Think Like JESUS

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Think Like Jesus

40 Days To Creating A Miracle Mindset

Chad Gonzales
Scripture quotations taken from the New King James
Version. Copyright © 1982 by Thomas Nelson, Inc. Used by
permission. All rights reserved.

Think Like Jesus: 40 Days To Creating A Miracle Mindset

ISBN 13: 978-0-9853392-3-4
Copyright © 2016 by Chad Gonzales
All rights reserved.
Printed in the United States of America. All rights reserved
under International Copyright Law. Contents and /or
cover may not be reproduced in whole or in part in any
form without the express written consent of the Publisher
or Author

When we look at Jesus, there is something innately inside

of us that wants to imitate Him because of our union with
Him through salvation. When we receive salvation, we
become a new creation in Christ Jesus and a new way of
living becomes possible. We are spirit beings; as a result,
there is a natural longing to experience the supernatural.
As we should, we have looked at Jesus, for He is the
prototype of what a man or woman filled with God and
empowered by the Holy Spirit can do on the earth. The
problem is we have tried to copy His actions without
thinking His thoughts and many times the result is a lack of
There is a reason the apostle Paul told us in Philippians 2,
“Let this mind be in you which was in Christ Jesus.” There
is a mindset that must be in place in order to make the
supernatural natural for us and manifest Heaven while on
the earth. Miracles won’t become normal in our lives until
our thinking lines up with the thoughts of Jesus.
Some would say, “How could we possibly know what Jesus
thought?” The answer is simple. What people talk about
the most is what they think about the most. Out of the
abundance of one’s heart they speak! In reading through
the Gospels, especially the book of John, you find that
Jesus main topic of conversation was regarding His
identity; He talked about it constantly! Through these
statements, we find tremendous insight as to why He was
able to walk in the supernatural almost effortlessly.
The Bible says in Proverbs 23:7, “As a man thinks in his
heart, so is he.” Instead of focusing on Jesus actions, we
need to focus on His thoughts. If we will simply renew our
mind to His thoughts, the actions that produce the
miraculous will be a natural by-product.
Day 1: Live From The Supernatural

No one has ascended to heaven but He who came down

from heaven, that is the Son of Man who is in heaven.
John 3:13

One of the most mind boggling statements Jesus makes is

found in John 3:13. Jesus said He was actually living in
heaven – while He was standing on the earth!
Even though Jesus was living on the earth, He had learned
to live out of Heaven. If you want to operate in the
supernatural, you have to live from the supernatural. You
have to become more aware of your supernatural
resources than your natural resources.
On the earth, there will always be lack – but not in
Heaven. Heaven is your home and yet Heaven is where
you are to be living from while on the earth. Jesus knew
He had access to Heaven’s provision and we must as well.
It is why Jesus could look at five loaves of bread and two
fish and still see a banquet for ten thousand people. It’s
the same reason we should look at earthly seed and see
abundance or see an inoperable tumor and see a miracle
waiting to happen.
We actually live in two worlds. Our spirit is of Heaven and
our body is of the earth; therefore, we have access to
both. We must view our living situation like Jesus. We
must learn through our relationship with the Holy Spirit
how to walk on this earth and yet access things from the
spirit realm. It all starts with becoming more aware of the
spirit realm than this natural realm. When we become
more aware of the spirit realm, we will start to view life’s
problems in a different way. When our natural eyes see
lack, our spiritual eyes will see excess.

Confession: Because of my union with Christ, Heaven is my

home and I have no lack.
Scripture reading: Luke 10:9-17
Day 2: God’s Gift To The World

If you knew the gift of God and who it is who says to you,
“Give Me a drink,” you would have asked Him and He
would have given you living water. John 4:10

I absolutely love the boldness of Jesus. Jesus knew He was

a gift of God and He knew He was a possessor of life.
Essentially Jesus said, “If you only knew Who I was, you
would have asked for something supernatural.”
Because of our union with Christ, we are also a gift to the
world. We have been sent by God into the world to set
the captives free and manifest God. If you want to do
what Jesus did, you must think like Him; you must think
this about yourself!
When you stand before someone who needs a touch from
God, please know you are a gift from Heaven sent to
manifest Heaven in their life. Through Christ, you are the
hope for their hopeless situation; you are Christ on the
When you know who you are and what you possess, you
can walk in confidence assured of the fact that whatever
you face in this world, by God’s grace, He has equipped
you to handle it. As God sent Jesus into the world, Jesus
has sent you into the world. God sent Jesus as a gift and
Jesus sent you. Granted, we are nothing in and of
ourselves; we are completely dependent on Jesus.
However, we are Christ on the earth; we are His
representatives here. If people are going to be set free
from the shackles Satan has placed on their lives, it can
only from us.
Through your union with Christ, you must see yourself as
an answer; you must see yourself as the solution to
someone’s problem. We must become confident of the
Anointed One and His anointing within us so that we can
give people a taste of Heaven.

Confession: Through Christ, I am a gift from God to the

world. Within me is an answer for life’s problems.
Scripture reading: Matthew 9:27-35
Day 3: Food To Finish

My food is to do the will of Him who sent Me, and to finish

His work. John 4:34

After you’ve gone several hours without food, your body

will start screaming at you and regardless of the important
tasks you need to take care of, eating will suddenly
become your top priority!
In John 4:34, Jesus said His food was doing what God had
sent Him to do and finishing it. Not just doing, but also
finishing God’s will drove Jesus through the obstacles,
temptations and pressures of life. Regardless of what
came against Jesus, God’s plan and purpose for His life was
all that mattered. What was the will of God for Jesus?
Jesus came to reveal the Father and destroy the works of
the devil.
When God’s plan for your life becomes number one in
your life, you’ll find that as you pursue it, God’s provision
will pursue you. Jesus alluded to this in Matthew 6 when
He said, “Don’t worry about clothes, food, housing, etc.
Seek first the Kingdom of God and all these things will be
added to you.”
If God’s plan for His life was at the forefront of Jesus mind,
it should be at the forefront of your mind. When you
understand your purpose, it will drive you and provide for
you. God didn’t send you on a mission and not give you
the necessary equipment to get the job done. He gave you
His ability, His strength, His self-control, His faith…He gave
you Himself.
When the vision is before you, you will stay on track to
finish what was started. When you are tempted to drift
off course, ask yourself, “Will this sustain me?” If not, stay
away from it because it could keep you from finishing
what God sent you to do.

Confession: God’s plan for my life sustains and provides

for me and I won’t let anything get in its way.
Scripture reading: Matthew 6:25-34
Day 4: Six Words For A Miracle

The nobleman said to Him, “Sir, come down before my

child dies.” Jesus said to him, “Go your way; your son
lives.” So the man believed the word that Jesus spoke to
him, and he went his way. John 4:49-50

Have you ever compared how Jesus responded to

situations and how most of us respond? In John 4, we find
a man in Capernaum whose son is on his deathbed. He
asks Jesus to come pray for his son and Jesus response is
“Go your way; your son lives.” The nobleman believed
Jesus, went home and found his son to be totally healed.
Now let’s be honest. If most of us were in Jesus shoes, we
would have started a prayer that would have turned into a
mini-sermon; however, Jesus said six words. SIX! Why?
Jesus actually believed His words carried weight and
authority on the earth. Jesus believed His words spoken in
faith carried the same dominion that God’s word carried.
Through redemption, Jesus got our speaking back. He
gave you a voice of dominion on the earth where you can
speak and things of the earth listen and obey.
I have never told my dog to get out of the trash and it took
me several minutes of lecturing him to do it. I yell at my
dog and say, “Rocky, get out of the trash!” and he not
only hears me, but takes off running. It doesn’t take much
when you know who you are and what is backing you.
See yourself just like Jesus declaring a simple and yet
powerful declaration of life over death. People of
authority don’t need to speak long; they just need to
speak strong.

Confession: In Christ, my words carry weight and the

things of this earth must obey when I speak in faith.
Scripture reading: Matthew 8:1-4
Day 5: Cooperating With The Holy Spirit

When Jesus saw him lying there, and knew that he already
had been in that condition a long time, He said to him, “Do
you want to be made well?” John 5:6

In John 5 is the story of the man healed at the pool of

Bethesda. In this situation, there were obvious gifts of the
Spirit in operation; however, Jesus still had to cooperate.
We don’t see Jesus examining the situation and saying,
“Okay. This is going to take the word of knowledge, the
gift of faith and a working of miracles.” No, what you see
is absolute confidence in the working of the Holy Spirit in
that whatever gift was needed, the Holy Spirit would
manifest it.
Jesus wasn’t focused on the gifts of the Spirit; He was
focused on cooperation with the Spirit. Isn’t it interesting
that we never see Jesus spend time teaching the disciples
about the gifts of the Spirit? In contrast, we see Jesus
spend considerable amounts of time teaching the disciples
about a relationship with the Holy Spirit.
The gifts of the Spirit are as the Holy Spirit determines;
therefore, I’m not focused on a particular gift because I
have the Giver of the gifts within me. Why focus on a
specific apple when I have the apple tree?
This miracle was certainly initiated by the Holy Spirit
because there were many sick people at the pool and He
only led Jesus to this particular one. Even though the Holy
Spirit prompted Jesus, Jesus had to recognize the leading
and then respond in faith. Jesus knew that when He
acted, the Holy Spirit would back Him up.
Confession: Whatever the Holy Spirit starts, when I
respond to Him, He will finish!
Scripture reading: 2 Kings 4:29-35
Day 6: God Is Still Working

My Father has been working until now and I have been

working. John 5:17

God may have rested from creation, but He’s never

stopped wanting to work for mankind. God worked with
Moses, Abraham, Gideon, Elijah and many others
throughout the Bible.
In John 5:17, Jesus said He and the Father were working.
Jesus made this statement in the context of gifts of the
Spirit in operation at the pool of Bethesda. It should give
us tremendous comfort to know God is ALWAYS working
for the benefit of His people. However, this reveals to us
that if we want results like Jesus, we must work with God
like Jesus did.
Friend, the more we put ourselves in a position to fulfill
the Great Commission, the more we will see the gifts of
the Spirit in operation. The more you begin to be led by
the Spirit and step out, the more you will see God step out
not only with you, but through you.
In order to step out, you must become aware of your
Father’s working in you. Philippians 2:13 says, “God works
in you to will and do His good pleasure.” Colossians 1:29
says, “I strive according to His working that works mightily
in me.”
We must become more aware of His working than the
working of any sickness, lack, shortage or death. We must
be more aware of His ability within us than what we see
outside of us. God is ready to work, but He needs you to
work with Him.

Confession: The Father is always ready to work through

me when I am ready to work with Him.
Scripture reading: Acts 14:1-18
Day 7: Relationship Produces Results

The Son can do nothing of Himself, but what He sees the

Father do; for whatever He does, the Son also does in like
manner. John 5:19

I really like this statement because it shows us why Jesus

got results EVERY SINGLE TIME. Jesus didn’t look to a book
for answers; He looked to the Father for answers.
At the core of Jesus results was a relationship with the
Father. The majority of Christians today who desire the
supernatural are relying on principles, formulas and step
by step guides – but that will never work. If your formula
doesn’t have God in it, IT WON’T WORK; all you really have
are works that don’t produce.
Jesus simply copied His Father. It’s like any other parent
and child relationship; children learn by the example their
parents set for them. Jesus wasn’t making stuff up; Jesus
was copying the Father.
I’ve seen my son copying me in how to shoot a basketball
or throw a football. I’ve literally seen Jake mimic me down
to some of the smallest details while also asking lots of
questions. This happens because our relationship provides
him the opportunity to get up close and personal and ask
the questions of “How?” and “Why?”
Our Father has an open door policy for us. In the same
way Jesus had access, you and I have access. We get to
determine the extent of our progress in the things of God.
Jesus copied the Father so you and I could copy Him. It
was Jesus method of operation with all of His disciples
including you and me. He showed us what was possible!
Confession: I only do what I see the Father do.
Scripture reading: Acts 3:1-10
Day 8: Make The World Marvel

For the Father loves the Son, and shows Him all things that
He himself does; and He will show Him greater works than
these, that you may marvel. John 5:20

I love this statement by Jesus for several reasons. Number

one, Jesus knew the Father loved Him. When you know
God loves you, nothing else matters!
Number two, Jesus was learning from God how to do what
only God knew how to do. Through our union with Christ,
we have the same access to the Father as Jesus. We can
boldly go to God’s throne and say, “How does this work?”
Number three, Jesus had an expectation that God was
going to show Him even greater miracles. This shows us
Jesus didn’t know everything.
Jesus wasn’t doing life and ministry as God; Jesus was
doing life as a man anointed by God. Jesus was looking to
the Father not only for answers and provision, but also for
greater revelation which would produce greater miracles.
If Jesus was expecting more, we should too.
What we know should never be a campground; it should
be building blocks for more revelation. Jesus knew there
was more available. Jesus knew God wanted to make the
world say, “Wow! Did you see that?”
God wants the world to marvel and He wants to make it
happen through us, but we must press forward in our
fellowship with God. We can’t allow anything to get in the
way of an increase of revelation knowledge.

Confession: Father, increase my revelation so the world

can say with amazement, “Wow!”
Scripture reading: Ephesians 1:15-19
Day 9: A Giver of Life

For as the Father raises the dead and gives life to them,
even so the Son gives life to whom He will. John 5:21

Remember that Jesus only did what He saw the Father do.
One of the things Jesus saw the Father do was raising the, that’s what Jesus did. Because Jesus was one
with God, what flowed through God flowed through Jesus.
You can’t give away what you don’t possess. Jesus
possessed that life and therefore could give it away
whenever He wanted.
In the very same manner, you and I have that same life. In
John 10:10, Jesus said He came so we could have that life.
Jesus came to give us that very life, not only for our
benefit, but also for the benefit of others. Jesus knew He
was a carrier and dispenser of the same life that exploded
out of God and created the universe; therefore, death was
never a match for this life Jesus possessed.
You can never get away from Jesus constant view of
relationship with the Father and the miraculous. God was
the professor and Jesus was the student. Because of
righteousness, Jesus could stand before the Father, watch
what was done and with boldness, turn around and
replicate it with the very same results.
Don’t ever allow death to be viewed greater than the life
inside your spirit. It’s time we not only see bones grow,
but dead bones come to life. It’s time for the world to
stand in amazement at our great God. It’s time for us to
realize that through our union with Christ, we can do what
the Father does because we too are His children.
Confession: The same power that flows through Jesus
flows through me.
Scripture reading: Matthew 15:29-38
Day 10: Miracles Prove My Mission

The works which the Father has given Me to finish – the

very works that I do – bear witness of Me, that the Father
has sent Me. John 5:36

Jesus believed miracles were important – extremely

important. In Jesus mind, the miracles were proof to the
world that God sent Him into the world.
It’s interesting to see what we as Christians use as proof
that God sent us. We point people to our television
programs, book sales, large churches, social media
followers and other natural things; Jesus pointed people to
the miracles. When John the Baptist began to question if
Jesus was the Christ, Jesus told John about all the people
that were healed; Jesus didn’t mention anything about the
poor people He helped or all the people who were
attending His meetings. Jesus proof was never natural; it
was always supernatural!
Miracles are the manifestation of God through man and
they fill the craving that we innately have as spirit beings.
God may speak to us in the still small voice but He speaks
through us with miracles!
If you are sent from Heaven, you are sent to manifest
Heaven. In the same way a driver’s license proves who
you are, God’s plan was for miracles to be your proof to
the world as to whose you are and where you are from.
This was the mindset of Jesus and it needs to be our
mindset as well. Miracles get people’s attention. Granted,
they will not win everyone, but they will cause people to
stop and listen. When you determine to be a sent one,
God will make sure your identity is proven to the world.

Confession: God sent me to manifest miracles!

Scripture reading: Romans 15:17-19
Day 11: Make Room For The Impossible

Then Jesus said, “Make the people sit down.” Now there
was much grass in the place. So the men sat down, in
number about five thousand. John 6:10

Much of the modern Church wonders where the miracles

have gone; I wonder where the believers have gone.
We owe the world encounters with God and Jesus
understood this. In John 6, Jesus set up thousands of
people for an encounter with God. Not only was this an
opportunity to make the world go “Wow!” it was also a
teaching moment for the disciples. Jesus certainly wasn’t
going to pass this up.
There have been many miracles that we have passed up
because when we encountered an impossible situation,
we saw lack and backed up; instead of making room for
the impossible, we back up and slammed the door shut.
When Jesus encountered an impossible situation, He saw
provision and went forward.
As part of Jesus preparation, He made the thousands of
people sit down – no one was going to miss this miracle.
Jesus put Himself in a situation where there was no way
out. You’ll find with Jesus there never was a plan B –
never! Why would you need a secondary option when you
know God’s Word will work?
Jesus had thousands of people sit down in expectation of a
meal in much the same way we would have our dinner
guests sit at the table. With all eyes on Jesus, He turned
His eyes to God and acted in faith. Jesus made room for
the impossible and God made it overflow.
We must make room for the impossible by getting out of
the way. I’ve had the greatest miracles happen when I put
myself in a position where there was no way out but God
backing up His Word. It’s not fun on your flesh, but the
results are amazing. It’s the life of faith we have been
called to live and it’s the life of faith we must live if we are
going to manifest the miraculous power of God to a dying

Confession: I make room for the impossible when I get my

eyes off the situation and onto God.
Scripture reading: 1 Kings 18:20-39
Day 12: Vessels of Life

The words that I speak to you are spirit, and they are life.
John 6:63

Jesus knew that His words were spiritual in nature and

vessels of life. Our words can produce life or death,
blessing or cursing, healing or sickness, prosperity or
poverty. Jesus knew He was a possessor of the life of God
and one major way He released that life was through His
Over the last few decades, there has been much said
about the power of our words. Through the abundance of
teaching, many have become so focused on the power
behind death-filled words that they have forgotten the
power behind life-filled words.
In any given situation, Jesus could speak and release the
same life of God. It’s why Jesus could make a declaration
of faith comprised of just a few words and miracles would
take place.
If we truly believed in our words like Jesus did, we would
make simple, concise commands that actually meant
something. I’m convinced the reason many of us are so
wordy is that we’re trying to convince ourselves something
is going to happen.
I’ll never forget this particular time I was ministering to a
woman in a healing line. I placed my hand on her shoulder
and said, “Be healed in Jesus Name.” She looked at me
and said, “That’s all you’re going to say?” I said, “What
else is needed?” She said, “I just thought you were going
to say more.” I told her just to check her shoulder and she
noticed all the pain was gone. You see, she thought it was
a lengthy prayer that would get the job done; however, all
that was needed was a command of faith.
Renew your mind to the power of your words - not just the
death-filled ones, but also the life-filled ones. Instead of
being concerned about not saying the wrong thing, you
can speak with boldness the right thing and cause your
world to change.

Confession: The words I speak produce life and power!

Scripture reading: Proverbs 12:13-22
Day 13: Fellowship and Revelation

Jesus answered them and said, “My doctrine is not Mine,

but His who sent Me.” John 7:16

I am a firm believer in education. I love to read books and

I love to learn. Most of my spare time is spent reading a
book or listening to a podcast because I believe it is
important to always be learning.
We are blessed in our day and age to have more revelation
concerning the Word of God and the ways of God more
than any generation before; however, there is always
It’s important to go to church and make withdrawals from
the ministry gifts God has given us. The apostle Paul tells
us the ministry gifts are for the equipping and edifying of
the believer; however, nothing can take the place of your
relationship and fellowship with God.
Both Jesus and the religious leaders of His day had the Old
Testament to learn from, but it’s obvious Jesus revelation
went much deeper than theirs. How? Not because He
was Jesus but because He actually spent time
fellowshipping with the Father.
You’ll never be able to separate the miraculous life of
Jesus from His life of fellowship with the Father. Jesus
knew God sent Him from Heaven; therefore, it was from
God He would always receive instruction and insight. In
His life, you see a balance of revelation from the Word and
prayer. It’s no wonder in reading through the Gospels we
find Jesus withdrawing from others and sometimes
spending all night in prayer. Many times those all night
prayer sessions would lead Jesus into a dire situation and
He would perform a tremendous miracle. Why? Because
fellowship with God will always produce more revelation
and more revelation will always produce more

Confession: I will not neglect my fellowship with the

Father. He sent me, He instructs me and I receive more
revelation every time I am with Him.
Scripture reading: Luke 6:12-19
Day 14: I Am From Him

Then Jesus cried out, as He taught in the temple, saying,

“You both know Me, and you know where I am from; and I
have not come of Myself, but He who sent Me is true,
whom you do not know. But I know Him, for I am from
Him, and He sent Me.” John 7:28-29

One aspect of Jesus that I absolutely love is His boldness.

Jesus was bold because He knew His identity and He knew
what He spoke was true.
Jesus said, “I am from Him and He sent Me.” Your origin
plays a huge role in your identity. Jesus not only
originated from Heaven, but He also originated from God
because He was born of God.
When you and I were born again, we were literally born
from God; we originated from Him and then He sent us
into this world. Being conscious of where you are from
and your assignment is vital to your success in God. Jesus
knew where He was from and what He was sent to do.
A thread that runs throughout the Gospels was Jesus
knowing where He was from. In just the Gospel of John,
Jesus mentions forty one times that He was sent from
Heaven. If you don’t know these things, you will wander
aimlessly through life not getting any results. You’ll fall
into the trap, like most Christians, of blaming God for
withholding the miraculous.
Remember, we are in this world, but not of it. Things are
done differently where we are from. The realities of
Heaven are greater than the realities of this world. It’s the
reason Jesus had a different perspective of life’s difficulties
than everyone else around Him; as a result, people were
able to experience the miraculous through Him.

Confession: I am of God, from God and seeing life through

the eyes of God.
Scripture reading: Luke 2:41-52
Day 15: I Am With The Father

And yet if I do judge, My judgement is true; for I am not

alone, but I am with the Father who sent Me. John 8:16

Jesus statement in John 8:16 is one that makes your turn

your head sideways and go “Huh?” Jesus said, “I am not
alone, but I am with the Father who sent Me.” How can
you be with someone who sent you somewhere? From a
natural perspective it would be like saying, “Lacy sent me
to the store and even though I am at the store, I am still
with her.”
However, from a spiritual perspective, it all makes sense.
Remember, we are spirit beings, born from Heaven and
yet living on the earth. We are living in two worlds at the
same time. Even though I am on the planet earth, in the
realm of the spirit, I am still divinely connected to God and
with Him.
In the context of this statement, Jesus was talking about
God backing Him up. There is a tremendous boldness that
rises up within you when you know God is with you – not
just in theory, but really knowing God is literally with you.
When you are staring down a tumor or a deformed body
part – knowing God is with you will make you say and do
some things that you would think were crazy if He wasn’t
with you.
There have been times I’ve said something when the
anointing was really strong and later I looked back and
said, “What was I thinking?” However, that is the reason
results happened; I wasn’t thinking about the problem
because I was completely aware of Him who sent me.

Confession: I am never alone, but I am with the Father

who sent Me!
Scripture reading: Ephesians 2:1-10
Day 16: A Superiority Complex

You are from beneath; I am from above. You are of this

world; I am not of this world. John 8:23

In John 8, Jesus basically told the religious leaders that

they were from Hell and He was from Heaven. That’s
pretty blunt, but that is Jesus. Jesus didn’t hold back and
never took a class in political correctness.
However, there is more to this than Jesus knowing where
He was from. Here we see a bit more to it; Jesus knew
where He was from was far superior to where they were
No matter what storm, disease or financial situation Jesus
faced, He knew He was superior. Where He was from was
always superior. Who He was with was always superior.
Whenever He showed up, everything around Him became
We must have this mindset. Yes, we walk in love and
humility, but we must have a superiority complex when it
comes to this world. When we walk into the room,
everything changes because of where we are from and
Who is with us. If you haven’t had a religious person look
at you and say, “Who do you think you are?”…then you
have some work to do.
There should be an air about you, a confidence
surrounding you that you are not of this world and as a
result, you are far superior to things originating from this
world. You should be looking down at the things of Hell
because you are seated at God’s right hand in Christ.
Regardless of the fact that you are walking on this earth, it
doesn’t change the truth that you are on assignment from
a far superior world.

Confession: I am from above. I am not of this world. I am

far superior to anything of this world.
Scripture reading: Matthew 14:22-33
Day 17: Seeing In The Spirit Realm

I speak what I have seen with My Father and you do what

you have seen with your father. John 8:38

The spirit realm was extremely real to Jesus; it certainly set

Him apart from everyone else. When Jesus was talking to
Nicodemus about being born again, Nicodemus was trying
to figure out how to get back inside his mother’s womb;
however, Jesus was talking about being born from Heaven.
When you listen to Jesus speak, He speaks of His
relationship with God as if it’s just as real as His
relationship with the disciples. When Jesus speaks of
being sent by God from Heaven, it comes across no
different than saying He just left Galilee. How would you
feel if you told your friends that you were sent from
Heaven? For the vast majority of us, we would probably
feel a little silly – but not Jesus.
Because the spirit realm was so real to Jesus, Jesus was
able to tap into it and see things in a way other people just
couldn’t see – not because they weren’t able, but because
they weren’t aware.
If we want to see greater things take place, if we want to
see greater works and greater manifestations of God’s
grace and power, we must open our hearts to the spirit
realm. If you are hungry and thirsty for spiritual things,
God will fill you up to overflowing; He will let you have as
much as you want.
I don’t mean just agreeing that it is real, but seriously
expanding our thinking and capacity to step further out in
the spirit realm. When problems arise, I see through the
problem and I see the answer in the realm of which I am
not only from, but still live in.

Confession: I do see and I do hear from my Father. The

spirit realm is just as real to me as the natural realm.
Scripture reading: 2 Corinthians 4:16-18
Day 18: I Must Reveal God

Jesus answered, “Neither this man nor his parents sinned.

But that the works of God should be revealed in him, I
must work the works of Him who sent Me while it is day;
the night is coming when no one can work.” John 9:3-4

Jesus and his disciples had just seen a man blind from birth
and the disciples asked why the man was born blind. Jesus
said it wasn’t anyone’s fault. People seem to forget we
live in a cursed world where sometimes things happen to
people simply because of where we live; however, the
focus of Jesus statement was not on the cause, but on the
Essentially, Jesus said, “If this man is going to get healed, I
must do something.” It certainly wasn’t God’s will for the
man to be blind because God didn’t make him blind. It’s
always and I mean always God’s will for people to be
healed, but in order for God’s will to be manifest, it will
take a man or woman willing to work the works of God.
It may seem arrogant, but it’s not. Jesus knew what His
purpose was; He was a man on a mission from Heaven to
manifest Heaven and destroy the works of the devil in
people’s lives. The people from this earth can’t do
anything about it, but people from Heaven can. We are
superior to this world including the demons and the
problems in it.
If Heaven is going to be manifest on the earth, we must do
it. It won’t happen just because God wants it; God gave
the earth to man and it’s our responsibility to take the
mandate from God, backed with the power of God, to set
people free from the bondages of Satan. God needs us to
manifest Him!

Confession: For the world to see the works of God, I must

allow God to work through me.
Scripture reading: Luke 4:16-19
Day 19: Releasing The Anointing

When He had said these things, He spat on the ground and

made clay with the saliva; and He anointed the eyes of the
blind man with the clay. And He said to him, “Go, wash in
the pool of Siloam” (which is translated, Sent). So he went
and washed, and came back seeing. John 9:6-7

Jesus was a master at releasing the anointing with skill and

releasing it on purpose. If we want to get the same results
as Jesus, we must become skilled as well.
In John 9, Jesus met the man born blind. In the beginning
of their encounter, the blind man isn’t in faith, so Jesus
helped move the man into a position to release his faith
and lock in on the anointing.
Remember, Jesus only did what He saw the Father do.
There have been times when I was ministering to someone
and just like a flash, in my mind, I see myself doing
something; when I step out in faith on what I saw, it
always works. It’s the Holy Spirit enlightening me and
giving me instruction. In this situation with the blind man,
Jesus made mud, anointed the man’s eyes and then gave
him something simple to do: go wash in the pool of
Think about the command Jesus gave. Jesus told a blind
man to go somewhere. Many people would say that was
cruel, but it was actually love; Jesus was getting this man
to his miracle. This required many steps of faith by the
blind man to do what Jesus asked; however, in his
obedience, the man unknowingly was releasing his faith
and accessing the power.
When Jesus gave the command, the anointing was within
it. Jesus knew He was anointed with the Holy Spirit and
anointed with power to heal all those who were oppressed
by the devil. Jesus knew He could release the anointing
through the laying on of hands and through words. In this
situation, Jesus released the anointing with words and
with the man’s obedience, his action tapped into the
anointing and he was completely healed.
We must get to the point where we are so in tune with the
voice of the Holy Spirit, we say what God wants us to say
and do what God wants us to do so we can connect people
to the anointing – on purpose!

Confession: The words God tells me to speak carry the

anointing. When I speak His Word, I’m releasing the
anointing which will destroy anything of the devil.
Scripture reading: Mark 8:22-25
Day 20: I Am Light

As long as I am in the world, I am the light of the world.

John 9:5

Light can illuminate, it can create and it can destroy. As

the light of the world, Jesus did all three. Remember,
Jesus knew He wasn’t from the earth. He knew He was
superior because of His union with God, His origin from
God and His superior birthplace.
Wherever Jesus went, He brought revelation to closed
minds. He created new eyes and ears, new limbs and
organs and fixed anything else that was missing or broken
because of the glory of God that filled Him to the full.
Now, because of our union with Christ, we are the light of
the world. We are the light in the dark places. We are
Christ on the earth! Where we go, darkness flees because
darkness can never overtake light – NEVER!
This is why cancer and other diseases should scream in
fear when we walk in the room. The light of God that
emanated from Jesus when he was transfigured on the
mountain is the same light that’s within our spirit waiting
to be released on darkness.
I am convinced that if we saw in the spirit realm, you
would see Christians as massive lights and the more
revelation a Christian walks in, the brighter that light is.
We should not only be a beacon of light that represents
hope in the world, we should also be a laser that creates
life and absolutely obliterates the strongholds of darkness.
The same glory that was within Jesus is in you now
because of redemption. It’s time for your light to shine

Confession: Christ lives in me! I am a light in this world

bringing revelation to people’s minds and healing to their
bodies. The darkness is scared of me!
Scripture reading: John 1:1-4
Day 21: I Know His Voice

And when he brings out his own sheep, he goes before

them; and the sheep follow him, for they know his voice.
John 10:4

I think it’s safe to say Jesus knew the voice of God;

although, it wasn’t because He was Jesus. Jesus knew the
voice of God because Jesus spent time with God and
continued expanding and opening His heart to God.
It’s not hard to know the voice of God; actually, as a born
again child of God, you do know His voice. He is your
Father and you are His child. Jesus made it very plain and
clear: the sheep know the voice of the Shepherd.
As the apostle John said, “You are of God little children.”
You were born of God and because He is your Father, your
spirit man knows His voice. The problem is your soul
(mind, will and emotions) does not. This is why so much
time is spent telling us in the New Testament about the
importance of renewing our mind to the realities of
We have to purpose not to be conformed to this world in
our thinking that hearing from God is hard and abnormal.
Jesus showed us that a relationship with God was very
normal, natural and more real than the relationships He
had with His disciples.
The more you open your mind to the truth that you do
know God’s voice, the more your mind will begin to align
with your spirit and you will start picking up what God is
saying. God is a spirit and we are a spirit; therefore, it
should be normal for us to hear from Him.

Confession: I do know the voice of God because He is my

Father. He is always speaking and I am always hearing. It
is normal for me to hear from Him.
Scripture reading: Colossians 3:1-3
Day 22: Faith In The Command

Therefore My Father loves Me because I lay down My life

that I may take it again. No one takes it from Me, but I lay
it down of Myself. I have power to lay it down and I have
power to take it again. This command I have received from
My Father. John 10:17-18

Jesus had so much trust in the Father that He was

unrelenting in His mission to fulfill it – no matter what the
natural circumstances looked like. God had given Jesus
the command of giving His life for the world; however,
God never gives a command without also giving the power
to fulfill the command. He gave Jesus the power to not
only lay down His life but also the power to raise Himself
Think about this. For three years, Jesus not only had the
cross to face, but also separation from God – which would
result in spiritual torture in Hell. Despite all of that, Jesus
was unwavering in fulfilling the mission all based on a
command from God.
How many times have we faced a situation and questioned
the result even though God had given us the power and
command to overcome it? How many times have we
faced sickness or lack, armed with the authority of Heaven
and yet begin to doubt.
We must be as confident in God’s Word as Jesus. Jesus
viewed a word from God for what it was: a carrier of
power to go forth and fulfill what it was sent to do
regardless of what enemy tried to stop it. God’s Word is
unstoppable and unchangeable! Miracles aren’t always
pretty until they happen. We must become unflinching in
the face of negative situations when we are armed with a
Word from God.
Jesus was willing to die an excruciating death based on a
promise that He could take His life back again after three
days. Would you be willing to die based on a promise?
This is the type of faith in God it takes to accomplish the
miracles Jesus experienced on the earth – and that faith
won’t come through steps and formulas – that faith will
come from fellowship with the Father. This faith was
grounded in love and a byproduct of their fellowship.
Jesus knew God loved Him so much that Jesus literally
trusted Him with His life and if He could trust God with His
life, Jesus could trust Him in any other situation.

Confession: I’ll stick with the Word regardless of what the

situation looks like because God’s Word always comes to
pass when I act on it in faith.
Scripture reading: Philippians 2:5-13
Day 23: Fear Does Not Deserve A Reaction

Therefore the sisters sent to Him saying, “Lord, behold, he

whom You love is sick.” When Jesus heard that, He said,
“This sickness is not unto death, but for the glory of God,
that the Son of God may be glorified through it.” Now
Jesus loved Martha and her sister and Lazarus. So when
He heard that he was sick, He stayed two more days in the
place where He was. John 11:3-6

When Jesus heard of Lazarus being sick, He didn’t react in

fear; it’s important to note because He loved this family.
Typically, if there was an accident that happened with one
of our family members, as soon as we heard the
information, we would drop what we were doing, allow
our emotions to take over and react in fear.
TO THE FATHER! We respond in faith to God’s report and
His report says we always have the victory in Christ!
It’s interesting that after Jesus found out Lazarus was very
sick, Jesus decided to stay where He was at for two more
days. Jesus knew the seriousness of the situation because
the Holy Spirit revealed to Him that Lazarus was dead.
Even after knowing Lazarus was dead, Jesus remained
calm and immovable. When you already know you have
the victory, there is no need to be moved by
You can see very quickly if you are spirit-led or flesh-led by
how you immediately respond to bad news. When you
hear bad news, you need to take a deep breath, grab hold
of your thoughts and emotions and refrain from reacting.
Put your mind on the realities of God and look to the Holy
Spirit as to what to do. If you are in the process of eating,
finish your meal. If you are washing your car, finish
washing your car.
Whatever you are in the process of doing, finish it. Don’t
let the devil see you reacting to the situation he has
caused. You go when you’re ready – not when the
situation tells you to go because nothing in this world
should be ruling us.

Confession: I do not react to fear, but I respond to the

Father. In every situation, I always have the victory in
Scripture reading: Mark 5:35-43
Day 24: A Stench Can’t Stop
My Declaration

Jesus said, “Take away the stone.” Martha, the sister of

him who was dead, said to Him, “Lord, by this time there is
a stench, for he has been dead four days.” Jesus said to her,
“Did I not say to you that if you would believe you would
see the glory of God?” John 11:39-40 NKJV

When Jesus heard Lazarus was sick, he stayed where he

was at two more days; Jesus wasn’t moved by the
circumstances. His response was to declare the word of
God and then wait until the Holy Spirit told Him to leave.
Later, Jesus told the disciples He was going to raise Lazarus
from the dead. On Jesus way to the tomb, He was stopped
by Martha and in response to Martha’s emotions, Jesus
declared, “Your brother Lazarus will rise again.”
When Jesus finally got to the tomb, He told the people to
remove the stone. Martha’s response was, “It’s been four
days and now there is a stench!” It’s like she thought
raising someone from the dead was easier after one day
than four days!
Yet even after Martha’s statement of unbelief, it didn’t
deter Jesus because two days before, He had already
declared the outcome. Jesus had opportunities to change
His confession but He kept saying the same thing; even a
four day old stench didn’t move Him! It may have moved
his nose, but it didn’t move His stance on His declaration
of faith. When Jesus confessed Lazarus would rise, it
became His possession and would remain His unless He let
it go.
Miracles aren’t pretty until they happen – and in this case
didn’t smell pretty either! We must be like Jesus in that
when we declare God’s Word, we believe God’s Word and
we don’t allow anything to move us from our declaration.
Remember, we are Christ on the earth. We are God’s
mouthpiece on this planet. We are the prophet of our
lives and we will have what we say.

Confession: In the face of impossible situations, I do not

change my confession of my possession. I will have what I
Scripture reading: Mark 11:10-22-26
Day 25: Just As My Father Told Me

For I have not spoken on My own authority; but the Father

who sent Me gave Me a command, what I should say and
what I should speak. And I know that His command is
everlasting life. Therefore, whatever I speak, just as the
Father has told me, so I speak. John 12:49-50

Jesus valued God’s Word. If God spoke it, Jesus did not err
from it. Never forget that Jesus obedience always
stemmed from His knowing God’s absolute, unwavering
love for Him. Every command given to Jesus was out of
love for Him and as a result, Jesus had an unwavering trust
for the Father.
If we want to see the miraculous, we have to see the
spoken word of God just like Jesus did. God’s Word is life.
Jesus did not add to it nor take away from it; just as God
told Him, that is what Jesus said.
It’s interesting to note that when Jesus faced the death of
a loved one, it didn’t change what He spoke. When He
was opposed by the political and religious leaders, Jesus
didn’t suddenly become politically correct. When Jesus
knew people were offended because of what He said, He
didn’t run after them and change His teaching. In Jesus
mind, what God said is what He said and nothing would
ever change it.
You can see why Jesus always moved in the miraculous
and the supernatural was natural for Him. People,
circumstances and emotions never changed what He said.
When God speaks, His word goes forth unhindered and
produces results. If we will renew our mind as Jesus to the
integrity and power of God’s Word, we would see the
same results.

Confession: I only say what the Father has told me to say

and as a result, I will see the victory – every single time!
Scripture reading: Isaiah 55:10-11
Day 26: Love That Produces

A new commandment I give to you, that you love one

another; as I have loved you, that you also love one
another. By this all will know that you are My disciples, if
you have love for one another.” John 13:34-35

Love will cause you to do some crazy things because love

enables you to see some things you wouldn’t see
otherwise. In John 13, Jesus gives the command to love
others as He loved us. Remember that Jesus told us that if
we had seen Him, we had seen the Father. The love Jesus
was showing toward us is the love God was showing
toward Him.
Because we love people the way Jesus loves us, it means
we will have to respond differently in situations that
require the anointing. If a catastrophe strikes a loved one,
the natural response is to become emotional and get in
fear – but that is a selfish response. It is a response that is
not for them, but for us because we don’t want to lose
that individual.
The response of love in a dire situation is always a
response of faith; you cannot separate the two. If you
truly love a person, you’ll rule over your emotions and
thoughts so you can release the anointing in that situation
and bring victory for that person.
Love others as Jesus loves us. How would Jesus respond if
we were in trouble? We can see a great example of it
when Jesus and the disciples were in the boat during a
great storm. Love stayed calm. Love stayed in control and
therefore took control over the storm.
Be a master of love not only for yourself, but also for
others and you will be in position to master your situation
with a love that will always produce a miracle.

Confession: Because I love like God loves, I will produce

the correct response that will release the anointing.
Scripture reading: 1 John 3:14-22
Day 27: I Look Like My Father

If you had known Me, you would have known My Father

also; and from now on you know Him and have seen Him.
John 14:7

Jesus was radical in His statements because He was radical

in His thinking. Can you imagine telling people when they
see you, they see God? Well, if you want results like Jesus,
then you should.
Jesus in spirit was like God in every way. Jesus knew
Genesis 1:26-27 which states man was made in the image
and likeness of God. When you are born of God, you are
just like your Daddy. You take on His very life and nature;
you get His DNA. This is what we read about in Galatians 5
regarding the traits of God. We have His love, joy, peace,
patience, kindness, goodness, faith, gentleness and self-
control. God made us to be like Him.
Jesus knew these things. These truths were such a reality
to Jesus that it affected His view of Himself. Philippians 2
tells us that Jesus did not think it robbery to be made
equal with God. Never forget that although Jesus was
God, He was doing life completely as a man.
Because of our union with Christ, we can say the same
thing. Outwardly, we are different; yet inwardly, the real
us is just like Jesus. 1 John 4:17 says, “As He is, so are we
in this world.”
We are God’s representatives on this earth. If the world is
going to experience Him, we must manifest Him, but we
won’t fully do it without seeing ourselves in His image and

Confession: Because of my union with Christ, if you’ve

seen me, you’ve seen the Father. Because I only say what
the Father says, if you hear me, you’ve heard Him.
Scripture reading: Colossians 1:12-20
Day 28: The Father In Me Does The Works

Do you not believe that I am in the Father, and the Father in

Me? The words that I speak to you I do not speak on My
own authority; but the Father who dwells in Me does the
works. John 14:10

Jesus was what I would call “God-inside minded.” Jesus

didn’t just believe God was on the throne in Heaven; Jesus
also fervently believed God was living within Him.
The majority of Christians believe the reason Jesus
produced the miraculous was simply because He was Jesus
– but that is not true. There is no Scripture to back up that
belief; however, Jesus explicitly tells us how the miracles
were happening in John 14:10. Jesus said, “The Father
who dwells in Me does the works.”
This statement blows holes in most people’s theology and
yet it’s the reason most Christians aren’t seeing the
supernatural the way they should. We need to be
conscious of God in us. It can’t be just a theory; it must be
a reality!
Because God is in me, His power is in me, His ability is in
me and everywhere I go, He is there to work through me.
The apostle Paul said in Colossians 1:29, “I labor according
to His working which works in me mightily.”
We must become God-inside minded. Instead of viewing
God as a million miles away, view Him as right under your
nose; see Him within you. The apostle Paul told the
Corinthians repeatedly that they were the temple of God.
It is a vital truth! It was God’s desire to get into man; it
was the purpose of redemption. Under the Old Covenant,
God resided in a wood box; under the New Covenant, God
resides in men recreated in Him.
The more aware we are of God within us, the greater we
will see God moving through us.

Confession: God is working in me and through me!

Scripture reading: 2 Corinthians 6:16-18
Day 29: Miracles Are The Proof

Believe Me that I am in the Father and the Father in Me, or

else believe Me for the sake of the works themselves.
John 14:11

What you think about the most is what you talk about the
most and we can readily see that with Jesus. We know His
identification with God was vitally important because
Jesus always talked about it. Jesus identification with the
Father was so important in fulfilling God’s master plan that
God gave Jesus proof of this union: miracles.
Jesus said, “If you don’t believe the teaching, believe the
manifestations!” God will never give you a message
without proof to back it up.
The message we have been given doesn’t make sense in
this world; therefore, it needs something that appeals to
people’s natural senses to help convince them of the
validity of the message.
This is why we need miracles. The Church must have
miracles because the world is crying out for something
real. The world is desperate for real manifestations from
the sons of God.
God never meant for us to deliver a supernatural message
without supernatural proof. The more we begin to see our
union with God, the more we will see miracles on demand
because God wants to reveal Himself to the world.
From the very beginning of time, it has been God’s heart
cry to become one with mankind; it was the sole purpose
of redemption. The world needs to see what the heart of
God has already provided.

Confession: The miracles God works through me proves

His union with me.
Scripture reading: Mark 16:15-20
Day 30: The Same Works

Most assuredly, I say to you, he who believes in Me, the

works that I do he will do also; and greater works than
these he will do, because I go to My Father. John 14:12

The reason Jesus was able to do the miracles He did was

because of His union with God. Jesus would make
statements such as, “It’s the Father within Me who does
the works” and “If you don’t believe that I am in the
Father, believe the works.”
Jesus union with God was such a reality that it shaped His
thinking which shaped His actions.
Jesus further knew what His purpose was on the earth: to
redeem mankind. The desire of God was for Jesus to
restore us back to God’s original plan for man in that God
would be one with them again.
Jesus knew that because of His union with the Father, the
miraculous was possible; therefore, because of
redemption, it would make us one with Him, thus paving
the way for the miraculous in our life as well.
If Jesus was confident in this, we should be as well. Jesus
believed that union with God produced miracles from God
not only in His life, but ultimately in our lives as well.
When you are faced with a situation needing a miracle, the
first thing that should come to mind is your union with
Christ. Miracles are normal for the person united to God
in Christ!
Jesus said we could do the very same works. Either Jesus
was lying or telling the truth; I believe He was telling the
truth. If I have the same union with God as Jesus does,
then I am qualified to do the same works. When it
becomes a reality in our mind, it will become a reality in
our daily walk on the earth.

Confession: Because I am one with Christ, the same

miracles He did, I can do also. Miracles are normal for me
because of my union with Him.
Scripture reading: John 14:10-14
Day 31: The Ultimate Teacher

But the Helper, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send
in My name, He will teach you all things, and bring to your
remembrance all things that I said to you. John 14:26

Jesus was our example of how to do life on the earth.

Jesus was doing life as a man. He had to renew His mind
like us and keep his soul and body under subjection like us.
He didn’t show up on the earth knowing everything. The
Bible tells us in Luke 2 that Jesus grew in stature and in
wisdom. God doesn’t grow in wisdom, but a man does.
In John 14:26, Jesus begins to introduce the disciples and
us to our greatest ally in this world: the Holy Spirit. Jesus
said the Holy Spirit would teach us all things.
As far as writings, all Jesus had was the Old Testament but
He had the Holy Spirit to teach Him and give Him
revelation from the Word. I thank God for anointed
preachers and teachers through which the Holy Spirit can
teach us and equip us, but we must also learn to hear from
Him in our daily walk with God.
There will be times when it’s just you and the Holy Spirit;
you won’t have anyone to stand there and hold your hand
or declare faith words for you. There will be situations
that you have never encountered before and no one else
is there to help you. It is in these situations we must be
positioned to be taught by Him, but that means in our day
to day walk, we must stay aware of Him.
Jesus depended on the Holy Spirit to teach Him what to do
and what to say; it is the reason Jesus with pinpoint
accuracy got results every single time a miracle was
needed. Some situations we read about in the Gospels
were similar and yet Jesus response was sometimes
different because the Holy Spirit knew what was needed
for that exact situation. We must not assume because the
situation is similar that the response should be the same.
Sometimes Jesus spoke, sometimes He laid hands and
sometimes He gave a command. The Holy Spirit is a genius
and He will make you look like a genius in the supernatural
too if we will simply look to Him in every situation.
Remember we are to say what He says and do what He
does – and nothing else.

Confession: The Holy Spirit is my teacher and He will teach

me all that I need to know. He will guide me into the
Scripture reading: 1 Corinthians 2:9-16
Day 32: A Permanent Address

As the Father loved Me, I also have loved you; abide in My

love. If you keep My commandments, you will abide in
My love, just as I have kept My Father’s commandments
and abide in His love. John 15:9-10

If your life isn’t rooted and grounded in the love God has
for you, you will not accomplish much for Him. In Jesus
case, it was the direct opposite; nothing could move Him
nor separate Him from the love God had for Him.
Jesus said “As the Father loved Me, I also have loved you;
abide in My love.” Jesus was always showing us what was
possible on the earth as a man united to God and anointed
by God. In addition, Jesus never asked us to do anything
He didn’t do.
Jesus went on to say, “Abide in my love as I abide in His
love.” Perfect love casts out all fear. There is a reason
Jesus could look Hell straight in the eye and not be moved
because He was abiding in the love of the Father.
The word abide refers to “dwelling in a place without
leaving; to take up a permanent residence.” In other
words, once you move in, you never move out; it is your
permanent address.
This goes further than just loving people and not getting
offended. I’m talking about being so rooted in His love
that when Satan comes against you, you don’t even bat an
eye. Abiding in His love is abiding in His victory. Abiding in
His love is abiding in the realm of where nothing is
impossible. God’s commands produce victory and life for
us and are always from the standpoint of love for us.
When we obey what God tells us to do, we aren’t allowing
ourselves to be moved by the impossible; we remain in a
place of faith which causes us to remain in a place where
all things are possible. When we hold fast to God’s Word,
we stay grounded in His love for us and remain where the
supernatural is natural.

Confession: I will stay rooted and grounded in God’s love

for me. It is the place I choose to dwell. In the face of
adversity, I will not change addresses! I will not be moved!
Scripture reading: Ephesians 3:14-21
Day 33: The Power Will Expose Sin

If I had not done among them the works which no one else
did, they would have no sin; but now they have seen and
also hated both Me and My Father. John 15:24

The works Jesus refers to are the miracles of which He did.

Jesus wasn’t talking about taking care of the poor; Jesus
was talking about the power of God being manifested.
Notice Jesus said “If I had not done among them the works
which no one else did, they would have no sin.” The
power of God on display will expose sin and people’s need
of a Savior. It is what light does. When the lights are
turned on, it exposes what has been under darkness.
Jesus understood that not only were the miracles
necessary to set people free as well as prove His union
with God, the miracles were also necessary to expose
If there ever was a time in which sin needed to be
exposed, it is today – in the world and in the Church.
If there ever was a time in which the Church needed a
great awakening, it is today! The modern Church needs a
big slap in the face to wake up to who we are in Christ,
repent of the laxness and unrighteousness we have
allowed in our churches and manifest the miraculous
power of God.
Jesus understood this and we must too. He was adamant
about manifesting the power of God because He knew the
world needed it and the religious people needed it. Why?
When the power is manifest, it gives people an
opportunity to see the Father.
It doesn’t mean everyone will believe because not
everyone will. If they all didn’t believe Jesus, they won’t
all believe us; however, everyone must be given the
opportunity to make a choice and that means we have to
flip the switch and manifest Heaven on the Earth.

Confession: The world and the Church need to see the

miraculous and because of my union with God, they will
see it through me. I will do my part in awakening the
Church and opening the eyes and hearts of the world!
Scripture reading: John 10:30-39
Day 34: The Realities of God

However, when He, the Spirit of truth, has come, He will

guide you into all truth; for He will not speak on His
own authority, but whatever He hears He will speak; and
He will tell you things to come. John 16:13

There will never be such a thing as a life of miracles

without a life led by the Holy Spirit; it’s just not possible.
It’s a life led by the Holy Spirit that will lead you into
miracles because He will help you to think like God.
Jesus said, “The Holy Spirit will guide you into all truth.”
The word truth is the Greek word aletheia which means
reality. Truth is something that cannot be changed or
altered. One of the main jobs of the Holy Spirit is to guide
us into the realities of Heaven - how Heaven operates and
how Heaven sees things. We must never forget we are
not of this world. Heaven is our home and our citizenship.
Jesus was doing life on the earth as a man. Even though
He was seeing natural circumstances, He was able to rely
on the Holy Spirit to help Him see things through the
perspective of Heaven. The things of this world are always
subject to change.
The apostle Paul said we are not to look to things that are
seen but the things that are unseen because the things
that are seen are temporary, but the things that are not
seen are eternal.
We will have trials and persecutions in this life and as a
result, we will have opportunities presented to walk in
life’s facts or walk in Heaven’s truths. If we will look to the
Holy Spirit as Jesus did, He will guide us into what is true
so we can act accordingly. When we walk according to
Heaven’s realities, we release the working of the Holy
Spirit into our world.

Confession: The Holy Spirit guides me into Heaven’s

realities. As I see through the lens of Heaven, I what is
possible on the Earth.
Scripture reading: 2 Corinthians 4:16-18
Day 35: The Father Is Always With Me

Indeed the hour is coming, yes, has now come, that you
will be scattered, each to his own, and will leave Me alone.
And yet I am not alone, because the Father is with Me.
These things I have spoken to you, that in Me you may
have peace. In the world you will have tribulation; but be of
good cheer, I have overcome the world. John 16:32-33

If we want to walk in the supernatural, we must know we

are never alone. People are fickle; they will come and they
will go. Usually the ones that tell you they are with you
until Jesus comes are usually the ones that are with you
until they get offended at you.
Jesus told the disciples there was a time coming when they
would all leave Him, but even though they would be gone,
He wouldn’t be alone – God would still be with Him.
To walk in the supernatural and live a life of miracles,
there will be many times you will find yourself seemingly
all alone. I’ve had ministers I used to look up to tell me I
needed to be careful in how I was believing God. Some
would tell me I was going too far and I needed to use
wisdom, but it was simply because they weren’t willing to
step out beyond what they knew so they could experience
more of God.
In those times, you must know God is with you. When
things around you look a little scary, you must know God is
with you. When you are facing the impossible, you must
know God is with you. God with you and in you must be a
constant reality in your life. How could you ever be afraid
when you know God is with you?
Jesus revealed that this was the reason that in every
situation, He was full of peace, always had joy and always
overcame. Jesus was modeling for us His relationship with
God and the relationship that was available for us.
When you know God is with you, you can face tribulation
with a smile on your face, joy in your heart, and peace in
your mind because you know you have already won.

Confession: God is always with me; He has never left me.

As a result, I am full of peace and full of joy because I know
that what I am facing is already defeated. In Christ, I
always have the victory.
Scripture reading: Hebrews 13:5-6
Day 36: Not Of This World

I have given them Your word and the world has hated them
because they are not of the world, just as I am not of the
world. John 17:14

One of the major components of Jesus identity and a

major topic of Jesus conversations was that He was not
from this earth. In John 17, Jesus is praying in the Garden
of Gethsemane and says that just as He is not of this
world, we are not of this world.
Just like Jesus, we must know our origin is of Heaven; we
must know we are aliens in this world. Because we are
born of God, we must be on guard of our identity.
Everything in this world will try to persuade you that you
are merely human – but don’t take the bait. As a new
creation in Christ Jesus, you are born of God.
Not only will the world try to persuade you away from
your true identity, it will also try to persuade you away
from your dominion. Because we are from Heaven, we
have dominion over this world; we are free of every
system in the world. The healthcare system, the financial
system, the political system…all the systems of this world
can’t determine what you and I can possess or pursue for
When God created Adam and Eve, He made them in His
likeness and image and then gave them dominion over the
world. Just because Adam messed up, it didn’t change
God’s plan; Jesus came to restore not only our identity,
but also our dominion and authority.
Where we are from allows us to live above the impossible.
The barriers this world faces are simply stepping stones for
us. When the economy falls apart, it doesn’t cause us to
fall apart because we operate according to Heaven’s
economy. When disease begins to ravage through people,
it doesn’t affect us because we are immune to it. We stare
at death and command it to go. We look down at lack and
declare abundance.
We are not of this world. We are superior to everything in
this world because we are born of God and born out of
Heaven; we were sent to this earth to do a job and then
head back home.

Confession: I am not of this world and I have dominion

over the systems of this world. This world does not own
me nor does it rule me; because I am born of God, I rule it.
Scripture reading: 1 John 4:1-6
Day 37: Perfect In One

And the glory which You gave Me I have given them, that
they may be one just as We are one: I in them, and You in
Me; that they made be made perfect in one, and that the
world may know that You have sent Me, and have loved
them as You have loved Me. John 17:22-23

John 17 is one of my favorite chapters in the Bible because

we gain tremendous insight into the mind of Christ. While
Jesus is praying in the Garden of Gethsemane, He basically
spills the beans as to all the things that are important to
His success and our success in the supernatural. Not only
does Jesus repeatedly state He is not of this world, He also
repeatedly states His union with God.
Jesus prayed that you and I would be one with Him and
the Father. Think about it. This is what Jesus went to the
cross for! We know it became a reality because the
apostle Paul said in Colossians 2:9-10, “Jesus is the fullness
of the Godhead bodily and you are complete in Him.”
Jesus said because of that union, you and I would be made
perfect; after all, if you are one with Him, you’d have to be
perfect and complete because God is perfect. This is
where righteousness stems from.
Jesus never questioned His standing with the Father
because Jesus was unified with Him. Because you are the
righteousness of God in Christ, you are complete – nothing
missing! We are the righteousness of God in Christ. We
are complete in Him! The only thing we must do is grow in
revelation of who we are in Christ so we can mature in
these realities. We must renew our mind so we’re no
longer conformed to this world, but conformed to the
realities of Heaven.

Confession: Because of redemption, I am one with God.

Through my union with my Father, I have been made
righteous, perfect and complete.
Scripture reading: Colossians 2:6-10
Day 38: I Know Who I Am

Jesus therefore, knowing all things that would come upon

Him, went forward and said to them, “Whom are you
seeking?” They answered Him, “Jesus of Nazareth.” Jesus
said to them, “I am He.” And Judas, who betrayed Him,
also stood with them. Now when He said to them, “I am
He,” they drew back and fell to the ground. John 18:4-6

If we want to operate as Jesus did, we must know our

identity as Jesus did. Without question, Jesus knew who
He was, where He was from, what He possessed and with
Whom He was united.
When the officers questioned Jesus identity in the Garden,
Jesus simple response of “I am” sent them tumbling
backwards. This wasn’t just a response from the head; this
was a response from His heart.
When you fully know who you are and declare it, it is a
powerful force from your mouth that will knock the
demonic forces assembled against you on their back.
Why? Because you are someone united with God! When
you declare who you are, you are declaring who God is!
If you’ve seen me, you’ve seen the Father. God made man
in His image and likeness. After God formed his body, He
put Himself into man and the angels began to wonder
“Who is this man that you are mindful of him?” I’m sure
there was a moment when all of Heaven was silent as they
watched this miracle unfold. I can see the angels looking
at God and looking at man and thinking “Which one is
which?” because God made man identically like Him so
man could represent Him on the earth. Man was made to
operate on God’s level while dependent on God. We see
this in Jesus with absolute perfection.
We must know who we are. We must stop watering it
down for the sake of religious correctness. If we want to
do what Jesus did, we must think like He thought.

Confession: To declare who I am is to release God on the

scene. I am one with God!
Scripture reading: Psalm 8:4-6
Day 39: For This Reason I Was Born

Pilate therefore said to Him, “Are You a king then?” Jesus

answered, “You say rightly that I am a king. For this cause
I was born, and for this cause I have come into the world,
that I should bear witness to the truth. Everyone who is of
the truth hears My voice.” John 18:37

As Jesus is standing before Pilate, He has an opportunity to

save Himself from being crucified on the cross. When
Pilate asked Jesus if He was a king, Jesus could have
passed on the question, but He didn’t. Jesus knew who He
was and where He was from. Jesus knew His identity and
He knew His purpose for being sent from Heaven to the
Earth. Jesus response is wonderful. He says, “You say
rightly I am a king and for this cause I was born…”
Jesus knew why He was born; Jesus knew His purpose was
to come into the world and bear witness of God’s realities.
It was knowing His purpose that Jesus could stand before
death and not be moved; in Jesus case, He had to move
toward it.
Jesus knew why He was born; do you know why you were
born? It’s a common question I hear from people. “Why
was I born?” “What is my purpose here on the Earth?” I
don’t know your specific purpose but I can tell you it’s
foundation is exactly what Jesus said His purpose was: to
bear witness to the truth.
God redeemed us through Jesus death, burial and
resurrection. He birthed us from Heaven and sent us into
the world to continue to be a witness for Jesus. For this
reason, you and I were born!
You will never be able to be a witness for Jesus in word
only. The apostle Paul said in Romans 15 that it was
through mighty signs and wonders he fully preached the
Gospel of Jesus. Jesus repeatedly said that the miracles He
did were the witness to the reality that God sent Him.
When we know why we are born then we know what we
need to do. You were born for such a time as this! You
were born to bear witness to the resurrection of Jesus
Christ! You were born for the miraculous!

Confession: For this reason I was born so that I could bear

witness to the truth of Jesus Christ!
Scripture reading: Luke 7:11-22
Day 40: No Power Against Me

Then Pilate said to Him, “Are You not speaking to me? Do

You not know that I have power to crucify You, and power
to release You?” Jesus answered, “You could have no
power at all against Me unless it had been given you from
above. Therefore the one who delivered Me to you has the
greater sin.” John 19:10-11

Jesus stands before Pilate with one last opportunity to

save Himself. By this point, Jesus has been severely
beaten, whipped and had a crown of massive thorns
pushed down upon and through His scalp. With a body
covered in bruises, blood and exposed flesh, Jesus still
stands before Pilate with an attitude of dominion.
Pilate says to Jesus, “Do you not know that I have the
power to crucify you or set you free?” Jesus response is
breathtaking. Jesus says, “You have no power against
Remember in John 10, Jesus said, “No one takes My life
from Me. I have power to lay it down and power to take it
again.” No one from this Earth had anything over Jesus.
No man could kill Jesus unless Jesus gave them the power
to do so.
No sickness, no disease and no human being could take
Jesus out unless He gave permission. If this is the case for
Jesus, this is also the case for you and I.
We have been made in the image of God and sent from
Heaven to the Earth. God lives within us and works
through us! All authority in Heaven and Earth has been
given to us. We have been given the Name of Jesus, the
Name that is above all, at which everything must bow. We
have been seated with Christ at the very right hand of
God, far above all principality, power, might and dominion.
We have been made alive together with Christ, complete
in Him, united with the Father and anointed by the Holy
We should stand as Jesus did before every demonic force
on the earth and stare down at them with absolute
complete dominion as their master and our slave.
We have been made to reign as kings in this life! It is time
to represent our King!
Confession: Nothing in this world has power over me
because I am not of this world!
Scripture reading: Romans 6:1-14
About The Author

Chad is on a mission to reveal God’s goodness, His love

and His power in these final days. It is his heart for the
Church to awaken to who they are and manifest Heaven
on the Earth as true children of God.
With a strong emphasis on one’s identity in Christ, healing
and the ministry of the Holy Spirit, Chad declares the Word
of God with great boldness and without compromise. As a
result, miraculous healings are common in his ministry
including blind eyes, deaf ears, tumors dissolved, chronic
diseases healed, short bones growing out and much more.

For more information about this ministry and to view

available media and books, please visit:
Books By Chad Gonzales

Aliens: You are not of this world

God’s Will Is You Healed
Making Right Decisions
Naturally Supernatural
The Freedom Of Forgiveness
Think Like Jesus
What’s Next
Walking In The Miraculous: a 30 day devotional

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