Major Burns: Part 1. Epidemiology, Pathophysiology and Initial Management
Major Burns: Part 1. Epidemiology, Pathophysiology and Initial Management
Major Burns: Part 1. Epidemiology, Pathophysiology and Initial Management
doi: 10.1016/j.bjae.2021.10.001
Advance Access Publication Date: 21 December 2021
Claire McCann BMedSci MRCP FRCA FFICM is a speciality registrar
in anaesthetics and clinical fellow in burns anaesthesia and intensive Fire, heat and hot substance injuries caused 8,991,468 injuries
care at St Andrew’s Centre for Burns and Plastic Surgery. and 120,632 deaths worldwide in 2017.2 Ninety percent of
these were in low- or middle-income countries.3 Compre-
Agnes Watson FRCA FFICM is a consultant in adult and paediatric hensive up-to-date statistics for the UK are not available for
burns and plastics anaesthesia and intensive care, St Andrew’s reference, but there are approximately 10,000 hospital ad-
Centre for Burns and Plastic Surgery. She is the outgoing college missions and 300 major burns in adults requiring fluid
tutor for burns and plastics anaesthesia and has a special interest in resuscitation in England and Wales per year.4,5 In Scotland
anaesthesia for cleft lip and palate surgery. there is an incidence of 500 burn injury admissions per year, of
David Barnes BMSc MSc FRCS Plast (Edin) is consultant and clinical which 5% are major burns.6
lead for adult and paediatric burns surgery, St Andrew’s Centre for The most common mechanism of injury requiring admis-
Burns and Plastic Surgery. He is a previous chair of the London South sion is scalds; however, the most common cause of major
East Burns Network and a member of the 2018 British Burn Care burns are flame injuries.7 Burn injuries have a wide aetiology
Standards panel. including thermal (scald, flame, flash, contact, irradiation),
Major burns, Part 1
electrical (including lightning strikes) and chemical (acid, al- which predicted mortality is 50%) is 109.6.11 Other risk predic-
kali). Most are accidents in the home or work-related, but tion models are also in use such as the Belgian Outcome in Burn
intentional injuries from deliberate self-harm, assaults or fires Injury score and the Abbreviated Burn Severity Index.12,13 As
are more likely to result in major burns.8 increasing age is strongly associated with mortality from a burn
injury, there is a developing need to assess frailty and comor-
Risk factors bidities as part of a holistic assessment of the older burns pa-
tient, although not yet included in the current scoring
Risk factors worldwide for suffering a burn injury include: low systems.14 Clinical frailty scores are increasingly being used in
socioeconomic status; overcrowding; households where burns services, and the Rockwood clinical frailty scale is used in
young girls have domestic roles; cooking with kerosene; our unit for burn injuries in older people.15,16
generalised poor health; and poor safety practices.3 Injuries
are more common in patients with pre-existing psychiatric
diagnoses, substance use problems and those at extremes of Pathophysiology
age. Children suffer accidental and non-accidental injury. As Skin physiology
the population ages, the older and frail individuals with pre-
existing medical conditions presenting as collapse, are The skin is the largest organ system in the body. It is
increasingly represented.9 Burns are a preventable injury and composed of the five layers of the epidermis and the two
strategies to decrease the incidence focus on awareness, ed- layers of the dermis, which sit on subcutaneous fat, connec-
ucation and health and safety legislation. tive tissue and the muscle compartments. The deepest layers
of the epidermis continually divide and migrate to the surface
to regenerate every 2e3 weeks. Melanocytes responsible for
Risk prediction
the skin’s pigmentation are found in the epidermis. The
The main scoring system used to predict mortality and length dermis contains nerves, blood vessels, exocrine glands and
of hospitalisation in adult burns injury is the revised Baux hair follicles around which regenerating epidermal cells are
score, which takes into account age, %TBSA burned and the found. The epidermis cannot regenerate without the presence
presence of inhalation injury.10 The point of futility (the Baux of dermal tissue. By understanding the multiple functions of
score at which the predicted mortality approaches 100%) was the skin and its roles in homeostasis (Fig. 1), it is easy to un-
100 in Baux’s original article. The point of futility with 21st derstand the sequelae of a burns injury, which will be dis-
century burn care is now 160 and the Baux50 (the Baux score at cussed in detail in Part 2 of this series.17
Classification of burn injuries model.18 The zone of coagulation contains dead tissue as a
result of direct injury. Adjacent to this area in the zone of
A burns injury is classified according to aetiology, percentage
stasis tissues suffer hypoperfusion owing to the vasocon-
total body surface area involved and depth (Fig. 2).
striction of vessels in response to the injury, and although not
Simple erythema involving damage to the epidermis only
directly damaged, these tissues are vulnerable to ischaemia,
is referred to as an epidermal or superficial burn and excluded
infection and necrosis, and initial burn wounds may expand
from the calculation of surface area involved. Clinically sig-
and deepen. Dead tissue prompts the release of inflammatory
nificant burns involve the dermis, and are termed partial
mediators, which act locally causing vasodilation, increased
thickness, either superficial or deep, and full thickness.
vascular permeability and oedema in the zone of hyperaemia.
Worldwide it is more common for burn depth to be described
In the absence of resuscitation with i.v. fluids, this vasodila-
as first degree (epidermal/superficial), second degree (partial
tion exacerbates hypovolaemia and subsequent tissue hypo-
thickness) or third degree (full thickness). The characteristics
perfusion. In burns >25% TBSA, these mediators also cause a
on examination are detailed in Figure 3.
systemic inflammatory response with the effects outlined in
The amount of tissue damage caused can be burn related
Figure 5.
or patient related. Burn-related factors include aetiology,
Early burn wound excision decreases the necrotic load,
temperature and duration of exposure. For example wet heat
infection risk and systemic inflammatory effects. Burns
(scalds) carries more energy than dry heat (flame), so greater
dressings help stabilise the wound bed, decrease fluid losses
tissue damage is caused by the same temperature. Patient-
and help prevent infection. Systemic effects consist of an
related factors include skin thickness, age and whether or
acute phase up to 48 h after injury, in which a combination of
not first aid was given. The very young and older individuals
peripheral vasodilation, hypovolaemia and myocardial
with thinner, more fragile skin will have a greater injury from
depression result in burns shock and a hypermetabolic phase
the same insult compared with an adult. A superficial partial
from approximately 48 h up to 1 yr after injury. The stress
thickness wound has a good blood supply and sufficient
response to a burn injury is via the same pro-inflammatory
regenerating epidermal cells that, with proper management,
mediators as in other causes of tissue injury, but of greater
can heal without scarring in 1e2 weeks. Deep partial thick-
severity and duration.
ness and full thickness burns have lost the dermal vascular
plexus and cells to heal. They are generally managed by
excision and skin grafting. The burn can also affect tissue Initial management
deep to the dermis, the fat and muscle. Muscle injury can lead
First aid
to compartment syndrome and rhabdomyolysis.
First aid at the scene is vitally important in burns and can
prevent more severe injury. In particular there is a strong
Local and systemic effects of major burns
evidence base that a burn should be managed under cool or
Major burn injuries have local and systemic effects (Fig. 4). tepid running water for 20 min even up to 4 h after the injury is
The local effects are divided into three zones of tissue sustained. By arresting tissue damage, wounds are not as deep
injury and blood flow described in Jackson’s burn wound as they otherwise would have been, with subsequent
Superficial partial thickness Deep partial thickness burn – Full thickness burn – has
burn – the upper dermis is extends into the deep dermis extended through the entire
damaged but the vascular affecting the vascular plexus but not thickness of the dermis and
plexus and most adnexal all of the dermis is destroyed. Only no dermal tissue remains
structures remain intact deep adnexal structures are intact
Fig 2 Depth of burn injuries are described by how much of the dermis has been destroyed. Adapted with permission from the Nederlandse Brandwonden
Stichting, Dutch Burns Foundation.
Fig 3 Clinical characteristics of burn injuries (written consent obtained from patient to publish images). (A) Superficial partial thickness burns are pale, pink and
moist. Blisters form from fluid leak because of blood vessel damage. They are very painful because the nerve endings are exposed. (B) Deep partial thickness burns
are drier, red and non-blanching as the dermal plexus is coagulated by heat. They are less sensate. (C) Full-thickness burns are waxy and white; they may look
charred and are not painful.
improvement in healing and decreased scar formation.19 The All major burns are traumatic injuries and should be
general principles for thermal injuries are to use the SAFE treated according to the principles of Advanced Trauma Life
approach (Shout/call for help, Assess the scene, Free from Support (ATLS).24 The treatment recommendations that
danger, Evaluate the casualty), stop the burning process, cool follow can be learnt on the Emergency Management of Severe
the burn and then cover in a non-adherent dressing (e.g. cling Burns (EMSB) course run by the British Burn Association.25
film).20,21 Although the burn must be cooled, the rest of the
patient must be warmed to prevent hypothermia. For chem-
ical burns the patient should be removed from the area of
Airway and breathing
exposure and all contaminated clothing removed. Chemical The airway can be threatened via several mechanisms in a
burns should be irrigated with running water or sterile fluids patient with major burns. Indications for intubation are:
taking care not to wash chemicals into the eyes. Irrigation is reduced conscious level requiring airway protection (e.g.
key in such burns as removing the chemicals stops the because of head trauma during escape from a fire also requiring
burning process. It is recommended that acid burns be irri- c-spine immobilisation, systemic toxicity from inhalation
gated for 45 min and alkali burns for 1 h.21 Agent-specific injury, medical or substance use causing collapse); actual or
treatments should be given if available according to National impending upper airway obstruction owing to deep neck, per-
Poisons Information Service advice.22 Electrical injuries may ioral or intra-oral burns and oedema; respiratory distress from
be accompanied by a burn, a useful comprehensive review of inhalation injury requiring ventilatory support; or to facilitate
presentation and specific management is available.23 safe transfer to a burns centre. However, the requirement for
Zone of coagulation
and cell death
Epidermis (direct tissue injury)
Zone of stasis
Dermis (cells viable but vulnerable)
Zone of hyperaemia
and vasodilation
Subcutaneous (tissue recovery expected)
Fig 5 Systemic effects of major burns. ADH, anti-diuretic hormone; AKI, acute kidney injury; ARDS acute respiratory distress syndrome; GI, gastrointestinal; HPA,
hypothalamicepituitaryeadrenal; NS, nervous system; RAA, renineangiotensinealdosterone.
intubation is not always clear-cut, and the main concern is that can be used safely up to 48 h after burn injury.27 A video-
a burned patient may have an associated inhalation injury that laryngoscope should be used if available and an uncut
will subsequently cause airway oedema and an airway emer- tracheal tube is vital to allow for further soft tissue swelling
gency in the hours that follow fluid resuscitation. that might otherwise make a cut tube recede into the mouth.
A larger-diameter tracheal tube is preferable to facilitate
bronchoscopy and respiratory toilet.
Inhalation injury
The hot gaseous products of combustion are inhaled partic-
ularly when a patient is trapped in an enclosed space with a Ventilation
fire. Hot gas causes direct burn injury to the upper airway, In full thickness burns the dead tissue or ‘eschar’ is non-
particulate matter and chemicals enter the lower airways compliant and may prevent adequate ventilation and
causing acute lung injury and carbon monoxide and adversely affect cardiac pre-load, necessitating escharotomies
hydrogen cyanide cause systemic toxicity. Inhalation injury to the chest before transfer (Fig. 6). Impaired gas exchange may
is more common if facial burns are present, but not all pa- also be the result of inhalation injury and associated carbon
tients with facial burns have an inhalation injury. Signs and monoxide poisoning. Hypoxaemia will persist despite adequate
symptoms include cough, soot in the nose, mouth and oxygen saturation by pulse oximetry, so it is important to check
sputum and singed eyebrows and nasal hair, but in the the co-oximetry results on an arterial blood gas. The time to
absence of a facial burn these are unlikely to signal an airway carbon monoxide washout is reduced by ventilation in 100%
emergency. Voice changes, hoarseness and stridor, however, oxygen, but hyperbaric oxygen therapy is not currently rec-
are particularly concerning as these signs may not develop ommended.22 Patients’ lungs should be ventilated with 100%
until swelling is already obstructing the airway.26 If there is oxygen until the carboxyhaemoglobin level is <3%, taking care
doubt about whether tracheal intubation is needed, discus- to reduce the FIO2 as soon as possible to avoid further lung
sion with the receiving burns service is advised. When damage.27 Hydrogen cyanide poisoning should be considered in
securing the airway, it is vital to plan for a difficult intubation patients with inhalation injury, cardiovascular instability and
including a surgical airway as the tissues may be erythem- increasing blood lactate levels not responding to treatment,
atous, ulcerated and distorted by oedema. Suxamethonium and the specific antidote e hydroxycobalamin e should be
and burns surgeon (HEMS can be
immediately accepted if bed)
PATIENT REFUSED resourced bed
Reason must be recorded and on-call
team must follow the
Standard Operating Procedure for
Burns Surge and Escalation Patient needs medical
Safe to transfer No
patient optimisation or other
immediately? care priorities
Is this a HEMS
Inform ED and helipad referral for immediate
Yes transfer?
Fig 7 Example admission room protocol in use at our institution. ED, emergency department; EMSB, emergency management of severe burns course; HEMS,
helicopter emergency medical service; MRSA, methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus; ODA, operating department assitant; PPE, personal protective equipment.
• Ensure warming measures • Photographs • Check infusions
• Check infusions with nurses • Place urinary catheter • Consider blood alcohol level,
• Prepare for bronchoscopy • Shave patient (if required) paracetamol and salicylate
• Prepare feeding tubes • Escharotomies (if required) level, urine toxicology,
• Cyanokit (if required) • Dressings as appropriate pregnancy test
• Dressings as appropriate
• Obtain GP summary
• Confirm resuscitation plan
• Confirm surgical plan
• Complete WHO Checklist prior to a general
anaesthetic or any surgical intervention
• Confirm ongoing burn and critical care needs with all members of the burn care team and destination
• Complete WHO Sign Out
• Prepare for transfer (anaesthetist/ODA/nurses)
• Prepare room to receive patient
• Complete admission note on MetaVision for anaesthetic, surgical and nursing aspects
• Request appropriate radiology and further investigations
• Update relatives or appropriate persons of interest
Fig 7 (continued).
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