Clinical Review - Full
Clinical Review - Full
Clinical Review - Full
University Hospital of South Burn injuries are an important global health problem. estimating small burns (<15%) or large burns (>85%).
Manchester, Manchester M23 9LT Most simple burns can be managed by general practi- In large burns, the burnt area can be quickly calculated
Cambridge University Hospitals, tioners in primary care, but complex burns and all by estimating the area of uninjured skin and subtract-
Addenbrooke’s Hospital, major burns warrant a specialist and skilled multidisci- ing it from 100.6 A common mistake is to include
Cambridge CB2 8QE
Central Manchester and
plinary approach for a successful clinical outcome. erythema—only de-epithelialised areas should be
Manchester Children’s Hospitals This article discusses the principles behind managing included in these calculations.
NHS Trust, Manchester major burns and scalds using an evidence based
Correspondence to: M Shah, approach and provides a framework for managing sim- How is the depth of a burn assessed?
Regional Paediatric Burns Unit,
Booth Hall Children’s Hospital,
ple burns in the community. Clinical estimation of burn depth (fig 1) is often subjec-
Manchester M9 7AA tive—an independent blinded comparison among What is the burden of burns injuries? experienced surgeons showed only 60-80%
Cite this as: BMJ 2009;338:b1037
Annually in the United Kingdom, around 175 000 concurrence. 7 Burn wounds are dynamic and need
doi:10.1136/bmj.b1037 people attend accident and emergency departments reassessment in the first 24-72 hours, because depth
with burns from various causes (box 1).1 This repre- can increase after injury as a result of inadequate treat-
sents 1% of all emergency department attendances, ment or superadded infection. 8 Burn wounds can be
and about 10% of these patients need inpatient care in superficial in some parts but deeper in other areas
a specialist unit.2 A further 250 000 patients are mana- (fig 2). The table shows some characteristic features of
ged in the community by general practitioners and burns of varying depth.
allied professionals. Of patients referred to the hospi- A blinded rater comparison of laser Doppler imaging,
tal, some 16 000 are admitted, and about 1000 patients which assesses skin blood flow, with clinical assessment
need active fluid resuscitation. The number of burns and histopathology found that imaging was 90-100% sen-
related deaths average 300 a year.1 sitive and 92-96% specific for estimating burn depth.7
Globally, the World Health Organization estimates However, the high outlay costs for this equipment pre-
that 322 000 people die each year from fire related clude its use outside specialist burns units. Other methods
burns.3 This could be an underestimate, however, such as transcutaneous videomicroscopy (direct visualisa-
because we have no valid comprehensive statistics tion of dermal capillary integrity) and infrared thermogra-
from developing countries, where >95% of these phy (temperature gradient between burnt and intact skin)
deaths occur.3 4 High population density, illiteracy, remain largely experimental.9 10
poverty, and unsafe cooking methods contribute to The terms “partial thickness” or “full thickness”
the higher incidence in developing countries.4 burns describe the level of burn injury and indicate
Sources and selection the likelihood and estimated duration for healing to
criteria How is the area of a burn estimated? occur. Superficial burns usually heal (by epithelialisa-
We searched Medline, In adults, Wallace’s “rule of nines” is useful for estimat- tion) within two weeks without surgery, whereas dee-
Ovid, Burns, and the ing the total body surface area—18% each for chest, per burns probably need excision and closure of the
Cochrane Library until back, and legs apiece, 9% each for head and arms area, often with skin grafts. Hypertrophic scarring is
June 2008 for apiece, and 1% for the perineum. It is quick to apply more common in deeper burns treated by surgery
randomised controlled and easily remembered, although it tends to overesti- and skin grafting than in superficial burns.11
trials, systematic mate the area by about 3%.5 The Lund and Browder
reviews, evidence chart takes into account changes in body surface area What factors influence outcome?
reports, and recent with age (and growth). It is useful across all age groups Logistic regression analysis of survival data from 1665
evidence based and has good interobserver agreement.5 Another use- burns patients from the Massachusetts General Hospi-
guidelines from
ful, but rather subjective, guide is to use the surface area tal identified three risk factors for death: age over
international burn
of the patient’s palm and fingers, which is just under 1% 60 years, more than 40% of body surface area injured,
of the total body surface area. This method is useful for and inhalation injury.12 As survival outcomes have
Superficial Superficial Deep Full Box 1 Some important causes of burns and scalds
dermal dermal thickness
Flame burns
Epidermis Scalds (hot liquids)
Contact burns (hot solid)
Chemicals (acids or alkalis)
Electrical burns (high and low voltage)
Flash burns (burns resulting from brief exposure to
intense radiation)
Friction burns
Fig 1 | Burn depth nomenclature Radiation burns
Burns from lightning strike
improved (mortality about 5-6% in resourced
centres),13 however, assessment of outcome has shifted
When is referral to a specialist burns unit needed?
from mortality to quality of life measures.14 Thus, the
current focus in burns patients is the preservation of Box 2 shows the criteria for referring a “complex” burn
function, reconstruction, and rehabilitation.13 to the specialist burns unit. Small area burns that take
more than 14 days to heal; become infected; or are
How are minor burns managed? likely to lead to considerable aesthetic, functional, or
psychological impairment (face, hands, feet, across
Flowchart 1 (web fig 1 on provides a guide-
flexures, genitalia) may also need to be referred.1
line for managing a “minor” burn in the community.
The European working party of burns specialists
How should major burns be managed?
recommends cleaning burns with soap and water (or
All major burns should be managed initially according
a dilute water based disinfectant) to remove loose
to trauma resuscitation guidelines.18 Box 3 shows a
skin, including open blisters.15 Although the clinical
consensus summary on first aid management (prehos-
evidence for “deroofing” of blisters is poor, without
pital care) for burns,18 and box 4 shows the principles
deroofing burn depth cannot be assessed. All blisters
for managing any large burns.
should therefore be deroofed, apart from isolated lax
Prompt irrigation with running cool tap water for
blisters <1 cm2 in area, which can be left alone.16 A
20 minutes provides optimal intradermal cooling.19
simple non-adhesive dressing, such as soft silicone
Ice and very cold water should be avoided because
(for example, Mepitel), padded by gauze is effective
they cause vasoconstriction and worsen tissue ischae-
in most superficial and superficial dermal burns. How-
mia and local oedema.20 Hypothermia should be
ever, biological dressings such as Biobrane are better,
avoided, especially in children. Patients with chemical
especially for children, because they reduce pain and
burns may need longer periods of irrigation (up to 24
the wound bed can be inspected through the translu- hours), and specific antidote information should be
cent sheet.17 New non-animal derived synthetic poly- obtained from the regional or national toxicology unit.
mers such as Suprathel look promising for treating
Prehospital consensus guidelines emphasise that dres-
partial thickness burns, but further studies are needed.
sings help relieve pain from exposed nerve endings and
Silver sulfadiazine can be used for deep dermal burns.
keep the area clean.18 Polyvinylchloride film (such as
Dressings should be examined at 48 hours to reassess
depth and the wound in general, and dressings on
superficial partial thickness burns can be changed
after three to five days in the absence of infection. If
evidence of infection exists, daily wound inspection
and dressing change is indicated. Deep dermal burns
need daily dressings until the eschar has lifted and re-
epithelialisation is under way, after which dressings
can be changed more often.
Skin biopsy
Skin specimen Isolated keratinocytes
Single or composite
layered substitute Injured
Temporary or area Grafting
permanent coverage
Integra or Alloderm Skin graft 3-4 weeks later
Dermal acellular matrix (bovine or human)
Fig 3 | Newer tissue engineering directions in burns management. Cultured epidermal autografts (right), staged dermal acellular
substitutes (bottom), single application dermal cellular substitutes or allogenic composites (left)
using thermodilution methods to measure intrathoracic disease modulation.w6 Nutritional requirements are
blood volume, cardiac output, and cardiac index have dynamic, and early debridement and skin cover result
recently received attention. Although preliminary stu- in a 50-75% increase in energy expenditure. Thus, a
dies have suggested that this may aid resuscitation, one nutritional plan—that takes account of factors such as
RCT failed to support these findings in burns.w5 the extent and depth of the burn, the need for repeated
surgical interventions, the appropriateness of the
What is the role of nutrition? enteral or parenteral route, and the pre-injury health
The role of nutritional support in major burns has status of the patient—should be implemented within
shifted from one of preventing malnutrition to one of 12 hours.
Psychosocial aspects
Box 4 Emergency management of severe burns approach (adapted from the Australian
The psychological requirements of patients and their
and New Zealand Burns Association)
carers change over the early resuscitative phase, acute
Order of management priority in patients with severe burns phase, and rehabilitation phase. The prevalence of
A. Airway with cervical spine control depression is estimated to be high (up to 60%) in
B. Breathing and ventilation burns inpatients, and up to 30% have some degree of
C. Circulation with haemorrhage control post-traumatic stress disorder.w7 All burns centres offer
specialist advice on long term psychosocial adjustment
D. Disability—neurological status
in burns patients. Changing faces in the UK and the
E. Exposure preventing hypothermia
Phoenix society in the United States provide excellent
F. Fluid resuscitation support for burns survivors.
Resuscitation fluid alone (first 24 hours): How are scar and burn areas managed after healing?
Give 3-4 ml (3 ml in superficial or partial thickness burns, 4 ml in full thickness burns A retrospective cohort study of 337 children with up to
or those with associated inhalation injury) Hartmann’s solution/kg body weight/% a five year follow-up found hypertrophic scarring in
total body surface area. Half of this calculated volume is given in the first eight hours less than 20% of superficial scalds that healed within
after injury. The remaining half is given in the second 16 hour period 21 days but in up to 90% of burns that took 30 days
Children or more to heal.11 Appropriate treatment must there-
Resuscitation fluid as above plus maintenance (0.45% saline with 5% dextrose, the
fore be instituted early and infection prevented to
volume should be titrated against nasogastric feeds or oral intake): encourage rapid healing. Healed burns do not have
adnexal structures, and are therefore dry, sensitive,
Give 100 ml/kg for first 10 kg body weight plus 50 ml/kg for the next 10 kg body
and irregularly pigmented. Hence the area should be
weight plus 20 ml/kg for each extra kg
moisturised and massaged to reduce dryness and to