ISO 8573 - Parte 4
ISO 8573 - Parte 4
ISO 8573 - Parte 4
Second edition
Reference number
ISO 8573-4:2019(E)
© ISO 2019
ISO 8573-4:2019(E)
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Contents Page
Foreword......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... iv
1 Scope.................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 1
2 Normative references....................................................................................................................................................................................... 1
3 Terms and definitions...................................................................................................................................................................................... 1
4 Units.................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 2
5 Reference conditions........................................................................................................................................................................................ 2
6 Particle type............................................................................................................................................................................................................... 2
6.1 General............................................................................................................................................................................................................ 2
6.2 Liquid particles........................................................................................................................................................................................ 2
6.3 Solid particles............................................................................................................................................................................................ 3
6.3.1 General...................................................................................................................................................................................... 3
6.3.2 Microbiological particles........................................................................................................................................... 3
7 Selection of method............................................................................................................................................................................................ 3
7.1 General............................................................................................................................................................................................................ 3
7.2 Sampling on sampling disc surface in conjunction with a microscope................................................... 3
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ISO (the International Organization for Standardization) is a worldwide federation of national standards
bodies (ISO member bodies). The work of preparing International Standards is normally carried out
through ISO technical committees. Each member body interested in a subject for which a technical
committee has been established has the right to be represented on that committee. International
organizations, governmental and non-governmental, in liaison with ISO, also take part in the work.
ISO collaborates closely with the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) on all matters of
electrotechnical standardization.
The procedures used to develop this document and those intended for its further maintenance are
described in the ISO/IEC Directives, Part 1. In particular, the different approval criteria needed for the
different types of ISO documents should be noted. This document was drafted in accordance with the
editorial rules of the ISO/IEC Directives, Part 2 (see
Attention is drawn to the possibility that some of the elements of this document may be the subject of
patent rights. ISO shall not be held responsible for identifying any or all such patent rights. Details of
any patent rights identified during the development of the document will be in the Introduction and/or
on the ISO list of patent declarations received (see
Any trade name used in this document is information given for the convenience of users and does not
constitute an endorsement.
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For an explanation on the voluntary nature of standards, the meaning of ISO specific terms and
expressions related to conformity assessment, as well as information about ISO's adherence to the
World Trade Organization (WTO) principles in the Technical Barriers to Trade (TBT) see the following
This document was prepared by Technical Committee ISO/TC 118, Compressors and pneumatic tools,
machines and equipment, Subcommittee SC 4 Compressed air treatment technology.
This second edition cancels and replaces the first edition (ISO 8573-4:2001), which has been technically
revised. It also incorporates the Technical corrigendum ISO 8573-4:2001/Cor.1:2002.
A list of all parts in the ISO 8573 series can be found on the ISO website.
Particles are a common contaminant in compressed air and this document details the correct sampling
methodology and assists the user in selecting equipment and instrumentation and the determination of
particle size and concentration.
In addition, it is to be used to assess compressed air purity such that the purity class can be stated in
accordance with ISO 8573-1 for particles of Class 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5, and can be used only by agreement
between consenting parties when measurements to purity Class 0 are to be performed.
This document does not detail the methods to be used to determine the mass concentration of particles
as required for the particle purity Classes of 6, 7 and X as detailed in ISO 8573-1 of the series, for which
ISO 8573-8 is required.
Historically it was the intention to only consider solid particles for the purposes of the particle purity
class measurement. The detection methods detailed here however are not substance selective and thus
this standard reports all particles present in the compressed air within the size ranges measured.
By reference to the other standards in the ISO 8573 series the component parts of the particle
concentration can be assessed e.g. oil, water or solid particles. Solid particles may also include debris,
carbonaceous matter and viable microorganisms.
The annexes of this document provide general guidance to the types of equipment available to the user
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1 Scope
This document provides a method for sampling compressed air and a guide for choosing suitable
measuring equipment to determine its particle size and concentration by number (to be referenced as
“concentration” throughout this document). It also describes the limitations of the various measurement
methods and describes the evaluation and uncertainty considerations.
This document will report the particle size and concentration of all types of particle combined and
does not aim to be able to segregate the separate solid and liquid particle fractions. When it is required
that the concentration of a specific fraction is to be determined then recourse to the relevant standard
method from the ISO 8573 series is recommended.
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NOTE 1 The test methods described in this document are those suitable for determining the purity classes
given in ISO 8573-1.
NOTE 3 This document does not address instances where non-isothermal conditions exist, and separate
arrangements should be made where particles may be formed by vapour condensation or lost through
2 Normative references
The following documents are referred to in the text in such a way that some or all of their content
constitutes requirements of this document. For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For
undated references, the latest edition of the referenced document (including any amendments) applies.
ISO 3857-4, Compressors, pneumatic tools and machines — Vocabulary — Part 4: Air treatment
ISO 8573-1, Compressed air — Part 1: Contaminants and purity classes
ISO 21501-1, Determination of particle size distribution — Single particle light interaction methods —
Part 1: Light scattering aerosol spectrometer
ISO 21501-4, Determination of particle size distribution — Single particle light interaction methods —
Part 4: Light scattering airborne particle counter for clean spaces
optical aerosol spectrometer
light scattering aerosol spectrometer used for measuring the size, number concentration and number/
size distribution of particles suspended in a gas
Note 1 to entry: This device is described in ISO 21501-1.
optical particle counter
light scattering airborne particle counter used for measuring the size and particle number concentration
of particles suspended in air
Note 1 to entry: This device is described in ISO 21501-4.
4 Units
General use of SI units (see ISO 80000-1) as given throughout this document is recommended. However,
in agreement with accepted practice in the pneumatic industry sector, some non-preferred SI units,
accepted by ISO, are also used.
1 bar = 100 000 Pa
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1 l (litre) = 0,001 m3
5 Reference conditions
Reference conditions for volume statements are as follows:
— air temperature: 20 °C
— absolute air pressure: 100 kPa [1 bar (a)]
— relative water vapour pressure: 0
6 Particle type
6.1 General
Particles are characterized by their properties of material, particularly their size, density, shape,
transparency, colour, vapour pressure and hardness. A particle may be in the solid or liquid phase. Solid
particles may also comprise microbiological viable and non-viable particles.
NOTE Agglomerates may be comprised of all types of particles.
6.3.1 General
Solid particles are sized, counted and their concentration determined using this document. On occasion
that the concentration by mass is to be determined then ISO 8573-8 should be applied.
The compressed air may include in its composition microorganisms of a viable and/or non-viable
nature which will be counted as part of the total concentration reported by this document. Viable
particles include pollen, bacteria, fungi and their spores. If it is necessary to determine the fraction
which comprises viable particles, then ISO 8573-7 should be applied.
7 Selection of method
7.1 General
The method of measurement to be selected depends on the size range of the particles in the compressed
air. For choosing the method most suitable for the sizes of particles estimated to be present in the
sample, see Table 1.
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The applicability of any chosen measurement equipment to a method should be verified with the
equipment manufacturer.
Sampling disc sampling may be unsuitable for the sizing of liquid particles in compressed air due to
evaporation effects. One advantage of this method is its ability to determine a particle’s elemental or
chemical composition by other analytical means such as energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy often
coupled to an SEM.
Once the particles collected on the sampling disc have been counted and sized their concentration can
be determined using Formula (2).
7.3.1 General
There are many types of particle sizing and counting instruments. An instrument with the capability to
measure the size and concentration of the particles in air shall be selected. Instrument sample air flow
rates are typically low and thus it is likely that sizing and counting using an instrument-based approach
will be performed on a representative sample of the air obtained using isokinetic sampling principles.
There are particle sizing and counting instruments that can be operated at the same pressure as that
of the compressed air. These are preferable to instruments that only operate at atmospheric pressure
but may be limited in sensitivity due to the detection method. When sampling from a compressed air
system using an instrument that cannot withstand the system pressure, a compressed air diffuser shall
be used (see Annex E). Pressure regulators shall not be used in place of a compressed air diffuser to
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The instrument used shall be based upon the light scattering measurement principle for single particle
measurements. It may either be an optical aerosol spectrometer (OAS) described as a light scattering
aerosol spectrometer in ISO 21501-1, or an optical particle counter (OPC) described as a light scattering
airborne particle counter in ISO 21501-4. For more information see Annex B.
Take care to ensure that the instrument selected is suitable for the particle size and concentration
range to be measured (see Table 2).
Table 2 — Guidance to particle size and concentration by number OAS and OPC counters
Instrument type Typical particle size range Typical maximum particle
Optical aerosol spectrometer (OAS) ≥0,06 to ≤100 1 × 1012
Optical particle counter (OPC) ≥0,1 to ≤10 5 × 107
The instrument selected shall have a valid calibration certificate, wherein the calibration has been
performed using certified and NIST traceable polystyrene latex microspheres (PSL), selected to cover
the size range or ranges in which the particle size measurement will be performed. Calibration of the
OAS or OPC shall have been conducted in accordance with ISO 21501-1 or ISO 21501-4 respectively, in
the range of interest and be no more than 12 months old.
When using instruments supplied with a test dust for the purposes of checking calibration and
performance, the dust shall have a valid calibration certificate from the manufacturer and be not more
than 12 months old.
Take care to ensure when operating the particle counting instrument that the maximum concentration
is not exceeded. If the maximum concentration is exceeded this would result in coincidence. Particle
coincidence would result in the instrument reporting a larger particle size than actually present and
a lower total number of particles counted per unit of volume. Where concentrations are present that
exceed the allowable limits of the instrument in use, a particle dilution system shall be used (see
Annex F). Consult the instrument manufacturer to identify a suitable particle dilution system for
performing this task. The dilution ratio shall remain constant over the operating concentration range
of the equipment.
8 Sampling techniques
8.1 General
The sampling equipment measurements can be carried out at full or partial flow.
a) Full flow — sampling of total airflow.
b) Partial flow — a representative sample taken from a percentage of the airflow.
In both cases to determine the concentration of the particles in the air sampled, the total volume of
air sampled shall be known. This can either be recorded directly by a totalising flowmeter or as the
product of the set flow rate and the period the air was being sampled.
The sample air flow rate shall not exceed the operating limits of the sampling device. The air flow rate
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should be constant.
(q w + qp ) > D 20 (1)
Once the size and number, Nd, of particles has been measured the concentration, Cn(x), can be calculated
from Formula (2);
C n (d ) = N d × (Q ⋅ t ) (2)
Cn(d) is the number concentration for a given particle size or range, in particles/m3;
Q is the flowrate of the analysed compressed air through the sampling equipment, in m3/s;
t is the total time (s) for which compressed air has been sampled through the sampling
10 Test report
The test report shall identify the location and conditions under which the particle size and concentration
was determined.
The test report used to declare particle concentration determined in accordance with this document
shall contain the following additional information as a minimum:
a) details of the company and location at which the test was performed;
b) a reference to this document, e.g. ISO 8573-4:2019;
c) a description of the point in the system at which the measurements were taken;
d) a record of the particle concentration, volume flow rate, temperature, pressure and sampling time
for each measurement;
e) a description of the sampling and measuring system including instrument names and serial
f) the date at which the particle sizing and counting instrument was last calibrated;
g) the words "Declared particle concentration in accordance with ISO 8573-4:2019”, followed by the
concentration relating to the size or range over which the measurement was made corrected to
reference conditions in Clause 5;
h) a statement regarding the applicable uncertainty of the measured values.
An example test report is given in Annex A.
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Annex A
The compressed air system at Optical Industries Inc consists of four air compressors, aftercoolers and
refrigerant type dryers, with one stand-by compressor, two compressors working full load and one
compressor loaded to approximately 50 %. The system working pressure is set at 7 bar(e).
Samples were collected for 60 s at 1 h intervals over an 8 h period on 14/06/2018 using a partial flow
sampling method.
Annex B
The selection of the method of measurement depends on the concentration range and the sizes of
particles in the compressed air. Table B.1 provides guidance for choosing the method most suitable for
the sizes of particles estimated to be present in the sample.
The applicability of particular measurement equipment to a method should be verified with the
equipment manufacturer.
Furthermore, when using microscopes based upon the scanning electron principle, the ability to
perform elemental analysis using energy dispersive X-ray analysis (EDXA) for chemical characterisation
of specific particles or areas of the sampling disc is usually available.
The sampling disc used for the collection of the sample should have a rating suitable for the size
and type of particles to be measured. Gridded sampling discs are helpful when performing manual
optical microscopic sizing but not essential, particularly if the process is performed on an automated
microscope stage with counting and size classifying software.
Some sampling disc materials that have been found suitable (but not limited to) are as follows:
— Polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE);
— Polyvinylchloride (PVC);
— Mixed cellulose ester (MCE);
— Polysulfone;
— Borosilicate glass fibre;
— Vinyl/acrylic copolymer.
light through air of a known refractive index which then encounters particles of a different refractive
index and results in light becoming scattered. Particle counting instruments employ highly polished
mirrors and lenses to focus the scattered light on to a detector which converts the scattered light in to
electrical pulses. The pulse represents the presence of a particle and its magnitude represents the size
of the particle. By knowing the rate of air flow and the period over which the number of particles was
counted, a particle size and number concentration is determined. The ability of the instrument to resolve
changes in the scattered light intensity determines the resolution of the counter. The minimum count
rate efficiency relates to the counter, usually referenced at 50 % count rate efficiency for a given size.
There are two main classes of optical particle counters based on single particle scattered light detection
— optical aerosol spectrometer (OAS) described as a light scattering aerosol spectrometer in
ISO 21501-1, or
— optical particle counter (OPC) described as a light scattering airborne particle counter in ISO 21501-4.
OAS instruments count pulses of scattered light from a single particle that passes through a defined
optical measurement volume illuminated with a focused light beam. The shape of individual particles
measured are assumed to be spherical. The amount of light scattered depends upon the light reflection,
refraction and diffraction properties of the particle. Thus, the size reported is substance specific and
expressed as an equivalence to a reference calibration substance usually as spheres of polystyrene
latex (PSL) with known refractive index and nominal density.
These instruments are broadly defined by two types of construction which defines the way in which
the particle is illuminated. They either employ an intracavity laser, or more commonly, a polychromatic
light source. Both constructions benefit from substantially improved particle size resolution over
that of OPC instruments. They typically have up to 64 size channels per decade in the size range being
Intracavity laser instruments have a sample flow range of typically 0,01 l/min to 0,1 l/min whereas
polychromatic light instruments can typically flow 5 l/min and thus larger sampling volumes can be
measured in a shorter sampling time period. Intracavity laser instruments are also generally limited in
the range of particle size (≥0,06 µm to ≤10 µm) and maximum concentration that can be measured but
benefit from their capability in measuring low concentrations of particles.
OAS instruments based on polychromatic light are generally more tolerant to high concentrations
of particles, typically up to 1 × 1012 particles/m3, and a larger size range spanning typically 0,12 µm
to 100 µm. Variants of this type of instrument are available to measure particles directly in the
compressed air with the need for a compressed air diffuser and losses due to the diffuser do not need to
be accounted for in the measurement.
For OAS instruments the size of the particle that can be measured is directly related to the defined optical
volume of the sensor. As this optical volume increases they are less tolerant to high concentrations of
particles in the sampled stream. Further details relating to single particle light interaction methods can
be found in ISO 21501-1:2009, Annex A.
Optical particle counters (OPC) count pulses of scattered light from single particles, or in some cases, they
count the shadows cast by backlit particles through a defined optical measurement volume. Generally,
the particle to be measured is illuminated by a monochromatic light source such as a He-Ne laser.
Individual particles measured are assumed to be spherical in shape. The amount of light scattered
depends upon the light reflection, refraction and diffraction properties of the particle. Thus, the size
reported is substance specific and expressed as an equivalence to a reference calibration substance
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such as spheres of polystyrene latex (PSL) with known refractive index and nominal density.
Laser based OPCs are suited to clean room monitoring sampling at relatively high sample flow rates
of typically 28 l/min to 100 l/min because they allow substantially shorter test durations which is
particularly useful when measuring such low particle concentration levels.
One disadvantage of using laser light to size a particle is the difficulty in evenly illuminating the optical
volume in which the particle is passing through. This is because the centre of the laser beam is brighter
than the edge. Consequently, the ability of these instrument to resolve differences in particle size is
limited and can result in <10 particle size channels over a range between ≥0,1 µm to ≤10,0 µm in size.
The equivalent diameter of a sphere that has the same properties of the particle being measured.
Properties considered may be projected surface area, volume, mass, sedimentation velocity, electrical
mobility, scattered light, diffusion etc. In each case the diameter reported is an equivalence to that of
the property being measured.
The equivalent diameter of a homogeneous sphere of a reference material that has the same scattered
light properties as the measured particle when said particle is sized using single particle light
interaction techniques. Calibration of such devices is usually undertaken with monodisperse reference
materials such as those manufactured from polystyrene latex (PSL) with a defined refractive index and
size traceable dimensions.
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Annex C
C.1 General
Using this method, the total airflow passes through the sampling equipment.
The method detailed here deals with the sampling and analysis of airborne particles at a constant flow
rate and permits the quantification and sizing of particles in a compressed air system.
Airflow is passed through the test equipment via suitable in-line valves, which have been previously
checked to ensure they do not add to the level of contamination already present.
Particular attention shall be paid to the cleanliness of the test equipment, and other precautions shall
be taken, e.g. valve purging and stabilization to constant test conditions.
Where air is directed to the atmosphere, take precautions to ensure that the system pressure is
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maintained, the air is safely expanded to atmosphere and silencers fitted as required. The temperature,
pressure and velocity ranges for the apparatus shall be within those specified by the manufacturer.
Dimensions in millimetres
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1 typical crevice-free joint
2 crevice-free joint to suit probe
NOTE The example given in Figure C.1 is provided for information purposes only and users shall ensure that
any design meets their own safety requirements for the compressed air pressure at which the holder is intended
to be used.
Instruments designed to size and count particles generally operate at relatively low sample flow rates.
Hence it is unlikely that full flow sampling of the compressed air can be performed, and thus particle
sizing and counting by microscopic analysis will be required.
As the test apparatus is portable, different test locations can be chosen, provided the stated parameters
are not exceeded and suitable valve and connection arrangements for insertion of the test equipment
into the circuit exists. Take care to prevent cross-contamination of any new location by the previous
test yielding falsely high readings.
Where practical the sampled air may be returned to the compressed air system for use.
1 compressed air sampling point 9 sampling disc holder or particle counter
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Annex D
Isokinetic sampling
D.1 General
The set-up for the isokinetic sampling probe at the insertion point of the compressed air system under
investigation is shown in Figure D.1.
1 isokinetic sampling probe in the main line
2 adjustable gland to allow adjustment of probe
a Main pipe inside diameter.
b Minimum straight length in front of the probe ≥10 × D.
c Probe insertion point at minimum of ≥3 × D.
d Internal probe diameter din.
e Direction of flow.
Figure D.1 — Typical set-up of probe insertion for isokinetic sampling (shown for bend
insertion of probe)
1 7 9,6 200
2 10 12,6 200
3 17 19,6 400
qw waste discharge flow direction 9 multi-turn flow control valve
qp probe discharge flow direction 10 flow sensing/measuring
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Figure D.3 — Typical test equipment arrangement for partial flow isokinetic sampling with a
sampling disc holder
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qw waste discharge flow direction 7 isokinetic probe insertion point — see Figure D.1
qp probe discharge flow direction 8 full-flow ball valve (open)
1 compressed air sampling point 9 multi-turn flow control valve
2 full-flow ball valve (closed) 10 flow sensing/measuring
3 pressure dewpoint sensing/measuring 11 silencer
4 temperature sensing/measuring 12 compressed air diffuser
5 pressure sensing/measuring 13 dilution system (optional)
6 full-flow ball valve (open) 14 particle counter
Figure D.4 — Typical test equipment arrangement for partial flow isokinetic sampling at
atmospheric pressure with a particle counter
(qw + qp ) q p = D 2 d 2 (D.1)
Annex E
E.4 Limitations
In general, compressed air diffusers are assumed to have a minor impact on solid particles but a major
impact on liquid ones. During an expansion process, particles may be formed by condensation or lost by
evaporation. Transfer coefficients, if applied at all, are typically for solid particles only, since according
coefficients for liquid particles are unavailable, respectively, mixtures of solid and liquid particles
would depend on many further variables.
Thus the operation of a compressed air diffuser is recommended for a sample flow free from liquid
particles and saturated vapours respectively a minimum compressed air purity ISO 8573-1:2010 [-:4:1].
If liquid particles or saturated vapours are present, the measurement of particle size and concentration
shall be done directly in the compressed air at working pressure.
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Annex F
F.1 Background
Instruments for use with this document are based upon the light scattering measurement principle for
single particle measurements. As such only a single particle may be present in the optical measurement
volume otherwise the energy detected on the photo-detector would represent that of a larger particle of
reduced number concentration. Individual particle counting instruments state limits for the maximum
number concentration that can be measured and reported correctly, thus on occasions where the
concentration present in the sampled air exceeds the level stated a particle dilution stage is used.
Commonly the dilution ratio is fixed at a predetermined value of 1:10 or 1:100 whereas instruments
designed in a cascade arrangement it is possible to achieve a dilution ratio of up to 1:100 000 using
multiple stages in series.
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F.3 Performance
The performance of a particle dilution system can be checked by operating the particle counter on an
air stream that contains particles but not sufficiently high that the counter enters in to coincidence.
Then measurements made with and without the dilution system in operation can be compared for
changes to the particle size distribution and the dilution ratio against the claimed levels for the dilution
Commonly the materials of construction and design can render the dilution instrument suitable for
specific particle size range measurements only and this should be checked with the manufacturer and
its suitability confirmed for use in the measurement to be made.
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[1] ISO 2602, Statistical interpretation of test results — Estimation of the mean — Confidence interval
[2] ISO 2854, Statistical interpretation of data — Techniques of estimation and tests relating to means
and variances
[3] ISO 8573 (all parts), Compressed air — Contaminant measurement
[4] ISO 5598, Fluid power systems and components — Vocabulary
[5] ISO 14644-3, Cleanrooms and associated controlled environments — Part 3: Test methods
[6] ISO 80000-1, Quantities and units — Part 1: General
[7] BS 3406-4, Methods for determination of particle size distribution. Part 4: Guide to microscope and
image analysis methods
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ISO 8573-4:2019(E)