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Chapter 1


This research focuses on the different reactions about the implementation

of ROTC of randomly selected college students on reading comprehension.


“Life is not easy for any of us. But what of that? We must have

perseverance and above all confidence in ourselves. We must believe that we

are gifted for something and that this thing must be attained.” - Marie Curie, as

this quotation espousing belief and confidence as keys to motivation. In reaching

for a new comings Youth should be well educated in every step they will take and

to obtain their goal. In every unexpected calamities people especially the youths

should be ready at all times.

ROTC Program is designed to provide military education and training for

students to mobilize them for national defense preparedness. It is a potent tool in

instilling discipline and nationalism among young Filipinos. This is also a glimpse

for young people to see how military life is and encourage them into service. It is

also an aid to students in developing the abilities and attitudes that will make

them academically successful and to develop a well-educated junior officers. It is

an opportunity to develop technical and leadership skills. It is mandatory to take

ROTC to the students since others are not allowed to undergo such training as

physically handicapped students or it is recommended by a doctor.

President Rodrigo Duterte said “I encourage Congress to enact a law that

will require mandatory ROTC for Grades 11 and 12 so we can instill patriotism,

love of country among our youth” in speech at the 35 th Founding Anniversary of

the Army Reserve Command last November 22, 2019 in Tanza, Cavite. It could

help and develop the national love, and patriotism to promote a good citizenship

for Filipino Youth.

The purpose of the research of this study is to discover and analyze the

different reactions of the Selected Senior High Students in Our Lady of Fatima

University about the Implementation of Mandatory ROTC SY. 2019-2020.

Through this study the readers would be able to discover and gain knowledge

about the importance of ROTC in our generation today.

Reserve Officers’ Training Corps in the Philippines is one of the three

components of the ‘National Service Training Program’. Aside from ROTC, other

courses in the program are the Literacy Training Service (LTS); train students in

teaching literacy and numeracy skills to schoolchildren and out of school youth,

and Civic Welfare Training Service (CWTS); provide student with activities

contributory to the general welfare and betterment of life of the members of the

community especially those developed to improve social welfare services. NSTP

is a civic education and defense preparedness program students instituted by the

Government of the Philippines. Under this program, both male and female

college students of any baccalaureate degree course or technical vocational

course in public or private educational institutions are obliged to undergo one of

the tree program components for an academic period of two semesters.

Objective of the Study

The purpose of this study is to examine the different Reactions about the

Implementation of ROTC of the Selected Senior High Students at Our Lady of

Fatima University, Quezon City.

To comprehend the different reactions of the selected senior high students

in implementing ROTC in the curriculum. With this we can identify the different

reactions and the willingness of the selected students to participate with this


To deduce if the students have a good reaction or a bad reaction about the

implementation of ROTC. There are some students who are into the program but

there are also some who are not happy in implementing ROTC

To examine the relationship of ROTC to the Students. As ROTC’s one

main goal is to prepare the students for commissioning as officers in the Active

Army, Army Reserve, or Army National Guard, with this it will help the student on

a unexpected calamity.

To give ideas for those who were lack in knowledge about the ROTC

Program. The researchers tend to give them an ample knowledge in how useful

ROTC is in society especially in the country.

To spread awareness that may enhance the courage to stand for the

country. The researchers wish to maximize the opportunity for those who are

bellicose and thoughtful.

Statement of the Problem

This research aims to determine the Different Reaction on Implementing

ROTC in the Curriculum of the Senior High Students among the Selected Senior

High Students at Our Lady of Fatima University S.Y. 2019-2020 it seeks to

answer the following questions:

1. What is the Demographic Profile of the Respondents in terms of:

 Name

 Age (16-18)

 Strand

 Gender

2. What are the Different Reaction of the Selected Senior High Students on

Implementation of ROTC?

Scope and Delimitation

This research focuses on the different reactions of the Selected Senior

High Students in the Implementation of Mandatory ROTC in Our Lady of Fatima

University in Quezon City. This research is focused on assessing the views and

knowledge of the Selected Senior High Students on the Implementation of


Our Lady of Fatima University in Quezon City will serve as the locale of

the study. There will be 50 Science Technology and Engineering Mathematics

(STEM) Students, 50 Humanities and Social Studies (HUMMS) Students, 50

Accountancy and Business Management (ABM) Students, and 50 General

Academic Strand (GAS) Students

The researchers of this study will conduct the survey at the beginning of

August and will be finished before August 10 2019.

Significance of the Study

This study is conducted to identify what are the different reactions about

the implementation of ROTC. The following will benefit the study:

STUDENTS. By studying this research, the students may able to know how

helpful ROTC in our generation today. And at the same time the students were

able to gain awareness about the different reactions about the implementation of

ROTC and how these reactions affect their opinion about the ROTRC. As

students nowadays depends too much in their beliefs they should also know the

importance of ROTC as it helps the students fight for their rights and being ready

in all time. And with the help of the government program the students can extend

hands in able to help others who are need.

PARENTS. In this research, parents could clarify the reaction of their children in

regards of the implementation of ROTC. It could help the parents to find a way to

lessen the addiction of the child/children in electronics. It is also to give guidance

in encouraging the child/children that ROTC will help in developing the abilities

and attitudes that will make them academically successful and it is also to

develop well educated junior officers.

READERS. With this study it can help to open the reader’s awareness about the

different reactions of the selected students. This would benefit the readers by

gaining knowledge about the different reactions about the implementation of

ROTC and how these reaction may affect the opinion of the students. It will also

help broaden the mind of the readers so that they will have a fair judgments or

opinion about the said matter.

Definition of Terms

The following phraseology is conceptually and operationally defined to

clarify and understand the study:


- Is also called upon by the voters of a person or state holding the order.

- It is required by law or rules, as it is compulsory.


- Their main role is to be available to fight when their military requires an

additional manpower.

- Is a non-career commissioned officer in a military reserve


- Reserve Officers’ Training Corps, it is a military organization that trains

people to become officers in the armed forces, so that they are ready to

join a military operation if they are needed.

- Is a program to train college students to become officers in the Reserve



- It is to carry out or accomplishing into something.

- The process of putting a decision or plan into effect; execution.


- It is your opinion about the matter, it is your feedback

- An action performed or a feeling experienced in response to a situation or

Chapter 2


This chapter is the reviewed related articles, journals, works, and

manuscripts done by researchers which are related to this research.

Foreign Literature:

Americans from most political perspectives preferred local militias as the

solution to the problem of how best to defend the nation. Under this scenario,

Americans could avoid the threats to civil liberties inherent in a standing army by

localizing national defense and relying on individual state militias to complete the

tasks expected of a national military. The strength of the militia system lay not in

its mastery of tactics and operations but in its ability to mobilize men for war and

keep them highly motivated. Charles Goldman (1999) promote that to

professionalize the officer corps of the reserves and National Guard, the NDA

also called for the creation of a Reserve Officers’ Training Corps to absorb and

build on military training programs to be grant in schools and many large

universities. To educators, these programs represented an opportunity to have a

critical civilian impact on the operation and staffing of the professional military.

Thus from 1819 to 1949 military training on civilian college campuses came quite

a long way, it became a regularized way to expose men to the rudiments of

military instruction for the navy, the marines, and the army.
Calamities are hard to comprehend when to strike in the country, ROTC’s

one benefit is to sharpen each of one’s ability to handle this kind of

circumstances. The statement conveys that ROTC proved helpful in times of the

war, it could be also much help to the Philippines for the Philippines in case of a

break out war with china in the territorial battles.

Army Reserve Officer Training Corps (ROTC) program is divided into two

parts – the basic course and the advanced course. The basic course is normally

taken during the freshmen and sophomore years; although these classes are

open to any student on campus. Carnevale (1990) shared that no military

commitment is incurred in the basic course unless students are contracted or on

scholarship. Subjects taught includes leadership and management development,

communication, land navigation, military history, unit tactics, survival techniques,

marksmanship, drill and ceremonies, military courtesy, discipline and customs.

The summer after their after freshmen year contracted freshmen may attend a

four-week Basic camp at Fort Knox, Kentucky.

The ROTC proves to be beneficial as it would teach the youths discipline

where the new generation of Filipino lack. It became a recognized and respected

institution in all regions of the country, and it evolved a semi standardized and

semi centralized structure a remark able achievement. These changes earned

ROTC a national reputation among many military officers and civilian educators

during WWII. That success validated the re-creation and expansion of ROTC on

civilian campuses in the years immediately.

According to Gallop (2002) ROTC programs provide students with

significant opportunities and benefits. Participants in ROTC receive valuable

training as well as financial support for their education. They are supported in the

development of strong personal traits such as self-discipline, confidence, and

leadership. The program provides the students with the opportunity to become

career officers, or to return to civilian pursuits after acquiring useful skills and

knowledge from active-duty experience. This experience also makes them more

informed citizens, with intimate knowledge of the inner workings of the military.

The recruits of the Training corps not only receive the discipline and other

military traits but also it provides financial assistance to the recruits, which makes

is an advantage for the students facing financial problems. Experiences also

make them to be a citizen with an intimate knowledge in workings of the military.

President Barack Obama (2011) said in his State of the Union speech that

now that DADT (Don’t Act, Don’t tell) is ending "I call on all of our college

campuses to open their doors to our military recruiters and ROTC". ROTC is a

core part of the nation's military training, producing more officers than the service


ROTC is a reliable source for providing recruits to the army and other

branches of the nation’s defense. Being open-minded in this making decision is

one of the factor to know the importance in participating ROTC as this produces

officers that could help the country in an unexpected calamities.

Gen. David Petraeus (2010) stresses that ROTC "is very important for our

Army and our country" and that many ROTC graduates are "true national

assets". Both the country and the universities will benefit from having more such

leaders that will guide everyone.

Whatever you do, wherever you are being a good leader will be an

advantage to lead everyone. In order to achieve first, you need to develop your

expertise in your field and discover what the purpose is about for you. The

statement above concludes that the true assets of the country are the ROTC

graduates or those willing to continue as they are determined to serve and

protect their beloved country

Foreign Studies:

Paul Twohig (1987) stated that it is clear that military leadership require

effective cognitive skills whether in peace time or during war. During peace time,

the major task is to be prepared for war. Preparedness require many activities

including soldier training, learning and adapting new technologies,

communicating, planning, managing, and teaching. Success on these activities

requires leaders that have a high level of cognitive ability. The importance of

thinking ability is emphasized throughout the leadership field manual. A huge

element of great leadership knows how to connect with the right kind of people
those who can move your vision forward and develop strategies. Recognize the

gifts of your people, being a leader you need to quickly pick up on the gifts and

strengths of your people. When you do, you're best equipped to help them build

on their strengths and grow in the most productive direction.

Having recruits or backup for the military of the country is necessary

especially in the world where we live as it is in the brink of another war. People

are interested in growth and development. As a leader your job is to mentor

them, guide them and support them and not to boss them or preach them. As a

leader you need to start at the heart of what matters in your organization and

what matters is your people.

Andrew Bell (2014) suggested that ROTC study in abroad can be a big

advantage to people who are participating in the program. Experience overseas

developing language and understanding culture can help us in a long run military

career, as well as potentially give you a few extra points for leadership.

Intellectual stimulation is one of the leadership qualities that define

transformational leadership. Followers need to be encouraged to express

their creativity. Effective leaders should offer new challenges with ample support

to achieve these goals.

Having military experience even when going abroad is a boost for the

resume as being an ROTC recruit will prove you having a great leadership skills,

it make sure that goals are within the grasp of everyone’s abilities. Let people
know that you care about their progress, when one person shares something

with the rest of the group, be sure to tell them how much you appreciate such


According to Mark Pieffer (1981) ROTC students earn more athletic

awards in high school and report lower college grade point averages. An analysis

was run and it was found that ROTC students score significantly higher on the

Social Extroversion and Impulse Expression scales, while they score lower on

the Theoretical Orientation scale. All of which indicated that there are differences

between ROTC students and non-ROTC students Suggesting that with further

research a screening tool for ROTC enrollment officers could be developed.

The statement above shows that those who join or the ones recruited in

the ROTC are more social and have less mental problems. As a ROTC it makes

you a decision to talk to new people and to enter into conversations even when

you’re feeling nervous about it. As this characteristic of being outgoing and

directing attention to things other than yourself to promote certain goals.

According To Burton Lockwood (1996) ROTC cadets have higher

confidence and more realistic expectations concerning a military career than do

non-ROTC students. This added confidence and realism of expectations may be

fostered by an effective job preview, the local ROTC program, and according to

expectancy theory, high vocational confidence and realistic job expectations

should enhance job survival.

With the study given above it shoes that ROTC cadets are more confident

and open to the reality of life and expectations of the hard life the world.

Confidence is not something that can learn like a set of rules; confidence is a

state of mind. It comes from feelings of well-being, acceptance of your body and

mind; self-esteem and belief in your own ability, skills and experience. Performing

a role or complete a task confidently is not about not making mistakes. Mistakes

are inevitable, especially when dong something new Confidence includes

knowing what to do when mistakes come to light and is also about problem

solving and a quick decision making.

According to Sean Campbell (2017) ROTC student participant and

perceptions provided evidences of the uniqueness of leader identity and

importance of gaining a leader psyche as components to an effective leader

development program. In some situations it may be necessary to also have a

contingency plans, the backup plans if your main plan fails. Knowing what to

expect and how and why things are done will add to awareness and usually

make a leader feel more prepared and ultimately become a better leader. The

basic rules of positive thinking are to highlight your strengths and successes and

learn from weaknesses and mistakes.

The statement above conveys that the student participant of ROTC

possess a unique leadership as they lead in a military method unlike the

mediocre way of commanding others, they are more hands on with the given

task. People often feel less confident about new or potentially difficult situations,
perhaps the most important factor in developing a better leadership skills is

planning and preparing for the unknown.

Local Literature:

Today, ROTC is just one of three tracks of the National Service Training

Program (NSTP) — the civic education program, which since 2002 has been a

requisite for graduation at all Filipino colleges, universities, and some vocational

schools. "Over the past decade and a half, young Filipinos have become

increasingly removed from the concept of military service." ROTC began in the

Philippines in 1912, when the Philippine Constabulary (PC) initiated military

instruction at the University of the Philippines (UP); the first official ROTC unit

was established at UP in 1922. In 1939 then President Manuel Quezon issued

Executive Order 207, which made the establishment of ROTC programs

obligatory at all colleges and universities with greater than 100 students. The

most famous of these groups was the Hunters ROTC unit, which was organized

by two PMA cadets that were too young to receive their commissions at the onset

of war. Instead of returning home, they rallied other PMA and ROTC cadets and

continually harassed occupying Japanese forces and supplied vital intelligence to

the American military, before eventually participating in the liberation of the

Philippines from 1944-1945. These were young men in their late teens and early

twenties that volunteered to bear arms in defense of their country.

ROTC will be obligated at al universities or a college to establish the

young’s to be ready for all situations whether expected or unexpected. One of the

benefits that ROTC give to the young’s is to be brave at all time, and to fight what

they know is right. Enhancing military skills in a young age produces a brave

cadet that are ready to face situations.

In 1967, then President Ferdinand Marcos issued Executive Order 59

making ROTC mandatory at all educational institutions with enrollment of at least

250 students. In 1980, Marcos promulgated Presidential Decree 1706, the

National Service Law, which made national service (civic welfare service, law

enforcement service, and military) mandatory for all Filipino citizens.

In 1991, the congress passed RA 7077, the Citizen Armed Forces of the

Philippines Reservist Act. Sections 38 and 39 of this law mandated obligatory

military education for two years (Basic ROTC) for all male college students, while

an additional two years of ROTC programming (Advance ROTC) was voluntary.

The underlying philosophy of these acts was a belief in the role of Filipinos to be

both citizen and soldier — both the intellectual and martial guardians of the

democracy in which they live.

Mandatory ROTC was promulgated by President Ferdinand Marcos last

1980. This makes the ROTC mandatory with the first two years but an additional

two years for advance training for ROTC. ROTC helps the physical and the

intellectual of the student.

Sixtus Dane Asuncion Ramos (2019)”The ROTC aims to address

addiction as a chronic, relapsing disease, This alternative approach for addiction

treatment in the Philippines is based on the concept of recovery, principles of

effective substances use disorder treatment, and recent development in

TC(training corps) best practice from international community ”,

ROTC may help to ease up addiction and to avoid disease. As the training

in ROTC helps the participant’s improve their body more built, and that refrain the

body be healthy.

The Pioneer unit of the ROTC was the University of the Philippines ROTC

unit or the UP Vanguards which established in 1922. Followed by the founding of

the ROTC units in National University, Ateneo de Manila, Liceo de Manila, and

Colegio de San Juan de Letran. Until number of schools nationwide adopted the

military program after the endorsement of the Commonwealth Act No.1

The ROTC’s Pioneer unit was the University of the Philippines (UP) ROTC

unit, the UP Vanguards. They are trained properly and tested harder than others.

One of the factors to be an outstanding cadet, eagerness to be one is the key.

Everybody sees the world differently, from their own perspective, and what works

for one person may not work for another. Criticism is just the opinion of

somebody else. Be assertive when receiving criticism, don’t reply in a defensive

way or let criticism lower your self-esteem.

According to Padilla (2017), "if the youth will understand the reason of the

training, they will learn many skills such as basic life support, first aid training,
basic self-defense, combat preparation, survival skills and others". Not every

young person is forced to deal with such harsh realities, even if they should be.

By systematically assessing, planning, and executing your basic survival skills,

you will help keep your mind and body actively engaged in addressing your

situation. Learning outdoor self -reliance also teaches an appreciation for nature,

and for all that makes up the natural world. In survival training, respect is learned,

as well as a deeper understanding of how much joy can be found in nature.

In learning basic survival skills, it increases your odds of making it through

adverse situations. The majority of survival is based around preparation, and

there is no better preparation than proper training. Learning to trust others, and to

help others, is part of survival training.

Local Studies:

The supreme and overarching value that characterizes education is

‘Human Dignity’. Crisostomo (2006) implies that our character and attitudes are

formed through the behavior and values formation of those who raised us and

those that we adapted or learned from the environment around us. Our

relationship with others reflects the kind of values that we have formed

throughout our existence and somehow guide us in our decision making process.

Recreational activities are socially accepted and socially constructive leisure

experience that provides immediate and inherent satisfaction to the individual

who voluntarily participates in the activity.

In ROTC the relationship in which one person influences others is to work

together willingly on related tasks to attain goals desired by the leader and group.

In ROTC, behavior and values are being formed to raise a brave cadet in the

future. Speaking to and being around people who are confident will usually help

you feel more confident. Learn from others who ae successful in fulfilling the

tasks and goals that you wish to achieve.

As reported by Pinol (2017) The new president approves the return of the

Reserve Officers Training Corps. Defense Secretary Lorenzana also filed a

documents on RA 7707 or “Citizen Armed Forces of the Philippines Reservist

Act” to be mandatory for ROTC. Prior to this approval by President Rodrigo

Duterte. Through the ROTC program, ‘Filipino youths are potential to defend and

protect our country’. Break roles and tasks down into small achievable goals.

President Rodrigo Duterte stated that “Filipino Youths are potential to

defend and protect our country” as he approves the documents regarding to

make ROTC mandatory. Gaining experience and taking the first step can

however be very difficult. Often the thought of starting something new is worse

than actually doing it. This is where preparation, learning and thinking positively

can help.

The ROTC remains a misunderstood program due to the lack of

information on the basic intent of the ROTC that has led to various interpretations

of its importance and relevance. Over the course of its implementation, the

ROTC program has been saddled with graft and corruption and incompetence,
thus, gradually eroding its effectiveness and eventually, the respect and

importance it deserves. Presently, the ROTC program has been restructures as

an optional course along with Civil welfare Training Service (CWTS) and the

Literacy Training Service (LTS) under the National Service Training Program

(NSTP) provided for by Republic Act 9163.”,The ROTC Scholarship Program:

Towards An Enhanced National Security.

ROTC Enhances the National Security, and adds military soldiers to serve

the country. The importance of ROTC still being misunderstood by the Filipinos

due to lack of information. Being assertive also means that you can change your

mind if you believe it is right thing to do, not because you are under pressure

from somebody else.

In consonance with (2016), one of the ROTC's resurgence has

sprouted due to the tension seen in the regional territorial dispute in the west

Philippine sea where the Chinese claimed it. And if ROTC is mandatory for

students in Grade XI and Grade XII they will be prepared as officers who can be

called immediately to defer the country of any occupation. The ROTC also saw

the importance of the recent super typhoon in the Visayas Region where many

died and destroyed property.

The ROTC Cadet can help save and deliver relief goods to disaster

victims. It will also be a tool to help us fight for the rights of everyone. Trying to

remain calm, even when you’re under stress and pressure, will tend to make

more achievements to acquire.

According to newspaper On February 8, 1967, President

Ferdinand Marcos revoked the Executive Order No. 207 of 1939, which states

the Executive Order No. 59 in its place. This executive order was made

mandatory for ROTC in all colleges, universities and other institutions with

enrollment of 250 male students and greater. President Marcos also issued a

Presidential Decree No. 1706, also known as the "National Service Law", on

August 8, 1980. In 1991, the Congress passed RA 7077, the Citizen Armed

Forces of the Philippines Reservist Act. Sections 38 and 39 of this law have

mandated military education for two years (Basic ROTC) for all college students,

while ROTC programming (Advance ROTC) additional two years is voluntarily.

The basic philosophy of these practices is the belief in the role of Filipinos both

citizens and soldiers - both the intellectual and martial guard of democracy in

which they live. The obligation for all Filipino citizens served as national service

and defined three categories of national services: civic welfare services, law

enforcement services and military services.

In performing your role you should practice your skills over and over if you

don’t it can diminish over time if you don’t practice your skills or hit set-backs. It

maintains and boosts your confidence further. However, learning and gaining

knowledge can sometimes make us feel less confident about our abilities to

perform roles and tasks, and when this happens we need to combine our

knowledge with experience. By doing something we have learned a lot about we

put theory to practice which develops confidence and adds to the learning and

Theoretical Framework

To deeply understand the different reactions in Implementation of

Mandatory ROTC, the group’s research is based on the concept of Michael J.

McCormick’s Theory, Extending Self-Efficacy Theory to Leadership: A Review

and Empirical Test. Michael McCormick is a Francis Goelet Professor of Medieval

History and chairs the new university wide Initiative for the Science of the Human

Past at Harvard an interdisciplinary research networks that brings together

geneticists, archaeological scientists, climatologists, environmental, computer

and information scientists, humanists and social scientists in order to explore

great questions of human history from our origins in Africa to our migrations

across the globe.

The literature was reviewed to support the proposition that high leadership

self-efficacy was a necessary, though not sufficient, factor contributing to

leadership performance. Also, antecedents of leadership selfefficacy were

identified based upon self-efficacy theory. Leadership self-efficacy was found to

predict leadership behavior and distinguish leaders from nonleaders.

Research based on self-efficacy theory has found that personal efficacy

influences the goals people choose, their aspirations, how much effort they will

exert on a given task, and how long they will persist in the face of difficulties,

obstacles and disappointments (Maurer, 2001).

Also, findings have linked self-efficacy with whether a person experiences

self-hindering or self-aiding thought patterns, how well a person responds to

taxing and threatening circumstances, and how resilient a person is when faced

with adversity and setbacks (Bandura, 1997).

Coincidentally, individuals who have been successful in leadership roles

have been described similarly (see Bass, 1990). Investigations of effective

leaders have characterized them as highly committed, determined, resilient, goal-

focused, resourceful, and effective problem solvers (Locke, 1991)

In sum, efficacious individuals are motivated, persistent, goal-directed,

resilient, and clear thinkers under pressure. Leadership self-efficacy will be

positively associated with the frequency of attempting to assume a leadership

role. Individuals with high self-efficacy for the leadership task will attempt to

assume leadership roles more frequently than those with low leadership self-


This suggests that the more leadership role experiences a person has

had, the higher will be his or her leadership self-efficacy, which leads to the

following prediction. The number of leadership role experiences will be positively

associated with leadership self-efficacy.

These previously described studies by Bandura and his colleagues

demonstrate that self-efficacy beliefs impact an important facet of the leadership

activity, decision making. However, these investigations did not specifically

measure leadership self-efficacy, a person’s confidence in his or her abilities to

successfully lead a group. In fact, the number of studies specifically examining

leadership self-efficacy is sparse.

A search of the business and psychology literatures identified only two

articles. One by Murphy and Ensher (1999) found that for female supervisors,

leadership self-efficacy predicted subordinates’ ratings of leader-member

exchange quality, a factor that contributes to subordinate performance and

satisfaction. A second by Chemers, Watson and May (2000) determined that a

measure of leader self-efficacy could be used to predict ROTC cadet

performance at a U.S. Army summer training camp that took place six months

later. Discussing their findings, Chemers et al. (2000) concluded that leader self-

efficacy, “may be one of the most active ingredients in successful leadership, and

team performance” and that it “clearly contributes to leadership effectiveness”

They went on to call for future research to confirm the validity of the leadership

self-efficacy construct.

Research Paradigm

The paradigm shows the process of the researchers to determine the Different

Reactions of Selected Senior High School Students in the Implementation of

Mandatory ROTC at Our Lady of Fatima University SY. 2019-2020.

What is the PROCESS
The Different
Conduct a Reactions about the
Profile of the
Survey (Paper Implementation of
Respondents? :
Survey) ROTC, whether
a. Name
they are compliant
b. Age
or not
c. Gender
d. Strand

The researchers will determine the Demographic Profile of the

Respondents, afterwards the selected respondents will answer the survey forms

and rate it with the different reactions. Subsequently the researchers will

determine the different reactions of the selected respondents about the

Implementation of ROTC whether they are compliant or not.

Chapter 3


This chapter presents the method and procedure that was applied in this

study. It was organized under the following sub-headings: Research Design,

Research Setting, Research Subjects, Research Ethics, Research Instruments,

Data Gathering, and Statistical Treatment.

Research Design

The research design adopted for this study is a Descriptive Design. The

design attempts to set aside the hypothesis, but typically develops one after the

data is collected. It observes the data, and the data are sought to answer “what

is”. Thus, the variables are not controlled in this design. The approach

accommodated for this study is Quantitative Approach since it emphasizes

measurements and the numerical analysis of data collected through survey.

Research Setting

The locale of this study is conducted at Our Lady of Fatima University,

Quezon City Campus located at #1 Esperanza Street, Hilltop Mansion Heights,

Lagro, Quezon City. In 1967, Jose C. Olivares, a Chemistry professor-

entrepreneur and his son-in-law Dr. Vicente M. Santos, a physician, founded Our

Lady of Fatima Hospital in Valenzuela, a former municipality of Bulacan. The next

five years further saw a dramatic increase in infrastructure development. Modern

buildings were established in Valenzuela City. OLFU made its presence known in

Fairview, Quezon City with its new campus overlooking the La Mesa reservoir.

Indeed, through the years, Our Lady of Fatima University has embraced the

basic educational philosophy of “improving man as a man” and emulated the

virtues of “veritas et misericordia” (truth and compassion) in upholding the

tradition of academic excellence.

After the death of Dr. Vicente M. Santos in 2003, Dr. Juliet O. Santos

became the second President of the University. Through her unique hands-on

leadership, she steered the University to new heights. The setting is suitable

because it is the most compatible place to conduct a survey since there are a lot

of students. Today, the Our Lady of Fatima University has its four campuses

located in Valenzuela City (Main Campus), Quezon City (Hilltop Campus), and

Antipolo City and Pampanga City campus.

Research Subjects

One hundred students comprising of 50 students from Grade 11 and 50

students from Grade 12, whose age ranges from 16 to 18, were selected

randomly to participate in this study. The strands included in the study are

Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM), Accountancy

Business and Management (ABM), Humanities and Social Science (HUMSS),

and General Academic Strand (GAS). The courses consist in Science,

Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM): Medical Technology,

Engineering and Pharmacy; Accountancy, Business and Management (ABM):

Accountancy, Hotel & Restaurant Management and Business Administration;

Humanities and Social Science (HUMSS): Psychology, Communication Arts and

Criminology; and General Academic Strand (GAS): Elementary, Secondary and

Special Education.

The research subjects are the selected senior high students that studies in

Our Lady of Fatima University who have knowledge about the Implementation of
Mandatory ROTC. Non-probability sampling technique is used to search a

respondent randomly. The researchers will use Quota Sampling to ensure that

there are only fifty (50) respondents per grade level.

Research Instruments

Demographic Questionnaire – this will determine the provided

demographic information of the respondents. Respondents were asked to

answer the questions about their age, gender, strand/course.

Reaction Assessment Survey – a slightly modified version of self-

administered “Reaction Assessment Survey: A Questionnaire for Senior High

Students” was employed in this research. The survey is divided into six sections

covering the topics of: (I) ROTC background information, (II) Sources about their

awareness in ROTC, (III) What is ROTC, (IV) Aspects of ROTC, (V) Reactions

about ROTC and (VI) Influence that affects the respondent’s reaction.

The use of codes will be used to represent the different answer; I: Choices

will be provided for the given situations; II: (1) Yes and (2) No; III: (1) True and (2)

False; IV: (1) Very Unattractive, (2) Unattractive, (3) Neutral, Neither Attractive

nor Unattractive, (4) Attractive, and (5) Very Attractive; V: (1) Strongly Disagree,

(2) Disagree, (3) Agrees Slightly, (4) Agrees Completely; Lastly VI: (1) Very Small

Role, (2) Small Role, (3) Moderate Role, (4) Large Role and (5) Very Large Role.

Validation of the Instrument

The researchers had provided self-made 20-item questionnaire to be

handed to the participants for this study. A closed-ended questions will be

prepared as a guide questions regarding in the ‘Different Reactions in

Implementation of Mandatory ROTC’ to conduct the survey; it allows the

respondents to answer the questions based on how they feel to rate about it.

Data Gathering Procedure

The researchers will ask permission from the school dean and subject

conductress to perform a survey that will involve two hundred (200) students, fifty

(50) students per strand to answer the questionnaire. When the letter had been

approved, the researchers will start the survey at the beginning of August and to

be finished before August 10 2019.

A paper survey will be used as the procedure of data gathering. The

researchers prepared guide questionnaire to be answered by chosen senior high

students during the survey in which will be also conducted by the researchers.

The respondents will be informed about their rights according to their

participation, and having the full control in accordance to their information.

After the researchers conducted the survey among the respondents, the

researchers will now gather and collect all of the data and information needed

and will be put into documentation. With all of the information and data collected,

the researchers will now be able to make a conclusion on what really are the

different reactions in implementation of Mandatory ROTC.

Statistical Treatment
The researchers will use the formula in mean to get the average of the

data. The mean is found by adding up all the gathered data and dividing by the

number of data entries. And the researcher will use also the concept of mode in

which the reason that occurs often, in short the researchers will use the

Percentage Formula so that it can identify what are the different reactions of the

selected senior high students in implementation of Mandatory ROTC

1. Percentage and Frequency Formula are used to determine the

demographic profile of the respondents.

Formula: % ( P)= x 100


P = Percentage n = Sample Size

F = Frequency

2. Percentage, and Arithmetic Mean are used to determine the sum of the

different reactions of the respondents about the Implementation of ROTC.

Formula: % ( P)= x 100


P = Percentage n = Sample Size

F = Frequency

r 1+r 2+r 3 … ..+ r 4



r = Given

n = Sample Size

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