Services - Boiler Inspection
Services - Boiler Inspection
Services - Boiler Inspection
Study No.: 110BINSP Revision No.: 1 Date: 5/17/01 Prepared by: J. Webb
The inspection of a boiler reveals how the boiler has been controlled, the mechanical condition of the
boiler and how well the boiler has been chemically treated. All pressure vessels require regular
inspections. Inspection provides plant management and personnel with technical information about
the boiler’s operation that assists them in improving the efficiency of the unit. The boiler operation is
a cost center for the plant; it is very important to keep the boiler operating efficiently, eliminate
unexpected down time and reduce maintenance.
Boiler inspections not only measures boiler condition, they also determine if mechanical changes are
required internally in the boiler. An inspection can be strictly visual or can be done with the
assistance of a boroscope. The use of a boroscope allows inspection of areas in the boiler not
otherwise accessible such as the tubes beyond the first tube bend and in the tubes leading from the
A consultant brings experience and knowledge to the inspection. This eliminates guesswork and
provides recommendations for operational improvements, mechanical optimization and evaluation of
the existing chemical treatment program.
All plant and Nalco safety procedures must be followed. There must be a safety hole watch
available to the consultant while he/she is in the drums. (A safety hole watch is a person who
remains outside the confined space with a radio to communicate with plant safety personnel in the
case of an emergency). If the boiler drums are hot or contain steam, the inspection should be
postponed until the boiler cools.
Contact the plant supervisor before entering the drums to ensure an entry permit is available and to
review safe entering procedures. Next, the operator(s) should be contacted so that he(they) is
aware that there will be someone in the boiler. The operator(s) should be instructed that while the
inspection is taking place, no other boilers in the system should be blown down.
Next, walk around the boiler to ensure that the boiler is properly tagged and locked-out. Immediately
before entering the boiler, the drum should be tested for the presence of oxygen using an oxygen
meter. If the oxygen concentration is below the minimum required level, the inspection of the drums
must be postponed until the oxygen concentration is within the required range.
The actual inspection usually begins with the steam drum(s). From outside the drum, examine the
water line on the sides of the drum for definition, location and width, and observe the color inside the
drum. Once in the drum, the tubes should be examined closely for the presence of deposits and
corrosion, paying particular attention to the rolled ends of the tubes. The steam separation
equipment should be examined for cleanliness and proper fit. All of the baffles in the drum should
be examined to ensure that they are properly placed and secured. Ensure that the holes in the
feedwater line are not eroded and the holes in the blowdown line are not plugged with deposits.
The mud (bottom) drum should be examined for the presence of sludge and the tubes should be
examined for the presence of deposits.
The lower water wall headers should be opened and the tubes inspected for any deposits. The
headers should also be examined for the presence of chip scale or “mud”. This part of the
inspection is critical because most of the steam generated in the boiler is from the water wall tubes
and these tubes may have the heaviest amount of deposition found in the boiler.
The fireside of the boiler should be inspected closely. Check the tubes in the radiant section of the
boiler for the presence of blisters or any areas where the flame has been impinging on the tubes.
The fireside baffles and refractory should be examined for the presence of breaks or cracks.
If possible, a tube sample should be taken from the hottest area of the boiler and submitted to
Nalco’s laboratory for deposit weight density and deposit analysis. The consultant recommends the
tubes and location for sampling. Samples taken from the various areas of the boiler should be
properly labeled and submitted to the Nalco laboratory for analysis.
In firetube boilers, the inspection is somewhat different because there are very few inspection ports
available. Generally, entry into the boiler is limited to the top of the boiler above the tubes. The
inspection should concentrate on the condition of the tubes with respect to the amount of deposit
present. If possible, examine the tube sheet area for the presence of deposits and corrosion. The
tube sheet is the area most prone to under-deposit corrosion.
The inspection requires a minimum of one consultant and one other person from the sales district.
Keep in mind that when entering a confined space, a hole watch is required. If a boroscope is used
during the inspection, two other persons from the sales district is recommended in order to operate
and relocate the equipment while inspecting the various areas of the boiler.
One to one and one-half days of in-plant consultant time is required for the inspection of each
watertube boiler and one to two hours for each firetube boiler. The consultant also requires a day
each off-site to write a report on one inspected boiler.
There are about four deposit samples taken from the various areas of the waterside of the boiler,
and one or two samples taken from the fireside of the boiler that are submitted to Nalco’s laboratory
for analysis. Moreover, there may be one tube sample submitted for deposit weight density and
deposit analysis.
Additional costs include the shipping of the boroscope to and from the plant site and the shipping of
the samples for analyses.
If a boroscope is used in the inspection, it should be checked by the sales representative prior to the
arrival of the consultant to ensure that it is in good operating condition. If the boroscope is not
working properly, the consultant should be contacted to delay his/her trip to the plant site.
Nalco Responsibilities:
For this 1-day on-site service Nalco is responsible for:
• Shipping a boroscope from Nalco to customer site prior to conducting the study.
• Shipping required analytical test kits to customer site.
• Bringing incidentals necessary for the study: glassware, meters, etc.
• Consultant time (on-site) = 1 day.
− Set-up and calibrate equipment.
− Conduct study.
− Box up equipment/analyzer for shipping.
− Review findings with customer and sales rep.
• Technician time (on-site) = 1 day.
− Help consultant with calibration and set-up.
• Shipping boroscope from customer site back to Nalco.
• Regular maintenance of equipment/analyzer.
• Consultant time (off-site) = 0.5 days.
− Prepare final report.
Customer Responsibilities:
The following items must be provided by the customer prior to the consultant’s arrival at the site:
While in the plant the consultant reviews preliminary results from his inspection and
recommendations for improvement with the appropriate personnel. This meeting should include
both the customer and the sales representatives. If a boroscope is used during the inspection, the
videotape should be left with the customer and, if needed, a copy should be made for the district.
A written detailed report follows that includes all related tables, photographs, analyses, and any
pertinent interpretation of the inspection.
1. The project cost estimate is based on the information gathered during the site visit (or by phone) and discussions with
the customer (and/or sales representative) regarding the scope and complexity of the project. Nalco has applied its
best insight and experience with similar projects in the past to provide you with an accurate estimate. Please be
advised that changes in scope or circumstances may have a significant impact on the duration and cost of the project.
Any increase to the project schedule or scope may result in additional fees to Nalco. Therefore, all scope changes will
have to be approved by the customer’s management and Nalco will prepare an Amendment document for any
additional services and fees.
2. Staffing requests should be made at least 6-8 weeks in advance of need to best ensure the request can be filled.
While it is possible to secure staffing within this window, realize that the probability of obtaining the requested
resources decreases the closer the request is made to the need date.
3. Unless otherwise approved by an authorized representative, Nalco requires a two-week notice for cancellation of all
scheduled Consultant activities. This policy is employed to ensure the highest quality of service possible while
minimizing travel and expenses incurred by our clients. Failure to comply with this policy will result in your being billed
for the time scheduled with our employees, as well as for expenses incurred as a result of being engaged to assist with
your project.
4. Nalco will provide services under this agreement during the normal workweek, excluding holidays as mutually agreed
to at the start of the project.
5. Nalco’s Consulting fees are based on an actual time and materials basis, not including travel time. Billing will be
based on actual days or hours worked (or a specific project fee) at the customer’s site plus the anticipated time
necessary to complete the final report. We typically define a standard workday for our Consultants as an 8 hour day.
Any extra hours worked during a given day will normally not be billed, but may be balanced by other days in which
travel requirements cause the Consultant(s) to have to leave sooner than the completion of eight hours of work.
6. Our payment terms are net 30 days or as previously defined in your current Nalco contract. Time and expense reports
will be submitted on a bi-weekly basis or at the conclusion of the agreed-upon project. Invoices will be produced bi-
weekly from the current time and expense reports, at the conclusion of the project or as part of your current Nalco
7. Travel, hotel, car rental, food and other related costs for Consultants are billed as actual out-of-pocket expenses.
Consultants are required to fly coach domestically and international flights over 7 hours duration are required to fly
business class. Nalco will work with you to leverage any discount arrangements that may be in place with local
vendors such as hotels, airfare, car services, etc.
8. Nalco will deliver the final recommendations in an electronic document (hard copy can be provided upon request)
which recaps the Consultants findings and final recommendations.
9. Nalco warrants that its services will be performed in a good and workmanlike manner. Nalco shall reperform any work
not in compliance with this warranty brought to its attention within a reasonable time (not to exceed thirty (30) days),
after that on-site work is performed.
Key Assumptions
Nalco understands that identifying assumptions at the onset of the project will facilitate our ability to meet the project
deadlines within the agreed upon costs. The following represents an initial set of assumptions for this project:
• The majority of the work for this project will do done at the customer’s site.
• Nalco will provide advice, counsel and direction to the customer in a final service report and will support the efforts of
the customer (if agreed upon) in producing the deliverables tied to the project.
• The Consultants will have access to customer personnel and equipment in a timely manner.
• The calculation of fees assumes proactive customer employee involvement in the project and timely access to the
appropriate data, information, equipment, and key personnel. We will provide an electronic copy of the service report
at the conclusion of the project which will state the Consultant’s findings and recommendations.
• Appropriate project facilities will be provided for the Consultant(s) from the beginning of the project,
including: workspace, historical data and information, lab equipment, plant equipment, telephones, analog
lines, network connectivity (printing and file services).