Newsletter Sept2011 Sullivan

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Class Flash!


Mid-September 2011


Whats going on in grade 3 F.I.?

Please note: Starting in October, the Class Flash will only be available on my class web page. Please take the time to check the school/classroom website NOW to ensure that you will be able to access it from home. Hard Copies will ONLY be sent home upon written request. Welcome Back!
math: Grade 3 is a big year for Math. The
children will be reviewing and extending all areas of the curriculum already learned in grades 1 and 2 and learning multiplication and division for the first time. The EQAO test will be in early June. The children have been preparing for this test since grade 1 and we will continue to prepare ourselves throughout this year. Beginning in October, a Math Journal will be sent Home every Wednesday with a Problem of the Week. Information outlining our expectations for the journal will be sent home with the first problem. Our first unit in math this term is Patterning and Algebra. where we, living in Whitby, are situated on map. Furthermore, we will be learning about various mapping skills. (legends, coordinates, symbols and cardinal directions) drame et danse: Mme Julie will be the childrens drama/dance teacher this year on Day 2. ducation physique: Mme Pokupec will be your childs phys. ed. Teacher this year. Outdoor phys. ed. will be on Day 1, and the students will usually go to the gym on Days 2, 3 and 4. ** Please remember: proper running shoes and appropriate clothing are necessary for your child to participate actively in gym class.

Bienvenue dans ma classe et la 3e anne: Elizabeth Umechi Jenah Jasmine MacKenzie Emalyn Nawal Breyanna Cameron Kayle Joshua Aryan Hannah Dakota Owen Isaac Christian

What a great couple of weeks the children and I have had. We already feel like a family. The students have been working hard on writing a personal C-D about themselves as well as a short paragraph about one thing they did over the summer holidays. 5-Day Cycle: This school year, the daily schedules will continue to follow a 5-day cycle. Tuesday September 7th was Day 1. Monday September 19th was Day 5.

franais: This month, we will be working

on writing a personality poem. The children will also be reviewing how to write a good, complete sentence leading towards writing a good paragraph in October.

dicte: Dictation will be every Friday

starting this Friday. The list of words and choice of review activities will vary each week according to the students needs as a group. A home worksheet listing the words and/or verbs to be practiced and studied will go home on the Friday before the test. This worksheet is to be completed at home and returned to school on the test day. *Please keep in mind that your child will get more benefit from 10-15 minutes of practice EACH NIGHT, rather than an extended period at less regular intervals.*

sciences: We have begun our Soil Unit in Science. The children brought in a soil sample, examined it closely and made notes of their observations to distinguish between the different types of soil. tudes sociales: For the months of September, October and part of November, the children will be learning about Canada, its location on a map, within our continent, and in the World. They will also learn

Excellence Assembly: On Monday, October 3rd, the school will congregate for our first Excellence Assembly recognizing: 1) student success 2) student leadership 3) student citizenship. We will also celebrate and acknowledge the students who have demonstrated this months Character Education Trait Agendas are (RESPECT).

sent home every night.

Friendly Reminders:
* Please help your child remember to bring to school DAILY all of the items he/she will need in order to complete his/her work in class to the best of his/her ability (e.g.: agenda, workbooks, etc.). * Please return to school the Gifted Testing form as soon as possible., whether or not you want your child to be tested. Merci! * Healthy snacks are, as always, strongly encouraged! * Allergies: Please note that we have peanut and legume (chick peas, peas) allergies in our classroom. Your vigilance when preparing school snacks/lunches is appreciated! * Plastic water bottles that close easily are encouraged for use in class. Juice is to saved for lunch time only. No pop please!
AGENDA: Parents must look over

We are off to a GREAT start!

their childs homework EVERY NIGHT & SIGN the agenda. I sign the agendas every morning, checking for notes from you and verifying that homework has been returned to school. I also check the previous day for a parent signature to make sure you have checked your childs agenda as well. Together we can support and encourage your child to work at his/her full potential!

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