor Multispectral Green peachaphid soil and plant tissue
nutrient analyses
Nebiker et al., 2016 Onion 1 NA
[47] Fixed Wing Multispectral Thrips
A large volume of spatial images with high resolution was acquired with the UAV,
which helps increase the accuracy level of the algorithm for classification and identification
of the leaf spot in the banana. Quantification, prediction, identification, and classification
are made to observe pests and insects in agricultural crops. The aerial images of the UAV
and digital image processing (DIP), it calculates the severity of the attack of yellow Sigatoka.
For estimating the damage in the field, it will act as an alternative method [38] Deep learning
architectures are evaluated for the pest images of soybean and its classification obtained
from the UAV. The performance of Inception-v3, Resnet50, VGG-16, VGG-19, and Xception
was evaluated for different learning strategies with a dataset of 5000 images captured in
actual field conditions [37].
UAVs mounted with traditional RGB cameras using remote sensing technologies
could be considered to detect and quantify pests through UAV aerial images. Focusing on
the 2D geomatic and 3D products, most of the users of UAV platforms need to improve
the application utility and accuracy [39]. Recent advancement in remote sensing technol-
ogy through unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) leads to rapid image processing tools for
crop management and surveillance of pests. This UAV remote sensing-based technology
increases the efficiency of existing practices of human surveillance for the detection of
pests like grape phylloxera in vineyards. It uses UAV integrated with advanced digital
hyper spectral, multispectral, and RGB sensors. The predictive model is developed for
phylloxera detection. Under different levels of phylloxera infestation, the combination of
RGB, multispectral, and hyper spectral images with ground-based data at two separate
periods was explored [41] Comparing remote sensing technologies presented in Table 4.
References Crop Name
Camera Pest Name Observations
Xuan Li et al., 2021 [48] alfalfa Multispectral Empoasca fabae Damage assessments
Bhattarai et al., 2019 [49] Wheat Multispectral Hessian fly Arthropod counts
Backoulou et al., 2018a,b [50,51] Sorghum Multispectral Sugarcane aphid Damage assessments
Arthropod counts or visual
Backoulou et al., 2016 [52] Wheat Multispectral Greenbug
Elliott et al., 2015 [53] Sorghum Multispectral Sugarcane aphid Damage assessments
Energies 2022, 15, 217 11 of 19
Table 4. Cont.
References Crop Name
Camera Pest Name Observations
Backoulou et al., 2011a,b, 2013,
Wheat Multispectral Russian wheat aphid Visual inspections
2015 [54–56]
Mirik et al., 2014 [57] Wheat Hyper spectral Russian wheat aphid Visual inspection of images
Reisig and Godfrey 2010 [58] Cotton Cotton aphid Arthropod counts
Hyper spectral
Arthropod counts or visual
Elliott et al., 2009 [59] Wheat Multispectral Greenbug
Carroll 2008 [60] Corn Hyper spectral European corn borer Damage assessments
Elliott et al., 2007 [61] Wheat Multispectral Russian wheat aphid Proportion of infested plants
Reisig and Godfrey, 2006 [62] Cotton Spider mite Arthropod counts
Hyper spectral
Willers et al., 2005 [63] Cotton Multispectral Tarnished plantbug Sweep net sampling
Fitzgerald et al., 2004 [34] Cotton Hyper spectral Strawberry spider Arthropod counts
Sudbrink et al., 2003 [64] Cotton Multispectral Beet armyworm Arthropod counts
Soya Bean Cyst
F. W. Nutter Jr. et al., 2002 [65] Soya Bean Multispectral Visual inspection of images
Sweep net sampling, drop
Willers et al., 1999 [66] Cotton Multispectral Tarnished plant bug
cloth sampling
Lobits et al., 1997 [67] Grape Multispectral Grape phylloxera Root digging
Arthropod counts sooty
Hart and Meyers, 1968 [68] Citrus Multispectral Brown soft scale
mold assessments
Visual inspections sooty
Everitt et al., 1994 [69] Citrus Multispectral Citrus blackfly
mold assessments
Visual inspections sooty
Everitt et al., 1996 [70] Cotton Multispectral Silverleaf whitefly
mold assessments
Arthropod counts sooty
Hart et al., 1973 [71] Citrus Multispectral Citrus blackfly
mold assessments
Remote sensing data is used for studying the infestations of pests and insects in
agricultural fields efficiently. In winter wheat (Triticumaestivum) fields in Kansas, USA,
the association between Hessian fly (Mayetiola destructor) infestation and normalized
difference vegetation index (NDVI) is evaluated using aircraft data and multispectral
satellite. In each field, Hessian fly infestation was surveyed with multiple sampling points
in a uniform grid fashion. The results have proven an increase in pest infestation with
decreased NDVI in both aircraft and satellite data. NDVI satellite data performed better
than NDVI aircraft data in pest infestation fields. The results show that remote sensing
technology data can be used for monitoring the health of wheat plants and areas of poor
growth [50]. Infestations of pests and insects in the agriculture field are not uniform and
can proliferate in intensity and size. Remote sensing with multispectral data is used for
assessing the sorghum fields for the infestations by sugarcane aphids. The difference in the
normalized differenced vegetation index (NDVI) with bi-temporal images and analysis of
changes in the image captured is efficient for assessing the infestation of temporal changes
in the sorghum field by the sugarcane aphids. Experimentation on comparing changes in
the field and distribution categories concerning normalized differenced vegetation index
(NDVI) image classification from the sorghum field with infested sugarcane aphid, an
essential technique for assessing the infestations of temporal changes by sugarcane aphids
Energies 2022, 15, 217 12 of 19
in sorghum fields [72] Comparing orbital based remote sensing technologies presented
in Table 5.
References Crop Name
Camera Pest Name Observations
MarianAdan et al., 2021 [73] avocado Multispectral Persea mite Visual Inspections
Michael Gomez Selvaraj et al., RGB,
Banana Yellow sigatoka Visual Inspections
2020 [74] Multispectral
Bhattarai et al., 2019 [50] Wheat Multispectral Hessian fly Arthropod counts
Ma et al., 2019 [23] Wheat Multispectral Wheat aphid Arthropod counts
Abdel-Rahman et al., 2017 [75] Corn Multispectral Stem borer Arthropod counts
Zhang et al., 2016 [76] Corn Multispectral Oriental armyworm Damage assess-counts
Lestina et al., 2016 [77] Wheat Multispectral Wheat stem sawfly Arthropod counts
Arthropod counts damage
Luo et al., 2014 [78] Wheat Multispectral Wheat aphid
Huang et al., 2011 [79] Wheat Multispectral Aphid Arthropod counts
Reisig and Godfrey, 2010 [59] Cotton Multispectral Cotton aphid Arthropod counts
Reisig and Godfrey, 2006 [63] Cotton Multispectral Spider mite Arthropod counts
Remote sensing tools coupled with Machine Learning have a lead role in monitoring
the crop and surveillance of pests. Early warning systems use remote sensing applications
to classify crops and pest-affected areas that provide accurate and cost-effective data
at different agricultural fields with proper spatial, temporal, and spectral resolutions.
However, monitoring more significant landscapes is challenging, therefore combining high-
resolution UAV satellite images of data through efficient machine learning (ML) models
and advanced mobile applications, which helps detect the disease-affected part.
The hybrid model system is developed by combining a custom classifier and object
detection model (RetinaNet) for disease classification and banana localization; we have
used RGB-UAV aerial images from the Republic of Benin and DR Congo fields. This
result proves better accuracy under different testing with performance metrics and reveals
that RGB-UAV mixed model successfully classifies the object classification and detection
among healthy and diseased crops with 99.4% accuracy. Thus, this approach provides high
potential support systems for making major banana diseases in Africa [76].
Monitoring the pests and diseases makes vital in providing treatment practically
in affected regions. The accuracy level of the crops affected by insects and pests gets
improved when the environmental parameters are coupled with the vegetation index.
Furthermore, similar symptoms can be identified for different pests and diseases in crop
growth. Therefore, the information of growth period helps obtain the changes incurred in
the crop concerning infection of insects and pests. An approach is developed by integrat-
ing environmental parameters and crop growth, experimenting with image performance
classification effects, and discriminating the crops affected by the pests and diseases with
Landsat-8 satellite images (Bi-Temporal).
The integrated model with environmental factors and temporal growth indices proved
with good results of 82.6% accuracy. In addition, it performed better in discriminating
damages using Landsat-8 satellite images in winter wheat crops. Further, to enhance the
accuracy level of the advancement models by integrating multi-temporal remotely sensed
data with multisource, which provides a detailed spatial crop pest and disease distribution
to meet the current requirements of precision agriculture [23] Comparing ground based
remote sensing technologies presented in Table 6.
Energies 2022, 15, 217 13 of 19
References Crop Name
Camera Pest Name Observations
MaríaGyomar Gonzalez-Gonzalez visual inspection of the
Citrus Hyperspectral Tetranychus urticae
et al., 2021 [80] leaves
Banks grassmite
Martin and Latheef 2019 [81] Corn Multispectral Damage assessments
spotted spidermite
Alves et al., 2019, 2013 [82,83] Soyabean Hyperspectral Soybean aphid Arthropod counts
Multispectral, Beet
Samuel Joall and et al., 2018 [43] Sugar Beet Visual Images
Hyperspectral Cyst Nematode
Martin and Latheef, 2018 [84] Pinto bean Multispectral Two-spotted spider
Fan et al., 2017 [85] Rice Hyperspectral Striped stem borer Damage assessments
Two spotted spider
Herrmann et al., 2017 [86] Bean Hyperspectral Damage assessments
Abdel-Rahman et al., 2013, 2010, Arthropod counts, Damage
Sugarcane Hyperspectral Sugarcane thrips
2009 [87–89] assessments
Mirik et al., 2012 [90] Wheat Multispectral Russian wheat aphid Visual inspections
Zhang et al., 2008 [91], Luedeling Arthropod counts, Damage
Peach Hyperspectral Spider mite
et al., 2009 [92] assessments
Two spotted spider
Fraulo et al., 2009 [93] Strawberry Hyperspectral Arthropod counts
Li et al., 2008 [94] Sorghum Hyperspectral Corn leaf aphid Arthropod counts,
Xu et al., 2007 [95] Tomato Hyperspectral Leaf miner Damage assessments
Soya Bean Cyst
F. W. Nutter Jr. et al., 2002 [65] Soya Bean Multispectral Visual inspection of images
Everitt et al., 1996 [70] Cotton Multispectral Silverleaf whitefly Visual inspections
Peñuelas et al., 1995 [96] Apple Hyperspectral European red mite Arthropod counts
Using spectral sensors with infrared range and 50 nm sensor bandwidth in soy-
bean fields, a cumulative abundance of A. glycines could be effectively quantified. A.
glycines on soybean are detected by simulating ground-based hyperspectral data with
multispectral sensors. This approach reduces the complexity and cost while compared with
counts of manual aphids with potential scouting of pests in soybean and crop production
systems [82].
For the last few decades, most agriculture fields are using RS technologies for precision
agriculture with different applications such as crop monitoring, Prediction of Yields, and
Pest Management. Further, these techniques are also used for plant stress and nutritional
deficiencies. RS technologies can detect pests and insects successfully in a wide variety of
crops and fields. The average usage of different types of RS Platforms is shown in Figure 10.
Precision Accuracy is more important in the economic development of the agriculture field,
and the accuracy yields to monitor the crop infected by the pest and quality of the crop
properly. Further, the precision accuracy rate in the agriculture field by RS technologies is
shown in Figure 11.
Energies 2022, 15, 217 14 of 19
6. Conclusions
Unmanned aerial vehicle in precision agriculture has critical challenges which are
described as payload, Sensors used in the UAV, cost of UAV, flight duration, data analytics,
environmental conditions, and requirements. Cost is the main challenge for UAV use, which
is added with various needed sensors, mounting parts, technology-based applications, and
the software needed for data analytics. Nowadays, commercial companies offer services
Energies 2022, 15, 217 15 of 19
for renting out the various UAVs with all needed remote sensing devices. Data analytics is
also a vital challenge to attain results at a periodic interval of time once the data have been
collected from the various sensors mounted on the UAVs. It creates numerous terabytes of
data stored, processed, and analyzed adequately with the appropriate software. Similarly, it
is hard to develop a UAV that can detect both hotspots of the pest and the solutions applied
for them since payload and flight duration are limited for UAV use in fields. Weather
conditions such as rain, snowfall, clouds, and fog are another factor that limits the UAV
activities and the sensing process. The farmers can easily adapt to this technology that is
compatible with their agriculture requirements and cost-effective solutions.
Author Contributions: Conceptualization, P.V., S.R. and R.K.M.; methodology, M.S. and J.-G.C.;
software, S.R. and S.N.; validation, P.V., M.S. and J.-G.C.; investigation, M.S. and J.-G.C.; resources,
S.R., R.K.M. and S.N.; data curation, P.V., M.S. and J.-G.C.; writing—original draft preparation, P.V.;
writing—review and editing, P.V., M.S. and J.-G.C.; visualization, S.R. and R.K.M.; supervision, S.R.
and R.K.M.; project administration, M.S. and R.K.M.; funding acquisition, J.-G.C. All authors have
read and agreed to the published version of the manuscript.
Funding: This work was supported by the Basic Science Research Program through the National Research
Foundation (NRF) of Korea funded by the Ministry of Education under Grant 2018R1D1A1B07048948.
Data Availability Statement: Not applicable.
Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest. The authors declare that they have no
known competing financial interests or personal relationships that could have appeared to influence
the work reported in this paper.
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