Electrical Power and Energy Systems: Sandeep Kaur, Ganesh Kumbhar, Jaydev Sharma
Electrical Power and Energy Systems: Sandeep Kaur, Ganesh Kumbhar, Jaydev Sharma
Electrical Power and Energy Systems: Sandeep Kaur, Ganesh Kumbhar, Jaydev Sharma
a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t
Article history: Loss reduction is one of the prime objectives for planning of distributed generation (DG). To improve per-
Received 11 September 2013 formance of distribution systems, optimal placement of distributed generator is critically important, as
Received in revised form 30 May 2014 DG benefits are site and size specific. Optimal placement of multiple DG units is non-convex and non-
Accepted 13 June 2014
linear optimization problem. The methodology proposed in this paper solves Mixed Integer Non-Linear
Available online 12 July 2014
Programming (MINLP) formulation for loss minimization. The proposed methodology simplifies the
problem by dividing it in two phases, namely Siting Planning Model (SPM) and Capacity Planning Model
(CPM) thereby reducing the search space and computational time. The SPM model selects the candidate
Distributed generation (DG)
Mixed Integer Nonlinear Programming
buses based on Combined Loss Sensitivity (CLS). In CPM, optimal locations and sizes are obtained by
(MINLP) integrating Sequential Quadratic Programming (SQP) and Branch and Bound (BAB) algorithm for MINLP
Optimal DG placement problem. The performance of the proposed method is tested on IEEE 33-bus and IEEE 69-bus distribution
Branch and Bound (BAB) system for placement of single and multiple DG units capable of delivering either real or both real and
Sequential Quadratic Programming (SQP) reactive power. The obtained results are then compared with three basic classes of optimization methods,
viz., Exhaustive Load Flow (ELF), Improved Analytical (IA) and Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO). The
key advantage of the proposed method is that it simultaneously considers placement of multiple DG units
giving better optimal solution in reasonably less computational time.
Ó 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
0142-0615/Ó 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
610 S. Kaur et al. / Electrical Power and Energy Systems 63 (2014) 609–617
Vi, Vj voltage at ith and jth bus |Vi|min, |Vi|max minimum and maximum permissible bus
Gij, Bij conductance and susceptance of branch con- voltage
necting ith bus to jth bus ðPDG Þmin ; ðPDG Þmax minimum and maximum real power injection
Rij, Xij resistance and reactance of branch connect- by DG unit
ing ith bus to jth bus ðQ DG Þmin ; ðQ DG Þmax minimum and maximum reactive power
Pi, Qi real and reactive power injected in ith bus injection by DG unit
Ploss, Qloss, Sloss real reactive and total power loss in distribu- ðPiDG Þ real power injected by DG unit at ith bus
tion system
ðQ iDG Þ reactive power injected by DG unit at ith bus
NBr number of branches
N number of buses Nmax
DG maximum number of DG units on candidate
di, dj voltage angle at ith, jth bus buses in distribution system
PiG real power generation at ith bus rkDG decision variable for DG unit placement at kth
PiD real power demand at ith bus candidate bus
Q iG reactive power generation at ith bus pfDGlower ; pfDGupper lower and upper limit for DG power factor
Q iD reactive power demand at ith bus Sij(max) power flow (MVA) limit of feeder section be-
PGðmaxÞ maximum real power generation at slack bus tween ith and jth bus
Q GðminÞ ; Q GðmaxÞ minimum and maximum reactive power gen- Sij power flow (MVA) in feeder section between
eration at slack bus ith and jth bus
placement of multiple DG units, sometimes it might lead to burden, an approach based on integrated Sequential Quadratic Pro-
sub-optimal solution. gramming (SQP) and Branch and Bound (BAB) is adopted. The per-
To allocate the distributed generation optimally, many numer- formance of the proposed formulation is compared with the results
ical techniques have also been employed. In [10], the classical Kal- of the recently published work [9,27]. To the best of the author’s
man Filter Algorithm is used to compute DG size and location. knowledge, the proposed model is the only integrated model with
However, the locations obtained based on maximum and mini- MINLP formulation for loss minimization.
mum load in the specific area may not be optimal. El-Khattam The organization of the paper is as follows. The detailed
et al. [11] proposed Mixed Integer Non-Linear Programming (MIN- modelling of SPM and CPM models is discussed in Section ‘Problem
LP) based DG planning model for cost minimization. An LP based formulation’. A solution algorithm integrating SQP and BAB is pre-
model for maximizing DG injection in deregulated environment sented in Section ‘Solution algorithm’. The proposed model is
is described in [12]. In [13], a multi-objective MINLP model for a implemented on 33-bus and 69-bus system. Simulation results
tradeoff between operating cost and DG energy is proposed for are discussed in Section ‘Results and discussion’, followed by
rural microgrid. Rueda-Medina et al. [14] formulated optimal siz- conclusions in Section ‘Conclusion’.
ing and siting problem as Mixed Integer Linear Programming
(MILP) problem. Since the optimal placement DG unit is MINLP for- Problem formulation
mulation, linear model might affect the power flows in some cases.
Energy loss minimization for stochastic renewable generation is Optimal allocation of DG is non-convex mixed integer nonlinear
formulated in [15,16]. DG allocation for reliability improvement problem. Due to the inherent nonlinearity and exhaustive search
and line loss minimization is addressed in [17]. A novel approach space, these formulations become computationally extensive and
for optimal allocation of CHP based DG for integrated energy model sometimes fail to converge to the optimal solution. To reduce this
of gas, water, and electricity and its operational performance is computational burden, this optimization problem is solved as
described in [18]. two-tier model, namely Siting Planning Model (SPM) and Capacity
The optimization problem of DG placements is also addressed Planning Model (CPM).
using many heuristic techniques such as Genetic Algorithm [19–
22], Particle Swarm [23–28], Ant Colony [29], Artificial Bee Colony Siting Planning Model (SPM)
[30], and Differential Evolution [31]. Although, the heuristic algo-
rithms are derivative free and simple to implement, they need sev- The objective of SPM is to determine the list of prospective best
eral iterations to ensure converged solution. Thus, they become locations for DG units. In this model, the loss sensitivity of each bus
computationally intensive. In addition, search based methods to with respect to real, reactive and apparent power injection is
some extent depend on tuning parameters. If tuning parameters calculated as (1) [32,33].
are not carefully chosen, these algorithms may lead to a sub-opti- 9
¼ @P@Plossi þ j @Q@Ploss =
mal solution. Even with carefully chosen tuning parameters, not @P i i
every execution of the algorithm may lead to the same solution. @Sloss
@Q i
¼ @P@Qlossi þ j @Q@Qlossi ;
On the other hand, the appropriate numerical method with suit-
able initial conditions leads to consistent optimal or nearly optimal The Combined Loss Sensitivity (CLS) at each bus is calculated as
solution. (2) [33].
In this paper, MINLP based formulation is proposed and solved
@Ploss @Q loss
in two stages, viz., Siting Planning Model (SPM) and Capacity Plan- @P @P i
CLS ¼ @P i
@Q loss
ning Model (CPM). Firstly, SPM identifies the potential candidate @Qlossi @Q i
buses through sensitivity analysis to reduce the search space. A list
of top ranked potential buses with higher sensitivity is passed to The buses are then arranged in descending order of their Com-
CPM. In CPM, MINLP based formulation is solved to select final bined Loss Sensitivity values. To ensure the optimal solution, a list
optimal locations and DG sizes. To reduce the computational of the top 30% buses is prepared as potential candidates for CPM.
S. Kaur et al. / Electrical Power and Energy Systems 63 (2014) 609–617 611
Search space is also reduced significantly, since a small percentage Solution algorithm
of total number of buses is passed as potential candidates to the
CPM model. Optimization problem (3–13) is modeled as follows.
Min: f ðx; yÞ >
Capacity Planning Model (CPM) >
s:t gðx; yÞ 6 0 =
In CPM, MINLP based formulation for optimal locations (out of s:t hðx; yÞ ¼ 0 >
the potential candidate buses from SPM) and size is defined by fol- x 2 X; y 2 f0; 1gk
(I) Power balance: sum of all incoming and outgoing real and I. Set upper bound U = 1. All binary variables yi (i = 1, 2, 3, . . .)
reactive power at each bus must be zero. It can be repre- are relaxed and resulting NLP problem is solved using SQP
sented as (4) and (5). algorithm with following formulation (15).
T k kT k
min f ðkÞ þ rf ðkÞ d þ 12 d wðkÞ dwhere wðkÞ is hessian of >
PiG PiD jV i jjV j jðGij cosðdi dj Þ þ Bij sinðdi dj ÞÞ >
Langrangian function given as >
¼ 0 where i 2 f1; 2 . . . Ng and ij 2 f1; 2 . . . NBrg ð4Þ LðX; YÞ ¼ f ðX; YÞ þ ki gðX; YÞ þ li hðX; YÞ
T k
s:t gk þ rg k d 6 0 >
N k k
k k
x þ dx 2 X; y þ dy 2 Y
Q iG Q iD jV i jjV j jðGij sinðdi dj Þ Bij cosðdi dj ÞÞ ¼ 0 ð5Þ
i¼1 ð15Þ
(II) System voltage: voltage magnitude of all the buses must be II. If variables y are 0 or 1, the solution is obtained. Otherwise,
within the allowed upper and lower limits. go to the next step.
jV i jmin 6 jV i j 6 jV i jmax ð6Þ III. Select a variable yi, which does not have value 0 or 1. Gener-
ate a binary tree with edges from root node as 0 and 1 indi-
(III) Distribution substation capacity: the slack bus power must be cating the values of the selected variable to the NLP
within permissible limit of substation capacity. relaxation. Select one of the two relaxed NLP problems and
0 6 PiG 6 PGðmaxÞ i 2 fSlack busg ð7Þ solve (15). If the problem is infeasible, then fathom the node
and go to other unexplored node, otherwise proceed to the
next step.
Q GðminÞ 6 Q iG 6 Q GðmaxÞ ð8Þ IV. Update the solution vector as (16)
(IV) DG capacity limit at candidate bus: the generated power of DG ðxkþ1 ; ykþ1 Þ
ðxk ; yk Þ þ ðdx ; dy Þ
units must lie within minimum and maximum pre-specified
DG capacity. V. If the solution is optimal and y is 0 or 1, then update cur-
ðPDG Þmin rkDG 6 PkDG 6 ðP DG Þmax rkDG k rent best as (17), (18) and go for next unexplored node.
ðx ; y Þ ðxkþ1 ; ykþ1 Þ ð17Þ
2 fSet of candidate DG busesg ð9Þ
f f ðxkþ1 ; ykþ1 Þ and U f ð18Þ
ðQ DG Þmin rkDG 6 Q kDG 6 ðQ DG Þmax rkDG ð10Þ k+1
VI. If y is non-integer, generate two sub-problems with bin-
(V) Number of DG units: total number of DG units installed on ary variable as 0 and 1 and solve using (15).
candidate buses should not exceed the maximum permissi- VII. If a solution is not optimal then calculate integrity gap (d) as
ble DG units to be installed. (19).
0 6 NDG 6 Nmax
DG N DG 2 fNo: of DG units placed on candidate busesg
d maxjykþ1
i roundðyikþ1 Þj ð19Þ
VIII. If (d < s) then examine other unexplored node.
(VI) Power factor of DG units: power factor of DG should adhere to IX. If (d > s) and binary variable appear to converge to fractional
the upper and lower DG power factor limits. integer value, go to step (III).
PiDG X. If all the nodes are examined end the program, else go for
pfDGlower < qffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi < pfDGupper ð12Þ other unexplored node.
2 2
ðPiDG Þ þ ðQ iDG Þ
Results and discussion
(VII) Line power flow: maximum power flow in a feeder section
should not exceed the thermal limit of the feeder section. In this section, a number of case studies are presented to
The line flow limit can be expressed as (13) show the effectiveness of the proposed MINLP Algorithm. The
0 6 Sij 6 SijðmaxÞ where ij 2 f1; 2; . . . NBrg ð13Þ SPM and CPM models are implemented in MATLAB and AMPL
612 S. Kaur et al. / Electrical Power and Energy Systems 63 (2014) 609–617
(A Mathematical Programming Language), respectively. Knitro Placement of DG units in IEEE 33 bus system
solver [35] was used to solve the proposed MINLP formulation on
personal computer with 2.93 GHz, Intel core™ 2 duo CPU with The total real and reactive power demands in IEEE 33-bus sys-
4 GB RAM using windows XP. The formulation is tested on IEEE tem are 3.7 MW and 2.3 MVAr respectively. System line loss with-
33 bus and 69 bus distribution systems. The results are then com- out DG is 211 kW. The list of potential buses for IEEE 33-bus
pared with the Exhaustive Load Flow (ELF), Improved Analytical system provided by SPM model is {5, 6, 8, 9, 10, 13, 24, 28, 29,
(IA) [8,9] and Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) [27], which are 30}. The proposed MINLP based CPM model is solved with reduced
the promising methods for multiple DG placements. search space to obtain optimal DG locations and sizes.
All the simulations are carried out considering the system peak The simulation results of placement of single and multiple DG
load. The lower and upper limits of bus voltages used in the simu- units with real power are presented in Table 1. All the methods
lations are 0.90 pu and 1.05 pu respectively [9]. In addition, the converge to the same solution for single DG placement. However,
maximum DG power is constrained such that it should not exceed MINLP based proposed formulation takes least time to converge.
the total load and losses. The results are obtained with DG units of The major advantage of the proposed formulation is evident from
Type-1 (capable of delivering real power) and Type-3 (capable of placement of multiple DG units. In the case of 2 DG units, mini-
delivering real and reactive power). However, proposed formula- mum losses and with lowest DG size is obtained with the proposed
tion is generalized and can be implemented for any type of DGs. method in comparison to the other methods. The proposed loca-
The power factor of DG unit, capable of providing real and reactive tions are found to be optimal as verified by exhaustive search for
power, is constrained between 0.8 and 1.0. 2 and 3 DG scheme. Moreover, in the case of 3 DG units, proposed
S. Kaur et al. / Electrical Power and Energy Systems 63 (2014) 609–617 613
Table 1
Placement of DG units with real power capability for IEEE 33-bus system.
No. of DGs Method Bus no. DG power (MW) Losses (kW) Loss reduction (%) Time (s)
1 DG ELF 6 2.60 111.10 47.39 1.06
IA 6 2.60 111.10 47.39 0.16
MINLP 6 2.59 111.01 47.39 0.09
PSO 6 2.59 111.10 47.39 –
2 DG ELF 12 1.02 87.63 58.51 2.03
30 1.02
IA 6 1.80 91.63 56.61 0.27
14 0.72
MINLP 13 0.85 87.16 58.69 0.80
30 1.15
PSO 12 1.00 87.50 58.52 –
30 1.02
3 DG ELF 13 0.90 74.27 64.83 3.06
24 0.90
30 0.90
IA 6 0.90 81.05 61.62 0.40
12 0.90
31 0.72
MINLP 13 0.80 72.79 65.50 1.20
24 1.09
30 1.05
PSO 13 0.88 73.20 65.34 –
24 1.09
30 1.01
Table 2
Placement of 1 DG unit with real and reactive power capability for IEEE 33-bus system.
Method Bus no. DG power Total DG power Optimal power factor Losses (kW) Loss reduction (%)
IA 6 2.637 1.634 3.102 0.850 68.157 67.69
MINLP 6 2.558 1.761 3.105 0.823 67.854 67.84
PSO 6 2.557 1.746 3.096 0.826 67.857 67.84
Table 3
Placement of 2 DG units with real and reactive power capability for IEEE 33-bus system.
Method Bus no. DG power Total DG power Optimal power factor Losses (kW) Loss reduction (%)
IA 6 1.800 1.115 3.177 0.850 44.84 78.77
30 0.900 0.557
MINLP 13 0.819 0.434 2.477 0.883 29.31 86.10
30 1.550 1.240 0.800
PSO 12 0.818 0.566 3.774 0.822 39.10 81.49
29 1.699 1.191 0.819
Table 4
Placement of 3 DG units with real and reactive power capability for IEEE 33-bus system.
Method Bus no. DG power Total DG power Optimal power factor Losses (kW) Loss reduction (%)
IA 06 0.900 0.557 2.859 0.85 23.05 89.09
14 0.630 0.390
30 0.900 0.557
MINLP 13 0.766 0.411 3.481 0.87 12.74 93.96
24 1.044 0.552 0.88
30 1.146 0.859 0.80
PSO 13 0.764 0.535 3.395 0.82 15.0 92.89
24 1.068 0.613 0.87
30 1.016 0.691 0.83
614 S. Kaur et al. / Electrical Power and Energy Systems 63 (2014) 609–617
Bus voltage (pu)
0.92 Without DG
2 DG at bus 6 & 30 (IA)
2 DG at bus 12 and 29(PSO)
2 DG at bus 13 & 30 (MINLP)
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35
Bus number
Bus voltage (pu)
Without DG
0.92 3 DG at bus 6,14 & 30 (IA)
3 DG at bus 13, 24 & 30 (PSO)
3 DG at bus 13, 24 & 30 (MINLP)
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35
Bus number
Table 5
Critical voltages on IEEE 33 bus system with DG.
Case Method Minimum voltage pu (Bus no) Maximum voltage pu (Bus no)
Without DG 0.904(18) 1.0(1)
1 DG IA 0.9425(18) 0.9575(18) 1.0000(1) 1.0007(6)
MINLP 0.9424(18) 0.9584(18) 1.0000(1) 1.0010(6)
PSO 0.9424(18) 0.9598(18) 1.0000(1) 1.0029(6)
2 DG IA 0.9539(33) 0.9600(18) 1.0000(1) 1.0031(6)
MINLP 0.9685(33) 0.9804(25) 1.0000(1) 1.0010(13, 30)
PSO 0.9650(18) 0.9828(25) 1.0000(1) 1.0178(29)
3 DG IA 0.9690(18) 0.9821(25) 1.0000(1) 1.0006(14)
MINLP 0.9687(18, 33) 0.9924(8) 1.0000(1) 1.0010(30)
PSO 0.9684(33) 0.9892(33) 1.0000(1) 1.0020(13)
method gives minimum losses with slightly higher DG size than IA Since Exhaustive Load Flow (ELF) explores entire search space,
method. it gives most accurate results. Although, ELF is straightforward
Tables 2–4 presents the simulation results of placement of sin- and simple, it is very time consuming. In IA method, multiple DG
gle and multiple DG units with real and reactive power capability. units are placed sequentially, i.e. next optimal location is obtained
In Table 2, MINLP based proposed formulation shows its improved in the presence of previously placed DG units. Even though, IA
performance in reaching most optimum solution. In the case of 2 method is quite fast, the separate evaluation of multiple DG units
DG units (Table 3), it can be observed that the proposed method may lead to sub-optimal locations [1]. As observed in Tables 3
reaches to the optimal locations and sizes, thereby giving and 4, IA method leads to sub-optimal locations for multiple DG
maximum loss reduction with least total DG power. In the case units. For example, to place 2 and 3 DG units, optimal locations
of 3 DG units (Table 4), optimal locations are identical for MINLP given by IA method are bus numbers {6, 30} and {6, 14, 30}, respec-
and PSO. However, proposed method gives maximum loss reduc- tively. However, the actual optimal locations, to place 2 and 3 DG
tion with DG size slightly higher than PSO. units, are bus numbers {13, 30} and {13, 24, 30}, respectively.
S. Kaur et al. / Electrical Power and Energy Systems 63 (2014) 609–617 615
Table 7
Placement of 1 DG unit with real and reactive power capability for IEEE 69-bus system.
No of DGs Method Bus no. DG power Total DG power Optimal power factor Loss reduction (%)
1 DG IA 61 1.839 1.284 2.243 0.82 89.68
MINLP 61 1.828 1.300 2.244 0.815 89.65
PSO 61 1.818 1.250 2.207 0.824 89.68
Table 8
Placement of 2 DG units with real and reactive power capability for IEEE 69-bus system.
No of DGs Method Bus no. DG power Total DG power Optimal power factor Loss reduction (%)
2 DG IA 17 0.540 0.377 2.854 0.82 96.69
61 1.799 1.2563
MINLP 17 0.522 0.359 2.765 0.824 96.80
61 1.735 1.238 0.814
PSO 17 0.524 0.371 2.749 0.816 96.69
61 1.743 1.184 0.827
Table 9
Placement of 3 DG units with real and reactive power capability for IEEE 69-bus system.
No of DGs Method Bus no. DG power Total DG power Optimal power factor Loss reduction (%)
3 DG IA 61 0.900 0.557 3.524 0.82 97.74
17 0.630 0.390
50 0.900 0.557
MINLP 11 0.494 0.354 3.123 0.813 98.10
17 0.379 0.257 0.828
61 1.674 1.195 0.814
PSO 18 0.5078 0.344 3.545 0.828 97.74
50 0.6996 0.474 0.828
61 1.7351 1.158 0.832
616 S. Kaur et al. / Electrical Power and Energy Systems 63 (2014) 609–617
Table 10
Critical voltages on IEEE 69-bus system with DG.
Case Method Minimum voltage pu (Bus no) Maximum voltage pu (Bus no)
Without DG unit 0.9092(65) 1.0(1)
1 DG IA 0.9692(27) 0.9732(27) 1.0000(1) 1.0000(1)
MINLP 0.9682(27) 0.9724(27) 1.0000(1) 1.0000(1)
PSO 0.9681(27) 0.9724(27) 1.0000(1) 1.0000(1)
2 DG IA 0.9765(65) 0.9944(50) 1.0000(1) 1.0024(61)
MINLP 0.9789(65) 0.9943(69) 1.0000(1) 1.0000(1)
PSO 0.9806(65) 0.9943(50) 1.0000(1) 1.0020(61)
3 DG IA 0.9785(65) 0.9939(69) 1.0000(1) 1.0000(1)
MINLP 0.9790(65) 0.9943(50) 1.0000(1) 1.0000(1)
PSO 0.9806(65) 0.9940(69) 1.0000(1) 1.0000(1)
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