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History. The game of handball was orieinated by afamous gymnast, Konard

Kotch of Germany in 19th century.This game became popular slowiy.
Its main drawback was that it used to be considered a game of athletics.
A show match of handball was held in 1928 Olvmpics at Amsterdam. In thiS
OlVmpics, 11 countries participated in competition. This game was included
Separately in 1936 Olympics, at Berlin. After second world war International
Handball Federation came into existence. After that handball was excluded
trom olympicganmes, but since 1972 and 1976 it is being played for men and
women respectively.
In India,handball was
started in 1970.
4000 cm

245 5 cm 1992.5 cm '5'cm 1992.5 cm '5 cm

Sidel Line
ERE cm
cm 400
cm Throw
Line Cm
Line Goal
8 cm
5 Penalty
2000cm 316 300 300cm
Area Goal
cm cm Nel
'5 Line
90 c 5 cm
Place of Substitutes

Handball Court


1. Playing court = 40 mx 20 m 10. Weight of the ball =325 to 375 gm
2. Height of the goals =2m (female youth over 14 years
3. Width of the goals = 3m and male youth 12 to 16 years)
4. Width of the goal lines = 8cm 11. Circumference of the ball = 54 to 56 cm
between goalposts (female youth over 14 years
5. Length of the 7-metre line = 1m and male youth 12 to 16 years)
6. Length of the 4-metre line = 15 cm 12. Weight of the ball = 290 to 330 gm
7. Total number of players = 14 players (female youth 8-14 years and
(6 court players, 1goalkeeper male youth 8to 12 years)
and 7 substitutes) 13. Circumference of the ball = 50 to 52 cm
8. Weight of the ball = 425 to 475 gm (female youth 8-14 years and
(male over 16 years and men) male youth 8 to 12 years) min
9. Circumference of the ball 14. Playing time or duration = 30-10 (rest) -30
(male over 16 years and men) = 58 to 60 cm (male &female)

74 Saraswati Lab Manual Health &Physical Education-XII

1. The Team. Now a team
ne goalkeeper). The reumaining 7
consists of upto 14plavers. Each team willhave 7
players willact as substitutes. players (6 court players and
2. Playing lime. The playing time for male and
female team plavers, who are above 16
30minutes. Ihe interval of half time
break is normally 10 minutes i.c., 30 min.--10 min.years of age, is 2halves of
3. The Starting of the Game. The game (Rest-30 min.
begins inmediately with referee's whistle. The game starts at
centre of the court only by passing the ball to another the
own half of the court. After each goal is teammate. At this time, all the players must be within their
he court. A goalcannot be scored scored, the opposite team will always start the gane from the centre of
directly from the free throw in.
4. Substitutions. Substitutes may enter the court, at
any time repeatedly without notifying the
score keeper, as long as the plavers they are replacing have
already left
substitution shall always leave and enter the court over their own team's the court. The players involved in
substitution also takes place in the same way. substitution line. The goalkeepers
5. Scoring. A goal is scored when the ball has
crossed the goal line inside the goal entirely. The goal line
referee confirms with two short whistle signals and hand signal
number 12 that a goal has been scored.
A. Passing
B. Dribbling
(a) Bournce Pass
(a) Low Dribble
(b) Hook Pass
(b) High Dribble
(c) Chest Pass C. Shot
(d) Over Head Pass
(a) Jump Shot
(e) Jump Pass (b) Dive Shot
() Shoulder Pass
(c) Underhand Shot
(g) Side Arm Pass
(d) Lob Shot
(e) Reverse Shot
The brief explanation of some of the fundamental skills is given below:
1. Bounce Pass. In bounce pass, the ball should be thrown in suchaway that it
should bounce towards the
teammate. It should bounce approximately three feet in front of the receiver. The receiver should move
the ball and try to catch the ball by short hopping. towards
2. Hook Pass. Hook pass is used when a player is in the air for a jump shot. He
simply releases the ball to his
teammate while at the top of his jump to his teammate who is expected to penetrate towards the goal.
3.Chest Pass. The chest pass is used frequently in handball. It is a short distance pass.
This pass is the most
accurate pass. Generally, it is given by both hands. The use of fingers makes this pass most accurate one.
4. Dive Shot. In dive shot, the player stretches his body out and direct his
momentum towards the goal. He
should release the ball at the last possible moment by taking a dive.
5. Jump Pass. Jump pass is executed with a jump.The proper care should be taken to execute such a pass
after attaining maximum height in the jump and the ball should be flicked with the help of wrists before the
thrower starts losing the height.
6. Dribbling. Most of the American handball players use dribbling. For proper dribbling action,a player
should have his knees slightly bent along with abody leaning forward. The ball should be pushed with the help
of fingers. The hand should remain in contact with the ball during its upward and downward motions. Asmooth
and rhythmic action of the hand willhelp in keeping the control over the ball. Aplayer should feel comfortable
in dribbling without looking at the ball.

HandbalI 75
the ioor.
unting: When a player has lo un wilh tle ball. he bounces the ball on to
Fast Break: The fastest way to counter attack against the opponent player
Ceiling Shot: Aceiling shotis one that is hit directly to the ceiling.
Fault: A fault is illegally served ball.
ly Shot: A fly shot is one that is playedbefore the bal bounces.

1. NationalChampionship
2. Federation Cup
3. Inter University Handball Championslhip
4. School National
5. National Games
6. Olympic Games
7. Asian Games
8. SAF Games

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