Renewable Energy Resources Placement in Distribution Systems by Whale Optimization Algorithm

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International Journal of Computer Science and Information Security (IJCSIS),

Vol. 14, No. 12, December 2016

Renewable energy resources placement in

distribution systems by whale optimization
Dinakara Prasad Reddy P #1 , Dr.V.C Veera Reddy ∗2 , Dr.T. Gowri Manohar #3
Department of EEE, S V University College of Engineering
Tirupati- 517502

Professor, Department of EEE, AITS, Tiruapti

Abstract—Distributed generator (DG) resources are small elec- Different types of distributed generations and their defini-
tric power generating plants that can provide power to homes, tions are have been discussed in [1]. An analytical approach
businesses or industrial facilities in distribution systems. Power based on exact loss formula has been presented in [2], [3]
loss reductions, voltage profile improvement and increasing
reliability are some advantages of DG units.The above benefits to find the optimal size and location of DG however voltage
can be achieved by optimal placement of DGs. Power Loss constraint has not been considered.The distribution system
Index method is used for optimal DG locations. A novel meta operation uncertainties including daily time varying load,
heuristic algorithm called Whale Optimization Algorithm (WOA) stochastic DG power production, network configuration, and
is used to determine the optimal DG-unit size in this paper. WOA voltage control devices operation are all taken into account
modeled based on the unique hunting behavior of humpback
whales. The WOA algorithm is tested on IEEE 15, 33, 69 and in [4]. Sensitivity based simultaneous optimal placement of
85-bus test systems. The results obtained by the proposed WOA capacitors and DG has been presented in [5] . In this paper
algorithm was compared with different types of DGs and other analytical approach is used for sizing.
evolutionary algorithms. When compared with other algorithms The authors [6] proposed Artificial Bee Colony Algorithm
the WOA algorithm gives better results. From the analysis best to find the optimal allocation and sizing of distributed genera-
results has been achieved from type III DG operating at 0.9 pf.
Index Terms—Whale Optimization algorithm, Power loss in- tion. Distributed generation uncertainties [7] have been taken
dex, Distributed generation placement, Radial distribution sys- in account for the placement of DG.
tem, Loss reduction [8]–[11] proposed evolutionary algorithms for the place-
ment of distributed generation. Multi-Objective Harmony
I. I NTRODUCTION Search [12] was used for Optimal Placement of DGs in
Generating stations,transmission lines and distribution sys- Distribution Systems
tem are three divisions of an electric power system. A dis- A novel combined genetic algorithm (GA)/particle swarm
tribution system connects loads to the transmission line at optimization (PSO) is presented in [13] for optimal location
substations. Most of the losses about 70% losses are occurring and sizing of DG on distribution systems. The non-optimal
at distribution level which includes primary and secondary placement of DG can increase the system losses and thus
distribution system, while 30% losses occurred in transmis- make the voltage profile lower than the allowable limit. With
sion level. Therefore distribution systems are main concern the proper size of DG gives the positive benefits in the
nowadays. The losses targeted at distribution level are about distribution systems. These benefits include improved voltage
7.5%. profile, reduce the losses, increase the distribution capacity,
By installing DG units at appropriate positions the losses and improve the reliability of system [14], [15].
can be minimized.Photo voltaic (PV) energy, wind turbines, DG installations which consider sizing and allocation using
and other distributed generation plants are typically situated Embedded Meta Evolutionary-Firefly Algorithm (EMEFA)
in remote areas, requiring the operation systems that are fully was proposed in [14]. This method mainly focused on the
integrated into transmission and distribution network.The aim population size on loss. Optimal simultaneous siting and sizing
of the DG is to integrate all generation plants to reduce the of DGs and capacitors considering reconfiguration by in smart
loss, cost and greenhouse gas emission. The DG units can also automated distribution systems was proposed by [16], [17].
improves the profile of voltage, power factor and stability. Dynamic load conditions have been taken in [18]. Big bang
Thus, DG locations and sizing have an important role in big crunch method was implemented for the placement of DG
distribution systems. in [19]. Authors [20] uses mesh distribution system analysis

ISSN 1947-5500
International Journal of Computer Science and Information Security (IJCSIS),
Vol. 14, No. 12, December 2016

for the placement of distributed generation with time varying III. P OWER L OSS I NDEX (PLI) METHOD
load model. Assessment of maximum distributed generation Power losses and their loss reductions are calculated at each
penetration levels in low voltage networks using a probabilistic bus by using equations 5 to 7. Calculate loss reductions at each
approach was discussed in [21]. The backtracking search op- bus by compensating total reactive load at each bus. Then
timization algorithm (BSOA) was used in distribution system these are normalized into the range [0, 1]. From these values
planning with multi type DGs in [22], BSOA was used to minimum and maximum loss reductions are obtained.
study the impact of various load models on DG placement Real, reactive power loss and loss reductions in k th line are
and sizing. given by
A novel nature inspired Meta heuristic optimization algo- (P 2 [j] + Q2 [j]) ∗ Rk
rithm called Whale Optimization Algorithm [23] is used to P L[j] = 2 (5)
(V [j])
find the optimal DG size in this paper. To the best knowledge
of authors WOA algorithm has not been used in literature of (P 2 [j] + Q2 [j]) ∗ Xk
QL[j] = 2 (6)
DG placement.The WOA is used to determine the optimal size (V [j])
of DGs at different power factors to reduce the power losses
of the distribution system as much as possible and enhancing LR(b) − LR(min)
P LI(b) = (7)
the voltage profile of the system. IEEE-15, 33, 69 and 85-bus LR(max) − LR(min)
systems are examined as test cases with different types of DG Where net active and reactive power beyond bus j are P, Q.
units for the objective function. Select the buses with highest PLI values as the best locations.
DG types can be characterized [24] as The proposed PLI method is applied to IEEE 15, 33, 69 and
Type I: Injects real power. It operates at unity pf. PV cells, 85-bus systems. For DG placement the locations are 15, 30,
micro turbines, fuel cells are good examples of Type I DG. 61 and 54 for 15, 33, 69 and 85 bus respectively.
Type II: Injects reactive power.kVAR compensator, syn-
chronous compensator, capacitors etc. fall under type II DG IV. W HALE O PTIMIZATION A LGORITHM (WOA)
Type III: Injects both real and reactive power, e.g. syn- Recently a new optimization algorithm called Whale Opti-
chronous machines (cogeneration, gas turbine, etc.). mization Algorithm [23] has been introduced to meta heuristic
Type IV: Consuming reactive power but injecting real power, algorithm by Mirjalili and lewis. The whales are considered
e.g. induction generators in wind farms. to be as highly intelligent animals with motion. The WOA
algorithm is inspired by the unique hunting behavior of
II. P ROBLEM FORMULATION humpback whales. Usually the humpback whales prefer to
A. Objective function hunt krills or small fishes which are close to the surface of sea.
In distribution system more losses are there due to low Humpback whales uses a special unique hunting method called
voltage compared to transmission system. Copper losses pre- bubble net feeding method. In this method they swim around
dominant in distribution system, this can be calculated as the prey and creates a distinctive bubbles along a circle or 9-
follows shaped path. The mathematical model of WOA is described
X in the following sections
Ploss = Ii2 Ri (1) 1. Encircling prey
i 2. Bubble net hunting method
Where Ii is current, Ri is resistance and n is number 3. Search the prey
of buses. Objective taken in this paper is real power loss
minimization. A. Encircling prey
WOA algorithm assumes that the current best candidate
B. Constraints solution is the target prey. The other search agents try to
The constraints are updates their positions towards best search agent. The behavior
• Voltage constraints is represented by the following equations.
0.95 ≤ Vi ≤ 1.05 (2) →
− −
→ →
− →−
X (t + 1) = X∗ (t) - A . D (8)
•Power balance constraints

− →−−→ →

X D = C.X∗ (t)− X (t) (9)
P+ PDG = Pd + Ploss (3)
k=1 →

A = 2−
.a.−r −→

a (10)
•Upper and Lower limits of DG

60 ≤ PDG ≤ 3000 (4) C = 2.→
−r (11)

Where the limits are in kW, kVAr and KVA for Type I, II Where X is the position of the best solution and it can be

and III DG respectively. updated if better solution is obtained. X is the position vector

ISSN 1947-5500
International Journal of Computer Science and Information Security (IJCSIS),
Vol. 14, No. 12, December 2016

− → −
and t indicates the current iteration. A , C are coefficient Step 6: Select the DG value with low loss as current best
vectors. →

a is linearly decreased from 2 to 0. →

r is a random solution.
vector [0,1]. Step 7: Update the position of the whales using equations 12
to 15.
B. Bubble net hunting method
Step 8: Determine the losses for updated population by
In this hunting method two approaches are there performing load flow.

1) Shrinking encircling prey: Here A is a random value in Step 9: Replace the current best solution with the updated

− →

the interval [-a,a]. Where A is decreased from 2 to 0. Here A values if obtained losses are less than the current best solution.
position is setting down at random values in between [-1,1]. Otherwise go back to step 7

The new position of A is obtained between original position Step 10: If maximum number of iterations is reached then
and position of the current best agent. print the results.
2) Spiral position updating: A spiral equation is used
between position of whales and prey to mimic the helix shaped V. S IMULATION RESULTS
movement as follows
To evaluate the performance of WOA algorithm in the

− −→
0 −
→ application of DG planning problem IEEE 15, 33, 69 and 85-
X (t + 1) = D . ebl . cos(2πl) + X∗ (12) bus test systems are simulated using Matlab software. The
−→ → −

Where D = X∗ − X (t) represents the distance between WOA is used to obtain the optimal size of DG.
whale to the prey(best solution). b is constant , l is a random A. IEEE 15-bus system
number in [-1,1]
In hunting whales swims around the prey in shrinking circle The single line diagram of IEEE 15-bus distribution system
and along a spiral shaped path simultaneously. Here 50% [25] is shown in Fig 1.
probability is taken between either shrinking encircling or the
spiral model to update the position of whales.
( −
→ →
− → − )

− X∗ (t)− A . D if p < 0.5
X (t + 1) = −→
0 −
→ (13)
D . ebl . cos(2πl) + X∗ if p ≥ 0.5
P is random number [0,1].
C. Search for prey
To make the algorithm global optimizer when greater than
1 or less than 1 the search agent is updating according to a
randomly chosen search agent instead of the best search agent.

− →− −−−→ → − Fig. 1. Single line diagram of 15-bus system
D = C .Xrand − X (14)

− −−−→ → − → − Table I shows the real, reactive power losses and minimum
X (t + 1) =Xrand − A . D (15)
voltages after the placement of different types of DGs. The
−−−→ optimal location for 15 bus test system is 15. The minimum
Xrand is the random whales in current iteration. The symbol
|| denotes the absolute values. voltage is more in case of type III DG operating at 0.9 pf.
The losses are also lower with DG type III operating at 0.9 pf
D. Implementation of WOA when compared to other types of DGs which is shown in table
The detailed algorithm is as follows. I. This is due to both real and reactive powers are supplied by
Step 1: Solve the feeder line flow for the system. the DG at lagging pf. Reactive power is not supplied by type
Step 2: Find the best DG locations using the power loss index III DG when operating at Unity pf. Hence losses are higher
method. when compared to DG operating at 0.9 pf lagging.
Step 3: Initialize the population/solutions and itmax=50, Num-
ber of DG locations d=1 for, dgmin = 60,dgmax =3000. TABLE I
Step 4: Generate the population of DG sizes randomly using
equation Without DG With Type I With Type II With Type III With Type III
DG (kW) DG (kVAR) DG (kVA) at DG (kVA) at
population = (dgmax − dgmin ) × rand() + dgmin 0.9pf lag upf pf
where dgmin and dgmax are minimum and maximum limits DG location – 15 15 15 15
DG size – 673.868 681.688 910.503 673.868
of DG sizes. TLP (kW) 61.7933 42.8186 42.2364 28.0484 42.8186
Step 5: Determine active power loss for generated population TLQ(kVAR) 57.2969 37.9705 37.3813 22.9392 37.9705
Vmin 0.9445 0.9596 0.9594 0.9705 0.9596
by performing load flow.

ISSN 1947-5500
International Journal of Computer Science and Information Security (IJCSIS),
Vol. 14, No. 12, December 2016

Voltage profiles of the IEEE 15-bus system with and without C OMPARISON OF RESULTS WITH DG OPERATING AT 0.9 PF
placement of different types of DGs are shown in Fig 2. From
figure it is clear that the type III DG operating at 0.9 pf have With DG [20]
better voltage profile improvement. VSI method Proposed Method
DG location 16 30
DG size 1200 1940.33
Without DG TLP (kW) 112.8 78.4
Type I DG

Type II DG
Type III DG @ 0.9pf
TLQ (kVAR) 77.4 58.9
Type III @ unity pf
Vmin 0.9378 0.9386
Voltages at Buses in per unit



With DG [20]
0 5 10 15
VSI method Proposed Method
Bus Number DG location 16 30
DG size 1000 1542.67
Fig. 2. Voltage profile of 15-bus system TLP (kW) 136.8 125.2
TLQ(kVAR) 92.7 89.3
Vmin 0.9318 0.9272
B. IEEE 33-bus system
The single line diagram of IEEE 33-bus distribution system Voltage profiles of the IEEE 33-bus system with and without
[25] is shown in Fig 3. placement of different types of DGs are shown in Fig 4. From
figure it is clear that the type III DG operating at 0.9 pf have
better voltage profile improvement.








Without DG
0.92 Type I DG
Type II DG
Type III DG @ 0.9 pf
0.91 Type III DG @ unity pf

Fig. 3. Single line diagram of 33-bus system 0.9

0 5 10 15 20 25 30

Table II shows the real, reactive power losses and minimum

voltages after the placement of different types of DGs. Table
III and IV shows comparison of results with type III DG Fig. 4. Voltage profile 33-bus system
operating at 0.9 pf and unity pf respectively. The optimal
location for 33 bus system is 30. The minimum voltage is C. IEEE 69 bus system
more in case of type III DG operating at 0.9 pf. From Table II The IEEE 69-bus distribution system with 12.66-kV base
it is inferred that by using DG type III operating at 0.9 pf the voltage [25] is shown in Fig 5.
losses are reduced more when compared to other type of DGs.
When comparison with [20], WOA algorithm and power loss
index method gave better results which are shown in table III
and IV.

Without DG With Type I With Type II With Type III With Type III
DG (kW) DG (kVAR) DG (kVA) at DG (kVA) at
0.9pf lag upf pf
DG location – 30 30 30 30
DG size – 1542.67 1258 1940.33 1542.67
TLP (kW) 210.9974 125.161 151.379 78.4337 125.161
TLQ (kVAR) 143.032 89.2867 103.82 58.969 89.2867
Vmin 0.9038 0.9272 0.9165 0.9386 0.9272 Fig. 5. Single line diagram of 69-bus system

ISSN 1947-5500
International Journal of Computer Science and Information Security (IJCSIS),
Vol. 14, No. 12, December 2016

Table V shows the real, reactive power losses and minimum figure it is clear that the type III DG operating at 0.9 pf have
voltages after the placement of different types of DGs. The better voltage profile improvement.
optimal location for 69 bus system is 61. The minimum voltage
D. IEEE 85 bus system
is more in case of type III DG operating at 0.9 pf.Table VI
and Table VII shows comparison of results with type III DG The IEEE 85-bus distribution system with 12.66-kV base
operating at 0.9 pf and unity pf respectively. From Table V it voltage [25] is shown in Fig 7.
is inferred that by using DG type III operating at 0.9 pf the
losses are reduced more when compared to other type of DGs.
When comparison with [20], WOA algorithm and power loss
index method gave better results which are shown in table VI
and VII.

Without DG With Type I With Type II With Type III With Type III
DG (kW) DG (kVAR) DG (kVA) at DG (kVA) at Fig. 7. Single line diagram of 85-bus system
0.9pf lag upf pf
DG location – 61 61 61 61
DG size – 1872.82 1329.99 2217.39 1872.82
TLP(kW) 225.023 83.2279 152.064 27.9649 83.2279 Table VIII shows the real, reactive power losses and mini-
102.176 40.5381 70.5143 16.4606 40.5381
Vmin 0.9092 0.9683 0.9307 0.9724 0.9683
mum voltages after the placement of different types of DGs.
The optimal location for 85 bus test system is 54. The
minimum voltage is more in case of type III DG operating at
0.9 pf. The losses are also lower with DG type III operating
at 0.9 pf when compared to other types of DGs which is
With DG [20] shown in Table 8. This is due to both real and reactive powers
VSI method Proposed Method are supplied by the DG at lagging pf. Reactive power is not
DG location bus 65 61
DG size 1750 2217.387 supplied by type III DG when operating at Unity pf. Hence
TLP (kW) 65.5 27.9 losses are higher when compared to DG operating at 0.9 pf
TLQ (kVAR) 35.6 16.5
Vmin 0.9693 0.9724 lagging.
Without DG With Type I With Type II With Type III With Type III
DG (kW) DG (kVAR) DG (kVA) at DG (kVA) at
With DG [20] 0.9pf lag upf pf
location – 54 54 54 54
VSI method Proposed Method size – 910.075 837.285 1243.18 910.075
DG location 65 61 TLP (kW) 315.7 227.105 232.136 162.329 227.105
DG size 1450 1872.823 TLQ (kVAR) 198.356 138.249 142.145 94.0364 138.249
Vmin 0.8714 0.9101 0.9023 0.9242 0.9101
TLP (kW) 112.0 83.2
TLQ (kVAR) 55.1 40.5
Vmin 0.966 0.9683
Voltage profiles of the IEEE 85-bus system with and without
placement of different types of DGs are shown in Fig 8. From
figure it is clear that the type III DG operating at 0.9 pf have
better voltage profile improvement.

Voltage at buses in per unit

0.98 Without DG
Type I DG
Type II DG
0.98 Type III DG @ 0.9 pf
Type III DG @ unity pf

Voltage at Buses in per unit


WIthout DG
Type I DG
0.92 0.92
Type II DG
Type III DG @ 0.9 pf
Type III DG @ unity pf

0.9 0.9
0 10 20 30 40 50 60
Bus Number

0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80

Fig. 6. Voltage profile of 69-bus system Bus Number

Voltage profiles of the IEEE 69-bus system with and without

placement of different types of DGs are shown in Fig 6. From Fig. 8. Voltage profile of 85-bus system

ISSN 1947-5500
International Journal of Computer Science and Information Security (IJCSIS),
Vol. 14, No. 12, December 2016

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ISSN 1947-5500
International Journal of Computer Science and Information Security (IJCSIS),
Vol. 14, No. 12, December 2016

Dr.V.C Veera Reddy received his B.Tech

degree in Electrical and Electronics En-
gineering from J N T University, In-
dia, in 1979. He received his M.Tech,
Ph.D degrees in 1981 and 1999 from Sri
Venkateswara University, Tirupati, India.
He has 32 years of experience in teaching.
His current research areas include power
quality issues, FACTS technology, dis-
tributed energy resources interface and control and application
of artificial intelligent techniques on power systems.

Dr.T.Gowri Manohar received his

B.Tech, M.Tech and Ph.D degrees from
S.V.University, Tiruapti, India, in 1996,
1998 and 2007 respectively. Currently he
is working as professor in department of
EEE, S V University,Tirupati. His current
research areas include power quality
issues, FACTS technology, distributed energy resources
and application of artificial intelligent techniques on power

ISSN 1947-5500

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