10 1109@scored 2010 5704049
10 1109@scored 2010 5704049
10 1109@scored 2010 5704049
Abstract— This paper presents the analysis of Fuzzy Logic I I . SYSTEMS STRUCTURE
controller for permanent magnet brushless DC motor drive for
simulation and experimental results. Initially a fuzzy controller is A. Permanent-Magnet BLDC Motor Structure
developed by using MATLAB Fuzzy-Logic Toolbox and then
inserted into the Simulink model. The dynamic characteristics of Fig. 1 illustrates the structure of a typical brushless DC
the brushless dc motor such as speed, torque, currents and motor. The stator windings of BLDC are similar to those in a
voltages of the inverter components are easily observed and polyphase AC motor, and the rotor is composed of one or
analyzed by using the developed MATLAB model. The more permanent magnets. Brushless DC motors (BLDC)
simulation results are compared with TMS320F2808 DSP contain a powerful permanent magnet rotor and fixed
experimental results. The brushless direct current (BLDC) motor
stator windings. The stationary stator windings are usually
is successfully and efficiently controlled by Fuzzy logic controller.
three phases, which means that three separate voltages are
Keywords- Fuzzy logic controller; BLDC motor drives; simulation; supplied to three different set of windings [5]. Brushless DC
experimental set motors are different from AC synchronous motors in that
the former incorporates some means to detect the rotor
position (or magnetic poles) to produce signals to control
In modern intelligent motion applications the demand to the electronic switches as shown in fig. 2.
the accurate speed and position control is increasing. BLDC
motors have some advantages over conventional brushed DC
motors and induction motors. Some of these are; better
speed versus torque characteristics, high dynamic response,
high efficiency, long operating life, noiseless operation and
higher speed ranges. In addition, BLDC motors are reliable,
easy to control, and inexpensive [1]. Due to their favorable
electrical and mechanical properties, BLDC motor are
widely used in servo application such as automotive,
aerospace, medical, instrumentation, actuation, robotics,
machine tools and industrial automation equipment. Many
machine design and control schemes have been developed to
improve the performance of BLDC motor drives. The
model of motor drives has to be known in order to
Figure 1. Transverse section of a brushless dc motor
implement an effective control in simulation. Furthermore,
fuzzy logic controllers (FLCs) are used to analyze BLDC
motor drives in literature [2]. The previous studies have made
a great contribution to BLDC motor drives. In this paper, a
comprehensive simulation model with fuzzy logic
controller is presented. MATLAB/fuzzy logic toolbox is
used to design FLC, which is integrated into simulations
with Simulink [3]. Besides, considering that the
computational time without affecting the accuracy of the
results obtained is very low, it can be said that the proposed
method is promising [4].
Figure 2. Diagram for BLDC motor
Fig. 4 shows the designed control system for BLDC Figure 6. (a) triangle, (b) trapezoid, and (c) bell membership function
motor. The system contains two loops, the first loop is the
current control loop that accomplishes torque control of Fig. 7 illustrates the membership function used to
BLDC motor and the second loop is the speed control loop fuzzification two input values and defuzification output of
that adjusts the speed of BLDC motor. the fuzzy controller. For seven clusters in the membership
functions, seven linguistic variables are defined as:
Negative Big (NB), Negative Medium (NM), Negative
Small (NS), Zero (Z), Positive Small (PS), Positive Medium
(PM), and Positive Big (PB).
Figure 4. Fuzzy logic for BLDC motor drive system Figure 7. Membership functions of fuzzy logic controller
Figure 8. Matlab simulation diagram of fuzzy logic controller
Where; va , vb , and vc are phase voltages, R is
resistance, L is inductance, M is mutual inductance, ea
, eb , and ec are trapezoidal back EMFs.
The motion equation is:
C. Simulation structure of fuzzy in Matlab
The trapezoidal shape functions with limit values between
+1 and -1:
Fig. 8 shows the Matlab simulation diagram of Fuzzy
logic controller. The developed Matlab model is use to
observer the phase current waveforms, speed, torque and
maximun current.
(1) The error and the change in error:
A. MATLAB Simulations
Figure 9. Phase current waveforms based on the rotor position at 4000 Figure 11. Speeds responce for FLC
Fig. 12 demonstrates that BLDC motor is setting to
4000 rpm successfully, when the load torque changes occurs
Fig. 10 shows the dynamic responses of the
either load increased or decrease.
speed, torque and Imax, respectively. The reference
value of maximum current (Imax) is computed from the
generated constant torque reference.
Figure 12. Speeds responce for FLC on load change
B. Experimental
Fig. 16 Shows the hall sensor outputs of the BLDC effectively considered. It is seen that the desired real speed
motor that observed on ossilocope when the rotor position at and torque values could be reached in a short time by
4000 rpm. The phase different between 3 waveforms is FLC controller even sudden load changes or disturbance.
about 120 degrees.
The result paired with simulink is a good simulation tool
for modeling and analyze fuzzy logic controlled brushless
DC motor drives.
Besides, both simulated results and experimental results
shows very good closed agreement.