Social Studies Class IV Mid Term Teaching Material

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Mid Term
Subject: Social Studies Class:IV
Lesson 1 The Founder of Pakistan
Q1.Four answers are given for each statement. Tick mark (P) the correct answer.
1. Quaid - e -Azam was born in: d. Karachi
2. Quaid - e -Azam was died in: a. Karachi
3.Quaid’s father was a prominent merchant of: d. Delhi
4.The title of Quaid -e -Azam was given to him by Maulana Mazhar-ud-din Shaheed in:
5.On 23rd March 1940, the Muslim League held its annual meeting in: b. Lahore
6.On the death of the Father of the Nation the nation continued to mourn for: d.40 days
7.Quaid e Azam means a : c. great leader
8. Quaid -e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah became Pakistan’s first: c.Governor General
Q2.Fill in the blanks.
1. Quaid -e-Azam started his career as a lawyer.
2. Quaid -e-Azam went to England for higher education.
3. Quaid- e-Azam joined the All India Muslim League in 1913.
4. Quaid - e -Azam is known as the Father of the nation.
5. Quaid -e -Azam tried his best to bring unity between the Muslims and the Hindus.
Q3. Find the answers of column A in column B and write them in column C.

Sr. No. Column A Column B Column C

1 Quaid- e- Azam was born in 1929 1876
2 Quaid- e- Azam was died in 1940 1948
3 Fourteen Points 1876 1929
4 Lucknow Pact 1948 1916

5 Pakistan Resolution 1916 1940

Q3. Read the statement and mark T for true and F for false.
1. Jinnah died at the age of 61. (F)
2. The establishment of Pakistan was not an easy task. (T)
3. Quaid –e-Azam received his early education from Delhi. (F)
4. The Congress rejected the Fourteen points of Quaid- e-Azam. (T)
5. Quaid –e-Azam worked day and night for the prosperity of Pakistan. (T)
Q5. Answer the following questions:
1.Describe the motto of Quaid -e-Azam.
Ans. The motto of Quaid -e-Azam is Unity, Faith, Discipline, which is like the
minaret of light and hope not only for the Pakistanis but for the whole Muslim
2. Discuss the efforts that Quaid -e-Azam made for Hindu Muslim unity?
Ans. Quaid -e-Azam tried his best to bring unity between the Muslims and the
Hindus. For this purpose, he made an agreement between the Congress and the
Muslim League to solve the political problem of the Subcontinent. It was as a
result of his efforts that the Lucknow Pact (1916) was signed by the leaders of
both parties.
Q6. Identify the following buildings.

1. Lincoln's Inn 2. Ziarat Residency 3. Mazar-e-Quaid 4. Minare - e-Pakistan

Lesson 3 The Globe and Maps

Q1.Four answers are given for each statement. Tick mark the (P) the
correct answer.
1.A drawing of a place:
2. A book of maps is known as: c.atlas
3. The person who makes maps is called a: d. cartographer
4. Largest continent of the world is: b. Asia
5.Climate and precipitations are shown by different: c. colours
6. Star within a circle on map shows: d. capital city
7. Large areas of land on the Earth’s surface are called: b.continents
8. A model globe of Earth is called a: a. terrestrial globe

Q2.Fill in the blanks.

1. Most of the maps are drawn on a flat surface.
2. A map is a drawing of all or parts of Earth’s surface.
3. Maps have been used by humans for hundreds of years.
4. Ancient maps were usually drawn by explorers.
5. The surface of the Earth is made up of land and water.
6. The large area of water spreading over the Earth is called an ocean.
7. As technology has improved the quality and accuracy of maps has also
Q3. Read the statement and mark T for true and F for false.
1.There are five oceans in the world. (T)
2.A big mass of land is called a continent. (T)
3.There are nine continents in the world. (F)
4.Maps are drawn in smaller size than the area. (T)
5.Two quarters of the Earth’s surface is covered by water. (F)
Q4.Colours on maps show different land elevations or specific areas identify
the following and write the correct answer in column C.
Sr.No. Things colour shows Colours shown on map Column C
1 Higher Elevations Blue Orange and Brown
2 Water Green Blue
3 Lower Elevations Orange and Brown Green
Q5. Answer the following questions:
1.What is a map and explain any two types of maps?
Ans. A map is a drawing of all or part of Earth’s surface.The two types of maps
Physical Maps show the physical features like mountains, rivers, and lakes.
Political Maps show state and national boundaries ,capitals and major cities.
2.What is a globe?
Ans. A map displayed on a round surface is called a globe.
3.Write down the difference between a map and a globe.
Ans. Map Globe
1 A map is always flat. A globe is always round
2 A map represents a small A globe represents the whole
portion of Earth. Earth.
3 A map is a two-dimensional A globe is a three-dimensional
sphere. sphere.
Q6. Label the continents on world map.

Lesson 6 Weather
Lesson 6 Weather
Q1. Four answers are given for each statement. Tick mark (P) the correct
1. The temperature can be measured in Fahrenheit and: d.celsius
2. In areas where the climate is hot, construction of the houses is open and:
b. ventilated
3. In snowy areas, the roofs of houses are made: c. inclined
4. The people of cold areas usually eat: b.meat
5. A person who tells us about weather updates is called: c.meteorologist
Q2. Fill in the blanks.
1. Clouds consist of water vapours floating in the sky.
2. The movement of air is called wind.
3. A forecast is a prediction, or good guess, about the future.
4.The crops of warm and cold areas are different.
5. In rainy weather people usually wear long rubber boots.
6. In extremely hot and cold days, the trading activities slow down.
7.The people living in hot areas usually use rice , and vegetables.
Q3. Read the statement and mark T for true and F for false.
1. We wear clothes according to the weather. (T)
2. The rainfall cannot be measured. (F)
3.The people of cold areas use thin clothes. (F)
4. Climate affects the person’s profession. (T)
5. Agriculture is not possible in dry areas. (T)
Q4. Find the answers of column A in column B and write them in column C.
Sr.No. Column A Column B Column C
1 Rain gauge humidity rain fall
2 Wind vane air pressure wind direction
3 Barometer temperature air pressure
4 Thermometer rain fall temperature
5 Hygrometer wind direction humidity
Q5.Answer the following questions:
1. What is the weather?
Ans. The condition of the atmosphere during a short period of time in a particular
place is called weather such as windy, rainy, snowy, sunny, etc.
2. Enlist any two variables which cause changes in weather.
Ans. The two variables which cause changes in weather are:
1.Temperature 2.Rainfall
3. Explain the importance of weather records.
Ans. Weather records are very important as many people rely upon these
updates, for example,
1. Farmers need to know about the weather for their crops.
2. Flights cannot depart, or divert without weather information.
3. Weather information is important for the people living near rivers or
coastal areas.
Q6. Draw these instruments.
Weather vane Rain gauge

Lesson 7 Culture of Pakistan

Q1.Four answers are given for each statement. Tick mark (P) the correct
1.Multan is famous for its: b. kashi
2.Cutlery is famous of: d. Wazirabad
3. Gujrat is very famous for: b. furniture
4.The favourite dish of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa is: c. Chapli Kebab
5.Sibbi Fair is held in the province of : c. Balochistan
6.Shandoor Fair is held in the province of: d. Khyber Pakhtunkhwa
7. A long kurta with a wide loose shalwar and a big turban is a dress of the:
b. Punjabi men
8. Sialkot is famous for: d.surgical instruments
Q2. Fill in the blanks.
1. Folk dance of Sindh is Jhumar.
2. Folk dance of Balochistan is luddi.
3. Folk dance of Khyber Pakhtunkhaw is Khattak dance.
4. Provincial music and songs are known as folk music.
5. Sindhi cap and ajrak are part of Sindhi men’s dress.
6. Pakistan food is famous for its flavours and richness.
Q3. Read the statement and mark T for true and F for false.
1.97% of Pakistan population is Muslim. (T)
2.Sajji is a Sindhi dish. (F)
3.Poetry is full of surface meanings. (F)
4.Folk dance of Punjab is Bhangra. (T)
5.The people of a nation love their culture. (T)
6.Bulleh Shah is the famous poet of Punjab. (T)
7.Shah Abdul Latif Bhittai is a famous poet of Sindh. (T)
8.Each province of Pakistan has its own cultural background. (T)
Q4. Find the answers of column A in column B and write them in column C.
Sr. No Column A Column B Column C
1 Punjab Ektara Dhol
2 Sindh Rubab Alghoza
3 KPK Alghoza Rubab
4 Balochistan Dhol Ektara
Q5. Answer the following questions:
1.What is culture?
Ans.The customs, living style, sports, dress, food and language of the native people are
known as culture.

2.What are the famous dishes of Punjab and Balochistan.

Ans.The famous dishes of Punjab are Sarsoon ka saag, Makki ki roti,Zarda,Siri
paye,Halwapuri and Lassi.
The famous dishes of Balochistan are Sajji, Landhi and dampukth.
3. What is multicultural society.
Ans.Several different cultures can co exits peacefully in a single society and such
type of society is called a multicultural society.

Lesson 8 Neighbouring Countries of Pakistan

Q1. Four answers are given for each statement. Tick mark (P) the correct
1.The capital of Afghanistan is: b.Kabul
2.The world’s largest and most populated country is: a.China
3. Neighbouring countries of Pakistan has: c.4
4.Rich in mineral deposits: b.Iran
5. The capital of China is: c. Beijing
6.Neighbours usually live like: c.friends
7.The country which recognized Pakistan first is: d.Iran
8. Pakistan has very close and friendly relations with : a.China
Q2.Fill in the blanks.
1.The people of China are very hard working.
2.China is a communist country.
3.The old name of Iran was Persia.
4.People who live near our house are called our neighbours.
5.We must be friendly with our neighbours.
6. The people of China always rely on their own resources.
7.The capital of Iran is Tehran.
8.China is the world’s third largest country by area.
Q3. Find the answers of column A in column B and write them in column C.
Sr.No. Column A Column B Column C
1 India 595km 2240km
2 Iran 2430km 909km
3 China 909km 595km

4 Afghanistan 2240km 2430km

Q4.Read the statement and mark (T) for true and (F) for false.
1.Afghanistan is in the north east of Pakistan . (F)
2.The relations between Pakistan and Iran are new. (F)
3. People from many races and nations live in India. (T)
4.A large number of Muslims live in India. (T)
5. Islam does not teach us to take care of our neighbours. (F)
6.We should share our things with our neighbours. (T)
Q5.Answer the following questions:
1.Why Iran is famous?
Ans. Iran is famous for its art and crafts, poetry and literature.
2.What is Durand Line?
Ans. Pakistan and Afghanistan have 2430 km long mutual boundary known as
Durand line.
3.How many wars held between India and Pakistan and what was the
Ans.Four wars (1948,1965,1971, 1999)have taken place between India and
Pakistan,since 1947 because of Kashmir issue.
Q6. Label the neighbouring countries of Pakistan in the given space.
1.China 2.Afghanistan 3.India 4. Iran
Q7. Name the following countries according to the flags.

1.India 2. Iran

3.Afghanistan 4.China
Lesson 10 Population and Census
Q1. Four answers are given for each statement. Tick mark(P) the correct
1.The first census was carried out in subcontinent in: a. 1881
2.The first census was carried out in Pakistan in: b. 1951
3.The next census will be expected in Pakistan in: c. 2027
4.Thinly populated area of Punjab is: b.Thal
5.According to the census of 1998, the population of Pakistan was:
c. 13 crore 5 lac
Q2. Fill in the blanks.
1.A national census is mandated by the constitution of Pakistan.
2. Overpopulation is an undesirable condition.
3. The census has vital importance for any area.
4. Census is conducted over ten years.
5.Information about the actual number of people is gathered through census.
Q3. Read the statement and mark T for true and F for false.
1.There is no main cause of migration. (F)
2.People are compelled to migrate for jobs. (T)
3. Census causes shortage of housing facilities in cities. (F)
4. Punjab is the most populated province of Pakistan. (T)
5. Migration of the rural population towards cities creates problems. (T)
Q3.Answer the following questions.
1. Explain any three effects of overpopulation.
Ans. The three effects of overpopulation are:
1. Depletion of natural resources.
2. Destruction of environment.
3. Decrease in facilities like health, education and other things.
2. Write any three disadvantages of migration.
Ans. The three disadvantages of migration are:
1.Decrease in residential facilities.
2.Unemployment for local people.
3.Burden on local resources.
3. State any three reasons for the increase in population.
Ans.The three reasons for the increase in population are:
1.Decrease in death rate.
2.Increase in birth rate.
3.Migration of population.
4.What is meant by migration?
Ans.Moving of people from one place to another place is known as migration.
Lesson 11 Government of Pakistan
Q1.For possible answers are given for the following questions.Tick mark (P)
the correct answer.

1. The basic unit of any society is: c. family

2. The voteing age starts in Pakistan. a.18 years
3. The current constitution of Pakistan was enforced in the country on August 14:
c. 1973
4.Made up from two Greek words: d. democracy
5.Responsible for governing the country as a whole. c. Federal Government
6.Looks after the affairs and needs of cities, towns and villages.
a. Local Governmen
7.Helps to run the government and guides the people. d. constitution
8.Difficult to change: d. constitution
Q2. Fill in the blanks.
1.Constitution is the basic and the supreme law of a state.
2.Constitution is a set of codes and principles.
3.Laws are for the welfare of the people.
4.Each party has its own leader and its own manifesto.
5.A republic means a state where people choose or elect their representatives.
6.Islamic republic of Pakistan is a Federation.
7.The federal government is formed by the members of National assembly.
8.The provincial government is formed by the members of Provincial assembly.
Q3.Read the statement and mark T for true and F for false.
1.Every state has same constitution. (F)
2.Pakistan has formed three constitutions. (T)
3.There are three levels of government in our country. (T)
4.Elections are held after three years. (F)
5.Vote means giving your opinion. (T)
Q4.Find the answers of column A in column B and write them in column C.
Sr. No. Column A Column B Column C
1 group of people people society
2 supreme law vote constitution
3 kratos mean society rule
4 giving your opinion rule vote
5 demos mean constitution people

Q5.Answer these questions.

1.What is meant by democracy?
Ans.Democracy means rule by the people.
The word democracy means Government of the people, for the people and by the
2.Write any three functions of a government.
Ans.The three functions of a government is providing leadership, maintaining
law and order and providing public services.
3.How are the people elected to run the country?
Ans.Elections are held after every five years. The people elect the members of
the National and Provincial Assemblies through voting.The Federal government
is formed by the members of the National Assembly, and the Provincial
government is formed by the members of Provincial Assemblies.

Lesson 13 Rights and Responsibilities of Citizens

Q1. Fill in the blanks.
1. To abide by the law is the duty of the citizens.
2. Government protects the rights of people of a society.
3. The organization to protect the rights of citizens are of two types.
4. The people who follow the rules of a country are called responsible citizens.
5. Citizens can be obtained through two ways.
6. Solid reasons are required for citizenship.
7. We should be loyal to the country.
8. Discipline and progress of any society are possible only when its citizens get
their rights.
9. If the citizens are not given the rights, the country can neither make progress.
10.Citizens should perform their duties with full honesty.
Q2. Read the statement and mark T for true and F for false.
1. We all are the citizens of Pakistan. (T)
2. There is no legal way of getting nationality. (F)
3. All organizations have different objectives. (T)
4. Citizenship is a right. (T)
5. People only get the rights of citizenship on the basis of birth. (F)
Q3.Answer the following questions.
1.Write any three basic rights of the citizens.
Ans.The three basic rights of the citizens are.
1. Protection of life and property.
2. Religious independence.
3. Provision of health and education facilities.
2.Write any three duties of the citizens.
Ans.The three duties of the citizens are.
1.To abide by the laws of the state.
2.To pay the taxes imposed by the government.
3.Loyal to the country and being honest.
3.Explain the term citizenship.
Ans. Citizenship is a right through which a citizen gets the economic, political
and social rights in a state.
3.Write the names of the ways to get citizenship.
Ans.Citizenship can be obtained through two ways:
1. By Birth 2. Legal way of getting Nationality
Lesson 16 Communication
Q1. Four answers are given for each statement. Tick mark (P) the correct
1.Communication source which carries letters and money orders to the people.
c. post office
2.Computer is the most important invention of the: c. twentieth century
3.A system of interconnected computer networks of different places or countries
is called: d. Internet
4.Each post office has its own b. Postal code
5.One of the latest means of communication is: a.Internet
6.We can sent registered mail through b. Post office
Q2: Fill in the blanks.
1.Bills are prepared and received in banks through computer.
2.We may send our written material from one place to another through fax
3.Post office is the most important and oldest source of communication.
4.The fastest method of communication from one computer to another is called
5.With the help of fax machine written material can be transferred from one
place to another place like a photocopy.
6.With the help of teleconference many people can watch and talk with each
7.Exchange of information and connecting with each other is called
8.Works like a wireless system mobile.
9.DHL and TCS are the famous courier companies.
10.Utility bills are prepared and received with the help of a computer.
Q3: find the answers of column A in column B and write them in column C.
Sr.No. Column A Column B Column C
1 DHL,TCS Computer Courier Services
2 Teleconference Courier Services Many people connected
through computer
3 Important Invention Photocopy type transfer Computer
4 Fax transmission Many people connected Photocopy type transfer
Through computer

Q4: Answer the following questions.

1.How does a fax machine work?
Ans. A fax machine works through telephone lines. The written material is
transmitted from one place to another like a photocopy.
2.What is meant by communication?
Ans.Connecting with others and exchange of information or messages is known
as communication.
3.Write some modern means of communication.
Ans.Some modern means of communication are:
1.Courier services 2.Mobile phone
3.Fax 4.Internet and E-mail
4. What are courier services?
Ans. Courier service is a modern method of delivering important documents,
gifts, and flowers to others.DHL and TCS are the famous courier companies in

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