01.public Affairs - Handbook
01.public Affairs - Handbook
01.public Affairs - Handbook
ACO/ACT - Public Affairs Handbook - 2020
Table of Contents
Chapter 1 - Introduction to Military Public Affairs in NATO ...................................... 1
1. Definition of Mil PA. ............................................................................................ 1
2. Mandate. ............................................................................................................ 1
3. Principles of Mil PA. ........................................................................................... 2
4. Functions of Mil PA. ........................................................................................... 3
5. Responsibilities. ................................................................................................. 4
6. Mil PA Relationship to Strategic Communication (StratCom) and other
Information Functions .................................................................................................. 4
7. Mil PA Approaches. ............................................................................................ 5
8. Mil PA products. ................................................................................................. 6
9. Audiences .......................................................................................................... 7
10. PA Policies ......................................................................................................... 7
11. Key References for Mil PA ................................................................................. 8
Chapter 2 - Role of the (Chief) Public Affairs Officer ................................................. 9
1. Introduction ........................................................................................................ 9
2. Relationships...................................................................................................... 9
3. (Chief) Public Affairs Officer Responsibilities ..................................................... 9
4. CPAO Responsibilities in Multi-national Environments .................................... 11
5. CPAO as Trainer .............................................................................................. 11
6. Unit Public Affairs Representatives (UPARs) ................................................... 12
Chapter 3 - Public Affairs Officer Planning and Staff Integration ........................... 13
1. Introduction ...................................................................................................... 13
2. Integration into the Command’s Planning Process........................................... 13
3. Mil PA Planning Policy ..................................................................................... 13
4. Planning Cycle ................................................................................................. 14
5. Planning Hierarchy ........................................................................................... 15
6. Types of PA Planning ....................................................................................... 16
7. Higher and Subordinate HQ Coordination during the Planning Process .......... 16
8. Planning Considerations .................................................................................. 17
9. Examples ......................................................................................................... 18
Annex 3-A Public Affairs Staff Estimate ............................................................... 19
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Annex 3-B Military Planning Model for Public Affairs – Operational & Tactical
Level (Generic Model) ............................................................................................ 22
Annex 3-C Military Planning Model for Public Affairs – Strategic Level ............... 24
Annex 3-D Guidance on drafting Public Affairs CONOPS/OPLAN/OPORD
Annexes 27
Annex 3-E Public Affairs Plan and Example ........................................................ 36
Annex 3-F Public Affairs Guidance (PAG) Template ........................................... 44
Annex 3-G Visual Information and Imagery Planning .......................................... 46
Annex 3-H Resource Acquisition in NATO........................................................... 50
Annex 3-I Issue and Crisis Management ............................................................. 59
Chapter 4 - Media Activities (Operations) ................................................................. 66
1. Introduction. ..................................................................................................... 66
2. Guidelines to PAO - Working with Media ......................................................... 66
3. Requests for Information .................................................................................. 67
4. Requests for Interviews .................................................................................... 68
5. Releasable Products ........................................................................................ 69
6. News Conferences ........................................................................................... 70
7. Background Interviews ..................................................................................... 71
8. OPSEC ............................................................................................................ 71
9. Media Embargoes ............................................................................................ 71
10. Media Registration ........................................................................................... 71
11. Media Escorts .................................................................................................. 73
12. Embedded media ............................................................................................. 74
13. Media Training ................................................................................................. 74
14. Working with Interpreters ................................................................................. 74
15. Establish NATO Media Information Centre (NMIC) .......................................... 74
Annex 4-A Establishing a NATO Media Information Centre................................. 75
Annex 4-B Response to Query Form ................................................................... 81
Annex 4-C Response to Query Log .................................................................... 82
Annex 4-D Media Registration and Reception Log .............................................. 83
Annex 4-E Example Theatre Media Tracking Report ........................................... 84
Annex 4-F Media Kit Guidelines .......................................................................... 85
Annex 4-G Recommended for Media Packing List .............................................. 86
Annex 4-H Media at Entry Control Points ........................................................... 87
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Annex 9-A A Leader’s Guide for Succeeding with the Media............................. 178
Annex 9-B Interview Techniques ....................................................................... 181
Annex 9-C Prepare a Spokesperson to Address the Media ............................... 185
Annex 9-D Family Members and Media Interviews ............................................ 189
Annex 9-E Interact with Media (Non-PA Service Member Training) .................. 191
Annex 9-F Unit Public Affairs Representative (UPAR) Training ......................... 192
Annex 9-G: Media Pocket Card........................................................................... 194
Annex 9-H Basic Photography Guidance for UPARs ......................................... 195
Annex 9-I NATO Affiliated PA Training Opportunities ....................................... 196
Annex 9-J Staffing of Public Affairs Positions ................................................... 199
Chapter 10 - Public Affairs in Exercises.................................................................. 202
1. Introduction .................................................................................................... 202
2. PA Approach – Real World ............................................................................ 202
3. PA Activity in Exercises .................................................................................. 203
4. Exercise Planning .......................................................................................... 203
5. Live Exercise (LIVEX) Considerations. .......................................................... 204
6. Command Post Exercises (CPXs). ................................................................ 205
7. Other Planning Considerations ...................................................................... 205
8. Release of Information Concerning NATO Exercises .................................... 205
9. Security .......................................................................................................... 206
10. NATO Media Information Centres (NMICs) .................................................... 206
11. Invitations to Media - Real World PA Support to an Exercise ........................ 207
12. Registration/Accreditation of Media Representatives - Real World PA Support
to an Exercise. ......................................................................................................... 207
Annex 10-A Annex L to EXPLAN - Format ........................................................ 208
Chapter 11 - Imagery ................................................................................................. 210
1. Introduction .................................................................................................... 210
2. Imagery Terms ............................................................................................... 210
3. Use of Social Media Sites .............................................................................. 211
4. ACO/ACT Imagery use by Conventional Media ............................................. 211
5. Imagery Standards ......................................................................................... 212
6. Technical Requirements ................................................................................ 212
7. Imagery and Privacy ...................................................................................... 212
8. Image Editing and Alteration .......................................................................... 212
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Chapter 1 - Introduction to Military Public Affairs in NATO
1. Definition of Mil PA. NATO Mil PA is the capability responsible for promoting
NATO's military aims and objectives by communicating accurate information in a
timely manner to various audiences. This communication enhances awareness and
understanding of the military aspects of the Alliance's role, aims, operations,
missions, activities and issues, thereby reinforcing its organisational credibility. This
includes planning and conducting the basic functions of Mil PA as defined in
paragraph four. Mil PA is the lead function responsible for the External and Internal
Communication as defined in MC 0457/03. The Allied Command Operations and
Allied Command Transformation Public Affairs Handbook provides guidance on
extent capabilities to the Mil PA community.1
2. Mandate.
a. Public support for NATO’s missions and tasks follows from public understanding
of how the Alliance makes a difference to international peace and security. Public
confidence, in turn, is enhanced by NATO’s ability to achieve its mandate in a
way that is open, transparent and consistent with member nation values and
expectations. Military Public Affairs (Mil PA) policy in NATO is derived from the
higher principles of democracy that includes freedom of expression and of the
media. NATO Commanders and Public Affairs Officer (PAOs) are bound by
NATO policies to inform the public and by international law not to impede the
media or freedom of expression.
b. Maintaining Credibility. In order to maintain credibility of the organisation,
messages must be truthful, accurate and timely. Messages must match the
actions of the command at all levels. Discrepancies in messaging from a PAO or
Commander versus the actions of the troops on the ground erode credibility.
Messaging must be coordinated effort across communications staff elements as
well as higher and subordinate HQs to ensure there are no conflicting events or
actions and resulting in inaccurate messaging and aiding in the adversaries
disinformation campaign.
c. Adversaries. Information Confrontation is a recognised element of doctrine and
practice of NATO’s potential adversaries. Both state and non-state actors
conduct hostile information operations against NATO and individual Allies, which
will continue across the full spectrum of peace, crisis and conflict. The purpose of
hostile information campaigns is to undermine NATO coherence and shape the
information environment in favour of the adversary, including priming the
information space in preparation for potential crisis escalation. Adversaries and
potential adversaries use technology and speed to their advantage, often
disregarding or manipulating truth and accuracy in the process. Multiple
adversary groups (perhaps sometimes opposed in overall intent) often unify in
their aims to discredit NATO and Western institutions. This collective can easily
coordinate to erode public support for Alliance operations using very simple,
effective narratives, which challenge the legitimacy of NATO objectives and
leverage inexpensive digital engagement technologies such as botnets to
artificially amplify disinformation, misinformation and public distrust. Overcoming
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7 MC 0457/3, NATO Military Policy on Public Affairs, 28 May 2019, Para 10, 11, 12, 13, 14.
8 International Staff/ Public Diplomacy Division
9 Supreme Allied Commander Europe
10 Supreme Allied Commander Transformation
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11 MC 0628, NATO Military Policy on Strategic Communication, 26 July 2017, Para 7: “StratCom, in the
context of the NATO military, is the integration of communication capabilities and information staff
function with other military activities, in order to understand and shape the Information Environment
(IE), in support of NATO aims and objectives.”
12 MC 0628, NATO Military Policy on Strategic Communications, 26 July 2017, Para 12.
13 MC 0457/3, NATO Military Policy on Public Affairs, 28 May 2019, Para 24, 25.
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when full disclosure is not yet possible, for instance based on pre-decisional
topics. A Mil PA plan and media lines, should be developed in anticipation of
media or public queries. As such, being reactive still means being responsive to
8. Mil PA products. 14
a. All NATO Mil PA products will adhere to the NATO Brand Guide and NATO
Visual Identity Guidelines, as determined and issued by NATO HQ Public
Diplomacy Division.
b. Public and Media Queries. All media queries will be directed to a PAO within that
HQ or unit so that interest in the activity or issue can be tracked, assessed and
dealt with in an appropriate fashion.
c. Media Interviews. All interviews between external media outlets and personnel
assigned to permanent and deployed NATO HQ’s require that the organisation’s
PAO be made aware beforehand; the PAO will evaluate the request and
recommend a course of action. Chain of Command or Commander’s approval
may be required if the subject is of a sensitive nature. The interview should be
monitored by a PAO in attendance.
d. Public Speaking and writing. Any person working for, or on behalf of, NATO
military forces who speaks in an organised setting to external audiences or
intends on publishing his/her writing about a NATO-related topic in the public
domain is to seek advice from the organisation’s Mil PA staff, who will advise on
whether prior approval from the member’s Chain of Command should be sought.
e. PA Guidance. CPAO’s may develop and promulgate Public Affairs Guidance
(PAG) to address issues not described or forecast in existing operation Plans or
strategies. Usually, PAG’s will recommend the approach, summarise the issues,
identify the lead organisation(s), identify spokespersons, list messages, and
provide coordinating instructions.
f. Imagery. The increasing dominance of visual media means that NATO cannot
effectively tell its story without imagery (still, and video plus sound). All Mil PA
activities should therefore consider ways and means to collect, properly identify
and distribute imagery gathering capability are encouraged to develop one. In
addition to supporting national Mil PA objectives, proactively sharing imagery
with higher NATO HQs will help leverage its overall impact with regional and
international audiences, an effect that may be difficult for any one nation to
g. Digital Engagement Management. Digital Engagement is a robust part of NATO’s
ability to directly and effectively communicate in a conversational and visual way
with audiences. Digital media management is the process of harnessing and
combining capabilities to achieve communication goals in line with Commander’s
h. Media Monitoring and Analysis. The role of information is an important
consideration in military planning and operations. With the advent of the internet,
14 MC 0457/3, NATO Military Policy on Public Affairs, 28 May 2019, Para 29.
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15 MC 0457/3, NATO Military Strategy on Public Affairs, 28 May 2019, Para 18.
16 See Chapter 1, Para 1.5. - Responsibilities, 1.5.4. - Strategic Commands.
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policies in order for them to make informed decisions. Furthermore (CPAO) has
to provide expert public affairs advice to assist leaders in making and
communicating decisions that affect the organisation’s ability to accomplish the
b. To assist the commander with their mandate, CPAOs are tasked with directing,
planning17, and executing Mil PA in support of NATO operations or other
activities under their respective Commander’s direction and responsibility.
c. CPAO must advise the Commander on the best options to utilise the core
functions of External Communications18 and Internal Communications to
leverage various social media technologies and networks, imagery and training
to derive the greatest effect when communicating actions and intent to the
various audiences.
d. CPAO must make every effort to pass lessons learned to higher headquarters
and to ACT in order to capitalise on both the positive and negative real-world and
exercise experiences. This is a critical but often overlooked aspect which makes
an impact on future PA training and execution.
e. To be effective, CPAOs need to:
i. understand the strategic, operational and technical environments within
which it operates.
ii. understand the Commander’s Direction and Guidance (D&G), the role and
place of StratCom through a common appreciation and thorough
understanding of the mission, the Information Environment, and the
impact it has on all activities to determine how best to achieve Unity of
Effort/Messaging within the Alliance.
iii. understand the special relationship between nations assigning troops to
NATO missions, operations and activities and to NATO’s PA efforts.19
iv. understand his/ her role in the political/military dynamic and not become
involved in the political or diplomatic aspects of the Alliance. Only after
coordinating through the ACO and/or ACT PAO and getting approval for
direct liaison, Mil PAOs may then engage public affairs colleagues in
national capitals when the circumstances warrant it.
v. coordinate PA activities, laterally and vertically, within the organisation’s
area of responsibility.
vi. ensure readiness of the organisation’s PA personnel, resources and tools
through PA training, employing communication tools and techniques to
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link the command to its audiences, opinion leaders and news media in
order to promote public understanding and support.
vii. engage on all channels towards an operational effect that supports the
commander’s intent.
4. CPAO Responsibilities in Multi-national Environments.
a. The respective senior Mil CPAO has the responsibility to reach out and
coordinate the PA activities within the organisation’s area of responsibility which
includes NATO PAOs at subordinate headquarters, but should also be mindful of
PAOs deployed in support of individual national contingents.
b. PAOs of national contingents report and coordinate PA activities within national
chains, and, because they are in a national chain of command vice a NATO one,
may overlook the value-added that coordination with the NATO PA chain can
c. To increase the likelihood that national PAOs deployed in NATO operations are
aware of NATO PA policies, guidance and messaging, senior Mil CPAOs at the
deployed level should establish lines of communications with national contingent
PAOs in the Area of Responsibility (AOR) in addition to their operational chain of
5. CPAO as Trainer.
a. PA Staff Training. The CPAO must also ensure the staff is trained and prepared
to collaborate and assist PA efforts in support of the mission’s objectives. In this
respect the CPAO takes the role as mentor and trainer for the organisation.
Likewise, the CPAO must ensure the PA staff is resourced with the required and
appropriate tools and technology to accomplish the mission.
b. Service Member PA Training. Service member interaction with the media in
today’s operations, exercises and other military training is not only likely, but
almost probable. As such service members must be trained on how to interact
with the media. The CPAO serves as the subject matter expert (SME) for all
media training in the command.
c. Senior Leader Training. The CPAO, as the SME, advises and trains the
Commander and Senior Leaders on conducting media interviews and delivery
d. Host Nation (HN) Mentoring. The CPAO will, at times, be called upon to mentor
HN and indigenous agencies. In Afghanistan, for example, the former-ISAF PA
staff was instrumental in standing up the Afghan Government Media Information
Centre. In all NATO missions and operations, Mil PA personnel should be
actively involved in planning and conducting training for their HN counterparts.
20 For example, if a senior Mil C,PAO has three separate national contingents working within the region,
the senior Mil C.PAO should habitually coordinate with these national contingent PAOs to gain
situational awareness of their activities, inform them of the applicable NATO policies and guidance, and
provide situational reports to the higher headquarters, all the while coordinating efforts to maximize
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CPAOs should be prepared for such tasks as the situation and higher
headquarters direct.
6. Unit Public Affairs Representatives (UPARs).
a. Whether a unit has an authorized PAO or not, the Commander has the overall
responsibility for providing Direction and Guidance to conduct a PA program in
accordance with the higher commands public affairs guidance (PAG) or
integrated communications plan (ICP).
b. If a unit has not an authorized PAO in either its Peacetime Establishment (PE) or
Crisis Establishment (CE), a prudent measure would be for a Commander to
appoint a UPAR to conduct PA duties on a reduced scale.
c. The UPAR serves as the liaison between the unit and the higher headquarters
for PA issues, bringing PA issues to the attention of the higher headquarters PA
staff and can construct initial drafts of PA planning products, PA annexes, news
releases or talking points for submission for approval through the PA chain of
d. As the UPAR is typically not a trained PAO, the UPAR is most likely conducting
these responsibilities as an additional duty to their full time job; hence, the duties
of the UPAR should be limited and the higher headquarters should maintain
situational awareness over actions.
e. The training of UPARs is covered briefly in Chapter 9.
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21 The Strategic CONOPS establishes SACEUR’s concept for the conduct of a NATO-led military
operation, in concert with other non-military and non-NATO efforts, to achieve the NATO Military
Strategic Objectives (MSOs) and conditions required to assist in the attainment of the desired NATO
end state. The Operational CONOPS, developed in collaboration with the Strategic and Component
levels, is the formal expression of the Operational level Commander’s intent for the conduct of the
campaign or operation, including the deployment, employment, and sustainment of forces.
22 The difference between an OPLAN and an OPORD is that the OPLAN states critical assumptions
that form the basis of the plan and time of execution is not introduced. These assumptions have to be
revalidated to describe the situation awareness needed to transform the OPLAN into an executable
OPORD. The OPLAN becomes an OPORD when the conditions of execution occur and an execution
time is determined. An OPORD should include only such detail as is necessary for commanders of
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4. Planning Cycle.
a. There are numerous planning models and each nation’s process differs slightly.
Currently, NATO abides by the Comprehensive Operational Planning Directive
(COPD) for developing Strategic and Operational level OPLANs in support of the
NATO Crisis Management Process (NCMP)23.
b. This process is used at the highest levels of NATO to drive political decisions to
begin military planning and is beyond the scope of this Handbook. It is important
to understand, however, that regardless of the specific planning model used,
there are generally recognized steps in the planning cycle.
c. Each planning model will use different nomenclature but the basic steps (and
those of NATO’s Strategic level planning) are included in a generic model as
Annex 3-B and Annex 3-C.
d. Although all operations are unique, their planning and conduct can be
approached in the same manner. AJP-524 presents an overarching framework of
the key planning principles, considerations and processes that are followed in
planning. It describes how planning activities and processes are integrated and
coordinated to support decision-making and producing plans, orders and
directives for all types of operations. It focuses on the operational level, although
it also has utility at the strategic and tactical levels.
e. Planning develops viable options to achieve an acceptable outcome from an
unacceptable situation. Military planning is a sequence of activities undertaken
by commanders and staff at all levels. Planning identifies the actions, effects,
decisive conditions and objectives required for mission accomplishment. It is not
an end in itself but an adaptive process for confronting changing conditions and a
wilful adversary. Consequently, military planning requires active and continuing
collaboration and dialogue by commanders and staff at all levels of command.
The results of planning – plans – articulate how those actions (ways) and
resources (means) are employed to achieve objectives (ends).
f. All planning models will generate certain products throughout their process,
namely warning orders, OPLANs, OPORDs or fragmentary orders (FRAGOs)25.
These orders are intended to inform subordinate commands of the key tasks,
intent, and timings, early enough to begin parallel planning or to initiate the
required actions. This information can be put out as paragraphs within the larger
base order or can be disseminated as PA annexes to those orders.
subordinate formations/units to issue their own orders and to ensure coordination. An OPORD may be
written, oral, or graphical (traces, overlays, etc.), or a combination of these forms.
23 The COPD can be adapted to the Component/Tactical level in order to enhance collaborative
planning activity.
24 AJP 5 – Allied Joint Doctrine for the Planning of Operation, 11 February 2019.
25 In rapidly changing situations commanders may not have time to issue full OPORD. Instead, a
FRAGO, which is an abbreviated form of an OPORD, may be issued. The FRAGO will include only the
parts of the original OPORD that have changed.
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dramatically. Even if the LO is only in place for critical planning events, the
dedication of such an officer is most likely worth the effort.
8. Planning Considerations.
a. Regardless of the model, the following key questions guide all Mil PA planning:
i. What effect are you trying to achieve?
ii. Who is your audience?
iii. Why are you communicating the messages – what effect is sought?
iv. What is the overall environment into which you are communicating?
v. What is your message?
vi. How are you going to tell them?
vii. When are you going to tell them?
viii. How do you measure progress or success?
ix. Are there security, privacy or other limiting factors?
x. How does this fit into the overall NATO picture, and how does it relate to
Info Ops and PSYOPS plans?
b. Other planning considerations include:
i. What are the PA Centres of Gravity (COGs) and the decisive points?
ii. What are the critical points that show public opinion or media environment
are changing?
iii. Developing a ‘Public Affairs Collection Plan’ conducted by thorough
research and analysis to identify shifts in trends of the information
environment. Changes in trends could dictate changes to plans.
iv. What assets are required? Assets could include dedicated Combat
Camera, transportation, exception to policy for media to fly on military
aircraft, download and transmission of images on military computer
systems, etc.
v. Do you have an updated distribution list/plan that includes email
addresses and/or web and social media platforms?
vi. Developing a visual imagery dissemination plan. How will PA get images
to the media and general public? Do you have an updated distribution
list/plan (email and/or social media posting)?
vii. What are the potential issues and who are the trusted SMEs to speak to
these issues? Are they willing to speak, prepared to speak and available
to speak at the decisive points?
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viii. What are the national restrictions to the release of information, images,
c. Conducting a thorough Mission Analysis and Staff Estimate28 will allow the PAO
to accurately answer these questions.
9. Examples. The following annexes are provided as guides for the PA planning and
staff integration process. They are written to provide continuity across Mil PA and to
draw the planners’ attention to the important aspects of PA planning.
28 In military terms an ‘Estimate’ is a command-led military problem solving process which is applied to
ill-structured problems in uncertain and dynamic environments against shifting, competing or ill-defined
goals, often in high stake and time-pressured situations. It combines objective, rational analysis with
the power of intuition (a combination of experience and intelligence) and its output is a decision about
a Course of Action (COA).
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The starting point for PA contributions to staff planning is the PA Staff Estimate. The PA
Staff Estimate consolidates information on the mission audiences, media presence and
capabilities, public opinion, PA assets and PAG. It also looks at emerging trends in media
coverage; that covers everything from current events to internal and external
communications issues. It requires PA Staff to conduct an analysis of any news media
and public environments that will affect or be affected by the mission. Based on those
observations, PA leaders make recommendations on how to best employ PA assets.
This is not a static document created just for the beginning of an operation. It is a living
document intended to maintain a record of the current environment in a theatre of
operations or mission. It must be continually reviewed in order to reflect changes in the
situational awareness.
The information contained in the estimate will feed the operations orders or plans and
subsequent revisions of those products, if kept current and accurate.
Sources of information are not restricted to NATO documents. Any legitimate resource
may feed this estimate.
The format and headings should be tailored to the specific operations. For example,
stand-alone documents and reports may fit the bill for the information required in the
estimate and therefore might be included and tabbed within a PA Staff Estimate binder.
These might comprise TPs, themes, command messages, and PAG with proposed
questions and answers (Q&As) for engaging the media and what effect this event is trying
to achieve.
The following is an example of a PA Staff Estimate modified from the U.S. Army
Handbook and Canadian PA planning suggestions. However, any other format could be
valid as long as the estimate provides the data and information to make educated
decisions within the planning cycle.
1. Mission. Restate the command’s mission from the PA perspective. This as analysis
of the mission continues, will eventually become the Annex TT Paragraph 2.
2. Situation. This paragraph describes the operation‘s strategic and operational media
environment and identifies the critical factors that may affect the command‘s mission.
a. Information Environment. Describe the general characteristics of the operation and
the information environment in the area of operations.
b. Audience Analysis. Who are the audiences, both internal and external? What are
their information needs? How do they get their information: television, radio,
newspapers or word of mouth? Is the media state-run or independent? Does the
audience population have telephones, cell phones, fax machines or Internet
connections? These devices are frequently found even in developing countries and
must be considered during the analysis of information channels.
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c. Media Presence. What media representatives and organisations are in the area of
operation? Are they radio, television, online or print? Are they state-run or
independent? What is their political slant? Are they receptive to Alliance
information products such as news releases or other print or electronic products?
Is the media interested in live interviews with Alliance commanders and soldiers?
d. Media Capabilities. Assess the media's information collection and communication
technology, specifically identifying their level of visual information acquisition and
satellite communication capabilities. It includes an analysis of the logistics support,
transportation assets, and host-nation communications infrastructure available to
e. Adversaries’ Capabilities. Assess the adversary's or adversaries’ information
strategy, information tactics and communication technology. Specifically identify
their level of visual information acquisition, methods and means of disseminating
information and purpose and intent of communications. It includes an analysis of
the logistics support, transportation assets, and network communications
infrastructure available to them. InfoOps, PSYOPS and J2 should be good sources
of information.
f. Media Content. Assess the global media's presentation of information, agendas
and emerging trends and analyse and prioritize the potential strategic and
operational level issues confronting the command in the news media. This media
content analysis will provide an evaluation of the quantity of coverage and the
nature of that coverage for credibility, fairness and balance.
g. Public Opinion. What are the opinions/beliefs of the local populations; of the
international community; and of the Alliance members’ national populations?
h. Information Channel Availabilities. Assess the information channels available for
communications in and out of the Area of Responsibility (AOR). Identify the means
available to the commander for receipt, transmission, and dissemination of voice,
data, text, graphics, and digital visual imaging. Describes command, coalition, and
local national facilities and equipment available, to include an analysis of available
telephone lines for voice and data transmission, the accessibility of audio and
video channels, the prevalence of private communications devices such as soldier-
owned cellular telephones, facsimile machines, computers, portable radios and
televisions, still and video cameras, and the nature and flow of the information
possible through these channels.
i. Information Needs. Assess the information needs of the previously identified key
publics. It analyses key internal and external audiences and assesses their news
and information expectations. Identify the types of information made available to
these key audiences.
j. Filters. Who are the key influencers? What are the key influences? What are the
motivations and biases?
k. Personnel and Resources Available. What is the available PA force structure,
translators, Combat Camera and/or administrative staff?
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l. PA Guidance. What guidance has been received from higher levels?29 Official
positions on theatre issues are naturally not developed at the tactical level. What
is the theatre strategic/national command authority position? This is often
coordinated and de-conflicted at all levels via conference calls and other
communication means.
3. Analysis of relative strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, threats (SWOT
Analysis) of friendly and enemy forces.
a. Strengths: capabilities that enables PA to perform well. It is only strength if it helps
PA to meet its task.
b. Weaknesses: characteristics that prohibit PA from working well. Limitations or
deficiencies in resources or capabilities.
c. Opportunities: trends, forces, events, ideas to capitalise on.
d. Threats: outside events or forces that PA needs to plan for or decide how to
4. Analysis of Courses of Action (COAs).
a. Analyse each COA based on the PA objectives from higher HQ or political HQ.
b. Indicate problems and deficiencies. At a minimum, subparagraphs should include
media facilitation and support, news and information provision, and force training
and support.
c. Analyse each COA from a PA point of view to determine its advantages and
disadvantages for conducting PA. The detail in which the analysis is made is
determined by the level of command, scope of operations, and of urgency of need.
5. Comparisons of COAs.
a. Compare each COA.
b. List advantages and disadvantages of each COA under consideration.
c. Include methods of overcoming deficiencies or modification required for each
6. Conclusions.
a. Indicate whether you can support the command mission (restated in paragraph
from the PA viewpoint).
b. Indicate which COAs you can best support.
c. List major PA deficiencies, which commander must consider. Include specific
recommendations about methods of eliminating or reducing their effects.
29Until specific planning guidance from the Commander becomes available, some assumptions may
be needed for initiating planning or preparing the estimate. These must be clearly stated as
assumptions. The assumptions will be later modified as factual data or planning guidance becomes
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Annex 3-B Military Planning Model for Public Affairs – Operational & Tactical
Level (Generic Model)
1. Receipt of the higher Commander’s Planning Directive with the mission. The
mission might be directed by a Commander or it might be an acknowledged need for
future action.
a. Warning Order #1 (Commander alerts Subordinate HQ of impending mission and
alerts to begin collaborative/parallel planning).
2. Research and Mission Analysis.
a. Tasks and Considerations within the planning step:
i. Update Staff Estimate.
ii. Analyse Higher Mission / Intent.
iii. Identify Specified / Implied Tasks /Essential Tasks.
iv. Review Task Organization / Assets.
v. Determine Restrictions / Constraints.
vi. Assess Risk.
vii. Identify Critical Facts / Assumptions.
b. Product or Outputs:
i. Develop intent for PA.
ii. Warning Order #2 (Initiate movement to preposition resources and
personnel, guarantee logistics, establish timings, etc.).
3. Course of Action (COA) development. Tasks and Considerations within the
planning step:
a. Generate options.
b. Develop embed, media engagement or visual information plans.
c. Identify resource requirements.
d. Assign responsibilities.
e. Prepare COAs.
4. COA Comparison/Wargaming. Tasks and Considerations within the planning step:
a. Identify resource shortcomings.
b. Compare COAs against intent and resources available.
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30 The Annex OO (Operations Assessment) to the OPLAN contains metrics to allow activity (Measure
of Performance, MOP) and results (Measure of Effectiveness, MOE) to be measured, as well as plan
for collecting these data. Below the Operational level typically only MOP is measured.
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Annex 3-C Military Planning Model for Public Affairs – Strategic Level
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13. Operations assessment: evaluate – take a self-critical look at how your plan was
executed and determine what worked and what did not33. This feeds into the research
for the next event, or can lead you to make a course correction to the current activity,
if required.
14. Transition (new Strategic CONOPS and OPLAN for transition).
33 The Annex OO to the OPLAN contains metrics to allow results (MOE) to be measured, as well as
plan for collecting these data.
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1. The purpose to prescribe a PA Annex format is twofold. First, by using the approved
format, the writer ensures continuity, in that NATO military officers will be familiar with
the format and will understand where to find the vital information within that format.
Second, this template serves as a checklist to ensure the PA planner has considered
the important aspects and issues for PA operations.
2. The PA OPLAN/OPORD Annex is both, a tool for conveying the details of the
operation plan to the subordinate headquarters and a legally binding order signed by
the Commander responsible for the operation. As such, it should be concise,
relevant and directive in nature. Additionally, the Annex is not a solitary document.
The Annex cannot be developed in isolation from the base document – its major points
should be included within the base document whilst also incorporating the major points
of the base document into it.
3. The five main paragraph headings and bold subparagraph headings are
mandatory. Plain text subparagraph headings may be omitted or supplemented as
required. It is important that the Annex must accurately describe the environment,
state the mission and provide the details for conducting the PA and communication
operation in a manner useful to other PA practitioners. Deviation from this format is
authorized but not recommended.
4. If appropriate, use an appendix to provide the necessary detail required for a particular
topic, rather than a paragraph in the base order. Appendices are often useful as
standalone products or templates for subordinate HQs use. For instance, master
messages or service member media cards can be included as appendices to distribute
directly to the intended recipient.
5. Depending on the resources and staffing available to the particular NATO military
headquarters drafting the Annex TT, higher headquarters assistance or contractor
assistance might be sought in order to provide useful, knowledgeable and informed
guidance to the subordinate command. Planning should not be conducted ’in a
vacuum’. Proper planning should be coordinated across military and political lines, up
and down the chain of command and with the ultimate goal being unity of effort.
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A. PO(2009)0141, NATO Strategic Communications Policy, dated 29 September 2009
B. MC 0628, NATO Military Policy on Strategic Communications, dated 26 July 2017
C. MC 0457/3, NATO Military Policy on Public Affairs, dated 28 May 2019
D. MCM-0085-2010 (Rev 1), Military Concept for NATO Strategic Communications,
dated 11 August 2010
E. AD 095-001, ACO Public Affairs, dated 4 June 2013
F. AD 095-002, ACO Strategic Communications, dated 21 May 2012
G. ACO/ACT Public Affairs Handbook, dated April 2020
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ii. Identify the chain of command and control, locations of the command posts
and PA offices, succession of authority.
iii. Include requirements for PA staff to liaise with their counterparts throughout
the chain of command in order to develop coherent PA advice and
b. Signal. Issues to consider include:
i. PA points of contact (POC) list, which includes name, rank, unit assigned,
title/duty position, phone numbers (secure, non-secure, IVSN, VOIP,
mobile, etc.), and email addresses, to include group addresses.
ii. Integrated media use of communication assets. If integrated media are
anticipated state clearly whether media may be permitted to file copy using
military communications channels.
iii. Computer integration, OPSEC, thumb-drive usage, etc.
iv. Details on the use and acquisition of telephone lines (with international dial-
out capability to communicate), mobile or satellite telephones, fax
machines, telephone answering machines, etc.
v. Internet connectivity and computers with unrestricted access, mission
secret computers, etc. Include the requirement for access to the ACO Open
Source System (AOSS) for media monitoring (requires broadband internet
vi. Details for use and acquisition of satellite TV with international news
vii. Video transmission systems (DVIDS34 or similar system compatible with
NATO requirements).
viii. Commercial/Public radio monitoring facilities.
///Signature Blocks///
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1. Background and public environment analysis (general information about print and
broadcast media, telephone system, internet, social media, communication policy,
2. PA C2 structure – include as an appendix if not addressed in Paragraph 5.
3. PA approach, goals and objectives, audiences and master messages.
a. PA approach, goals and associated objectives by phase.
b. Key Audience Analysis.
i. Audience groups may be identified by; geography e.g. citizens of NATO
member nations, interest group e.g. international think tanks/IOs/NGOs,
ethnicity or some other characteristic.
ii. Audience groups need to be identified when different communications
issues need to be considered.
iii. It should be remembered that, in the age of the internet and satellite
television, messaging leaks across audience boundaries and must be
consistent, relevant and appropriate.
c. PA Master Messages, TPs, Holding Lines, Q&As. These messages, coordinated
with StratCom, should be enduring but may require different emphasis or even
amendment by phase of mission. Messages should be related to audiences and
often derive from existing, higher level messages or guidance. TPs, Holding Lines,
and Q&As dealing with specific issues of the operations should be living
documents and must be updated as the mission develops. The effective
management of TPs, Holding Lines and Q&A is a primary responsibility of the PA
4. Guidelines for release of information, media registration and ground rules,
imagery support and casualty reporting.
a. Media Accreditation & Ground Rules, Liability Waivers and PA Guidelines
(includes releasable and non-releasable information, report of casualties and any
other sensitive issue).
b. Imagery guidelines. At a minimum include:
i. Direction and guidance for acquisition of images to support the
communications plan. Direction for archiving, meta-data and cut lines.
ii. Direction for transmission procedures and distribution lists (imagery
websites, DVIDS, etc.).
iii. POCs for assistance.
5. Any other appendix as required, e.g.:
a. Daily and/or Weekly Reporting format, and any other required template.
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b. Service Member Media Cards. Include quick reference cards for NATO service
members highlighting the important themes and messages and acceptable
guidelines for dealing with the media.
c. PA and Communications Battle Rhythm, taking into consideration Higher HQ and
NATO HQ battle rhythm.
d. Map of AOR with PA assets, transmission facilities, NMIC , NMICs, etc.
e. Organisation of the NMIC / PA structure.
f. Release Authority Matrix.
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Example PA Plan:
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episode, applicable visual support such as a short format video or photos and background
info on persons interviewed.
The success of this communication campaign in the NATO 70 anniversary year will lie in
appropriately marketing this product to a variety of organisations. It also relies on the
product, the podcast, being produced to the highest quality level possible.
The SHAPE podcast will feature 10-13 episodes highlighting interesting events or periods
of time in NATO and SHAPE history. The concept for each episode is laid out below.
a. Military and civilian personnel assigned to ACO and its sub-commands
b. Members of Allied History Organisations such as the Pritzker Military Museum
a. NATO and SHAPE Veterans
b. Allied nation military and veterans
c. Allied nation decision and policy makers
3. TERTIARY: Partner nation military personnel and civilians
Despite existing in an uncertain and ever changing political and security environment,
NATO has evolved and therefore endured the last 70 years.
The Alliance has not only remained cohesive in the face of global conflict, but added
16 new members since its formation. NATO’s ability to respond to crisis and conflict
does not come from any one nation, but the strength and solidarity of all members.
From the addition of strategic headquarters in 1951 to the change in response strategy
after the end of the cold war, NATO has always placed readiness and the ability to
respond to any crisis at the forefront of its values.
CAVEAT: All products and timelines are based on a swift approval of this plan. Delay in
approval or large scale changes will require an adjusted timeline.
All episodes will be accompanied by a 30-60 second video for social media to be released
the day prior as a way of promoting the episode.
1. Episode 1: Birth of an Alliance (Airs December 21, 2018) – This episode will open with
the question of “What is NATO?” and dispelling myths about the Alliance. Next it sets
the world scene in 1949 and why the Alliance was necessary. It will also highlight the
original 13 members and the basics of the treaty. The episode concludes in 1950 with
the realization that NATO needed a strategic military headquarters, SHAPE.
Interviews with Elizabeth Rosen on NATO myths (need to find an additional interview.
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2. Episode 2: To Lead a Military, You Need and HQ (Airs January 18, 2019) - Episode
will feature a brief recap on why NATO deemed a strategic headquarters necessary
and why General Eisenhower was selected as the first SACEUR. There is the potential
for an interesting anecdote about the desk that SACEUR sits at today and whether or
not it was the same desk General Eisenhower used. It will also highlight the committee
that planned out SHAPE’s roles and responsiblities within the Alliance. The episode
will conclude with the activation of SHAPE and its earliest accessions: Germany,
Turkey and Greece.
Potential interviews include: Nancy Eisenhower, General Eisenhower’s
granddaughter, a historian from Paris to discuss the committee that met in the Astoria
Hotel to plan SHAPE and SACEUR to talk about the Eisenhower Desk.
3. Episode 3: A Crisis in Berlin (Airs February 15, 2019) – Explains the politics of the
time and why the Soviet Union decided to drive the three Western Allies from Berlin
with the Berlin Ultimatum. Hosts will also highlight Live Oak, the covert planning group
located at SHAPE in reaction to the Berlin Crisis and their mitigation plans. Episode
will end with the construction of the Berlin Wall.
Potential interview: a historian in Berlin to discuss the crisis and how it impacted the
4. Episode 4: SHAPE’s Move to Belgium Part I (Airs March 15, 2019) – Hosts will explain
the politics of the time, why France made the decision to move all foreign military out
of the contry and all French military from the NATO Command Structure. Hosts will
also emphasize that France did not leave the Alliance during this time. Episode will
highlight why Belgium was chosen for both NATO and SHAPE, more particularly the
choice of Casteau for SHAPE. Opportunity for a light hearted anecdote about
SACEUR’s hesitance in choosing Casteau. Conclude with SHAPE’s colors lowering
in France.
Potential interview: French historian in Roquencourt, France to talk about the
transition of SHAPE from that location.
5. Episode 5: SHAPE’s Move to Belgium Part II “Miracle of Mons” (Airs April 19, 2019) –
Episode opens with the SHAPE colors being provisionally raised over Casteau and
the welcoming attitude of the people of Mons towards SHAPEANS. Episode highlights
that construction continued seven days a week in order to ensure construction would
be completed in less than six months. Episode will also discuss SACEUR’s chateau
as a part of SHAPE’s history.
Potential interview: Mons historian to discuss SHAPE’s construction and the enduring
relationship between the people of Mons and SHAPE.
6. Episode 6: A Flexible Response to Crisis Part I (Airs May 17, 2019) – Hosts explain
the original NATO strategy in response to aggression: massive retaliation including
threat of nuclear war. Highlight the crises in the world that led to a shift in thinking
(Berlin Crisis and Bay of Pigs). Episode concludes with what that shift in thinking might
Potential interview:
7. Episode 7: A Flexible Response to Crisis Part II (Airs June 21, 2019) – Hosts explain
SACEURs role in the development of a new strategy in response to crisis and war and
make the link to how we are doing the same right now through NCS-A. Hosts will
discuss studies conducted by NATo and SHAPE to determine the forces needed to
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Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Romania, Slovakia and Slovenia; 2009: Albania and
Potential interviews: Former ISAF commander and current RSM commander to
discuss the mission then and now, and (if possible) Rakmini Callimachi (host of
Calliphate) to discuss parallels between Taliban and Daesh and her experience
reporting in Afghanistan.
13. Episode 13: SHAPE and NATO, Where Are We Now? (Airs December 20, 2019) –
Hosts open by discussing the Warsaw and Wales Summit and their implications to the
Alliance. Discuss the new views on readiness including the Very High Readiness Joint
Task Force, 4-30s and the Readiness Initiative. Hosts will discuss the most recent
iteration of NCS-A and how the organization continues to change. Close with the
accession of Montenegro in 2017 and current SACEUR and SECGEN’s visition for
NATO and SHAPE in the future.
Potential interviews: SACEUR and SECGEN to discuss recent history and way ahead.
14. Infographics (Ongoing): As applicable, SHAPE production will create infographics
highlighting aspects of NATO and SHAPE history in conjunction with appropriate
1. Podcast Applications – SHAPE PAO will use the free application “Podbean” to upload
its podcast to iTunes, Castbox and The Podcast App simultaneously. They will work
with iTunes specifically to ensure this podcast is the “Featured Podcast” for two weeks
after its initial release. Being the “Featured Podcast” ensures it will be prominently
displayed for users looking for new podcast content.
2. Military Historical Organisations – The podcast and all accompanying products will be
marketed to Military History Organisations such as the Pritzker Military Museum and
The Society for Military History for amplification and promotion.
3. Museums – The podcast and all accompanying products will be marketed to military
museums across Europe, the U.S. and Canada including but not limited to: The Army
Museum in France, The Royal Museum of the Armed Forces and Military History in
Belgium, and Museum of Military History in Italy. SHAPE will request amplification and
promotion from these organisations.
4. Civilian Media – Before the release of this podcast SHAPE PAO will coordinate an
appearance of a VVIP from SHAPE, SACEUR or DSACEUR, to host a media
roundtable or engagement in order to promote the podcast and accompanying
Podcast hosts, SFC Alex Burnett and Dr. Stella Adorf, will reach out to other history
driven podcasts to promote and coordinate appearances on these podcasts.
5. Academia: The podcast and all accompanying products will be marketed to
universities throughout Europe, the U.S., and Canada for promotion and amplification.
6. SHAPE and ACO: Each episode of the podcast will be uploaded to YouTube and the
link will go out as an All User Message allowing SHAPE and ACO personnel to easily
stream the episode on their Unclassfied computers.
7. Social Media: Each episode of this podcast will be accompanied by a 30-60 second
video for publication on social media to tease the episode. A link to each episode on
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all three major podcast hubs will be shared on social media on release day. Each
episode will be uploaded to YouTube for easy streaming on social media.
SHAPE will create a hashtag in close coordination with NATO social media for this
1. NATO HQ is requested to:
a. coordinate with SHAPE PAO and HIS in the production of the podcast including
providing imagery, audio and interviews if required;
b. amplify podcast social media videos and episodes when appropriate;
c. incorporate SHAPE products into their 70th anniversary campaign; and
d. create a permanent link to the podcast site on the NATO homepage.
2. IMS is requested to:
a. amplify podcast social media videos and episodes when appropriate; and
b. create a permanent link to the podcast site on the NATO homepage.
3. SHAPE Staff Sections will:
a. HIS:
i. commit desk officer to this project as lead and host;
ii. conduct research in support of each episode;
iii. assist in writing scripts for each episode; and
iv. fact check research done by other sections.
b. SIA:
i. review each episode for accuracy and cultural sensitivities.
c. MEO:
i. commit desk officer to this project to act as lead and host;
ii. assist in writing scripts for each episode;
iii. assist in researching each episode;
iv. market podcast to appropriate civilian media outlets; and
v. coordinate media event prior to podcast release.
d. Outreach:
i. identify and market podcast to appropriate think tanks;
ii. identify and market podcast to appropriate museums and historical
iii. identify and market podcast to appropriate universities;
iv. highlight podcast to SHAPE visitors;
v. coordinate with NATO HQ to ensure all NATO 70th Anniversary events are
synchronized with SHAPE; and
vi. ensure each episode is distributed internally via AUM.
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e. Web/Social Media:
i. create podcast homepage on SHAPE website;
ii. ensure YouTube and podcast application links are on podcast homepage; and
iii. share all podcast content to social media as appropriate.
f. Production:
i. assist in production of all podcast episodes;
ii. produce 30-60 second video teasers for each episode; and
iii. produce infographics for episodes as required.
g. J1:
i. hire two temporary personnel: one script writer for MEO and one research
assistant for HIS; and
ii. ensure their contracts last through the end of this project (December 2019).
h. J8:
i. fund temporary hires; and
ii. provide initial funding of 25,000 euros.
a. distribute the YouTube link to each podcast episode internally via AUM;
b. share all podcast products via social media; and
c. report all social media metrics to SHAPE PAO.
SHAPE MEO will coordinate with civilian media outlets to drive interest in the podcast
and NATO 70th Anniversary.
The need for Crisis Communication as it pertains to NATO’s 70th Anniversary is
considered low. However, media issues with the potential to bring negative or intense
media attention must be reported through the Public Affairs Coordination chain as well as
through the chain of command with a proposed plan of action to mitigate the situation as
soon as possible by the most efficient means. If the information can only be share on the
secure means, PAOs should strive to advise their higher headquarters on the low side
that an issue is ongoing to avoid delays.
Issue specific messaging pertaining to NATO’s 70th Anniversary needs to be continually
updated and shared with all levels of command. SHAPE PA maintains Lines to Take that
strives to cover all domains and main issues. While an internal product, it is regularly
updated and available for all Commands and JFCs in order to develop their commander’s
briefing package.
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Subject: This is ‘chapter’ heading, such as Air Policing, KFOR, Partnership for
Peace, etc. This is used for filing the individual Talking Points, Holding
Lines within a larger book.
Issue: This is the actual topic to be discussed. For example elections, support to
local government, manning issues, etc.
The major difference between the main information sheet and a sub-issue
is totally discretionary. With use, this will become more easily defined.
PA Approach: Include a brief concept for the scheme of release and posture (Very
Active, Active, or Reactive) here.
Expiry date: Latest date this Talking Points/Holding Lines should be used without
To be used This is where you define those allowed to use this information in
by: responding to media. It should aim to be more permissive than restrictive.
However, if the situation warrants communication by a single source,
clearly annotate here.
Issue This is the context needed to understand the issue at hand, and the
overview: overall aim of any communications on the subject or issue. If the
overview becomes lengthy or is better explained in a separate document,
annotate and attach an annex.
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Messages: List the three main messages you wish to present to the audience. These
messages should usually be nested to a higher level communications
plan or Commander’s intent.
Talking This is where you can become more prescriptive in the communications
Points: about the issue. They should be concise, make a point, and be sufficiently
complete to provide the spokesperson with a script for the media
Questions and Q&As are useful for preparing for an interview and must reflect potential
Answers: journalists’ questions. They are not meant to replace basic research on a
topic; they are meant to trigger quick responses to obvious or dangerous
questions. At a minimum, five positive and five negative questions should
be prepared to reflect realistic media queries. Format the Q&As as such:
A2. etc.
Fact & Clearly state the PA posture for facts and figures. Some might be useful
Figures: for an open audience, others might only be useful only if pushed or with a
more knowledgeable audience.
Background This is the detail needed to understand the broader subject and why this
and other has become a newsworthy issue.
Include as much detail as needed for a spokesperson to understand and
explain this issue.
Officer of As the issue can rapidly evolve, provide names, phone numbers and e-
Primary mail addresses for the POCs for SMEs who can update the spokesperson
Importance: or validate that the data is relevant and current.
Author: Drafter of the Talking Points/Holding Lines with phone and e-mail contact.
This person should effectively be the most knowledgeable PAO on this
Coordinated List POCs who provided input, validated or coordinated for release of the
with: information.
Releasing Name, phone number and e-mail address of the releasing authority. This
authority: should be the CPAO or higher.
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HQ Objectives What are the HQ’s objectives and how can imagery support
these objectives?
If the HQ’s objectives are heavily reliant on public perception
of information outputs, did the HQ weight the public affairs and
imagery collecting effort with the appropriate resources?
Is the command’s emphasis on imagery and its
declassification and/or release known and understood by the
rest of the command? Do they understand their role in
supporting the imagery plan (J-3, J-2, J-6, J-4, Air
transportation planners, etc.)?
Are the above mentioned considerations included in any
official order, SOP or policy letter to empower the PAO to
leverage assistance?
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Audience Who are the intended audiences and how do they receive their
Which medium(s) is the most appropriate for addressing these
Are there agreements, restrictions, cultural taboos, ground
rules or ethical issues which should be considered when
developing the imagery plan or which should be addressed as
instructions to photographers?
In what format will the audience view the imagery? Include this
information to ensure the photographers and staff
officers/NCOs understand the format requirements.
Intent for Imagery Are there specified tasks within the OPLAN or OPORD for
imagery? Whether specified or not, what are the implied tasks
which will require imagery support?
How will the imagery be presented or published?
In what format should imagery be submitted?
Timing Is the imagery to be disseminated immediately, archived for
later use or released as part of a phased operation?
Are the images time-sensitive. Is the photographer required to
transmit images from the field and, if so, does he have the
Who is responsible for receiving, embargoing and
safeguarding the images if they are to be used in a phased
Resource Network What agencies or equipment are available to co-opt support
from (national, Alliance, embassies, ministries, regional
commands, higher HQ, HN, IOs, GOs, NGOs, etc.?)
Who can assist and what is their contact information? (i.e.
NATO Multimedia Portal
https://www.natomultimedia.tv/portal/index.html) and
Defense Imagery (http://www.defenseimagery.mil/index.html)
If there are gaps in resources, develop solutions and
recommendations to overcome the deficiencies. Provide the
recommendations to the appropriate HQ or action officer.
Reception Plan Who is the responsible party on the ground to receive the
How will they process or edit the images?
What is the intent for the images after reception?
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Define mission How does the PAO define “mission complete” to the
complete End State photographer? Does the photographer understand that the
mission does not end, for instance, until the photos are edited,
captioned, uploaded/ archived and/or transmitted (Ref/ Annex
9a)? Without expressing these expectations the photographer
may not comprehend the PAO’s expectations. Confusion in
these matters could jeopardize achieving the command’s
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Responsible Authorized
HQ/COM Action Officer Authorized By
Division On
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h. Logistics: O&M costs are not expected to exceed 2000 EUR for re-charging,
battery and spare part replacement.
i. Security: For the translation/transmission of UNCLASSIFIED material.
10. Implementation:
a. Host Nation (HN) Recommendation: SHAPE
b. Responsibility for Design: Nil.
c. Responsibility for Implementation: SHAPE delegated to JFCB or further delegated
to HQ RS P&C office. Deviation authority requested to authorize the delegated
Financial Controller the authority to approve the appropriate procurement
deviations necessary to award the contract in a timely manner.
11. Staffing and Implementation Timelines:
Template Actual Remarks
Action Estimated Time
Time line Time
Requirement Endorsed by 16 Dec 18 E-day
Definition ORRB
*(5 Weeks)
Endorsed by CRCB 15 Jan 19 Aim E+2 Weeks
Endorsed by Aim E+4 Weeks (+1 week for
Request for APF If necessary
Cost Estimate TBCE Submitted to Estimated date must be verified
*(4-12 Weeks) NOR by the Host Nation / NOR.
Authorization* IC Authorization
(2 Weeks)
Contract Award 70 days after IC Estimated date must be verified
approval (timeline by the Host Nation.
can be much
shorter if
Deviation is
approved; 11c
IOC 30 days after Estimated date must be verified
contract award by the Host Nation.
FOC Estimated date must be verified
by the Host Nation.
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21. Recommendation:
22. Options/Risks:
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Definition of a crisis: an event that creates or threatens to create harshly negative media
coverage that could damage the reputation or future viability of an organization.
Definition of an issue: an external or internal factor – usually lasting over a mid- to long-
range time frame – that could represent a serious obstacle to achieving an organization’s
objectives and cause damage to its reputation if not managed well.
1. Issue and crisis management as part of the PA planning process.
a. Issue and crisis management is a significant part of the PA planning process.
Every issue or event could potentially escalate into a crisis. Issues and crisis
management is a process of identifying a potential issue or crisis and co-ordinating
an organisation’s response.
b. Issues and crises will always occur - the key to mitigating the negative impact is,
first, to solve the underlying problem and second, to communicate the
organisation’s actions effectively. Managing the underlying issue is the
Commander’s responsibility with the PAO acting in a supporting role to
communicate to the public. Without effective management of the central issue, PA
cannot be effective and the organisation will eventually lose credibility.
c. When dealing with an issue, an organisation must proactively keep the public
informed of its actions in a timely and accurate manner. Poorly managed
communications chip away at an organisation’s credibility, undermine public
confidence and contribute to the emergence of crises. Properly managed
communications strategies entail co-ordinated responses emphasizing
identification and reporting actual or potential issues and problems, taking action
to address and resolve issues quickly and effectively, and keeping audiences
informed of what is being done to address the issues.
d. Specific issues should be monitored to assess the potential impact on the
organisation; determine any changes in public opinion on major issues; and
provide Commanders with regular assessments of public opinion relating to such
issues. Media analysis and opinion polls are examples of means to track issues.
Because public opinion is an imprecise prediction of behaviour, issues-tracking
must be a dynamic process carried out over time.
e. When faced with an issue or crisis, ensure that the requirement to inform the public
is not delayed by the search for solutions. Instead, acknowledge the problem and
inform the public immediately of the corrective actions being considered. Keep the
public informed of developments as they occur - inform the media; tell them what
you know; tell them what you don’t know; and tell the media when you think you
will have more answers. In most cases, an organisation has less than an hour
to respond to public and media queries before it loses credibility. A response
stating, “We’re looking into it and will get back to you shortly,” is better than saying
nothing at all.
f. OPSEC must be enforced at all times. When dealing with an issue or a crisis, PA
activities must never undermine the safety of military personnel engaged in a
military operation, or the success of a military operation or activity.
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o. Be professional. Crises bring out the best and the worst in individuals and
organisations. Maintain a cool, balanced approach, and avoid being drawn into
activities that are not directly related to managing public communications.
p. Adhere to information/document management archival practices in accordance
with applicable NATO directives. Information management is critical when working
in a stressful situation within a group dynamic.
q. Be honest in preparing the post-crisis assessment. An after-action report can be
of tremendous value if prepared objectively, paying equal attention to successes
and failures. You can only find future solutions by analysing past failures.
3. Other Considerations for Crisis Management.
a. Appearance and tone do matter. Choose words appropriate to the situation and be
cognizant of underpinning context.
b. Mind the emotions/intellect pendulum as a crisis unfolds. There is a time for ‘cold,
scientific facts’ and there are circumstances where facts will not be heard as
emotions take control. Generally, issues can be discussed between groups of
professionals. But in public hearings, or in demonstrations, facts often give way to
emotions. If you can address a crisis early, as it begins to develop, you’ll have a
greater opportunity to win with intellectual arguments – and a greater number of
alternatives for action.
c. Command the information. Stay ahead of the story by maintaining follow-on press
releases, statements, making responders or support network officials available for
escorted media interviews.
d. Be perceived as having nothing to hide without speculating on causes or specifics
that may be part of an administrative, criminal or safety investigation.
e. Stay tight organizationally, but stay loose tactically. Flexibility is essential and
options should be continuously re-examined.
f. Constantly evaluate your messages and feedback. Watch the situation on an
hourly or daily basis. Use clippings, surveys, personal and public meetings, or
focus groups to gauge their information needs and perceptions.
g. Keep the communications lines open after the crisis. Maintain contact with your
allies and other audiences. Good communications never really ends. Internally,
review what the crisis has taught you about the effectiveness of your crisis
communications plan. Externally, you may have to replenish your goodwill ‘bank
account’. Opinion research can tell you how well you’ve weathered a crisis and
point the way for your communications between the crises.
h. A tactic that has worked, particularly in Afghanistan CIVCAS allegations, is to
deploy PA assets with a larger Crisis Action Team (CAT). This PA contingent of
the CAT would deploy to the incident site to document evidence and mitigation
efforts. The mission, resources and priority will dictate the size and composition of
such a team. Irrespective of those factors, the team must be competent, prepared
to deploy within the specified time and must be fully trained and knowledgeable as
to the mission and requirements. Product return and release is critical to success.
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i. Manage the expectations of the public. Some issues cannot be fixed in days,
weeks or even months. Some are only resolvable through much higher levels of
diplomacy, policy or funding.
4. Checklist for Issues and Crisis Management.
Managing crises is similar in procedure to managing issues. The only real difference is
the speed at which events unfold and the degree to which the organisation becomes
overwhelmed. When a crisis erupts, the following activities should take place immediately.
In parentheses is the person in the organisation responsible for the action.
Find out what happened. (Cmd. Group, CCOMC/Ops Team, issues management
Define the issue and the organisation’s position. (Cmdr. or SME as appropriate).
Determine whether or not there are any legal implications. (Legal Advisor).
Identify the spokesperson(s); should be the SME. (Cmdr. with PAO advice).
Deploy assets as required and feasible. Ensure assets are briefed on their
requirements, are properly resources and have a clear understanding of their purpose.
Planning for rapid product return and release is critical.
Keep record of events to help develop/update holding lines, statement, etc. (PAOs).
Develop initial statement. (PAO with SME and Legal Advisor [as required]).
Develop any other required PA products such as talking points, news release,
backgrounder, etc. (PAO with SME and Legal Advisor [as required]).
Hold news conference if appropriate. (PAO should confer with higher HQ PA).
Call in other resources if the existing team becomes overwhelmed or activate crisis
PA plan. (SME with PAO input).
Assign someone as the anticipator to forecast crisis evolution and begin preparations.
(Cmdr. or issues management team leader).
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iii. Determine the reporter’s level of knowledge of the subject matter. Do not
assume a reporter is either well-informed or ill-informed. You may need to
provide additional information.
iv. Ascertain what specific areas are intended to be covered.
c. Determine who will need to provide the information (SME) and coordinate the
request with SME to compile a draft response.
d. Collect, review and edit responses provided by SMEs. Be sure to get appropriate
clearances before releasing information to the media.
e. Get approval from chain of command (CPAO, COS, DCOM, COM, headquarters,
NATO PDD) and/or Legal Advisor and/or Political Advisor as appropriate.
f. Provide information to the reporter. Additionally, include copies of relevant material
such as fact sheets, news releases, backgrounders as appropriate.
g. Arrange for collecting copy of news article or broadcast.
h. Analyse and evaluate the final product: was information reported accurately? Were
the command’s messages incorporated into the story? Was the article positive
toward NATO, your command, the operation? Did you meet your specified aims?
i. Immediately correct any substantial factual errors, either during interviews or after
publication. Errors left uncorrected stand as fact.
j. Provide feedback to leadership and chain of command.
4. Requests for Interviews. Consider the following recommendations when receiving
requests for interviews:
a. Timely responses aid in fostering the PAO/media relationship.
b. Establish the exact nature of the enquiry (a template of Interview Planning Guide
is provided as Annex 4-N) by collecting the following information:
i. Will the information be used in TV/Radio broadcast, live or recorded, for
print, etc.?
ii. Determine specific questions or subject areas to be covered during the
iii. Determine the reporter’s level of knowledge of the subject matter.
iv. When does the reporter want to conduct the interview?
v. Who does the reporter want to interview? Assess if that is the best person
to be interviewed based on the subject areas to be covered. Determine
appropriate interviewee and concurrence from chain of command. (CPAO,
J-Head, Chief of Staff, Deputy Commander or Commander).
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c. What is the effect the organisation desires to achieve if granting the interview?
Recommend using SMART35 to establish the aim of the interview.
d. Confirm availability of interviewee and interpreter if required.
e. Confirm details of interview with the journalist (date, time, place).
f. Prepare the interviewee (a template of SME Interview Preparation Worksheet is
included as Annex 4-O):
i. Coordinate with the relevant SME to provide briefing material and/or talking
ii. Conduct practice interview session, if time allows. Include time to practice
communicating through an interpreter.
g. Coordinate interview (access for reporter, PAO escort, location free of background
h. Record interview for official record-keeping purposes. Prepare transcript to send
to higher headquarters.
i. Arrange for collecting copies of news article or broadcast.
j. Analyse and evaluate final product: was information reported accurately? Were
command’s master messages incorporated into the story? Was the article positive
toward NATO, your command, the operation?
k. Immediately correct any substantial factual errors, either during interviews or after
publication. Errors left uncorrected stand as fact.
l. Provide feedback to leadership and chain of command.
5. Releasable Products. The following are suggestions for releasable products. This list
is by no means exhaustive (See Appendix B).
a. News Releases. A well-written news release is a necessary ingredient of most, if
not all PA plans. The news release serves not only as a source of information, but
also provides notice to editors and news directors of policy developments,
operations, events, and activities they may wish to cover in greater depth using
their own resources. For this reason, news releases must also be sent to radio and
television stations, and posted on the organisation’s Intranet and the Internet. It is
standard practise to send out the same news release to all media agencies that
you deal with at the same time. A checklist and example for writing news releases
can be found as Annexes 4-J and 4-K.
i. All news releases must be approved by the appropriate level authority and
comply with NATO Visual Identification Standards. Potentially contentious
or significant releases should be coordinated with higher headquarters
before release.
35 Specific – target a specific area for improvement; Measurable – quantify or at least suggest an
indicator of progress; Assignable – specify who will do it; Realistic – state what results can realistically
be achieved, given available resources; Time-related – specify when the result(s) can be achieved.
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ii. Ideally, the content of a news release should be coordinated and staff by
the chain of command (not necessarily the PAO) to the internal
military/political audience before the media receives it - particularly if it is
very negative or tragic information.
iii. The news release is just one way of achieving a specific communications
objective or effect. Bear in mind, however, that not all activities warrant the
issuing of a news release.
b. Media Advisories. Media advisories serve to alert media to upcoming events or
products which have been made available to the public, by means other than news
releases (e.g. advising of upcoming media events, news conferences, or postings
of documents or images on website and/or social media sites). An example of the
recommended format can be found at Annex 4-L.
c. Declassified Documents. Documents may, at the discretion of the Commander and
with the appropriate staff coordination, be declassified or redacted in order to
release to the public. Release of these products will not be a unilateral decision of
the PAO. They will require proper staff and Command Group consultation and will
require notification to the higher headquarters PA channels.
d. Facts Sheets. Prepared fact sheets with basic information about your command or
operation are always very useful background material for media. The PAO should
maintain and update these products as required. Quite often pre-approved fact
sheets serve as responses when answering to media queries. Recommendation:
including recent/relevant fact sheets on the organisation’s website.
e. Infographic. Prepared infographic sheets with information about the operation is
always very useful background material for media. The Infographic can be
published with an article or used as an addition for social media posts. An
infographic serves also as a response when answering media queries.
Recommendation: including recent/relevant fact sheets on the organisation’s
website and/or social media platforms as appropriate.
f. Social Media Postings. Media, third party advocates and citizens around the world
monitor social media sites of all varieties. PAOs should strive to make use of these
6. News Conferences.
a. News conferences are generally a good way to reach a large number of media
with the same message at the same time. They follow a set procedure and can be
excellent communication tools as long as they are well organised, taking the needs
of the media into account. There is always an opening statement by a
spokesperson then a Q&As session with media for a pre-determined time period.
b. News conferences should always be moderated by a PAO. The moderator is the
event manager who sets the ground rules and time limits, introduces news
conference spokespersons/participants, manages the Q&As session after the
initial statement and wraps up the event. The moderator also takes notes during
the event in case follow-up action is required.
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c. At the conclusion of the news conference, a transcript of the event, audio file or
summary of topics (with specific relevant quotes) should be posted to further
highlight the event. Once posted, consider publishing an additional media advisory
directing interested parties to the website link or social media outlet.
d. A news conference aide memoire, news conference procedure, room layout and
sample moderator’s opening remarks are at Annex 4-I.
7. Background Interviews. Background interviews, also called ‘backgrounders’, are a
good way to maintain contact and develop your relationships with local media.
Backgrounders are typically information that is provided to a reporter that can be used
without specific attribution. A background interview can be used to inform or educate
a reporter about your organisation, operation or specific topic or issue. It can also be
used to provide context and depth to complicated issues. Note that there is also a PA
product called a ‘backgrounder’ (fact sheet) so use the term ‘background interview’ to
ensure clarity. Background interviews and briefs are not ‘off the record’.
8. OPSEC. The need for OPSEC, versus the media demands for access to information,
is a historic challenge that military commanders must meet. Commanders must keep
in mind that the principles of democracy dictate that their forces must maintain the
support and confidence of their populations. This necessitates an open and honest
flow of information. Access to this information may conflict with the need for security
in military operations. If this is the case, it is acceptable to tell a journalist that certain
information cannot be released for that reason. PAOs should consult with other staff
agencies for advice when deciding release criteria for information.
9. Media Embargoes.
a. ‘Embargoed’ Information. At times it may be necessary to ‘embargo’ information
given to the media. An embargo is an agreement with one or more media
representatives not to publish defined information before a specific date and time
(expressed in GMT(ZULU)). The importance of a media embargo cannot be
overstated because of the impact on operations and on soldiers’ lives. It should be
used sparingly, in cases where it is important that information is released, but is
protected in terms of time sensitivity or OPSEC. Embargo time should be kept to
the absolute minimum necessary for OPSEC.
b. Violation of a Media Embargo. Should a journalist violate the rules of an
established embargo, the rules violation will be immediately reported back to the
Theatre CPAO and the media representative’s parent organisation or bureau chief.
Punitive actions should be considered to include withdrawal of NATO support to
the journalist or agency. The CPAO within the command will decide the course of
action to be taken in such circumstances, upon consulting with the Command
Group and higher headquarters.
10. Media Registration.
a. All media requesting support or access to units to cover NATO operations must be
registered. This includes traditional media working for established news agencies,
freelance journalist, and the various military media representatives who are not
supporting units on the battlefield.
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36The term NMIC replaces the term NMOC (NATO Media Operations Centre). All functions for MilPA
are included the NMIC.
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i. Establish a ‘hasty media centre’ as the initial focal point for the news media
until additional media support forces arrive.
ii. Establish communication with higher and subordinate HQ, SHAPE and
NATO HQ and with units operating within the theatre.
iii. In coordination with Higher HQs, establish / identify designated location on
website to post official communications, such a press announcements, duty
phone numbers, etc.
iv. Gain a situational awareness of the media in theatre under Alliance national
v. Establish command structure, lines of authority and release authority within
the theatre.
vi. Coordinate with appropriate authority for leasing and purchasing contracts.
vii. Begin to register news media personnel in the area.
viii. Provide basic media support (coordination of media access to subordinate
units and media escort as resources permit).
ix. Assist or conduct command news briefings and conferences.
x. Coordinate SME interviews.
xi. Be capable of assisting in the transmission of media products.
2. Digital Engagement. Establish which digital platforms (web & social media accounts)
to use, post to and monitor.
3. Example of PA lines of authority of a DJFC NMIC:
PA Office
PA Office
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Control Number:
Specific Questions:
Actions Taken:
coordination /
Follow-up Actions:
Naming Convention
Control #: YYYYMMDD-(Sequence #)
Save as (File Name) on DHS: (Control Number), Issue, Agency, Reporter
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Supreme Headquarters Allied Powers Europe
B-7010 SHAPE, Belgium
Control Date/Time Date/Time Reporter's Medium Reporter's Issue Action Action Taken Hyperlink to RTQ
Number Received Responded Name Agency/Bureau Officer
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Current Embeds
Smith, James CNN 0458 14 Mar 24 Mar HQ HQ Day in the life of COM 15Feb 16Feb 20Feb
Johnson, Barry BBC 9231 4 Mar 19 Mar MR-S TF32 Cover offensive in MR-S 4Feb 6Feb 8Feb
McDonald, Don BFBS N/A 28 Feb 8 Mar MR-S 4/31 Command info 22Feb 22Feb 25Feb
Bond, James ITV 5400 28 Feb 6Mar MR-W WelGrd to cover combat ops 15Jan 17Jan 19Jan
Holmes, Gary CanPress 3045 26 Feb 24Mar MR-E BlkWtch To cover combat ops 12Feb 15Feb 17Feb
Keen, Jon Foreign Affairs 6783 8 Apr 22Apr MR-E BlkWtch COIN Strategy at tactical level 15Mar
Norris, Charles Techno Talk 8374 13 Apr 2May MR-W WelGrd UK Force Pro Eqpt. 15Mar
Pending Approval
Kasporov, Joey Rus TV 9284 MR-W TF 2-2 11Mar Pending
Johnson, Martin Eyewitness TV 3547 MR-N 3rdBN PRT Activities 12Mar Pending
Embed Complete
Wight, Jonathan Western News 5771 2Aug 19Aug MR-W TF 2-2 To cover combat ops 10Jul 12Jul 14Jul Story ran in WN on 3 Dec 09
Labelle, Paul Czech Times 3339 23Sep 29Sep MR-S 4/31 To cover combat ops 15Aug 17Aug 19Aug Story ran in CT 3 Oct
Bardot, Ricky AFP 6582 8Oct 5Apr MR-N 3rdBN To cover combat ops 15Sep 17Sep 19Sep Carried throughout wire service
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Cash Dining and mess facilities may only accept cash
Credit Card For incidental expenses
Journalists may bring sufficient equipment to cover operations. However, it is the journalist’s responsibility to carry their own gear.
Transmitters are authorized but blackouts may be imposed as per tactical and OPSEC requirements.
All equipment and clothing should be neutral, subdued colours for tactical considerations. Avoid easily flammable synthetic fabrics.
Please refer questions to Public Affairs – Media Operations (insert contact information).
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1. Preparation. Use the following points as a guideline for organising and conducting
the news conference:
a. Obtain appropriate approvals. Your news conference should not come as a
surprise to the chain of command.
b. Consider national and international linkages and issues. Local issues may have
something in common with regional, national, and international issues.
c. Is a news conference the appropriate way to deliver the message? What effect are
you seeking to achieve and is this announcement or occurrence of important news
value? Identify measurement parameters (how are we defining success?) based
on desired effect.
d. Select the proper spokesperson. The principal spokesperson should be the most
senior and knowledgeable person available. You should thoroughly brief this
spokesperson using background material and relevant Q&As and then conduct a
rehearsal. Likewise prepare appropriate SMEs.
e. Select the proper venue. Choose a location large enough to accommodate the
numbers of journalists likely to attend. Confirm adequate electrical power is
available to accommodate television lights. Ensure facility has WiFi accessible to
the media. Make sure the location is easily accessible, and that media do not have
to carry heavy equipment long distances.
f. Access to venue. Facilitate access to the location of the news conference, to
include gate/ post access.
g. Interpreter. Determine if Interpreter is needed for press conference. If yes, how will
interpretation be done? Simultaneous and Sequential?
h. Send out invitations. Once coordinated with Higher HQs, send out a media
advisory usually about two-three days before the news conference, unless a news
conference is called at short notice following breaking news. Distribution for the
media advisory should include posting on the website, emailing to media
distribution list and potentially posting on social media platforms. Follow up the day
before with a telephone call to media, editors, or news directors. The day of the
news conference, set up a media register to record which agencies attended. If
time permits after the event, check back with those who did not show to find out
why and to offer them a copy of the media package you prepared for the event.
This demonstrates interest on your part, and it may help you get a better turnout
at future news conferences.
i. Establish ground rules. Based on the location of the news conference, identify the
media ground rules. Coordinate ground rules with host nation and higher
j. Prepare media kits and handouts carefully. Media kits are valuable aids because
they allow the officer who is conducting the news conference to refer to the kit for
technical questions or statistical details. The person giving the news conference
must be completely familiar with the contents of the kit, since credibility can suffer
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if that person mistakenly refers to information not included in the kits. Distribute the
information kits and copies of prepared remarks before the news conference starts.
Refer to Annex 4-F Media Kit Guidelines.
k. Identify a moderator. As the PAO on site, you will often serve as moderator. The
moderator introduces the person giving the news conference, summarises the
contents of the information kit, and indicates who is next in line to ask questions.
Basically, the moderator is a low-key master of ceremonies. As the moderator,
state the ground rules for the news conference and indicate the scope of material
to be covered in advance of the spokesperson’s arrival. If there is a time limit, let
the media know from the beginning. The moderator also has the important job of
bringing the news conference to a smooth conclusion, such as "I see we’re nearly
out of time. I’ll take one last question, please."
l. Select visual aids carefully. Make sure the media know from the outset which visual
aids will be available. For example, both television and print journalists will want
copies of photographs, B-Roll, charts, infographics and other available products.
If copies are not immediately available, you should say so, but be prepared to
provide them later on.
m. Accommodate all media. The table or lectern for the spokesperson giving the news
conference should be the focus of the proceedings, at the front of the room, ideally
on a slightly raised platform. You should prepare a large central aisle to permit
camera operators to shoot straight on. If you provide a centre aisle, make sure
there are also wide side aisles to give camera operators the freedom to move
during the news conference and to allow for unobtrusive access for late arrivals.
Alternatively, you should provide camera risers at the back of the room to permit
filming over the heads of other participants. In an outdoor setting, you can mark off
a semicircle facing the spokesperson, to allow the news conference participants
and the media to arrange themselves according to their requirements. Television
reporters usually want to maintain eye contact with their camera operators, and
broadcast reporters generally prefer to sit near the front of the room so they can
adjust sound levels. Generally speaking, print journalists can sit anywhere. From
a technical point of view, make sure appropriate audio-feed facilities are available
for all journalists who want to record the news conference. This usually includes a
set up of splitter boxes or patch boards off to one side or in the middle in front of
the cameras. These boxes or boards negate the need for every journalist to place
a microphone in front of the spokesperson giving the news conference.
n. Be prepared for frequent movement during the news conference. Movement is a
feature of news conferences which is often unexpected by those taking part for the
first time. Broadcast reporters move about to change adjust levels, television-
camera operators wander around looking for interesting angles, and
photographers move back and forth to obtain a variety of pictures. Be prepared for
movement within the Ground Rules, and brief the spokesperson/ SME giving the
news conference accordingly.
o. Time the news conference well. Ideally, news conferences should take place
between 10:00 and 11:30 a.m. This allows assignment chiefs time to locate and
assign reporters and gives media enough time to prepare for the event. A late-
morning news conference also ensures that night-shift personnel are off duty, and
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day-shift people are well into their workday. This timing permits editors and news
directors to feature the material from the news conference on noon newscasts and
in afternoon and early-evening editions. News conferences in the afternoon run
the risk of being overtaken by fast-breaking stories. Also, media are sometimes
late. The later a news conference is scheduled, the more likely the chances that
the reporters assigned to cover it will be delayed or reassigned. In scheduling the
date and time for the news conference, consider the competition from other
scheduled events in the area.
2. Procedure for Conducting News Conferences. News conferences follow a set
procedure to ensure that the process is fair for both the organisation holding the news
conference and the media.
a. Moderator and spokesperson meet before the news conference starts to discuss
any final points. The moderator tells the spokesperson which media are present
and re-iterates main three points to be made at the news conference.
b. Five-minutes prior the appointed start time of the news conference, the moderator
introduces him/herself and outlines the procedure for the news conference and the
ground rules (as previously coordinated with Higher HQs, staff, spokesperson,
SME). Media are usually given one question then a supplementary.
c. Moderator gives a one-minute warning. Reminds media to silence all equipment.
d. Moderator introduces the spokesperson.
e. Spokesperson gives the prepared statement.
f. Moderator begins the Q&As session.
g. Q&As.
h. Moderator announces “Last Question.”
i. Last question or time limit is met.
j. Spokesperson ends with final statement, reiterating top three points.
k. Moderator ends news conference.
l. Spokesperson exits briefing room by the most direct route.
m. Conduct follow-on interviews if appropriate.
n. Debrief spokesperson.
o. Evaluate news conference comparing with measures of success defined during
the planning process.
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Personnel Prep
Speaker provided talking points and 5 “most expected/ 5 “most challenging”
Information environment assessment conducted
Speaker media prep “murder board” conducted
Facilitator selected and briefed
Escorts selected and briefed
Interpreters selected and briefed
Rehearsal conducted
SMART37 aims established
Site Prep
Briefing area secure and separated from the from the HQ’s/unit’s operations
centre or other sensitive spaces
Briefing area separated from generators or other noise
Briefing area large enough to accommodate anticipated audience with seating
Adequate electrical power and outlets for video equipment
Sufficient lighting and has it been checked/tested
Suitable WiFi
Suitable backdrop
Are the following items on hand (as appropriate):
Podium Pointer
Public address system Computer w/ CD/DVD
Projector screen Video Projector
Splitter box Television monitor
Lighting system Visual aids
Maps of area of operation News releases / press packets
Interpreter booth
Video camera or digital voice recorder to record briefing
Event catered or refreshments provided (as per funding regulations)
Sequence Plan
Secure media reception area
If necessary, media searched passing through security (Entry Control Point,
Building security, etc.)
Escort media into briefing area
Ground rules established by facilitator prior to SME arrival
SMEs introduced
Questions monitored and ground rules enforced
Escort media to reception area when briefing complete
After action review (AAR) completed and forwarded to CPAO
37 Specific – target a specific area for improvement; Measurable – quantify or at least suggest an
indicator of progress; Assignable – specify who will do it; Realistic – state what results can realistically
be achieved, given available resources; Time-related – specify when the result(s) can be achieved.
General Layout for a Press Conference
Separate Appropriate Backdrop
for Spokesman
Area for
Question Question
Question Mic
Media Seating Area
Video Camera Area Separate
Audio Board for Spokesman
Access to
Splitter Box
Media register,
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receive media
Interpreters’ Media kits and sign
Booth Media
Registration for headphones
Kits here
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A News Release/ Press Release is a written communication that reports specific but brief
information about an event, circumstance, new equipment, or other happening.
The following checklist highlights the considerations for preparing a news release:
Decision Criteria
1. Is the information newsworthy?
2. What are we trying to achieve with the news release?
3. Is it more appropriate to have a news conference to get this information out?
4. For example:
a. Is the issue too complex for a news release?
b. In crisis situations, it is important to show that NATO has control of the situation and who is in
c. Will a news release give the perception that the organisation is hiding something?
5. Are we the appropriate organisation to be putting out this information? We do not speak for
NGOs, our allies, other governments or civilians.
6. Use news releases judiciously. Constantly posting releases with nothing substantive become
‘white noise’ and are soon ignored.
1. Does the release answer the five Ws and two Hs? Are there any other details that should be
2. Information arranged in descending order of importance (inverted pyramid)?
3. Does the release simply state the facts and events - no adjectives or adverbs?
4. Is the news release brief enough?
5. Does the news release conform to NATO style considerations?
6. Is the news release on proper letterhead with the name of a contact person?
7. Is the news release properly dated?
8. Is the news release for general, immediate, or delayed release?
9. Are the words ‘-END TEXT-‘ positioned at the end of the news release?
10. Are ‘Notes to the Editor’ positioned after the ‘-END TEXT-‘?
11. Make sure that you ‘accept all changes’ in the document and resave it to remove traces of earlier
edits AND the DRAFT watermark.
12. Have you checked that the contact phone number works what happens out of working hours? Is
there a duty officer number?
13. Has the news release been translated (if required and after approval)?
1. Have proper clearances by the chain of command been obtained?
2. Is the PA TechNet aware?
1. To whom will you send the news release? Have you given copies of the news release to all of the
appropriate agencies?
2. How will you issue the news release?
3. When exactly will you release it?
4. Have you prepared a web version of the news release?
5. Will the release be posted on the social media sites?
Post Release
1. Is the original hard copy news release with original approval signatures on file?
2. Is the final, approved electronic version of the news release filed in the office electronic archive?
3. Did we meet our aims in distributing this news release?
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SHAPE welcomes Romanian Chief of Defence Staff
13 January 2020
SHAPE, Belgium – The Romanian Chief of Defence Staff Lieutenant General Daniel
Petrescu visited Supreme Headquarters Allied Powers Europe (SHAPE) in Mons,
Belgium on Monday, Jan. 13, 2020.
Supreme Allied Commander Europe General Tod D. Wolters hosted Lieutenant General
Petrescu during the scheduled visit. The two and their staffs took part in discussions
focusing on: Headquarters Multinational Division South-East, Romania’s contribution to
NATO’s Readiness Initiative and Command Structure Adaptation, and the status of
training initiatives along with the country’s focus within NATO throughout the new year.
Romania joined the Alliance as a member nation in March 2004 after the Prague Summit.
They have contributed to missions in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Albania, Afghanistan and
- END -
SHAPE, Belgium (Jan. 13, 2020) Supreme
Allied Commander Europe General Tod D.
Wolters, left, greets Romanian Chief of
Defence Staff Lieutenant General Daniel
Petrescu during a visit to Supreme
Headquarters Allied Powers Europe.
During the visit General Wolters and
Lieutenant General Petrescu held
discussions focusing on Romania’s
involvement within NATO for the New
Year. (SHAPE Photo by MC1 Brett Dodge)
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Exercise Dynamic Mariner/Flotex-19 is a Crisis Response Exercise with an emphasis on
the training of the NATO Response Force Maritime element (NRF/M) and NATO Forces
on the littoral. The exercise is also a part of the Spanish Maritime Forces (SPMARFOR)
certification process for the NRF 2020.
The exercise will take place off the coast of Spain in the Atlantic Ocean, Mediterranean
and the adjacent territorial waters, land and airspace of Spain in the period 7-18 Oct 2019.
The exercise will be conducted in the following phases:
Phase 1: Harbour Phase (06-07 October 2019)
Phase 2: Training Phase (08-13 October 2019)
Phase 3: Operational Phase (13-18 October 2019)
Distinguished Visitors and Media Day (DVD/MD) will be held in two periods in 11 October
2019. The first period will be held in Sierra Del Retin area where DVs and media will follow
amphibious landing operations between 0900-1100. DVs and media will then be
transported onboard ESPS Castilla. Press Conference will be held between 1230-1300
on board ESPS Castilla, finally between 1430-1600 DVs and media will follow Aero-Naval
Note: The NRF is a highly ready and technologically advanced, multinational force
comprised of land, air, maritime and Special Operations Forces (SOF) components that
the Alliance can deploy quickly, wherever needed.
The exercise involves more than 2000 sailors from 11 NATO nations; Belgium, Canada,
France, Germany, Greece, Italy, Norway, Portugal, Spain, Turkey and the United States.
23 surface ships, 2 submarines and 18 air assets (including Maritime Patrol Aircrafts and
Helicopters) will participate this exercise. NATO Command groups will also participate
including Allied Maritime Command, Standing NATO Maritime Group One (SNMG1) and
Standing NATO Maritime Group Two (SNMG2).
The exercise will include specific training such as; Surface, Air, Anti-Submarine Warfare
(ASW), Anti-Surface Warfare (ASuW), Mine Counter Measures (MCM), Amphibious,
Hybrid and Force Protection (FP) operations.
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Participant Nations
Participant Assets
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Agency Type of
Office phone Mobile
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What’s Your Opening statement that outlines your organisation’s view point
3. 3.
4. 4.
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Date: Candidate:
Type of Event:
Performance :
Non-verbal communication:
Response to
Respectful Courteous Focused Not intimidated
Voice Eye contact Gestures Mannerisms / Tics
Signature of Debriefer
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any significant change to the status of embedded media through the theatre
c. ACO and ACT reserve the right to deny, postpone or cancel any embed request
and will not be liable for any expenses incurred by the journalist or media outlet in
preparation for the embed program, including the cost of airline tickets,
vaccinations, passports, visas, etc.
9. Ground Rules.
a. The aim of media ground rules during embedded media operations is to protect
OPSEC and ensure that embedded journalists have clear guidance regarding what
they can expect from the host unit. The media ground rules recognise the
journalist’s right to report and are not intended to prevent the release of derogatory,
embarrassing, negative or non-complementary information. There is no specific
review process for media products, however some nations may require factual
review of media reports. With respects to OPSEC, PA staff has the authority to
review any reporting of potentially sensitive operational issues to ensure there are
no breaches of security prior to release to the media and to the general public. The
PAO’s objective should be to work with the journalist to remove the sensitive
material in an amicable, professional manner. Content will not otherwise be
b. Should a journalist obtain photographs or video of operationally sensitive
information or casualties the PAO should review the images, determine the risk to
OPSEC and either embargo the photos until release would no longer threaten
NATO lives or missions or request that the journalist delete or record over the
images. At no time with the PAO, escort or NATO personnel confiscate accredited,
registered media’s camera or equipment.
c. Embedded journalists must understand the ground rules and agree to follow them.
Ground rules will be agreed to in advance and signed by the embedding journalist
and by an appropriate supervisor/representative of the media outlet prior to the
embed. Violations of these rules may result in termination of embed status and
removal from the NATO area of operations. A standard set of ground rules are at
Annex 4-Q to this chapter. Journalists should be encouraged to carry a signed
copy of the ground rules with them at all times while embedded.
10. Disputes. Disputes on ground rules should be settled as soon as possible at the
lowest possible level by negotiation without recourse to any outside jurisdiction or third
party. If the issue cannot be resolved locally, it will be forwarded through the chain of
command to the theatre Commander through the theatre PAO for final decision.
11. Administrative Requirements, Medical and Physical Fitness. Journalists must
meet the following conditions prior to authorization of an embed:
a. Journalists should be medically certified that they are physically fit for travel, can
withstand the climate, and can cope with the physical demands of the operation
before arriving in theatre. Journalists are responsible for bringing any allergy kits
and personal medication, and to advise the operational PAO and the specific
formation or unit of any special medical requirements before agreeing finalizing the
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embed. The journalist must complete the Personal Biographical, Medical and
Preference Statement at Annex 4-S;
b. Journalists selected for embed are responsible for ensuring that they receive the
proper immunisations specific to the AOR and be prepared to provide
c. Journalists should be physically fit and prepared to withstand the rigorous
conditions required for the particular environment in which the NATO formation or
unit will be operating;
d. Journalists are responsible for obtaining their own passports and visas and any
additional life, medical and air evacuation insurances. Journalists or their
employers will be responsible for costs incurred while in a civilian medical facility;
e. Embedded journalists will provide necessary personal information for records
purposes. This information will be accorded a protected category and will only be
used for the purpose for which it was collected.
12. Logistics.
a. Out-of Theatre Transportation. In most instances, the journalist will be responsible
for travel to and from the AOR and will pay for food and accommodations while
staying in a commercial facility. Journalists will not be allowed to use their own
vehicles while operating with military units.
b. In Theatre Transportation. NATO forces will only provide transport to media while
covering NATO operations, events and activities. Journalists who choose dis-
embed to cover non-NATO stories are responsible for their own transportation.
c. Rations and Billeting. Rations and billeting must be agreed upon with the host unit.
The general principle is that the media should get the same treatment as a service
member, with no special care or appeasement in order to give that journalist the
best view of what service members are experiencing.
d. Level of Access. Level of access (escorted at all times, escorted part-time or
unescorted) must be determined with the host unit and agreed upon by the PAO.
It is the PAO’s job to explain this to the journalist and a dual responsibility between
the host unit and PAO to enforce the agreement.
13. Media Injuries and Casualties.
a. NATO forces will provide emergency first aid treatment to any media
representative who has been injured while embedded with a NATO formation or
unit in accordance with NATO or national regulations. Injured media who are also
contaminated by chemical, biological, radiological and nuclear (CBRN) may not be
repatriated until the situation is resolved. Repatriation of journalists who have been
killed or injured is the responsibility of the media organisation employing the
journalist. Media outlets employing freelance journalists must pay particular
attention to this responsibility.
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b. Embedded journalists and the media organisation they represent are responsible
for ensuring they have adequate indemnity and insurance coverage.
c. If an embedded journalist is seriously injured or killed in the course of military
operations the following procedures will be followed:
i. The unit to which the journalist was embedded must immediately notify the
chain of command and the PA office that facilitated the embed. The death
of a journalist while embedded with NATO troops would be a significant
news story, therefore, the information must be passed informally up the PA
chain, through PA duty staff, concurrently with chain of command
ii. The PA office that organised the embed will confirm the facts with J3 and
then notify the journalist’s registered contact immediately.
iii. The theatre headquarters PAO will act as the in theatre point of contact for
the journalist’s parent organisation or nominated POC. In some instances it
may be possible for national air assets to evacuate or repatriate journalists
injured or killed while embedded with NATO troops but the primary
responsibility lies with the journalist’s parent organisation or next of kin.
14. Equipment, Clothing and Services.
a. Journalists are responsible for providing an appropriate carrying bag or rucksack
for their own personal equipment, clothing, sleeping bag, personal protective
equipment, and hygiene items. They should also provide their own environmental
protection items (e.g. insect repellent, sunscreen), water bottle, flashlight, and
eating utensils. All clothing and equipment must be subdued in colour and
b. While stationed at established bases of operation, the military organisaton will
provide rations, workspace and basic accommodation commensurate with that of
the service member. Media may have access to morale facilities, mess, and postal
services where they exist according to local policy. Embedded journalists should
be aware that conditions of forward outposts or on board ships may be more
austere than those found at established operational bases. The basic needs
(security, food and water) of the journalist will be met to the greatest extent possible
during forward deployed operations or when embarked; however, it should be
understood that comfort, story filing/transmission and workspace limitations may
15. Communications Equipment.
a. Embedded journalists must provide their own communications equipment.
However, if these are unusable, the Commander may authorize and is encouraged
to permit the use of unclassified military communications equipment for
transmitting media products depending on operational tempo and availability of the
equipment. The NATO aim in facilitating media access is to enable the journalist
to report on the operation, therefore necessitating the ability to file products.
Restricting access to communications must not be used as a deliberate means of
censorship. Specific guidance should be included in respective Annex TT to the
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OPLAN Paragraph 5 (Command and Signal), and should be coordinated with the
b. No communications equipment used by media (e.g. mobile phone, satellite phone,
wireless internet computer) will be specifically prohibited. However, the
Commander may impose temporary restrictions on those devices or embargoes
on the information in order to safeguard classified information or for other security
or operational reasons (see paragraph 19). Unless specifically authorized by the
Commander or a designated representative, media will seek approval to use
electronic devices while on patrol or tactical missions to prevent the risk of
undesired detection, electronic interference or detonation of signal initiated
16. Protection of Media and Equipment.
a. Journalists who have been granted embed status with NATO forces will be
accorded protection of their person and equipment as allowed within authorized
Rules of Engagement. It should be recognised that NATO in pursuing its mission
cannot guarantee the personal safety of embedded media or their equipment.
b. Journalists who leave the protection of a NATO facility or forces to meet their
organisation’s ‘fixers’ or support personnel do so at their own risk. If media wish to
cover news outside of NATO forces and facilities on a regular basis, they should
officially withdraw from embedded status so that other journalists may have the
opportunity to cover NATO operations, training and exercises.
17. Media Access.
a. The aim of embedding media is to provide them access to allow them to report
what is happening and to add context to that reporting. To that end, every effort
must be made to allow embedded journalists to see a full range of activities
undertaken in support of the mission, view mission preparations and debriefings
and to speak to people who can explain NATO’s position. Some of these
discussions will be on background and others on the record. Staff should always
be aware that even if a discussion is on background classified information is not
for sharing with journalists.
b. A liaison officer may be assigned to large groups of media from the same agency.
This person will be responsible for ensuring that the journalists are assisted while
with the formation/unit and that they receive the appropriate support. The liaison
personnel will also be responsible for assisting the media in observing activities
once authorized by the Commander.
18. Training and Briefings. Journalists will be required to attend security/safety briefings
when deploying into theatre and will be given additional briefings depending on the
type of operation they will cover. Journalists will not participate in weapons training.
19. Embedded Media Reporting on Casualties and Missing Personnel.
a. Mil PAOs will release as much information as possible to the public commensurate
with OPSEC and next-of-kin (NOK) notification of the casualty’s nation. OPSEC,
patient welfare, patient privacy, and NOK/family considerations are the governing
concerns related to media coverage of wounded, injured, and ill personnel located
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3. Movement Rules.
a. Embedded Media will not enter any classified areas e.g. Tactical operations
centres or Intelligence cells without a military escort.
b. Embedded Media will follow instructions regarding their activities and movements.
c. Embedded Media working with national units under NATO command will be
required to comply with relevant national military codes of conduct and rules for
embedded media.
4. Interview Rules.
a. All interviews with NATO personnel will be on the record. Security of information
will be the responsibility of the NATO personnel being interviewed. Prior to any
interview taking place, Embedded Media must inform the NATO member that he
or she is being interviewed on the record. NATO personnel always have the right
to decline to be interviewed.
b. Interviews with NATO personnel are authorized upon completion of missions and
patrols; however, release of information remains subject to compliance with these
5. Release of Information and Embargoes.
a. Embedded Media will take care when datelining products to avoid releasing
location information which may jeopardise OPSEC. If in doubt advice should be
sought from the PAO.
b. Embargoes may be imposed to protect OPSEC. Embargoes will be lifted as soon
as the OPSEC issue has passed.
c. Embedded Media are to be self-sufficient with respect to filing product. On
occasion, Embedded Media may, subject to national regulations and availability
limitations, be allowed to file products via military communications systems.
Embedded Media may not be allowed to connect privately-owned computers or
USB thumb drives to military communications systems. Therefore, they should
have the capability to burn to CD/DVD. Bandwidth limitations may restrict the ability
to file video and large files.
d. The following categories of information are releasable, subject to the restrictions
set out in Paragraph p. (below):
i. Arrival of NATO units in the AOO when officially announced;
ii. Approximate friendly force strength figures;
iii. Non-sensitive, unclassified information regarding air, ground and maritime
operations, past and present;
iv. The size, composition and capabilities of a force participating in an ongoing
action or operation may be sensitive and Embedded Media may be
removed for breaching OPSEC when reporting on those aspects of the
operation. If in doubt advice should be sought from the PAO;
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iii. Media visits to medical facilities are authorized and will be conducted in
accordance with applicable national regulations, standard operating
procedures, operations orders and instructions by attending physicians. If
approved, service or medical facility personnel must escort media at all
iv. Patient welfare, privacy, and next of kin/family considerations are the
governing concerns about news media coverage of the wounded, injured,
and sick in medical treatment facilities or other casualty collection and
treatment locations.
v. Permission to interview or photograph a patient will be granted only with the
consent of the attending physician or facility commander and with the
patient's expressed, informed consent, which must be, witnessed by the
escort. ‘Informed consent’ means the patient understands his or her picture
and comments are being collected for news media purposes and that they
may appear in news media reports.
8. Conclusion. In the event of any doubt as to the requirements placed upon Embedded
Media by these ground rules clarification should be sought through the Public Affairs
Office which facilitated the placement.
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a. “I am not aware of any existing physical or health conditions which would adversely
affect my participating in strenuous activities.”_______ (Initial) (Medical certificate is
b. “I have read the media ground rules provided to me by (insert unit) Public Affairs staff
and agree, with my signature, to abide by them. I also understand that any violation of
these ground rules is cause for the revocation of my accommodated media status with
NATO.”________ (Initial)
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2. Acknowledge and agree that covering combat and other military operations is
inherently hazardous and may result in death, personal injury, whether physical or
otherwise, or damage to property, and wishing in any event to participate in covering
combat and other military operations, voluntarily consent to participate and assume
any risks that may be associated with said participation.
3. Acknowledge, agree and declare that I have been advised of the nature of covering
combat and other military operations, that I have been advised of the procedures and
safety measures in effect and that I agree to abide by them.
4. Acknowledge, agree and declare that I have been advised that NATO’s Allied
Command Operations, in pursuing the successful accomplishment of its mission,
cannot guarantee my personal safety or the safety of my equipment.
5. Waive all claims of any nature or kind, including, but not limited to claims for personal
injury or damage to property, against NATO, Allied Command Operations, Supreme
Headquarters Allied Powers Europe, and its military personnel and civilian employees,
in any manner arising out of, based upon, occasioned by, attributable to or connected
with my participation in covering combat and other military operations while being an
accommodated media:
a. Agree that I will not commence or maintain against any person, any action or
proceeding which will give rise to a claim against NATO, Allied Command
Operations, Supreme Headquarters Allied Powers Europe, and its military
personnel and civilian employees for contribution or indemnity;
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c. Acknowledge having read this liability waiver in its entirety and, understanding
that this waiver is intended to be broad and all-inclusive so as to preclude any
claims, I voluntarily indicate my acceptance of this document by my signature.
Dated: (DD/MM/YYYY)
(Tel) (Tel)
(Mobile) (Mobile)
(Email) (Email)
_________________________________ _______________
(Print Name)_______________________
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Journalist Information
Full name
E-mail Address
Phone Phone
Organisation Date of
Birth and
Height Date of
Nationality Passport
Passport Date of
Country of Expiry
Employer Information
Name of
E-mail Address
Phone Phone
Personal Emergency Notification - Emergency notification is the responsibility of the media outlet. Who at
your media outlet do you suggest to perform this function?
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Primary Agent
Full name
E-mail Address
Phone Phone
Full name
E-mail Address
Phone Phone
I declare that the above statements are, to the best of my knowledge, correct.
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Medication Allergies:
Environmental Allergies:
Physician’s Comments:
Name (please print)
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Comments on Reporter(s)
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vii. Signage Systems/ displays/ notice boards (for messages and staff
viii. Corporate Social Media channels.
ix. Audio messages.
x. Visual email (video).
xi. Email – mass distribution emails.
xii. Intranet.
xiii. Internet.
xiv. NATO Magazines such as Joint Warfare Centre’s ‘The Three Swords’,
SHAPE Community Life, LANDCOM’s ‘LANDPOWER’, etc.
xv. Mass media.
6. Writing Standards. When writing internal communications products, such as
newsletters or content for the Intranet, apply the basic journalism standards. See
Appendix C, Basic Journalism and Appendix D, ACO/ACT Style Guide.
7. Conclusion. ACO’s /ACT’s personnel are ambassadors in their respective
organizations. By keeping our personnel informed of operations, events, and policies,
and fully engaged, they can contributing significantly to the mission objectives of the
organization. Obviously, the rules governing release of information and information
security apply when communicating in- and outside of ACO/ACT and NATO. The
range of methods used to deliver internal information will ultimately depend on the
organization, Commander’s preferences, its personnel and the existing organizational
culture, the resources available, and the PAO’s initiative.
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Annex 5-A Feature Story Example which could appear in internal magazine
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He decided to get up and greet the children, and they were eager to shake his hand and
say "What’s up” in their best English.
According to Wynn, additional benefits to the course are the lessons in leadership and
culture that troops can take back to their units after completing the camp.
"More NCOs need to make efforts to get to these schools,” said Wynn.
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with the J-9, CIMIC, Info Ops and Legal Advisors to ensure that you stay within the
PAO lane when getting involved in non-traditional Engagements activities. A KLE
typically involves gathering local community leadership together to discuss issues
impacting the battlespace environment. Examples of KLE in operations include:
a. The senior NATO Commander meets with high level political and military officials
to share future plans for military deployments or withdrawal of troops in order to
coordinate governmental support of smooth transition between international and
indigenous forces.
b. Regional Commander meets with the local provincial police chief to ensure that
respective standards of conduct are understood.
c. Local leaders from a coastal village in Somalia meet with the crew onboard a
NATO counter-piracy warship to establish an open lone of communication with the
local population of coastal Somali villages.
d. A Task Force level Commander meets with a local religious leader to foster a
sense of cooperation and to assess how the local population perceives the task
force presence.
e. PAO needs to maintain awareness of the other players, both NGOs and GOs, and
stay abreast of the issues and areas of responsibility that can cause friction if
crossed. Many NGOs have highly developed skills and understandings of the local
areas and might know how to interact with the culture better than a recently
deployed military force. However, keep in mind that most NGOs do not want to be
perceived as interacting with the military because it gives the appearance of
collusion, thus making them a target for insurgents or tarnishing their reputation as
independent entities. Approached with sensitivity, they may be prepared to
develop constructive relationships and share some information, but will probably
be very keen to avoid any publicity.
f. When deployed, military members, families and home station civic organisations
often enjoy collecting clothes, toiletries and toys to give away at locations where
they are needed most, such as refugee camps and orphanages. This may be a
rewarding experience for the military members and done with the best of intentions
to help people that need these items, but it can cause repercussions for the local
governments, tribes, refugee community and organisations that oversee these
issues (such as the United Nations High Commission for Refugees). Likewise,
actions like these occasionally present logistics issues that the PAO cannot solve
without significant assistance from outside of the PAO’s immediate control.
6. Planning Considerations. Engagements can be very effective when done correctly.
Prior to engaging in a Engagements event, consider the following:
a. Know Your Organisation. Before conducting Engagements, it is critical to
understand the history, purpose and objectives of your military organisation (NATO
military installation). Make sure you know what past issues have shaped the
current relationship that exists with the community. Identify the military units that
comprise your organisation and the principal decision makers.
b. Know Your Community. It is equally critical to know your local community;
specifically, what it knows and thinks about your organisation. If applicable, to
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better understand your community, recommend close coordinate with your Base
Support Group/ Garrison Command as they work closely with the local community.
To this end, a community-survey file can help you structure some of the information
you need to gather to better understand your community. A community-survey file
template can be found at Annex 6-B.
c. Building Better Relationships. To help you foster and maintain the relationship
between your military organisation and your local community, the following five
elements should be included in your Engagements program:
i. Networking: building an extensive network of contacts within the community
is the first step towards developing a strong relationship. Find opportunities
within the community to go out and meet community stakeholders.
ii. Presentations: presentations allow one-on-one contact between the
community and military leaders. Identify opportunities to make or organise
presentations to the community that inform them about the issues that most
concern them. During these presentations, continue to build on your
network of community contacts by inviting your stakeholders to bring along
a guest.
iii. Community Events: being seen in the community is important to building
and maintaining a strong relationship. To that end, with the help of your
community stakeholders, identify community events in which members of
the NATO military installation can participate.
iv. Special Events: invite the community onto the base or ship to provide them
with an opportunity to meet military personnel in an environment that is both
new and interesting. An example OPORD for an installation open house is
at Annex 6-E.
v. Local Media: the local media can have a strong influence on the community,
and may represent an excellent way of communicating with it. You will likely
meet local media at community events. Over time, your relationship with the
local media will provide you with a greater understanding of the community,
and will allow you to communicate more effectively with the community.
d. Engagements Event Sponsors. At times it may be appropriate to co-host a
Engagements activity or have an event sponsored by a local group. In these
circumstances, ACO/ACT directives and regulations on contracting and partnering
must be observed. Prior to involvement with these activities, a PAO should ensure:
i. The event does not appear to endorse, selectively benefit or favour, any
private individual, special interest group, business, religious, ideological
movement, commercial venture, political candidate, or organisation;
ii. The event does not solicit votes in a political election; and
iii. Does not endorse commercially sponsored events intended to increase
sales and business traffic (such as a business, mall grand opening, motion
picture promotion, etc.)
iv. Confer with the legal advisor prior to committing to support to such events.
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e. Engagements/ Base Tour General Guidelines. Tours tell a portion of the NATO
story to visitors and should be tailored to coincide with the interests of different age
groups. Often referred to as civic leader tours, the audience is composed of key
community leaders connected to a local issue or where general civic education
can be justified.
i. Include participants from a cross-section of community or business
leadership (consider age, gender, race, ethnic and occupational
backgrounds). Theme-based tours, such as environmental, small business,
personnel, education, to name a few, can be excellent ways to focus in on
key community leaders and their issues without diluting the message by
doing a broad-based tour. Community and opinion leaders who can
influence public opinion for the theme/objective selected for the tour, or
inform and educate their communities and peers, should be considered.
ii. For all tours, specific communication objectives should be developed. Limit
time spent in briefings and increase contact with people and operations.
iii. Orientations, demonstrations and briefings should be scheduled during
normal duty hours as much as possible so the impact on your personnel’s
off duty hours limited. PAOs working with SMEs shall ensure that all
briefings, demonstrations, and orientations are security cleared for
presentation to the general public.
iv. A planning checklist for base tours is at Annex 6-F.
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Let me offer one word that demonstrates how vital a solid community relations
(Engagements) plan is — Vieques. In a Nov. 4, 1999, press briefing, Secretary of Defense
William Cohen told reporters that the Navy was at least partly at fault for the crisis.
"The Navy has not really done a very good job in their relations with the people of Vieques
and Puerto Rico," said Cohen. "We hope to do better in that regard."
What happened in Puerto Rico could just as easily happen elsewhere should we not learn
from it.
The necessity of a good program was driven home to me as the firestorm of public outrage
erupted Feb. 3, 1998, after a Marine EA-6B Prowler severed a cable car line near the
Italian ski resort of Cavalese killing 20.
As U.S./Italian bilateral relations deteriorated as a result of this accident and the highly
publicized trials that followed, it became abundantly clear just how necessary it was to
have good relations with our local communities before something like this happens.
The importance of interacting with the local Italian community to promote trust had never
been greater. The Cavalese cable car incident presented us with the challenge of
mending fences and strengthening bonds here in Sicily.
Prior to the disaster, I would classify our Engagements program as merely adequate.
While I didn’t find it to be the most exciting aspect of the base PAO job, we did run the
occasional base tour, hosted parties for orphans and threw the gates open for the locals
every summer for an annual Fourth of July blowout.
Following the Cavalese incident, we sat down, re-evaluated our programs and saw the
need to turn up the heat. After going back to the drawing board, we created a new battle
The difficulty with Engagements in general is that it’s a vague term and success is difficult
to measure. To attempt to counter this, we articulated a goal — bolster the image of
deployed American service members and their families.
We surmised that by engaging in comprehensive and proactive Engagements, we would
attempt to dispel speculations and suspicion of U.S. activities behind the gates of Naval
Air Station Sigonella (NASSIG). Involvement with all facets of the general population
would promote a better understanding of the U.S. military, its members and our reason
for having a presence in their community.
To do this, we targeted four principal audiences to provide a variety of ages and social
classes — a wide cross-section of Sicilian society — to promote a better understanding
of U.S. presence in Italy. The following groups have been the focus of the effort since the
program kicked off in March 1998:
1) Business and Civic Leaders: Base tours were offered and given to business
organizations such as the Lion’s Club and Rotary Clubs of several cities to educate
business leaders on the role of the U.S. military in Europe. Targeting business and
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The Area
Geographical description:
o Size of area.
o Population and demographics.
o Climate, topography, annual and seasonal temperatures, rainfall, etc.
Historical data.
Economic data:
o Types of industry.
o Unemployment rate.
o Cost-of-living index.
o Direct benefits of base.
Civic Government
Key personnel in local and regional governments.
Offices of federal and provincial elected officials.
Women’s groups.
Youth groups.
Business groups.
Labour groups.
Veterans’ groups.
Interest groups.
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Housing units available.
Housing regulations and zoning laws.
Cost and adequacy.
Communications Media
Newspapers, magazines, and newsletters:
o Writers and contacts on military issues.
o Key personnel.
o Deadlines.
o Policy considerations.
o Wire services.
o Type of ownership.
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Broadcast media:
o Radio:
Type of format.
Key personnel.
o Television:
Network affiliation.
Key personnel.
Policy considerations.
Tape format.
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personnel and equipment resources that NATO has at its disposal to support
NATO mandated operations.
f. Many NATO member nations hold special events, open houses or military
equipment displays and capability demonstrations at their bases, wings and unit
levels. These activities are often an important component of community relations
programs, and also fall into the category of special events, exhibits or displays and
give members of the public an opportunity to acquaint themselves with the myriad
tasks NATO nations perform each day.
g. Special events invariably involve media operations and media coverage. A
supporting media plan must be included in the overall PA plan for the event and
must include media requirements, before, during and after the event.
h. In addition to a visual display or show, special events usually also include other
more static exhibit components such as exhibits or displays.
3. Exhibits and displays are a highly effective mechanism to attract public attention and
interest in order to deliver selected messages using a low-tech format.
a. Exhibits and displays are organised at all levels within NATO and, in most
instances, they are intended for the general public. Exhibits and displays can
support a special event or may be a stand-alone attraction. Many NATO nations
already use exhibits and displays in support of nations recruiting activities but they
are also an integral part of Mil PA activities at the Operational and Tactical level.
b. ACO/ACT headquarters co-ordinates exhibitions and displays that are primarily
targeted at the Strategic level. These exhibits and displays are designed to target
the public and generate or enhance specific NATO PA objectives at the Strategic
level. Previous examples include displays at the NATO summits and various
ministerial level meetings.
c. When planning an exhibit, consider its purpose and ask some basic PA planning
questions before you begin:
i. Who is your audience?
ii. What is your message?
iii. How are you going to tell them?
iv. When are you going to tell them?
v. Are there security, privacy or other limiting factors?
d. It is a good idea to plan for and develop promotional material that you know will be
effective for the audience you are trying to target to enhance your ability to deliver
your key messages. Supporting material can include posters, information
brochures, and give-‘away’ promotional items such as lapel pins, pens, etc. On the
more elaborate side, DVD/videos can be produced which inform your audiences
of your specific unit activities. Be aware that these are more costly and require
much more planning time but can be very effective products.
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1. Regardless of the type of event you select to showcase, there are certain
fundamentals which apply to staging or coordinating all special events. PAOs must
consider certain basics to ensure the event succeeds.
2. Although there is a great deal of difference between an air show and a Change-of-
Command parade, both events are similar from a planning point of view.
3. The following checklist includes some of the major factors which PAOs responsible
for organizing or coordinating special events must consider. Note that the non-PA
tasks must be assigned to someone in the Command Group/organizing committee.
The Event Objective or Aim
Plan progress review meetings for agencies to report status and problems.
Make sure the required facilities, such as power, water, and washrooms, are available
at the chosen locations.
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Provide internal audiences with event information through such media as base
newspapers, routine orders, flyers, and posters.
Provide external audiences with information through the local media by using news
releases, public service announcements, and appearances on local radio and
television programs.
Invite local media representatives to preview the event 24 hours before it takes place
or, in the case of parades, to attend dress rehearsals.
Prepare print material early to allow time for translation, film work, or printing.
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6). Specific itineraries and tour scripts will be published prior to the event.
b. Responsibilities:
1). DOM and NMR Echelon are requested to task divisions/NMRs to provide
escorts/guides and support personnel as per the attached excel sheet.
2). Commander NCIA Sector Mons is requested to provide:
i) Sound support for the SHAPE Events Centre. The sound systems and
the Public Announcement system must be in place and tested before
the VIP/Media Day on 7 Sep. A sufficient number of speakers should
be available to permit all attendees to hear the announcements in all
the rooms that are to be used;
ii) Sound support personnel 7, 8 & 9 Sep, 30 minutes before the event.
3). ComDiv (Engagements and Mil PA) has overall responsibility for all events,
and will:
i) Provide public information/media relations;
ii) Provide coordinating staff throughout the weekend and rehearsals;
iii) Produce information leaflets for handout to visitors;
iv) Provide articles to SHAPE Community Life before and after the event;
v) Provide photographic support;
vi) Coordinate artwork for all required signage.
4). BSG is to:
i) Provide and set up a tent with a table and 2 chairs for the Fun Fest visit.
ii) Block use of SHAPE Events Centre for 7-8-9 Sep;
iii) Prepare SHAPE Events Centre for Media/VIP Day and Heritage Days
NLT 10:00, 7 Sep;
iv) Provide small musical ensembles of the SHAPE band during visiting
v) Ensure snack food, coffee and other appropriate beverages are
available for sale, as well as tables and chairs;
vi) Provide souvenir items for sale (Arts and Crafts); and
vii) Produce signage as required.
viii) Ensure the lobby and exterior areas of the SHAPE Events Centre are
thoroughly cleaned prior to the Heritage Days;
ix) Provide and arrange NATO and PfP flags and stands in co-ordination
with BSG Action Officer;
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3) Rehearsal Schedule:
i) A dry run will be held at 11:30 on 1 Sep for all guides and the two buses
to be used that day. Between 13:00 hours and 16:30 hours, the visit will
be run using four buses. A bus tour for SHAPE families will be organized
along the same lines as planned for the Heritage Days.
ii) There will be an additional rehearsal on 7 Sep when local media and
local VIPs will be invited. Timings are for Media at 10:00, and for VIP’s
at 13:30.
d. The ComDiv Coordinator is (RANK, NAME), ext. 1234; the SG Project Officer is
(RANK, NAME), ext. 5678.
DCOS Operations
DCOS Resources
Commander, NCIA Sect Mons
SO NMR Echelon
Commander, SHAPE Healthcare Facility
Internal –
Chief, Public Affairs Office
SHAPE Protocol
BSG Commander
BSG Admin Supervisor
Bandmaster, SHAPE International Band
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Will they be invited to eat with the group? Who will pay?
Will the speakers be tape recorded or videotaped? Have they been notified?
Should seats be reserved for speakers waiting their turns to speak, staying to hear
other speakers, or requiring staff members to listen?
Are speakers prepared to answer questions likely to come from the particular group
(i.e., noise complaints, base construction, and civilian employment)?
Is there a plan for keeping speakers within their scheduled times if the itinerary is
rigid? Do the speakers know?
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Have meals, other accommodations, been arranged for escorts? Who will pay?
Do they know locations of all tour stops and activities? Can they answer questions
about other arrangements made for the group?
Do they have appropriate names and phone numbers to contact if problems or delays
Itinerary and Agenda
Is there a backup plan for events that are tentative or might be affected by adverse
Are other activities or exercises scheduled for the same dates? Will the activity serve
as a detriment to desired tour support or could the tour be enhanced by including the
activity in the itinerary?
Will guests be allowed to bring personal cameras? What safekeeping measures will
be taken if they cannot take cameras into certain areas?
Will all affected areas be clean and spruced up for the visit?
Will the group make any presentations to base officials? Will base officials make any
presentations to the group? Have recipients been advised?
Is a photographer required?
Is WiFi available?
Is there an appropriate mix of standing, sitting, and walking stops on the tour, for the
comfort of the group?
Will one person be available in the ComDiv Engagements Office to coordinate last-
minute changes?
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Escorts should be early and standing by waiting in the event the group is early?
Have information packets been prepared (agenda, fact sheets and biographies)? Will
they be distributed upon arrival or placed in rooms?
Have ground rules been discussed with them? Has the Command Group and others
who might be affected been advised?
Is there a way to get feedback from the group for use in fine-tuning future tours?
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c. To conduct this Media Monitoring and Analysis research successfully, the PAO
therefore first needs to be clear on the nature of the campaign and particular
intended audience. Is this an internal communications effort intended for members
of the military community and their families? Is this a community-based campaign,
or a theatre-based effort to support wider operational objectives? Or perhaps a
strategic-level campaign to support improvement of organisational reputation
internationally? Having the nature of the campaign and intended audience in-mind
will ensure that Media Monitoring and Analysis is focused and thus a relevant and
useful element of the planning process.
d. Media Monitoring and Analysis can support PA planning by identifying the
information needs of an audience: who they are influenced by and how they
receive messages; what the base-line opinions might be; and the appropriateness
and required intensity of PA efforts. In particular, Media Monitoring and Analysis
research should be focused on answering three main questions:
i. How does the intended audience receive messages on a particular topic?
1. For internal audiences, is there an internal newspaper or newsletter, or
do members of the internal community communicate between
themselves on social media? If the latter, is there perhaps a dedicated
Facebook group for the internal audience, or is another platform more
widely used? How often do members of the internal community
communicate on this platform, and does it reach all members of the
intended audience?
2. For community audiences, which local newspapers or TV/radio stations
are particularly followed regarding this topic? Which local journalists are
particularly well-known and respected within the community who might
be able to carry the message? Are there social media groups dedicated
to community life?
3. For external audiences, which outlets are most trusted and consumed;
which journalists have particular standing on which topic; and to which
extent does the audience consume news content in traditional outlets
rather than using social media as the main source of information? Are
there social media ‘influencers’ who are particularly important in shaping
ii. What is the current baseline for media attitude towards your organisation
and topic?
1. Are outlets already ‘on-side’ or does the media itself need to be
considered an audience for opinion change, rather than just as a carrier
of a message? For instance, internal newsletters and newspapers are
likely to be willing to carry an internal communications message in
entirety, while local outlets may, for instance, have a history of publishing
negative stories on the presence of a military base in a community. The
degree to which outlets themselves need to be ‘brought onside’ is an
important media analysis research point which can assist PA planners
in their efforts.
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assessment detailing tone and sentiment (together with any indications of trends
or change) should be written to accompany the data. While qualitative
assessments will inevitably be subjective, it is most effective if the same person
conducts these assessments periodically so that the assessment is as consistent
as possible.
g. These findings should be reported up the Command Chain to the higher
Headquarters, and then onto NATO HQ on a periodic basis (monthly, if possible),
which will compile findings by all commands and issue top-down guidance as
necessary and appropriate. Comparing volume, tone, prominence and
dissemination will enable a holistic understanding of the media space and of
NATO’s share of the voice. Periodic monitoring allows identification of baselines
and trends, from which to measure success later.
4. Mitigating Risk.
a. Once a particular media environment is being monitored on a constant basis and
reported on periodically, it becomes possible to identify outliers of data which merit
further investigation. Such outliers, or variants from the norm, might serve as
indicators and warnings of developing trends or issues to keep an eye on. This
information allows a PAO to take timely and well-considered action.
b. To take one example, media monitors might notice a sudden rise in disinformation
on social media regarding a particular topic. Armed with early awareness of this, a
PAO could, for instance, decide either to set the record straight or increase the
intensity of their own messaging among a specific audience group in order to
passively counter the information confrontation. Whichever action (to include no
action) is taken, Media Monitoring and Analysis allows early awareness of an issue
on which to take a considered decision.
5. Evaluating Success.
a. In the planning stage of a campaign, SMART objectives (objectives which are
Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic and Time-bound), as well as specific
benchmark indications of success, will have been decided upon. Depending on the
SMART objectives of the campaign, Media Monitoring and Analysis may allow a
PAO to measure the performance of their efforts. The findings may also act as an
indicator of Measures of Effect.
b. Measures of performance:
i. Media Monitoring and Analysis can be used to measure campaign
performance in a quantitative and qualitative way. Depending on the pre-
established benchmarks, a change in volume or reporting tone might be
considered a measure of how the campaign is performing in the media
space. For instance, an increase in on-message earned media, or
widespread sharing of owned social media posts, tracked over time could
demonstrate that the message is resonating within the media space, while
a volume which remains the same might indicate that the campaign is nor
performing as well as might have been hoped. With this knowledge, a PAO
can make data-driven decisions mid-campaign in order to tweak messaging
or slightly shift the direction of a campaign to improve performance.
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and spread of social media posts, analysts should sample data for indications of
how extensively data needs to be cleaned before analysis.
d. Many commercial analysis products include automated tools to exclude bots from
social media statistics. If commercial monitoring platforms are not an option for
budgetary reasons, it is possible to identify bots by comparing with the following
shared characteristics:
i. Activity: Posting a huge number of tweets per day. Activity can be calculated
by visiting the profile page of the user and dividing the number of posts by
day. Posting 72 tweets per day (one every ten minutes for twelve hours at
a stretch) is considered suspicious.
ii. Anonymity: In general, the less personal information an account has, the
more likely it is to be a bot. Anonymous handles, screen names and generic
pictures can be particularly indicative.
iii. Amplification: One main role of bots is to boost the signal from other users
by retweeting, liking or quoting them. The timeline of a typical bot will
therefore consist of a procession of retweets and word-for-word quotes of
news headlines, with few or no original posts. A simple identification is
possible by clicking on the account’s “Tweets and replies” bar and scrolling
down the last 200 posts, which will give a reasonable and manageable,
large sample.
e. Botnets are accounts which belong to a single network, and work by re-tweeting
each other’s content. They can often be identified because, despite having only a
handful of followers and having only tweeted a few times, their tweets are often
shared many thousands of times. The tweets of bots in a botnet (network) will often
be identical.
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38 Digital engagement is any conversation that takes place in the digital environment. This can be online, via
social media channels, or application based platforms.
39 Refer to ACO Directive 095-003, ACO Directive on Digital Engagement for more information on policy,
distribution and monitoring aspects of digital media in general, with do’s and don’ts in each area explained. The
2017 document can be found on the SHAPE website at: https://shape.nato.int/public_affairs_office)
41 OASIS planning tool. Determining Objectives, Audiences, Strategies, Implementation plan and Scoring
(Measuring success/effects)
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42 NATO Communications and Information Agency, permanent semi-external contractor for a wide
range of IT-services for the entire enterprise.
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f. More guidance and instructions on the release of information during operations are
listed in annex 8-A in this Handbook.
5. Appearance and Content.
a. PAOs are responsible for content management and the appearance of their
respective Internet websites and social media platforms. Posting information on
the Internet for public access is the same as releasing information through any
other means. Clear approval procedures must be established for the release of
b. PAOs must be fully versed in the cultural sensitivities of all NATO nations and be
mindful when creating content. Furthermore all NATO nations should receive equal
publicity when possible. No one nation should be highlighted on a regular basis.
c. ACO/ACT websites and all respective NATO related accounts on social media
platforms need to be current, easily navigable, visually appealing, interactive, and
consistent in ‘look and feel’ with the NATO Brand Identity Manual (BIM)43.
d. ACO/ACT websites and related accounts on social media platforms should not
duplicate content from other NATO websites but may use extracts and command
specific language to attract attention to the topic issue and then link, share or
retweet (to) the original. Understanding web and social media algorithms it must
be noted that better reach and results will always be with original content. Enough
manning and resources must be acquired within the commands/HQs to enable
collecting original content from VIP engagements, operations, missions and
e. Images posted to ACO/ACT websites and/or social media platforms should be
carefully selected to support a narrative and should be compliant with the
instructions as per Chapter 11 of this handbook.
f. All websites must contain up-to-date contact information that includes an official e-
mail address and phone number of the PA (duty) office(r) or social media
administrator as a minimum. ACO and ACT accounts on social media platforms
should contain convenient links to the respective commands/HQ’s website for this
contact information, and should also have links to other important sites within
g. The public website synchronisation initiative created a consistent ‘look and feel’,
including a standardisation of content elements. For ACO, it is monitored and
supervised by SHAPE PAO in close coordination with the website developer.
Specific direction and guidance is provided in ACO Directive 095-005: Website
Synchronisation. It guarantees all of the websites to have at least the following
information listed below:
i. news articles, latest videos, fact sheets on current missions and operations,
43 BIM (Brand Identity Manual), which comprises of a range of regulations and instructions for the
benefit of further and consistent ‘NATO Branding’, and will be applicable to all of NATO bodies and
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i. Building a social media strategy is vital. You need to know who you want to
reach and what you want to ‘say’ before you produce content.
ii. Always put audience first by asking yourself why the audience should care.
iii. Aim for high-quality content that brings added value. Customize content for
different channels/platforms.
iv. Tailor content to the specific to the digital platform so it is more appealing
to the audience.
v. Use evaluation tools to measure the effects and success of specific
campaigns and posts, to enable to learn and to optimize/improve aspects
of the use of social media.
vi. Consider paid content, as offered by some of the social media platforms
and arrange a practical way for on-line payment by the platform/account
vii. Speak with one ‘voice’ using command messaging. Avoid contradicting
messages on the different websites and social media platforms that you
viii. Use the ‘less is more’ principle. Using minimum text, also in video products
conveying the message often does not need lengthy clarifications and
descriptions. If the audience wants to learn more, direct them (‘call to
action’) to the website you have.
ix. Always attempt using dynamic imagery and videos since those are more
appealing to the audience. Creating organic content as much as possible,
but not hesitate posting or sharing any ‘positive’ stories on ACO/ACT or
NATO in general from non NATO/Government entities.
x. Follow and share messaging from subordinate commands and higher HQs
and utilise it to enable ‘adding’ own level messaging.
xi. The best way to counter disinformation / misinformation on digital
engagement platforms is with factual posts, to include web stories,
videos, infographics, factsheets.
b. Specific for Facebook.
i. Check Facebook analytics for the best times to post.
ii. Keep the text to a minimum as research shows that audiences on Facebook
do not like lengthy posts.
iii. Use hashtags and automated links, if applicable, however do not use the
‘auto-tweet’ functionality to Twitter, since not all information (such as
imagery) will be transferred and the tweets will look unprofessional.
iv. Do not spam the platform with too many posts.
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viii. Avoid gifs or memes that could detract from the professional tone of the
f. Operations Security (OPSEC). OPSEC guidelines must be followed by all units
and HQs in ACO/ ACT involved with digital media campaigns:
i. Establish a robust standard operating procedure (SOP) with the designated
web/social media administrators to ensure that digital media content is
approved by the proper authority and trained in OPSEC.
ii. Monitor official digital media to ensure no inappropriate or sensitive
information is released on the official platforms.
iii. Conduct regular OPSEC training with the PA teams associated with
producing and publishing digital media content.
iv. Next to maintaining a corporate command/HQ website, the use of digital
engagement is the norm and is a convenient means for ACO/ACT
commands and their commanders to communicate in real and near-real
time with their audiences. These accounts are often maintained by
dedicated Public Affairs personnel that write, post and tweet on behalf of
the command or commander. It is vital to realise that the content is the
‘voice’ and position of the command and/or the commander. It is meant to
communicate the commander’s intent and philosophy. The aim is to
broaden and deepen the understanding of ACO/ACT and by engaging with
audiences we can explain our mission, generate support and temper
opposing views.
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All ACO and ACT PAOs will abide by national policies and ensure at all times that Next
of Kin (NOK) is informed by the nation before any information is released by NATO
The following are the general policies for the release of information during NATO
Specific policy should be addressed in the OPLAN, which in turn, will be approved by the
Military Committee and the North Atlantic Council.
1. Personal Information.
a. Avoid release of inappropriate personal information. Generally the name, rank,
position and nationality of a service member is appropriate, but national policies
will dictate. Some nations encourage the release of hometowns in order to draw
public support but other nations discourage this policy for security reasons.
b. It is usually inappropriate to release the names of family members, pay scales, or
other information of a personal nature.
2. Casualty Information.
a. Deaths or Killed in Action.
i. NATO PA offices in theatre will acknowledge deaths or serious injuries to
personnel under NATO command in accordance with the PA principles.
Ideally, NATO Mil PA will inform the media first, and thus be ahead of
adversary efforts to shape and frame media coverage of the situation for
their own purposes.
ii. Release of names, nationalities and personal details of service members
killed or seriously injured is a national responsibility. Where casualties are
incurred during an ongoing operation, relevant and verified information will
be disseminated by NATO PA to the media in a timely fashion, while
respecting the prerogative of troop contributing nations to confirm the
nationality, detailed nature of casualties and the circumstances of the event.
This requires speedy and proactive coordination to ensure message
consistency amongst NATO and national PA communications.
iii. PAOs should take care to ensure that the casualty release does not identify
the nation (e.g. if only one nation is operating in a particular region,
announcing that region will identify the nation and subvert the national
prerogative to release the information). Pro-active staff work will identify the
potential for such issues and the CPAO should coordinate ahead of time for
an amicable solution with the nation.
b. Wounded, hospitalized or ill.
i. National policies dictate the release of information with respect to wounded
and sick NATO service members.
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ii. OPSEC, patient welfare, privacy, and NOK/family considerations are the
governing concerns related to media coverage of wounded, injured, and ill
personnel located in medical facilities or other casualty collection and
treatment centres.
iii. Permission to interview or photograph a patient, including those during
medical procedures, will be granted only with the consent of the attending
physician or facility commander and with the patient’s informed consent,
witnessed by the person responsible for escorting the journalist. ‘Informed
consent’ means the patient understands his or her picture and comments
are being collected for news media purposes and they may appear in any
news media reports. The attending physician will confirm that the individual
is medically capable of giving informed consent.
c. Persons Missing in Action.
i. The issue of missing persons is particularly important since it may be
necessary to withhold information due to the security classification of the
information (i.e. in anticipation of a rescue mission or the need to safeguard
the information from an adversary in the event the person is trying to evade
ii. A restriction on a journalist’s access or an embargo on the release of
information related to a missing person may be established in such cases.
3. National Issues Related to Involvement in NATO Operations.
a. National Caveats.
ii. NATO does not discuss national caveats or restrictions imposed on forces
involved in NATO operations. Such caveats are national business, outside
the prevue of Mil PAOs to comment.
iii. Should question regarding national caveats be posed, the PAO will politely
decline to discuss, while inviting the journalist to contact the appropriate
b. National Troop Contributions.
i. The political headquarters will take the lead on announcing national troop
contributions. Although the numbers might be taken from the theatre
personnel tracking systems, NATO HQ will validate the numbers with the
various national authorities to ensure that the number is accurate and
ii. Once NATO HQ releases the number (typically on the product named “the
Placemat”), Mil PAOs may refer to those numbers on the NATO Website.
4. Prisoners of War (POW) and Detainees.
a. The Geneva Conventions relative to the Treatment of POWs need to be taken into
consideration when providing the media information about POWs. While the
conventions do not specifically mention the release of public information, various
languages in the conventions clearly imply some limitations.
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b. Article 13 states that POWs must be protected “against insults and public
curiosity”. Public curiosity certainly can be taken to mean the news media. Article
14 states that POWs are “entitled in all circumstances to respect for their persons
and their honour”. If potentially disrespectful images were released to the media,
or if the release of an image in itself could be seen as disrespectful, this could be
seen as a violation of the conventions.
c. Finally, Article 16 states that, taking into consideration other provisions in the
convention, “all prisoners shall be treated alike”. Thus, to single out a prisoner of
war to be displayed on TV, might be construed as a violation of the convention.
d. This is not to say that prisoners should never be shown on TV or exposed to the
media. The need to inform the public may well mitigate the release of images or
information about POWs if this is done appropriately and with respect for privacy.
e. Finally, ultimate responsibility for the release of information about POWs is left to
the POW Information Bureaus called for in the conventions. These bureaus collect
and share information so nations and next of kin can be duly informed.
f. When it comes to the release of information about prisoners of war, it is prudent to
be very cautious. The privacy rights of prisoners must be weighed against the need
to inform the public. General images designed not to embarrass or single out
prisoners, but simply to inform the public, are likely acceptable.
5. Court Proceedings, Indictments, Investigations and Evidence.
a. Details about active investigations. Neither PAOs nor Spokespersons should
comment on on-going investigations, whether procedural or criminal. Most
investigations into criminal wrong-doing will be handled by either host nation or
alliance national authorities. PAOs should acknowledge an on-going investigation
and refer questions to the respective authority.
b. War crime indictments. NATO does not prosecute war crimes, therefore any
queries with respect to war crimes or indictments should be referred to either the
national authority or the presiding organization (e.g. The Hague).
6. Operational Security (OPSEC) and Rules of Engagement.
a. Information about Special Operations Forces. Names, units, tactics, techniques,
and procedures should not be released or discussed without the NATO Special
Operations Force Commander’s expressed authorization. Respect national rules
concerning release of information regarding SOF.
b. Intelligence gathering/sharing. Information regarding intelligence gathering,
sharing or collecting should not be released or discussed.
c. ROE. Details about Rules of Engagements and detailed Escalation of Force
procedures should never be released or discussed.
When in doubt, consult your Legal Advisor and Higher HQ PAO.
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1. ACO and ACT policy is to allow comments by external users on all of its social media
sites. Engage with the audience when appropriate, provided this is done by, or in
consultation with the applicable media operations desk officer.
2. Where an answer can be given quickly and simply, respond directly to online
questions and queries. More difficult or detailed questions should be referred to
existing official channels. Media queries should be directed to the appropriate Mil PA
3. All social media platforms should include a clearly posted comment policy that
indicates to users the rules surrounding online interaction. This maintains credibility
when deleting comments that do not adhere to the policy. An example of a comment
policy is as follows:
a. No graphic, obscene, explicit, abusive, hateful, racist or defamatory comments will
be tolerated. These will be removed as soon as identified and offenders may be
b. No solicitations or advertisements. This includes promotion or endorsement of any
financial, commercial or non-governmental agency. Similarly, we do not allow
attempts to defame or defraud any financial, commercial or non-governmental
c. Details about ongoing investigations, or legal, or administrative proceedings that
could prejudice the processes or could interfere with an individual's rights will be
deleted from this page.
d. Apparent spamming or trolling will be removed if (technically) possible on the
specific platform, and may cause the author(s) to be blocked from the page without
e. No copyrighted or trademarked images or graphics may be posted. Imagery
posted should be owned by the user.
f. No comments, photos or videos that suggest or encourage inappropriate or illegal
activity. No documents of any kind should be posted on this page.
g. You participate at your own risk, taking personal responsibility for your comments,
your username and any information provided.
h. All information posted to social media sites will be no higher than unclassified.
i. The appearance of external links or the use of third-party applications on this site
does not constitute official endorsement on behalf of NATO/SHAPE/ACO/ACT.
ACO/ACT - Public Affairs Handbook - 2020
1. The NATO Multimedia portal. Through this portal, you can easily download
professional quality media:
a. B-roll of VIP visits to NATO, including high-level meetings
b. B-roll from exercises and operations
c. Voiced/edited video packages
d. Animations
e. Social media clips
f. Stock shots following news and current affairs
g. NATO press conferences and speeches
h. Archive footage
i. This service is free of charge
j. Use of content
2. Guidelines for the external use of NATO content.
a. No material produced by NATO is to be sold, used for outside advertising or
promotional purposes of any kind.
b. All content taken from NATO and republished must be clearly credited or sourced
to NATO.
c. Photos, videos and articles are released under the legally recognised terms of "Fair
Use" to members of the press, academia, non-profits and the general public.
d. No material is to be used in programs, articles or online publications of any kind
that defame NATO or its member countries.
e. Material is provided, free of charge, for use in objective and balanced content, even
if at times the end products may be critical of NATO.
f. In instances where a member country is criticised, NATO wishes it to be made
known that it does not associate itself with the contents of the article, publication
or broadcast.
3. NATO reserves the right to request the removal of NATO copyrighted material from
any externally created content.
4. Registration is on the website: https://dams.natomultimedia.tv/portal/Register.html
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45StratCom RA has responsibility for the entire StratCom discipline; incl. StratCom, Info Ops, Mil PA,
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c. ETFs are required to keep E&T solutions up to date and ensure the content is
continuously reviewed in line with D&G from DH.
6. Developing a Training Plan.
a. Analysis. Developing a training plan begins with an analysis of the mission,
Commander’s guidance and Higher HQs specified and implied tasks. This
analysis should not be limited to the purely PAO tasks but should also take into
consideration the mission and tasks for the unit that the PAO section supports.
b. Critical Task Development. From this analysis, the PAO then determines four or
five critical tasks required for accomplishing that mission and fulfilling the stated
guidance. These critical tasks will normally be larger scale collective (team) tasks
as opposed to individual service member tasks. For example, a PAO preparing to
deploy might assess the PAO section critical tasks to be:
i. Critical Task 1.Establish and run a NMIC.
ii. Critical Task 2.Prepare the Commander/Spokesperson/SME for media
iii. Critical Task 3.Develop and execute an imagery strategy.
iv. Once establishing these critical tasks, they become the cornerstone for
allocating time and resources towards developing the PAO section’s
c. Sub-task Development. After critical tasks are chosen, sub-tasks can be
developed. The subtasks begin to identify lower-level collective and individual
tasks which are required to be proficient at the critical task. In other words, the
subtasks are the ’bite-sized chunks‘ that can be trained daily. The multiple sub-
tasks should complement each other, building the various skill sets of the section
towards accomplishing the critical tasks.
d. Taking our example forward, the PAO may decide to focus on the imagery
requirements of the mission. The PAO should develop the sub-tasks which
support the critical task as follows:
i. Critical Task 3. Develop and execute an imagery strategy
ii. Sub-task a. Identify imagery opportunities
iii. Sub-task b. Determine imagery needs
iv. Sub-task c. Develop photography skills
v. Sub-task d. Develop video skills
vi. Sub-task e. Format imagery for internet release
vii. Sub-task f. Assess imagery for OPSEC or policy compliance
viii. Sub-task g. Archive and retrieve imagery
ix. Sub-task h. Plan and execute logistics support for the imagery strategy
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courses to Alliance PAOs. There are great opportunities to, not only learn the PA
craft, but also to develop multi-national contacts and insight.
10. Indigenous/Partner Forces Training. Contemporary operations show that Alliance
PAOs will be called upon to training, mentor and assist indigenous and partner
forces with developing and increasing their PA and communications capabilities. The
recommendations and examples within this Handbook proved a good starting place
to begin developing training programs. Higher headquarters, Ministries of Foreign
Affairs and Embassies might also be a good source of information, material and
guidance when pursuing partner force training.
11. Training Products. The following annexes are provided as examples to develop
training resources for your unit’s PA training. These are generic in nature and do not
necessarily comply with each nation’s PA of media policies. They should be tailored
to your particular national policy, mission and Commander’s intent.
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iv. Report the incident through you chain of command and to the PAO.
b. Know your rights. It is your choice whether or not to speak to reporters. If you
decide to speak with a reporter, you may talk without fear of repercussion or
punishment. Keep your answers brief, simple and to the point. Avoid rambling
explanations full of acronyms and jargon. Always be both professional and
courteous. If necessary, ask the reporter to repeat, clarify or rephrase their
questions. Remember that it is okay to say you don't know, you may refuse to
answer any question you feel is inappropriate, and you can end the interview or
conversation any time you desire. If you chose to end an interview or conversation
or chose not to speak with a reporter, know how to do it without causing animosity,
anger or frustration.
c. Know your limits. Stick to subjects within your own area of responsibility and
personal knowledge. Stay in your lane.
d. Remain truthful. If you don't know something, say so. Don't speculate! Don't
repeat rumours! Be honest, accurate and candid. Do not respond to hypothetical
questions, comment on remarks or statements you have not seen or heard. Do not
discuss situations, issues, or subject matters which are outside the expertise of
your command.
e. View media visits as opportunities. Provide escorts and support to accredited
media whenever possible. Emphasize the positive aspects of your unit and
mission, but don't try to hide problems. Introduce the reporters to yourpersonnel.
Show them your equipment and training. Let them understand your motivation
pride and morale. Their inside look at your unit can result in favourable coverage
for your people, their accomplishments, the operation and NATO.
f. Maintain ‘Security at the Source’. Don't violate OPSEC or aid adversaries. Actual
and potential adversaries have access to the information published by the media.
The most effective way to protect classified or sensitive information that might
jeopardize your personnel, unit or mission, or be used as propaganda against our
nation and force is to practice security at the source. If information is inadvertently
provided, remain professional, seek the reporters’ assistance and cooperation or
obtain assistance through the chain of command. Do not attempt to forcibly
confiscate the reporter's film, notes or equipment, or detain, threaten or apprehend
the reporter.
g. Maintain professionalism and composure. When interacting with media, you must
always maintain a professional attitude. Never lose your composure or temper or
give sarcastic responses to questions you feel are inappropriate. Never try to
mislead, equivocate or rationalize. Never threaten, or attempt to physically
interfere with, detain, or apprehend a reporter. Never try to confiscate a reporter's
equipment. Your Rules of Engagement (ROE) and SOPs should include policies
in dealing with the media.
h. Prepare your Personnel. Prior to meeting with the media, personnel should be;
made aware of PA guidance, informed of the NATO perspective, themes and
messages, and briefed to ensure their information is accurate and up to date. They
should not be told what they can and cannot say but should understand the
significance of their actions.
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i. Incorporate media contact into your SOPs, training scenarios, and rehearsals.
i. Just as you task organize your unit for CASEVAC46 and POW47 search, so
should you designate and train media contact teams. Train these teams to
understand how to deal with the media just as in any other battle drill.
ii. Interject media scenarios into your training. Periodically include PA
classroom training and media role-players into field training.
iii. Rehearse actions on media contact as part of your preparation for combat
and troop leading procedures.
j. Report Media contact. Report all media interaction to your command and the PAO.
Use the PAO After Action Review (AAR) format when possible. This allows the
PAO to track media trends and effectively address the media requirements. Also,
good feedback assists the command in developing realistic training scenarios.
4. Understand the resources available to assist you with your PA program.
a. Seek PA guidance. Your chain of command or UPAR should be able to provide
appropriate TPs, themes and messages for anticipated media contact.
b. Seek assistance from the PA Staff. The PAO is trained and resourced to advise
and assist you in developing and executing your media training program.
5. PAO Contact Information – (insert e-mail, phone and mobile numbers)
46 Casualty Evacuation.
47 Prisoner of War.
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1. Blocking.
a. Deftly avoiding the question.
b. Never say “No comment” or refuse to answer with hostility.
c. Try to explain briefly why you cannot answer, usually OPSEC.
d. Bridge to your message.
e. Stay in your lane!
f. Only talk about things in your area of expertise and things of which you have direct
g. “There is a lot you can talk about without talking about what you can’t talk about!”
2. Bridging is a well-known technique to deal with difficult questions and gets you from
the question asked to the answer you want to give (often a key message). Bridging
allows you to:
a. Turn the discussion to your agenda.
b. “Asked about a problem? Talk about a solution.”
c. Present your message and support it.
d. When bridging: block or answer the question briefly, then use a transitional phrase
as a bridge to your message. Common bridging phrases are “what I can tell you”,
“what you should consider”, “what’s important to realize”, etc.
e. When bridging, quickly reframe the question before you answer. By doing this you
can turn a negative question, or a challenge, into something you want to say.
f. Blocking and Bridging Sample:
Q. “Do you think NATO should attack Syria?”
A: “That’s a question for our nations’ leaders; what I will tell you is that soldiers at my
base are trained and ready to perform any mission they are called on to do.”
3. Interview ‘DO’S’.
a. Be polite but firm.
b. Discuss how you would like to be addressed.
c. Ask the reporters their names and try to break the ice.
d. Use the reporter’s first name instead of ‘Sir’ or ‘Ma’am’.
e. Respond to hard questions with ‘bad news’ as willingly as you do good news to
establish credibility and a good relationship.
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f. Take your time: formulate the answer in your mind before speaking.
g. Be brief & concise – 10-20 second responses are appropriate soundbites.
h. Try to avoid using large words, military words, jargon, and acronyms – the
audience for your interview is the Alliance public.
i. Ignore the camera and talk to the interviewer.
j. Remain in control of the interview.
k. Reasoned responses will help you stay in control even if the questions are silly or
l. Always think OPSEC.
m. Stay in YOUR LANE – only talk about matters within your responsibility or personal
n. If you don’t know, say so.
o. Don’t make anything up or speculate.
p. If you can’t talk about something, tell the media why.
q. Be careful of statements of absolute nature.
4. Interview ‘DON’TS’.
a. Participate in an interview that will interfere with your mission.
b. Avoid repeating the negative and evoking the journalist’s frame. Reframe the
question in your words and illustrate the situation, what the organization has done
to make improvements, explain (if true) there is more to come, etc.
c. Do not attempt to cover negative events with a cloak of security or secrecy.
d. It is okay to refer requests for details about serious incidents to higher HQs.
e. Don’t offer ‘off the record’ information.
f. Never lie – you represent NATO and your unit.
g. Do not discuss exact numbers or troop strength (use descriptions like ‘Light’,
‘Heavy’ or ‘Moderate’).
h. Do not discuss political or foreign policy matters – you don’t speak for the political
i. Resist grumbling or thoughtlessly complaining.
j. Don’t forget the adversary is listening.
k. Don’t get trapped.
l. If a reporter claims they have information from a higher HQ, refer them back to that
HQ for clarification.
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m. Don’t try to answer something OUTSIDE your lane! You do not need to answer
every question.
5. Interview Presence (Physical Presentation).
a. Demonstrate Confidence
i. Sound confident.
ii. Be conversational and informal.
iii. Vary your pace and be well-modulated.
iv. Exhibit confidence; don’t be nervous.
v. Speak clear and strong.
vi. Look at the interviewer.
vii. Be open and relaxed.
viii. Be lively, but remember the emotion of the day.
ix. Be interesting.
x. Be friendly, but remember this is business.
b. Focus
i. Control your eyes: Look at the reporter in one-on-one. Look at the person
talking in a group. Look at the camera in a remote.
ii. Use appropriate nonverbal reactions and facial expressions.
iii. Listen carefully and attentively.
iv. Take off sunglasses, headgear, and badges. If sitting, use a stable chair,
not one that swivels/rotates.
c. Clarity
i. Keep it simple but don’t talk down.
ii. Assume your audience knows little about the armed forces. Explain
necessary points and make analogies. Tell a short story.
iii. Avoid jargon, acronyms and bureaucratic/pretentious language.
iv. You’re not briefing your boss; you’re talking to the people at home. Explain
it like you would to ‘grandma’.
v. No profanity!
d. Be mindful of your presentation
i. Open – or closed off?
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b. 5 ‘hardest/ tough’ questions – topics that will require the spokesperson to bridge
to approved talking points.
c. Question the opening statement. How will people understand the position?
d. Coordinate media prep packet with proposed talking points, Q&As with SME as
well as higher HQs Mil PA.
e. Identify 3-5 key points to be made and highlight them on the spokesperson’s media
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1. Pre-Interview.
a. PAO tasks to support the Spokesperson / SME:
Explain PAO role in process.
Research reporter and news organisation, read last stories and develop bio.
While negotiating the terms of the interview with the reporter, ask reporter if they will
provide the topics/questions in advance.
o Follow reporter on social media
o Ground rules.
Coordinate with Media Monitoring and Analysis at SHAPE for pre-/post-analysis.
Obtain and review PAG.
Review command messages, talking points.
What image/themes do you want and NOT want to portray...what do you want the
audience to take away from the interview?
Develop sound bite synopsis.
Who is the target audience for your message?
Attribution rules.
Policy restrictions.
Time limit.
Physical setting of the interview.
SME appearance and body language.
SME concerns (nervous, distrust media, etc.).
Give information on stance and style of reporter.
2. Interview
a. PAO tasks during Interview.
Introduce reporter and SME.
Restate ground rules and OPSEC concerns based on topic of interview.
Establish comfortable, professional climate.
If necessary, clarify any misunderstandings during or post- interview (prior to
reporter’s departure).
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3. Post Interview.
a. PAO tasks during post Interview with Reporter.
Clarify any information needed by reporter.
Clarify any potential misinformation given by SME.
Confirm any of reporter's additional requirements.
Confirm publication/broadcast DTG.
Offer further assistance.
Re-emphasize command's position.
Identify who to contact – follow-up.
Watch reporter/news organisation social media for first impressions and story.
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1. Military families often become the centre of news media attention. Because of this,
family members should know these concepts when dealing with the press.
2. Service members and their families sometimes don't realize they can be the best
(sometimes the only) sources of information for news stories. Their individual stories
are often the best way to tell the military's story, good or bad. Family members should
keep the following guidelines in mind when interacting with media:
a. You have the right to say NO to an interview request. Some reporters have coerced
family members into submitting to an interview by emphasizing the public's ‘right
to know’ and ‘freedom of the press’, but your right to privacy always takes
b. It is NOT harassment if a journalist calls your home or stops you at the supermarket
to ask for an interview. It is harassment to infringe on your privacy or persist after
being told "no".
c. Your home is your property. No one, reporter or otherwise, has a ‘right’ to enter
your home or property unless you grant them that privilege.
d. If you decide to talk with the media, establish ground rules before the interview.
Prior understandings are for your protection, and responsible, professional
reporters will respect these.
e. If you desire, contact your PAO for assistance. PAOs have a working relationship
with the media and can provide advice that will help protect your privacy, yet allow
the news media to report the story.
f. Know with whom you are talking. Before answering questions, get the reporter's
name, organization and phone number - especially if you are going to decline the
request. Your caution will discourage the reporter from persisting.
g. When you agree to an interview, remember that you give away some of your
privacy. Always keep in mind the family's best interest when dealing with the news
h. If you consent to an interview, you may not want your full name to be used. You
should always ensure that your address is not used. Television pictures of your
house are not a good idea. Explain to reporters that your wish to maintain privacy
at your home will help protect your family from harassment by a wide range of
people who could learn through press coverage where the family lives.
i. Appearing on television or being written about in the newspaper could identify you
as a target for unscrupulous salesmen, crank calls, or crime.
j. Know who will hear you. Family members often have information that would be
useful to an enemy. Make sure they understand adversaries also watch television
and read newspapers for intelligence purposes.
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k. Know your limits. Talk only about what you know first-hand. It's okay to answer
with "I don't know." Never make comments or answer questions that talk about
what might happen or could have happened.
l. Know what to keep to yourself. If your spouse calls or writes with news about
casualties, unit locations, or deployment timelines, keep such information to
yourself. Deployments spawn rumours, and some of what you might hear could be
wrong, sensitive, or subject to change.
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Service Member’s
Unit Date
Requirement: Train non-PA service members to interact with the news media in a
tactical environment.
Guidance: Train non-PA service members to perform the following functions:
Determine whether he/she may participate in a media interview.
Follow guidance put out by the chain of command.
Military personnel have the right to express their personal opinion.
Performance Measures. Service member successfully:
Identified legitimate media. Checked ID and press credentials. If the journalist
produces identification and press credentials, continue with the interview. If not,
referred the journalist to the chain of command or PA representative.
Recognizes rights. Service member recognized the right to speak or not to
speak to the media; understood he did not have to answer all the questions;
controlled the length of the interview.
Recognized obligations.
Maintained OPSEC.
Exercised good judgment and professionalism at all times.
Made no negative comments toward a race, religion or culture
Respected host nation sensitivities.
Informed the chain of command of media’s presence, departure, the
general nature of the interview and any violation of OPSEC or ground
Implement these guidelines when speaking with the media:
Gave concise, thoughtful, informed answers.
Did not lie or intentionally mislead the media.
Spoke at appropriate level; discussed only things the military member has
direct responsibility for or has personal knowledge.
Did not speculate or answer speculative questions (what if) questions.
Avoided jargon, acronyms, slang and technical terms.
Used "I" not "we" when stating an opinion.
Explained not being able to answer a question (e.g. OPSEC, personal
privacy, etc.).
Avoided using "no comment."
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UPARs in recent operations have often been the primary POC for media embedded with
their units. Therefore, the higher headquarters PA should provide UPARs specific training
in media facilitation, taking photos, providing information, newsletters, identify personnel
for interviews, and identify interesting unit stories. The following section should serve as
a starting point.
1. Objective: Support higher headquarters PA efforts through various Mil PA functions,
to include media efforts by providing accurate, timely, balanced, credible coverage of
the force and operation while minimizing the possibility that media will disrupt the
2. UPAR Media Escort Responsibilities and Checklist:
You are NOT responsible for the physical safety of the media. Assist them as you
would any other Alliance civilian in a training or operational environment. Provide
direction and guidance to assist them in making smart decisions.
Ensure media does not violate standing force protection measures, such as noise
and light discipline.
Trust service members to tell the unit story and the Alliance public to listen.
Service members have the right not to talk – but not talking can send the message
that the unit has something to hide – especially if the leaders avoid talking to the
Media are not the enemy – they are just out for a story. Make sure to tell your story.
If you accidentally say or show something classified, remain calm, explain the
situation and ask the media for their cooperation. Report the incident immediately.
Never detain or confiscate any material or equipment from bona fide media – it will
make matters worse.
Do not refuse to speak to the media just because they are unescorted.
Be courteous.
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Brief the media - the escorts must know the general situation or should have
access to those who do. Arrange for briefing to the media to ensure accurate
information is passed.
Brief the media on the risks of the situation. Do not needlessly put the media in
harm's way. Media members, especially photographers, will often go to great
lengths for a story, ignoring the risk which might put your fellow service members
at risk.
Issue and collect identification. Provide badges for escorts and media.
Coordinate with Military Police or base defence for site access (if applicable).
Confirm and log entry and exit of media - maintain a record of entries and exits.
Have the tools you need to get the PA job done (communications, messages, PAG,
background materials, camera, etc.).
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Annex 9-G: Media Pocket Card
Do’s of Interviewing General Tips Don’ts of Interviewing
Do be prepared. Reporters generally feel overworked, (YOUR HQ CREST HERE) Do not speculate or guess.
Do tell the truth. underpaid and on deadline. Know this. Do not discuss hypothetical situations or
Do keep your answer short. Respect this. unfamiliar matters.
Do use plain English. You have more power and control than POCKET GUIDE Do not offer personal opinions.
Do use single, clear sentences to make you think. Information is power and you Media Interviews Do not lie or bluff.
your point. have the ability to use that power in a “An interview is a seemingly casual but directed Do not use jargon or long explanations.
Do pause before answering. positive way as a source of information. conversation that clicks open locked doors, Do not lose your temper.
Do answer the question. To conduct a successful interview, answer organizes scattered memories, and penetrates Do not continue talking after you make your
questions in a manner that supports your privacy chambers”.
Do communicate your messages. point.
messages. You may be asked questions Two-time Pulitzer Prize-winning
Do state your message clearly and Do not fill awkward, silent pauses.
that don’t get to the points you wish to investigative reporter Eric Nalder
powerfully. Do not go ‘off the record’ unless you have good
Do address your points to the public make. Bridge to your messages at every reason to trust the reporter.
(reporters are not your ultimate audience). opportunity. Do not fidget.
The physical appearance of a speaker (YOUR HQ TITLE HERE)
Do repeat your points. Do not use sympathetic nodding, which could
should never overshadow what he or she
Do be friendly, honest and yourself. be interpreted as agreement.
has to say. It can, however, make the Public Affairs Office
Do keep calm. Do not wear sunglasses or a hat.
message more convincing. Keep this in
Do use body language effectively. Do not wear distracting clothing, as it gets in the
mind as you prepare for a public
Do maintain eye contact. appearance. Viewers will decide within
way of your message.
eight seconds if you appear credible. Remove badge.
Professional Interview Techniques Professional Interview Techniques Specific Guidelines for TV Interviews Specific Guidelines for Radio/Telephone
Preparations General rules Realize your interview will be substantially Interviews
The media is a vehicle for conveying your REMAIN CALM. Calm always wins the day. edited to fit into a short time frame. Use your voice to create variety and interest.
organization’s messages to the public. If you Defensive and angry are signs of a person in You are always on the air. Say what you have Use descriptive language to illustrate your
don't have a clear sense of what you want to a weak position. If you are easily excited or to say, and then be quiet. Don't fill ‘dead air’. points to help the audience visualize what
convey, how the headline should read, and angered, take a breath and pause before This is an old journalist trick to get you to say you’re talking about.
what you want people to know about your speaking. something you really don't want to say. Raise your voice slightly for key points and
issue, then the chance is slim that you will be KNOW YOUR FACTS. Support your If standing, put one foot slightly in front of the emphasis.
satisfied with the result of the interview. Be messages with anecdotes, statistics and other to avoid swaying. Avoid sudden body Feel free to have notes of key points, facts, etc.
prepared: sound bites. movements (standing up, leaning back in the Avoid ums, ahs and ‘verbal nodding’ - it sounds
Ask yourself “What is my goal with this STAY ON MESSAGE. Use ‘off-message’ chair) that may take you out of camera range. silly on radio.
interview?” questions to bridge back to your message. Hand movements should be small. Find a Make sure you can hear questions clearly. If you
Know the key points you want to make Use phrases such as "That's a good place to rest your hands and keep them are even slightly uncomfortable with the volume
(main messages). question. Before I address it, I'd like to go there. or connection, say so.
Have back-up data to support your points. back my earlier point..." Make eye contact with the reporter. Don't For in-studio radio interviews, sit 6 to 8 inches
Get to know the media outlet: the type of COMPLETE ANSWERS. Don't hop around stare at the camera. from the microphone.
in an interview just because the interviewer is Don't be distracted by activity near you.
publication or program, the interview format Ask the reporter for feedback to ensure he or
- live, taped, solo or multi-guest, length? jumpy. If interrupted or barraged with rapid- Dress appropriately (conservatively). Men - she understands you. With no eye contact or
fire questions, remain calm, finish your button coats if standing, unbutton if sitting. body language, this can prevent
sentence, wait until the interviewer takes a
breath and then pick one question to answer.
TO THE POINT. Be concise - keep your
answers to between 10 and 20 seconds.
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1. Rule of Thirds. The rule of thirds uses two horizontal and two vertical lines to divide
the photograph into nine equal parts (imagine a Tic Tac Toe grid). The subject's eyes
should be placed at or near one of the four intersections, and his/her hands at another
(if the hands are featured). Leave space within the photo for the subject to move or
look into.
2. Move around for a variety of shots:
a. Long shot: It is normally shot 10 to 20 feet from the subject. Called an ‘establishing
shot’, it shows the subject in their environment.
b. Medium shot: Normally taken from seven to nine feet, it identifies the subject and
the action taking place.
c. Close-up: Like the medium shot, it is used to identify the subject and action taking
place, only from a closer position, about three to six feet.
d. Extreme close-up: Shows important aspects of the subject’s job in detail. Shoot as
close as possible to the subject.
e. High and low angles: The key to a successful picture page is varying the shooting
angle. The difference of angles creates interest and can lend power and strength
to the subject if a low angle is used, or can indicate subject inferiority if a high angle
is used.
f. Horizontal and vertical formats: The different formats are essential when designing
a layout; it adds variety.
g. Square frame is needed for use on Instragram.
3. Take more photographs than needed. Sometimes lucky shots are the best. Subject
movement and technical miscalculation may ruin a planned shot.
4. Record cutline information. For every person in the picture, get the first and last
name, rank, unit, location, date and what they are doing in the picture. The cutline info
can be embedded in the ‘File Info’ if you are using Photoshop, otherwise attach it in a
word document or the email sending the photos.
5. Policy on Editing and Alteration. Alteration of digital imagery, beyond what can
normally be done in a Lightroom or Adobe Photoshop is prohibited. Do not use filters
or digitally alter photographs that are being submitted to PAO in any way.
6. Work with your local PAO to determine resolution and image size requirements.
Generally, a high quality or raw .jpg file (1-2 MB overall size) will work. Photos should
be small enough to email.
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all military press officers. In addition DMOC runs a one day Media Skills Course
and a specific Afghan Environment Training course. The DMOC is also developing
a crisis communications course and an OF3/4 planning course that are expected
to start in 2014. (http://www.gov.uk/the-defence-media-operations-centre-dmoc)
i. United States' Defense Information School (DINFOS). There are 12 DINFOS
courses open to international military and civilian students. The courses cover
areas such as public affairs, graphic arts, photography, photojournalism,
broadcasting, videography, multimedia and broadcast maintenance. Courses
range from 1-28 weeks in duration, and most require 85 English Comprehension
Level (ECL), and a 2+/2 Oral Proficiency Interview (OPI). The courses available to
international military and civilian students are listed below:
i. Basic Television Equipment Maintenance Course
ii. Broadcast Radio/Television System Maintenance Course
iii. Combat Camera Leadership Course
iv. Content Management Course
v. Digital Multimedia Course Intermediate Motion Media Course
vi. Intermediate Public Affairs Specialist Course
vii. Intermediate Photojournalism Course
viii. Joint Contingency Public Affairs Course
ix. Joint Intermediate Public Affairs Course
x. Public Affairs Qualification Course
xi. Visual Information Management Course
xii. For more information on the available courses:
2. Advanced Training.
a. Swiss PfP Media and Communications Course - Advanced Level (Crisis
Communication). An advanced course is held every year, usually in the Fall, and
typically accepts 16 students. With its emphasis on communications teamwork and
individual skills, the advanced course is recommended for NATO students who will
be assuming the duties of a CPAO or Spokesperson. There are five seats available
for ACT nominees.
b. United Kingdom’s Defence Media Operations Centre (DMOC). The UK DMOC
may accept up to 2 non-UK students on any of their courses. A combination of the
Defence Communicators Course and the Afghan Environment Training is
recommended for NATO students.
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ii. Conduct interviews and research to gain information for the stories.
iii. Write and edit stories.
g. Graphic Artist. In addition to Common Core Competencies, personnel should have
the following:
i. Use design and photo-editing software skills to produce required designs.
ii. Understand, apply and explain design style, format, print production and
iii. Develop concepts, graphics and layouts for product illustrations, logos and
h. Digital Animator. Understand and apply computer animation, digital design, or
integrated media arts in developing required products.
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e. During the Concept and Specification Development Stage the PA approach and
objectives are developed. They are included in the EXSPEC to facilitate the
conduct of future PA events in terms of manning and funding;
f. During the Planning and Product Development Stage, the Syndicate must ensure
that the EXSPEC contains appropriate objective(s) in the list of primary exercise
objectives. This is important to ensure that the PA function is exercised;
g. The Syndicate will produce the PA Annex to the EXPLAN. This Annex follows the
STANAG 2014 standard five paragraph format. Possible PA Releasable Products
are listed at Appendix B. While not exhaustive, the list gives exercise planners
some ideas to incorporate into their PA plan.
h. To add further realism to the exercise play Simulated Press may be provided by
the Joint Warfare Centre (JWC) or other organisations within the NCS, depending
on their capabilities (e.g. NATO HQ PDD for CMXs). The Syndicate is to determine
the Simulated Press requirements in terms of strength, composition and supported
HQs; if applicable.
i. If an Initial Exercise News Release (IENR) is required it shall be submitted to the
OSE for approval. Supporting information may be required especially where the
exercise is thought likely to attract media attention or be controversial.
j. Depending on the nature of the exercise PA planners might be involved in Main
Events List/Main Incidents List (MEL/MIL) development and during the execution
they could be asked to assume an Exercise Control (EXCON) role such as Higher
Control (HICON) (simulating SHAPE or NATO HQ) or Observer/Trainers.
5. Live Exercise (LIVEX) Considerations.
a. LIVEX, with their inherent troop deployments/ movements, are the most visible
exercises, usually with high public and media interest. In most cases this will
necessitate a Very Active PA approach to be applied.
b. Exercises with sensitive environmental issues or in sensitive environmental areas
(maritime and amphibious exercises in particular), will require careful planning and
considerable thought and research must be put into developing Q&A regarding the
likely issues.
c. Land exercises, by their very nature, frequently require public announcements
sooner than naval or air exercises. The necessity for concentration of major
formations in advance of the exercise, movements of forces by rail or road,
warnings to local populations, and the possible negotiations for use of land, makes
it evident that an exercise is to be held. Since there is no particular security
advantage in withholding this information, such exercises require advance
community relations activity.
d. Air exercise PA planning should be determined primarily by the nature of the
individual exercise. Increased take-offs and landings, disruption of civilian flights
and low-level flying will generate public interest and other concerns. PA
arrangements should include coordination prior to the exercise with the appropriate
national and international PA authorities, and should include engagement with
communities likely to be affected.
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6. Command Post Exercises (CPXs). By their nature, CPXs have a low visibility.
Therefore an Active or Reactive PA approach is likely to be more appropriate, unless
events such as involvement of civilian authorities/agencies, NGOs, use of civil or new
military infrastructure, deployment of command post and signal units, etc. are
7. Other Planning Considerations. The following planning considerations should be
taken into account:
a. Countering Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMD):
i. when CBRN or theatre missile defence (TMD) capabilities are being
exercised a clear distinction should be made between whether the exercise
is a LIVEX or CPX;
ii. should these exercises include simulation of enemy explosions or chemical
attacks, photographic coverage may be permitted. It should be stressed
that the devices used are intended for simulation only;
iii. CPX incorporating CBRN events are ideal for training PA personnel from
the training audience in handling this very sensitive topic. As a general rule,
the exercise news release should abide by the sensitivity of the subject and,
more specifically, only address hostile WMD use after coordination and with
the authorisation of the “victim” nation; and
iv. planners should ensure that guidance is sought on all likely areas of media
interest to ensure the NMIC staff is fully briefed on Alliance PA and HN
policy concerning WMD, TMD and CBRN issues.
b. CIMIC Activities:
i. a clear distinction should be made between LIVEX and CPX;
ii. exercising CIMIC is an excellent vehicle to demonstrate defence
preparedness, co-operation and HN support. Specific PA objectives and
plans should be devised and coordinated to emphasise this aspect of an
exercise; and
iii. it is worth remembering that some aspects of CIMIC are less palatable
(evacuation, requisition, mass burials). The possible negative implications
of those aspects should be carefully considered by exercise planners and
coordinated with the HN.
8. Release of Information Concerning NATO Exercises.
a. The OCE PA staff, in consultation with the HN, should make a recommendation
on the requirement for an Initial Exercise News Release (IENR) in line with the set
PA approach. Factors including the exercise intent, size, scale, scope, geographic
location, nations participating and political and cultural sensitivities as well as
former experiences should all be taken into account. If there is a question of
considerations or sensitivities listed above, then the OSE should seek guidance
from higher HQs. If NATO MC approval is likely to be required for an IENR, then it
must be staffed through the chain of command and the PA TechNet. The proposed
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IENR must be therefore submitted to SHAPE PAO at least six weeks before the
intended publishing date to allow sufficient time for staffing through to the
International Military Staff (IMS) Public Affairs and StratCom Advisor (IMS
PASCAD) and the MC. All supporting PA products contained in Annex L to the
EXPLAN (e.g. media lines/responses to query, fact sheets/backgrounders, etc.)
shall be forwarded through the OSE PAO (or higher HQ PAO) for review and to
support IENR approval.
b. The OCE PAO retains responsibility for real world PA support to the exercise
throughout and is encouraged to issue news releases and communiqués
describing the progress of an exercise in accordance with the OSE approved PA
approach. If the scope of the exercise is limited, it may be considered desirable to
make a summary release after the exercise, or to issue the IENR only. Information
copies of all news releases and communiqués issued during the exercise are to
be forwarded promptly to the higher HQ PAO responsible for monitoring exercise
PA activity. Copies of all news releases and communiqués should be included in
the exercise PA assessment which will be used to inform the Final Exercise
c. PA planners are to ensure that the NMIC has an emergency response plan
available for dealing with accidents and casualties. The release of casualty
information policy outlined in the Annex 8-A of this handbook, Release of
Information, also applies for NATO exercises and should be addressed in the
Annex L to the EXPLAN.
9. Security. Each exercise requires a deliberate PA assessment to identify specific
information to be released. PA planners must practise appropriate OPSEC, ensuring
exercise related information that might be detrimental to the security interests of any
member nation, participating nation or the Alliance as a whole, will not be disclosed to
the media. PA activities must be conducted in accordance with NATO and national
security policies and the privacy of forces and personnel involved.
10. NATO Media Information Centres (NMICs) - Real World Support to an Exercise.
a. As long as the PA approach and the type of exercise require it, the OCE is
responsible for establishing the NMIC in co-ordination with the HN. It should be
located as near to the centre of exercise activity as practicable, must be easily
accessible to media representatives and at a location from where media will be
able to file their stories in a timely manner. The NMIC is to provide the media with
timely, truthful and accurate information on exercise issues, events and activities
and to provide other support, advice and assistance as necessary.
b. The NMIC tasks and functions are described in Annex 4-A.
c. NMICs will not normally be collocated with visitor or protocol centres, nor should
NMIC staff members be assigned protocol or other duties involving visitors other
than media. The NMIC, will, however, need to maintain close liaison with the
Visitors and Observers Bureau (VOB) since distinguished visitors to the exercise
may generate media attention.
d. Visit programs for observers and VIPs should not interfere or intersect with visit
plans for media and vice versa. There should be no interference with the plans for
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observers, but plans for the latter should be coordinated with plans for media
11. Invitations to Media - Real World PA Support to an Exercise.
a. The OCE or HN must plan for and provide facilities for media.
b. If the decision is made to invite media to NATO exercises, invitations must be
accompanied by sufficient information about the exercise to stimulate interest.
c. Where it is necessary to issue invitations to media in advance of the event, this
informal invitation should also stipulate that details of the exercise, except as
already announced in annual calendars, are embargoed until the publication of the
initial exercise news release.
12. Registration/Accreditation of Media Representatives - Real World PA Support
to an Exercise.
a. The NMIC Chief, will register media by maintaining a list of visiting correspondents
and their affiliations. Formal registration shall be done in order to facilitate control
within, or access to, certain exercise areas, or to obtain information required to
arrange transport/ accommodations for correspondents. An example of Media
Registration Form is included in Annex 4-V.
b. Formally registered media representatives will be issued a Media Identification
ACO/ACT - Public Affairs Handbook - 2020
A. MC 0457/3 “NATO Military Policy on Public Affairs”, dated 28 May 2019
B. MC 0458/3 (Final), NATO Education, Training, Exercises and Evaluation (ETEE)
Policy, 3 Sep 14.
C. AD 095-001 “ACO Public Affairs”, dated 4 June 2013
D. ACO/ACT PAO Handbook, dated April 2020
a. General
b. Media Trends
c. Assumptions
a. PA Approach
b. Concept of Operations
c. PA Objectives
(1) External
(2) Internal
e. Audiences
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j. Tasks
k. Coordinating Instructions
a. Facilities
b. Equipment
a. Points of Contact
b. Signals
(List as appropriate)
Appendix 1 – PA Organisation for real world and exercise play
Appendix 2 – Initial Exercise News Release
Appendix 3 – Master Messages/Responses to Query
Appendix 4 – Other PA Products (examples include fact sheets, backgrounders,
Appendix 5 – Templates (Media badges, PA SITREP form)
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Chapter 11 - Imagery
1. Introduction. Photo and video imagery are vital tools to enable NATO to tell its story
effectively. Striking images and video can be transmitted to news media, used on
NATO websites, member nation websites, and in exhibits, print publications, social
media sites. Therefore all public affairs plans and activities shall include imagery as
one of the key deliverables.
2. Imagery Terms.
a. Caption Data - Short explanatory or descriptive data accompanying imagery.
Caption data records include shot sheets/lists, camera operator's notes in either
paper or machine-readable form, and, in digital still images, embedded
International Press Telecommunications Council (IPTC) header captions. The 5
W’s along with the name of the photographer should be included.
b. CODEC - A codec is a device or program capable of performing encoding and
decoding on a digital data stream or signal. Codecs encode a video stream or
signal for transmission, storage or encryption and decode it for viewing or editing.
c. Combat Camera (COMCAM) Imagery - Still and motion imagery of military
operations acquired by COMCAM forces, regardless of the medium in which the
images are acquired, transmitted, or displayed.
d. Cover Story - A story accompanying imagery which describes the event, operation,
action, or activity that the imagery depicts and puts the imagery in a context that
the viewer can understand.
e. Graphic Art - Relating to the design, creation, and preparation of two and three-
dimensional visual aid products. Includes charts, graphs, posters, and visual
materials for brochures, covers, television, motion pictures, printed publications,
displays, presentations, and exhibits prepared manually, by machine, or by
f. Imagery - A visual representation of a person, place, or thing recorded and stored
in any format.
g. Infographic - a chart, diagram, or illustration (as in a book or magazine, or on a
website) that uses graphic elements to present information in a visually striking
h. International Press Telecommunications Council (IPTC) Headers - Caption data
that is embedded into a digital still image as part of the image file and conforms to
the standard developed by the International Press Telecommunications Council
i. Scene - All the shots that record a unit of continuous related action(s) but which
may include changes in camera angles, camera field of view, pans, or zooms.
There is a change of scene when there is a jump to either an unrelated subject or
series of action(s) or events, or a change in the geographic location of the
subject(s). Thus, imagery of visiting dignitaries that showed them descending from
the aircraft, meeting with the commanding officer in his office, and reviewing troops
on the parade ground would all constitute separate scenes.
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2. Audio. For audio used in the slideshow or voice recordings used to help
fill out metadata.
5. Negative Register.
a. Date. This is the date the task was photographed, if the task overruns then the first
date is the one used until the task is complete.
b. Job Type. Select one from the drop down list that best describes the type of job.
c. Photographer. Use the drop down list on the Negative Register. Select who took
the imagery.
d. Image Location. Where the RAW and edited imagery is located on the archive.
e. Stills/ Video/Audio. Use the drop down list and select the type of media recorded.
f. Completed. Only enter Yes once the job is shot, edited, transmitted and archived.
When the task is complete this field on the Negative Register, should be
highlighted in Red.
6. Photography. The imagery gathered should reflect the story included in the Press
Release. Reading through the Press Release and communicating with the client, Unit
Press Officer or Information Officer before taking images will highlight the key points
and messages that they want to show visually. Prior engagement is essential so that
the words and imagery connect and complete the product for use across multiple
7. Equipment. There is no kit list to suit all photographers and all tasks, however, below
are questions to consider when packing:
a. Transport. Will transport take me to the location, or will I be moving on foot? If
traveling by air, camera bodies and lenses must be in hand luggage, as hold
luggage may be lost. Is all the equipment man portable, will I be able to move all
this equipment myself, whilst taking photos?
b. Conditions. Is it appropriate for the military situation? Would a daysack be more
appropriate than a black camera bag? Will equipment be waterproofed for wet
c. Health and safety. Arrive with wet/warm clothing and any PPE as required. It is
your responsibility to find out what is required and wear it.
d. Distance. What distance will you be from the subject? What focal length will this
e. Lights. Will I be able to set up portable lights or light stands on location or will they
be in the way of the task
f. Date and Time. Ensure the time and date on both cameras are in sync for sorting
in the edit process.
g. Final Checks. Cards formatted? Batteries charged? Spare batteries for
speedlights? Light battery charged. Lenses clean.
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8. Shooting. Remain flexible. On arrival the task may take a completely new direction
to that which has been planned due to un-controllable circumstances. No plan
survives first contact, however, it is still vital to have a plan to start with. If the original
idea is no longer achievable, the important thing is to be able to repeat the planning
process on the ground, and always shoot with a purpose and a tone in mind.
9. Image Edit. The editing process can be a highly personalised process, but there are
a number of steps that must be taken.
a. Insert the memory card and Photomechanic or Lightroom will auto launch with the
ingest screen. Set Primary folder to the RAW sub folder in the task main folder,
load IPTC stationary pad created before the task, tick apply and ingest.
b. First Filter. Once the images are in the RAW folder delete all images that are
negligent discharges or technically flawed. If shooting on Continuous High delete
all repetitive shots before and after the action shots.
c. Rename. Select all images, sort order by capture time and rename them using the
file naming convention ensuring sequence is reset to 0001.
d. Second Filter. View the images at full screen pressing T to tag the ones for further
editing that best capture the essence of the story. Each story should have 10-12
images for sending to press however that doesn’t mean only 12 are edited and the
job is forgotten about.
e. Editing. Images for press must be edited with integrity, no added elements,
overuse of Photoshop tools. Cropping, levels, and moderate dodge and burning
are allowed as is cloning out obvious dust spots. If Clarity or Shadows and
Highlight sliders are used they must be done with subtlety to enhance the image
and not produce over processed images.
f. Save as. Image editing can all be done in Adobe Lightroom or taken into
Photoshop but once the edit is complete the images must be saved in the correct
g. Images must be saved as JPEG’s.
h. Each image should be saved at 3000px or 10” longest edge and 2.5Mb maximum
size with a resolution of 300ppi.
i. Edited, resized JPEG’s must be saved in the Edit folder in the Main task folder.
j. Captioned images must be saved in the Output folder at 3000px or 10” longest
edge and 2.5Mb maximum size. This is vital as it speeds up the transmission time
to press.
k. Captioning/Cutlines. Images must be captioned in Photomechanic or Lightroom in
line with industry standards and IPTC Data fields using the template
SHAPE_Metadata.XMP to set up the correct field order.
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1. Captions are essential to inform an audience of what is happening in the images. Most
of the following information covers still captioning for still images, but the content
applies to video images as well. The caption saved in video is more general and less
specific, because it covers the entire video rather than a single image. More
information is provided below.
2. There are three concepts to remember when writing a caption: accuracy, brevity and
clarity, or ABCs.
a. Accuracy ensures all information in the caption is correct and complete, including
grammar and style (Reuters). Accuracy lends credibility and newsworthiness to an
image. It also marks the image with information for historical documentation and
allows it to be searched within databases or archives.
b. Brevity ensures a caption is written to the point and that only necessary information
is included in the text. Captions must convey a lot of information in a few short
sentences, so they must be written concisely to maximise their effectiveness.
c. Clarity ensures a caption is easily understood by its audience. Use words to make
certain the reader understands what is happening in the image, especially non-
military and non-native English and French speakers.
3. The 5 Ws. When writing a caption, the author should always focus on the 5 Ws: who,
what, when, where and why. The 5 Ws ensure that all basic and necessary information
is included in the caption.
a. Who or what is the subject of the image?
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c. When provide the date and, if pertinent, the time of day when the image was
captured. Include the date within the caption.
i. Do not use datelines, which are headers placed before the start of the
caption, often containing the date and location of the image.
ii. Use the following format: Aug. 21, 2011. Spell out months March through July
and abbreviate months August through February.
iii. When writing just a month and year with no day, do not abbreviate the month:
Feb. 27, 2011, but February 2011.
d. Where provides the geographic location as well as the name of the base, facility
or organisation, if applicable. Consult the Reuters Style Guide for more detail.
i. If there is no city, give a region or general area (e.g., near the Syrian border
or off the coast of the United Kingdom)
ii. If the image was captured on a ship, provide the ship name as well as where
it is moored or underway. For example: off the coast of ... or underway in the
Mediterranean Sea)
e. Why explains the purpose of the event, exercise or operation depicted in the
image. This gives context to the image and answers the question as to why the
image matters. The explanation should be brief, in most cases no longer than one
4. Constructing a caption/cutline.
a. Cutlines should be simply and clearly written no needless adjectives or verbs
b. The first sentence contains the who, what, when and where and is always written
in the present tense using active voice. A caption describes the moment the image
is captured, not what came before or after, so the first sentence will be written as
if from that moment.
c. Subsequent sentences include the background information (the why?) and should
almost always be written in past tense. It explains why the image is significant and
provides context. This is where you provide information explaining the significance
of the action in the image.
d. Example: Ms. Victoria Tesson, left, a NATO public affairs intern, interviews a
Luxembourg soldier during Exercise CORONAT MASK 2018, in Bruchsal,
Germany, September 26, 2018. The exercise, which began September 15, is being
held throughout the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Italy and Germany and allows
NATO Chemical Biological, Radiological and Nuclear (CBRN) Defence units to
train for potential future NATO missions, improve specialised CBRN defence
capabilities and enhance interoperability between participating nations. (NATO
photo by Petty Officer 2nd Class Brett Dodge, USN)
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1. Introduction.
a. The professional creation of still image products is a careful balance between art
and science. The implementation of rules can hinder the ability of Photographers
to realise their creative ideas. However, we must also be able to cultivate a high
standard, which runs through all still image products. It is also important for
guidance and advice to be available to help Photographers achieve their aims,
rather than hinder them.
b. The aim of this guide is to offer guidance to Photographers at all stages of the stills
creation process, and to establish standard working practices that will aid in the
archiving process.
2. Receipt of Stills Tasking.
a. Photographers may be tasked or may be self-generated tasks for stills products.
Whichever form a tasking takes, the workflow must be adhered to always.
b. Prior to leaving for task, open the spreadsheet ‘Negative Register’ and fill in details.
See screen shot below.
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3. Folder Structure. The folder structure for stills tasks is standard for all
photographers and follows a three-sub folder structure:
a. Main Folder - {YYYYMMDD)-{Photographers ID}-{Description}-{Location} e.g.
20190512-7277BWD-SACEUR Tanks in Town-Mons
b. Sub Folders - This is where you will save all data pertinent to the job including
the press release, so the story is complete on the archive with accompanying
i. RAW - For unedited images ingested from the memory card.
ii. Edit - Images which are saved to 2.5Mb, 3000px or 10in longest side,
resolution 300ppi with no captions.
iii. Output - Images captioned and to be sent to press.
c. Additional folders can be added:
i. Slideshow - If a slideshow of images is created for other channels.
ii. Audio - For audio used in the slideshow so it can be sourced again.
4. Workflow Process.
a. Download your images from your cards into the RAW folder.
b. Using Photo mechanic scroll through all images using the arrow key and press T
to tag those you with to delete.
c. Select tagged images (Cmd A) to select all. Press the delete key to remove
images from HD.
d. Show all images and highlight all the images (Cmd A) and click.
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f. Type in the job number remembering to Reset the sequence for each job, as
shown below.
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g. Whilst all images are still selected, click IPTC Stationary Pad (Cmd I) and enter
your generic metadata as shown below. Then click apply stationary to selected
then close stationary.
h. Make a selection of the images you want to edit by tagging the images with a
colour (Cmd + number).
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i. Once your selection has been made in the bottom right corner click on each
colour to hide these images. Clicking Grey (far right) will hide the images that are
not colour coded.
j. Select all colour-coded images (Cmd A) and right click, click Edit selected photos
with and pick Adobe Photoshop.
k. Once open in Camera Raw edit images with basic darkroom techniques. After
editing, move to the left side of this window, highlight an image and select all
(Cmd A). Then click Save Images below this.
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l. Make sure your settings are as below and that your images are saving to the
EDIT folder of that job created, then click save.
m. Copy the images you are going to send from the Edit Folder to the OUTPUT
n. In Photo Mechanic navigate to your Output folder, open this and your images will
appear. Highlight the first one and click the “i” button in the bottom left.
o. Then add specific metadata on each image in the OUTPUT folder as shown
below, click save and -> once each image is done.
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Annex 11-D Lightroom and Photo Mechanic Stills Workflow and Metadata Guide
1. Import all the photos but use star ratings to see in Lightroom which photos are marked
for developing.
2. Go to Preferences then Launching. Make sure the default application to edit photos is
set to Adobe Lightroom Classic CC (or whatever your version of Lightroom is).
3. Check Assign default application.
4. The colour class and star rating are displayed under each thumbnail. The box on the
bottom right is checked if the photo is tagged.
5. Go to Edit - Select All then right-click any photo and select Edit selected photos with
> Adobe Lightroom Classic CC from the menu.
6. Lightroom opens, goes to the Import window where only the photos selected in Photo
Mechanic are checked for import.
7. Go to Edit - Select All to select every photo. Right-click any photo and select Edit
selected photos with > Adobe Lightroom Classic CC from the menu.
8. Lightroom opens and goes to the Import window where all the photos are checked
ready for import.
9. Now import the photos using normal settings. To save time, create an Import Preset
to use when importing photos from Photo Mechanic.
10. Note: For Lightroom to recognise the star rating and colour class applied in Photo
Mechanic, set Metadata to None in the Apply during Import panel in Lightroom’s
Import window.
11. One of Photo Mechanic’s strengths is that you can create templates for just about any
task. Just like using pre-sets in Lightroom that helps you switch quickly between
different sets of settings depending on the criteria for the task at hand.
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1. Editing.
a. B-Roll. If using recently shot video, first create a video b-roll package. Select
favourites and highlight a collection of sequences and/or interview quotes. Export
the b-roll files and save them in the highest resolution possible (currently at SHAPE
in PRORES 422 at 4K). Creating b-roll packages and trimmed interviews allows
for quicker editing processes and saves space on the production archive as high-
resolution video uses a great amount of data. Make sure the audio doesn’t exceed
b. SHAPE PAO Production Team uses Final Cut Pro for standard linear timeline
editing, but also has access to Adobe Premiere.
c. Create any animated graphics and text, as well as any colour grading, transitions,
2. Music.
a. This stage also includes finding music and sound effects for the video. SHAPE
Production uses universalproductionmusic.com for video soundtracks. Get in
contact with the national entity in charge of music rights to understand the specific
laws related to the use of soundtracks on videos for social media production.
b. For example, in Belgium, SHAPE PAO pays for every 30 sections of a music track
used on a video. The cost may vary by country.
3. Publication.
a. Once finished, the video products must be cleared for release.
b. Videos are then uploaded to:
i. YouTube.
ii. Official Website for organisation.
iii. DVIDS (including b-roll and interview packages).
iv. Facebook.
v. Twitter.
vi. Instagram (depending on video).
c. All videos are required to have metadata in line with the ACO/ACT Public Affairs
Handbook as well as basic journalism and style guide.
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1. Once the task is complete equipment should be cleaned, serviced and re-charged in
preparation for the next task.
a. Batteries. Recharged for all camera systems and ancillaries.
b. Memory Cards. Formatted for the Camera system they will be used in.
c. Lenses. Front elements cleaned and checked for dust ingress.
d. Task Folder. The next task folder can be set up and re-named for the next tasking.
e. Metadata. The metadata template for previous job can be deleted to contain only
generic data to the photographer and post.
2. Summary. This document offers guidance to photographers at all stages of the stills
creation process, and seeks to standardise working practices that will aid in the
archiving process. Its aim is not to discourage the creativity but enable photographers.
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Decisions made by the NAC represent the accepted agreement of each and every nation.
Decisions are made by unanimous consent. Proposals are normally put ‘under silence’
with a correlating deadline. In effect, this means that if no objections are raised prior to
the deadline (i.e. breaking silence) the decision is accepted by each nation and therefore
constitutes a decision by the NAC.
2. NATO Secretary General (SECGEN) and International Staff (IS).
The NATO SECGEN is the senior international statesperson nominated by the member
nations as Chairman of the NAC, Defence Planning Committee, Nuclear Planning Group
and of other senior committees. He also acts as principal spokesperson on behalf of the
Alliance, both in its external relations and in communications and contacts with member
The work of the NAC and its committees is supported by the IS, comprised of the Office
of the Secretary General, six functional Divisions, the Office of Resources and the Office
of Security. Each Division is headed by an Assistant Secretary General (ASG).
The IS is an advisory and administrative body that supports the work of the national
delegations at different committee levels and assists in implementing their decisions.
The IS supports the process of consensus building and decision-making as well as
implementing and enforcing the decisions of NATO committees. The IS is responsible to
the SECGEN, who decides who is appointed to the staff. Members of the IS owe their
allegiance to the organisation throughout the period of their appointment.
3. Military Committee (MC).
The MC is NATO's highest military authority, providing NATO’s civilian decision-making
bodies – the NAC, the Defence Planning Committee and the Nuclear Planning Group –
with advice on military matters. The MC is composed of the chiefs of defence of all 28
member countries and is a headed by the Chairman of the Military Committee (CMC).
The CMC is elected by the Alliance Chiefs of Defense (CHODs) and normally serves a
three-year term. CMC represents the CHOD’s consensus-based views as the principal
military adviser to the SECGEN, the NAC and other senior NATO organisations. CMC
guides the Committee’s agenda and deliberations, listening to views and working to
reconcile divergent national positions or policy differences to fashion advice that all can
agree to.
The MC’s principal role is to provide direction and advice on military policy and strategy.
The MC provides the NAC, NATO’s highest political authority, with consensus-based
military advice - that is, advice agreed to by all CHODs. It is responsible for recommending
to NATO's political authorities those measures considered necessary for the common
defence of the NATO area and for the implementation of decisions regarding NATO’s
operations and missions.
The MC is an integral part of the decision-making process of the Alliance, representing
an essential link between the political decision-making process and the military structure
of NATO, translating political guidance into military direction to NATO's Strategic
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The MC also plays a key role in the development of NATO’s military policy and doctrine
within the framework of discussions in the Council, the Defence Planning Committee, the
Nuclear Planning Group and other senior bodies. It is responsible for providing military
guidance to NATO’s two Strategic Commanders – Supreme Allied Commander Europe
(SACEUR) and Supreme Allied Commander Transformation (SACT).
In this context, the Committee assists in developing overall strategic concepts for the
Alliance and prepares an annual long-term assessment of the strength and capabilities
of countries and areas posing a risk to NATO's interests.
In times of crises, tension or war, and in relation to military operations undertaken by the
Alliance such as its role in Bosnia-Herzegovina, Kosovo and Afghanistan, its role is to
advise the Council or Defence Planning Committee of the military situation and its
implications, and to make recommendations on the use of military force, the
implementation of contingency plans and the development of appropriate rules of
It is also responsible for the efficient operation of agencies subordinate to the MC.
At the Strategic level, Allied Command Operations (ACO) is responsible for the
preparation, planning, conduct and execution of NATO operations, missions, and tasks
within a political-military framework endorsed by the MC and approved by the Council, in
order to achieve the strategic objectives of the Alliance. Allied Command Transformation
(ACT) serves as the focal point for NATO's joint and combined concepts, research,
technology, training and education development.
4. NATO Military Structure and Forces. The Alliance military structure comprises:
a. A NATO Command Structure (NCS) composed of permanently established HQs,
including deployable components and supporting organizational elements. The
NCS is based on functionality rather than geography.
b. A NATO Force Structure (NFS), which includes Allied national and multinational
deployable forces, joint HQs and single service HQs placed at the Alliance's
disposal on a permanent or temporary basis.
c. NATO command and control structures ensure the ability to operate at three
overlapping levels, military Strategic, Operational and Tactical levels.
5. Allied Command Operations (ACO). There are three tiers of command: Strategic,
Operational, and the Tactical or Component level.
a. Strategic Level.
i. ACO Strategic level HQ is located at Supreme Headquarters Allied Powers
Europe (SHAPE), near Mons, Belgium, and is responsible for all Alliance
operations wherever it may be required.
ii. ACO is commanded by SACEUR. SACEUR is dual-hatted as the
Commander of the US European Command, which shares many of the
same geographical responsibilities. ACO is responsible for among other
things, force generation for the various NATO missions, once approved by
the NAC and tasked by the MC.
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b. Operational Level. Three standing joint force commands (JFCs) in Brunssum, The
Netherlands, in Naples, Italy and in Norfolk, USA all of which can conduct
operations from their static locations or provide a deployable Combined Joint Task
Force (CJTF) headquarters. Additionally, the Joint Support and Enabling
Command in Ulm, Germany is responsible to ensure NATO can move troops more
quickly across Europe in a crisis situation and ensure sea lines of communication
between North America and Europe remain safe.
c. Tactical Level. Three Allied Single Service Commands, which provide service-
specific – land (Allied Land Command Izmir), maritime (Allied Maritime Command
Northwood) or air (Allied Air Command Ramstein) – expertise and support to the
other HQs at the operational level. These HQs can also be used to provide the
core of a CC HQ for a small joint operation or deployable C2 capability for a single
service operation in accordance with their specificities.
d. ACO structure also includes the NATO Communications and Information Systems
(CIS) Group (NCISG) (HQ located at SHAPE) responsible to provide deployed CIS
6. Allied Command Transformation (ACT).
ACT leads the transformation of NATO’s military structure, forces, capabilities and
doctrine. It enhances training, particularly of commanders and staffs, conducts
experiments to assess new concepts, and promotes interoperability throughout the
Headquarters, Supreme Allied Commander Transformation (HQ SACT), located in
Norfolk, Virginia, directs ACT's various subordinate commands including the Joint
Warfare Centre (JWC) in Norway, the Joint Forces Training Centre (JFTC) in Poland, the
Joint Analysis and Lessons Learned Centre (JALLC) in Portugal and various NATO
schools and Centres of Excellence.
There are direct linkages between ACT, NATO schools and agencies, as well as the US
Joint Forces Command, with which ACT Headquarters is co-located.
For a more detailed explanation of NATO Policy, please see:
7. NATO Public Affairs linkage.
The PA function of the Alliance is headed by the Public Diplomacy Division of the
International Staff. Specifically, the Press Service takes the lead with respect to
communications, with the MOC taking the lead as the primary element overseeing media
operations and outreach for the RS mission and other special projects.
Through direction and guidance from the SECGEN and with input and approval by the
NATO Spokesperson, the press service develops communications guidance and
messaging for the alliance.
These communications plans are then taken by ACO and ACT and developed into military
plans, typically in the form of operation plans public affairs annexes, fragmentary orders,
public affairs guidance and media lines.
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NATO HQ Media Operations Center (MOC) does not have direct tasking authority over
the military structure at any level. However, in the interest of alliance cohesion and unity
of effort, amicable solutions should be sought to accommodate the needs of all levels of
the communications structure.
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b. The news story format is what is used most often in the ‘news release,’ as referred
to by NATO, is a mechanism to release news. The private sector often uses the
term ‘press release’.
c. Generally, the information in a news story must answer the following questions:
Who, What, When, Where, Why, How, and How much? (We call these the 5 Ws &
2 Hs).
d. All information you receive from an interview should be put into one of the boxes
below. When you have done this, your lead will become clear and you will be able
to easily write your news release or news story in the style that is the accepted
structure throughout the news industry.
WHO? Full details of person or group spelled out: rank, first name(s),
last name(s)
WHEN? You don’t need the calendar year if the event/ announcement is in
the same year
e. News stories should also include quotations from your key organization
representatives. These quotations, if used judiciously and effectively can
contribute to the news releases readability and credibility.
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7. Photo Cutlines and Captions. Well-composed, strong photos can contribute greatly
to the appeal of news and feature stories. Occasionally, photographs are strong
enough to stand alone without a story; they are called ‘stand-alone photos’ and include
a cutline. (Chapter 11, Annex 11-C)
8. The Hometowner. (only applicable in some nations)
a. The hometowner is a form of applied journalism peculiar to Mil PA. It can be a
feature story or photo and cutline sent in the form of a News Release to community
newspapers in the hometown (hence ‘hometowner’) of the person featured.
b. Hometowners use references that link the individual to their place of birth or
families’ current residence to highlight their efforts abroad, raising personal morale
and community support and understanding for the nation’s military and NATO.
They also blend personal information with information about operations, policies,
and activities.
c. Hometowners are most effective when they originate from operational
deployments, field exercises, special events or foreign locations. This gives them
enough newsworthiness for editors to use them without compromising their
journalistic principles.
d. The standard hometowner (photo and cutline) should not be more than 150 words.
A typical hometowner might read as follows: Airman 1st Class Sarah English, a
Panama City, Fl. Native who is currently serving in Joint Forces Command Naples,
led a clothing drive for the victims of a recent earthquake the shook the region and
destroyed a city just outside of Rome. English is a communications specialist for
NATO and is aiding in security and humanitarian operations in the Balkans, Iraq
and the Mediterranean Sea.
9. Writing for Radio.
a. Radio is a way to reach the general public. This is particularly true if our listening
audience does not have a high literacy rate.
b. When preparing a news release/radio beeper, specifically, for radio, it is important
to understand that its requirements are very different from those of newspapers
and vary from nation to nation. Typically in western media, radio news broadcasts
are seldom longer than five minutes and a radio beeper itself should be 10 to 30
seconds long. It is similar to the format of a paid ‘commercial’ advertisement.
c. Writing for radio needs the same attention to basics as writing for the print media.
You have to answer the five Ws and two Hs. Your first sentence (or lead) is very
d. Use the following word count to time a radio broadcast item:
i. 10 seconds - 25 words;
ii. 20 seconds - 50 words; and
iii. 30 seconds - 70 words.
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e. The best way to check the length of a broadcast release is simply to read it out
loud and time it yourself. This serves two purposes: first, it gives a truly accurate
idea of the item’s length; and second, it allows the PAO to decide whether or not
the news release has "ear-appeal."
f. Be flexible to the local customs and styles of the host nation. Not all countries
adhere to these guidelines and often expand beepers into much longer segments.
Work with the media outlets in advance to ensure that you are meeting their logistic
and cultural requirements.
10. Podcast. A podcast is an episodic series of digital audio files that a user can download
in order to listen. Alternatively, the word "podcast" may refer to the individual
component of such a series or to an individual media file.
11. The Public Service Announcement.
a. The Public Service Announcement (PSA) is a communications venue for giving
public notice of events that can impact directly on the public, such as exercises in
the community, convoys of military vehicles, military band concerts, etc.
b. PSAs can be created in a variety forms: written news release or even a prepared
video or audio product that mirrors a ‘commercial’ advertisement’ format. For TV
this is typically 10 or 15 seconds clip with a news lead read over the video for audio
c. PSAs are the closest the media comes to offering ‘free’ advertising. In some
nations, public broadcasters must allocate a certain number of hours per month
for community service announcements as a condition of their broadcast licence. If
this is not a requirement of their nation’s licensing requirements, then a form of
payment should not be paid in exchange for the service.
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variety of missions, such as the F16. The Fairchild A-10 Thunderbolt is a ground-
attack aircraft designed to support ground forces. The Panavia Tornado is a
multirole combat aircraft. The B-52 is a long-range bomber. In financial stories and
when dealing with contracts, sales and development, put the manufacturer’s name
(and company) before the aircraft type.
10. Armored Vehicles. If in doubt about the name of any of these just call it an armored
vehicle. An artillery piece such as a gun or howitzer may be mounted on tracks or
wheels and be self-propelled.
a. Armored Fighting Vehicle (AFV). Neither a tank nor an armored personnel carrier,
but a hybrid evolved in an era of fast-paced warfare in which infantry must keep
up with tanks.
i. An AFV like the Bradley Fighting Vehicle used by the U.S. military carries a
squad of infantry.
ii. The Soviet-designed BMP-1 carries infantry and is armed with an antitank
missile launcher and a 73mm gun.
iii. The British GKN Warrior is a 25-tonne tracked armored vehicle with a 30mm
b. Armored Personnel Carrier (APC). A tracked or wheeled vehicle that carries small
groups of infantry into battle. It provides protection against small-arms fire and shell
splinters, and may be armed with machineguns.
i. Make sure a tank is a tank and not an APC. If in doubt about the name of
any of these just call it an armoured vehicle.
ii. An artillery piece such as a gun or howitzer may be mounted on tracks or
wheels and be self-propelled.
11. Battle.
a. Battlefield. One word. Also battlefront and battleground.
b. Bomb Damage Assessment. (BDA). Avoid unless in quotes. Spell out BDA in
parentheses if used in a quote
c. Biological Warfare. The use in warfare of microorganisms to cause death or
d. Ceasefire. One word
e. Chemical Warfare. The use of chemicals other than explosives, e.g., gas.
f. Fighting. This is relative. It ranges from hand-to-hand combat to the risk of an
exchange of intercontinental ballistic missiles. Avoid “fierce” fighting and “heavy”
fighting unless casualties are known to be heavy or the fire intense. Spell out what
is meant. “Infantry fighting” is not simply combatants on foot. It implies a set-piece
engagement, not, for instance, a few militiamen jumping garden walls and blasting
away with rifles.
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c. Assault ship. A warship designed to support amphibious and air operations against
a land- based enemy. They carry helicopters, landing craft, commandos or
marines, and may carry amphibious armoured vehicles.
d. Battleship. A specific class of warship, the battleship is obsolete. It is not to be
confused with other classes like corvette, minesweeper, patrol boat, frigate,
destroyer. Do not use as a synonym for warship.
e. Submarine. In naval parlance a boat rather than a ship. A submarine may fight
submerged or on the surface, using torpedoes or missiles – the missiles being
tactical or strategic. There are two main submarine types depending on the method
of propulsion: nuclear and diesel electric.
15. Units, Formations.
a. Units, formations, army – Use capitals when you write the title of a specific unit
e.g. the 1st Infantry Division but otherwise say division. Also note that there are
many national exceptions to these broad definitions.
b. Squad. The basic building block of an army, equivalent to the British section of
eight soldiers. Three squads/sections form a platoon.
c. Platoon.The essential tactical unit in any army, capable of patrolling, attacking and
defending independently. Usually about 30-strong, an infantry platoon typically has
three sections or squads. The platoon may be led by a sergeant or a junior
commissioned officer. It may have its own light machinegun and mortar units of
two or three men each as well as anti-tank weapons and possibly shoulder-fired
anti-aircraft missiles. In a cavalry (armoured) unit the platoon is often called a troop
of three or four vehicles. Some armies use troop instead of platoon in their artillery
d. Company. Usually three platoons commanded by a major or captain. In a cavalry
unit the term squadron may be used. Artillery may be organised in batteries of six
to a dozen guns, rocket-launchers or mortars.
e. Battalion. A battalion comprises about 500 to 1,000 soldiers, broken down into
companies, platoons, squads or sections. It is usually commanded by a lieutenant-
colonel. Some armies use the term regiment for a tank or artillery battalion.
f. Brigade. Several battalions or regiments grouped together.
g. Division. A group of brigades. Usually commanded by a major-general, it can
contain all elements needed to operate independently and is then effectively a
small self-contained army.
h. Corps. Usually at least two divisions. Often commanded by a lieutenant-general.
i. Army. At least two corps. Tends to be the command of a full five-star general or, a
marshal or field marshal.
j. Infantry. Soldiers who fight on foot. Mechanised infantry refers to foot soldiers
carried to the battlefield in trucks.
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k. Regiment. Be careful with this term. Use varies. Find out precisely what is meant
in any particular case. It can be used as a synonym for either a battalion or a
brigade. Also, a regiment in the British army may have one or more battalions but
these rarely serve together as or in a brigade. The 1st battalion of the Royal
Halberdiers may be part of an armoured brigade formed for service in the Middle
East while the 2nd battalion of the same regiment is in Scotland.
l. Special forces. Lower case unless referring to a specific unit title.
m. Squadron. As with regiment, be careful. Many but not all cavalry (armoured)
regiments are broken down into squadrons and troops. Some air forces are
organised on the basis of squadrons – each with several flights – and grouped as
wings. The term squadron may also refer to a group of ships, a small fleet usually
put together for some particular task.
n. Task force. A force organised for an operation.
o. Troops. Use in the plural for large, round numbers – scores, hundreds, thousands
– of soldiers, not for small specific numbers. France sent 5,000 troops to the Gulf
is right.
16. Weapons.
a. Air-to-ground. Hyphenate. Also anti-aircraft.
b. Artillery. Avoid saying “big guns” or “heavy artillery” to dramatise events.
c. SAM. Surface-to-air missile - spell out on all references.
d. WMD. Weapons of mass destruction. Spell out on first reference. Usually taken to
mean biological, chemical and nuclear weapons.
17. National names.
a. You need not specify a minister’s nationality in the first paragraph of a story that
names the country and comes from a dateline in that country. Under a Washington
dateline, for example, write: Secretary of State Joan Smith said on Friday the
United States would... not U.S. Secretary of State Joan Smith said on Friday the
United States would ...
b. There is likewise no need to specify the nationality of groups that obviously are of
the nationality of the country datelined. Under an Athens dateline it is Police
arrested not Greek police arrested.
18. Nationalities. Nationalities are written out in full and not abbreviated in stories and in
sports results. The only exception is U.S. for United States. Use Britain and British
(not United Kingdom or Great Britain). Use The Netherlands (not Holland) and Taiwan
(not Chinese Taipei). Distinguish between North and South Korea.
19. NATO. North Atlantic Treaty Organization the Western Military Alliance founded in
1949. The initials may be used by themselves at first reference with the full name
given later in the story.
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20. North Atlantic Council (NAC). The North Atlantic Council is the principal political
decision-making body within NATO. It oversees the political and military process
relating to security issues affecting the whole Alliance. It brings together
representatives of each member country to discuss policy or operational questions
requiring collective decisions, providing a forum for wide-ranging consultation
between members on all issues affecting their peace and security.
21. Security Council.
a. The 15-member United Nations Security Council in New York is the body that takes
many of the decisions on U.N. action around the world, often through numbered
resolutions, e.g. Resolution 649. It consists of five permanent members with the
power of veto over any resolution – Britain, China, France, Russia and the United
States. There are also 10 non-permanent members of the Security Council, made
up of other U.N. countries which serve in rotation, representing different areas of
the world. The Security Council presidency rotates monthly, by English
alphabetical listing of its member states.
b. The U.N. Security Council becomes the council (lower case) at second reference.
22. Spelling. The general guide for spelling within Allied Command Operations is the
Oxford English Dictionary. Copy originating elsewhere should follow British spelling
norms. At all times stick to official spellings for American names and titles, such as
U.S. Defense Secretary XXXX. Watch out for regional words that non-English
language services and clients will find difficult to understand and translate.
23. Titles.
a. Capitalise an official’s title, or a former official’s title e.g. German Chancellor
Angela Merkel, former U.S. President George Bush, deposed King Constantine,
Attorney General-designate Griffin B. Bell, Acting Mayor Peter Barry.
b. Honourific or courtesy titles such as Professor, Dean, Mayor, Ambassador and the
like are capped when used before a name (e.g., Professor Harold Bloom). In the
US, the wife of the president is known as the first lady (no caps). Abbreviate Mr,
Mrs, Ms, Dr, and only use Mr, Mrs, Ms in quoted material. When necessary to
distinguish between two people who use the same last name, as in married
couples or brothers or sisters, use the first and last name.
24. United Kingdom. The United Kingdom comprises Great Britain and Northern Ireland.
Great Britain comprises England, Wales and Scotland. Use the full or abbreviated
form (UK) only to emphasise the inclusion of Northern Ireland with England, Scotland
and Wales or if hard-pressed for headline space.
25. United Nations. Spell it out at first reference when used as a noun. It may be
abbreviated to U.N. in a headline. As an adjective it can be also be abbreviated at first
reference, e.g. the U.N. General Assembly, U.N. High Commissioner for Refugees.
Security Council: the 15-member United Nations Security Council in New York is the
body that takes many of the decisions on U.N. action around the world, often through
numbered resolutions, e.g. Resolution 649. It consists of five permanent members
with the power of veto over any resolution – Britain, China, France, Russia and the
United States. There are also 10 non-permanent members of the Security Council,
made up of other U.N. countries which serve in rotation, representing different areas
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of the world. The Security Council presidency rotates monthly, by English alphabetical
listing of its member states.
26. United States. Spell it out at all references in text when used as a noun. It may be
abbreviated to U.S. in a headline. As an adjective it can also be abbreviated at first
reference, e.g. the U.S. State Department. Do not use USA except in quoted
passages. Do not use the noun America as a synonym for the United States, although
you may use American instead of U.S. as an adjective.
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concert with the other Parties, such action as it deems necessary, including the use of
armed force, to restore and maintain the security of the North Atlantic area.”
AUDIENCE. A specified group or persons to whom NATO public affairs efforts are
AUTOCASTING. Automated form of podcasting that allows bloggers and blog readers to
generate audio versions of text blogs from RSS feeds.
BACKGROUNDERS. An explanation of an issue, activity or program usually to provide
context and perspective for journalists. Can refer to a product, generally a written piece,
or to a verbal briefing and/or presentation by a spokesperson.
BLOG. Websites where information is posted on a regular basis. Content varies widely,
from personal diary-type minutiae to sustained discussion of politics, hobbies or other
interests. Some blogs are a “grab bag” of topics, while others focus on a particular subject.
BLOGGER. Person who runs a blog. Also blogger.com, a popular free website for blog
BLOGSTORM. When a large amount of activity, information and opinion erupts around
a particular subject or controversy in the blogosphere, it is sometimes called a blogstorm
or blog swarm.
BLOGOSPHERE. All blogs, or the blogging community in general. Also called blogistan
or, more rarely, blogspace.
BLOG SITE. The web location (URL) of a blog, which may be either a dedicated domain,
a sub-domain, or embedded within a web site.
BLOGTHIS. Pioneered by Blogger.com, BlogThis links on a blog allow the reader to
automatically generate a blog entry based on the blog entry he/she is reading, and post
to his/her blog.
BOT. An internet bot is a software application that runs automated tasks over the internet.
Tasks run by bots are typically simple and structurally repetitive at a rate much higher
than possible for a human alone. In the wrong hands bots can be used to perform
malicious actions. There are bad ones, good ones, and countless more in between. Bots
are often associated with sites like Twitter, but there are many other types. A type of bot
on a social media network used to automatically generate messages, advocate ideas, act
as a follower of users, and as a fake account to gain followers itself. It is estimated that
9-15% of Twitter accounts may be social bots.
CHECK AGAINST DELIVERY. Used to inform media that a speech text released prior to
it being given (usually provided under embargo) must be compared to the actual speech,
which takes precedence and should be used when quoting there from.
CHIEF PUBLIC AFFAIRS OFFICER (CPAO). The senior Public Affairs Officer in a NATO
permanent or field headquarters. The CPAO is the Commander’s public affairs advisor
and delegated spokesperson, reporting directly to the Commander. Responsible to plan
and implement the PA campaign.
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CITIZEN JOURNALIST. A person who independently gathers and reports news, views
or opinions using means other than through a media organisation, frequently through
social media networks..
indicating types of capabilities for NATO defence planning scenarios. This catalogue does
not deal in specific numbers of troops required to fill minimum manning. Rather, realizing
that each nation approaches military capabilities differently with respect to technology,
training, and manpower, the CJSOR lists the capability required for a particular mission
or task. Ultimately, the CJSOR says what needs to be done and the nations complete the
task with what they can offer.
COMMUNITY RELATIONS (COMREL). One of the six functions of NATO Mil PA.
Community relations programmes are associated with the interaction between NATO
military installations in NATO Nations and their surrounding civilian communities. These
programmes address issues of interest to and foster relations with the general public.
CRISIS ESTABLISHMENT (CE). A table setting out the authorised posts for a Crisis
Response Organization (CRO) unit, formation or headquarters. The CE is the mechanism
for the provision and sustainment of qualified manpower to the HQ.
CRISIS RESPONSE OPERATION (CRO). All military operations conducted by NATO in
a non-Article 5 situation. Crisis response operations can include peacekeeping and peace
enforcement, as well as conflict prevention, peacemaking, peace building and
humanitarian operations.
elements designed to be in theatre as the deployed joint staff for an Operational level
Commander. Six DJSEs, at appropriate levels of readiness, are provided by the NATO
Command Structure (four) and NATO Force Structure (two). Each DJSE consists of a
Joint HQ Forward Element, a Joint Logistics Support Group (JLSG) HQ Element, and a
Forward Support Element, in order to enable the required level of jointness and
deployability. These elements can be tailored for specific operations and will be enabled
with capability packages as required.
DIGITAL ENGAGEMENT. Any conversation that takes place in the digital environment.
This can be online, via social media channels, or application based platforms.
DIGITAL MEDIA. Digital media activities are designed to provide information directly to
our key audiences and stakeholders through digital and social media channels. Digital
media management is the process of harnessing and combining capabilities to achieve
communication goals. Creating effective digital media products and delivering successful
communications campaigns for NATO requires understanding of NATO's wider StratCom
and marketing hub that provides a connection between the media around the world and
the military. This capability has been adopted by ACO and ACT as one of the tools to
provide imagery to both the media and the public.
EMBARGO. An agreement with one or more media representatives or organisations not
to publish defined information before a specified date and time. This is usually applied to
protect time-sensitive information.
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EMBEDDING (MEDIA EMBED). The act and process of a military unit hosting a media
representative for the purpose of reporting operations for more than a 24 hour period. The
terms integrating, accommodating and hosting media may also be used.
FACILITIES. Transport, briefings, shelter, communications, power, etc., which enable
media to gather (witness, hear) information, record (type, visual, audio) it, and transmit it
via commercial or military means.
FACT SHEET. An overview of data and information on a specific topic. Generally is a
collection of factual information as reference material, and short on the effort to impart
FLAGS TO POST. The recruiting process which solicits and selects national bids to each
post on the CE at OF-5 level and above. For posts at OF-4 level and below the MCC is
FREELANCE(R). An independent journalist not employed continuously on a full-time
basis with any one media organisation. They usually sell their work to one or more media
organisation(s) on a piece by piece basis during temporary assignments.
FORCEGEN (FG). The overall process of defining capability requirements then soliciting
nations to fill those requirements. Once authorized by the North Atlantic Council, this
process is tasked to the DSACEUR.
FORCEGEN CONFERENCE. The meeting between the national military representatives
and the DSACEUR to bid and secure positions on the peacetime or various crisis
GROUND RULES. Conditions mutually agreed in advance with a media representative
that govern the terms of an interview or other activity and the use of that information.
HASHTAG. A hashtag is a word or keyword phrase preceded by a hash, also known as
the pound sign (#). It's used within a post on social media to help those who may be
interested in your topic to be able to find it when they search for a keyword or particular
IMAGERY. All materials that identify NATO personnel, equipment or activities through
the use of visual images.
INFOGRAPHIC. An infographic is a collection of imagery, charts, and minimal text that
gives an easy-to-understand overview of a topic; visual representation of information or
INFORMATION ACTIVITIES. Actions designed to affect information and/or information
systems. They can be performed by any actor and include protective measures (see MC
INFORMATION ENVIRONMENT ASSESSMENT. Helps identify misinformation and
hostile narratives and helps to spot early warning signs of potential hybrid actions. The
IEA provides a deeper strategic awareness of the information environment which helps
to ensure that NATO’s own communications are better framed and directed. Ultimately,
IEA allows NATO to be more effective in both responding to disinformation and
developing proactive communications strategies.
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INFORMATION OPERATIONS (Info Ops). is a staff function integrated within the joint
function “Information”. This joint function is grouped within joint action alongside fires,
manoeuvre and Civil-Military Cooperation (CIMIC) and Civil-Military Interaction (CMI).
(see MC 422/6, NATO Military Policy For Information Operations).
INITIAL EXERCISE NEWS RELEASE (IENR). The initial news release formally
announcing a NATO military exercise. The responsibility and authority for this rests with
the PAO of the command scheduling the exercise and is produced in consultation with
higher HQ where there are public and/or political sensitivities.
INTERNAL COMMUNICATIONS. Internal communications efforts facilitate
communication with and among NATO military and civilian personnel and their families.
Its purpose is to inform about the command, its people and it activities, and is distinct
from administrative information or direction from the Chain of Command that is normally
found in administrative or routine orders. Effective programmes to keep internal
audiences informed about significant developments that affect them and the work of their
Ha create an awareness of the organisation's goals and activities; improves work quality;
and makes command personnel more effective representatives of the organisation.
INTERNATIONAL STAFF. The primary role of the International Staff (IS) is to provide
advice, guidance and administrative support to the national delegations at NATO
Headquarters. The IS helps to implement decisions taken at different committee levels
and, in doing so, supports the process of consensus building and decision-making within
the Alliance. The IS is headed by the NATO Secretary General, who from an
administrative point of view is also a member of the IS..
INTERNATIONAL MILITARY STAFF. The International Military Staff (IMS) is the
executive body of the Military Committee, NATO’s senior military authority. It provides
strategic and military advice and staff support for the Military Committee, which advises
the North Atlantic Council on military aspects of policy, operations and transformation
within the Alliance. The IMS also ensures that NATO decisions and policies on military
matters are implemented by the appropriate NATO military bodies. The IMS provides the
link between the political decision-making bodies of the Alliance and the NATO Strategic
Military Commanders and their staffs.
INTERNET POSTING. The process of loading a presentation or product to a publicly
accessible server and creating the links required to make the item publicly ‘live’.
JOURNALIST. A person employed by a media organisation to gather and report news.
JOINT MEDIA OPERATIONS TEAM (JMOT). The JMOT supports the NMIC and acts as
the primary interface between a commander and the media; coordinates media coverage,
visits and embeds; prepares and conducts press briefings and news conferences;
conducts Media Monitoring as part of IEA; conducts Digital Engagement and Outreach;
and provide the C2 framework for an NMIC
MAINSTREAM MEDIA. Frequently used by bloggers to refer to traditional media such as
newspapers and television. As blogging itself becomes more mainstream, some have
begun to use the term ‘legacy media’ to refer to the older forms of mass communication.
MASTER MEDIA MESSAGES. Overarching, key 3-5 points developed by a higher
political or military StratCom and incorporated into the products and activities of
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subordinate organisations. Ultimately, reduces even the most complex of issues into a
manageable number of remarks of sound bite-length.
MEDIA. Any organisation or person who gather and disseminate news; also refers to the
mediums by which news is transmitted (newspapers, TV, radio, Internet, etc.).
MEDIA ACTIVITIES. Media activities are designed to provide information through all
mass communication means to a wide variety of audiences. Commanders and staffs,
through their Public Affairs Offices, should be prepared to respond to media inquiries,
issue statements, conduct briefings and interviews, arrange for media access to
permanent and operational units and distribute information through traditional and digital
media, as a means to develop relations with the purveyors and the consumers of news.
MEDIA ADVISORY. An alert to inform media agencies of an upcoming newsworthy event
or activity.
MEDIA ESCORT. A person assigned to accompany journalists and other media
MEDIA LINES. Also called Talking Points and/or Messages. Organisationally approved
responses to an issue for use by spokespersons when dealing with media.
MEDIA MONITORING AND ANALYSIS. Media monitoring and analysis provides early
warning and analysis of media reports in briefings to Senior Leadership; media
environment analyses help prepare communications plans; and post-engagement
feedback and evaluation. Media monitoring and analysis use both internal and external
tools, as well as human analysis, to quantitatively and qualitatively understand the media
space. Raw data is gathered to provide feedback on a weekly, monthly and quarterly
basis as evaluation reports, as well as on an ad-hoc basis as required. The Media
Monitoring and Analysis Section liaises closely with staff functions, such as StratCom,
Info Ops and Intelligence, as well as higher and lower Commands.
MEDIA OPERATIONS. All activities pertaining to managing the interaction with the news
media; can refer to the function responsible for such activities, such as the ‘media
operations section’. For use in this handbook, the terms media operations is synonymous
with media relations.
MEDIA OPERATIONS CENTRE (MOC). Also known as the Press Office. The MOC, led
by the Spokesperson to the NATO Secretary General, is the point of contact for all political
media enquiries at NATO HQ.
MEDIA OPERATIONS SPECIALIST. Able to understand and apply IEA to Media Ops;
contribute to IEA; apply StratCom principles, Direction and Guidance in planning and
conducting Media Ops; be prepared to act as a spokesperson; identify and Develop
appropriate products to support NATO media relations activity; understand, Interpret and
Apply NATO Policy and Doctrine to MilPA activities; support MilPA inputs to Integrated
Communications Plans and other operational planning documents; provide advice to the
commander on the use of MilPA and be prepared to act as a spokesperson; and
anticipate, plan, execute and manage a communications crisis. Understanding these
skills are necessary in order to plan, Synchronise and Execute Media Operations and
Relations activities in line with StratCom D&G; oversee and manage Media Operations
activities across multiple subordinated headquarters and formations; conduct Media
Operations and Media Relations activities in line with StratCom D&G.
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MEDIA OPPORTUNITY. Also called Press Point, Newser, Presser, Media Availability. A
chance for media to meet with an organisational spokesperson, usually on camera and
often before or after a notable meeting or activity. Is distinguished from a news conference
in that the setting in a media opportunity is regarded as more impromptu and less formal,
with quite limited time with the spokesperson and not necessarily with a view to imparting
“new news.”
MEDIA POOL. News media who mutually agree to gather and share material with a larger
group when access to an activity or event is limited, typically when news media support
resources cannot accommodate a large number. Some ground rules may be agreed in
advance to ensure that different types of media are granted access. In general, the PAO
should indicate the availability of the breakdown of seats available and leave selection of
who is in the pool to the media representatives.
MEDIA REPRESENTATIVE. All persons accredited as journalists, including those who
directly support the gathering and reporting of news, such as producers, researchers and
photographers, excluding drivers, interpreters, or others not directly involved in the news
MILBLOG. Term for blogs written by members or veterans of any branch of service – i.e.
Army, Navy, Air Force, or Marines. A contraction of military and blog.
MILITARY COMMITTEE. The Military Committee (MC) is the senior military authority in
NATO and the oldest permanent body in NATO after the North Atlantic Council, both
having been formed only months after the Alliance came into being. It is the primary
source of military advice to the North Atlantic Council and the Nuclear Planning Group,
and gives direction to the two Strategic Commanders.
NATO MEDIA INFORMATION CENTRE (NMIC). A public affairs facility established to
host and inform journalists and other media representatives in a NATO operations
mission or exercise area. A NMIC will normally contain a briefing area, offices for public
affairs staff, and should offer telephone, internet and other services to media
representatives. Responsible for the day-to-day management of media operations,
specifically in response to crisis management.
NATO MILITARY PUBLIC AFFAIRS (Mil PA). The function responsible to promote
NATO’s military aims and objectives to audiences in order to enhance awareness and
understanding of military aspects of the Alliance. This includes planning and conducting
external communications, internal communications, and community relations.
NATO SPOKESPERSON. The principal Spokesperson for the North Atlantic Alliance,
provides strategic advice to the NATO Secretary General, the North Atlantic Council,
commands and NATO offices on press, media and social media. The Spokesperson also
coordinates NATO’s 24/7 media operations, as well as planning and directing the media
aspects of all major NATO events, including Summits and Ministerial meetings. The
Spokesperson is in charge of all speeches and publications by the NATO Secretary
General and Deputy Secretary General.
NEWS CONFERENCE. A group of two or more media purposefully gathered to obtain
information from an organisational spokesperson. Implies there is something new or
newsworthy to impart; otherwise, use a media opportunity.
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PUBLIC AFFAIRS APPROACH. The level of public profile to be adopted. It may change
in time, space and phase of any operation. An approach can be very active, active or
reactive, and be different for external and internal audiences. May also be referred to as
PA Posture.
PUBLIC AFFAIRS GUIDANCE (PAG). Addresses emerging public affairs issues or
issues likely not covered by existing plans or guidance, and issued as required by CPAOs.
At a minimum, PAG will summarize the issue, identify lead organisation(s), name
spokespersons, list messages, and provide coordinating instructions.
PUBLIC AFFAIRS OFFICER (PAO). A person trained and qualified to practice public
affairs. In NATO, a person posted or hired into a position established as a PAO or PAO
PUBLIC AFFAIRS PLAN. Details relating to the planning and conduct of a PA-related
activity; in effect the ‘execution’ paragraph detailing what will be done, where, when, how
and by whom. Can be an annex to an operations or contingency plan or a stand-alone
PUBLIC AFFAIRS STRATEGY. A document that provides a broader public affairs
approach that sets overall themes and goals for an organisation or initiative. Should
include master messages. Action-oriented PA plans derive their guidance from PA
strategies approved by higher authorities.
PUBLIC DIPLOMACY. The totality of measures and means to inform, communicate and
cooperate with a broad range of target audiences world-wide, with the aim to raise the
level of awareness and understanding about NATO, promoting its policies and activities,
thereby fostering support for the Alliance and developing trust and confidence in it.
PUBLIC DIPLOMACY DIVISION (PDD). PDD is located at NATO HQ, headed by an
Assistant Secretary-General, responsible to explain the NATO organisation’s policies and
objectives to the public. ASG PDD advises the Secretary General on public diplomacy
issues and directs the Public Diplomacy Division (PDD), which plays a key role in
conveying the Alliance’s strategic and political messages to opinion formers and to the
public in general. PDD works to raise the Alliance’s profile with audiences world-wide and
to build support for Alliance operations and policies.
QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS (Q&As). A document that provides spokespersons with
organisationally approved lines to a series of questions expected from media.
REGISTRATION. The process of confirming the credentials of a journalist or other media
representative. The media representative may be required to fill out a registration form
and provide proof of identity and affiliation with a news organisation. NATO may issue a
photo-registration card to facilitate access.
REPLY (RESPOND) TO QUERY (RTQ). The process of documenting a journalist’s
questions and queries, staffing a response and replying to the journalist.
RSS. Really Simple Syndication – Web-based information distribution system that allows
instant content flow to websites that choose to subscribe to a particular feed source.
RSS AGGREGATOR. Software or online service allowing a blogger to read an RSS feed,
especially the latest posts on favourite blogs. Also called a reader, or feed reader.
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RSS FEED. The file containing a blog’s latest posts. It is read by an RSS
aggregator/reader and shows at once when a blog has been updated. It may contain only
the title of the post, the title plus the first few lines of a post, or the entire post.
SOCIAL MEDIA. A generic term for many different forms of electronic communication
that are made possible through the use of computer-based technologies.
command of NATO military operations and conducts the necessary military planning for
operations, including the identification of forces required for the mission and requesting
these forces from NATO countries, as authorised by the North Atlantic Council and as
directed by NATO's Military Committee. SACEUR makes recommendations to NATO's
political and military authorities on any military matter that may affect his ability to carry
out his responsibilities. SACEUR has direct access to the Chiefs of Defence of NATO
member countries and may communicate with appropriate national authorities, as
necessary, to facilitate the accomplishment of all tasks. In the case of an aggression
against a NATO member state, SACEUR, as Supreme Commander, is responsible for
executing all military measures within his capability and authority to preserve or restore
the security of Alliance territory. SACEUR is dual-hatted as Commander U.S. European
strategic level for the transformation of NATO’s military structures, forces, capabilities and
doctrines in order to improve the military effectiveness of the Alliance. The SACT is
responsible for NATO’s training and education programmes, managing commonly funded
resources allocated for NATO’s transformation programmes and supporting the exercise
requirements of Allied Command Operations.
SECRETARY GENERAL (SECGEN). The senior international statesman nominated by
the member nations as Chairman of the North Atlantic Council, Defence Planning
Committee, Nuclear Planning Group and of other senior committees. Serves as principal
spokesperson for the Organisation, both in its external relations and in communications
and contacts with member governments.
SECURITY AT THE SOURCE. The practice of protecting sensitive or classified
information where it originates. In PA, this means ensuring that media representatives
are not unintentionally exposed to sensitive or classified information and cannot
intentionally or unintentionally report it.
military headquarters, based in Mons, Belgium, under the command of SACEUR. SHAPE
is the headquarters element for Allied Command Operations.
SOCIAL MEDIA NETWORKS. Networks designed for the dissemination of information
and messages through social interaction using Internet web-based technologies, often
leading to conversational debate.
SOCK PUPPET. Online alias used by an author to disguise their identity or to create the
impression of wide support for a position.
SPOKESPERSON (OFFICIAL). Commanders and Chief PAOs at all levels are the official
primary and secondary spokespersons for their command or unit. As such, they are
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empowered to interact with the media regarding their command or unit in an official
capacity and should be quoted by name.
SPOKESPERSON (DESIGNATED). An individual designated by a Commander
empowered to interact with the media on his/her behalf. This is commonly used to deal
with routine, approved responses to media questions, or by Subject Matter Experts when
required to clarify an issue. They should be quoted by name.
STATEMENT. Remarks by the speaker at the event, usually to public audiences.
STRATEGIC COMMUNICATIONS (StratCom). The coordinated and appropriate use of
NATO communication activities and capabilities - Public Diplomacy, Public Affairs,
Military Public Affairs, Info Ops and PSYOPS – in support of Alliance policies, operations
and activities, and in order to advance NATO's aims (see P0(2009)0141) and MC 0628.
TRACKBACK. A system that allows a blogger to see who has seen the original post and
has written another entry concerning it. The system works by sending a 'ping' between
the blogs, and therefore providing the alert.
TRENDING. Refers to some hot, new or actual topic that is really popular and people are
creating conversation around it. Very often you can find some hashtags devoted to the
“trending” topic. When the relevant hashtag has been used for the numerous times you
may consider the topic to which it refers as a “trending”.
If you are following a “trending” topic it gives you an opportunity to express your own
opinion and show your personal position about some issue. In such a way you show that
you are “in the moment” and have proactive position. This term is frequently used in
TRENDING TOPIC. A trending topic is a subject that experiences a surge in popularity
on one or more social media platforms for a limited duration of time.
TROLL. In Internet slang, a troll is a person who starts quarrels or upsets people on the
Internet to distract and sow discord by posting inflammatory and digressive, extraneous,
or off-topic messages in an online community (such as a newsgroup, forum, chat room,
or blog) with the intent of provoking readers into displaying emotional responses, and
normalizing tangential discussion, whether for the troll's amusement or a specific gain.
URL. Universal Resource Locator. The ‘address’ of a website.
VLOG. A video blog: a record of your thoughts, opinions, or experiences that you film and
publish on the internet.
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IS International Staff
ISDN Integrated Services for Digital Network
JALLC Joint Analysis and Lessons Learned
JD Job Description
JFTC Joint Forces Training Centre
JIPAC US DINFOS’ Joint Intermediate Public
Affairs Course
JLSG Joint Logistic Support Group
JPEG (also JPG) Joint Photographic Experts Group
JWC Joint Warfare Centre
KLE Key Leader Engagement
LCH Local Civilian Hire
LIVEX Live Exercise
LO Liaison Officer
LTTs Lines to Take
LS Long Shot (photo shot)
MC Military Committee
MCC Manpower Coordination Conference
MD Mediterranean Dialogue
MEL Main Events List
MIL Main Incidents List
MOC NATO HQ Media Operations Centre
MOE Measure of Effectiveness
MOP Measure of Performance
MOPIC Motion Picture
MOR Manpower Organizational Review
MPC Main Planning Conference
MPEG Moving Pictures Expert Group
MPSOTC Hellenic Multinational Peace Support
Operations Training Centre
MRLs Media Response Lines
MRO Military Response Option
MS Medium Shot (photo shot)
MSOs Military Strategic Objectives
NAA Newspaper Association of America
NAC North Atlantic Council
NCI Agency NATO Communications and Information
NCIRC NATO Computer Incident Response
NCMP NATO Crisis Management Process
NCOIC Non-Commissioned Officer in Charge
NCS NATO Command Structure
NEC NAC Execution Directive
NFS NATO Force Structure
NGO Non-Governmental Organisation
NIC NATO International Civilian
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Cayman Islands
Andorra AND Benin BEN CYM
Central African
Angola AGO Bermuda BMU CAF
Republic (the)
Bolivia (Plurinational
Antarctica ATA BOL Chile CHL
State of)
Bosnia and
Argentina ARG BIH Christmas Island CXR
Cocos (Keeling)
Armenia ARM Botswana BWA CCK
Islands (the)
Congo (the
British Indian Ocean
Austria AUT IOT Democratic Republic COD
Territory (the) of the)
ACO/ACT - Public Affairs Handbook - 2020
French Southern
Czech Republic CZE ATF Hong Kong HKG
Territories (the)
Falkland Islands
FLK Guinea GIN Jordan JOR
(the) [Malvinas]
Faroe Islands
FRO Guinea-Bissau GNB Kazakhstan KAZ
ACO/ACT - Public Affairs Handbook - 2020
Korea (the
Democratic People's PRK Martinique MTQ Niger (the) NER
Republic of)
Korea (the
KOR Mauritania MRT Nigeria NGA
Republic of)
Lao People's
Democratic LAO Mexico MEX North Macedonia MKD
Republic (the)
Northern Mariana
Latvia LVA (Federated States FSM MNP
Islands (the)
Moldova (the
Lebanon LBN MDA Norway NOR
Republic of)
Marshall Islands
MHL Nicaragua NIC Qatar QAT
ACO/ACT - Public Affairs Handbook - 2020
RUS Slovenia SVN Tonga TON
Federation (the)
Trinidad and
Rwanda RWA Solomon Islands SLB TTO
Saint Martin
MAF Sri Lanka LKA Uganda UGA
(French part)
United Kingdom of
Svalbard and Jan
Samoa WSM SJM Great Britain and GBR
Mayen Northern Ireland (the)
United States
San Marino SMR Sweden SWE Minor Outlying UMI
Islands (the)
Syrian Arab
Saudi Arabia SAU SYR Uruguay URY
Republic (the)
Taiwan (Province of
Senegal SEN TWN Uzbekistan UZB
Virgin Islands
Singapore SGP Timor-Leste TLS VGB
ACO/ACT - Public Affairs Handbook - 2020
English short
Alpha-3 code Colour Code
Appendix I: Handbook Change and Recommendations Submission
Comments and recommendations for the ACO/ACT Public Affairs Handbook are
welcome. Please submit comments, recommendations and additional products or
annexes using the following matrix to: