Coating - With - ACCILA COTA
Coating - With - ACCILA COTA
Coating - With - ACCILA COTA
Coating Application
Sureteric is a specially blended combination of PVAP (polyvinyl acetate phthalate), plasticizers, and other processing
ingredients, specifically designed to meet the enteric coating needs of solid oral dosage forms in the pharmaceutical industry
1. Always maintain a negative air pressure in the pan (more air out than in).
2. Rotate (jog) the table and bed minimally prior to constant rotation, during the spray cycle.
3. After start-up, allow a minimum of 15 minutes for exhaust temperature to equilibrate before making changes
in fluid and/or air flows.
4. To maximize enteric performance and adhesion between the sub-coat and enteric interface, reduce the
Sureteric spray rate by 15%, for the first 1% weight gain, if any tackiness or sticking is noticed. The delivery
rate may then be increased as the cores become sealed with Sureteric.
5. Once Sureteric delivery has begun, maintain a constant flow. Gun needles should remain in an open
position for the duration of the Sureteric application.
6. Immediately after applying the topcoat, tablets may be polished using powdered Carnauba wax. Apply no
more than 10.0 g per 100 kg of tablets. Apply the wax without exhaust or drying air on the tablets. Run for
5 minutes at 3 rpm, then cool to room temperature with exhaust at low speed for no longer than 5 minutes.
The above parameters are recommended based on Colorcon trial data. Individual product and machine functions
may create a need to alter the conditions. Please consult Colorcon if further technical advice is required.
World Headquarters
415 Moyer Blvd., P.O. Box 24, West Point, PA 19486-0024
Tel: 215-699-7733 Fax: 215-661-2605 Web Site @ E.mail:
The information contained herein, to the best of our knowledge is true and accurate. Any recommendations or suggestions are made without warranty or guarantee,
since the conditions of use are beyond our control. Any information contained herein is intended as a recommendation for use of our products so as not to infringe on
any patent.
© Colorcon, 2006. The information contained in this document is proprietary to Colorcon and may not be used or disseminated inappropriately.
Sureteric® and Opadry® are registered trademarks of BPSI Holdings Inc.
mr/sureteric/coating_with_sureterice/10.2006, Rev 3