Annanas Arsenic
Annanas Arsenic
Annanas Arsenic
Background: Heavy metals are the major pollutants among others. They are the leading cause of occupational hazard for industrial workers as well as
residents in the proximity. Herbs with higher phenolic content have been noted to possess metal chelating activity. Objective: To determine heavy metal
chelating potential and organo-protective activity of Ananas comosus fruit in arsenic intoxicated rats. Experimental design: Arsenic chelating activity
and organo-protective effect of Ananas comosus fruit along with standard drug – dimercaprol, were assessed against low exposure of arsenic in albino
wistar rats. Result: At the end of 6 weeks in vivo trial, hematological parameters (WBC, RBC, Hb%, HCT%, As levels) and renal function parameters
(uric acid, creatinine) revealed significant benefits by the treatment as compared to disease-controlled group, which was confirmed by histopathological
assessments of liver and kidney. Conclusion: We concluded that Ananas comosus fruit has significant arsenic chelating and organo-protectve activities.
Key words: Arsenic, Phenol content, Ananas comosus, Chelating activity, Oragano-protection.
Metals have played a critical role in industrial development and technological excretion of heavy metals. as the phenolic content of herb increases, its
advances. There is probably no material that has shaped the progression of antioxidant activity and metal chelating potential also increases.[11, 13] The
mankind more than metal. Hence metals are an inseparable part of this activity is believed to be proportional to the phenolic content in the extract
advanced human race.[1, 2, 3] of leaves.[12] It is known that fruits are rich source of phenols. This food
component is part of our daily diet. If they are tested for chelating activity
Heavy metal can cause both acute and chronic toxicity depending upon the against arsenic, positive outcome can be anticipated.
duration and potency of exposure. Heavy metals can affect multiple organ
systems causing severe disorders such as encephalopathy, Ananas comosus fruit, belonging to the family Bromeliaceae, contains higher
hypopigmentation, hyperkeratosis, Proteinuria, lung cancer, osteomalacia, phenolic content, and thus, we decided to evaluate arsenic chelating activity
hepatic cirrhosis, pulmonary fibrosis, Alopecia and many more.[4, 5]Among of Ananas comosus (Pineapple) fruit and determine its chelation and organo-
many heavy metals, Arsenic (As) is found to be most dangerous as far as protective activity.[13]
human occupational hazards are concerned. Today, the rising number of
cases of occupational toxicity due to arsenic is a matter of utmost concern MATERIALS AND METHODS
for our state as well as our nation.[6, 7]
Collection and authentification of fruits of Ananas comosus
Current treatment available for management of Arsenic toxicity involves The fruits of Ananas comosus were collected from the medicinal garden of
mainly chelation therapy which uses various synthetic chelating agents R. K. College of Pharmacy, Rajkot. The roots of Ananas comosus were cut
such as calcium disodium edetate, BAL, DMSA, desferoxamine and d- to small pieces. These fruits of Ananas comosus were authentified by
penicillamine.[8] The selection of chelating agent depends on the nature of Department of Botany, Christ College, Rajkot.
metal intoxicated.[8] Despite the significant efficacy of these chelators, they
are less preferred by patients due to certain drawbacks. These synthetic Preparation of methanolic extract of fruits of Ananas comosus[14]
agents can produce adverse effects such as convulsions, bone marrow The collected fruits of Ananas comosus were subjected to dry to brittle
depression, hypotension, cardiac arrhythmias, respiratory arrest, and material at 60°C in hot air oven to remove moisture. The fruits were then
hypocalcemia, headache, nausea, stomach upset, vomiting. The route of cut into small brittle pieces. Methanolic extract of Ananas comosus fruits
administration is mostly intravenous, so chronic use is painful. They are was prepared using Simple maceration and at the end of extraction, methanol
costly in comparison with other drugs as well.[8, 9] was evaporated to dryness which yielded a semi-solid product, which was
further subjected for evaluation of % W/W yield, colour, consistency and
Phytochelatins have been detected in plants which interact with heavy pharmacological activities.
metals and neutralize their damaging consequences.[10] They also increase
Folin-Ciocalteu’s test[15]
*Corresponding author. The Folin-Ciocalteu reagent is sensitive to reducing compounds including
Desai Viral T. polyphenols, producing a blue colour upon reaction. This blue colour was
measured spectrophotometrically.
Guruprasad society,
Near Doshi hospital,
Gondal Road,
Rajkot – 360004
Control 5.833 ± 0.14 8.953 ± 0.085 15.78 ± 0.11 52.02 ± 0.18 119.27 ± 0.30 40.45 ± 0.54 1.28 ± 0.01
# # # # # #
DC 3.45 ± 0.111 7.541 ± 0.13 14.36 ± 0.14 44.57 ± 0.23 163.57 ± 0.51 60.64 ± 0.63 1.85 ± 0.02#
Std 6.45 ± 0.08*** 9.42 ± 0.11*** 15.81 ± 0.1*** 50.87 ± 0.52*** 120.61 ± 0.70*** 40.132 ± 0.44*** 1.09 ± 0.02***
MEAC 5.3 ± 0.22*** 9.41 ± 0.032*** 15.09 ± 0.07*** 50.77 ± 0.4*** 50.77 ± 0.4*** 40.442 ± 0.33*** 1.18 ± 0.01***
F 187.56 81.099 37.907 87.58 1411.90 409.90 348.764
df 23 (3, 20) 23 (3, 20) 23 (3, 20) 23 (3, 20) 23 (3, 20) 23 (3, 20) 23 (3, 20)
p <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001
Table 2: Protective effects of MEAC on urine bio-markers in arsenic and blood dyscrasia etc.[17] In view of these drawbacks of currently used
intoxicated rats. synthetic molecules, in the present study, we attempted to find herbal
Group Uric acid Creatinine (mg/dL) remedy for effective and safe chelation of arsenic.
Control group 5.89 ± 0.0012 2.35 ± 0.028
DC 6.14 ± 0.0029 # 5.726 ± 0.107# While reviewing literature, we observed that as the phenolic content of herb
Std 5.87 ± 0.017*** 1.649 ± 0.03***
MEAC 5.892 ± 0.0055*** 2.710 ± 0.04*** increases, its antioxidant activity and metal chelating potential also
F 493.89 344.301 increases.[18] Hence, we selected Ananas comosus fruit, rich in phenolic
Df 23 (3, 20) 23 (3, 20)
P <0.001 <0.001 content, as potential candidate for heavy metal chelating activity.
n=6 and results were shown as mean ± SEM
# In the in vivo study, Albino Wistar rats were divided in to normal control,
indicate significant difference in the data compared to normal control group
and the level of significance was p<0.001? significant. disease control, standard drug control and treatment groups. The disease
*** indicate significant difference in the data compared to disease control control rats were administered with arsenic trioxide metal suspension. The
group and the level of significance was p<0.001 equivalant to highly significant. standard control rats received As2 O3 along with dimercaprol and the
MEAC - Methanolic extract of Ananas cosmosus. treatment group rats were given the As2 O3 metal with extract of pineapple.
DC - Disease control group. Dimercaprol is currently use as a drug of choice for the cases of low exposure
Std.- Standard control group.
of heavy metal poisoning. [19] Thus, it was selected as standard drug for the
experiment. Due to suspected slow onset of toxic activity of arsenic upon
various systems of the body, the duration of treatment was as long as 6
Our results showed that the decreased levels of WBC in disease control
were increased significantly in treatment disease control group. The
hemoglobin content was also increased in treatment group. But the level of
arsenic was significantly decreased in serum due to its excretion in urine
because of the chelating activity of the herbal extract. The heavy metal
damaged liver and kidney by producing lesions which is indicated by the
Arsenic – Treated with MEAC - Kidney. Arsenic – Treated with MEAC - Liver. increased level of SGPT, SGOT and creatinine in serum.
Our study was aimed at studying and solving the growing menace of heavy The histopathological studies of liver and kidney revealed that damaging
metal toxicity as a serious occupational and pollution hazard. Arsenic is the property of arsenic was significantly decreased as evident from reduced
leading heavy metal pollutant among them.[ 1 6 ] It can cause serious lesions and scars on the sections of the slide of treatment group as compared
consequences such as renal and hepatic damage, severe inflammatory to the disease control group.
reactions. Current drug treatment available is chelation therapy, but itself
cause adverse effects such as bone marrow depression, hyper pigmentation Thus, at the end of 6 week trial, results indicated that Ananas comosus was